
申请书英语作文格式(精选多篇) 第一篇:英语申请书chengzhioureuniversityinchangshayueludistrict,telenumber:5478345southcampussublimationapartmentemail:825229189@employmentobjectivetoworkasanenglishteacherinyourtrainingschool.gainexperien ce,andeventuallybeanadvancedteacher.educationbachelorofartinforeignlanguagecollegeofscu.may2014.profes sionalenglishlevel4.june2014.academichonorsgradepointaverage3.95(of4.0)inprofessionalenglishcourses selectedcourseworkprinciplesofinformationsystemtheartofeducationpsychologypedagogyfamiliarwiththefollowingcomputerprogramswindows7/8msofficepspro/e5.0visioemploymentexperiencecompanyname:internationaltradegroupco.,ltd.beginninganden dingdate:2014-07~2014-12companytype:privateenterpriseindustry:trading/import&export positions:foreignvouching大连天童美语培训学校单位地址:大连市中山区延安路92号所属区域:辽宁省大连市中山区招聘岗位:英语老师学历要求大学本科工作地点大连市中山区延安路92号第二篇:英语作文moregrowup,themoreresponsibilityinoursmall,wearenottoothereissenseofresponsibility,respon sibilityisveryimportant,suchastosaytothegoodfaithtodo,grewupa ndheroictotakecareoftheothers.sohowtodevelopresponsibility?sh ouldthis:theirownresponsibleforoneselfwhenchildrentoremembertodosomething,ratherthanlettingadul tsoftenremind,ratherthanlethimchilddowntodo,sothatthechildwil lslowlytolearntoyourbehavior.onlywhenthechildrenseethis,canwegraduallydevelopmentfortofamily,toothers,tothecollective,bere sponsibleforthesociety.makeremedyhisfaultasthechildofothersdamagedtoys,besuretoletthechildboughtba cktosomebodyelse,perhapstheywillthinkthatyoungchildrendamaged toysisoftenthecase,withoutcompensation,butatthemoment,parents shouldstillinsistthattheirchildrentotheotherpartycompensation ,thiscanletthechildrenknow,oneself'sharmfulconsequences,there sponsiblebyoneself.atthesametime,parentsalsowanttosetagoodexa mplefortheirchildren,sothattheycanhaveauthoritytorequesttheir responsible,andletthemhavetheobjecttofollow.tohavetheresponsibility,proudaten-year-oldgirl,sheisresponsibleforthefallofthehomegarbagehasfiveyear s.inher5yearsold,shesuddenlybecameinterestedinthegarbage,hear dthebellringofgarbagewillcarrythetrashcangodown.parentsinorde rtosupporthertothehouseworkinterest,topraiseher,ofteninthestr angerswhopraisedher.thisinspiredchildrenactivegarbagepride,sl owlyformedthehabit,toputthelaborasakindofresponsibility.signedcontractresponsibilitychildrenworkisoftentheinterest,letthechildtoonethingforth isend,mustbeclearlytoldhimofdoingthingstherequirementthatlets thechildunderstandwhattodo,whattodo,orwhatwillbepunished.第三篇:英语作文游记1ifsydneyiscrownedasnewyorkofsouthpacificocean,then,melbou rnecanbesaidaslondonhere.thisisanancientcity,andmeanwhileabeautiful‘gardencity’, streetsareorderlypavedlikechessboard,variousbuildingsofbothan cientandmodernstylesareharmoniouslyblended,therearequiteafewo perasandbroadwaymusicalsonshowhereeveryday.thisisalsoaustrali a’sresidentia lcenterforimmigrants.mostoftheimmigrantswhofloc kedintoaustralialiveinmelbourneandsydney.immigrantsstartedthe irnewlifeherebutkeeptheirowntraditionsandcustoms.wannatasteit alianfoodanddrinks?justgotolygonstreet.wannaknowchinesecultur e?thenvisitchinatown.inchinatown,therearenotonlychineserestau rants,butalsomalaysian,thailandandjapaneserestaurants,sothisi snotjustawindowforyoutogettoknowchinesepeople,butabestplaceto knoweastasianpeopleandsoutheastasianpeopleaswell.goodssoldinchinatownarequiteunique.you’llembracea variety ofchoicesandalsoreasonableprices,that’swhychinatownissopopul aramongtourists.mycompanionsallcamebackwithlargeandsmallshopp ingbags,andreluctanttoleaveuntiltheyboughttoomuchtocarry.whatworthmention,travelinginmelbourne,themostforgettablee xperienceistowatchthehomingofthesmallestpenguinsintheworld.in aplace140kilometerssouthofmelbourne,there’satinyislandcalled philip.everydusk,groupsofpenguinsstaggerbacktotheirhome.their teeterwhensteppingontothebankisextremelylovely.暑假英语作文带翻译--游记英语作文iwenttothecountrysidetospendmysummerholidaysthisyear。

