


第二章 安装和接线......................................................................................................9
2.1、产品视图................................................................................................................................ 9 2.2、产品结构和尺寸图................................................................................................................9
第三章 基本操作与使用..........................................................................................20
3.1 概述........................................................................................................................................ 20 3.2 功能显示界面........................................................................................................................21 3.3 按键说明................................................................................................................................ 22 3.4 操作说明................................................................................................................................ 22 3.5 参数设置................................................................................................................................ 25 3.6 数字通讯接口及通讯协议.....................................................................................................31 3.7 电气隔离................................................................................................................................. 32 3.8 数字量输出及计算.................................................................................................................32



序言:Codewarrior 是飞思卡尔32位汽车级单片机Qorriva 系列的集成开发环境,与之前版本、完全兼容。

Codewarrior 是飞思卡尔最新的集成开发环境,是一个开放源代码的、基于Java 的可扩展开发平台。

许多新用户对codewarrior 链接文件不是十分了解,本文将针对链接文件的常见问题以及段的定义进行介绍帮助用户快速了解和使用CodeWarrior 。

目录第一节 LCF 文件定义及使用说明1: LCF 文件介绍2:LCF 文件中各个预定义段的说明 3:常用关键字和宏定义说明第二节 EPPC 链接器介绍及使用说明 第三节 代码重定向第一节 LCF 文件定义及使用说明1:LCF 文件介绍链接文件用来控制不同类型数据代码、数据以某种排列方式在最终在生成的可执行文件或者二进制文件,调试文件中的放置位置。

它可以通过在EPPC linker 的面板中进行配置,也可以直接在lcf 文件中直接进行修改。

Lcf 文件中首先是对整个memory map(MEMORY )地址空间内的所有RAM,ROM 进行分割,将其分为几个区域,便于放置不同类型的存储内容,而这些区域内包含的内容可以是用户自定义的段或者系统预定义的段(SECTION )。

关于段的定义和使用将在lcf 文件介绍结束后进行介绍。

一个工程通常在建立的时候默认的调试方式都是在RAM 中进行调试,由于RAM中执行的效率高于FLASH ,并且下载速度快。

在生成的ROM Image中常量,初始化过的数据或者代码如果没有被定义在ROM区域则假设为这部分代码要在程序开始执行的时候从ROM去拷贝到RAM区。


/* lcf file for MPC5604B M27V (debug RAM version) 文件的名字及对应单片机(RAM版本) */{}”中是内容部分.init : {} nit_vle (VLECODE) : { nit) *(.init_vle)}} > init GROUP中的所有内容vor_branch_table (VLECODE) ALIGN (4096) : {} _exception_handlers (VLECODE) LOAD(_e_ivor_branch_table) : {}ext (TEXT) ALIGN(0x10) : {}.text_vle (VLECODE) ALIGN(0x10): {*(.text)*(.text_vle)}.rodata (CONST) : {*(.rdata)*(.rodata)}.ctors : {}.dtors : {}extab : {}extabindex : {}} > pseudo_romGROUP : {.__uninitialized_intc_handlertable ALIGN(0x10) : {}.data : {}.sdata : {}.sbss : {}.sdata2 : {}.sbss2 : {}.bss : {}} > internal_ram}/* Freescale CodeWarrior compiler address designations */_stack_addr = ADDR(stack)+SIZEOF(stack);3.常用关键字及使用说明关键字列表:1) SECTION2) ALIGN3) ADDR4) SIZEOF5) LOAD6) BIND7)Declspec8)pop, push9)FORCEACTIVE1)SECTIONSection使用pragma来将编译的目标代码放到预定义的段中,然后可以在LCF文件中将对应的段放到指定的地址区域。



IC-F7000中文说明书(快速中文说明)北京华诚广通科技有限公司/目录1.面板 (1)1.1 控制器面板 (1)1.2 主机面板 (2)1.3 麦克风 (2)1.4 LCD显示屏 (2)2.信道编程 (3)2.1 增加信道 (4)2.2 编辑已有信道 (4)2.3 删除信道 (5)3.ID编程 (5)3.1 进入初始设置 (5)3.2 Selcall选呼ID输入 (5)3.3 删除Selcall ID (6)3.4 ALE ID 码输入 (6)3.5 删除ALE ID 码 (6)4.话音接受或发送操作 (7)5.选呼操作 (7)5.1 选择信标呼叫 (7)5.2 选择呼叫 (7)5.3 ALE呼叫 (8)5.4 结束ALE呼叫 (9)5.5 ALE探测 (10)6.VFO〈频率〉方式 (11)6.1 CHANNEL /VFO 方式选择 (11)6.2 调整频率 (11)6.3 分频操作 (12)7.简易方式操作 (13)8.快速设置方式 (13)8.1 进入快速设置方式 (13)8.2 工作方式选择 (13)8.3 电台发射功率选择 (13)8.4 予放操作 (13)9.扫描 (13)9.1 进入扫描编辑 (14)9.2 打开、关闭扫描 (14)9.3 扫描组选择 (14)1.面板1.1 控制器面板电源按键:[I/O]按下,打开电源。










1.2 主机面板1.3 麦克风[PTT]:按下讲话,释放接收。

















2、产品的组成和形式...................................................................................................................... 4 3、主要技术性能...............................................................................................................................4
LCF 电磁录
1、产品特点及工作原理.................................................................................................................. 2 1.2 工作原理...............................................................................................................................3
3.1 执行标准...............................................................................................................................4 3.2 基本参数与性能指标...........................................................................................................4 3.21 流量计与传感器.................................................................................................................4 3.2.2 转换器...............................................................................................................................4 4、产品外型及安装尺寸.................................................................................................................. 5 4.1 分体型电磁流量转换器尺寸图........................................................................................... 5 4.2 电磁流量传感器尺寸图...................................................................................................... 6 5、仪表安装.......................................................................................................................................7 5.1 安装前的准备......................................................................................................................7 5.1.1 机械考虑..........................................................................................................................7





1:硬件要求在开始安装LCF之前,请确保满足以下最低系统要求: - 操作系统:Windows 10或更高版本- 处理器:Intel Core i5或更高版本- 内存:8GB或更高- 存储空间:至少20GB可用空间2: LCF安装包访问官方网站()并找到页面。





