

Dust钢琴谱五线谱 完整版原版

Dust钢琴谱五线谱 完整版原版

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空气压缩机的术语1、吸收(absorption )一种物质与另种物质接合而形成溶液性质的均匀混合物的物理一化学过程。

2、吸附(absorption )气体分子,溶液物分子或者液体分子,粘附在固体表面上,彼此进行接触的物理过程。

3、悬浮粒子(airosol )在气体介质中,悬浮的固体粒子,液体粒子,也就是固体和液体的粒子下沉速是微乎其微的。

注:在物理上,能形成悬浮粒子的颗粒尺寸上限值是任意的,允许有一颗粒子下沉的最大速度,其定义是:密度为103kg/m 3 ,直径为100um 的球状颗粒,在温度为20 ℃,压力为101.3Mpa, 重力加速度为9.81m/s 2 情况下,受自重的作用,在静止的气体中的下沉速度为0.25m/s 。

4、聚集(agglomerate )一群固体颗粒互相粘在一起。

5、聚集作用(agglimeration )导致聚集的作用。

6、附着作用(agglutination )借助于碰,敷上一层薄固体颗粒的粘连作用,或者通过碰撞,在表面上捕捉固体颗粒的作用。

7、集聚(aggregate )物理力的作用下干颗粒相对稳定的集合。

8、灰(ash )完全燃烧后的固体残余物。


10、清洗因数(cleaning factor )进入分离器口的污物量与离开分离器的污物量之比。

11、阻塞(clogging )固体或液体颗粒进入过滤介质逐渐沉积妨碍了流动。

12、阻塞容量,保持容量(clogging capacity ,holding capacity )设备达到特定的工作限度时所能残留的粒子质量。

13、凝聚(coalescence )悬浮的液体颗粒结合成大颗粒的作用。

14、收集率(collection efficiency )过滤器,尘埃分离器,微滴分离器中,残留在分离器内的颗粒量与进入分离器的颗粒量之比(一般用百分数表示)。

15、浓度:含量(concentration;content )把固体、液体与气体的量表示成另一物质之比,而这种物质正是由上述固体,液体或气体所形成的混合物悬浮液或溶液。



粉尘防爆术语GB/T 15604-1995国家技术监督局1995一06一19批准 1996—01-01实施1 主题内容与适用范围本标准规定了粉尘防爆的专业术语。



2 引用标准GB 2900·35 电工名词术语,爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备3基本概念3·1 粉尘 dust呈细微颗粒状的固体物质。