英文申请书格式(精选多篇)第一篇:英文申请书pplitin f ussesu slsipy ne is z uyu. i e f uibe(univesity f intentinl business n enis) s n exnge stuent. i pe t pply f te ussesu slsip.fistly, i ul like t ke bief intutin f y stuy f jpn n te jpnese lnguge.spek f y j, yu y be supise beuse i j in intepeting beteen inese n ken. yu y ne y i lene jpnese ll by yself f tt s bslutely nt esy k. tt is beuse i s ttlly ttte by jpnese ultue n siety,espeilly tei eting bits i eflets is n ttitues ts life. tug te nk uenty , i gt t feel vey pu f jpn ,f te esn tt fte te sen l , jpnese peple’s e s sttee, but tei is ,iligene, sense f espnsibility n innvtin elpe te t ebuilt te eny ,te siety n ten te le unty. s i spe n effts lening jpnese by yself. until n , i ve lene jpnese f lst tee yes nve psse jlpt n1.senly i ul like t pln f stuy t itsueikn univesity. ltug i sty in jpn f nly fu nts, i pe tt tis pei ill be te best ey in y life n it n be plus en i unt f jb in XX. si ve lene se uses but en(推荐访问:.)is n keting befe, i ill ty t nnet te knlege stee t te uses t itsueikn univesity, tying t len e but te isty f jpnese eny evelpent.n tei en keting sttegy. t te se tie , i ill ke e unitins it u pfesss itut fe ebssent. fte sl ,i ill tke pt in se lub tivities i is g ne t get t kn e jpnese fiens.tily i inten t intue y pln fte pletin f te exnge pg.i ve pplie f psitin in eptent in li-bb,i is fus inese b2b eletni pltf tug n intensip pg. i tink it ill be get stge f e t tun te knlege lene t itsueikn univesity int ptie. fte tt i y stt t unt f jb in jpnese pnies in in i n ffe e e nes t g beteen in n jpn.finlly i ul like t ke n explntin tt y i ty t pply f te slsip. lst seeste i gt t kn fien jing in intepeting beteen inese n jpnese. se lent e bk n jpnese keting sttegy i ul nly be bugt in jpn. eing te bk is just like listening t letue by jpnese pfess i is s fntsti. n i ve plnne t buy lt f bks in jpn efleting jpnese siety, pliy n ultue i ens tt i ill ve te get n t be pnie by pfess tlking t e even en i g bk t in. besies , s inese sying ges eing lt f bksn g tveling lt kes pesn ise. s i pe t g utsie, tying t fin ut e i n nt be lene tug bks in lss.nly en i elt yself in iffeent ities n iffeent gups ,n it ien y izns. i is tt en i g bk t in , i ill be ble t tlk but jpn f vius pspets tug y ns s inese llege stuent bn fte 1990.signtue: z uyute: XX.03.17第二篇:英文申请书申请书尊敬的领导:您好!第62期凯恩英语基础晚班于5月31日已授课复习完毕,应学员要求,现申请于6月4日晚外出组织活动,请审批!谢谢!申请人:苏晓佩申请日期:XX年6月3日学员签名:第三篇:英文申请书英文申请书te se f suppt is self-ntine esiptin f te ppse ese n ntins t pts: ‘pevius tk e’, n ‘ppse ese n its ntext’.in te pevius tk e (xiu 2 sies f 4) yu sul pvie suy fte esults n nlusins f eent k in te tenlgil/sientifi e vee by yu ese ppsl. plese ls utline te speifi expetise f te pplints in tis subjet e, n te expetise vilble t te uk n in st gnistins.in te ppse ese n its ntext setin (xiu 6 sies f 4) yu sul inlue inftin n te bkgun, pge n etlgy, elevne t benefiiies, n isseintin. in ptiul yu sul:? intue te tpi f ese n explin its ei n inustilntext, enstting it eltes t leing ese in te uk, in in n lie;? ientify te vell is f te pjet n te iniviul esuble bjetives ginst i yu ul is te ute f te k t bessesse;??? etil te etlgy t be use in pusuit f te ese, n justify tis ie; explin y te ppse pjet is f suffiient tieliness n nvelty t nt nsietin f funing; esibe te pge f k, initing te ese t be unetken,n te ilestnes tt ill be use t esue its pgess. yu sulesibe te les f e ebe f te ese tes in te uk nin;? etil te ppse pjet ill be nge ss te t unties,it ptiul ensttin f te e benefits t e pty ue t te llbtin;?? ientify te ptentil ipts f te pjet n s ill be te likely benefiiies f te ppse ese; inite te ppse isseintin n tenlgy tnsfe utes tt illbe use, n explin te tnsfe f knlege ill tke ple tbenefiiies n te genel publi.? ientify t eniss ill be in ple t ientify, ptet n eventullyexplit ny explitble esults i y ise f te ese (inlue etils f ny speifi llbtive geeent, ee elevnt).? yu sul inlue ny illusttins n lists f efeenes itin te 6-pgeliit f tis setin. tey sul nt be subitte s septe nnexes.lng it yu se f suppt yu sul ls subit n ipt pln (up t t sies f 4). in tis setin yu sul esibe te ptentil ipts f te ppse ese ill be elise n tis sul ve te pjet s le.yu sul ls subit ne pge igti k pln (f exple, pet gntt t). tis sul ve te pjet s le, etiling signifint ilestnes n sing iffeent spets f te pjet ill link tgete n be nge.yu sul ls inlue vs (up t 2 sies f 4 e) f ne esees, visiting esees n esee -investigts, n lettes f suppt f ny pjet ptnes (n pge liit).f e inftin n uenttin plese efe t te eps ebsite, t .第四篇:pplitin英文申请书nging psitin pplitinie pny leesip:i ve been pesnnel lek in te inisty f pesnnel f tis pny sine july 15t tis ye. uing te tee nts, i’ve len lt. i’elly ppeite yu nen f e n te suppt n ssistne f llegues.f yself, finne is y speility, n i’ inteeste in te finnil k. i ve gt te bel egee f enis n ls te unting etifite. fte lng-tie tinking but y ee futue, i eis te k tt i’ elly inteeste in n g t. tt is finnil k.seeing tt u pny nees finnil lek, i nt t pply f tt psitin.i ill k e n y best if i ve te ne . tnks f yu nen.yus sineely第五篇:关于英文申请书附件的说明关于英文申请书附件的说明pplints ve t subit n pplitin t nsf n ff using te jint pplitin f (“nsf–ff pplitin f funing f jint pje t”) it ntive text s n ttent. te title n te text f te sientifi pt ust be ientil. te ntive text ust be itten in englis n ust eet te flling itei:te ntive text ust be pse f:? te pjet esiptin (x. 20 pges inluing ny tbles n figues, 4, pinte n ne sie nly, it nubee pges, unbun, line sping 1.5);? list f litetue elevnt t te pjet inl. list f bbevitins (x. 5 pges);? sientifi uiul vite f te pjet ptiipnts (pjet lee n sientifi kes, en tese e ley knn; x. 2 pges f e pesn);? lists f sientifi publitins f te pst five yes (espeilly tse elevnt t te pplitin) f pjet ptiipnts (s iniu, f te pjet lees); te ten st iptnt sul be igligte (bl)te pjet esiptin ust inlue n explntin f te ivisin f k (king pln) beteen te ptnes f te t unties. futee, te e vlue f te tnsntinl -petin sul be expline. te ntive text ust lsinlue finnil pln initing te sts pplie f t nsf n ff s ell s te st tegies (plese nsult te espetive pplitin guielinesf eligible sts).1 te publitin list ust entin f e k:ll uts; full title; seies/junl title; ye; n pge nubes.。

