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[2] WANG Yaj un (王亚军),HUANG Ping(黄平),LI Shengcai(李生
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Statistic analysis of fire accidents in urban villages of Kunming
SONG Zhi gang 1
,C HE N Shuo 2
(1Faculty of Civil Eng i neering and Architecture,Kunming Uni versity of Science and Technology,Kun ming 650224,China;2Fi re Protec ti on Section of Panlong District,Kun ming 650224,China)
Abstract:This paper is ai med to provide our analysis on the si tuation of the fire accidents in urban villages (UVs)of Kunming.To under stand the fire characteristic features in UVs,we have studied the fire records from 2004to 2006in the said areas and analyzed the causes that led to such fires.In such areas,one of which is the speeding up of the process of urbanization in the country.It has become a critical problem for the UVs to lack strict city planning and specialized resi dential admi nistration and management,which has turned to be a key to social disorder and reasons to lead fire accidents.Accordi ng to fire sites,the fire records can be first of all classified into two categories,those taking place in UVs and those taking place non UVs.Bayesian algori thm calculation indicates that the fire probabilities of buildings in UVs prove qui te different with higher risk buildings clustered to gether with the corresponding risk ratio.We have also done the corre lation analysis (CAFSC)on the building fire cause.The analysis shows that there is significan t dissi milari ty between the C AFSC results for UVs and those for non UVs.The dissi milarity reflects the differen t features of the fire sites or/and fire causes in UVs that are distin guished from those in non UVs.Many of the features in UVs prove to be in conformity wi th the field inves tigation.
Key words:safety engineering;fi re;risk;statistic;urban village CLC number:X928 01 D ocument code:A Article ID:1009 6094(2008)06 0112 05
研究,qdldw@163 com 。
文章编号:1009 6094(2008)06 0116 05
刘大维1,陈焕明1,刘 伟1,夏
摘 要:针对无副车架的重型自卸汽车在使用过程中出现的车架横梁异常断裂问题,建立了以板壳单元为基本单元的自卸汽车车架有限元分析模型,采用NASTRAN 有限元分析软件对车架强度进行分析。
根据实际工艺要求,改造车架结构,将连接第2根横梁和纵梁的L 板厚度变大,并将平衡悬架推力杆支座由整体式支撑改为分体式支撑,从而使两处的最大应力值分别比原结构下降20 4%和51 7%。
中图分类号:U461 91 文献标识码:A 0 引 言
本文建立以板壳单元为基本单元的车架有限元分析模型,采用NAS TRAN 有限元分析软件研究无副车架重型自卸汽车的车架结构强度,分析车架横梁断裂原因并提出改进方法。
1 有限元分析模型的建立
1 1 车架有限元分析模型
某无副车架重型自卸汽车(Z3252K 型)的车架为槽型断面梯形边梁式结构,主要由2根主纵梁、2根副纵梁和6根横
考虑车架几何模型的复杂性,采用Pro/E 软件建立车架116
第8卷第6期2008年12月 安全与环境学报Journal of Safety and Environ ment
Vol.8 No.6
模型,通过HyperMesh 软件进行网格划分,将划分好的网格文件导入MSC.Patran 软件,利用MSC.Patran 与MSC.Nastran 的良好接口功能,将MSC.Patran 中定义的有限元模型的材料属性及边界条件提交到MSC.Nastran 并计算。
各横梁、纵梁和侧翼板的划分采用边长为10mm 的四边形板壳单元(Shell);板簧吊耳的划分采用边长为20mm 的四面体单元(Solid)。
钢板弹簧和平衡悬架推力杆采用MSC.Patran 软件单元库中2节点的梁单元(Beam)进行模拟。
K =48EI /l 3
式中 E 为材料的弹性模量,N mm -2;I 为截面惯性矩,
mm 4;l 为梁长度,mm 。
为简化模型,设定模拟钢板弹簧梁截面为边长为a 的正方形,则
l =a 4/12
车架纵梁采用A610L 大梁用钢板,屈服强度 s =565MPa,最小抗拉强度为640MPa,最大抗拉强度为670MPa;横梁采用16MnL 钢板,屈服强度 s =360MPa,最小抗拉强度为510MPa,最大抗拉强度为610MPa 。
弹性模量E =210000N/mm 2,泊松比 =0 3。
前钢板弹簧的垂直刚度系数k 前=200N/mm,后钢板弹簧的垂直刚度系数k 后=2200N/mm。
图1 铆钉和螺栓连接处的处理
Fig.1 Connection treatment of the rivets and
图2 车架有限元模型
Fig.2 Fin ite element model of the frame
1 2 边界条件
心节点处,约束x 、y 、z 方向的平动自由度;确定车架后端约束点为后桥两端,约束y 、z 方向的平动自由度。
1 3 载荷和计算工况的确定
计算时的车架载荷分布见图3,车架质量平均分配在各单元;驾驶室重量(750kg )和动力总成重量(1320kg)简化为集中载荷并分配在相应支承节点;上装的载荷(承载质量16500kg)通过货箱传递给车架上的6个支撑块和翻转轴。
弯曲工况加载时,车辆的4个车轮在同一水平面;举升卸载工况下,载荷加在举升油缸与车架连接处及车厢翻转轴上,加载的力通过ADAMS 仿真分析软件建立的自卸汽车虚拟样机模型求解;弯扭组合工况指将车辆某一前轮、后轮抬起一定距离(150mm),其余车轮处于同一水平路面。