3·2 可燃粉尘 combustible dust在一定条件下能与气态氧化剂或空气发生剧烈氧化反应的粉尘。

同义词:可爆粉尘3·3粉尘 dust cloud粉尘悬浮在空气中或气态氧化剂中,形成的高浓度粉尘与气体的混和物。

3·4粉尘层 dust layer沉(堆)积在地面或物体表面上的粉尘群。

3·5 可燃性杂混物 combustible hybrid 可燃粉尘、一种或一种以上的可燃气体或蒸汽同空气或气态氧化剂混合成的多相流体。

3·6粉尘比电阻 specific resistance of a dust 长为1cm ,截面积为1cm ²的粉尘层在规定试验条件下的电阻。

3·7 导电粉尘 conductive dust 比电阻不大于cm •Ω510的粉尘。

3·8 非导电粉尘 non -conductive dust比电阻大于cm •Ω510 的粉尘。

3·9 粉尘比表面积 specific surface area of a dust单位质量的粉尘颗粒表面积的总和。

3·10 粉尘爆炸 dust explosion 火焰在弥散于空间的可燃粉尘云中传播,引起显著的压力,温度跃升的现象。

3·11粉尘燃烧dust burning火焰以远低于原始粉尘云中的音速的速度在粉尘云中稳定传播的现象。

3·12 粉尘爆轰 dust detonation火焰以高于原始粉尘云中的音速的速度在粉尘云中稳定传播的现象。


物质的不完全燃 烧、金属蒸汽在 空气中冷凝氧化
固体原料加工 处理、包装等 粉尘来源
矿山开采 隧道开凿 矿石加工
皮毛、纺织工业的原 料处理,粮食、茶叶 等加工
耐火材料、玻 璃、水泥、陶 瓷等工业的原 料加工。
机械制造工业中原料 破碎、配料、清砂
矿物性粉尘 金属性粉尘 人工无机粉尘 动物性粉尘 植物性粉尘 人工有机粉尘 煤矽尘 电焊烟尘
表 2 工作场所空气中粉尘容许浓度
PC-TWA 3 (mg/m ) 8 4 3 2 备注
Dolomite dust Total dust Respirable dust Fiberglass reinforced plastic dust (total) Tea(total) Coal dust (free SiO2<10%) Total dust Respirable dust Silica dust Total dust Containing 10%-50% free silica Containing 50%-80% free silica Containing >80% free silica
某些粉尘吸入后,沉积与肺组织中,早 期只呈显一般异物反应既而为轻微的纤维 性变,对健康无明显影响或危害较小,脱 离接触后,病变无进展或X线胸片阴影消 退。
棉花和大麻的粉尘→棉尘症 吸烟+棉尘→非特异性慢性阻塞性肺病 (COPD) 带有霉菌孢子的植物性粉尘→职业性变态 反应肺泡炎 聚氯乙烯、人造纤维粉尘→非特异性阻塞 性肺病














图中警察所处的是经典dust2 A区防守位置,一般情况下站在这个位置的警察都会手持狙击枪,兼顾对A区长道和小道的防守。








Dust test清洁度标准

Dust test清洁度标准
The dust test is to be carried out randomly or according to agreement with the factory/owner requirements, in order to establish an acceptable picture of the level of dust contamination on the steel surface, prior to application of HEMPEL’S Container Coatings.
Material required:
Adhesive tape: Colourless and transparent 25 mm in width and with a peel strength 9 N/25 mm (±1).
Rubber device: Plastic/rubber decal squeegy or wooden paint stirrer with the ends suitable rounded in order to avoid damage to the tape. The rubbing device should be used to obtain full contact and eliminate
Code of Practice
HEMPEL'S CONTAINER COATINGS Code of Practice No. 9501-1
Assessment of Dust on an Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel Surface
This standard consists of five different grades of dust contamination. The standard is HEMPEL’s guideline in the process of determining dust contamination on steel, abrasive blast cleaned with steel abrasives. HEMPEL recommend that the acceptable level of dust contamination is agreed upon between the involved parties prior to the start of the production. HEMPEL recommend level 3 or better as acceptable for HEMPEL’S Container Coatings.

高考英语 沙尘暴Duststorm作文素材

高考英语 沙尘暴Duststorm作文素材


[范文]Duststorms are becoming a great concern for both the public and the government in recent years. Every spring overwhelming sands and dust sweep the northern part of China, blocking out the sky, enshrouding cities and villages, bring much inconvenience and problems to people's lives and work. In some regions, sandstorms have caused grea t loss in both people's lives and properties.Duststorms are largely created by man himself. On the one hand, too much air pollution causes a greenhouse effect, which, in turn, leads to global wanning in climate. This results in wet places on the earth even wetter and dry places even drier. On the other hand, over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, strip mining all le ave theland unprotected. When the wind blows, it blows away topsoil and loose soil.Duststorms are another punishment nature gives to mank ind. We must b e alert to this ecological alarm. We should not only take effective measures to stop duststorms but also draw some lessons from it. We should not "develop" the local economy at the cost of the natural environment.<。





Everything was covered with a thick layer of dust.

Tickets for the final are like gold dust.

Everything was covered in a film of dust.

There were shelves full of dusty books.

London was hot and dusty.

Thick cobwebs hung in the dusty corners.