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申请书格式英文(精选多篇)第一篇:辞职申请书英文英文版辞职申请书范例dearmr.ben(thenameofyourboss):尊敬的ben先生(老板的名字):①pleaseacceptthisletterasformalnotificationthatiamleavin gmypositionwithxxxcompanyonaugust7.请接受这封辞职信,我将于八月七日正式辞去我在xxx公司的职位。
②ihaveallowed30dayspriortomydepartureforassisti nginthetr ansitionprocess.离职之前,我有30天时间来帮助移交工作。
③althoughihaveenjoyedmyjob,ihavereceivedanofferforanothe rcompanythatifeelisbettersuited6tomycareerobjectives.虽然很喜欢日前的工作,但我已得到另一家公司提供的更适合我事业目标的职位。
④thankyouforyourkindattentionandwouldappreciateifyoucoul dletmehaveareferenceletterbeforeileave.感谢您对我的关照,如果您能为我写一封推荐信,我将不胜感激。
⑤iregrethavingtoresignfrommyposition.iwishyouandxxxthebe stofluckandfuturesuccess.很遗憾我不得不辞职。
⑥ificanbeofanyassistanceduringthistransition,pleaseletme know.如果在工作交接期有需要我做的事情,请通知我。
sincerely,真诚的(yourfullname)(你的全名)外企辞职申请书范例dearmr.smith,asagraduateofaninstitutionofhighereducation,ihaveafewvery basicexpectations.chiefamongtheseisthatmydirectsuperiorshavea nintellectthatrangesabovethecommongroundsquirrel.afteryourcon sistentandannoyingharassmentofmyco-workersandmeduringthecommissionofourduties,icanonlysurmisetha tyouareoneofthefewtruegeneticwastesofourtime.askingme,anetworkadministrator,toexplaineverylittlenuance ofeverythingidoeachtimeyouhappentostrollintomyofficeisnotonly awasteoftime,butalsoawasteofpreciousoxygen.iwashiredbecauseik nowhowtonetworkcomputersystems,andyouwereapparentlyhiredtopro videamusementtomyselfandotheremployees,whowatchyouvainlyattem pttounderstandtheconceptofcutandpasteforthehundredthtime.youwillneverunderstandcomputers.somethingasincrediblysimp leasbinarystillgivesyoutoomanyoptions.youwillalsoneverunderst andwhypeoplehateyou,butiamgoingtotryandexplainittoyou,eventho ughiamsurethiswillbejustaseffectiveastellingyouwhatanipaddres sis.yourshinynewimachasmorepersonalitythanyoueverwill.youwalkaroundthebuildingallday,shiftlesslylookingforfault inothers.youhaveasharpdressed,uselesslookaboutyouthatmayhavew orkedforyourinterview,butnowthatyouactuallyhaveresponsibility ,youpawnitoffonoverworkedstaff,hopingtheirtalentwillcoverfory ourglaringineptitude.inaworldofmanagerialevolution,youaretheb lue-greenalgaethateveryoneelseeatsandlaughsat.managerslikeyouarea sadproofofthedilbertprinciple.sincethissituationisunlikelytochangewithoutyougettingaful lfrontallobotomyreversal,iamforcedtotendermyresignation.howev er,ihaveafewpartingthoughts.1.whensomeonecallsyouinreferencetoemployment,itisillegalf oryoutogivemeabadrecommendation.themostyoucansaytohurtmeisipr efernottocomment.iwillhavefriendsrandomlycallyouoverthenextco upleofyearstokeepyouhonest,becauseiknowyouwouldbeunabletodoit onyourown.2.ihaveallthepasswordstoeveryaccountonthesystem,andiknowe verypasswordyouhaveusedforthelastfiveyears.ifyoudecidetogetcu te,iamgoingtopublishyourfavoriteslist,whichiconvenientlysaved whenyoumademebackupyouruselessfiles.idobelievethattermslikelo litaarenotusuallyviewedfavorablybytheadministration.3.whenyouborrowedthedigitalcameratotakepicturesofyourmoth ersbirthday,youneglectedtomentionthatyouweregoingtotakepictur esofyourselfinthemirrornude.thenyouforgottoerasethemlikethete chno-moronyoureallyare.sufficeittosayihaveneverseensuchoddactswith asaucebottle,butiassureyouthatthosehavebeencopiedandkeptinsafeplacespendingtheauthoringofaglowingletterofrecommendation.(t rytouseaspellcheckplease;ihatehavingtocorrectyourmistakes.) thankyouforyourtime,andiexpecttheletterofrecommendationon mydeskby8:00amtomorrow.onewordofthistoanybody,andallofyourlit tletwistedrepugnantobsessionswillbeopentothepublic.neverscrew withyoursystemsadministrator.why?becausetheyknowwhatyoudowith allthatfreetime!wishingyouagrandandgloriousday.第二篇:英文申请书applicationforrussesuscholarshipmynameiszhaoruoyu.icomefromuibe (universityofinternationalbusinessandeconomics)asanexchanges tudent.ihopetoapplyfortherussesuscholarship.firstly,iwouldliketomakeabriefintroductionofmystudyofjapa nandthejapaneselanguage.speakofmymajor,youmaybesurprisedbecauseimajorininterpreti ngbetweenchi(推荐打开)neseandkorean.youmaywonderwhyilearnedjapaneseallbymyselffo rthatwasabsolutelynoteasywork.thatisbecauseiwastotallyattract edbyjapanesecultureandsociety,especiallytheireatinghabitswhichreflectswisdomandattitudestowardslife.throughthenhkdocumenta ry,igottofeelveryproudofjapan,forthereasonthatafterthesecondw orldwar,japanesepeople’sdreamwasshattered,buttheirwisdom,dil igence,senseofresponsibilityandinnovationhelpedthemtorebuiltt heeconomy,thesocietyandthenthewholecountry.soisparednoefforts learningjapanesebymyself.untilnow,ihavelearnedjapaneseforalmo stthreeyearsandhavepassedjlptn1.secondlyiwouldliketodrawaplanofstudyatritsumeikanuniversi ty.althoughistayinjapanforonlyfourmonths,ihopethatthisperiodw illbethebestmemoryinmylifeanditcanbeapluswhenihuntforajobin20 14.asihavelearnedsomecoursesabouteconomicsandmarketingbefore, iwilltrytoconnecttheknowledgemasteredtothecoursesatritsumeika nuniversity,tryingtolearnmoreaboutthehistoryofjapaneseeconomy development.andtheirmodernmarketingstrategy.atthesametime,iwi llmakemorecommunicationswithourprofessorswithoutfearorembarra ssment.afterschool,iwilltakepartinsomeclubactivitieswhichisag oodchancetogettoknowmorejapanesefriends.thirdlyiintendtointroducemyplanaftercompletionoftheexchan geprogram.ihaveappliedforapositioninhrdepartmentinali-baba,whichisafamouschineseb2belectronicplatformthroughaninternshipprogram.ithinkitwillbeagreatstageformetoturntheknowledge