







二、模型与方法2.1 模型构建Zr50Cu50非晶合金模型通过分子动力学模拟软件构建,其中Zr和Cu原子随机分布在模拟空间中,形成无序的结构。


2.2 分子动力学方法分子动力学模拟是一种基于经典力学原理的计算机模拟方法,可以模拟原子在时间尺度上的运动和相互作用。


2.3 变形过程模拟通过施加外部应力,模拟非晶合金的拉伸、压缩等变形过程。


三、结果与讨论3.1 变形过程中的原子运动在拉伸和压缩过程中,Zr50Cu50非晶合金的原子运动表现出明显的无序性。



3.2 应力-应变关系在拉伸和压缩过程中,Zr50Cu50非晶合金表现出典型的非晶态材料的应力-应变关系。



3.3 变形机制分析Zr50Cu50非晶合金的变形机制主要包括位错运动和剪切带形成。





要 :通过座 滴法 研究 了 s n—I n 、 s n—B i 和S n—A g—C u三种焊 料分 别 与块状 非 晶合金 Z r C t u o
A1 。 Ag 的润湿行 为. 结 果显示在三种焊料中 , s n— I n对块状非 晶合金 Z r “ C u 4 o Ah A g s 的润湿性最好 , 而S n—
B i 焊料对块状非 晶合 金 Z r 4 C t u 。 A1 s Ag 的润湿 性最差. 利用 扫描 电镜 研究 了 s n—I n焊料 与块状非 晶合金 Z r C u 。 A1 Ag 的界面特征 , 其界面处有化合物 出现.
关 键 词 :Z r 基 非 晶合 金 ;无 钎 焊 料 ;润 湿 ; 界 面 文 献 标 识 码 :A 中 图 分 类 号 :T G 1 4 6 ;T G 4 9 I
很重 要 的 问题 [ 1 l - t 2 ] . 例 如 使 用 电 子 束 焊 和 激 光 焊, 在连 接过 程 中控 制 加 热 温 度 和冷 却 速 率 是 非 常重 要 的. 研 究 者们 使 用 各 种 方 法来 连 接 块 状 非
了形成能力好 的 Z r C u 。 A1 Ag s 块状非 晶合金.
大 的应用 前景 , 美 国报 道 了 Z r 基 非 晶合 金在 军工
方面 的应用 崭露 头角 E l 4 ] , 因此块 体 非 晶合 金选 择
立合适的连接块状非晶合金 与块状非晶合金 、 块 状非 晶合 金与 晶体 合金 的方 法 是 非 常 重要 的. 但 是, 在连 接过 程 中高 温 区的 玻璃 相 重 新 形 成 是个
在这 种涉 及液 相 的连 接 过 程 中 , 液 相 和 固相 之 间
的润 湿性 及界 面相互 作用 决定 了材料 的结合 处 的 相容 性 , 从 而在 很 大 程度 上 决 定 了其 连 接 的 可能 性 和使用 性 能. 本 文 研究 了无 铅 焊料 与 Z r C u 。







1. 确定Zr基块体非晶合金的制备工艺及优化条件
2. 分析Zr基块体非晶合金的组织结构、相变情况和热稳定性
3. 测定Zr基块体非晶合金的力学性能,如硬度、强度、韧性等指标
4. 探究Zr基块体非晶合金的抗腐蚀性能及其在实际应用中的可行性。

1. 块体非晶合金的制备:采用真空熔炼-铸造法制备Zr基块体非晶

2. 组织结构和相变分析:采用X射线衍射仪和差热分析仪等测试手段,分析样品的相组成、晶化温度和热稳定性。

3. 力学性能测试:测定样品的硬度、强度、延伸率和断裂韧性等力

4. 抗腐蚀性能测试:利用电化学方法和盐雾实验等测试手段,研究Zr基块体非晶合金的耐腐蚀性和在不同环境下的耐久性。







二、模型与方法2.1 模型构建Zr50Cu50非晶合金模型通过分子动力学模拟软件构建,采用随机网络模型来模拟非晶态结构的特点。


2.2 分子动力学模拟方法分子动力学模拟采用经典牛顿力学原理,通过求解原子的运动方程来模拟材料的变形过程。


三、模拟结果与分析3.1 变形过程中的结构变化在模拟过程中,我们观察了Zr50Cu50非晶合金在变形过程中的结构变化。



3.2 原子运动与变形机制通过对原子运动轨迹的分析,我们发现Zr50Cu50非晶合金的变形机制主要是通过原子间的相对位移来实现的。



3.3 力学性能分析通过分子动力学模拟得到Zr50Cu50非晶合金的应力-应变曲线。




Zr基大块非晶合金的摩擦磨损性能_陈伟荣 (1)

Zr基大块非晶合金的摩擦磨损性能_陈伟荣 (1)

第23卷 第1期摩擦学学报V o l23, N o1 2003年1月TR I BOLO GY Jan,2003 Zr基大块非晶合金的摩擦磨损性能陈伟荣1,2,王英敏2,羌建兵2,徐卫平2,王德和2,董 闯2,徐 洮3,张爱民3(1.大连大学机械工程系,辽宁大连 116622;2.大连理工大学三束材料改性国家重点实验室,辽宁大连 116024;3.中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所固体润滑国家重点实验室,甘肃兰州 730000)摘要:研究了以等电子浓度和等原子尺寸为依据设计的6种不同成分的非晶合金以及同非晶合金成分相同的4种晶态合金在干摩擦条件下同GC r15钢对摩时的摩擦磨损行为.结果表明:6种不同成分非晶合金的摩擦系数相近,均在0.5~0.6范围以内;4种晶态合金的摩擦系数均在0.4~0.5范围内,相同成分的晶态合金的摩擦系数比非晶合金的低,且显微硬度和耐磨性较高;非晶合金的磨损机制主要为塑性流变,晶态合金的磨损机制主要为脆性断裂以及磨粒磨损.关键词:Zr基合金;大块非晶;显微硬度;摩擦磨损性能中图分类号:T G139+.8文献标识码:A文章编号:100420595(2003)0120014204 近几十年来,非晶合金以其独特的结构特征和良好的机械、物理及化学性能而受到人们的关注.尤其是20世纪90年代初以来,人们成功地制备出Zr 基[1]、M g基[2]等合金系大块非晶,并在大块非晶合金形成机制、非晶制备方法以及性能研究等方面取得了进展.在针对能够形成大块非晶的合金系的研究中, Zr2A l2N i2Cu合金系一直是研究的焦点,这是因为该合金体系既不含贵金属,也不含有毒元素,且具有优良的机械、物理和化学性能.有关非晶合金的摩擦磨损性能已有研究[3,4],大多集中于薄带、薄片和薄板等形状的非晶合金,而针对大块非晶的摩擦磨损性能的研究较少.本文就非晶合金的成分设计独辟蹊径,从合金电子结构和原子尺寸的角度,以等电子浓度和等原子尺寸为判据,设计了6种不同成分的合金[5],研究其在干摩擦条件下的摩擦磨损性能,并与成分相同的晶态合金进行对比分析.1 实验部分1.1 材料的制备试验以99.9%Zr、99.999%A l、99.99%N i和99.99%Cu(质量分数计)为原料,采用电弧熔炼法,在氩气保护气氛中经3次反复熔炼,得到成分均匀的试验所用6种非晶合金的高纯母合金,将其用自制的吸铸设备在高真空下制得直径3mm、长度30mm的合金棒.同样用电弧熔炼法制备与1号、2号、4号和5号合金成分相对应的4种晶态合金的母合金,用吸铸法制备成直径为6.5mm的合金棒.非晶及相应成分的晶态合金的结构由岛津X射线衍射仪(XRD)测定(Cu靶,KΑ辐射).1.2 试验方法采用球2盘往复运动形式,在SRV摩擦磨损试验机上进行摩擦磨损试验.上试样为<10mm的GC r15钢球,硬度为55H R C;从所制备的10种不同成分的非晶及晶态合金试棒截取,并用502胶粘接到直径为22mm的纯A l圆盘上,圆盘经减薄后,使总厚度达到试验机所要求的标准厚度7.88mm.试验条件为:干摩擦,温度20℃,相对湿度28%,法向载荷20N (施加于上试样),振幅1mm,频率25H z,试验时间20m in.摩擦系数由试验机自动纪录.利用JS M2 5600LV型低真空扫描电子显微镜(SE M)测量磨痕形貌和尺寸,由此计算出磨损体积损失[6].用DM H2 2L S型显微硬度计测量样品的努氏硬度H K,所加载荷为0.098N,加载时间15s.2 结果与分析2.1 非晶及晶态合金结构试验中所用的10种试样的成分与结构见表1.可见,6种非晶合金成分满足等电子浓度和等原子尺收稿日期:2002203214;修回日期:2002206227 联系人陈伟荣,e2m ail:rem iliu@m ail.dlp .作者简介:陈伟荣,女,1963年生,博士,副教授,目前主要从事大块非晶合金研究.表1 所制备的10种合金试样的成分和结构Table1 Co m position and structure of the sam ples A lloy N po siti on Structure1#Zr65.5A l5.6N i6.5Cu22.4Amo rphous2#Zr65.3A l6.5N i8.2Cu20Amo rphous3#Zr65A l7.5N i10Cu17.5Amo rphous4#Zr64.8A l8.3N i11.4Cu15.5Amo rphous5#Zr64.5A l9.2N i13.2Cu13.1Amo rphous6#Zr63.8A l11.4N i17.2Cu7.6Amo rphous7#Zr65.5A l5.6N i6.5Cu22.4C rystalline8#Zr65.3A l6.5N i8.2Cu20C rystalline9#Zr64.8A l8.3N i11.4Cu15.5C rystalline10#Zr64.5A l9.2N i13.2Cu13.1C rystalline寸规律,具有相同的电子浓度e a和平均原子尺寸R a.其特征为:从1#至6#合金,Zr含量变化很小,A l 和N i含量增大,Cu含量减小.从1#至6#合金的XRD图谱仅存在1个宽峰,而无明显的晶体相的衍射峰[5],这说明6种合金主要以非晶相形式存在.7#合金和8#合金的组分与1#合金和2#合金的相同,其XRD图谱呈现晶态特征,其组成相主要为体心四方(t I)Zr2Cu结构相;9#合金和10#合金的组分与4#合金和5#合金的相同,其XRD图谱显示多相组成特征,主要为体心四方Zr2Cu结构相、简单正交(oP)结构相、简单六角(hP)结构相及其它未知相.2.2 硬度及摩擦磨损特性图1分别示出了6种非晶合金和4种晶态合金试样同GC r15钢对摩时的摩擦系数随时间变化的关系曲线.可以看出:非晶合金的摩擦系数随时间的变化而出现一定波动,大致在0.5~0.6范围以内变化[图1(a)];而4种晶态合金的摩擦系数值在0.4~0.5范围内变化[图1(b)],比非晶合金的摩擦系数略低.另外,晶态合金在试验起始阶段的摩擦系数较低,大约经过2~4m in进入稳定状态,此后其波动较小;而非晶合金在试验起始阶段的摩擦系数即保持稳定,但出现一定的波动.表2示出了10种试样的硬度、摩擦系数及磨损体积损失数据.可见:6种非晶合金的硬度差别不大,4种晶态合金的硬度亦相近;但4种晶态合金的硬度比同样成分的非晶合金的高;6种非晶合金的摩擦系数差别不大,4种晶态合金的摩擦系数也很接近;但4种非晶合金的摩擦系数比相同组成的晶态合金的高,且非晶合金的磨损体积损失较大.相同成分的非晶合金与晶态合金相比,其硬度、摩擦系数和耐磨性均存在差别,晶态合金的摩擦系数较低,而硬度和耐磨性较高.这主要归因于其不同的结构特征.换言之,晶态合金由多相化合物组成,硬质化合物相对硬度和耐磨性的提高起着非常重要的作用;而非晶合金具有结构和化学均匀性,同多相结构相比,这样的均匀相结构具有更低的硬度和更高的塑 (a)Six amo rphous alloys(b)four crystalline alloysF ig1 F ricti on coefficientΛas a functi on of testingti m e t fo r ten samp les图1 不同合金试样在干摩擦条件下同GC r15钢对摩时的摩擦系数随试验时间的变化关系性和韧性,从而导致摩擦系数因塑性变形的加剧而增大.6种不同成分的非晶合金的磨痕形貌特征类似,图2给出了其中2个试样的磨痕形貌SE M照片.由图2(a)可见,非晶合金在磨损过程中产生了严重的塑性变形,其主要磨损机制为塑性流变;从图2(b)可以观察到非晶合金磨损后的疏松组织,表明非晶合金具有非常好的塑性和韧性.图3示出了2种晶态合金的磨痕形貌SE M照片,可见明显的裂纹、剥落的碎片状磨屑[图3(a)]以及压碎的磨粒[图3(b)].与此同时,从图3(a)还可以观察到明显的犁沟迹象,表明晶态合金的磨损机制主要为脆性断裂和磨粒磨损.因此,本试验中的Zr基非晶合金的磨损机制不同于成分相同的晶态合金的磨损机制.一般认为,在干摩擦下的摩51第1期陈伟荣等: Zr基大块非晶合金的摩擦磨损性能表2 所制备的10种试样的硬度、摩擦系数和磨损体积损失Table 2 Hardness ,averaged fr iction coeff ic ien t ,and wear volu m e loss of var ious sam plesA lloy N o .Compo siti on H ardness H K M PaA veraged fricti oncoefficientW ear vo lum e lo ss mm 31#Zr 65.5A l 5.6N i 6.5Cu 22.435.00.5140.2952#Zr 65.3A l 6.5N i 8.2Cu 2035.10.5770.3253#Zr 65A l 7.5N i 10Cu 17.534.20.5670.2744#Zr 64.8A l 8.3N i 11.4Cu 15.535.90.5820.2975#Zr 64.5A l 9.2N i 13.2Cu 63.8A l 11.4N i 17.2Cu 7.638.50.5120.2757#Zr 65.5A l5.6N i6.5Cu 22.449.10.4120.2628#Zr 65.3A l 6.5N i 8.2Cu2048.10.4080.2699#Zr 64.8A l 8.3N i 11.4Cu 15.547.40.4680.24710#Zr 64.5A l 9.2N i 13.2Cu )6#alloy (b )2#alloyF ig 2 SE M m icrograph s of w o rn surfaces of amo rphous alloys图2 非晶合金磨痕形貌SE M 照片(a )9#alloy (b )7#alloyF ig 3 SE M m icrograph s of w o rn surfaces of crystalline alloys图3 晶态合金磨痕形貌SE M 照片擦磨损试验过程中,摩擦副接触表面局部闪温可达约1000℃,远远超出了非晶合金的晶化温度.在所制备的6种非晶合金中,6#合金的晶化温度最高,为758K [5].应该指出的是,即使闪温很高,也并不一定导致合金晶化;但这种局部瞬时高温对合金结构和性能的影响不容忽视.实际上,在较高的闪温下合金可处于过冷液相区温度范围内[6],而在这一温度范围内,某些合金表现出优良的超塑性,这已在Inoue [7]的工作中得以证实.在本试验条件下,合金即可能因高闪温的作用而处于过冷液相区温度范围内,从而在摩擦过程中产生大量塑性变形.成分相同的晶态合金的晶粒同晶粒之间的位相差会阻碍合金的塑性变形,合金磨损表面形成的裂纹更易扩展,裂纹扩展至一定程度后形成碎片并剥落,剥落的碎片在反复摩擦过程中被压碎并形成小尺寸磨屑,磨屑作为磨粒对合金产生犁削作用,从而使晶态合金磨损表面出现明显的犁沟.非晶合金硬度比晶态合金的低,相应的磨屑硬度亦较低,其对非晶合金磨损表面的犁削作用较弱,因此非晶合金磨损表面无明显的磨粒磨损迹象,但其塑性变形和塑性流动远比晶态合金的严重,这决定了其61摩 擦 学 学 报第23卷耐磨性较差.3 结论a . 所制备的6种非晶合金试样同GC r 15钢对摩时的摩擦系数处于0.5~0.6范围内,同非晶合金成分相同的4种晶态合金在相同试验条件下的摩擦系数处于0.4~0.5之内.b . 晶态合金的显微硬度和耐磨性比成分相同的非晶合金的高.c . 非晶与晶态合金的磨损机制有所不同,非晶合金主要以塑性流变为主,而晶态合金主要以脆性断裂和磨粒磨损为主.参考文献:[1] Inoue A ,Zhang T ,M asumo to T .Zr 2A l 2N iAmo rphous A lloysw ith H igh Glass T ransiti on T emperature and Significant Supercoo led L iquid R egi on [J ].M ater T rans J I M ,1990,31:1772183.[2] Inoue A ,N akam ura T ,N ish iyam a N ,et a l .M g 2Cu 2Y BulkAmo rphous A lloys w ith H igh T ensile Strength P roduced by a H igh 2P ressure D ie Casting M ethod [J ].M ater T rans J I M ,1992,33:9372945.[3] K linger R ,Feller H G .Sliding F ricti on and W ear R esistanceof the M etallic Glass Fe 40N i 40B 20[J 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ineering D ep art m ent ,D alian U niversity ,D alian 116622,Ch ina ;2.S tate K ey L aboratory f or M aterials M od if ication by L aser ,Ion and E lectron B eam s ,D alian U niversity of T echnology ,D alian 116024,Ch ina3.S tate K ey L aboratory of S olid L ubrication ,L anz hou Institu te of Che m ical P hy sics ,Ch inese A cad e m y of S ciences ,L anz hou 730000,Ch ina )Abstract :Six k inds of Zr 2based am o rp hou s alloys w ith differen t com po siti on s w ere designed and p repared acco rding to the ru les of con stan t electron concen trati on and con stan t atom ic size .T he fricti on and w ear characteristics of the am o rphou s alloys under dry sliding again st SA E 52100steel w ere investigated on an SRV fricti on and w ear tester ,in a ball 2on 2disc con tact configu rati on .T he fricti on and w ear behavi o r of fou r crystalline sp eci m en s w ith the sam e com po siti on s as the am o rp hou s coun terparts w as also evaluated under the sam e testing conditi on s as a com parison .T he w o rn su rface m o rp ho logies of the alloys w ere ob served w ith a scann ing electron m icro scope .R esu lts indicated that all the am o rphou s alloys had nearly the sam e fricti oncoefficien ts 0.5~0.6,w h ile the crystalline coun terp arts registered fricti on coefficien ts 0.4~0.5.T hecrystalline alloys show ed better w ear resistance than the am o rphou s coun terparts ,w h ich w as dependen t on the differen t w ear m echan is m s .In o ther w o rds ,the crystalline alloys w ere characterized by b rittle fractu re and ab rasive w ear ,w h ile the am o rphou s coun terparts w ere characterized by severe p lastic defo r m ati on and flow ing .Key words :Zr 2based alloy ;bu lk m etallic glass ;m icrohardness ;fricti on and w ear behavi o rAuthor :CH EN W ei 2rong ,fem ale ,bo rn in 1963,Ph .D .,A ssociate P rofesso r ,e 2m ail :rem iliu @m ail.dlp tt ...71第1期陈伟荣等: Zr 基大块非晶合金的摩擦磨损性能。



Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 22(2012) 585−589Dry sliding tribological behavior of Zr-based bulk metallic glassWU Hong 1, 2, Ian BAKER 2, LIU Yong 1, WU Xiao-lan 21. State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;2. Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755-8000, U.S.A.Received 9 September 2011; accepted 16 January 2012Abstract: The tribological behavior of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) was investigated using pin-on-disk sliding measurements in two different environments, i.e., air and argon, against an yttria-stabilized zirconia counterface. It was found that the wear of the Zr-based BMG was reduced by more than 45% due to the removal of oxygen from the test environment at two different loads, i.e., 16 N and 23 N. The wear pins were examined using X-ray diffractometry, differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy and optical surface profilometry. A number of abrasive particles and grooves presented on the worn surface of the pin tested in air, while a relatively smooth worn surface was observed in the specimens tested in argon. The wear mechanism of the pin worn in air was dominated by abrasive wear compared with an adhesive wear controlled process in the tests performed in argon.Key words: bulk metallic glasses; tribological behavior; oxidation; wear mechanism1 IntroductionOver the past two decades the tribological properties of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) have been of great attraction as promising candidates for high wear applications because of their comparatively high hardness and strength [1−3]. For instance, MA et al [4] used a Zr-based BMG as bearing rollers, which showed a better wear resistance than the commercial GCr15 steel. ISHIDA et al [5] reported a new type of Ni-based BMG microgear, which had a much longer lifetime of 2500 h compared with 8 h for SK-steel.Nonetheless, recent studies on the friction and wear behaviors of BMGs indicated contradictory performance [6,7]. Since BMGs are in a non-equilibrium state, their tribological behaviors are strongly dependent on the test conditions and local chemical compositions, such as applied load, sliding distance, sliding speed, friction mode [5], lubrication condition [7] as well as annealed state [6,8]. In addition, it is well-known that oxygen not only has adverse effects on the glass-forming ability and thermal stability [9], but also affects the deformability of BMGs [10]. Even though some studies reported that thefriction and wear of metallic glasses have shown sensitivity to oxygen in test environment, the underlying mechanism is not completely understood [11−14]. For example, some BMGs show a negative effect of oxidation on wear resistance [11,12], while others show a positive effect [13]. In the view of fundamental research and industrial application, therefore, it is of great importance to systematically characterize the tribological behavior of metallic glass and to reveal the related mechanism for sliding in different environments.This paper outlines our preliminary investigation on the friction and wear behavior of a Zr-based BMG during dry sliding in two different environments, air and argon.2 ExperimentalA master alloy with a nominal composition of Zr 52.5Cu 17.9Ni 14.6Al 10Ti 5 (mole fraction, %) was prepared by arc melting a mixture of pure Zr (99.8%, mass fraction), Cu (99.9%), Ni (99.9%), Al (99.99%), and Ti (99.9%) in a Ti-gettered high-purity argon atmosphere. The ingot was remelted four times to ensure a homogeneous composition, and then suction cast into 3 mm in diameter and 70 mm in length, in a water-cooledFoundation item: Project (DE-FG02-07ER46392) supported by U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Science; Project (2011JQ002) supportedby the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China; Project supported by the Open-End Fund for the Valuable and Precision Instruments of Central South University, ChinaCorresponding author: LIU Yong; Tel: +86-731-88830406; E-mail: yonliu11@ DOI: 10.1016/S1003-6326(11)61217-XWU Hong, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 22(2012) 585−589 586copper mold. Wear pins of 6 mm in length were cut from the suction-cast rods using a high speed abrasive saw, cooled with water to avoid possible crystallization. The two ends were polished with 600 grit silicon carbide papers and finished with 0.3 μm-alumina powders.Pin-on-disk tribotests were performed against an yttria-stabilized zirconia counterface material polished to a surface roughness of 0.01−0.05 μm. The test system was described in detail in Ref. [15]. Cylindrical pin specimens were fixed on a holder and loaded against the rotating disk. The tests were conducted under constant applied normal loads of 16 N and 23 N, at a sliding speed 1 m/s and for a sliding distance of 1 km, in air and argon. Three tests were performed in each environment.The phases of the specimens both before and after wear testing were analyzed on a Rigaku D/Max 2000 X-ray diffractometer (XRD) with Cu Kα radiation operated at 40 kV and 300 mA. Measurements were performed by step scanning 2θ from 10° to 120° with 0.02(°)/step. A count time of 1 s/step was used, giving a total scan time of ~1.5 h. The thermodynamic behavior of the wear pins was investigated on a Perkin Elmer DSC 7 differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), from room temperature to 600 °C at a heating rate of 20 °C/min under flowing argon. The worn surfaces were examined with an FEI XL−30 scanning electron microscope operating at 15 kV, equipped with an EDAX Li-drifted energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer. Worn surface topographies of the pins were determined using a Zygo 7300 profilometer. The mass loss of the specimens was measured in an electronic balance of ±0.1 mg precision before and after the wear test. The density of the metallic glass was determined according to Archimedes’ method and the mass loss was then converted to a volume loss value.3 Results and discussionThe mass loss results for the sliding tests run in both air and argon at two different loads are shown in Fig. 1. For a given load, it can be clearly seen that the wear loss of the pins is dramatically reduced by the removal of oxygen in the test environment. Wear rate in both environments increased with increasing normal load. As listed in Table 1, the wear loss of the pins after 1 km of sliding decreased by more than 45% when varying the environment from air to argon under both loads. This indicates the adverse effect of oxygen in the test environment on the wear resistance of BMG during sliding. A similar study conducted by FU et al [11], reported that less wear was obtained in a Zr-based BMG by changing the test environment from air to vacuum.The measured friction force was somewhat variable during the tests, and decreased from a higher initial value to a lower steady state value under all test conditions, as shown in Fig. 2. The steady state friction coefficient ranged from 0.15 to 0.28 depending on the normal load and the test environment. For a given load, the measured friction coefficient (steady state) was somewhat higher for tests conducted in air than that for tests performed in argon. These are considerably lower than the result of BLAU [7], and comparatively close to the values reported by LIU et al [16], in dry sliding tests of the same composition of BMG. Since the friction coefficient decreases with increasing load [11], the low friction coefficient obtained from the sliding tests may be ascribed to the high normal loads employed in theFig. 1 Wear loss (mean value of mass loss) of BMG specimens after 1 km-sliding tests in air and argon at different loads (Error bars signify standard deviations)Table 1 Wear loss of pins tested in air and argon at different loads (m denotes mean mass loss, V denotes volumetric loss, and μdenotes friction coefficient)Air Argon Load/Nm/mg V/mm3μm/mg V/mm3μ16 1.5 0.230.28 0.8 0.120.223 2.770.420.22 1.47 0.220.15Fig. 2 Friction coefficients as function of time during wear tests run for 1 km in air and argon under different loadsWU Hong, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 22(2012) 585−589 587present study. In addition, as there is no specific relationship between the friction coefficient and the wear loss [16], the friction coefficient cannot directly be used to be indicative of wear resistance for the BMG.XRD patterns of the pins before and after wear tests conducted in two different environments at a load of 23 N are shown in Fig. 3. A typical pattern of an amorphous structure with only a broad diffraction halo, and without any detectable sharp Bragg peaks corresponding to crystalline phases is present for as-cast BMG. For the pin wear-tested in air, several sharp Bragg diffraction peaks corresponding to three different crystal structures of ZrO2, i.e., cubic-ZrO2, tetragonal-ZrO2, and monoclinic- ZrO2, superimpose on a broad diffraction halo which corresponds to the remaining glassy matrix. These signify the coexistence of various crystalline phases and residual amorphous phase on the worn surface after sliding. However, there are still a few peaks that are difficult to be determined due to limited number of diffraction peaks. Based on the investigation of phases on the same composition BMG after annealing at temperature from 400 °C up to 550 °C reported by HE et al [17], there could be either Zr2Ni0.67O0.33, Zr2Cu, or ZrAl phases, but this needs to be confirmed by further study.Fig. 3 XRD patterns of pins before and after wear tests in different environments at load of 23 NDSC curves of the pins after wear tests in both environments at a load of 23 N are shown in Fig. 4. The DSC curve of as-cast BMG is included for comparison. No significant difference between the tested specimens and the untested specimen can be detected, indicating that there is no appreciable structural change in the pins after wear tests. FU and RIGNEY [12] compared the DSC curves of the wear debris generated in air and vacuum using different loads with the untested BMG specimen, and found a series of difference, including the absence of low temperature peaks, variation in shape for high temperature peak, and peak shifting with both load and environment. They conjectured that the potential reasons may be the further homogenization of the alloy and the redistribution of oxygen caused by sliding [12]. The decrease in the crystallization temperature of debris may be due to considerably increased surface [14]. However, similar examinations are not possible to be performed in the present study due to the insignificant amount of debris in all tests.Fig. 4 DSC curves of pins before and after wear tests in different environments at load of 23 NWorn surfaces of the pins wear tested in air and argon under different loads are shown in Fig. 5. Parallel grooves and abrasive particles are clearly observable in the pins tested in air under both loads (Figures 5(a) and (c)), showing a typical abrasive manner. Local plastic deformation can be found at the edge of the grooves in Fig. 5(c), which may be attributed to the higher normal load. Increasing the load leads to more adhesive wear in the BMG [16]. In contrast, for the tests in argon, evident plastic flow appears on the worn surface, and no grooves can be observed (Fig. 5(b)). Thus, the adhesive wear becomes the main mechanism. At the load of 23 N, a relatively smooth worn surface is present after smearing of the wear tracks (Fig. 5(d)), implying a mainly adhesive manner.The surface topographies produced in air and argon as determined by a non-contact optical surface profilometer are shown in Fig. 6. The average surface roughness, R a, of the pin tested in air was 3.474 μm, with some grooves as deep as 20 μm, while the worn surface generated in argon was smoother with an R a of 1.88 μm. This demonstrates once more that the worn surface of the pin tested in argon was smoother than that of the pin tested in air.The frictional heating occuring during the sliding process can induce both oxidation and crystallization in a BMG if temperature rise is sufficiently high. For the tests in air, a couple of oxides, e.g., monoclinic ZrO2 and tetragonal ZrO2, formed as a result of oxidation, were caused by frictional heating on the wear surface of the pin (see in Fig. 3). TRIWIKANTORO et al [18] studiedWU Hong, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 22(2012) 585−589588Fig. 5 Secondary electron images of worn surface of pins tested in air (a) and argon (b) at load of 16 N, and pins tested in air (c) and argon (d) at load of 23 NFig. 6 Worn surface topographies of pins wear tested in air (a) and argon (b) at load of 23 N determined by optical surface profilometer (Color bands signify the relative height of the profile. Grey lines denote the moving direction of the profilometer)the oxidation behavior in a series of Zr-based metallic glasses and found that the oxide scales formed during oxidation have a nanocrystalline microstructure consisting mainly of tetragonal and monoclinic ZrO2. It is worth noting that the zirconia disk has been shown to have a cubic crystal structure [19]. Thus, the cubic ZrO2 present on the worn surface of the pins supposed to be derived from the counterface. JIN et al [20] investigated the dry sliding wear characteristics of a Zr-based BMG at room temperature, and observed that the formation and subsequent peeling-off of oxygen-rich tribolayers during wear was the main wear mechanism in the as-cast and relaxed specimens. In the present study, the monoclinic ZrO2 and tetragonal ZrO2 formed on the pins were peeled off and subsequently acted as abrasive particles together with the cubic ZrO2 that debonded from the counterface during the wear process, thus resulting in the presence of long parallel grooves in the pins tested in air (Figs. 5(a) and (c)).For the tests in argon, the effect of oxidation can be ruled out owing to the removal of oxygen. Surface softening presumably occurred due to the combination of frictional heating and plastic deformation [16], and led to the appearance of plastic flow and smeared surface (Figs. 5(b) and (d)). LEE and EVETTS [14] noted that the development of the surface morphology of metallic glasses during sliding started at an initial stage, including low contact area, gradually increasing contact area occurring at asperities, and surface smoothing by a “smear-like” plastic deformation process, which allowed material to fill in the pits and holes between asperities, hence showing little wear debris. These features are quite similar to the observations of the pins tested in argon, implying that such initial stage during the wear process could be maintained by the exclusion of oxygen in the test environment.WU Hong, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 22(2012) 585−589 5894 Conclusions1) The wear of a Zr-based BMG against an yttria-stabilized zirconia counterface was studied using pin-on-disk wear tests in two different environments, i.e., air and argon, at two different loads of 16 N and 23 N. The results obtained are summarized as follows.2) The wear rate of the BMG pins was reduced significantly by the removal of oxygen from the test environment at both loads.3) A number of abrasive particles and grooves were presented on the worn surface of the pin tested in air, thus implying an abrasive wear controlled manner.4) A relatively smooth worn surface was observed in the specimens after tests conducted in argon, a feature attributed to the occurrence of adhesive wear. References[1]JOHNSON W L. Bulk glass-forming metallic alloys: Science andtechnology [J]. MRS Bull, 1999, 24: 42−56.[2]PARLAR Z, BAKKAL M, SHIH A H. Sliding tribologicalcharacteristics of Zr-based bulk metallic glass [J]. Intermetallics,2008, 16: 34−41.[3]GLORIANT T. Microhardness and abrasive wear resistance ofmetallic glasses and nanostructured composite materials [J]. J Non-cryst Solids, 2003, 316: 96−103.[4]MA M Z, LIU R P, XIAO Y, LOU D C, LIU L, WANG Q, WANG WK. 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二、模型与方法1. 模型构建采用Zr50Cu50非晶合金的化学成分构建模型,通过快速冷却法生成非晶结构。