默认情况下,LCF将安装在“C:\\Program Files\\LCF”目录中。





















e-D、31iB、0i-F 常见机型整体硬件连接
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 FS 0i-D αi 放大器+串行主轴 FS 0i Mate-D βi 一体放大器+串行主轴 FS 0i Mate-D βi 单体放大器(20A/40A/80A)+模拟主轴 FS 0i Mate-D βi 双轴放大器+模拟主轴 FS 0i Mate-D βi 单体放大器(80A/80A/80A)+串行主轴(Pakage5,钻削中心专用) FS 31iB-D 31iB 放大器+串行主轴 FS 0i-D 31iB 放大器+串行主轴 FS 0i-F βi-B 一体型放大器+串行主轴 FS 0i-F 31iB 放大器+串行主轴
第一部分 基础连接调试 第一章 硬件连接使用说明


第一章 硬件连接使用说明................................................................................................................. - 2 0i-D、0 i -Mate-D、31iB、0i-F 常见机型整体硬件连接 ............................................................ - 3 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2. 3. FS 0i-D αi 放大器+串行主轴........................................................................................... - 3 FS 0i Mate-D βi 一体放大器+串行主轴 .......................................................................... - 3 FS 0i Mate-D βi 单体放大器(20A/40A/80A)+模拟主轴 ............................................. - 3 FS 0i Mate-D βi 双轴放大器+模拟主轴 .......................................................................... - 3 FS 0i Mate-D βi 单体放大器(80A/80A/80A)+串行主轴(Pakage5,钻削中心专用) ... - 3 FS 31iB-D 31iB 放大器+串行主轴 .................................................................................. - 3 FS 0i-D 31iB 放大器+串行主轴 ...................................................................................... - 3 FS 0i-F βi-B 一体型放大器+串行主轴 ........................................................................... - 3 FS 0i-F 31iB 放大器+串行主轴 ....................................................................................... - 3 -


首先,我们感谢您选购SUCCESS ENGINE公司的SE系列螺杆式空气压缩机。



LCF文件使用说明一、概述LCF(Library Configuration File)文件是C/C++编译器中的一个配置文件,用于控制编译器对库文件的查找和链接过程。



二、LCF文件的语法1. search_dir:指定库文件的路径。

语法为search_dir dir_name,其中dir_name为库文件的路径。

2. input:指定要链接的库文件。

语法为input lib_name,其中lib_name为要链接的库文件名。

3. group:将一组库文件链接为一个模块。


4. link:指定库文件的链接方式。

语法为link type,其中type为链接方式。


5. output:指定输出文件名。

语法为output file_name,其中file_name为输出文件名。


下面是LCF文件的使用方法:3. 使用LCF文件:在编译和链接代码时,使用-lcf选项指定LCF文件。

gcc -o output_file source_file.c -lcf lcf_file_name.lcf四、LCF文件的示例下面是一个LCF文件的示例:search_dir /usr/libinput lib1input lib2group(lib3, lib4, lib5)link staticoutput my_output在这个示例中,首先通过search_dir命令指定库文件的路径为/usr/lib。


LCF-U 超声流量计使用说明书
LCF-U 超声流量计是山东力创科技股份有限公司针对我国水质自主开发、设计的一款新 型计量产品,其采用超声波测流技术,外形美观、精度高、压损低、可靠性高、数据采集多 样化,优越的性能目前在国内处于领先水平。
LCF-U 超声流量计技术指标:DN15-DN600。环境等级:B。准确度等级:1 级
2.1、LCF-U 超声流量计的构成................................................................................................. 4 2.2、产品组成图........................................................................................................................4
LCF-U 超声流量计使用说明书
3.1、主要功能 瞬时流量计量显示 累计流量计量及显示 运行时间记录及显示 日期显示 电源状态自动监测 信号自诊断功能 故障状态记录、显示 可查询历史流量记录数据 加密保护参数和数据
3.2、主要特点 符合《CJT 3063-1997》设计标准; 存储最近 24 个月的数据,并能查询;数据掉电不丢失; 具有软件加密功能,防止仪表有效数据被更改; 自诊断功能,超声信号强度检测; 低始动流量,高准确度; 进口原材料选用,保证了产品计量的准确性、稳定性和可靠性; 采用超声测流技术,不受磁场干扰,无机械转动部件,无磨损,可靠性高,维护量小; 采用直管式结构,压损小,不堵塞,适合我国水质; 操作界面清晰有良好的透明度,使用磁控按键,方便读数和抄表; 全新防护技术,防护等级 IP68; 可方便更换电池; 水平、竖直安装;