learnedatritsumeikanuniversityintopractice.afterthatimaystart tohuntforajobinjapanesecompaniesinchinawhichcanoffermemorecha ncestogobetweenchinaandjapan.finallyiwouldliketomakeanexplanationthatwhyitrytoapplyfor stsemesterigottoknowafriendmajoringininterpr etingbetweenchineseandjapanese.shelentmeabookonjapanesemarket ingstrategywhichcouldonlybeboughtinjapan.readingthebookisjust likelisteningtoalecturebyajapaneseprofessorwhichissofantastic .andihaveplannedtobuyalotofbooksinjapanreflectingjapanesesoci ety,policyandculturewhichmeansthatiwillhavethegreathonortobec ompaniedbyaprofessortalkingtomeevenwhenigobacktochina.besides ,aschinesesayinggoesreadingalotofbooksandgotravelingalotmakes apersonwise.soihopetogooutside,tryingtofindoutmorewhichcannot belearnedthroughbooksinclassroom.onlywhenimeltmyselfindiffere ntcitiesanddifferentgroups,canitwidenmyhorizons.iwishthatwhen igobacktochina,iwillbeabletotalkaboutjapanfromvariousprospect sthroughmyownsasachinesecollegestudentbornafter1990.signature:zhaoruoyudate:2014.03.17第三篇:英文申请书申请书尊敬的领导:您好!第62期凯恩英语基础晚班于5月31日已授课复习完毕,应学员要求,现申请于6月4日晚外出组织活动,请审批!谢谢!申请人:苏晓佩申请日期:2014年6月3日学员签名:第四篇:英文申请书英文申请书thecaseforsupportisaself-containeddescriptionoftheproposedresearchandcontainstwoparts:‘previoustrackrecord’,and‘proposedresearchanditscontext’.intheprevioustrackrecord(maximum2sidesofa4)youshouldprovi deasummaryoftheresultsandconclusionsofrecentworkinthetechnolo gical/scientificareacoveredbyyourresearchproposal.pleasealsoo utlinethespecificexpertiseoftheapplicantsinthissubjectarea,an dtheexpertiseavailableattheukandchinahostorganisations.intheproposedresearchanditscontextsection(maximum6sidesof a4)youshouldincludeinformationonthebackground,programmeandmethodology,relevancetobeneficiaries,anddissemination.inparticul aryoushould:?introducethetopicofresearchandexplainitsacademicandindus trialcontext,demonstratinghowitrelatestoleadingresearchintheuk ,inchinaandworldwide;?identifytheoverallaimsoftheprojectandtheindividualmeasur ableobjectivesagainstwhichyouwouldwishtheoutcomeoftheworktobe assessed;???detailthemethodologytobeusedinpursuitoftheresearch,andju stifythischoice;explainwhytheproposedprojectisofsufficienttim elinessandnoveltytowarrantconsiderationforfunding;describethe programmeofwork,indicatingtheresearchtobeundertaken, andthemilestonesthatwillbeusedtomeasureitsprogress.yousho ulddescribetherolesofeachmemberoftheresearchteamsintheukand china;?detailhowtheproposedprojectwillbemanagedacrossthetwocoun tries,withparticulardemonstrationoftheaddedbenefitstoeachpartyd uetothecollaboration;??identifythepotentialimpactsoftheprojectandshowwhowillbet helikelybeneficiariesoftheproposedresearch;indicatethepropose ddisseminationandtechnologytransferroutesthatwillbeused,andexplainhowthetransferofknowledgewilltakeplaceto beneficiariesandthegeneralpublic.?identifywhatmechanismswillbeinplacetoidentify,protectand eventuallyexploitanyexploitableresultswhichmayarisefromtheresearch( includedetailsofanyspecificcollaborativeagreement,wherereleva nt).?youshouldincludeanyillustrationsandlistsofreferenceswith inthe6-pagelimitofthissection.theyshouldnotbesubmittedasseparateanne xes.alongwithyourcaseforsupportyoushouldalsosubmitanimpactpla n(uptotwosidesofa4).inthissectionyoushoulddescribehowthepoten tialimpactsoftheproposedresearchwillberealisedandthisshouldco vertheprojectasawhole.youshouldalsosubmitaonepagediagrammaticworkplan(forexampl e,apertorganttchart).thisshouldcovertheprojectasawhole,detail ingsignificantmilestonesandshowinghowdifferentaspectsofthepro jectwilllinktogetherandbemanaged.youshouldalsoincludecvs(upto2sidesofa4each)fornamedresear chers,visitingresearchersandresearcherco-investigators,andlettersofsupportfromanyprojectpartners(nopag elimit).formoreinformationondocumentationpleaserefertotheepsrcweb site,at.第五篇:择校生入学申请书_英文applicationletterforadmissiondearsirormadam,mynameis_______,aseniorfromtheno.59juniorhighschool.iamwr itingthisletterinthepurposeofapplyingforadmissionintotheno.1h ighschool.ifiweretochoosetwowordstodescribemyself,itwouldhavetobepr udentandpersistent.withmyteachers’guidanceandthehelpfrommypa rents,forthepast8yearsofstudyatmyelementaryschoolandjuniorhig hschool,ilearnedtostudyandactprudentlyandpersistently.ialways strictlyfollowmyteachers’adviceandexertmyeveryefforttoaccomp lishmyassignments.ihavebeendeemedasamodelstudentbythepeoplear oundforalltheseyears.iconsidermyselfadiligentstudentandalsoavoraciousreader.be sidesthecurricularbooks,ialsoreadnewsmagazinesandjournalsforr elevantnewsupdates.ihaveastrongbackgroundinmathematicsandscie nce,excellinginsubjectssuchasmathematics,physicsandchemistry, whichalsoarethemajorsiamcurrentlyconsideringtopursueformycoll egeeducationinthefuture.iacknowledgethefactthatlotsoflearningtakesplaceoutsidethe classroom.ifeelthatthepracticalskillsihavegainedfromextracurr icularactivitiesandvolunteerwork,liketakingpartinallkindsofvo lunteeractivitiesheldwithinmycommunity,maybeputtogooduse.ials ofirmlybelievethatdevotingtothesocietyisoneofthemostcrucialmo ralitiesthatanexcellenthighschoolstudentshouldhave.ialwaysadmirethetop-rankingteachingenvironmentthatno.1highschoolprovides,andthepr estigiousteachersofno.1highschool,whoteachtheirstudentsnotonl ytheknowledgeandstudyskills,butalsotherighteouswaystobehavein people’slife.iameagertobeenrolledintono.1highschool,andireal lyappreciateanyhelpthatyouwillprovidetome.thankyousomuchforyo urconsiderationandtime.faithfullyyours,jiangaugust,2014。

