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原文:A fox had fallen into a well, and had been casting about for a long time how he should get out again, when at length a goat came to the place, and wanting to drink, asked Reynard whether the water was good, and of there was plenty of it .The fox, dissembling the real danger of his case, replied :"come down, my friend, the water is so good that I can not drink enough of it, and so aboundant that it can not be exhausted ."Upon this the goat without any more ado leaped in, when the fox, taking advantage of his friend's horns, as nimbly leaped out, and coolly remarked to the poor deluded goat :"if you had half as much brains as you have beard, you would have looked before you leaped."

译文:一只狐狸掉在一口井里,转了很久怎样再跳上去,最后一只山羊来到这里,他正想喝水,便问狐狸这水好不好,还多不多,狐狸掩饰起他的真实危险处境,回答说:"下来吧,我的朋友,这水好得使我喝不够,而且多的用不完。"于是山羊立刻跳了井里,狐狸踩着他朋友的角,敏捷地跳了上去,并且冷淡地对受了骗的可怜的山羊说:"如果你的脑子有你胡子一半多,你就会先思而后行了。" 词汇:casting about 来回走,想方设法 at length 最后 Reynard 狐狸的通称 without any more ado 不费吹灰之力 taking advantage of 利用look before you leap 三思而后行

英语故事12 :《桃太郎》




Once upon a time an old man and woman lived in the mountains. Everyday the old man went to the mountain and collected firewood, while the old woman went to the river and did the laundry. One day, she was doing the washing when a big peach came floating down the river towards her. As it was a big and juicy-looking fruit, she thought that her husband would be glad to eat it so she took it home. When the old man came back for lunch and saw the nice peach, he was really happy. The old woman cut the big peach open with a knife. What a surprise! A lovely little boy was in the peach.

The old man and woman had no children so they were really grateful the gods had sent them a boy in this peach. Since he was born in a peach, they decided to call him Momotaro which means "peach-boy". The old woman cooked a meal for the little boy who ate as much as he could; the more he ate, the more he grew. Soon he became a tall and strong boy.

No matter how tall or strong he was, Momotaro was a lazy boy. Day after day, all he did was sleep and eat. In the village the other boys went to the mountain and picked firewood while Momotaro was the only one doing nothing. This worried the old man and the old woman, so they asked the other boys to try to