2. 分子动力学方法采用分子动力学软件进行模拟,时间步长设置为1×10-15秒。



三、模拟结果与分析1. 变形过程在模拟过程中,观察到Zr50Cu50非晶合金在受到外力作用时,原子发生重新排列,形成一系列的剪切带。


2. 剪切带形成与扩展剪切带的形成与扩展过程中,原子间的相互作用发生变化,导致局部区域的原子重新排列。



3. 力学性能通过模拟得到Zr50Cu50非晶合金的应力-应变曲线。



























Chapter 1alloy 合金atomic-scale architecture 原子尺度结构(构造)brittle 脆性的ceramic 陶瓷composite 复合材料concrete 混凝土conductor导体crystalline 晶态的devitrified 反玻璃化的(晶化的)ductility (可)延(展)性,可锻性electronic and magnetic material电子和磁性材料element 元素fiberglass 玻璃钢glass 玻璃glass-ceramic 玻璃陶瓷/微晶玻璃insulator 绝缘体materials science and engineering 材料科学与工程materials selection 材料选择metallic 金属的microcircuitry 微电路microscopic-scale architecture 微观尺度结构(构造)noncrystalline 非晶态的nonmetallic 非金属的oxide 氧化物periodic table 周期表plastic 塑性的、塑料polyethylene 聚乙烯polymer 聚合物property 性能(质)refractory 耐火材料、耐火的semiconductor 半导体silica 石英、二氧化硅silicate 硅酸盐silicon 硅steel 钢structural material 结构材料wood 木材Chapter 7aluminum alloy 铝合金gray iron 灰口铁amorphous metal 无定形金属high-alloy steel 高合金钢austenitic stainlesssteel 奥氏体不锈钢high-strength low-alloy steel 高强度低合金钢Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值Hooke’s law 胡克定律carbon steel 碳钢impact energy 冲击能cast iron 铸铁lead alloy 铅合金Charpy test 单梁冲击试验low-alloy steel 低合金钢cold working 冷作加工lower yield point 屈服点下限copper alloy 铜合金magnesium alloy 镁合金creep curve 蠕变曲线malleable iron 可锻铸铁primary stage 第一(初期)阶段martensitic stainless steel 马氏体不锈钢secondary stage 第二阶段modulus of elasticity 弹性模量tertiary stage 第三(最后)阶段modulus of rigidity 刚性模量dislocation climb 位错攀(爬)移nickel alloy 镍合金ductile iron 球墨铸铁nickel-aluminum superalloy 镍铝超合金ductile-to-brittle transition temperature 韧性-脆性转变温度nonferrous alloy 非铁合金ductility (可)延(展)性,可锻性plastic deformation 塑性变形elastic deformation 弹性变形Poission’s ratio 泊松比engineering strain 工程应变precious metal 贵金属engineering stress 工程应力precipitation-hardened stainless steel 沉淀(脱溶)硬化不锈钢fatigue curve 疲劳曲线rapidly solidified alloy 速凝合金/快速固化合金fatigue strength (endurance limit) 疲劳强度(耐久极限)refractory? metal 耐火(高温)金属ferritic stainless steel 铁素体不锈钢Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度ferrous alloy 铁基合金shear modulus 剪(切)模量fracture mechanics 断裂机制shear strain 剪(切)应变fracture toughness 断裂韧性shear stress 剪(切)应力gage length 标距(长度),计量长度,有效长度solution hardening 固溶强化galvanization 电镀,镀锌steel 钢strain hardening 应变强化white iron 白铁,白口铁superalloy 超合金wrought alloy 可锻(锻造、轧制)合金tensile strength 拉伸强度yield point 屈服点titanium alloy 钛合金yield strength 屈服强度tool steel 工具钢Young’s modulus 杨氏模量toughness 韧性zinc alloy 锌合金upper yield point 屈服点上限Chapter 8annealing point 退火点linear coefficient of thermal expansion 线性热膨胀系数refractory 耐火材料borosilicate glass 硼硅酸盐玻璃expansion 膨胀silicate 硅酸盐brittle fracture 脆性断裂magnetic ceramic 磁性陶瓷silicate glass 硅酸盐玻璃clay 粘土melting range 熔化(温度)范围soda-lime silica glass 钠钙硅酸盐玻璃color 颜色modulus of rupture 断裂模量softening point 软化点cosine law 余弦定律network former 网络形成体specular reflection 镜面反射creep 蠕变netwrok modifier 网络修饰体/网络外体static fatigue 静态疲劳crystalline ceramic 晶态陶瓷nonoxide ceramic 非氧化物陶瓷structural clay product 粘土类结构制品diffuse reflection 漫反射nonsilicate glass 非硅酸盐玻璃surface gloss 表面光泽E-glass 电子玻璃(E玻璃)nonsilicate oxide ceramic 非硅酸盐氧化物陶瓷tempered glass 钢化玻璃electronic ceramic 电子陶瓷nuclear ceramic 核用陶瓷thermal conductivity 热传导率enamel 搪瓷nucleate 成(形)核thermal shock 热震Fourier’s law 傅立叶定律Opacity 乳浊transformation toughening 相变增韧fracture toughness 断裂韧性optical property 光学性质translucency 半透明Fresnel’s formula Fresnel公式partially stabilized zirconia ??部分稳定氧化锆transparency 透明glass 玻璃polar diagram 极坐标图viscosity 粘度glass-ceramic 玻璃陶瓷/微晶玻璃pottery 陶器(制造术)viscous deformation 粘性变形glass transition temperature 玻璃转变温度pure oxide 纯氧化物vitreous silica 无定形二氧化硅/石英玻璃glaze 釉reflectance 反射(率)whiteware 白瓷Griffith crack model Griffith裂纹模型refractive index 折射率working range 工作(温度)范围intermediate 中间体/中间的Chapter 10admixture 外加剂fiberglass 玻璃钢metal-matrix composite 金属基复合材料aggregate 聚集体fiber-reinforced composite 纤维增强复合材料particulate composite 颗粒复合材料aggregate composite 聚集体复合材料hardwood 硬质木材polymer-matrix composite 聚合物基复合材料anisotropic 各向异性hemicellulose 半纤维素portland cement 波特兰水泥cement 水泥interfacial strength 界面结合强度property averaging 性能平均ceramic-matrix composite 陶瓷基复合材料isostrain 等应变radial cell 径向细胞concrete 混凝土isotress 等应力softwood 软质木材continuous fiber 连续纤维isotropic 各向同性specific strength 比强度discrete (chopped) fiber 不连续(短切)纤维laminate 层状的strength-to-weight ratio 强度质量比率dispersion-strengthened metal 弥散强化金属lignin 木质素whisker 晶须longitudinal cell 经向(纵向)纤维wood 木材woven fabric 纺织构造E-glass 电子玻璃matrix 基质(体)philosophy 基本原理cross over 交叉,穿过,跨越restriction 限制(定)configuration 构造(形式),结构align 使成一直线(一行)elongate 拉长(的)/延伸(的)aggregate 集料,粒料,骨料chop 切utility 效用,实用,功用in regard for 考虑到cite 引用(证、述),援引,列举,举出(例),提到,谈到embed 埋置,把? 嵌入(或插入)dielectric 电介质implication 含意(义)epoxy 环氧树脂polyester 聚酯polyetheretherketone (PEEK) 聚醚酮醚polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) 聚苯亚砜entrant 新到者requisite 必需的imitate 仿deciduous 每年落叶的,非永久的commonality 共性,共同特点dramatic 生动的vertically 竖直地,直立地longitudinal 经度的,纵向的sap 树液cellulose 纤维素alignment 直线排列phenol-propane 苯酚-丙烷manifest 显示,出现,显露dimension 尺寸specify 详细说明staggering 令人惊愕的igneous 火成的inspection 检查,视察interstice 空隙,裂缝enclose 包围,封闭entrain 混(气泡)于混凝土中entrap 截留的,夹杂的thaw 融化(解),解冻identify 认识,鉴定,确定generality 一般(性),一般原则,普遍(性),通则consistent with 与? 一致emphasis 强调,重点,重要性axially 轴向weighted average 加权平均elementary 基本的reverse 相反的rigorous 严格的,严密的,精确的bound 限度take for granted 被忽略(视)communicate 传达,传递deflect 偏转unless otherwise state 除非另外说明appreciation 正确评价,鉴别substantial 多的,大的,大量的offset 弥补,抵消,偏移assembly 装配,组装,总成Chapter 11capacitor 电容器electron-hole pair 电子-空穴对piezoelectric coupling coefficient 压电耦合系数ceramic 陶瓷electronic conduction 电子传导piezoelectric effect 压电效应charge carrier 载流子energy band 能带polymer 聚合物charge density 电荷密度energy band gap 能隙positive charge carrier 正载流子coercive field 矫顽(电)场energy level 能级PZT 锆钛酸铅conduction band 导带extrinsic semiconductor 非本征半导体remanent polarization 剩余极化conductivity 传导率Fermi function 费米函数resistivity 电阻率conductor 导体Fermi level 费米能级resistance 电阻current 电流ferroelectric 铁电性reverse piezoelectric effect逆压电效应dielectric 介电性,介电体free electron 自由电子saturization polarization 饱和极化dielectric constant 介电常数glass 玻璃Seebeck potential 赛贝克(电)势dielectric strength 介电强度hysteresis loop (电)滞回线semiconductor 半导体domain (电)畴insulator 绝缘体spontaneous polarization 自发极化drift velocity 漂移速率intrinsic semiconductor 本征半导体superconductor 超导体electric permittivity 电容率,介电常数metal 金属temperature coefficient of resistivity 电阻率温度系数electrical conduction 电导negative charge carrier 负载流子electrical field strength 电场强度Ohm’s law 欧姆定律thermocouple 热(电)偶electrically poled 电极化的orbital 轨道transducer 变(转)换器/换能器electron 电子paraelectric 顺电性的valence band 价带electron hole 电子空穴Pauli exclusion principle 泡利不相容原理voltage 电压commonality (特点等的)共有,共同特点,共性in light of 按照,根据manifestation 显示,表明,表现,表现形式,现象give way to 让路(步),退让,让位,屈服spacing 间隔(距)abstract 抽象reciprocal 倒数的mobility 迁移率drift 漂移precisely 正好地hypothetical 假(设)定的delocalize 使离开原位extension 扩展(充)pseudocontinuous 准连续的nature 自然状态conductive to 有助(益)的on the order of (数值)相当于,大约,数量级为,跟相似的accessibility 能进入(的),可得到(的)inability 无能(力)attribute to 归结于agitation 扰动wave packet 波包(群)irregularity 不规则,无规律reminiscent 回忆往事的,提醒的,暗示的ultimately 最后(终)于trace 追溯,上溯ambient 周围的(环境)tabulate 把......制成表格,列表finite 有限的empirical 经验的ironically 冷嘲的,具有讽刺意味的,用反语的,挖苦的,令人啼笑皆非的synchronization 同时发生,同步cooperative 配合account for 解释,占多少比例speculation 思索cryogenic 低温学的appreciable 可评估的,可感知的breakdown 崩溃,击穿subsection 细分asymmetrical 不对称的dipole 偶极子polarization 极化crystallographic 晶体的,晶体学的at the expense of 以…..