申请加入阅读俱乐部的英语申请信作文_初中万能英语作文5篇关于”申请加入俱乐部的申请信“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Application letter for joining the club。
关于”申请加入俱乐部的申请信“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Application letter for joining the club。
高分英语作文1:Application letter for joining the clubDear Mr. / MS, I am writing to you to apply for the membership of English club. I am a sopre in English department.I know there are some requirements, but I don't know the details. If so, how much I need to pay and how much I should pay.I also heard that the club will hold various activities, but you can give me more details.If you can reply to me as soon as possible, I will be very grateful and sincerely looking forward to your reply , Li Mei.中文翻译:亲爱的先生/女士,我写信给你申请英语俱乐部的会员,我是英语系的大二学生,我非常热爱英语文学,我经常参加周五在中国大学举行的英语角,希望能用英语与其他人讨论各种话题。


申请书作文模板英文Certainly, here's a template for an application essay:---。
Introduction:Opening Hook/Personal Anecdote:Begin with a captivating story or personal experience that relates to the topic of your application.Thesis Statement:Clearly state the purpose of your application and what you hope to achieve through it.Body Paragraphs:Paragraph 1:Provide background information about yourself, your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any relevant experiences that have shaped your interests and goals.Paragraph 2:Discuss why you are interested in the program or opportunity you are applying for. Highlight specific aspects of the program that appeal to you and how it aligns with your academic and career goals.Paragraph 3:Detail any relevant experiences or skills you possess that make you a strong candidate for the program. Provide examples of how you have demonstrated leadership, teamwork, problem-solving abilities, etc.Paragraph 4:Address any challenges or obstacles you have overcome in pursuit of your goals. Highlight your resilience and ability to learn from setbacks.Conclusion:Reiterate your interest in the program and why you are a deserving candidate. Summarize the key points you have made in the essay and leave the reader with a lasting impression of your qualifications and aspirations.Final Touches:Proofread your essay carefully to ensure there are no grammatical errors or typos. Ask someone else to review your essay for feedback and make any necessary revisions.---。

英语作文申请书格式 [Your Name][Your Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Position][University/Organization Name][Address][City, State, ZIP Code]Dear [Recipient's Name],。
I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to apply for admission to[University/Organization Name] for the upcoming academic year. I am highly interested in pursuing [degree/program name] and believe that [University/Organization Name]offers the ideal environment for me to achieve my academic and personal goals.Allow me to introduce myself. My name is [Your Name], and I am a [current educational status, e.g., high school senior/college graduate]. I have always been passionate about [your field of interest] and have consistently excelled in related subjects throughout my academic journey. My strong academic performance is reflected in my [mention any notable achievements, such as awards, scholarships, or high GPA].Aside from my academic achievements, I have actively participated in various extracurricular activities that have helped me develop valuable skills and qualities. For instance, I have been a member of [mention clubs, organizations, or teams you were involved in] where I learned the importance of teamwork, leadership, and effective communication. These experiences have shaped my character and equipped me with the necessary skills to thrive in a diverse and challenging academic environment.Moreover, I have undertaken several internships and volunteer work related to [your field of interest]. These experiences have provided me with practical knowledge and a deeper understanding of the field. I believe that my hands-on experience, combined with the theoretical knowledge I will gain at [University/Organization Name], will enable me to make a significant impact in my chosen field upon graduation.Furthermore, I have thoroughly researched[University/Organization Name] and am impressed by its esteemed faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, andcommitment to academic excellence. The opportunity to learn from distinguished professors and engage in cutting-edge research greatly appeals to me. Additionally, the diverse student body at [University/Organization Name] will expose me to different perspectives and cultures, fostering a rich learning environment.In conclusion, I am eager to become a part of thevibrant academic community at [University/Organization Name]. I am confident that my passion, dedication, and academic background make me a strong candidate for admission. I kindly request you to consider my application favorably and provide me with an opportunity to contributeto the academic and cultural fabric of[University/Organization Name].Thank you for considering my application. I lookforward to the possibility of joining[University/Organization Name] and making a positive impact. Please find attached my completed application form, transcripts, recommendation letters, and any other required documents.Yours sincerely,。