2 结果与讨论
2 1 静态计算结果及讨论
弯扭组合工况下,前轮抬起时最大应力位于连接第2根横梁和纵梁的L 板处(图4(c)和5(a)),应力数值为289MPa;后轮抬起时最大应力位于平衡悬架推力杆支座与第4根横梁的连接部位(图4(d)和5(b)),应力数值为269MPa 。
这2个部位的应力数值虽小于横梁材料的屈服强度(360MPa),但考虑到行驶车辆的动载系数(通常为1 5),2个部位的最大应力分别达到433 5MPa 和403 5MPa,已大于横梁材料的屈服强度360MPa(但小于横梁材料的最小抗拉强度510MPa)。
图3 车架载荷示意图
Fig.3 Sketch map of the frame load
2008年12月 刘大维,等:重型自卸汽车车架横梁异常断裂原因分析 Dec,2008
图4 不同工况下车架应力分布
Fig.4 Stres s distribution of the fram under different
图5 弯扭组合工况车架断裂处应力分布Fig.5 Stress dis tribution of the frame abnormal rupture
under bending and torsion
图6 车架异常断裂的实际情况
Fig.6 Actual s ituation of the frame abnormal rupture
Vol.8 No.6 安全与环境学报
2 2 模态计算结果及讨论
3 车架结构改进
将连接第2根横梁和纵梁的L板由原来的8mm 加厚至10m m,并将平衡悬架推力杆支座由整体式支撑改为分体式支撑(图8)。
弯扭组合工况下,前轮抬起时最大应力仍位于连接第2根横梁和纵梁的L板处,但应力数值下降至230MPa (图9(a));后轮抬起时最大应力位于第4横梁与纵梁连接的上排铆钉处(图9(b)),应力数值为163MPa;而平衡悬架推力杆支座与第4根横梁的连接部位的应力下降至130MPa。
车架易发生断裂的2个部位的应力数值分别下降了20 4%和51 7%。
4 结 论
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图7 车架模态振型
Fig.7 Frame modality
2008年12月 刘大维,等:重型自卸汽车车架横梁异常断裂原因分析 Dec,2008
图8 推力杆支座与第4横梁连接处照片(改进后)
Fig.8 Photo of distance rod saddle and the forth cross rail (
图9 弯扭组合工况下改进后车架应力分布Fig.9 Stress distribution of improved frame under bending
and torsion case
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C ause analysis of frame abnormal rupture of heavy dump truck
LIU Da wei 1,C HEN Huan ming 1,LIU Wei1,XIA Kun 2
(1Automobile Engineering Department,Qingdao University,Qing dao 266071,Shandong,China;2Special Truck Company,China National Heavy Duty Truck Group Corp,Qingdao 266031,Shan dong ,China)
Abstract:This article aims to present our analysis over the causes
that are responsi ble for the rupture of the du mp truck frame as well as the FE A model established by us.In order to find out the reasons of the frame wi thou t assistant frame abnormal rupture,both the static analysis and the dynamic analysis were carried out by using the so called NAS TRAN FEAS software.The results of our analysi s indicate that the rup ture took place because the stress of the second cross rail experienced was bigger than the yield strength of the material under bending and torsion case,in addition to the stress experienced by the link plate and the saddle of equalizing type suspension rod with the fourth cross rail.If the above said situation remains true with the heavy vehicles at the overload transportation,it would be likely to cause the frame abnormal rupture.On the basis of calculati on we have worked out the causes of the frame abnormal rupture,which is in perfect conformi ty with the actual rupture case.Thus,it can be verified that,the finite elemen t model and analysis method are both credi ble and feasible to the transportation and traffic application.In ans wering to the demands of routine testing and measurement,we have also worked out the way for the reconstruction of the frame,which also proves effective by the reconstruction resul pared with the original structure,the strengthened second cross rail and the layout of the saddle of equalizing type suspension turned to be much more reasonable.Under bending and torsion case,the maximal s tress can be made to drop to 20 4%and 51 7%,respectively.Key words:safety simulation and safety emulation;du mp truck;
frame;abnormal rupture;fini te element analysis
C LC number:U461 91 Document code:A Article ID:1009 6094(2008)06 0116 05
Vol.8 No.6 安全与环境学报 第8卷第6期。