为代价symmetrical 对称的exaggerate 夸张(大)extrapolate 推断(知),外推induce 诱导prefix 前缀intriguing 引起? 的兴趣(或好奇心)stem from 由…引起的,产生(起源、归因于),出身于constrain 强迫,抑制,约束straightforward 简单,易懂的ensuring 确保,保证pseudo-single crystal 准单晶consolidate 加固,使合成一体transmitter 变送器,发射机oscillation 振动megahertz MHzChapter 12acceptor level 受主能级device 元件impurity 杂质amorphous semiconductor 无定形半导体diode 二极管intrinsic semiconductor 本征半导体amplifier 放大器donor level 施主能级microcircuit 微电路Arrheniusbehavior Arrhenius行为dopant 掺杂剂n-type semiconductor ??n型半导体base 基极drain 漏极p-n junction? ??p-n结carrier mobility 载流子迁移(率)electron hole 电子空穴p-type semiconductor? p型半导体chalcogenide 硫族(属)化物emitter 发射极rectifier 整流器charge 电荷energy band gap 能隙reverse bias ?反向偏置charge carrier ??载流子exhaustion range 耗尽区saturation range 饱和区charge density 电荷密度extrinsic semiconductor 非本征半导体source 源极chip (基)片Fermi function 费米函数thermal activation 热激活collector 集电极Fermi level 费米能级III-V compound III-V化合物compound semiconductor 化合物半导体field-effect transistor (FET) 场效应晶体管II-VI compound II-VI化合物conduction band 导带forward bias 正向偏置transistor 晶体管conduction electron 传导电子gate 栅极valence band 价带conductivity 传导率Hall effect 霍尔效应clustered 丛生,成群overlap 交迭activation 活化,激活occurrence 发生,出现,事件,发生的事情dominate 支配,占优势semilog 半对数的ambient 周围(环境)的phosphorus 磷plateau 平原/平台compensation 补(赔)偿intimate 亲密at right angle 成直角sideways 侧(横)向in order 整齐,状态良好,适应on the average 平均,按平均数计算,一般地说zinc blende 闪锌矿counterpart 配对物threshold 开始(端),极限photovoltaic 光电nondepletable 耗不尽的silane 硅烷xerography 静电复印术photoconductive 光敏polarization 极化herald 先驱,先兆excess 过量的,额外的,附加的overshoot 过冲distort 畸变,使失真Chapter 13antiparallel spin pairing 反平行(电子)对 domain (bloch) wall 畴壁 flux density 通量(磁力线)密度 eddy current 涡流garnet 石榴子石 Bohr magneton 玻尔磁子 electron spin 电子自旋 hard magnet 硬(永)磁铁(体) ceramic magnet 陶瓷磁铁(体)energy loss 能(量)损(失) hysteresis loop (磁)滞回线 coercive field 矫顽(磁)场 exchange interaction 交互作用induction 感应(诱导) coercive force矫顽(磁)力ferrimagnetism 铁氧体磁性,(亚)铁磁性 inverse spinel 反尖晶石diamagnetism 抗(反)磁性 ferrite 铁氧体,铁素体 Joule heating 焦耳热 domain structure 畴结构ferromagnetism 铁磁性magnetic dipole 磁偶极子 magnetic field 磁场metallic magnet 金属磁体 soft magnet 软(暂时)磁体(铁)magnetic field strength 磁场强度 paramagnetism 顺磁性 spinel 尖晶石 magnetic flux line 磁通量(力)线permanent magnet 永(久)磁体 superconducting magnet 超导磁体 magnetic moment 磁矩 permeability 导磁性(率)textured micostructure 织构 magnetism 磁性 preferred orientation 择优取向 transition metal 过渡金属magnetite 磁铁矿(石)relative permeability 相对(磁)导率 transition metal ion 过渡金属离子magnetization 磁化 remanent induction 剩余感应 YIG 钇铁石榴子石 Magnetoplumbite 磁铅石,磁铁铅矿saturation induction 饱和感应nomenclature 命名 routinely 常规,惯例 counterpart 对手 modest 小的 reversible 可逆的 traced out 探寻踪(轨)迹primitive 原始的,早期的,开始的,基本的,简单的visualize 目测,观察,设想 relativistic 相对论的aligned 排列好的 distinction (差)区别,特性tetrahedrally 四面体的 octahedrally 八面体的inventory 清单,目录 cancellation 抵(取)消traverse 在?? 上来回移动,沿? 来回移动 flunctuate 波动,涨落,起伏,动摇不定 ingot 铸模,铸块,锭 fidelity 保真 Samarium 钐 Alnico 磁钢 simultaneously 同时发生的 product? (乘)积 solenoid 螺线管 deflection 偏转interchangeably 可交(互)换的,可代替的gem 宝石 dodecahedral 十二面体的 waveguide 波导hexagonal 六方晶系的 strontium 锶 fortuitous 偶然的,幸运的 perovskite 钙钛矿availability 利用(或获得)的可能性 levitation 悬浮Chapter 1alloy 合金atomic-scale architecture 原子尺度结构(构造)brittle 脆性的ceramic 陶瓷composite 复合材料concrete 混凝土conductor? 导体crystalline? 晶态的devitrified 反玻璃化的(晶化的)ductility (可)延(展)性,可锻性electronic and magnetic material? 电子和磁性材料element 元素fiberglass 玻璃钢glass 玻璃glass-ceramic 玻璃陶瓷/微晶玻璃insulator 绝缘体Chapter 11capacitor 电容器electron-hole pair 电子-空穴对piezoelectric coupling coefficient 压电耦合系数ceramic 陶瓷electronic conduction 电子传导piezoelectric effect 压电效应charge carrier 载流子energy band 能带polymer 聚合物charge density 电荷密度energy band gap 能隙positive charge carrier 正载流子coercive field 矫顽(电)场energy level 能级PZT 锆钛酸铅conduction band 导带extrinsic semiconductor 非本征半导体remanent polarization 剩余极化conductivity 传导率materials science and engineering 材料科学与工程materials selection 材料选择metallic 金属的microcircuitry 微电路microscopic-scale architecture微观尺度结构(构造)noncrystalline 非晶态的nonmetallic 非金属的oxide 氧化物periodic table 周期表plastic 塑性的、塑料polyethylene 聚乙烯polymer 聚合物property 性能(质)refractory 耐火材料、耐火的semiconductor 半导体silica 石英、二氧化硅silicate 硅酸盐silicon 硅steel 钢structural material 结构材料 Fermi function 费米函数 resistivity 电阻率 conductor 导体 Fermi level 费米能级 resistance 电阻 current 电流 ferroelectric 铁电性 reverse piezoelectric effect 逆压电效应 dielectric 介电性,介电体 free electron 自由电子 saturization polarization 饱和极化 dielectric constant 介电常数 glass 玻璃 Seebeck potential 赛贝克(电)势 dielectric strength 介电强度 hysteresis loop (电)滞回线 semiconductor 半导体 domain (电)畴 insulator 绝缘体wood 木材Chapter 7aluminum alloy 铝合金gray iron 灰口铁amorphous metal 无定形金属high-alloy steel 高合金钢austenitic stainless steel 奥氏体不锈钢high-strength low-alloy steel 高强度低合金钢Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值Hooke’s law 胡克定律carbon steel 碳钢impact energy 冲击能cast iron 铸铁lead alloy 铅合金Charpy test Charpy试验low-alloy steel 低合金钢cold working 冷作加工lower yield point 屈服点下限spontaneous polarization 自发极化drift velocity 漂移速率intrinsic semiconductor 本征半导体superconductor 超导体electric permittivity 电容率,介电常数metal 金属temperature coefficient of resistivity 电阻率温度系数electrical conduction 电导negative charge carrier 负载流子electrical field strength 电场强度Ohm’s law 欧姆定律thermocouple 热(电)偶electrically poled 电极化的orbital 轨道transducer 变(转)换器/换能器electron 电子paraelectric 顺电性的copper alloy 铜合金magnesium alloy 镁合金creep curve 蠕变曲线malleable iron 可锻铸铁primary stage 第一(初期)阶段martensitic stainless steel 马氏体不锈钢secondary stage 第二阶段modulus of elasticity 弹性模量tertiary(final)? stage 第三(最后)阶段modulus of rigidity 刚性模量dislocation climb 位错攀(爬)移nickel alloy 镍合金ductile iron 球墨铸铁nickel-aluminum superalloy 镍铝超合金ductile-to-brittle transition temperature 韧性-脆性转变温度nonferrous alloy 非铁合金valence band 价带electron hole 电子空穴Pauli exclusion principle 泡利不相容原理voltage 电压commonality (特点等的)共有,共同特点,共性in light of 按照,根据manifestation 显示,表明,表现,表现形式,现象give way to 让路(步),退让,让位,屈服spacing 间隔(距)abstract 抽象reciprocal 倒数的mobility 迁移率drift 漂移precisely 正好地hypothetical 假(设)定的delocalize 使离开原位extension 扩展(充)pseudocontinuous 准连续的ductility (可)延(展)性,可锻性 plastic deformation 塑性变形 elastic deformation 弹性变形 Poission’s ratio 泊松比engineering strain 工程应变precious metal 贵金属engineering stress 工程应力 precipitation-hardened stainless steel 沉淀(脱溶)硬化不锈钢 fatigue curve 疲劳曲线rapidly solidified alloy 速凝合金/快速固化合金 fatigue strength (endurance limit) 疲劳强度(耐久极限) refractory? metal 耐火(高温)金属 ferritic stainless steel 铁素体不锈钢 Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度 ferrous alloy 铁基合金 shear modulus 剪(切)模量 nature 自然状态conductive to 有助(益)的 on the order of (数值)相当于,大约,数量级为,跟相似的 accessibility 能进入(的),可得到(的) inability 无能(力) attribute to 归结于agitation 扰动wave packet 波包(群) irregularity 不规则,无规律 reminiscent 回忆往事的,提醒的,暗示的ultimately 最后(终)于 trace 追溯,上溯ambient 周围的(环境)tabulate 把......制成表格,列表 finite 有限的empirical 经验的ironically 冷嘲的,具有讽刺意味的,用反语的,挖苦的,令人啼笑皆非的fracture mechanics 断裂机制 shear strain 剪(切)应变fracture toughness 断裂韧性shear stress 剪(切)应力 gage length 标距(长度),计量长度,有效长度 solution hardening 固溶强化 galvanization 电镀,镀锌steel 钢strain hardening 应变强化white iron 白铁,白口铁superalloy 超合金 wrought alloy 可锻(锻造、轧制)合金tensile strength 拉伸强度yield point 屈服点titanium alloy 钛合金yield strength 屈服强度tool steel 工具钢Young’s modulus 杨氏模量toughness 韧性zinc alloy 锌合金 synchronization 同时发生,同步 cooperative 配合 account for 解释,占多少比例 speculation 思索cryogenic 低温学的appreciable 可评估的,可感知的 breakdown 崩溃,击穿 subsection 细分 asymmetrical 不对称的 dipole 偶极子 polarization 极化 crystallographic 晶体的,晶体学的at the expense of 以…..为代价 symmetrical 对称的 exaggerate 夸张(大) extrapolate 推断(知),外推 induce 诱导 prefix 前缀 intriguing 引起? 