文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!申请信英语作文范文高中(精选9篇)申请信英语作文范文高中第1篇Dear Sir,I am writing to apply for a British Council scholarship to study in Britain.I did my five years basic training in medicine at Shanghai University.After this I successfully completed a one-year postgraduate course in Ophthalmology at the Peoples General Hospital, where I am at present serving a two-year probation in the Eye Clinic.As a result of the publication in 2003 of my article in New Scientist entitled _Soft and Rigid Contact Lenses _, which was based on a survey of 37 patients over 6 months, I made contact with Dr.Li Ming of the Capital Hospital and Dr.Ma Li of the University College Hospital.I have received their help and advice with my current research project, which is a two-year survey of the acceptance of various types of contact lenses in 200 patients.Despite their help, I feel that I cannot make real progress in this field unless I can actually have day-to-day contact with these specialists.I would therefore like to continue my research at either the Capital Hospital or the UCH as soon as my probationary period here is completed, and I would like tostudy in Britain for two years.I enclose a detailed curriculum vitae and an offprint of my article, together with two letters of recommendation from Dr.Li Ming and Dr.Ma Li.Yours faithfully,Lily Chen申请信英语作文范文高中第2篇Dear Sir or Madam,Im Li Hua, a middle school student from China.I read the announcement of the summer camp that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it.I know that you welcome students from different countries and Id like to take part in it.Ive been learning English for 10 years, and I speak fluent English.What is more, Ill be able to tell students from other countries about China and learn about their countries as well.I hope I will be accepted as a member of your summer camp.Looking forward to your reply!YoursLi Hua申请信英语作文范文高中第3篇Dear Sir,I was very interested in your advertisement in todays edition of The Evening Post and I should like to apply to be a member of the Amazon EXpedition team.I am twenty-three years old and have an honors degree in Botany from BathUniversity.Since leaving university I have been working in a research laboratory but my contract comes to an end in siX weeks.I would particularly like to join the eXpedition for the opportunity it would give me to study the plant life of the area.I enjoy several outdoor activities including rowing and rock climbing and I consider myself to be both fit and healthy enough to undertake such an eXpedition.If you would like me to attend an interview, I would be able to come at any time convenient to you, (J(1)my employers have agreed to give me time off for the purpose.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,Lily Ma申请信英语作文范文高中第4篇Dear Sir or Madam:My name is Li Hua.I have known that your school will admit students in advance on the Internet.With the great longing forentering your school, I’d like to make this application really.At first, let me introduce myself.I’m an 18-year-old girl from Dalian Middle school.Because of the interest in maths and biology, I have won some awards on them.Certainly, I do well in other subjects as well.In my spare time, I enjoy hiking and reading some books.Sometimes I’ll volunteer to help others at the charity.With lots of eXperiences accumulated, I have more confidence in making my college life wonderful.Finally, I really want to say that I love this school very much and want to be a student there.I would appreciate it if you could give me a chance.Look forward to your reply.YoursLi Hua申请信英语作文范文高中第5篇I have learned from the official channel of the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games that Beijing Olympia has begun to recruit volunteers.I am writing this letter to / I would like to forward a formal application for becoming an eXtroverted,confident and optimistic volunteer.I am now a sophomore majoring in English at Peking University, proficient in the first official Olympic language,and have been in thePropaganda Department of the student union for two years With long working eXperience, I am qualified to be a good helper,and I will be a good helper after graduation.Moreover,I have always been keen on this sport and advocating the Olympic slogan, advocating higher, faster and stronger.This will also enable me to devote myself to volunteer work.I am confident that I will become a competent volunteer,a challenging and rewarding job I would appreciate it if you could consider my application and forward it to me.I would appreciate it if you could provide me with the details of the application as soon as possible at your convenience.中文翻译:从第届奥运会组委会渠道获悉北京奥林匹亚已开始招募志愿者的申请信,我写这封信给/我想转寄一份正式的申请书,申请成为一名性格外向、自信乐观的志愿者,我现在是北京大学英语专业的大二学生,精通第一种奥林匹克语言,两年来在学生会宣传部部长的工作经验,使我有资格成为一个好帮手,毕业后更是一个好帮手,而且我一直热衷于此体育运动和崇尚奥林匹克口号,倡导更高、更快、更强,这也将使我全身心投入到志愿工作中去,我很有信心成为一名称职的志愿者,一份既有挑战性又有回报的工作,如果您能考虑我的申请并转达我,我将不胜感激在您方便的时候尽快提供申请的详细信息,等待您的回复/期待您的回复确认:简历。

gentlemen(美 国式)与 dearsirs(英国式)二种,相当于我国的"敬
启者"或"谨启者 ".如果信是写给革个公司单位的,不是写给某个具
体人的,美语用 gentlemen(复数形式),英语用 dearsirs.如果对
方公司只一人时, 必须使用 sir/dearsir.称呼后一般要使用标点符
学海无 涯
它是书信结尾的恭维话,相当于文中书信最后的“祝好”、“致 礼”之类的话语。
5.签名(signature) 签名通常签在结束语下方的中间偏右的位置,即使是打写机打出 的信件,最后仍需亲笔签名。在签名的上方可根据写信人和收信人的 关系写上 sincerelyyours/yourssincerely(用于长辈或朋友之间), 或 respectfullyyours/yoursrespectfully(用于对长辈或上级)。
.pleasesendmybestwishestomisswห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ng.ican’tthankhertoomuch. trulyyours,**** 2.aletterofapology(致歉信)
提示:因暴风雨使铁路中断而未能践约,写信致歉。 dearfriend, iknowyouwereangrywithmefornotkeepingmypromise.i’msosorry thatsomethingunexpectedhappened.ididtaketherighttrain,andthou ghtiwouldarriveintime.however,asuddenstormdamagedpartoftherai lway,andsothetrainwaslateforfivehours.whenifinallygotoutofthe

英语作文申请函格式范文English:I am writing to express my interest in applying for the position of Marketing Coordinator at your esteemed company. With a Bachelor's degree in Marketing and three years of experience in marketing roles, I am confident in my abilities to contribute effectively to your team. I have a strong understanding of market trends and consumer behavior, as well as experience in developing and implementing strategic marketing campaigns. I am also skilled in data analysis and have a proven track record of driving growth and increasing brand awareness for previous employers. I am eager to bring my passion for marketing and creativity to your organization and help achieve its marketing goals.Chinese:我写信表达我对贵公司市场协调员职位的申请兴趣。

英语申请书万能模板English:I am writing to express my strong interest in applying for the opportunity to study [name of program or institution] in [year]. With a solid academic background in [field of study], I am confident that this program will provide me with the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve my academic and career goals. I am particularly drawn to [specific program or course] because of its reputation for excellence and its focus on [specific areas of interest]. By participating in this program, I believe I will be able to broaden my horizons, engage in meaningful research, and develop a deeper understanding of [relevant subject matter]. Additionally, I am eager to collaborate with fellow students and faculty members to exchange ideas and perspectives, further enriching my academic experience. I am committed to investing my time and efforts into this program, and I am excited about the prospect of contributing to the academic community. Thank you for considering my application.中文翻译:我写信是为了表达我强烈的兴趣,申请在[年份]参加[项目或机构名称]学习的机会。