fluid trips redcap 操作指南-中文说明书

fluid trips redcap 操作指南-中文说明书

Fluid TRIPS REDCap Instructions_CHINESE_15092014 Page 1 of 8CONFIDENTIAL © Fluid TRIPS INVESTIGATORS液体复苏治疗转化为临床实践的研究(Fluid TRIPS)REDCap 使用说明REDCap(研究电子数据采集)是一个安全的在线数据收集系统, Fluid TRIPS项目目前正在使用该系统支持的电子病例报告表(eCRF)进行数据收集.将数据输入至电子病例报告表(eCRF)之前,请先使用这个链接访问Fluid TRIPS项目:https://您的用户名是由3或4位数字代码, 后加您所在ICU的名称缩写俩部分组成. 一旦我们确认您所在ICU已经通过了伦理委员会批准, 我们将通过电子邮件发送给您用户名和密码.请将您的密码妥善加密保存. 该密码只须告知有权查看病人资料的工作人员. 每一个账户都很安全, 每个ICU所输入的数据只有该ICU的授权人员可以浏览.如果您忘记了密码, 并且无法重置密码, 或者你有任何有关登陆REDCap的问题, 请发送电子邮件向Maryam女士咨询: ******************************.au一旦您登录REDCap成功,您将进入到如下所示的REDCap欢迎页面(系统有可能会提示您先设置一个新的密码). 请先更新您的的个人资料并添加您的电子邮件地址, 以便如果您忘记了密码需要重新设置密码. 进行个人资料的更新, 请点击My Profile (即: 个人资料) 然后按照说明进行操作.完成了您的个人资料的更新, 并且返回到欢迎页面中, 请点击My Projects(即: 我的项目).随后打开的一个页面(如下图所示)将显示一个或多个项目的项目名称. 请点击Fluid TRIPS_CHINESE 进入Fluid TRIPS项目.然后您将到达Fluid TRIPS项目的主页. 开始输入一个病人的数据, 请点击添加/编辑记录.在这个页面上, 您可以点击左侧菜单栏中的记录状态进度统计表用来查看所有患者的数据输入进度. 如果需要, 您可以点击Fluid TRIPS资料和项目文件参阅数据词典和电子病例报告表(CRFs)等项目文件. 您可以在任何时候通过点击项目主页返回至Fluid TRIPS项目的主页.点击添加/编辑记录之后,如果您要查看和编辑已经输入的病人数据, 请点击选择记录. 如果您要开始输入一个新病人的数据, 如下图所示, 请点击点击这里添加新记录.请注意:在接下来的页面中, REDCap将为这位病人分配一个独有的Record ID (即: 记录编号; 如下图中红色圆圈部分所示). 您需要记录每一位病人的记录编号, 这样日后您在对数据进行编辑或补充时可以通过记录编号辨认哪些数据属于哪位病人.该页面显示有关这个病人的所有数据表格. 如果您想要访问其中的某一个表格, 请点击相应的按钮. 输入数据请从Form 1- ICU Admission Data (即: 表1; 红色圆圈部分所示) 开始. 右上角的图注解释按钮颜色的含义. 如果有关这个病人的某一表格中的数据已经输入了一部分, 但数据输入还没有完成, 那么该表格按钮的颜色显示为红色 (不完整). 如果某表格的数据输入已经完成, 该表格的按钮颜色会显示为绿色 (完成).如下图所示, 您点击某一个表格按钮后, 便打开相应的电子病例报告表 (eCRF) 从而可以进行数据输入. 有些问题是隐藏的. 这些问题是否显示取决于之前一个问题的答案(例如: 只有问题1.08的回答是”是”, 即提示病人是手术后入住ICU, 问题1.09术后诊断的选项才会显示). 对于有选项按钮的多选问题, 请点击重置清除所有已选项目.如果您已经就一个表格输入了一部分数据, 但希望日后再完成这个表格的数据输入, 请在页面的底部的下拉菜单中选择Incomplete (即: 不完整), 然后点击保存记录.当有关这个病人的该表格的数据输入完全结束, 请选择Complete (即: 不完整), 然后点击保存记录.保存记录后, 如果某些必选/添项目的数据缺失, 系统将显示一条错误信息 (参见下面的例子). 如果您想返回表格补充缺失的数据, 请点击Okay.如果您想忽略该错误信息, 并且结束该表格的数据填写, 请单击忽略并使记录 (即: 忽略并离开该记录).如果想要访问该病人的其它表格, 请点击左侧菜单中的Record ID 链接, 这将带您返回到显示有关该病人的所有表格按钮的页面.对于经历一次以上液体复苏事件的病人, 不同的电子病例报告表(eCRF) 用来记录不同液体复苏事件的相关数据. 要访问这些表格, 请如之前所示点击左侧菜单中的Record ID 链接, 然后选择相应液体复苏事件的按钮. 例如: 如果要输入有关第二次液体复苏事件的数据, 如下图所示, 请首先选择Form 3/3a- Fluid Resuscitation (即: 表3/3a) 后的Episode 2 (即: 事件2) 按钮.。



简易电容电感频率表使简易电容电感频率表使用手册用手册概述先说说电感,磁芯铁心电感是非理想电感,电感量随B/H变化,小激励电流电感偏小,过大激励电流电感也偏小,在中间范围电感有最大值,所以不需要太精确,测量出来知道标称值就可以了,就好象测量功率电感可能会偏大,但是实际使用时,激励电流比较大,接近饱和,哪个时候的实际电感就会偏小.关于开关电源电感的使用是一门学问,在这不详谈,反正并不只看电感,还要考虑电流纹,频率,磁芯体积等等因素.1)L的测量,量程10uh-20h,偏差小于5%,这个是综合考虑量程,精度,元件,实际情况设计的,量程外精确度下降,但是用来对比判断还是有一定意义.2)C的测量,量程1挡10p-10uf,2档1uf-70000uf,可以测量电解,偏差小于5%.(适当调整200p或者1000电阻观察0点附近就可以了)3)按"功能键"可以切换功能,但在功能RC2处,测量的是大电解,所以哪个并联1M电阻的开关要手动闭上,在功能RC1测量小电容处要断开.4)板上开关按纽调试需要(方便我测量),实际通过引线连接到外壳开关按纽处.当然要注意输入测量线不要太长,特别测量小电容,易受干扰,特别是采用没接地的开关电源供电这时手可摸地线,这样读数会稳定些.5)理论频率测量0-500k,取样误差几个hz内,这个功能可以说是附送的,不要白不要,不过对输入信号有一定要求,因为没用施密特触发,所以仅用来测量共模干扰少的理想波形,实际使用效果不好,频率去不了那么高,可以省掉这个部分.6)开机显示非0点,因为在最小量程外,振荡器一直在工作,没接测量元件显示的数值,接上测量元件就会显示正常的测量值(量程内).还有虽然显示位数比较多,但这个只是为了方便读数,不代表真实值,读数前面几位稳定的就可以,后面的忽略.7)关键电阻电容只要不偏离太大,,LC部分可以微调并联的C,RC部分可以微调串联的R或者并的200p.8)综合考虑得到的精简版,用料不讲究,就LCD贵些,我觉得日常测量下元件还算比较实用,不过要强调一下太挑剔的人不适合做这个电路,请三思! ^_^原理图图1板卡尺寸图图2 接线方式图3图4操作步骤电感测量LCF上电启动时默认测量模式为电感测量模式。


