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联合国儿童基金会(United Nations International Children's Emergency Fun d, 简称UNICEF),原名联合国国际儿童紧急救助基金会,于1946年12月11日创建,其目的是满足战后欧洲与中国儿童的紧急需求。1950年起,它的工作扩展到满足全球所有发展中国家儿童和母亲的长期需求。1953年,UNICEF成为联合国系统的永久成员,隶属联合国系统,受联合国大会的委托,致力于实现全球各国儿童的生存、发展、受保护和参与的权利。

United Nations Children's Fund was created by the United Nations Genera l Assemblyon December 11, 1946, to provide emergency food and healthcare t o children in countries that had been devastated by World War II. In 1953, U NICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations System and its name was shortened from the original United Nations International Children's E mergency Fund but it has continued to be known by the popular acronym base d on this old name. Headquartered in New York City, UNICEF provides lon g-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. It is one of the members of the United Nations Develop ment Group and its Executive Committee.

UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private donors and UNICEF's total income for 2006 was $2,781,000,000. Governments contribute two thirds of the organization's resources; private groups and some 6 millio n individuals contribute the rest through the National Committees. UNICEF's programs emphasize developing community-level services to promo te the health and well-being of children. UNICEF was awarded the Nobel Pe ace Prize in 1965 and the Prince of Asturias Award of Concord in 2006.




1. Your advertisement made me unable to wait to write this application for the post because I think I have the qualifications you are seeking.

2. I am writing to apply for t he advertised post of …

3. I would like to apply for admission to your college.

4. I would like to further my studies in … department of your honored university.

5. I would like to apply for the graduate program of … in your university.

6. I would like to apply for the scholarship that your department offers to students from other countries.

7. I am writing to you in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in … towards a master’s degree in your university.

8. I would like to apply for admission to your graduate school of ..


1. Looking forward to your favorable reply.

2. I hope you will kindly send me an application form.

3. Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

4. I greatly appreciate any of your favorable consideration of my application.

5. I would be very grateful if you would consider my application and could send me some information about the scholarship.

6. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to your reply.

7. I would be grateful if you can grant me an early reply about the result of my application.

8. If any scholarships are available, I would appreciate it if you would send me the necessary application forms.

9. I hope my academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.


1. I have obtained my BA in … from University.

2. I am a senior student now and expect my graduation next summer from … University.

3. I major in … and did some research work during my undergraduate years. 4.Since graduation I have been working in … which specializes in…

5. Now I am particularly interested in…
