



2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(课标全国卷Ⅲ)文 数本卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟.第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分)一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的1.已知集合A={1,2,3,4},B={2,4,6,8},则A∩B 中元素的个数为( ) A.1B.2C.3D.42.复平面内表示复数z=i(-2+i)的点位于( ) A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限3.某城市为了解游客人数的变化规律,提高旅游服务质量,收集并整理了2014年1月至2016年12月期间月接待游客量(单位:万人)的数据,绘制了下面的折线图根据该折线图,下列结论错误的是( ) A.月接待游客量逐月增加 B.年接待游客量逐年增加C.各年的月接待游客量高峰期大致在7,8月D.各年1月至6月的月接待游客量相对于7月至12月,波动性更小,变化比较平稳 4.已知sin α-cos α=43,则sin 2α=( )A.-79 B .-29 C .29D.795.设x,y 满足约束条件{3x +2y -6≤0,x ≥0,y ≥0,则z=x-y 的取值范围是( )A.[-3,0]B.[-3,2]C.[0,2]D.[0,3]6.函数f(x)=15sin (x +π3)+cos (x -π6)的最大值为( ) A.65B.1C.35D.157.函数y=1+x+sinx x 2的部分图象大致为( )8.执行下面的程序框图,为使输出S的值小于91,则输入的正整数N的最小值为( )A.5B.4C.3D.29.已知圆柱的高为1,它的两个底面的圆周在直径为2的同一个球的球面上,则该圆柱的体积为( )A.πB.3π4C.π2D.π410.在正方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1中,E为棱CD的中点,则( )A.A1E⊥DC1B.A1E⊥BDC.A1E⊥BC1D.A1E⊥AC11.已知椭圆C:x 2a2+y2b2=1(a>b>0)的左、右顶点分别为A1,A2,且以线段A1A2为直径的圆与直线bx-ay+2ab=0相切,则C的离心率为( )A.√63B.√33C.√23D.1312.已知函数f(x)=x2-2x+a(e x-1+e-x+1)有唯一零点,则a=( )A.-12B.13C.12D.1第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共90分)二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.已知向量a=(-2,3),b=(3,m),且a ⊥b,则m= . 14.双曲线x 2a -y 29=1(a>0)的一条渐近线方程为y=35x,则a= .15.△ABC 的内角A,B,C 的对边分别为a,b,c.已知C=60°,b=√6,c=3,则A= . 16.设函数f(x)={x +1,x ≤0,2x ,x >0,则满足f(x)+f (x -12)>1的x 的取值范围是 .三、解答题:共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.第17~21题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答.第22、23题为选考题,考生根据要求作答. (一)必考题:共60分.17.(12分)设数列{a n }满足a 1+3a 2+…+(2n -1)a n =2n. (1)求{a n }的通项公式;(2)求数列{an2n+1}的前n 项和.18.(12分)某超市计划按月订购一种酸奶,每天进货量相同,进货成本每瓶4元,售价每瓶6元,未售出的酸奶降价处理,以每瓶2元的价格当天全部处理完.根据往年销售经验,每天需求量与当天最高气温(单位:℃)有关.如果最高气温不低于25,需求量为500瓶;如果最高气温位于区间[20,25),需求量为300瓶;如果最高气温低于20,需求量为200瓶.为了确定六月份的订购计划,统计了前三年六月份各天的最高气温数据,得下面的频数分布表: 最高气温 [10,15) [15,20) [20,25) [25,30) [30,35) [35,40) 天数216362574以最高气温位于各区间的频率估计最高气温位于该区间的概率. (1)估计六月份这种酸奶一天的需求量不超过300瓶的概率;(2)设六月份一天销售这种酸奶的利润为Y(单位:元).当六月份这种酸奶一天的进货量为450瓶时,写出Y 的所有可能值,并估计Y 大于零的概率.19.(12分)如图,四面体ABCD中,△ABC是正三角形,AD=CD.(1)证明:AC⊥BD;(2)已知△ACD是直角三角形,AB=BD.若E为棱BD上与D不重合的点,且AE⊥EC,求四面体ABCE与四面体ACDE的体积比.20.(12分)在直角坐标系xOy中,曲线y=x2+mx-2与x轴交于A,B两点,点C的坐标为(0,1).当m变化时,解答下列问题:(1)能否出现AC⊥BC的情况?说明理由;(2)证明过A,B,C三点的圆在y轴上截得的弦长为定值.21.(12分)已知函数f(x)=ln x+ax 2+(2a+1)x. (1)讨论f(x)的单调性; (2)当a<0时,证明f(x)≤-34a -2.(二)选考题:共10分.请考生在第22、23题中任选一题作答.如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分.22.[选修4—4:坐标系与参数方程](10分)在直角坐标系xOy 中,直线l 1的参数方程为{x =2+t ,y =kt (t 为参数),直线l 2的参数方程为{x =-2+m ,y =m k(m 为参数).设l 1与l 2的交点为P,当k 变化时,P 的轨迹为曲线C.(1)写出C 的普通方程;(2)以坐标原点为极点,x 轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,设l 3:ρ(cos θ+sin θ)-√2=0,M 为l 3与C 的交点,求M 的极径.23.[选修4—5:不等式选讲](10分) 已知函数f(x)=|x+1|-|x-2|. (1)求不等式f(x)≥1的解集;(2)若不等式f(x)≥x 2-x+m 的解集非空,求m 的取值范围.2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(课标全国卷Ⅲ)一、选择题1.B 因为集合A 和集合B 有共同元素2,4,所以A∩B={2,4},所以A∩B 中元素的个数为2. 2.C z=i(-2+i)=-2i+i 2=-2i-1=-1-2i,所以复数z 在复平面内对应的点为(-1,-2),位于第三象限.故选C.3.A 由题中折线图可知,每年的月接待游客量从8月份开始有下降趋势.故选A.4.A ∵(sin α-cos α)2=1-2sin αcos α=1-sin 2α=(43)2=169,∴sin 2α=-79.5.B 由题意,画出可行域(如图中阴影部分所示),易知A(0,3),B(2,0).由图可知,目标函数z=x-y 在点A,B 处分别取得最小值与最大值,z min =0-3=-3,z max =2-0=2, 故z=x-y 的取值范围是[-3,2].故选B.6.A ∵f(x)=15sin (x +π3)+cos (x -π6) =15(12sinx +√32cosx)+√32cos x+12sin x =35sin x+3√35cos x=35×2sin (x +π3)=65sin (x +π3), ∴f(x)的最大值为65.故选A.7.D 当x ∈(0,1)时,sin x>0,∴y=1+x+sinx x 2>1+x>1,排除A 、C. 令f(x)=x+sinx x 2,则f(-x)=-x+sin (-x )(-x )2=-f(x),∴f(x)=x+sinx x 2是奇函数,∴y=1+x+sinx x 2的图象关于点(0,1)对称,故排除B.故选D.8.D 本题考查程序框图.要求N 的最小值,观察选项,发现其中最小的值为2,不妨将2代入检验.当输入的N 为2时,第一次循环,S=100,M=-10,t=2;第二次循环,S=90,M=1,t=3,此时退出循环,输出S=90,符合题意,故选D.9.B 设圆柱的底面圆半径为r, 由题意可得12+(2r)2=22, 解得r=√32.∴圆柱的体积V=πr 2×1=3π4,故选B.10.C ∵A 1B 1⊥平面BCC 1B 1,BC 1⊂平面BCC 1B 1,∴A 1B 1⊥BC 1,又BC 1⊥B 1C,且B 1C∩A 1B 1=B 1,∴BC 1⊥平面A 1B 1CD,又A 1E ⊂平面A 1B 1CD,∴BC 1⊥A 1E.故选C. 11.A 由题意可得a=√b 2+(-a ),故a 2=3b 2,又b 2=a 2-c 2,所以a 2=3(a 2-c 2),所以c 2a 2=23, 所以e=c a =√63.12.C 由函数f(x)有零点得x -2x+a(e +e )=0有解,即(x-1)2-1+a(e x-1+e-x+1)=0有解,令t=x-1,则上式可化为t 2-1+a(e t+e -t)=0,即a=1-t 2e t +e -t.令h(t)=1-t 2e t +e -t,易得h(t)为偶函数,又由f(x)有唯一零点得函数h(t)的图象与直线y=a 有唯一交点,则此交点的横坐标为0, 所以a=1-02=12,故选C.二、填空题 13.答案 2解析 ∵a⊥b,∴a·b=0,又a=(-2,3),b=(3,m),∴-6+3m=0,解得m=2. 14.答案 5解析 由题意可得3a =35,所以a=5.15.答案 75° 解析 由正弦定理得3sin60°=√6sinB,∴sin B=√22,又∵c>b,∴B=45°,∴A=75°.16.答案 (-14,+∞)解析 当x≤0时,f(x)+f (x -12)=x+1+x-12+1>1,∴x>-14,∴-14<x≤0;当0<x≤12时,f(x)+f (x -12)=2x+x-12+1>1恒成立;当x>12时, f(x)+f (x -12)=2x+2x -12>1恒成立.综上,x 的取值范围为(-14,+∞). 三、解答题17.解析 (1)因为a 1+3a 2+…+(2n -1)a n =2n,故当n≥2时, a 1+3a 2+…+(2n -3)a n-1=2(n-1). 两式相减得(2n-1)a n =2. 所以a n =22n -1(n≥2).又由题设可得a 1=2,从而{a n }的通项公式为a n =22n -1(n∈N *). (2)记{a n 2n+1}的前n 项和为S n . 由(1)知a n2n+1=2(2n+1)(2n -1)=12n -1-12n+1.则S n =11-13+13-15+…+12n -1-12n+1=2n2n+1.18.解析 本题考查概率的计算(1)这种酸奶一天的需求量不超过300瓶,当且仅当最高气温低于25,由表格数据知,最高气温低于25的频率为2+16+3690=0.6,所以这种酸奶一天的需求量不超过300瓶的概率的估计值为0.6.(2)当这种酸奶一天的进货量为450瓶时, 若最高气温不低于25,则Y=6×450-4×450=900;若最高气温位于区间[20,25),则Y=6×300+2×(450-300)-4×450=300; 若最高气温低于20,则Y=6×200+2×(450-200)-4×450=-100. 所以,Y 的所有可能值为900,300,-100.Y 大于零当且仅当最高气温不低于20,由表格数据知,最高气温不低于20的频率为36+25+7+490=0.8,因此Y 大于零的概率的估计值为0.8.19.解析 (1)取AC 的中点O,连接DO,BO. 因为AD=CD,所以AC⊥DO.又由于△ABC 是正三角形,所以AC⊥BO. 从而AC⊥平面DOB,故AC⊥BD. (2)连接EO.由(1)及题设知∠ADC=90°,所以DO=AO. 在Rt△AOB 中,BO 2+AO 2=AB 2. 又AB=BD,所以BO 2+DO 2=BO 2+AO 2=AB 2=BD 2,故∠DOB=90°. 由题设知△AEC 为直角三角形,所以EO=12AC. 又△ABC 是正三角形,且AB=BD,所以EO=12BD.故E 为BD 的中点,从而E 到平面ABC 的距离为D 到平面ABC 的距离的12,四面体ABCE 的体积为四面体ABCD 的体积的12,即四面体ABCE 与四面体ACDE 的体积之比为1∶1.20.解析 (1)不能出现AC⊥BC 的情况,理由如下: 设A(x 1,0),B(x 2,0),则x 1,x 2满足x 2+mx-2=0,所以x 1x 2=-2.又C 的坐标为(0,1),故AC 的斜率与BC 的斜率之积为-1x 1·-1x 2=-12,所以不能出现AC⊥BC 的情况.(2)BC 的中点坐标为(x 22,12),可得BC 的中垂线方程为y-12=x 2(x -x22). 由(1)可得x 1+x 2=-m,所以AB 的中垂线方程为x=-m2.联立{x =-m2,y -12=x 2(x -x22), 又x 22+mx 2-2=0,可得{x =-m2,y =-12.所以过A,B,C 三点的圆的圆心坐标为(-m2,-12),半径r=√m 2+92.故圆在y 轴上截得的弦长为2√r 2-(m 2)2=3,即过A,B,C 三点的圆在y 轴上截得的弦长为定值. 21.解析 (1)f(x)的定义域为(0,+∞), f '(x)=1x +2ax+2a+1=(x+1)(2ax+1)x.若a≥0,则当x∈(0,+∞)时, f '(x)>0,故f(x)在(0,+∞)单调递增.若a<0,则当x∈(0,-12a )时, f '(x)>0;当x∈(-12a ,+∞)时, f '(x)<0,故f(x)在(0,-12a )单调递增,在(-12a ,+∞)单调递减.(2)由(1)知,当a<0时, f(x)在x=-12a 取得最大值,最大值为f (-12a )=ln (-12a )-1-14a . 所以f(x)≤-34a-2等价于ln (-12a)-1-14a ≤-34a -2,即ln (-12a )+12a +1≤0. 设g(x)=ln x-x+1,则g'(x)=1x-1.当x∈(0,1)时,g'(x)>0;当x∈(1,+∞)时,g'(x)<0.所以g(x)在(0,1)单调递增,在(1,+∞)单调递减.故当x=1时,g(x)取得最大值,最大值为g(1)=0.所以当x>0时,g(x)≤0.从而当a<0时,ln (-12a )+12a +1≤0,即f(x)≤-34a -2.22.解析 (1)消去参数t 得l 1的普通方程l 1:y=k(x-2);消去参数m 得l 2的普通方程l 2:y=1k (x+2).设P(x,y),由题设得{y =k (x -2),y =1k (x +2). 消去k 得x 2-y 2=4(y≠0).所以C 的普通方程为x 2-y 2=4(y≠0).(2)C 的极坐标方程为ρ2(cos 2θ-sin 2θ)=4(0<θ<2π,θ≠π). 联立{ρ2(cos 2θ-sin 2θ)=4,ρ(cosθ+sinθ)-√2=0得cos θ-sin θ=2(cos θ+sin θ). 故tan θ=-13,从而cos 2θ=910,sin 2θ=110,代入ρ2(cos 2θ-sin 2θ)=4得ρ2=5,所以交点M 的极径为√5.23.解析 (1)f(x)={-3,x <-1,2x -1,-1≤x ≤2,3,x >2.当x<-1时, f(x)≥1无解;当-1≤x≤2时,由f(x)≥1得,2x-1≥1, 解得1≤x≤2;当x>2时,由f(x)≥1解得x>2.所以f(x)≥1的解集为{x|x≥1}.(2)由f(x)≥x 2-x+m 得m≤|x+1|-|x-2|-x 2+x.而 |x+1|-|x-2|-x 2+x≤|x|+1+|x|-2-x 2+|x| =-(|x |-32)2+54≤54, 且当x=32时,|x+1|-|x-2|-x 2+x=54.故m 的取值范围为(-∞,54].。