- 作名词,表示“灰尘”“尘土”,如:a cloud of dust(一团尘土)、a film of dust (一层灰尘)、dust the furniture(掸去家具上的灰尘)等。

- 作动词,意思是“掸去灰尘”,如:dust the wooden furniture(擦拭木制家具上的灰尘)、dust the pan with flour(在平底锅上撒面粉)等。

- 作动词,意思是“把……撒在……上”,如:dust with sugar(撒糖)等。

- 短语搭配:
- leave sb in the dust,意思是“把某人抛在后面”,如:I can easily leave you in the dust.(我可以轻而易举地把你甩在后面)。

- let the dust settle/wait for the dust to settle,意思是“待形势明朗”,如:Let's wait for the dust to settle before making a decision.(在做决定之前,我们先等情况落实)。



粉尘防爆术语1 范围本标准规定了粉尘防爆的专业术语。



2基本概念2.1粉尘 dust在大气中依其自身重量可沉淀下来,但也可持续悬浮在空气中一段时间的固体微小颗粒,包括纤维和飞絮。

2.2可燃性粉尘 combustible dust在大气条件下能与气态氧化剂(主要是空气)发生剧烈氧化反应的粉尘、纤维或飞絮。

2.4粉尘云dust cloud悬浮在气态氧化剂(主要为空气)中的高浓度可燃性粉尘与气态氧化剂的混合物。

2.5粉尘层dust layer沉(堆)积在地面或物体表面上的可燃粉尘群。

2.6粉尘层的引燃温度 ignition temperature of a dust layer规定厚度的粉尘层在热表面上发生引燃的热表面的最低温度。

2.7粉尘比电阻specific resistance of a dust截面积为l00 mm2,长为100 mm的粉尘层在规定试验条件下测得电阻,并经计算求得的比电阻值。

2.8导电性粉尘 conductive dust电阻率不大于l03 Ω·m的粉尘。

2.9非导电性粉尘 non-conductive dust电阻率大于l03Ω·m的粉尘。

2.10粉尘比表面积 specific surface area of a dust单位质量的粉尘颗粒表面积的总和。

2.11 爆炸性粉尘环境 explosive dust atmosphere在大气环境条件下,可燃性粉尘与空气形成的混合物,被点燃后,能够保持燃烧自行传播的环境。

2.1 1粉尘爆炸 dust explosion火焰在粉尘云中传播,引起压力、温度明显跃升的现象。

2.1 2粉尘爆轰dust detonation火焰速度超过原始粉尘云中音速的粉尘爆炸现象。

2.13粉尘爆燃dust deflagration火焰速度低于原始粉尘云中音速的粉尘爆炸现象。



dust是什么意思常用短语dust有灰尘; (建筑物内、家具或地板等上的)灰尘; 遗骸,尸体等意思,那么dull都有哪些近义词呢?dust的常用短语都有哪些?下面店铺为大家带来dust的近义词辨析及常用短语,欢迎大家学习!dust近义词earth, clay, dirt, land, dust, soil, mud, grounddust近义词辨析这些名词都有"土地,土,泥"之意。

earth 多指地表带有水分的泥土,较具体。

clay 特指潮湿时发粘,而火烤后变坚硬的泥土。

dirt 指地表的干松泥土。

land 含义笼统。


dust 特指土壤干燥后,飞扬于空中的细微泥土。

soil 特指适宜栽种农作物或生长各种植物的泥土。

mud 指湿土,尤指雨后稀泥、污泥。

ground 通常指大地的表面,也可指土壤、泥土或场地。

dust的常用短语n the dust 死了;入土dust removal 除尘dust collector 吸尘器coal dust 煤尘dust control 防尘dust的英语例句1. Lights reflected off dust-covered walls creating a ghostly luminescence.灯光照在满是灰尘的墙上,反射回苍白的冷光。