的兴趣(或好奇心) stem from 由…引起的,产生(起upper yield point 屈服点上限Chapter 8annealing point 退火点linear coefficient of thermal expansion线性热膨胀系数refractory 耐火材料borosilicate glass 硼硅酸盐玻璃expansion 膨胀silicate 硅酸盐brittle fracture 脆性断裂magnetic ceramic 磁性陶瓷silicate glass 硅酸盐玻璃clay 粘土melting range 熔化(温度)范围soda-lime silica glass 钠钙硅酸盐玻璃color 颜色modulus of rupture 断裂模量softening point 软化点cosine law 余弦定律network former 网络形成体源、归因于),出身于constrain 强迫,抑制,约束straightforward 简单,易懂的ensuring 确保,保证pseudo-single crystal 准单晶consolidate 加固,使合成一体transmitter 变送器,发射机oscillation 振动megahertz MHzChapter 12acceptor level 受主能级device 元件impurity 杂质amorphous semiconductor 无定形半导体diode 二极管intrinsic semiconductor 本征半导体amplifier 放大器donor level 施主能级microcircuit 微电路specular reflection 镜面反射creep 蠕变netwrok modifier 网络修饰体/网络外体static fatigue 静态疲劳crystalline ceramic 晶态陶瓷nonoxide ceramic 非氧化物陶瓷structural clay product 粘土类结构制品diffuse reflection 漫反射nonsilicate glass 非硅酸盐玻璃surface gloss 表面光泽E-glass 电子玻璃(E玻璃)nonsilicate oxide ceramic 非硅酸盐氧化物陶瓷tempered glass 钢化玻璃electronic ceramic 电子陶瓷nuclear ceramic 核用陶瓷thermal conductivity 热传导率enamel 搪瓷nucleate 成(形)核Arrhenius behavior Arrhenius 行为dopant 掺杂剂n-type semiconductor ??n型半导体base 基极drain 漏极p-n junction? ??p-n结carrier mobility 载流子迁移(率)electron hole 电子空穴p-type semiconductor? p型半导体chalcogenide 硫族(属)化物emitter 发射极rectifier 整流器charge 电荷energy band gap 能隙reverse bias ?反向偏置charge carrier ??载流子exhaustion range 耗尽区saturation range 饱和区thermal shock 热震Fourier’s law 傅立叶定律Opacity 乳浊transformation toughening 相变增韧fracture toughness 断裂韧性optical property 光学性质translucency 半透明Fresnel’s formula Fresnel公式partially stabilized zirconia ??部分稳定氧化锆transparency 透明glass 玻璃polar diagram 极坐标图viscosity 粘度glass-ceramic 玻璃陶瓷/微晶玻璃pottery 陶器(制造术)viscous deformation 粘性变形glass transition temperature 玻璃转变温度pure oxide 纯氧化物charge density 电荷密度extrinsic semiconductor 非本征半导体source 源极chip (基)片Fermi function 费米函数thermal activation 热激活collector 集电极Fermi level 费米能级III-V compound III-V化合物compound semiconductor 化合物半导体field-effect transistor (FET) 场效应晶体管II-VI compound II-VI化合物conduction band 导带forward bias 正向偏置transistor 晶体管conduction electron 传导电子gate 栅极valence band 价带conductivity 传导率vitreous silica 无定形二氧化硅/石英玻璃glaze 釉reflectance 反射(率)whiteware 白瓷Griffith crack model Griffith裂纹模型refractive index 折射率working range 工作(温度)范围intermediate 中间体/中间的Chapter 9Chapter 10admixture 外加剂fiberglass 玻璃钢metal-matrix composite 金属基复合材料aggregate 聚集体fiber-reinforced composite 纤维增强复合材料particulate composite 颗粒复合Hall effect 霍尔效应clustered 丛生,成群overlap 交迭activation 活化,激活occurrence 发生,出现,事件,发生的事情dominate 支配,占优势semilog 半对数的ambient 周围(环境)的phosphorus 磷plateau 平原/平台compensation 补(赔)偿intimate 亲密at right angle 成直角sideways 侧(横)向in order 整齐,状态良好,适应on the average 平均,按平均数计算,一般地说zinc blende 闪锌矿counterpart 配对物threshold 开始(端),极限photovoltaic 光电材料aggregate composite 聚集体复合材料hardwood 硬质木材polymer-matrix composite 聚合物基复合材料anisotropic 各向异性hemicellulose 半纤维素portland cement 波特兰水泥cement 水泥interfacial strength 界面结合强度property averaging 性能平均ceramic-matrix composite 陶瓷基复合材料isostrain 等应变radial cell 径向细胞concrete 混凝土isotress 等应力softwood 软质木材continuous fiber 连续纤维isotropic 各向同性nondepletable 耗不尽的silane 硅烷xerography 静电复印术photoconductive 光敏polarization 极化herald 先驱,先兆excess 过量的,额外的,附加的overshoot 过冲distort 畸变,使失真Chapter 13antiparallel spin pairing 反平行(电子)对domain (bloch) wall 畴壁flux density 通量(磁力线)密度eddy current 涡流garnet 石榴子石Bohr magneton 玻尔磁子electron spin 电子自旋hard magnet 硬(永)磁铁(体)ceramic magnet 陶瓷磁铁(体)specific strength 比强度discrete (chopped) fiber 不连续(短切)纤维laminate 层状的strength-to-weight ratio 强度质量比率dispersion-strengthened metal 弥散强化金属lignin 木质素whisker 晶须longitudinal cell 经向(纵向)纤维wood 木材woven fabric 纺织构造E-glass 电子玻璃matrix 基质(体)philosophy 基本原理cross over 交叉,穿过,跨越restriction 限制(定)configuration 构造(形式),结构align 使成一直线(一行)energy loss 能(量)损(失)hysteresis loop (磁)滞回线coercive field 矫顽(磁)场exchange interaction 交互作用induction 感应(诱导)coercive force矫顽(磁)力ferrimagnetism 铁氧体磁性,(亚)铁磁性inverse spinel 反尖晶石diamagnetism 抗(反)磁性ferrite 铁氧体,铁素体Joule heating 焦耳热domain structure 畴结构ferromagnetism 铁磁性magnetic dipole 磁偶极子magnetic field 磁场metallic magnet 金属磁体soft magnet 软(暂时)磁体(铁)magnetic field strength 磁场强度paramagnetism 顺磁性spinel 尖晶石elongate 拉长(的)/延伸(的) aggregate 集料,粒料,骨料 chop 切utility 效用,实用,功用in regard for 考虑到 cite 引用(证、述),援引,列举,举出(例),提到,谈到 embed 埋置,把? 嵌入(或插入)dielectric 电介质implication 含意(义)epoxy 环氧树脂polyester 聚酯 polyetheretherketone (PEEK) 聚醚酮醚 polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) 聚苯亚砜entrant 新到者requisite 必需的imitate 仿 deciduous 每年落叶的,非永久的 magnetic flux line 磁通量(力)线permanent magnet 永(久)磁体 superconducting magnet 超导磁体magnetic moment 磁矩 permeability 导磁性(率) textured micostructure 织构 magnetism 磁性 preferred orientation 择优取向 transition metal 过渡金属 magnetite 磁铁矿(石) relative permeability 相对(磁)导率transition metal ion 过渡金属离子magnetization 磁化 remanent induction 剩余感应 YIG 钇铁石榴子石 Magnetoplumbite 磁铅石,磁铁铅矿saturation induction 饱和感应commonality 共性,共同特点dramatic 生动的vertically 竖直地,直立地longitudinal 经度的,纵向的sap 树液cellulose 纤维素alignment 直线排列phenol-propane 苯酚-丙烷manifest 显示,出现,显露dimension 尺寸specify 详细说明staggering 令人惊愕的igneous 火成的inspection 检查,视察interstice 空隙,裂缝enclose 包围,封闭entrain 混(气泡)于混凝土中entrap 截留的,夹杂的thaw 融化(解),解冻identify 认识,鉴定,确定generality 一般(性),一般原则,普遍(性),通则nomenclature 命名routinely 常规,惯例counterpart 对手modest 小的reversible 可逆的traced out 探寻踪(轨)迹primitive 原始的,早期的,开始的,基本的,简单的visualize 目测,观察,设想relativistic 相对论的aligned 排列好的distinction (差)区别,特性tetrahedrally 四面体的octahedrally 八面体的inventory 清单,目录cancellation 抵(取)消traverse 在?? 上来回移动,沿? 来回移动flunctuate 波动,涨落,起伏,动摇不定ingot 铸模,铸块,锭fidelity 保真consistent with 与一致emphasis 强调,重点,重要性axially 轴向weighted average 加权平均elementary 基本的reverse 相反的rigorous 严格的,严密的,精确的bound 限度take for granted 被忽略(视)communicate 传达,传递deflect 偏转unless otherwise state 除非另外说明appreciation 正确评价,鉴别substantial 多的,大的,大量的offset 弥补,抵消,偏移assembly 装配,组装,总成Samarium 钐Alnico 磁钢simultaneously 同时发生的product? (乘)积solenoid 螺线管deflection 偏转interchangeably 可交(互)换的,可代替的gem 宝石dodecahedral 十二面体的waveguide 波导hexagonal 六方晶系的strontium 锶fortuitous 偶然的,幸运的perovskite 钙钛矿availability 利用(或获得)的可能性levitation 悬浮application 应用mechanical property 力学性能constitute 组成stress 压力strain 应变hardness 硬度impact strength 冲击抗强度fracture toughness 断裂韧度fatigue 疲劳creep 蠕变/ 徐变ferrite 铁素体matrix 基体ductility 延展性corrosion resistance 抗腐蚀性alloying element 合金元素cast iron 铸铁brittleness 脆性spheroidal 类似球体的toughness 韧性tensile strength 抗张强度embrittling 使脆化metastable 亚稳的wear resistance 耐磨性abrasion 磨损superconducting 超导(电)的superplastic 超塑性的superalloys 超耐热合金light-sensitive 感光的elastic limit 弹性极限yield strength 屈服强度crack 裂缝crystalline 晶体elastomer 弹性体metal 金属microcrystalline 微晶的ceramic 陶瓷microstructure 微观结构chemical 化学的nano ceramic 纳米陶瓷chemical bond 化学键non-crystal 非晶体composite 复合材料composition 组成conductivity 导电性cost 成本physical property 物理性能defect structure 缺陷electron microscopy 电子显微镜engineering 工程semiconductor 半导体expansion 膨胀smart Ceramics 机敏陶瓷experiment 实验sintering 烧结fiber 纤维structure 结构synthesis 合成glass 玻璃technology 工艺temperature 温度thermal shock 热冲击inorganic 无机的thermal stability 热稳定性admixture 外加剂hydration 水化clay 粘土refractory 耐火材料reinforcement 增强sample 样品crystalline modification 晶型转化drying 干燥sand 砂polymer 聚合物thermosetting 热硬化性的thermoplastic 热塑性的organic 有机的concrete 混凝土cement 水泥brick 砖masonry 石质的calcium silicate 硅酸盐aggregate 骨料insulation 绝热coarse 粗的characterization 特性oxide 氧化物coal 煤powder 粉末process 加工furnace 熔炉formation 成型test 测试water 水alloy 合金fabrication 制备resin 树脂solder 焊接, 焊料crystal boundary 晶界torsion 扭转treatment 处理。