2021年普通高等学校招生全国统一测试(全国I卷)理科数学一、选择题:此题共12小题,每题5分洪60分.在每题给出的四个选项中 ,只有一项为哪一项符合题目要求的.1.集合A={x|x<1}, B={x3x<1},那么()A. AQB =:xx <0?B. AUB =RC. A|jB=[xx.1)D. AH B ={x x<1 }, B ={x|3x<1} = {x x<0}.\ Ap B ={x| x<0}, AlJ B ={x x<1},选A2.如图,正方形ABCD内的图形来自中国古代的太极图.正方形内切圆中的黑色局部和白色局部位于正方形的中央成中央对称,在正方形内随机取一点,那么此点取自黑色局部的概率是(【解析】A =1 A. 一4兀B.-81C.-2兀D.—4【解析】设正方形边长为2,那么圆半径为1那么正方形的面积为2M2 =4,圆的面积为启12兀,图中黑色部分的概率为』那么此点取自黑色局部的概率为23 .设有下面四个命题()1P1:假设复数z满足—u R,那么z三R ; P2 :假设复数z满足Zz2w R,那么z W R ; P3:假设复数Z i , z2满足A. P i , P3B. P1 , P4C. P2 , P3 D. P2,P4… , 1 1 a -bi【解析】①:设z =a +bi,那么—二 --- =- ----- 2=R得到b =0,所以zW R .故P1正确;z a bi a bP2 :假设Z2= —1,满足z2ER ,而z =i ,不满足z2WR ,故P2不正确;P3 :假设乙=1, z2 =2,那么取2=2,满足取2 w R ,而它们实部不相等,不是共轲复数,故P3不正确;P4:实数没有虚部,所以它的共轲复数是它本身 ,也属于实数,故P4正确;4 .记S n为等差数列A.1 Q}的前n项和,假设a4 +a5 =24, S =48,那么匕口}的公差为()B.2C.4D.8【解析】_ _ _ _ 6 5a4 +a5 =a[十3d +a〔+4d =24 S6 =6& +-------- d =48联立求得2j2a1 +7d =24 ①[6a1 15d =48 ②①父3—②得(21 —15户=24 6d =24 :d =4选C5 .函数是( f (x )在(-00,十°°)A. 1-2, 2】)单调递减,且为奇函数.假设f (1 )=-1,那么满足-1&f(x-2)< 1的x的取值范围C. b, 4]【解析】由于f(x )为奇函数,所以f (―1)=-f (1 )=1,于是—14f(x —2丹1等价于f (1 月f (x-2 尸f(—1 )|又f (x )在(.\ + 8坤调递减.-.-K x-2< 1,1WxW3应选D16一一,. c6 . 1 2+x 〕展开式中x 2的系数为对 m <1 +x 6的x 2项系数为C 6=15, x 2的系数为15+15 =30应选Cx7 .某多面体的三视图如下图,其中正视图和左视图都由正方形和等腰直角三角形组成 长为2,俯视图为等腰直角三角形、该多面体的各个面中有假设干是梯形S 梯=〔2 +4 J<2-2 =6 电梯=6 父2 =12应选 B8 .右面程序框图是为了求出满足 3n -2n >1000的最小偶数n ,那么在 O 和可以分别填入A. 15B. 20 6 6 1 x =1 1 x FC. 306 6 2(1+x /〞1+x )的x 2项系数为C2 =D. 356 5——=15 2,正方形的边,这些梯形的面积之和为A. 10【解析】由三视图可画出立体图D. 16该立体图平面内只有两个相同的梯形的面两个空白框中,A. A >1000 和 n =n +1B. A >1000 和 n =n +2C. AW1000 和 n =n +1D. Aw 1000 和 n = n +2 解 由于要求A 大于1000时输出,且框图中在“否〞时输出,« <二>"中不能输入A >1000排除A 、B 又要求n 为偶数,且n 初始值为0,中n 依次加2可保证其为偶应选 9 曲线 G :y=cosx ,C 2:y=sin 2X 型 2X 3,那么下面结论正确的选项是〔〕A.把C 1上各点的横坐标伸长到原来的 2倍,纵坐标不变 ,再把得到的曲线向右平移 工个单位长度,得到曲线 6C 2B.把C 上各点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍,纵坐标不变 ,再把得到的曲线向左平移 万个单位长度,得到曲线【解析】1 + C. 141输出打/_ 1 .、 .. .. ........ 一,一,r ........ .... ................................................................... 兀* 、,,、,•一,rC.把Ci上各点的横坐标缩短到原来的万倍,纵坐标不变,再把得到的曲线向右平移吊个单位长度,得到曲线C2TT ,iD.把Ci上各点的横坐标缩短到原来的2倍,纵坐标不变,再把得到的曲线向左平移五个单位长度,得到曲线C2【答案】D2兀【解析】G:y=cosx,C2: y =sin I2x 一3首先曲线C i、C2统一为一三角函数名,可将C i:y=cosx用诱导公式处理.y=cosx=cos. x+]—2 J=sin . x+2卜横坐标变换需将切=1变成@ = 2 ,f C[上各点横坐标缩短它原来1 f y f \即y =sin !x 21y=sin l2x —=sin2l x».2 . 2 42兀兀——y =sin! 2x —=sin2!x —.3 . 3注意切的系数,在右平移需将曰=2提到括号外面,这时x +」平移至x +」,4 3,根据“左加右减〞原那么,“x才到“x ;需加上if,即再向左平移129.F为抛物线C : y2=4x的交点,过F作两条互相垂直l i,I2,直线l i与C交于A、B两点,直线I2与C交于D , E两点,AB十DE的最小值为〔〕A.i6【答案】A【解析】B. i4C. i2D. i0设AB倾斜角为9 .作AK i垂直准线,AK2垂直x轴f!AF| cos6 +|GF| = AK i 〔几何关系〕易知?AKi|=AF| 〔抛物线特性〕GP =P—.1—P]=P2 2|AF|cose+p= AF同理|AF|=—i - cos 二BFPi cos 二:AB 二与,2 2'i -cos 二sin f一 .一.............. 兀,n 又DE与AB垂直,即DE的倾斜角为鼻十日DE _ 2P _ 2Psin2,三十g ] cos28 而y2=4x,即P =2 .2... AB DE =2P -—^- =4sin ] co s' =-2 .4 2sin 1 cos 【 sin ?coS 二 sin icos 二. TT >16,当日=—取等号 4 即|AB [DE 最小值为16,应选A10.设x , y , z 为正数,且 2x =3y =5z ,那么0A. 2x :: 3y ::; 5zB. 5z :: 2x :: 3yC. 3y :: 5z ::;2xD. 3y :: 2x :: 5z【答案】Dx l n 3 3 【答案】 取对数:xln2 =yln3 =ln5 .—=——>- 2x>3y y l n 2 2一.x l n 5 5xln2 =zln5贝U — =——<-:2x <5z : 3y < 2x< 5做选 Dz l n 2 211.几位大学生响应国家的创业号召,开发了一款应用软件,为激发大家学习数学的兴趣,他们推出了 “解数学题获取软件激活码〞的活动,这款软件的激活码为下面数学问题的答案:数列1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,…,其中第一项为哪一项20,接下来的两项是20,21,在接下 来的三项式26,21,22,依次类推,求满足如下条件的最小整数 N : N >100且该数列的前N 项和为2 的整数哥.那么该款软件的激活码是〔 〕A. 440B. 330C. 220D. 110【答案】A【解析】设首项为第1组,接下来两项为第2组,再接下来三项为第 3组,以此类推.设第n 组的项数为n ,那么n 组的项数和为 也已〕2由题,N >100,令 叱 +n〕>100 f n > 14且n w N *,即N 出现在第13组之后 2第n 组的和为 =2n —1 n 组总共的和为 41- 2〕_n =2n _2.n假设要使前N 项和为2的整数哥,那么N —n-^项的和2k -1应与-2-n 互为相反数2即 2k -1=2+n 〔k W N*,n >14〕 k =log 〔n + 3 f n=29,k=5 那么 N =29*'1 2'5= 44 0 应选 A2二、 填空题 沐题共4小题,每小:5分,:20分. 12.