湖北省高新技术企业,ISO9001 质量体系认证企业,中国通用机械泵行业协 会会员,中国磷肥、硫酸工业协会会员,中国化工装备总公司供货定点企业。公 司现有资产总额 3000 万元,员工 200 多名,专业技术人员 50 余人。
三十多年来我公司坚持自主开发和引进技术相结合,引进了法国 J.S/H.S 公司的 LC 系列泵专有制造技术,并在引进技术的基础上,适应市场需求,自主 开发了多种泵型。
第二章 泵的结构...........................................................................................................................6 2.1 水力部分...........................................................................................................................6 2.2 托架...................................................................................................................................6 2.3 轴承箱...............................................................................................................................8 2.4 泵的轴封型式...................................................................................................................8 2.5 传动联接型式(按订单供货).......................................................................................8 2.6 泵底座................................................................................................................................8

enphase LCF 快速说明书

enphase LCF 快速说明书

Installing the Enphase Line Communications Filter (LCF)LCFs are required at large installations that require more than one Envoy Communications Gateway TM . Each Enphase LCF contains an Envoy and termi-nations for phase conductor lines in and out. By running phase conductors through the LCF , it filters power line communications and eliminates any potential inter-Envoy crosstalk in multi-Envoy instal-lations.Installation Considerations1. The LCF services a maximum number of En-phase Microinverters per the following table, at a total continuous current of 100 Amps per phase.208 VAC three-phase, approx 36 kW AC Microinverters supportedM215-60166M190-72189M210-84171240 VAC single-phase, approx 24 kW AC M215-60111M190-72126M210-841142. See the unit rating label for the compatible AC voltage requirements.3. Use NEMA 4-rated, water-tight cable glands and hubs for all conduit entry.These must not compromise the integrity of the LCF’s NEMA enclosure rating.4. When determining the installation location for the LCF , account for conduit/cable entry for the bottom or side of the LCF enclosure. 5. Select wire size based on ampacity. At a minimum, you will need:• #2-#2/0 copper wire for L1, L2, L3 and neutrals • #8 AWG minimum for line grounding wire • CAT5E or equivalent for Ethernet6. The LCF terminal blocks have AC fasteners that require compression to aspecific torque value during installation. These terminal blocks connect the circuit conductors from PV load center and the grid load center. The terminal block screws must be set to the recommended torque values as specified by theterminal block manufacturer to securely fasten the conductors. See the following sections for wiring steps and for torque values. Over-torqueing the set screws can compromise the performance of the LCF .7. If you are using aluminum wire, use the specified procedure to install this wire. Refer to the terminal blocks for compatiblegauge and wiring type.: Risk of electrical shock. Adhere to all L C F - Q U I C K I N S TA L L G U I D E®Mount the LCF1. Use the mounting holes on the back of the LCFenclosure for installation.2. Remove all four hole seals and hang the LCF using8mm mounting hardware with sealing washers.Wire the LCF1. De-energize all circuits before wiring the LCF.2. Use antioxidant joint compound on all field termi-nation connection points.3. On the utility side, use cable ties to hold L1, L2and L3 together. Allow offset for cable bending.4. Remove the ferrite core from the assembly bagand slip it over the utility-side wire bundle.5. Use a torque wrench and the specified hex bit tomake the terminations in steps 6, 7 and 8.Tighten the terminals to the torque valuesspecified on the terminal blocks, accordingto conductor gauge and material. See table.6. Terminate the utility-side lines to the terminalblock labeled “Utility”.• For black terminal blocks, use a 3/16 wrench that is at least 1.25 inches long.• For grey terminal blocks, use both a 5mm wrench (at least 1.5 inches long) and a 6mmwrench (at least 1.25 long).7. Terminate the neutral lines to the block labeled“Neutral” using an 8mm wrench that is at least1 and 1/8 inches long.8. Terminate the array-side lines to the terminalblock labeled “Array”.• For black terminal blocks, use a 3/16 wrench that is at least 1.25 inches long.• For grey terminal blocks, use both a 5mm wrench (at least 1.5 inches long) and a 6mmwrench (at least 1.25 long).9. Route the ground wires through the LCF sothat they make contact with all hubs and con-nect them to the ground bus using an approvedgrounding connection method.Marathon Black (Line) Marathon Grey (Line) Ferraz Shawmut (Neutral)2 1Conductor gaugeTerminal block type and torque specifications Marathon Black(Line)Ferraz Shawmut(Neutral)Marathon Grey(Line)#2/0 - #6120 lbf-in------#2/0 - #1---100 lbf-in120 lbf-in #2 - #6---80 lbf-in80 lbf-in #840 lbf-in60 lbf-in40 lbf-in 10. Use a 1/2 inch knockout set to create a conduit knockouton the left side of the enclosure, and pass the CAT5Ethrough the knockout.11. If needed, to allow the CAT5E to pass through the strainrelief, cut and reterminate the CAT5E.12. Connect the one end of the CAT5E to the Envoy, andconnect the other end to the broadband router.13. After 30 minutes, retighten all terminations to the appro-priate torque value. Do not over-torque.Terminal Block Types & Torque Specifications3Turn Up the LCFAll system diagnostics are performed using a Internet-connected computer or laptop and the Envoy. Prior to turn up, ensure that all AC wiring is complete and that the Ethernet connection is complete to the Envoy.Refer to the Envoy Communications Gateway Installation and Operation Manual for more information on the Envoy.1. Energize the system at the utility side.2. Energize all the array-side circuit breakers.3. Flip the blue switch on (to the right of the neutral block) inside the LCF . This breaker protects the Envoy.4. Ensure the Envoy starts up. The LCD screen will be active.LCF Wiring Diagram140-00018 Rev 03Copyright © Enphase Energy 2012. All rights reserved.Periodic MaintenanceDuring regular scheduled maintenance of the PV system, do the following:1. De-energize or disconnect all circuits before working with the LCF .2. Check the terminal blocks for proper torque. The torque values of each terminal block should be checked for compliance withthe torque requirements listed on the terminal block.3. Periodically check that the integrity of the enclosure and all internal connections are not compromised.。