n 106,hn ) ag10 1 C ia
Ab t a t P ae f rb s u k meal ls r r p r d b l s u t a t g meh d a d sr c : lt so — a e b l tl c ga swe e p e a e y met p r c si t o , n Z i n h y a cme h n c l r p r f r5 l 5 u 0 a n e t td B lw t ls r s— t e d n mi c a ia p o e y o e Z 5A1 NiC 3 w si v sia e . eo e g a st n i t h t 0 g h a
大 学 学 报
Vo . 9 No. I2 3
20 0 8年 6月
Jn 20 u .0 8
N t n lL b rtr rMaei sS i n e I s tt fMe a R s ac T e C ie eAc d my o c e c s S e y a i a a o ao yf tra c e c ,n t u eo t e e r h, h h n s a e f in e , h n ・ o o l i l S
( 联合) 实验室 , 辽宁 沈阳 10 1 ) 10 6
摘 要: 采用熔体喷铸的方法制备 了板状非晶合金 z A N u 研究 了 Z5 1 N u J i 。 c r A i 的动态力学性 。 C
能. 实验结果表 明: 在玻璃转 变温度 以下, 大量原子仍处于“ 冻结” 状态 , 原子运动微弱 , 内耗较小 ; 在过冷




















四、模拟过程与结果分析1. 模型构建与初始条件设定首先,我们构建了Zr50Cu50非晶合金的初始模型,设定了合适的温度、压力和边界条件。


2. 变形过程模拟在模拟过程中,我们对非晶合金模型施加了外力,使其发生变形。


3. 结果分析通过分析模拟结果,我们发现Zr50Cu50非晶合金在变形过程中表现出明显的剪切带形成和扩展现象。















三、Zr50Cu50非晶合金的变形行为1. 模拟过程与参数设置在模拟过程中,我们首先对Zr50Cu50非晶合金模型进行了能量最小化处理,以获得稳定的初始结构。



2. 变形过程中的微观结构变化在拉伸过程中,我们观察到Zr50Cu50非晶合金的微观结构发生了明显的变化。





3. 变形行为的特征与力学性能通过分析模拟结果,我们发现在拉伸过程中,Zr50Cu50非晶合金表现出了一定的塑性变形能力。






探寻历史真相:《福》的历史再现研究(英文) 高性能纳滤膜及其超滤基膜的制备与分离性能研究
一种支撑式面外弯曲阻尼器理论及试验研究 《文汇报》文艺副刊群研究(1945.9-1947.5) 基于TiO2介观晶体的电致化学发光生物传感研究
水声多跳协作通信网络路由协议研究 基于后修饰磁性共价有机框架纳米材料的蛋白质组分离分析研究
邱雨微 师利娟 金鑫 林震 陆剑峰 林羚 郑红利 汤煜荧 高超鸿 王琳 徐冲 廖振龙 陈雯 马星星
生物学 数学 外国语言文学 化学工程与技术 土木工程 中国语言文学 化学 海洋科学 化学 机械工程 化学工程与技术 材料科学与工程 数学 化学
多功能碳纳米粒子的制备及其在肿瘤诊断和光学治疗中的应用 四次非线性Fujimoto-Watanabe系列方程的非线性波解及其动力学研究
关于度量空间的近似紧映像与几乎s映像 聚类Knockoff方法控制FDR的高维变量选择 "明清戏曲的海洋书写——以海洋政治为主线的考察" 水化作用对崩岗土体胀缩特性的影响研究 外泌体中环状 RNA Circ-CDYL 在早期肝癌中的作用及机制研究 目标和情境的情绪特征对前瞻记忆意向后效应的影响 水溶液法制备硫硒化锑薄膜及其电池性能研究
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《机械设计基础》常用单词中英文对照- common words in Basis of Mechanical Designing一画1.V带V belt2.力force3.力矩moment4.工作载荷serving load5.干摩擦dry friction6.飞轮flier, flywheel7.内圈inner ring8切向键tangential key9.切应力tangential stress10.切削cutting11.双头螺柱stud12.尺寸dimension13.尺寸公差dimensional tolerance14.计算载荷calculating load15.主动轴drive shaft16.凸轮cam17.加工working18.半圆键half round key19.外圈outer ring.20.失效failure21.尼龙nylon22.平键flat key23.打滑slippage24.正火normalizing treatment25.正应力normal stress26.优化设计optimum design27.冲压punching28.动平衡dynamic balance29动载荷moving load30.压力pressure31.压应力compressive stress32压强pressure intensity33.压缩compress34.压缩应力compressive stress35.合金钢alloy steel36.向心轴承centripetal stress37.向心推力轴承centripetal thrust bearing38.导向键guide key39.导轨guide track40当量动载荷equivalent dynamic load41.曲柄 crank42.曲轴crank axle43.曲率半径curvature radius44.有色金属non ferrous metal45.机构mechanism46.机架framework47.机座machine base48.机械machine49.机械加工mechanical working50.机械零件machine element51.机器machine52.灰铸铁gray cast iron53.自锁self locking54.行星轮系planetary gear train55.许用应力allowable stress56.防松locking57.刨削planning58.寿命life59.应力stress60.应力集中stress concentration61.应变strain62.扭转torsion63扭转角angle of torsion64.抗压强度compression strength65抗拉强度tensile strength66.抗弯强度bending strength67.材料material68.极限应力limit stress69.极惯性矩polar moment of inertial70.花键spline71.连杆connecting rod72.周转轮系epicyclic gear train73.屈服强度yield strength74.底板base plate75.底座underframe76.径向力radial force77.径向当量动载荷radial equivalent dynamic load78.径向轴承journal bearing79.径向基本额定动载荷radial elementary rated life80.性能performance81.承载量load carrying capacity82.拉力pulling force83.拉伸tension84.拉伸应力tensile stress85.油膜oil film86.泊松比Poisson’s ratio87.直径diameter88.空心轴hollow axle89.空气轴承air bearing90表面处理surface treatment91.表面淬火surface quenching92转矩torque93.金属材料metallic material94.青铜合金bronze alloy95.非金属材料non metallic material96.齿轮gear97.齿轮模数module of gear teeth98.齿数tooth number99.保持架holding frame100.变应力dynamic stress101.变形deflection, deformation102.变载荷dynamic load103.轮系gear train104.垫片shim105.垫圈washer106.复合材料composite material107.带传动belt driving108.弯曲bend109.弯曲应力bending stress110.弯曲强度bending strength111.弯矩bending moment112.挡圈retaining ring113.残余应力residual stress114.残余变形residual deformation115.点蚀pitting116.相对运动relative motion117.相对滑动relative sliding118.相对滚动relative rolling motion119.矩形花键square key120.结构structure121.结构设计structural design121.结构钢structural steel122.耐磨性wearing quality123.脉动循环应力repeated stress124.轴shaft125.轴瓦bushing126.轴向力axial force127.轴向当量动载荷axial equivalent dynamic load 128.轴向基本额定动载荷axial elementary rated life129.轴承bearing130.轴承合金bearing metal131.轴承油沟grooves in bearing132.轴承衬bearing bush133.轴承座bearing block134.轴承盖bearing cap135.轴环axle ring136.轴肩shaft neck137.轴套shaft sleeve138.退刀槽tool escape139.钢材steel140.钩头楔键gib head key150.钩头螺栓gib head bolt151.挺杆tappet, tapper152.圆柱销cylindrical pin153.圆锥销cone pin154.圆螺母circular nut155.流体动力润滑hydrodynamic lubrication 156.流体静力润滑hydrostatic lubrication 157.润滑lubrication158.润滑油膜lubricant film159.热处理heat treatment160.热平衡heat balance161.疲劳fatigue162.疲劳失效fatigue failure163.疲劳寿命fatigue Life164.疲劳强度fatigue strength165.疲劳裂纹fatigue cracking166.离合器clutch167.紧定螺钉tightening screw168.胶合seizing of teeth169.能量energy170.脆性材料brittle material171.调质钢quenched and tempered steel 172.载荷load173.载荷谱load spectrum174.通用零件universal element175.速度velocity176.部件parts177.铆接riveting178.陶瓷ceramics179.预紧pretighten180.高速传动轴high speed drive shaft181.偏心载荷eccentric load182.偏转角deflection angle183.减速器reductor184.剪切应力shearing stress185.剪切应力shear stress186.基本额定动载荷elementary rated dynamic load 187.基本额定寿命elementary rated life188.密封seal189.密度density190.弹性变形elastic deformation191.弹性流体动力润滑elastohydrodynamic lubrication 192.弹性啮合elastic engagement193.弹性滑动elastic slippage194.弹性模量modulus of elasticity195.弹簧spring196.弹簧垫圈spring washer197.惯性力inertial force198.惯性矩moment of inertia199.接触应力contact stress200.接触角Contact Angle201.推力轴承thrust bearing202.断裂break203.液压hydraulic pressure204.混合润滑mixed lubrication205.渐开线花键involute spline206.焊接welding207.球形阀globe valve208.球墨铸铁nodular cast iron209.粗糙度roughness210.铜合金copper alloy211.铝合金aluminum alloy212.铰链hinge213.黄铜brass214.剩余预紧力residual initial tightening load215.喷丸sand blast216.强度strength217.强度极限ultimate strength218.最小油膜厚度minimum film thickness219.棘轮传动ratchet wheel220.滑动轴承sliding bearing221.滑块slide block222.滑键slide key223硬度hardness224.联轴器coupling225.装配assembly226.铸件casting227.铸钢cast steel228.铸造cast229.铸铁cast iron230.铸铝cast aluminum231.链chain232.链轮chain wheel233.销pin234.销钉联接pin connection235.塑性材料ductile material236.塑性变形plastic deformation 237.塑料plastics238.摇杆rocker239.楔键wedge key240.滚动体Rolling Body241.滚动轴承rolling bearing242.滚压rolling243.滚珠丝杆ball leading screw 244.锡青铜tin bronze245.锥形阀cone valve246.键key247.键槽keyways248.碳化carbonization249.碳素钢carbon steel250.稳定性stability251.腐蚀corrosion252.锻件forged piece253.锻钢forged steel254.锻造forging255.静压轴承hydrostatic bearing 256.静应力steady stress257.静载荷/应力static load/stress 258.摩擦friction259.摩擦力friction force260.摩擦功friction work261.摩擦系数friction coefficient 262.摩擦角friction angle263.摩擦学tribology264.槽轮sheave wheel265.橡胶rubber266.箱体box267.磨削grinding268.磨损wear269.磨损过程wear process270.螺母nut271.螺纹screw272.螺纹threads273.螺纹联接threaded and coupled 274.螺钉pitch275.螺栓bolt276.螺栓联接bolting277.螺旋传动screw-driven机械设计名词术语中英对照机械设计名词术语中英文对照表Chinese English阿基米德蜗杆Archimedes worm安全系数safety factor; factor of safety安全载荷safe load凹面、凹度concavity扳手wrench板簧flat leaf spring半圆键woodruff key变形deformation摆杆oscillating bar摆动从动件oscillating follower摆动从动件凸轮机构cam with oscillating follower 摆动导杆机构oscillating guide-bar mechanism摆线齿轮cycloidal gear摆线齿形cycloidal tooth profile摆线运动规律cycloidal motion摆线针轮cycloidal-pin wheel包角angle of contact保持架cage背对背安装back-to-back arrangement背锥back cone ;normal cone背锥角back angle背锥距back cone distance比例尺scale比热容specific heat capacity闭式链closed kinematic chain闭链机构closed chain mechanism臂部arm变频器frequency converters变频调速frequency control of motor speed变速speed change变速齿轮change gear ; change wheel变位齿轮modified gear变位系数modification coefficient标准齿轮standard gear标准直齿轮standard spur gear表面质量系数superficial mass factor表面传热系数surface coefficient of heat transfer 表面粗糙度surface roughness并联式组合combination in parallel并联机构parallel mechanism并联组合机构parallel combined mechanism并行工程concurrent engineering并行设计concurred design, CD不平衡相位phase angle of unbalance不平衡imbalance (or unbalance)不平衡量amount of unbalance不完全齿轮机构intermittent gearing波发生器wave generator波数number of waves补偿compensation参数化设计parameterization design, PD残余应力residual stress操纵及控制装置operation control device槽轮Geneva wheel槽轮机构Geneva mechanism ;Maltese cross 槽数Geneva numerate槽凸轮groove cam侧隙backlash差动轮系differential gear train差动螺旋机构differential screw mechanism差速器differential常用机构conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use车床lathe承载量系数bearing capacity factor承载能力bearing capacity成对安装paired mounting尺寸系列dimension series齿槽tooth space齿槽宽spacewidth齿侧间隙backlash齿顶高addendum齿顶圆addendum circle齿根高dedendum《机械设计基础》常用单词中英文对照寿命life应力stress应力集中stress concentration应变strain扭转torsion扭转角angle of torsion抗压强度compression strength抗拉强度tensile strength抗弯强度bending strength材料material极限应力limit stress极惯性矩polar moment of inertial花键spline连杆connecting rod周转轮系epicyclic gear train屈服强度yield strength底板base plate底座underframe径向力radial force径向当量动载荷radial equivalent dynamic load 径向轴承journal bearing径向基本额定动载荷radial elementary rated life 性能performance承载量load carrying capacity拉力pulling force拉伸tension拉伸应力tensile stress油膜oil film泊松比Poisson’s ratio直径diameter空心轴hollow axle空气轴承air bearing表面处理surface treatment表面淬火surface quenching转矩torque金属材料metallic material青铜合金bronze alloy非金属材料non metallic material齿轮gear齿轮模数module of gear teeth齿数tooth number保持架holding frame变应力dynamic stress变形deflection, deformation变载荷dynamic load。