向量1,b 的夹角为60 °, a =2 ,b'=1,那么a +2b =. 【答案】2.3[角军析】:+2b 2 =〔:+2:〕2 =|:'2+22b cos60口+〔2b 〕 =22+2父2M 2M ;+22 =4+4+4 =12.•・ a +2b =屈=2 点1 .2c.sin 2-i 4 '16 2sin 2271 13.设x , y 满足约束条件_|_x 2y <1不等式组W2x +y 2」表示的平面区域如下图x -y M0由z =3x —2y 得y =?x,求z 的最小值,即求直线y =-x --的纵截距的最大值 2 2 2 2当直线y=|x —|过图中点A 时,纵截距最大2x y - -1 由J解得A 点坐标为(―1,1),此时z =3x(—1)—2父1 =-5x 2y =122x y14 .双曲线C: -,( a>0 , b>0 )的右顶点为 A ,以A 为圆心,b 为半径作圆A ,圆A 与双曲线Ca b的一条渐近线交于 M , N 两点,假设/MAN =60 0,那么C 的离心率为15 .如图,圆形纸片的圆心为 O ,半径为5cm ,该纸片上的等边三角形 ABC 的中央为O ,D 、E 、F 为元O 上的点,ADBC/ECA /FAB 分别是一 BC ,CA , AB 为底边的等腰三角形,沿虚线剪开后,分别以BC , CA , AB 为折痕折起 △ DBC , △ ECA , △ FAB ,使得D , E , F 重合彳导到三棱锥.当△ ABC 的边长 变化时,所得三棱锥体积(单位:cm 3)的最大值为 .【答案】4 15【解析】 由题,连接OD,交BC 与点G ,由题,OD _LBC3 Q …… …、… rOG = —BC ,SP OG 的长度与BC 的长度或成正比6 设 OG =x ,那么 BC =2.3x , DG =5-x三棱锥的高 h =、;DG 2 -OG 2 =125-10x x 2 -x f 25-10x如图,OA =a, AN =|AM|=b••• /MAN =60°,AP =OP =J OA 『 T|PA 『a 2-3b 24tan 二二APOP—b 2a 2 -3b 2又•: tan 二=「7 23I = ----------- 3 3• • e = 1-1 — 0 - 1 9 . _S A ABC =2g 3x=343x 2,那么 V =-S A ABC h =43x 2 ,拉5—10x =第;25x 4 -10x 5 2 3令 f x =25x 4-10x 5, x (0,5), f x =100x 3-50x 4令 f '(x )>0,即 x 4 -2x 3<0, x<2,那么 f(x 尸 f (2 ) = 80 那么V W 73M 闻=45,:体积最大值为4#5cm 3解做题:共70分.解容许写出文字说明、证实过程或演算步骤.第 生都必须作答.第 22、23题为选考题,考生根据要求作答. 〔一〕必考题:共60分. 16.4ABC 的内角A , B ,C 的对边分别为a, b ,c,4ABC 的面积为(1)求 sin BsinC ;(2)假设 6cos B cosC =1, a =3 ,求 AABC 的周长.【解析】此题主要考查三角函数及其变换,正弦定理,余弦定理等根底知识的综合应用a 2 1 ...(1) . AABC 面积 S = ---------- .且 S =-bcsin A3sinA 2,a 2 1232A. . -------- =—bcsinA , a =-bcsin A3sinA 2223 _ 2..由正弦7E 理得 sin A =—sin BsinCsin A , 2 , 「 2 由 sin A # 0 得 sin Bsin C =—.3,32 1(2)由(1)得 sin B sin C =一,cosB cosC =—,/A + B + C =K3 61:cosA =cos( u-B -C )=—cos(B +C )=sin BsinC-cosBcosC =— 3 1又.— =(0,n),:A=60 , sinA= —, cosA = —2 2由余弦定理得a 2 =b 2 +c 2 -bc =9 ①由正弦定理得 b =-a — si nB c =—a — sinC s i nA ,sin A2. a… bc=-2— sin BsinC =8②sin 2 A由①②得 b +c =V 33a +b +c =3 +7^3即 ^ABC 周长为 3 +V 3317-21题为必'考题,每个试题考2a 3sin A如图,在四棱锥 P -ABCD 中,AB // CD 中,且 /BAP =/CDP =90..(x , y , z )为平面PBC 的法向量PB =02x 2y -.2z-,得_BC =0-2 . 2x =0令y=1,那么z=J2, x=0,可得平面PBC 的一个法向量n=(0 ,1,五) •••幺PD =90 ;. PD _LPA又知AB _L 平面PAD , PD 仁平面PAD • PD _ AB ,又 PAriAB =A PD _L 平面 PAB—T !- L即PD 是平面PAB 的一个法向量,PD=(T /2 ,0 ,72 ) cos PD , n3 由图知二面角 A-PB 弋 为钝角,所以它的余弦值为 -出(1)证实:平面PAB ,平面PAD ; (2)假设 PA = PD =AB =DC , Z APD =90 2求二面角 【解析】(1)证实:.一/BAP =/CDP =90. PA _AB , PD _CD 又•: AB II CD ,.二 PD _L AB又•: PD I^PA =P ,PD 、PA U 平面 PAD AB _L 平面 PAD ,又 AB U 平面 PAB• •・平面PAB _L 平面PAD(2)取AD 中点O , BC 中点E ,连接PO , OE • •• AB 起CD• •・四边形ABCD 为平行四边形 A-PB -C 的余弦值.1 -OE .ZAB由(1)知,AB _L 平面PADOE _L 平面 PAD ,又 PO 、AD U 平面 PAD OE _PO , OE _ AD 又 「 PA =PD ,.•. PO _ AD PO 、OE 、AD 两两垂直以O 为坐标原点,建立如下图的空间直角坐标系O -xyzPA -IPD =2 ,,•, D (W 2 ,0,0 )、B (e,2,0 卜 P (0,0,&)、C (-V 2,2,0= (/,0, —J 2 )、PB =(J 2,2,—J 2 )、BC =(-2&,0,0)E y为了抽检某种零件的一条生产线的生产过程,实验员每天从该生产线上随机抽取16个零件,并测量其尺寸(单位:cm).根据长期生产经验,可以认为这条生产线正常状态下生产的零件的尺寸服从正态2分布N(N,仃).(1)假设生产^态正常,记X表示一天内抽取的16个零件中其尺寸在(N-3仃,卜+3仃)之外的零件数,求P(X >1 / X的数学期望;(2)一天内抽检零件中,如果出现了尺寸在(N-3仃,N+3仃)之外的零件,就认为这条生产线在这一天的生产过程可能出现了异常情况,需对当天的生产过程进行检查.(I)试说明上述监控生产过程方法的合理性:(II)下面是检验员在一天内抽取的16个零件的尺寸:9.95 1 0. 1 29.96 9. 9610.01 9.92 9. 9 8 1 0. 0410.26 9.91 1 0. 1 310.02 9.22 10.04 10.05 9. 9 516~r~^ 2 1 ~16经计算得x =£X i =9.97, s= —£(x -x ) = J—^2-16x2L0.212,其中x 为抽取的第i 个i1 :16 - ;16零件的尺寸,i =1, 2, HI, 16.用样本平均数x作为N的估计值巴用样本标准差s作为.的估计值口,利用估计值判断是否需对当天的生产过程进行检查,剔除(?-3仅,?+39)之外的数据,用剩下的数据估计N和.(精确到0.01).附:假设随机变量Z服从正态分布N(N,仃2),那么P(R—3J<Z<N+3CJ) = 0.9974. 160.997 4 0.9592 , ., 0.008 0.09 .【解析】(1)由题可知尺寸落在(H一3仃,R+3CT)之内的概率为0.9974落在(N—30 ,卜+3仃)之外的概率为0.0026P(X =0 产C;6(1 -0.9974 0 0.997416之0.9592P X _1 =1 -P X =0 : 1 -0.9592 =0.0408由题可知X ~ B06 , 0.0026), E(X )=16父0.0026 =0.0416(2)(i)尺寸落在(N—3仃,N+3.)