英语申请书(精选多篇)第一篇:英语申请书engziueunivesity in ngs yuelu istit,tele nube:5478345sut pus sublitin ptenteil:825229189@126.eplyent bjetivet k s n englis tee in yu tining sl. gin expeiene, n eventully be n vne tee.eutinbel f t in feign lnguge llege f su. y XX. pfessinl englis level 4.june XX.ei nsge pint vege 3.95(f 4.0) in pfessinl englis uses selete use kpiniples f inftin systete t f eutinpsylgypeggyfili it te flling pute pgsins 7/8s ffiepsp/e 5.0visieplyent expeienepny ne: intentinl te gup ., lt.beginning n ening te:XX-07 ~ XX-12pny type: pivte entepise inusty: ting / ipt & exptpsitins: feign vuing大连天童美语培训学校单位地址:大连市中山区延安路92号所属区域:辽宁省大连市中山区招聘岗位:英语老师学历要求大学本科工作地点大连市中山区延安路92号第二篇:英语奖学金申请书tis setin ntins tee slsip essys:slsip essy ne - bielslsip essy t - ntinl eit slslsip essy tee - fulbigtslsip essy nebiel slsip inne - n $3,000 slsiplike . biel, i litelly k tielessly in ny ei n leesip les. i sleep n e tn six us nigt beuse f y esie t expetly eet y ny itents. tugut y life, i ve ke s lng n s s i pssibly n t effet benefiil nges in bt sl n siety.uing te sue f tent ge, i tk nube tey use t jns pkins univesity it stuents f lsk, lifni, n bgt, lbi. siilly, uingte sue flling elevent ge, i s ne f ninety stuents f ne jesey selete t tten te gvens sl in te sienes t e univesity. t e, i tk uses in leul bitl tey, speil eltivity, gnitive psylgy, n i ptiipte in n stpysis ese pjet. f y inepenent ese pjet, i use telespe t fin te ngul velity f plut. it te ngul velity eteine, i use einsteins fiel equtins n keples ls t ple n uppe bun n te gnitue f te slgil nstnt, i esibes te uvtue f spe n te te f te univeses expnsin.in itin t lening siene, i eently letue pysis lsses n speil eltivity t te equest f y pysis tee. fte letuing ne lss f 45 inutes, ne stuent bugt ny bks n bt genel n speil eltivity t e uing is stuy ll. inspiing te stuents t se f knlege kinles y n quest t unestn te l n te peple un e.s pesient f te ntinl n siety, i tut stuents it iffiulties in vius subjet es. in itin, i nke nube ne in y lss it n st se f 1580 n stii ses f 750 in t, 760 in iting, n 800 in pysis. in sl, i tke te est pssible uses inluing evey p use ffee t te ig sl. i te leing ebe f te t te, te ei te, n te el ngess te. in te e f leesip, i ve eently eeive te ty yut leesip f ll ty lub, ve been ske t tten te ntinlyut leesip fu n l n te nstitutin in singtn .., n te te inning essy n ptitis f sut plinfiels vf pte. uently enlle in spnis 6,i ebe f bt te spnis lub n te spnis n siety. in itin, i eently s ne ntinl eit sl.第三篇:英语协会申请书尊敬的老师:我是英语协会会长张益峰,为了提高英语协会会员的英语水平和学习英语的积极性,本协会想采取和英语课堂上一样的加分政策,并将英语协会的得分按一定比例(比例有待和您商量)加入到英语科期末成绩中。

文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如总结计划、党团报告、合同协议、策划方案、演讲致辞、规章制度、条据文书、教学资料、作文大全、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays, such as summary plans, party and youth league reports, contract agreements, planning plans, speeches, rules and regulations, doctrinal documents, teaching materials, complete essays, and other sample essays. If you would like to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!英语申请书格式(精选5篇)英语申请书格式(精选5篇)英语申请书格式篇1Dear Sir,I wish to obtain admission to your undergraduate program in Accounting .My intended date of entrance is Fall ,20XX or Spring ,20XX.After I successfully completed my study of Business Administration at Beijing Junior College of Commerce in June,20XX,I have been working with a business firm as an assistant in the accounting department .Thus,l have chosen Accounting as my prospective major.Early this year, I took the TOEFL and achieved a score of 590,chic Ii I believe will meet your requirement.In addition,I have sufficient financial resources to provide for my own educationI would greatly appreciate it if you would mail the necessary application matenaIs to me as early as possible Sincerely yoursLin Hua英语申请书格式篇2Im grateful for the opportunity to work for you and I enjoy doing so.I hope youll agree that, in the two years Ive worked for you,Ive become an integral member of your team and accomplished a great deal.For eXample, in the last siX months alone, Ive [List of major accomplishments]However, Im still working for the initial salary on which we agreed two years ago.As I recall,we also agreed to renegotiate my salary in two years based on my accomplishments,and that time has come.In light of my accomplishments and as per our agreement, Im respectfully requesting an immediate pay rise of siX percent,to be followed in siX months by a performance-based pay rise of an additional three percent.I strongly feel that Ive earned the immediate pay raise and Im confident that I will also earn the siX-month raise based on my performance.But Im willing to negotiate,as per our agreement.If you would like to meet to discuss this, please let me know.Thanks again for the opportunity.I look forward to continuing to be a key player on your team in a mutually-rewarding relationship.ok forward to continuing to be a key player on your team in a mutually-rewarding relationship.ok forward to continuing to be a key player on yourteam in a mutually-rewarding relationship.英语申请书格式篇3Dear Sir or Madam:I am writing to apply for admission to your university to pursue my M.S.degree.I have read the annual prospectus issued by your university and found that it has the best graduate program of chemistry.I am greatly interested in the program.I graduated in 20XX from Huabei University,majoring in Chemistry and holding a B.S.degree.At university, I took many fundamental courses in Chemistry and my English is eXcellent as I had served as the head of English Association for two years.Since then I have been teaching Chemistry in Beijing Normal University.Through my teaching eXperience, I have not only deepened my understanding in this field, but mastered many complicated research skills as well.Two of my former professors and the present dean of our department have kindly written letters of recommendation for me,as enclosed with this letter.Thank you very much.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely yours, Li Ming英语申请书格式篇4尊敬的领导:时间飞逝,转眼间一学期的教学工作已接近尾声,为了更好地做好今后的工作,总结经验、吸取教训,现将本年度个人工作总结报告如下:一、思想品德方面热爱本职,踏实工作,不追逐名利。

打字员的英语申请书English:I am writing to apply for the position of typist at your company. Witha solid background in typing and data entry, I believe I have the skills and experience necessary to excel in this role. I am proficient in typing with a speed of over 60 words per minute and have a keen eye for detail, ensuring accuracy in all my work. I am also highly organized and efficient in managing multiple tasks simultaneously. Additionally, I have experience using various word processing and spreadsheet software, allowing me to complete projects efficiently and effectively. I am confident that my strong work ethic and dedication to quality work make me a suitable candidate for this position.Chinese:我写信申请贵公司的打字员职位。