Follett Ice FZR Series 下柜冰箱安装、运行和维护手册说明书

Follett Ice FZR Series 下柜冰箱安装、运行和维护手册说明书

Installation, Operation and Service ManualFZR SeriesUndercounter Freezer801 Church Lane • Easton, P A 18040, USAOrder parts online Serial numbers before C45184This page intentionally left blank.Welcome to FollettFollett equipment enjoys a well-deserved reputation for excellent performance, long-term reliability and outstanding after-the-sale support. T o ensure that this product delivers that same degree of service, we ask that you take a moment to review this manual before beginning the installation. Should you have any questions or require technical help at any point, please call our technical service group at (800) 523-9361 or (610) 252-7301. Before you beginAfter uncrating and removing all packing material, inspect the equipment for concealed shipping damage.If damage is found, notify the shipper immediately and contact Follett Corporation so that we can help in thefi ling of a claim, if necessary.Specifi cationsSeries specifi cationsFZR534.00" height for freestanding use or installation below standard 36" (915mm) high counter4.0 cu ft (usable cubic volume)FZR4-ADA31.25" height for freestanding use or installation below 34" (864mm) high ADA-compatible counter3.3 cu ft (usable cubic volume)Electrical specifi cations115V, 60Hz, 1 phaseFull load amps: 8.0Minimum circuit ampacity: 15 ampMaximum size of branch circuit overcurrent device: 15 ampRefrigeration specifi cationsRefrigerant – R404ACharge size – 10 ozMaximum design pressures:High side – 383psiLow side – 175psiInstallation specifi cationsAmbient temperature must not exceed 100 F (38 C).The front louvered panel must be kept free of any cabinet trim or obstructions to ensure proper ventilation of the refrigeration system.Loctite is a registered trademark of Henkel Corporation in the United States and other countries.Controller securityThe controller panel can be locked to prevent inadvertent or intentional programming changes. In locked mode, the controller will display cabinet temperature and cut-out set point only.To lock the controller1. Press the UP/DOWN ARROW in the middle until “POF” displays.2. Programmer is now locked.To unlock the controller1. Press UP/DOWN ARROW in middle until “PON” displays.2. Programmer is now unlocked.Controller programming key degrees C (optional accessory)A controller programming key is available from Follett to provide fast and easy reprogramming of factory settings in degrees C (part# 00155648).Programming key from a freezer (upload)1. Set the controller to the desired cut-out temperature using the controller key pad.2. Remove 6 screws from panel holding controller to access back of controller.3. With controller ON, insert key into 5 PIN receptacle on controller back.4. Push UP ARROW on controller front (“uPL” displays followed by “end”).5. Press SET (“end” stops fl ashing).6. TURN OFF freezer and remove key.7. T urn freezer back on.8. Programming key is now programmed.Note: An “Err” message displays for failed programming. Push UP ARROW again to restart upload or remove key and abort.Freezer troubleshooting guideBefore calling for service1. Check that unit is plugged in.2. Test outlet with another appliance to verify power.If problems persist after following this basic troubleshooting guide, call Follett’s technical service group at (800) 523-9361 or (610) 252-7301.Setting alarm temperatures1. After the installation is complete, allow 30 minutes for thesystem to stabilize to ambient temperature.2. Calibrate temperature alarm to refrigerator displaya. Calibration is best done with the alarm probe removedfrom the probe bottle and placed in the vicinity of thetemperature controller probe. Allow at least 15 minutesfor the probe temperature to stabilize.b. Note the temperature value displayed on the refrigeratorcontroller and subtract the temperature value displayed onthe alarm. This value is the differential.Example: T emperature controller: 36 F Alarm: 38 FController – Alarm = Differential 36 – 38 = -2c. Press SET until “CAL” is displayed (Fig. 17.1).d. Press SET again to display “CAL” value (Fig. 17.1).e. Press top or bottom of ADJUST arrow to display thecalculated differential (-2 F in example above).3. Set high alarm limita. Press SET until “HSP” is displayed (Fig. 17.1).b. Press SET again to display HSP value (Fig. 17.1).c. Press top or bottom of ADJUST arrow until desired HSPvalue is displayed (Fig. 17.2).4. Set low alarm limita. Press SET until “LSP” is displayed (Fig. 17.1).b. Press SET again to display LSP value (Fig. 17.1).c. Press top or bottom of ADJUST arrow until desired LSPvalue is displayed (Fig. 17.2).5. Display will return to temperature display in approximately15 seconds.6.Place alarm probe back in probe bottle.Fig. 17Viewing high/low logFollett’s alarm module allows users to view the highest and lowest temperatures recorded since the last time the RESET button was pressed.To view high and low log values1. Press SET button until “HI” appears.2. Press SET button to view HI log value.3. Press SET button until “LOW” appears.4. Press SET button to view low log value.5. Press RESET button to clear log.Alarm operation factsThe back-up battery will continue to provide alarm protection during power failure but will alarm ONL Y if temperatures go out of the selected range. During power failure the alarm face will be dark but temperatures can be read by pressing the RESET button.Because the temperature alarm display simulates the true temperature of stored medications rather than the air temperature inside the freezer, we suggest that staff refer to the alarm display to log temperatures for JCAHO compliance.Automated medication dispensing and inventory systems interface(Pyxis*, Omnicell*, MedSelect*, etc.)Follett refrigerators and freezers are compatible with most major automatic medication and inventory systems.In some cases a Follett bracket accessory is required. Contact factory for further information.*Pyxis is a registered trademark of Cardinal Health in the United States and other countries.*Omnicell is a registered trademark of Omnicell, Inc. in the United States.*MedSelect is a registered trademark of AmerisourceBergen T echnology Group, in the United States.48910117631251213Replacement partsReference # DescriptionPart #Not shown Bottle kit (includes bottle, bracket and gasket)00113779Not shown Controller kit (includes battery, probe and power supply) 00108175Not shown Gasket, bottle 00112029Not shown Bracket, bottle 00112011Not shown Bottle 00112037 N ot shown Battery00112177Not shown Screws, (includes two for securing cover) 00115063Not shown Label, controller cover 00115071Not shownTemperature probe00115097Hardware & electrical componentsReference # DescriptionPart #1 Temperature controller 009000922 Faceplate, degrees F 001580552 Faceplate, degrees C 00157644Not shown Probes & harness001557053 Power switch 001143714 Front panel (includes 00114371 and 00105379) 001576695 Front panel screws, each - 6 per panel 00105379Not shown Rear panel, includes screws 00130161Not shown Rear panel screws, each - 6 per panel001053876 Condensate pan 001556227 Evaporator drain line, sold by the foot 203627Not shown Power cord00103903。