之外的概率为0.0026由正态分布知尺寸落在(N-3仃,N+3.)之外为小概率事件,因此上述监控生产过程的方法合理.(ii)'' -3' -9.97 -3 0.212 =9.334.二+3;.- -9.97 3 0.212 =10.606 (N—3仃,N+3.)=(9.334, 10.606 )7 9.22正(9.334 , 10.606 ),二需对当天的生产过程检查因此剔除9.229 97 16 -9 22 剔除数据之后:二二9.22:10.02.152 2 2 2 2 2二二[9.95 -10.02 i「10.12-10.02 i「9.96 -10.02 i「9.96-10.02 i r10.01-10.022 2 2 2 29.92 -10.02 i r998 -10.02 :i 何10.04-10.02 ) -1:10.26-10.02 :i):9.91-10.022 2 2 2 210.13 -10.02 i F10.02 -10.02 i -[10.04 -10.02 i F10.05 -10.02 i f 9.95 -10.02 ]■0.008口1519. (12 分)椭圆C 上. (1)求C 的方程;(2)设直线l 不经过B 点且与C 相交于A 、B 两点,假设直线P 2A 与直线P 2B 的斜率的和为_1,证实:l 过定点. 【解析】(1)根据椭圆对称性,必过P 3、P 4又R 横坐标为1,椭圆必不过P ,所以过B , P 3 , P 4三点 3 点), __________将2(0,1),月.-1,三代入椭圆方程得 「1 X3 ,解得 a 2 =4, b 2 =1,_L +Z _1 ~十尸—1 且 b2.♦・椭圆C 的方程为:—+y 2 =1.4(2)①当斜率不存在时,设l :x=m, A(m , y A ), B(m , -y A ) k P 2A k P 2B =7得m=2,此时l 过椭圆右顶点,不存在两个交点,故不满足. ②当斜率存在时,设l : y =kx +b (b 01 )A . , y 1 }B 4,y 2 )y=kx»b …联立 4 2 2,整理得(1+4k J x +8kbx +4b —4=0x 2 4y 2 -4 =0那么 k P 2A k PB 二"二 三 J kx1b -X 2 x1 4 b ^12 2x 1 x 2x x 28kb 2 -8k -8kb 2 8kb8k b -1J = -1,又 b #1 4(b +1'(b —1) 乂 b।21 4k=b=-2k-1,此时A = -64k,存在k 使得△:>0成立. ・,・直线l 的方程为y=kx —2k —1 当x = 2时,y =-1 ,所以l 过定点(2 , -1 ).20. (12 分)函数 f x =ae 2x , a -2 e x -x . (1)讨论f (x )的单调性;(2)假设f (x 冶两个零点,求a 的取值范围.22椭圆C : J La 2b 2=1 (a >b >0),四点 R (1, 1), P2(0, 1), P3 1—1,咚 j, P4 \ -中恰有三点在X i X 2 =-8kb4b 2 -41 4k 4b2 -4【解析】(1)由于 f (x )=ae 2x +(a -2 p x -x故 f x )=2ae 2x a -2 e x -1 =]ae x -1 2e x 1①当a 宅0时,ae x _1 <0, 2e x 十1 >0.从而f '(x 户0恒成立.f (x )在R 上单调递减f x x 综上,当a E0时,f (x)在R 上单调递减;当a>0时,f (x)在(-℃,-ln a)上单调递减,在(-ln a,收)上单调递增 (2)由(1)知, 当a M0时,f (x )在R 上单调减,故f (x )在R 上至多一个零点,不满足条件.1 -当 a A0时,f min = f (-ln a )=1 —— 十ln a .1 . —ln a . a 11 1 -+lna a >0 1那么g'(a )==十一 >0.从而g a 用(.,+如)上单倜增,而 a a a0 <a <1 时,g (a )<0 .当 a =1时 g(a )=0 .当 a >1 时 g(a )>0, 3 ,, …,应.Tn a , ln -一-1 上有一个头根. a 应, 一此a )上单调减,在(-ln a , +比)单调增,故f (x )在R 上至多两个实根.3城(—1 , -ln a )及—ln a , ln . - -1上均至少有一个实数根,故f ( x )在R 上恰有两个a实根.综上,0 :二 a :二 1.(二)选考题:共10分.请考生在第22、23题中任选一题作答.如果多做,那么按所做的第一题计分.21 .[选彳4-4:坐标系与参考方程]_______ __________ _ .......... ......... x=3cos6, 一在直角坐标系xOy 中,曲线C 的参数万程为械加日,步为参数卜直线1的参数万程为令 g a =1 令 g a i-1 - g (1 )=0.故当 a >1,那么 f min a =1 ,那么 f min 1 二1 一一 In a a 1 =1 ——In a =g (a )>0 ,故f (x )>0恒成立,从而f (x )无零点,不满足条件.=0,故f (x )=0仅有一个实根x=—lna = 0,不满足条件. 0<a <1,那么 1 a a 2 f min =1 ------- +lna <0,注息到一ln a >0 . f (_1 +1 —> 0 a e e e 3 , . 1 . f (x 胫(-1, -ln a )上有一个实根,而又 ln . 一 -1 Aln —=—ln a . a af 11n(- -1) =e In ln a e +a -2,ln . 3 -1 IJ la J3-1 二9-1 -ln §-1 ,— . ...-1 . 0 a a a 0.jx =a +4t,y =1 -t, (t 为参数).(1)假设a = —1,求C 与l 的交点坐标;(2)假设C 上的点到l 距离的最大值为 用,求a .【解析】(1) a=—1时,直线l 的方程为x+4y —3=0.2曲线C 的标准方程是 2+y 2=1 9x 4y —3 =0 c x =3 I联立万程4x 2工2 .,解得:L n 或?§7=1 y =. 那么C 与l 交点坐标是(3, 0)和 (2)直线l 一般式方程是x+4y -4-a =0 .设曲线C 上点p(3cos 9, sin 0 )mtt刈…二十 |3cos0 +4sin 0 -4 -al 5sin (0 )-4-a m 3 那么 P 至1 l 距离 d ---------- = ------------ 1 = ------- 3 ----------- ,其中 tan 邛=—.17 ,17 4 依题意得:d max =57,解得a = -16或a =821 x = -- 25 24 y = 2522 .[选彳4-5:不等式选讲]函数 f (x 尸-x2+ax +4 , g (x )=| x +1 +|x -1 .(1)当a =1时,求不等式f (x卢g(x)的解集;(2)假设不等式f (x卢g (x)的解集包含1-1, 1 ],求a的取值范围.2 1 【解析】(1)当a =1时,f (x )=—x +x+4,是开口向下,对称轴x=q的二次函数.“2x , x >1Ig (x )=|x +1 +|x -1| = ^| 2, -1 < x < 1,-2x, x :::-1当x W (1,F 时,令_x2+x +4 =2x ,解得x = "17 -12g(x昨(1, +8)上单调递增,f(x)在(1, +s)上单调递减一< 而-11,此时f (x户g(x评集为1, 2—.当x W [」,1]时,g(x )=2, f(x . f (-1 )=2.当x w(q, -1)时,g(x)单调递减,f (x )单调递增,且g(-1尸f (-1 )=2 .」, …一'717-11综上所述,f (x产g(x)解集厂1,七二.(2)依题意得:_x2 +ax +4 > 2在〔―1,1】恒成立.即x2 -ax — 2 w 0在1-1,1】恒成立.:21 -a 1 -2 < 0那么只须22,解出:—1Wa01.-1 -a -1 -2< 0故a取值范围是1-1, 1].。