2. The powdery dust rose in a cloud around him.一团粉尘在他周围扬起。

3. In the last 30 years many cherished values have bitten thedust.在过去的30年中,许多珍贵的价值观已经消失殆尽。

4. Wind caught the sudden puff of dust and blew it inland.风猛地刮起一阵灰尘,将它吹往内陆。

5. Many of the machines are gathering dust in basements.许多机器尘封在地下室里。



沙尘暴(Duststorm)duststorms are becoming a great concern for both the public and the government in recent years. every spring overwhelming sands and dust sweep the northern part of china, blocking out the sky, enshrouding cities and villages, bring much inconvenience and problems to people's lives and work. in some regions, sandstorms have caused great loss in both people's lives and properties.duststorms are largely created by man himself. on the one hand, too much air pollution causes a greenhouse effect, which, in turn, leads to global wanning in climate. this results in wet places on the earth even wetter and dry places even drier. on the other hand, over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, strip mining all leave theland unprotected. when the wind blows, it blows away topsoil and loose soil.duststorms are another punishment nature gives to mankind. we must be alert to this ecological alarm. we should not only take effective measures to stop duststorms but also draw some lessons from it. we should not "develop" the local economy at the cost of the natural environment.。



1.Dust 的含义
2.Dust 的用法
2.1 在游戏中的用法
2.2 在现实生活中的用法
2.3 在文学作品中的用法
【Dust 的含义】
Dust 这个词在中文中有多种含义,通常指灰尘、尘埃或粉末等。


【Dust 的用法】
【2.1 在游戏中的用法】
在游戏中,Dust 常常被用来描述玩家角色所处的环境。


【2.2 在现实生活中的用法】
在现实生活中,Dust 常常用来描述清理工作。

例如,我们可能会用“dust the shelves”来表示清理书架上的灰尘。

【2.3 在文学作品中的用法】
在文学作品中,Dust 常常被用来象征死亡或者失落。

例如,在一篇小说中,作者可能会用“a layer of dust”来形容一个房间的荒凉与寂

总的来说,Dust 这个词在中文中有多种含义,并且常常用来形容不同的场景和情感。





























dust的用法Dust的用法1. 作为名词•灰尘的意思:例如,The furniture was covered in dust.(家具上覆盖着灰尘。

)•微小的颗粒物:例如,The air was filled with dust.(空气中充满了微小的颗粒物。

)•深色的物质或杂质:例如,There was a layer of dust on the car.(汽车上有一层黑色的杂质。

)2. 作为动词•擦去灰尘:例如,She dusted the shelves.(她擦去了书架上的灰尘。

)3. 引申义名词用法•微小的东西:例如,She blew away the dust on the old book.(她吹走了旧书上的微小东西。

)•零星的、微小的事物:例如,After a long day, they were just dust in her memory.(经过漫长的一天后,他们只是她记忆中的微小事物。

)动词用法•使宛如尘土般消失:例如,The magic dust made the illusion disappear.(魔法尘埃使幻象消失。

)•弄脏:例如,Don’t touch the walls, you’ll dust them.(不要碰墙壁,你会弄脏它们。

)4. 习语和短语•Dust off: 表示根据需要使用或再次使用某物,例如,She dusted off her old guitar and started playing again.(她拿出她的旧吉他,重新开始弹奏。

)•Dust in the wind: 表示时间流逝,事物易逝或不重要,例如,All our achievements are just dust in the wind.(我们的所有成就都只是瞬息即逝。

)•Bite the dust: 意思是失败、受伤或死亡,例如,The plan has bitten the dust.(计划已经失败了。






Dust 作为一种模板引擎,具有简洁、高效和易于使用等特点。

二、语法和基本使用方式1. 注释Dust支持注释,在模板文件中使用/* */进行注释。

2. 变量变量是在渲染过程中会被实际值替换的占位符。



3. 条件判断条件判断用于根据特定条件决定显示或隐藏某些内容。

Dust提供了if、else if和else这些关键字来支持条件判断。

语法格式如下:```{?condition}// 符合条件时执行的代码块{:else}// 不符合条件时执行的代码块{/}```4. 循环循环在模板引擎中是非常重要的功能之一,它允许我们重复使用相同的代码块来处理不同的数据。