NSL-F 系列操作手册.pdf_1697692191.9603765说明书

NSL-F 系列操作手册.pdf_1697692191.9603765说明书

Continuous Level Sensor o NSL-F-00 o NSL-F-01 o NSL-F-02OPERATING MANUALSENSORS FOR FOOD AND BIOPHARMA.NSL-F30002 / 1.1 / 2015-04-16 / MU / EUTable of contentsTable of contents (2)1Conformity with standards (3)2Safety instructions (3)3Special features/advantages (4)4Options/accessories (4)5Installation and connection (4)6Dimensions (14)7Wiring diagram (17)8Repair and maintenance (17)9Technical data (17)Declaration of conformity (16)Application/intended use∙Continuous level monitoring in metallic vessels up to 3m in height∙Ideal for highly adhesive and pasty media∙Filling level measurement of foamy media∙Hygienic use for float sensors∙Generally for media with a conductivity of 5 µS/cm or higher (media with a lower conductivity re- quire individual clarification regarding the tank contour, temperature, assembly, etc.) ∙Not suitable for explosive areas∙Not suitable for safety-related unit parts (SIL)1Conformity with standardsThe basic safety and health requirements are met through fulfillment of∙2014/30/EU Electromagnetic Compatibility∙1935/2004/EU Consumer Goods Ordinance∙Directive (EU) 10/2011 (articles in contact with food)∙EN 61000-6-2:2005 (Interference Immunity)∙EN 61000-6-4:2007 + A1:2011 (Interference Emissions)2Safety instructionsThese safety instructions must be followed to∙Avoid endangering persons and the environment∙Avoid damage to the sensors∙Prevent faulty batches during productionThe electrical connections may only be performed by persons with the necessary technical skills (e.g. cer-tified electricians or persons with technical training in electrics) and by persons with the necessary au-thorization from the operator.The power supply and the control circuit inputs and outputs must be properly wired. The current state-of-the-art of electrical connections must be adhered to. See also section 8 "Wiring diagram".The following details must be noted in particular:∙Safety instructions∙Electrical connection data1.All persons involved with the setup, commissioning, operation, service and maintenance of the sen-sor must be suitably qualified.2.This operating manual must be followed precisely. The operator must ensure that the personnel hasread and fully understood the operating manual.3.All work must be performed with utmost care and may only be performed by authorized and trainedpersonnel. The regulations effective in the country of use regarding the opening and repair of thedevices must be adhered to.4.The operating manual must be stored in the vicinity of the measurement equipment in an easily ac-cessible location.5.The sensor must be de-energized prior to alterations and maintenance.6.The working area of the operator must offer enough space to minimize the risk of injury.7.The technical data specified in the operating manual and on the type label must be adhered to.Warranty coverage shall not be granted for any damage that can be attributed to improper execution of work.3Special features/advantages∙Installation in tanks and feed vessels from above, below and diagonally (types NSL-F-00 and NSL-F-02)∙Lateral installation in tanks by means of an angulated sensor and various clamping systems (type NSL-F-01)∙Four-conductor sensor with 4...20-mA output signal∙Due to the potentiometric measuring principle, calibration is not required after a change in medium∙Individual setting/programming via PC or Simple User Interface∙Current signal for measuring range, dry-run message and error message can be adjusted∙The M12 plug connection can be aligned by turning the sensor head∙ 2 individual configurable LEDs on the display unit4Options/accessories∙Simple User Interface with small display (retrofittable)∙Programming adapter MPI-200 (PC-based)∙Tool for releasing the signal module∙Preassembled PVC cablePVC cable with M12 coupling of stainless steel 1.4305, IP 69k, unshieldedo M12-PVC/4–5 m PVC cable, 4-pin, 5 m in lengtho M12-PVC/4-10 m PVC cable, 4-pin, 10 m in lengtho M12-PVC/4-25 m PVC cable, 4-pin, 25 m in lengthPVC cable with M12 coupling of nickel-plated brass, IP 67, shieldedo M12-PVC/4G–5 m PVC cable, 4-pin, 5 m in lengtho M12-PVC/4G–10 m PVC cable, 4-pin, 10 m in lengtho M12-PVC/4G–25 m PVC cable, 4-pin, 25 m in length∙ 2.2 Factory certificate as per EN 10204 (product-contacting equipment only)5Installation and connectionThe continuous level sensor NSL-F is set to operate in aqueous media without requiring special set-tings. In case of highly critical media or special tank contours (with inside fittings such as a pipe), it may be necessary to adjust some parameters. The parameterization may be changed using the PC-based MPI-200 programming adapter or the Simple User Interface. The setting can either be set or changed directly on location or in the office in a dry simulation.When setting the parameters, it must be ensured that the various authorization levels are enabled (see "Associated setup mode" column). The Monitor and Adjust levels are not required for setting the NSL-F sensor. These levels can be individually protected with a password and thus made available to specificusers/service personnel. The software in both the PC/MPI-200 and Simple User Interface features a tree structure.4...20-mA signal ∙ Filling level height for 4/20-mA signal ∙ "Dry run" warning signal ∙ "Failure" error signal∙ “Underdriven/overdriven ” signal limit ∙ "Underflow/overflow" error signal ∙ Signal simulation (3.95...20.05 mA)Filling level measurement ∙ Filling level zero point/offset ∙ Filling level slope/gain ∙ Damping/filter ∙Physical unitMounting positionA list of the parameters settings in the continuous level sensor is included with the delivery. These de-fault parameter values, and the parameter values changed by the user, can be printed out using the MPI-200 programming adapter software.When making the settings, note the help texts in the MPI software. These contain additional u seful information on changing the selected parameter.6.1 Setup using the MPI-200 programming adapterThe MPI-200 programming adapter is connected to the NSL-F continuous level sensor via the external MPI-200-F adapter piece. It must be ensured that the NSL-F continuous level sensor is permanently con-nected to the supply voltage while the parameters are being set.Signal flow during programmingConnection plug for MPI-200-F adapter as an intermediate plug between the NSL-F electron-ics and the MPI-200 connection 3 (see next figure).Note:For further settings, please see also the description in the MPI-200 product information 1: Error signal: value underflow 2: Underdrive limit 3: 4 mA set value 4: 20 mA set value 5: Overdriven limitSource valuedetermined in the sensorO v e r d r i v e n r a n g eU n d e r d r i v e n r a n g e236.2 Setup using the MPI-200 programming adapterThe software structure of the Simple User Interface is similar to that of the PC version.The system is operated using two control buttons to the left and right of the display.The button func-tions are as follows:Right button, press briefly R Jump to next node, parameterRight button, press and hold RL Edit a node, parametersLeft button, press briefly L Jump back to previous node, parameter …Left button, press and hold LL Leave the editing mode without saving, returnto the next higher levelRight or left button briefly R/L scroll up or downPress and hold both buttons Press both buttons for 10 seconds, then jumpback to the beginning of the menu (attention this is not a re-set)Note:The abbreviations in column 2 refer to the following programming example.Example of possible display on screen:(1) Briefly press the right button.(2) Press and hold the right button, and then select the desired mode (e.g. Setup) or node (e.g. Signal int), leafthrough the menu with the right/left button and confirm the selection by pressing and holding the right but-ton.(3) Press and hold the left button, and enter the ID number from right to left. Proceed as follows:a.) Select the desired position (navigation with the right/left buttons, press the left button, change theposition to the left, press the right button, change the position to the right).b.) At the desired position, press and hold the right button until the field becomes gray. Then enter the nu-merical value with the right/left buttons and confirm by pressing and holding the right button until the gray area disappears. Then enter the next digit.c.) When all digits have been entered, move all the way to the left with the left button until the field be-come gray.Then press and hold the right button. The system jumps to the selected parameter and it can be entered or changed in the same manner. Start by pressing and holding the right button.For some system-related parameters, you are asked to confirm that you really wish to make the change. Do this by pressing the left and right buttons.▪Press the right button to change the parameter or save the change.▪Press the left button to leave the setting without changing it.Value currently set for this parameter2 individual configurable LEDs on the display unit:o LED1 = left LEDDry running: LED flashes every second if sensor says …no media“. In normal state this LEDis turned off.o LED2 = right LEDPower ON Signal – device error: The right LED glows constantly in normal state as long asthe sensor is supplied with power. If device error occurs, this LED flashes very fast (pulseapprox. 0,4 sec.)O v e r d r i v e n r a n g eU n d e r d r i v e n r a n g e23NSL-F Series Operating Manual 10Example of setup of 4mA set value to 15mm above rod end:End / next search number Select module / nodeSet AccessEnter search number (ID)Change parameterNSL-F Series Operating Manual 11Example of setup of 20mA set value to 60mm:Set AccessEnter search number (ID)Change parameterEnd / next search number Select module / nodeExample of changing mounting orientation from top to bottom:Set AccessEnter search number (ID)Change parameterEnd / next search numberExample of changing contrast of the display:Set AccessEnter search number (ID)Change parameter End / next search Select module /6DimensionsNSL-F-00/…/S00/… with EL>200 mm NSL-F-00/…/S01/… with EL>200 mm NSL-F-00/…/Txx/… with EL>200 mmNSL-F-00/…/S00/… with EL>200 mm NSL-F-00/…/S01/… with EL>200 mm NSL-F-00/…/Txx/… with EL>200 mmNSL-F-00 with horizontal headNSL-F-01The following figure only contains information on the rod design. The sizes of the head and process connection can be gathered from the drawings for NSL-F-00.Sensor rod: calculation of the total lengthEL = L1 + (ɑ/360° x 251) + L2NSL-F-027 Wiring diagramElectrical connection with M12 plug connectionElectrical connection with cable gland8 Repair and maintenanceThe level sensor described here is maintenance-free and contains components that could be repaired.Negele Messtechnik GmbH | Raiffeisenweg 7 | 87743 Egg an der Guenz | Germany | Phone: +49 (0) 83 33 . 92 04 – 0 | Fax: +49 (0) 83 33 . 92 04 - 49 Anderson Instrument Company Inc. | 156 Auriesville Road | Fultonville, NY 12072 | Phone: 518-922-5315 | Fax: 518-922-8997。