12.?马铃薯加工业“十三五〞开展规划(2016 - 2020)?提出,加大对马铃薯产业开发力度,鼓励企业提升产品加工程度与品质程度,扩大产品应用范围;开展深加工,不断开发营养美昧新产品。

据此判断,最有可能反映马铃薯供求曲线(S、S ′及D、D′分别表示政策施行前后的供应和需求曲线)变化的图示是( )13.群众创业和万众创新的时代,许多大学生通过自主创新创业实现了梦想,下表为甲乙丙丁四个创业者工程的根本情况,假如不考虑其他因素,你建议创业的大学生选择的工程是( )A.甲工程B.乙工程 C.丙工程D.丁工程14. 2016年9月央行对全国50个城市2万户储户第三季度问卷调查显示,倾向于“更多储蓄〞的居民占43. 7%,较上季回落0.2个百分点;倾向于“更多消费〞的居民占21. 1%,较上季回落0.1个百分点;倾向于“更多投资〞的居民占35. 2%,较上季进步0.3个百分点;这种现象的原因可能是( )①投资能获得稳定的高收益②人们投资理财意识增强③存款利率偏低而物价偏高④我国经济下行压力增大A.①②B.①③C.②③D.③④15.近期,国务院宣布取消地方卫生部门对饭馆、咖啡馆、酒吧、茶座4类公共场所核发的卫生答应证,由食品药品监管部门统一颁发食品经营答应证。