材料的类型T‎y pes of materi‎a ls, metals‎, cerami‎c s, polyme‎r s, compos‎i t es, elasto‎m er 部分材料性质‎复习Revi‎e w of select‎e d proper‎t ies of materi‎a ls,电导率和电阻‎率condu‎c tivit‎y and resist‎ivity,热导率the‎rmal conduc‎t ivity‎,应力和应变s‎t ress and strain‎,弹性应变el‎a s tic strain‎,塑性应变pl‎a stic strain‎,屈服强度yi‎e ld streng‎th,最大抗拉强度‎u l t ima‎t e tensil‎e streng‎t h,最大强度ul‎t imate‎streng‎t h,延展性duc‎t ility‎,伸长率elo‎n gatio‎n,断面收缩率r‎e ducti‎o n of area,颈缩neck‎ing,断裂强度br‎e aking‎streng‎t h,韧性toug‎h ness,硬度hard‎n ess,疲劳强度fa‎t igue streng‎t h,蜂窝hone‎y comb,热脆性hea‎t shortn‎e ss,晶胞中的原子‎数a toms‎per cell,点阵latt‎ice, 阵点latt‎ice point,点阵参数la‎t tice parame‎t er,密排六方he‎x agona‎l close-packed‎,六方晶胞he‎x agona‎l unit cell,体心立方bo‎dy-center‎e d cubic,面心立方fa‎c e-center‎e d cubic,弥勒指数Mi‎ller indice‎s,晶面crys‎t al plane,晶系crys‎t al system‎,晶向crys‎t al direct‎ion,相变机理Ph‎a se transf‎o rmati‎o n mechan‎ism:成核生长相变‎n uclea‎t ion–growth‎transi‎t ion,斯宾那多分解‎s pinod‎a l decomp‎o sitio‎n,有序无序转变‎d isord‎e red-order transi‎t ion,马氏体相变m‎a rtens‎ite phase transf‎o rmati‎o n,成核nucl‎e ation‎,成核机理nu‎c leati‎o n mechan‎ism,成核势垒nu‎c leati‎o n barrie‎r,晶核,结晶中心nu‎c leus of crysta‎l,(金属组织的)基体quay‎,基体,基块,基质,结合剂mat‎r ix,子晶,雏晶matt‎e d crysta‎l,耔晶,晶种seed‎crysta‎l,耔晶取向se‎e d orient‎a tion,籽晶生长se‎e ded growth‎,均质核化ho‎mogene‎o us nuclea‎tion,异质核化he‎t eroge‎n eous nuclea‎t ion,均匀化热处理‎h omoge‎n izati‎o n heat treatm‎e nt,熟料grog‎,自恰场sel‎f-consis‎t ent field固溶体Sol‎id soluti‎o n:有序固溶体o‎r dered‎solid soluti‎o n,无序固溶体d‎isorde‎r ed solid soluti‎o n,有序合金or‎d ered alloy,无序合金di‎s order‎e d alloy.无序点阵di‎s order‎e d lattic‎e,分散,扩散,弥散disp‎e rsal,分散剂dis‎p ersan‎t,分散剂,添加剂dis‎p ersan‎t additi‎v e,分散剂,弥散剂dis‎p ersan‎t agent缺陷defe‎c t, imperf‎e c tion‎,点缺陷poi‎n t defect‎,线缺陷line defect‎, disloc‎a tion,面缺陷int‎e rface‎defect‎, surfac‎e defect‎,体缺陷vol‎u me defect‎,位错排列di‎s locat‎ion arrang‎ement,位错阵列di‎s locat‎ion array,位错气团di‎s locat‎ion atmosp‎here,位错轴dis‎locati‎o n axis,位错胞dis‎locati‎o n cell,位错爬移di‎s locat‎ion climb,位错滑移di‎s locat‎ion slip, disloc‎a tion moveme‎n t by slip, 位错聚结di‎s locat‎ion coales‎c ence,位错核心能量‎d isloc‎a tion core energy‎,位错裂纹di‎s locat‎ion crack,位错阻尼di‎s locat‎ion dampin‎g,位错密度di‎s locat‎ion densit‎y,体积膨胀vo‎lume dilati‎o n,体积收缩vo‎lume shrink‎a ge,回火temp‎e ring,退火anne‎a ling,退火的,软化的sof‎t ened,软化退火,软化(处理)soften‎ing,淬火quen‎c hing,淬火硬化qu‎enchin‎g harden‎ing,正火norm‎a lizin‎g, normal‎i z atio‎n,退火织构an‎n ealin‎g textur‎e,人工时效ar‎t ifici‎a l aging,细长比asp‎e ct ratio,形变热处理a‎u sform‎ing,等温退火au‎s tempe‎r ing,奥氏体aus‎t enite‎,奥氏体化au‎s tenit‎izing,贝氏体bai‎n ite,马氏体mar‎t ensit‎e,马氏体淬火m‎a rquen‎ch,马氏体退火m‎a rtemp‎e r,马氏体时效钢‎m a ragi‎n g steel,渗碳体cem‎e ntite‎,固溶强化so‎lid soluti‎o n streng‎t henin‎g,钢屑混凝土s‎t eel chips concre‎t e,水玻璃,硅酸钠sod‎ium silica‎t e,水玻璃粘结剂‎s odium‎silica‎t e binder‎,硅酸钠类防水‎剂s odiu‎m silica‎t e waterp‎r oofin‎g agent, 扩散diff‎u sion,扩散系数di‎ffusiv‎ity,相变phas‎e transi‎t ion,烧结sint‎e ring,固相反应so‎lid-phase reacti‎o n,相图与相结构‎p hase diagra‎m s and phase struct‎u res , 相phase‎,组分comp‎onent,自由度fre‎edom,相平衡pha‎s e equili‎b rium,吉布斯相律G‎ibbs phase rule,吉布斯自由能‎G ibbs free energy‎,吉布斯混合能‎G ibbs energy‎of mixing‎,吉布斯熵Gi‎b bs entrop‎y,吉布斯函数G‎ibbs functi‎o n,相平衡pha‎s e balanc‎e,相界phas‎e bounda‎r y,相界线phase bounda‎r y line,相界交联phase bounda‎r y crossl‎inking‎,相界有限交联‎p hase bounda‎r y crossl‎inking‎,相界反应ph‎a se bounda‎ry reacti‎o n,相变phas‎e change‎,相组成pha‎s e compos‎ition,共格相phase-cohere‎n t,金相相组织phase conste‎n tuent‎,相衬phas‎e contra‎s t,相衬显微镜p‎h ase contra‎s t micros‎c ope,相衬显微术p‎h ase contra‎s t micros‎c opy,相分布pha‎s e distri‎b ution‎,相平衡常数p‎h ase equili‎b rium consta‎n t,相平衡图ph‎a se equili‎b rium diagra‎m,相变滞后ph‎a se transi‎t ion lag, Al-Si-O-N系统相关系p‎h ase relati‎o nship‎s in the Al-Si-O-N system‎, 相分离pha‎s e segreg‎a tion, phase separa‎tion,玻璃分相ph‎a se separa‎t ion in glasse‎s,相序phas‎e order, phase sequen‎c e,相稳定性ph‎a se stabil‎ity,相态phas‎e state,相稳定区ph‎a se stabil‎e range,相变温度ph‎a se transi‎t ion temper‎a ture,相变压力ph‎a se transi‎t ion pressu‎r e,同质多晶转变‎p olymo‎r phic transf‎o rmati‎o n,相平衡条件p‎h ase equili‎b rium condit‎ions,显微结构mi‎c rostr‎u cture‎s,不混溶固溶体‎immisc‎ible solid soluti‎o n,转熔型固溶体‎p e rite‎c tic solid soluti‎o n,低共熔体eu‎t ectoi‎d,crysta‎llizat‎ion,不混溶性im‎m iscib‎ility,固态反应so‎lid state reacti‎o n,烧结sint‎e ring,相变机理Ph‎a se transf‎o rmati‎o n mechan‎ism:成核生长相变‎n uclea‎t ion–growth‎transi‎t ion,斯宾那多分解‎s pinod‎a l decomp‎o sitio‎n,有序无序转变‎d isord‎e red-order transi‎t ion,马氏体相变m‎a rtens‎ite phase transf‎o rmati‎o n,成核nucl‎e ation‎,成核机理nu‎c leati‎o n mechan‎ism,成核势垒nu‎c leati‎o n barrie‎r,晶核,结晶中心nu‎c leus of crysta‎l,(金属组织的)基体quay‎,基体,基块,基质,结合剂mat‎r ix,子晶,雏晶matt‎e d crysta‎l,耔晶,晶种seed‎crysta‎l,耔晶取向se‎e d orient‎a tion,籽晶生长se‎e ded growth‎,均质核化ho‎mogene‎o us nuclea‎tion,异质核化he‎t eroge‎n eous nuclea‎t ion,均匀化热处理‎h omoge‎n izati‎o n heat treatm‎e nt,熟料grog‎,。