例如:```{#users}// 循环中要执行的代码块{/users}```5. 注入模板一个模板引擎的优点是可以将多个模板组合在一起生成最终的输出。

在Dust 中,可以使用{{>partial}}语法将其他模板注入到当前模板中。

例如:```{>header}// 头部模板注入点{>content}// 内容模板注入点{>footer}// 底部模板注入点```三、如何集成dust?1. 在前端应用中集成dust若要在前端应用中使用dust,首先需要引入dust.js文件,在HTML文件中添加以下代码:```html<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Dust Template</title><script src="path-to-dust/dust-core.min.js"></script></head><body><!-- HTML内容 --></body></html>```2. 在后端应用中集成dust对于node.js或其他后端应用,可以使用npm安装dust库,并通过require命令加载该库:```javascriptconst dust = require('dustjs-linkedin');```四、常见应用场景1. 动态生成网页内容通过结合数据和预定义模板,可以使用dust动态生成网页内容。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

THE HAZARDOUS NATURE OF DUSTS1. INTRODUCTIONThe natural atmosphere that we breathe contains not only gaseous constituents but also large numbers of liquid and solid particles. These are known by the generic name aerosols. They arise from a combination of natural and industrial sources including condensation, smokes, volcanic activity, soils and sands, and microflora. Most of the particles are small enough to be invisible to the naked eye. Dust is the term we use in reference to the solid particles. The physiologies of air-breathing creatures have evolved to be able to deal efficiently with most of the aerosols that occur naturally. However, within closed industrial environments, concentrations of airborne particulates may reach levels that exceed the ability of the human respiratory system to expel them in a timely manner. In particular, mineral dusts are formed whenever rock is broken by impact, abrasion, crushing, cutting, grinding or explosives. The fragments that are formed are usually irregular in shape. The large total surface area of dust particles may render them more active physically, chemically and biologically than the parent material. This has an important bearing on the ability of certain dusts to produce lung diseases.Respiratory problems caused by dust are among the oldest of industrial ailments. The first legislation for mine dust appears to have been formulated in 1912 when the Union of South Africa introduced laws governing working conditions in the gold mines of the Witwatersrand. Other countries introduced similar legislation in the 1920's and '30's. However, those laws were concerned primarily with silicosis and required proof of employment in siliceous rock mining (Carver, 1975). The early legislation reflected medical opinion of the time, namely, that hardrock dust caused silicosis which led to tuberculosis and eventual death. At that time coal dust was not regarded as particularly harmful. However, the number of recognized cases of coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP) increased dramatically through the 1930's. The British Medical Research Council initiated an investigation into respirable disease within the anthracite workers of South Wales. In 1936, the need for protective legislation in the United States was acknowledged by a National Silicosis Conference.Both in Europe and the United States,the hazards of coal dust were identified first in anthracite mines but by 1950 it was confirmed that workers in bituminous coal mines were also subject to coal workers' pneumoconiosis (known, also, in America as black lun g).It took many years for a quantitative and definitive link to be established between the "dustiness" of mine atmospheres and respiratory disfunction. In retrospect, there were three reasons for this. First, it may take several years of exposure before the victim becomes aware of breathing impairment. Secondly, the lung reactions to dust are often similar to those of naturally occurring ailments and, thirdly, the commonly used measure of dust concentration was the number of particles in a unit volume of air. Correlations between dust concentration measured in this way and the incidence of pneumoconiosis were not clear.A turning point occurred in 1959 at the International Pneumoconiosis Conference held in Johannesburg, South Africa (Orenstein, 1959). Recommendations were made at that conference which resulted in a re-direction of pneumoconiosis studies, particularly with regard to the methods and strategies of dust sampling. It was recognized that those particles of equivalent diameter less than 5 x 10-6 m (5 microns) were the ones most likely to be retained within the lungs. These were named respirable dus t. It was further established that the mass concentration of respirable dust in any given atmosphere