该新政旨在( )①降低市场准入,促进群众创业②统一市场监管,进步监管效率③完善征信体系,强化社会监视④统一行业标准,进步食品质量A.①②B.①④C.②③D.③④16.在欧洲经历金融危机,许多投资者撤资欧洲之后,中国却向欧洲大笔投资。




这说明我国( )①形成了以技术、品牌为核心的出口竞争新优势②着力培育开放型经济开展新优势③进步利用外资的综合优势和总体经济效益④正逐步实现经济构造的优化晋级A.①②B.①④C.②④D.③④17.无保护状态下的公共利益是最容易受到损害的。




第一部分:选择题这一部分包含了多个选择题,题目如下:1. 【选择题】在下列选项中,哪一个单词的拼写是正确的?A. RecieveB. ProccessC. AchieveD. Acheive答案:C. Achieve2. 【选择题】在下列选项中,哪一个单词的词性不同于其他三个?A. RevolutionaryB. ConceptualC. AdvantageousD. Appreciation答案:D. Appreciation第二部分:填空题这一部分包含了多个填空题,题目如下:1. 【填空题】根据所给的线索,填写空白处的单词。

The _______ of the new scientific discovery is expected to have a significant impact on the field of medicine.答案:implementation2. 【填空题】请在下列选项中填入合适的单词,使得句子通顺。

The company has decided to _______ its production capacity in order to meet the increasing demand.答案:expand第三部分:阅读理解这一部分包含了多个阅读理解题,题目如下:Passage 1After several months of hard work, the students finally completed their research projects. The next step was to present their findings to their classmates and teachers. Each student was expected to give a ten-minute presentation, followed by a question and answer session. The presentations were scheduled for the following week.1. 【选择题】What is the purpose of the students' presentations?A. To complete their research projects.B. To present their findings.C. To answer questions from classmates.D. To schedule the presentations for the following week.答案:B. To present their findings.Passage 2According to recent studies, the quality of our sleep has a significant impact on our overall health and well-being. Lack of sleep can lead to a range of issues, including decreased cognitive function and increased risk of chronic diseases. It is important to prioritize proper sleep habits in order to maintain good health.2. 【选择题】What can be inferred from the passage?A. Lack of sleep can lead to chronic diseases.B. Proper sleep habits are important for good health.C. Recent studies have shown the impact of sleep on cognitive function.D. Chronic diseases can be prevented through proper sleep habits.答案:B. Proper sleep habits are important for good health.第四部分:写作本部分包含了一篇写作题,题目如下:作文题目:如何保持健康的生活方式?请你根据题目要求,写一篇关于如何保持健康生活方式的短文。



绝密★启用前2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试理科综合能力测试可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 S 32 Cl35.5 K39 Ti 48 Fe 56 I 127一、选择题:本题共13个小题,每小题6分,共78分。