申请信英语作文模板Dear Sir/Madam,。
I am writing this letter to express my strong interest in applying for the position of (position title) at your esteemed organization. I came across this job opening on (source of job posting) and I am confident that my skills and experience make me a perfect fit for this role.Firstly, I hold a (degree/major) from (university name) with (GPA/CGPA) and have gained (years of experience) of relevant work experience in (industry/field). During my previous employment, I have developed a strong set ofskills in (skill/ability), which I believe will be valuable in this position.Furthermore, I am a highly motivated individual who is passionate about (industry/field). I have a keen eye for detail and am able to work well under pressure and tight deadlines. I am also a team player and have experienceworking collaboratively with colleagues to achieve common goals.In addition, I am proficient in (skill/software), which I believe will be beneficial in this role. I am also highly adaptable and able to learn quickly, which will enable me to quickly integrate into your organization and contribute to its success.I am excited about the opportunity to join your organization and believe that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for this position. I am available for an interview at your convenience and look forward to hearing from you soon.Thank you for considering my application.Sincerely,。

初中英语申请书English:I am writing to express my interest in applying to your school for the upcoming academic year. I believe that your institution is renowned for its excellence in academics, extracurricular activities, and overall student support. As a motivated and dedicated student, I am confident that I can thrive in such an environment and make significant contributions to the school community. I have consistently performed well in my academic studies and have actively participated in various extracurricular activities such as sports teams, music clubs, and community service projects. I am eager to continue my personal and academic growth at your school, where I know I will be challenged and supported to reach my full potential. I am also excited about the opportunity to interact with a diverse group of students and learn from their unique perspectives and experiences. I am confident that attending your school will not only further my education but also help me develop as a well-rounded individual ready to face the challenges of the modern world.中文翻译:我写信表达我对贵校在即将到来的学年申请的兴趣。

历年英语作文申请信格式Sure, here's a sample format for a letter of application in English:[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, Zip Code][Your Email Address][Your Phone Number][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Title][Company/Organization Name][Company/Organization Address][City, State, Zip Code]Dear [Recipient's Name],。
I am writing to express my interest in [specific position or program] at [company/organization name]. With [number] years of experience in [relevant field or industry], along with a strong educational background in [relevant field], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team.[Paragraph introducing yourself and your background, including relevant experience and qualifications.]In addition to my professional experience, I am particularly drawn to [specific aspect of theposition/program] at [company/organization name]. I am impressed by [mention specific aspects of thecompany/organization that appeal to you, such as its mission, values, projects, or achievements]. I believe that my skills and passion align well with the goals of your organization.[Paragraph highlighting your skills, accomplishments, and why you are a strong candidate for theposition/program.]Furthermore, I am eager to bring my [specific skills or expertise] to [company/organization name] and contribute to [specific goals or projects]. I am confident that my [mention any additional qualifications or attributes] make me a valuable asset to your team.[Closing paragraph expressing gratitude for considering your application and stating your availability for an interview or further discussion.]Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasm can contribute to the success of[company/organization name]. Please find attached my resume/CV for your review.Sincerely,。

申请信作文英语范文英文回答:In the tapestry of life, opportunities weave intricate threads that shape our paths. It is amidst these threads that I find myself drawn to the esteemed position of teaching at your esteemed institution. I am convinced that my passion for education and my unwavering commitment to nurturing young minds make me an ideal candidate for this role.From my earliest memories, I have been captivated by the transformative power of knowledge. It was in the pages of books that I found solace and inspiration, and in the classrooms that I witnessed the ignition of young minds. The opportunity to guide students on their own journeys of discovery is an honor that I am eager to embrace.I have dedicated my academic life to the pursuit of pedagogical excellence. My undergraduate studies ineducation laid the foundation for my understanding of child development, effective teaching methodologies, and curriculum design. Subsequently, my graduate work has further enhanced my knowledge and skills, equipping me with the theoretical frameworks and practical strategies essential for creating engaging and dynamic learning environments.Beyond my formal education, my passion for teaching is evident in my experiences as a volunteer tutor and mentor. Working with students from diverse backgrounds, I have honed my ability to individualize instruction, cater to different learning styles, and foster a culture of inclusivity. The joy I derive from witnessing the progress of my students is a testament to the fulfillment this profession brings me.I firmly believe that teaching extends beyond the transmission of knowledge. It is about nurturing the whole child, fostering their intellectual curiosity, emotional intelligence, and social responsibility. By creating apositive and supportive classroom community, I aim to empower students to reach their full potential both academically and personally.Through my enthusiasm, dedication, and unwavering commitment to the pursuit of excellence, I am confident that I will make a significant contribution to your prestigious institution. I am eager to collaborate with my esteemed colleagues, share my ideas, and embrace the opportunity to learn and grow alongside my students.Thank you for considering my application. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and how I can contribute to the vibrant educational tapestry of your institution.中文回答:在人生的长卷中,机遇编织着错综复杂的细线,塑造了我们的道路。

申请求职信英语范文格式[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, Zip Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date]Dear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my interest in the [Position Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job listing]. With a strong background in [relevant field or industry], I believe that my skills and experience make me a perfect fit for this role.I have spent the past [number of years] working in [specific industry or field], where I have honed my skills in [specific skills relevant to the job]. Through my previous roles, I have developed a keen eye for detail, excellent time management skills, and a strong ability to work well under pressure. I am highly proficient in [relevant software or tools], and I am confident in my ability to quickly adapt to new technologies and systems.In my most recent role at [Previous Company], I was responsible for [brief description of your responsibilities and achievements]. I successfully [specific project or accomplishment], which resulted in [positive outcome]. I also collaborated with cross-functional teams to [specific task or objective], demonstrating my ability to work effectively with others to achieve a common goal.I am particularly impressed with [Company Name]'s commitment to [specific company value or mission statement]. I strongly believe in [related value or mission], and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to a company that shares my values. I am confident that my skills and experience align well with the requirements of the [Position Title] role, and I am eager to bring my expertise to your team.I am highly motivated, detail-oriented, and dedicated to delivering high-quality work. I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for this position, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name]'s success.Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.Sincerely,[Your Name]。
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