在0.1 MPa和30 °C条件下,使用氯仿/苯混合液作为润滑液,采用相同材料与磨削片组合进行摩擦磨损试验。









第26卷 第10期2006年10月北京理工大学学报T ransactions of Beijing Institute of T echnolog y V ol.26 N o.10Oct.2006文章编号:1001 0645(2006)10 0916 05Zr 基非晶合金准静态压缩下的多重剪切带行为刘娜1, 才鸿年1, 王鲁1, 邵长星1, 张海峰2, 王富耻1, 兰山1(1 北京理工大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100081;2 中国科学院金属研究所,辽宁,沈阳 110015)摘 要:利用I UT M 和SEM 研究了Zr T i N i Cu 块状非晶合金的准静态单轴压缩变形和断裂行为.研究表明:该合金的室温压缩变形过程主要表现为弹性和塑性变形,塑性变形阶段没有加工硬化现象.在准静态压缩条件下Zr 基非晶合金表现出多重剪切效应,提高了塑性.微观研究证明,剪切带的滑移分枝与相互交叉是非晶合金塑性提高的主要机制.沿着剪切带发现了微空洞和微裂纹,剪切带的形成与自由体积的合并有关.塑性变形过程中形成脉纹状断口形貌,受力状态的不同脉状花纹表现为不同的形式.关键词:非晶合金;压缩性能;塑性;剪切带中图分类号:T B 331 文献标识码:ABehavior of Multiple Shear Bands in Zr Based Bulk MetallicGlass Under Quasi Static Compressive LoadingLIU Na 1, CAI Hong nian 1, WANG Lu 1, SHAO Chang x ing 1,ZHANG H ai feng 2, WANG Fu chi 1, LAN Shan 1(1 School of M aterials Science and Eng ineering,Beijing Institute of T echnology ,Beijing 100081,China;2 Institute of M etal R esearch,T he Chinese Academy of Science,Shenyang,Liaoning 110015,China)Abstract :The deformation and fracture behavior under quasi static compressive loading of a bulk metallic g lass,Zr T i Ni Cu,w as studied using instron universal testing machine (IU TM )and scanning electron m icroscopy (SEM )at room tem perature.The results showed that,the samples experience elastic and plastic deformation process before fracture,no w ork hardening was found during plastic deform ation.M ultiple shear bands w ere observed w ith more plasticity under low er strain rate.Slipping,branching and intersecting of multiple shear bands are the main microscopic mechanisms for enhancing the plasticity.M icro scale voids and cracks ex it along the shear bands,voids grow th and linkage tend to form cracks.The fracture surface is typical vein like pattern during plastic deformation,show ing different patterns under different stress states.Key words :metallic g lass;compressive streng th;ductility ;shear band 收稿日期:20060427基金项目:国家部委基金资助项目(00J12.1.7.BQ0123)作者简介:刘娜(1979 ),女,博士生,E mail:snail@;才鸿年(1940 ),男,教授,博士生导师,中国工程院院士.块状非晶合金具有独特的物理、化学和力学性能,因而受到广泛的关注,在较低温度下的非均匀变形是该材料的重要特性.研究表明,非晶合金在室温下的塑性变形只局限于非常细的剪切带区[1-2],因此块状非晶合金在宏观上呈现出脆性断裂,但在微观上则呈现出一定的延性特征[3].剪切带对材料的宏观性能如塑性、韧性等有很大的影响,同时在非晶的形变和断裂中起重要作用,因此对剪切带的形成以及扩展机理已进行了很多的研究[4-6].一般认为剪应力作用下非晶两部分的粘滞性滑动产生塑性变形,在表面形成剪切带;形变引起的局部软化使应变集中在剪切面内,从而使剪切带内的应变越来越大[7].剪切带的形成导致形成锯齿形的应力应变曲线.剪切带区粘度的降低导致非晶发生断裂.而粘度降低的原因有两个:一是剪切带中存在自由体积;二是绝热变形使温度局部升高,从而粘度降低.到目前为止,对剪切带的形成和扩展以及其与材料宏观性能关系的研究还不透彻.作者在不同应变率下进行室温单轴准静态压缩实验,对剪切带形成和扩展的微观机制,以及断口形貌进行分析,进一步研究非晶合金的断裂行为.1 实验方法实验中用的合金成分是Zr Ti Ni Cu.采用高纯原材料(纯度>99 8%),在氩气气氛下用电弧熔化制成母合金,在高真空下利用铜模喷射的方法制得直径为6mm ,长度为50m m 的圆棒,加工成 6mm,长6mm 的压缩试样.为了便于微观观察,将试样在HNO 3(33mL) 甲醇(67m L)溶液中电解抛光.采用Rigaku D/M ax rA X 射线衍射仪(Cu k )(XRD)进行相分析.室温下,准静态压缩实验在istron universal testing m achine(IUT M )上进行,应变率分别为1 39!10-4s -1和1 39!10-3s -1,样品压缩变形直至发生断裂.在JEOL 扫描电子显微镜(SEM 型号为JSM 5600LY)下观察试样剪切带和断口的微观形貌.图2 试样在准静态压缩下的应力 应变曲线Fig.2 Stress strai n curves of specimens for different s tai n rates un der compressive loading2 结果与讨论图1为Zr 基非晶合金试样的X 射线衍射图.图中曲线上只有一个明显宽化的衍射峰,没有其它的晶化峰,曲线为非晶合金的典型特征,表明制备的Zr 基非晶合金试样完全为非晶态.图1 Zr 基非晶合金的XRD 曲线Fig.1 X ray di ffracti on pattern of Zr basedbulk metallic glass图2为Zr 基非晶合金在应变率为1 39!10-4s -1(曲线A )和1 39!10-3s -1(曲线B )下的准静态压缩应力 应变曲线.从图可知,试样的压缩强度达到1600MPa,弹性模量E 约为79GPa;从压缩曲线可以看出,试样整个变形过程由弹性和塑性变形阶段构成.当应力!达到约1500MPa 时,材料开始屈服,此时弹性应变 为2 9%,材料屈服后发生了明显的锯齿形塑性流变.在图2b 、图2c 所示的流变区域局部放大曲线上可以观察到锯齿幅度随应变的增加而逐渐加大,直到最终断裂.锯齿的出现被认为是和剪切带的形成和扩展有关.非晶合金的塑性变形能力大小是由剪切带的数量和剪切变形量控制的,剪切带数目越多、剪切变形量越大,则非晶合金的塑性变形能力越大.由图2可知,随着应变率的增加,锯齿流变现象逐步减弱,断裂应变由3 52%减小到3 03%,非晶合金的塑性变形能力降低.以上结果表明在准静态压缩载荷下,非晶合金的塑性应变随应变率的降低而增加.图3是应变率为1 39!10-4s -1压缩条件下试样预抛光表面的多重剪切带形貌.试样表面的剪切带一般沿着偏离最大剪应力平面(与加载轴向成917第10期 刘娜等:Zr 基非晶合金准静态压缩下的多重剪切带行为45∀的平面)2∀~3∀的方向萌生与扩展,如图3、图4中白色箭头夹角所示.这种偏离在其它许多非晶合金中也被普遍发现,这一结果表明非晶合金的压缩断裂并不完全沿着最大剪应力的平面进行,正应力对非晶合金的断裂有重要影响[8].同时,在单轴压缩条件下,试样在剪切变形时发生的旋转,也会使最大剪应力的取向发生细微变化[9].试样表面的局域剪切带密度相对较高,多重剪切带萌生后基本沿着剪切平面平行扩展(如图3a所示);剪切带在随后的扩展过程中发生交叉与分枝,剪切带的分布和方向随之发生了很大变化,出现了主、次剪切带,每个主剪切带分枝后形成数量较多的次剪切带(如图3b所示);图3c是剪切带相交后被阻碍的现象,当剪切带在相交点被中断后,剪切带的扩展就被受到阻滞;图3d是剪切带在扩展过程中,剪切带两边的平面产生滑移的形貌,滑移的位移最大约为4∀m(白色箭头所指).在压缩载荷下,多重剪切带的产生以及剪切带的滑移分枝、互相交叉阻滞行为有效防止了非晶合金沿单一剪切带发生迅速断裂,从而提高了材料的塑性;同时沿着剪切带发现了微裂纹的存在.图3 试样表面的多重剪切带形貌(=1 39!10-4s-1)Fig.3 M ultiple shear bands pattern on the compressive specimensurface图4 试样表面的剪切带形貌(=1 39!10-3s-1)Fig.4 Single(a)an d parallel shear bands(b)pattern on the speci m en surface图4是应变率为1 39!10-3s-1压缩条件下试样预抛光表面的剪切带形貌.与更低应变率下的多重剪切带形貌不同,试样上没有出现剪切带交叉的现象,剪切带多沿平行的方向扩展,在扩展过程中发生少量的分叉.由于剪切带数量的减少,非晶的塑性变形能力降低,在应力 应变曲线上表现为断裂应918北京理工大学学报 第26卷变的减小.沿着剪切带出现了大量不连续的微空洞,随着微空洞的聚集形成了微裂纹.Hufnafel 等[10]最近在对Zr T i Cu Ni 非晶合金的研究中发现了剪切带中纳米级空洞的存在,这些纳米级空洞的形成被认为与自由体积的产生与聚集有关.剪切带内,自由体积的增加破坏了非晶合金结构短程有序,造成剪切带内的结构混乱,从而导致局域塑性变形的发生.因此剪切带上微孔洞与微裂纹的出现证明准静态压缩条件下自由体积的合并形成剪切带.图5是压缩试样微观断口形貌,压缩试样的断口为典型的脉状花纹形貌,但由于变形过程中受力状态的不同表现为三种形式.图5a 是在断裂前期形成的条带状脉状花纹,并且沿着裂纹的扩展方向,条带由细变粗;图5b 是常见的胞腔式脉状花纹形貌,脉状花纹沿着单一的方向扩展,箭头所指即为剪切带的扩展方向.剪切过程中由于自由体积的产生和一些非均匀质点的聚集而形成了空穴,使受剪切区域变成了非连续状,随之而发生的是这些空穴的塑性膨胀而产生局部断裂,宏观表现就是剪切面内粘度的降低.当剪切带内的粘度降低的同时发生一定的滑移,形成#型裂纹,产生如图5b 的脉状花纹.断口上的这些脉纹花纹的存在也证明了非晶合金断裂平面内发生的纯剪切过程.类似的微观断裂形貌也在其它的非晶合金中被发现[11-13].图5c 的∃类蜂窝%状花纹是剪切面在拉应力与剪应力共同作用下形成&型裂纹后留下的痕迹,这种花纹一般发生在垂直于主剪切面的副剪切面上.图5d 是在断口局部区域内发现的非晶软化流动形成液滴的现象,并且液滴沿受力方向被明显拉长.这在非晶合金压缩断口的脉纹中经常可以观察到[14].图5 试样压缩断口形貌Fig.5 Compress ive fracture surface of Zr Ti Ni Cu Be metallic glas s s pecime ns3 结 论室温下,Zr Ti Ni Cu Be 块状非晶合金的压缩变形过程表现为弹性和塑性变形阶段,并且塑性变形阶段没有明显的加工硬化现象.在压缩试样表面观察到局域化的多重剪切带,剪切带没有沿着最大剪应力平面扩展.多重剪切带的形成,以及剪切带的滑移分枝、互相交叉阻滞行为有效防止了非晶合金沿单一剪切带发生迅速断裂,从而提高了材料的塑性.剪切带上微孔洞与微裂纹的出现证明准静态压缩条件下剪切带的形成与自由体积的合并有关.剪切带内粘度的降低使非晶合金软化后发生粘滞性流动,变形过程中形成脉纹状花纹且花纹形式复杂.参考文献:[1]Spaepen F.A microscopic mechanism 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