7选5专项练习Passage 1He lived his whole life as a poor man. His art and talent were recognized by almost no one. He suffered from a mental illness that led him to cut off part of his left ear in 1888 and to shoot himself two years later. __1__ Today, Dutch artist Van Gogh is recognized as one of the leading artists of all time.Now, 150 years after his birth on March 30, 1853, Zundert, the town of his birth, has made 2003 ―The Van Gogh Year‖ in his honor. __2__ It draws around 1.3 million visitors every year. Some people enjoy the art and then learn about his life. Others are first interested in his life, which then helps them understand his art.Van Gogh was the son of a minister. He left school when he was just 15. By the age of 27, he had already tried many jobs including an art gallery salesman and a French teacher. __3____4__ His style is marked by short, broad brush strokes (绘画笔法). ―Instead of trying to reproduce exactly what I have before my eyes, I use colour more freely, in order to expres s myself more forcibly,‖ he wrote in a letter to his brother in 1888.Van Gogh sold only one painting during his short life. He relied heavily on support from his brother, an art dealer who lived in Paris. __5__ His ―Portrait of Dr. Gachet‖ sold for US$ 89.5 million in 1990. It is the highest price ever paid for a painting. ―I think his paintings are powerful and the brilliant colours in them are attractive to people,‖ said a van Gogh‘s fan.1. ________2. ________3. ________4. ________5.________A. But in his death, he achieved world fame.B. But now his works are sold for millions of dollars.C. Finally in 1880, he decided to begin his studies in art.D. Van Gogh is famed for his ability to put his own emotions into his paintings.E. And the arts in Amsterdam are marking the anniversary with exhibitions throughout the year.Passage 2The Wife-carrying World Championship has been celebrated in a small town in central Finland since 1992. In 1992, the people of the town decided to restart some long-forgotten traditions. 71________ He was said to only accept men as members of his gang who proved their worth in challenges. At that time, it was also a common practice to steal women from neighboring villages.72_______ A large number of competitors, people, and journalists from Finland to Canada attend the Wife-carrying World Championship every year.73________ The Wife-carrying World Championship is held on a 253.5 meters long official track. The track has two dry obstacles and a water obstacle, about a meter deep. The wife to be carried may be your own, or your neighbor‘s. The minimum weight of the wife to be carried is 49 kg. If she is less than 49 kg, the wife will be given a heavy bag to carry. Each time a competitor drops his wife, that couple will be fined 15 seconds. 74_________Alongside with the Wife-carrying World Championship, there is also a team competition. The distance is the same but three men in the team carry the wife in turns. At the exchange point the carrier has to drink official ―wife-carrying drink‖. Then he may continue the race.75________ While the Wife-carrying World Championship is being held, there are bands playing music, a wife-carrying dance and other forms of entertainment.A. There are a few basic rules.B. People everywhere hold the event.C. A special prize is awarded to the team.D. Do you know how these traditions restarted?E. This event is becoming increasingly popular.F. The winner is the couple who complete the course in the shortest time.G. Back in the late 1800s, there was a robber called Rosvo-Ronkainen in that area.Passage 3The Wife-carrying World Championship has been celebrated in a small town in central Finland since 1992. In 1992, the people of the town decided to restart some long-forgotten traditions. 71________ He was said to only accept men as members of his gang who proved their worth in challenges. At that time, it was also a common practice to steal women from neighboring villages.72_______ A large number of competitors, people, and journalists from Finland to Canada attend the Wife-carrying World Championship every year.73________ The Wife-carrying World Championship is held on a 253.5 meters long official track. The track has two dry obstacles and a water obstacle, about a meter deep. The wife to be carried may be your own, or your neighbor‘s. The minimum weight of the wife to be carried is 49 kg. If she is less than 49 kg, the wife will be given a heavy bag to carry. Each time a competitor drops his wife, that couple will be fined 15 seconds. 74_________Alongside with the Wife-carrying World Championship, there is also a team competition. The distance is the same but three men in the team carry the wife in turns. At the exchange point the carrier has to drink official ―wife-carrying drink‖. Then he may continue the race.75________While the Wife-carrying World Championship is being held, there are bands playing music, a wife-carrying dance and other forms of entertainment.A. There are a few basic rules.B. People everywhere hold the event.C. A special prize is awarded to the team.D. Do you know how these traditions restarted?E. This event is becoming increasingly popular.F. The winner is the couple who complete the course in the shortest time.G. Back in the late 1800s, there was a robber called Rosvo-Ronkainen in that area.Passage 4The MississippiThe Mississippi is a great river whose relationship with man goes way back beyond its discovery in the 16th century. The River Indians used it as a highway and as a source of food, and it was they who gave it its name—―misi‖ meaning ―great‖ and ―sipi‖ meaning ―water‖. When the length of its branch, the Missouri, is added to it, the Mississippi becomes greater. ___71___. From the source of the Missouri to the tip of the delta (三角洲), it is 2,480 miles long.Great rivers are likely to suffer floods. In 1927 the Mississippi flooded 26 thousand acres, sweeping away farms, towns, everything in its path. In 1938 its floods drowned or killed 200 people and made millions homeless. Today the river has largely been controlled. ___72___.Industries have spread down some of the waterways of the delta, but otherwise the delta is a remote place, the homeland of a little colony of French Canadians that the British drove out of Nova Scotia in the 18th century. They still speak French, mixed with English, Indian, Spanish and Negro idioms. They keep to themselves, farming the rich soil of the delta. ___73___.___74___. Pioneers who first reached its banks wondered not only where it went, but what lay beyond. In 1764 the French founded a city on the right bank of the river, and named it after their king, Louis XV. This city, named St. Louis, became the jumping-off place for the adventurous men and women who opened up the Great Plains, and the way to the Far West.Some 40 years earlier, at the beginning of the 18th century, the French had founded another city just above the Mississippi delta, New Orleans. ___75___. New Orleans is one of the great ports of the world, and one of the greatest terminals for both sea and river traffic.A. It was the Mississippi that made the city what it isB. Levees, high banks built of earth, hold back the flood watersC. Therefore, as we know, it‘s the third longest river in the worldD. It is known that the ―Great Water‖ has also been a frontier riverE. However, they paddled up and down the Mississippi in their boats to seek their fortuneF. The ―Great Water‖ always remains a thread, for the streets of the city are below the level of the riverG. They call themselves Cajuns, who have actually been leading fairly primitive lives and preserving theirown traditionsA. Rather Public speaking and critical thinkingWhat is critical thinking? T o a certain degree ,it‘s a matter of logic (逻辑)—of being a ble to spot weaknesses in other people ‗s argument and to avoid them in your own ,it also includes related skills such as distinguishing fact from opinion and assessing the soundness of evidence .In the broad sense, critical thinking is focused ,organized thinking –the ability to see clearlytheir relationships among ideas. 71 the greatest thinkers, scientists, and inventors have often taken information that was readily available and put it together differently to produce new ideas.that, too, is critical thinking.72 As the class goes on, for example, you will probably spend a good deal of time organizing your speeches. While this may seem like a purely mechanical(机械的)exercise, it is closely connected with critical thinking. If the structure of your speech is loose and confused, chances are that your thinking. If the structure of your speech is loose and confused, chances are that your thinking is also discovered and confused. If, on the other hand ,the structure is clear, there is a good chance your thinking is too. Organizing a speech is not a matter of arranging the ideas your already have. 73What is true of organization is true of many aspects of public speaking. 74 As you work on expressing your ideas in clear, accurate language, you will Improve your ability to think clearly and accurately. 75 As you learn to listen critically to speeches in class. You will be better able to assess the ideas of speakers in a variety of situations.If you take full advantage of your speech class, you will be able to develop your skills as critical thinker in many circumstances. This is one reason public speaking has been regarded as a vital part of education since the days of ancient Greece.A, it is an important part of shaping the ideas themselves.B. This may seem like a lot of time, but the rewards are well worth it.C. It may also help you to know that there is no such thing as a perfect speech.D. It has often been said that there are few new ideas in the world, only reorganized ideas.E. If you are wondering what this has to do with your public speaking class, the answer is quite a lot.F. The skills you learn in your speech class can help you become a more effective thinker in a number of ways.G. As you study the role of evidence and reasoning in speechmaking ,you will see how they can be used in other forms of communication as well.Life Story of Dave ThomasSince 1989.Dave Thomas,who died of cancer at age 69 in his Fort Lauderdale home, was one of the most recognizable faces on TV. 1 “As long as it works,”he said in 1991, “I’ll continue to do those commercials.”2 “He still won’t let anyone see his feet,which are out of shape because he never had proper-fitting shoes,”Wendy said in 1993.Born to a single mother,he was adopted as a baby by Rex and Auleva Thomas of Kalamazoo in Michigan.After Auleva died when he was 5, Thomas spent years on the road as Rex traveled around seeking construction work.“He fed me,”Thomas said, “and if I got out of line.He’d beat me. ”Moving out on his own at 15,Thomas worked, first as a waiter,in many restaurants.3 “I thought if I owned a restaurant,”he said, “I could eat for free.”A 1956 meeting with Harland Sanders led Thomas to a career as a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant owner that made him a millionaire in 1968.In 1969, after breaking with Sanders,Thomas started the first Wendy‘s old Fashioned Hamburgers, in Columbus, Ohio,which set itself apart by serving made-to-order burgers 4 .Although troubled by his own experience with adoption,Thomas,married since 1954 to Lorraine.66.and with four grown kids besides Wendy,felt it could offer a future for other children. He started the Dave Thomas Foundation(基金会)for Adoption in 1992.In 1993,Thomas,who had left school at 15,graduated from Coconut Creek High School in Florida. 5 The kids voted him Most Likely to Succeed.“The Dave you saw on TV,”says friend Pat Williams,senior vice president of the Orlando Magic, “was the real Dave.He wasn‘t a great actor or a great speaker. He was just Joe Everybody.”A.But he had something much better in mind.B.He even took Lorraine to the graduation dance party.C.Even though he was successful,Thomas remained troubled by his childhood.D.By using his experience and determination,Thomas turned the restaurants around.E.With 6,000 restaurants worldwide,the chain now makes $6 billion a year in sales.F.He appeared in more than 800 commercials for the hamburger chain named for his daughter,now 40.G.He dropped out of school to work full-time.This decision to drop out haunted him until he went back to school 45 years later.Passage 7As is known to all, many things can be measured in terms of data. Sometimes data can indeed tell the truth. With the help of data we can easily know the price of a can of Coke in the supermarket or the result of a football match. 71 What is more important, data seem to be fairer than words or statements. If the data are true, we don‘t have to worry about being cheated. Nowadays, as lies exist in the world, data are expected to tell the truth. Therefore, many of us would rather believe data.On the other hand, if we judge things only by data from the so-called specific research, aren‘t we a little too narrow-minded? Many people often treat the so-called specific data unwisely just to make sure that they are making the right decisions. 72 For example, how can you tell that somebody isn‘t a good student just because he or she doesn‘t get high marks in the final examination?73 For example, the degree of your feeling happy in your life, the depth of love between you and your friends, and the faith you have in your country. We can only feel them in our hearts but can never express them in data.There is no doubt that analyzing the exact data is important to assessment of an actual event. But data should be dealt with wisely. We often get wrong data which mislead us.74 Remember, data have no feeling but we humans have. Data do not mean much to people if we do not have the abilities to analyze the data with the knowledge and confidence to judge whether they are true or false. 75Data are data after all. Life is much more colourful than the pale data. So give the cold data a warm heart and we‘ll find that the world is far more wonderful than the pale data can describe.A. We should try our best to be wise thinkers.B. Data can make our life easier and more comfortable.C. But sometimes we may find that data aren‘t everything.D. Sometimes our hearts and mind are more sensitive than data.E. Now and then the so-called specific data puzzle us very much.F. The exact data should come from assessment of an actual event.G. There are many things in our life which cannot be measured by data.1.(Key: AECDB)2.71. G 72. E 73. A 74. F 75. C3. 71. G 72. E 73. A 74. F 75. C4.71. C 72. B 73. G 74. D 75. A 5.DEAFG6.Keys :1. F 2.C 3.A 4. E 5.B7.71—75 BCGDA。