序言:Codewarrior 2.10是飞思卡尔32位汽车级单片机Qorriva系列的集成开发环境,与之前版本2.8、2.9完全兼容。

Codewarrior 10.3是飞思卡尔最新的集成开发环境,是一个开放源代码的、基于Java的可扩展开发平台。




/* lcf file for MPC5604B M27V (debug RAM version) 文件的名字及对应单片机(RAM版本)*///RAM版本和ROM版本的区别在于RAM版本不将程序下载到ROM中去,而在RAM中执行程序/* 512KB Flash, 32KB SRAM */ //单片机的FLASH和SRAM大小MEMORY下面是对单片机存储空间的定义,不同的段的起始地址,不能叠加地址空间{pseudo_rom:(仿真ROM区)org = 0x40000000, (开始地址)len = 0x00003000(长度)init: org = 0x40004000, len = 0x00001000 //初始化段所在位置exception_handlers: org = 0x40005000, len = 0x00001000 //中断向量所在地址internal_ram: org = 0x40006000, len = 0x00001800 //内部RAM的起始地址heap : org = 0x40007800, len = 0x00000400 //堆的起始地址stack : org = 0x40007C00, len = 0x00000400 //栈的起始地址}SECTIONS段的定义{GROUP : { // 它的定义需要遵从本例程方式”GROUP:{}” .“{}”中是内容部分.init : {} //.init段中所有内容。









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六、选择波段:索尼lcf-c1收音机开机后(调幅/调频都可)转动调谐轮选择收听您喜欢的节目 FM1/FM2选择按FM1开机键后推FM1/FM2按钮可在FM/FM2不同频段收听节目七、搜索电台:选择好频率波段后旋转调谐轮观察显示屏上频率显示收听节目。



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序言:Codewarrior 2.10是飞思卡尔32位汽车级单片机Qorriva 系列的集成开发环境,与之前版本2.8、2.9完全兼容。

Codewarrior 10.3是飞思卡尔最新的集成开发环境,是一个开放源代码的、基于Java 的可扩展开发平台。

许多新用户对codewarrior 链接文件不是十分了解,本文将针对链接文件的常见问题以及段的定义进行介绍帮助用户快速了解和使用CodeWarrior 。

目录第一节 LCF 文件定义及使用说明1: LCF 文件介绍2:LCF 文件中各个预定义段的说明3:常用关键字和宏定义说明第二节 EPPC 链接器介绍及使用说明第三节 代码重定向第一节 LCF 文件定义及使用说明1:LCF 文件介绍链接文件用来控制不同类型数据代码、数据以某种排列方式在最终在生成的可执行文件或者二进制文件,调试文件中的放置位置。

它可以通过在EPPC linker 的面板中进行配置,也可以直接在lcf 文件中直接进行修改。

Lcf 文件中首先是对整个memory map(MEMORY )地址空间内的所有RAM,ROM 进行分割,将其分为几个区域,便于放置不同类型的存储内容,而这些区域内包含的内容可以是用户自定义的段或者系统预定义的段(SECTION )。