was a much better measure of the potential health hazard than the earlier particle count methods. Instruments began to be developed that mimicked the dust retention selectivity of the human lung and, furthermore, could be used continuously to give the integrated effect over an 8 hour period.In this chapter we shall concentrate on the effects of mineralogical dusts on the human respiratory system and the techniques that are now employed for the sampling and measurement of airborne dust.2. CLASSIFICATIONS OF DUSTThere are a number of ways to classify aerosol particles depending upon the purpose of any given study. Two such classifications are particularly relevant to the subsurface environmental engineer, first with regard to size distributions of theparticulates and, secondly, in terms of physiological effects.2.1. Size of aerosol particlesMine dusts vary widely in shape, dependent largely upon the prevalent mineral constituents. The simplest method of quantifying the size of a non-spherical particle is the projected area or equivalent geometric diamete r. This is the diameter of a sphere that has the same projected area as the actual particle. Other measures of equivalent diameter are defined in Chapter 20.Typical size ranges of some common aerosols are given in Table 19.1. In general, the size distribution within each range follows a lognormal curve. Particles do not become visible to the naked eye until they are more than 10 microns equivalent diameter. It follows that the harmful respirable dusts are invisible. Nevertheless, it must be assumed that heavy visible concentrations of dust in a mine atmosphere are accompanied by high levels of respirable dust (Section 20.3.1.).Another unfortunate aspect of the small sizes of respirable dusts is that they have a very low settling velocity and, indeed, can remain suspended in air indefinitely. Table 19.1. Size ranges of common aerosols.2.2. Physiological effects of dustsA classification of dusts with respect to potential hazard to the health and safety of industrial workers may be divided into five categories.(1). Toxic dusts. These can cause chemical reactions within the respiratory system or allow toxic compounds to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the alveolar walls. They are poisonous to body tissue or to specific organs. Some metalliferous ores fall into this category. The most hazardous include compounds of arsenic, lead, uranium and other radioactive minerals, mercury, cadmium, selenium, manganese, tungsten, silver and nickel (Walli, 1982).(2). Carcinogenic (cancer causing) dusts. The cell mutations that can be caused by alpha, beta and gamma radiation from decay of the uranium series make radon daughters the most hazardous of the carcinogenic particulates. A combination of abrasion of lung tissue and surface chemical action can result in tumour formation from asbestos fibres and, to a lesser extent, freshly produced quartz particles. Exposure to arsenic dust can also cause cancers. Diesel exhaust particulates are a causative factor in lung and other types of cancer.(3). Fibrogenic dusts The scouring action of many dusts causes microscopic scarring of lung tissue. If continued over long periods this can produce a fibrous growth oftissue resulting in loss of lung elasticity and a greatly reduced area for gas exchange. The silica (quartz, chert) and some silicate (asbestos, mica, talc) dusts are the most hazardous of the fibrogenic dusts and may also produce toxic and carcinogenic reactions. Welding fumes and some metalliferous ores produce fibrogenic dusts. Long and excessive exposure to coal dusts also gives rise to fibrogenic effects.(4). Explosive dusts. These are a concern of safety rather than health. Many organic materials, including coals other than anthracite, become explosive when finely divided at high concentrations in air. Sulphide ores and many metallic dusts are also explosive.(5). Nuisance dusts. Quite apart from adverse effects on the health of personnel, all dusts can be irritating to the eyes (Gibson and Vincent, 1980), nose and throat and when in sufficiently high concentration may cause reduced visibility. Some dusts have no well-defined effects on health but remain in the category of a nuisance dust. These include the evaporites (halite, potash, gypsum) and limestones. The soluble salts of halite (NaCl) and potash (KCl) can occasionally cause skin irritations, particularly around hatbands or tightly fitting dust masks.。