关于段的定义和使用将在lcf 文件介绍结束后进行介绍。

一个工程通常在建立的时候默认的调试方式都是在RAM 中进行调试,由于RAM 中执行的效率高于FLASH ,并且下载速度快。

在生成的ROM Image 中常量,初始化过的数据或者代码如果没有被定义在ROM 区域则假设为这部分代码要在程序开始执行的时候从ROM 去拷贝到RAM 区。

下面是一个完整的lcf 文件,其中包括每行的解释及用法。

/* lcf file for MPC5604B M27V (debug RAM version) 文件的名字及对应单片机(RAM 版本) */ //RAM 版本和ROM 版本的区别在于RAM 版本不将程序下载到ROM 中去,而在RAM 中执行程序/* 512KB Flash, 32KB SRAM */ //单片机的FLASH 和SRAM 大小MEMORY 下面是对单片机存储空间的定义,不同的段的起始地址,不能叠加地址空间{pseudo_rom:(仿真ROM区) org = 0x40000000, (开始地址) len = 0x00003000(长度)init: org = 0x40004000, len = 0x00001000 //初始化段所在位置exception_handlers: org = 0x40005000, len = 0x00001000 //中断向量所在地址internal_ram: org = 0x40006000, len = 0x00001800 //内部RAM的起始地址heap : org = 0x40007800, len = 0x00000400 //堆的起始地址stack : org = 0x40007C00, len = 0x00000400 //栈的起始地址}SECTIONS段的定义{GROUP : { // 它的定义需要遵从本例程方式”GROUP:{}” .“{}”中是内容部分.init : {} //.init段中所有内容。

.init_vle (VLECODE) : { //.init_vle(使用VLE代码)*(.init)*(.init_vle)}} > init //可以参看前面的init段在存储空间的定义.本GROUP中的所有内容//放在init段中,”>”代表放在哪个段GROUP : {.ivor_branch_table (VLECODE) ALIGN (4096) : {} //ALIGN(4096)按照4096字节对齐 .__exception_handlers (VLECODE) LOAD (_e_ivor_branch_table) : {}// LOAD()将本段加载到指定地址} > exception_handlersGROUP : {.text (TEXT) ALIGN(0x10) : {}.text_vle (VLECODE) ALIGN(0x10): {*(.text)*(.text_vle)}.rodata (CONST) : {*(.rdata)*(.rodata)}.ctors : {}.dtors : {}extab : {}extabindex : {}} > pseudo_romGROUP : {.__uninitialized_intc_handlertable ALIGN(0x10) : {}.data : {}.sdata : {}.sbss : {}.sdata2 : {}.sbss2 : {}.bss : {}} > internal_ram}/* Freescale CodeWarrior compiler address designations */_stack_addr = ADDR(stack)+SIZEOF(stack); //ADDR()是取括号内段的首地址//SIZEOF()是求某段的长度_stack_end = ADDR(stack); //详见第3小节_heap_addr = ADDR(heap);_heap_end = ADDR(heap)+SIZEOF(heap);/* Exceptions Handlers Location (used in Exceptions.c for IVPR initialization) */EXCEPTION_HANDLERS = ADDR(exception_handlers);2.LCF文件中预定义的各个段的名称及解释3.常用关键字及使用说明关键字列表:1) SECTION2) ALIGN3) ADDR4) SIZEOF5) LOAD6) BIND7)Declspec8)pop, push9)FORCEACTIVE1)SECTIONSection使用pragma来将编译的目标代码放到预定义的段中,然后可以在LCF文件中将对应的段放到指定的地址区域。

Section和__declspec(section)都可以用来指定一个段,但是不能同时使用语法#pragma section [ objecttype | permission ][iname][uname][data_mode=datamode][code_mode=codemode]参数objecttype可以是以下三种选项,用来指定将目标数据放在哪里∙code_type –可执行目标类型∙data_type –非常量数据,包含比small data大的数据∙sdata_type –非常量数据,包含比small data小或者等同的数据。

∙const_type –常量数据,包含比small const大的数据∙sconst_type –常量数据,包含小或者等同small data的数据∙all_types –所有数据和代码permission定义访问权限,包含下列三个选项∙R –只读∙W –可写∙X –可执行iname定义段的名字,编译器存储初始化过的目标。


The iname parameter may be of the form .abs.xxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxx is an 8-digit hexadecimal number specifying the address of the section.uname定义段的名字,编译器存储未被初始化过的目标。

下面是例子#pragma push // 保存当前状态#pragma section ".data" "COMM"int red;int sky;#pragma pop // 恢复之前的状态data_mode=datamode为编译器指定使用哪种数据模式下面是可选的数据模式∙near_abs –目标必须在16位地址空间∙far_abs –目标必须在32位RAM地址空间∙sda_rel –目标必须在链接器为small data定义的32K 地址空间.code_mode=codemode向编译器指定地址模式下面是可选的三种地址模式:∙pc_rel –被调用子函数地址必须在调用函数24位地址空间范围内∙near_abs –函数地址必须在24位地址范围∙far_abs -函数地址必须在32位地址范围内预定义的段和默认模式Type Name Data mode Code modecode_type ".text" data_mode=far_abs c ode_mode=pc_reldata_type ".data" data_mode=far_abs c ode_mode=pc_rel const_type ".rodata" data_mode=far_abs c ode_mode=pc_rel sdata_type ".sdata" data_mode=sda_rel c ode_mode=pc_rel sconst_type ".sdata2" ".sbss2" data_mode=sda_rel c ode_mode=pc_rel ".PPC.EMB.sdata0" ".PPC.EMB.sbss0" d ata_mode=sda_rel c ode_mode=pc_rel2)ALIGN按照指定的边界进行排列,必须是2的整倍数。

SECTIONS{GROUP:{.init ALIGN(0x1000) : {}.text ALIGN(0x1000) : {}} > text}例子中定义了两个段:.init和.text。

在运行的时候每个段都会被放在下一个可以使用的地址(可以被0x1000整除)3)ADDR返回指定名称的段或者内存区域的开始地址.ADDR(sectionName | segmentName)参数sectionName文件中段的标志符segmentName存储区域中段的标志符范例下面代码中使用的ADDR功能来将ROOT的地址赋值给__rootbasecode .列举ADDR() 功能MEMORY{ROOT : origin = 0x80000400, length = 0}SECTIONS{.code :{__rootbasecode = ADDR (ROOT);*.(text);} > ROOT}返回指定Section或者segment的大小(以字节为单位)SIZEOF(segmentName | sectionName)参数segmentNamesegment的名字;必须以“.”作为起始。