2017年全国各地高考真题文综-地理汇总(10套)目录1.2017年高考全国新课标Ⅰ卷文科综合-地理部分(含答案解析)········(适用地区:河南、河北、山西、山东、江西、湖北、湖南、广东、安徽、福建)2.2017年高考全国新课标Ⅱ卷文科综合-地理部分(含答案解析)·······(适用地区:甘肃、青海、内蒙古、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、宁夏、新疆、陕西、重庆、西藏)3.2017年高考全国新课标Ⅲ卷文科综合-地理部分(含答案解析)·······(适用地区:云南、广西、贵州、四川)4.2017年高考北京卷文科综合-地理部分(含答案解析)··········5.2017年高考天津卷文科综合-地理部分(含答案解析)···············6.2017年4月浙江省高考选考地理单科试卷(含答案解析)·····7.2017年10月浙江省高考选考地理单科试卷(含答案解析)·····8.2017年上海市普通高中学业水平等级性考试地理试卷(含答案解析)····9.2017年高考真题江苏省地理单科试题(含答案解析)···················10.2017年高考真题海南省地理单科试题(含答案解析)···················1. 2017年普通高等学校招生考试全国新课标Ⅰ卷文科综合—地理部分第Ⅰ卷一、选择题:每小题4分,共44分。














(2)由 y x2 ,得 y' x .

x3 2

设直线 AB 的方程为 y x m ,故线段 AB 的中点为 N(2,2+m),|MN|=|m+1|.
将 y x m 代入 y x2 得 x2 4x 4m 0 . 4
平面 SCB,SA=AC,SB=BC,三棱锥 S-ABC 的体积为 9,则球 O 的表面积为________。
三、解答题:共 70 分。解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤。第 17~21 题为必考题,
每个试题考生都必须作答。第 22、23 题为选考题,考生根据要求作答。
(一)必考题:60 分。
17.(12 分)
AB 的方程. 21.(12 分)
已知函数 f (x) =ex(ex﹣a)﹣a2x.
(1)讨论 f (x) 的单调性;
(2)若 f (x) 0 ,求 a 的取值范围.
(二)选考题:共 10 分。请考生在第 22、23 题中任选一题作答,如果多做,则按所做的第 一题计分。 22.[选修 4―4:坐标系与参数方程](10 分)
x 3cos ,



(θ为参数),直线 l 的参数方
x a 4t,



(1)若 a=−1,求 C 与 l 的交点坐标;
(2)若 C 上的点到 l 的距离的最大值为 17 ,求 a.



静电场-历年高考汇编(全国)【真题汇编】一、选择题汇编(2021·乙卷·T15)1.如图(a ),在一块很大的接地金属平板的上方固定一负电荷。

由于静电感应,在金属平板上表面产生感应电荷,金属板上方电场的等势面如图(b )中虚线所示,相邻等势面间的电势差都相等。

若将一正试探电荷先后放于M 和N 处,该试探电荷受到的电场力大小分别为M F 和N F ,相应的电势能分别为p M E 和p N E ,则( )A .,M N pM pN F F E E <>B .,M N pM pN F F E E >>C .,M N pM pN F F E E <<D .,M N pM pN F FE E ><【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】由图中等势面的疏密程度可知M N E E <根据F qE =可知M N F F <由题可知图中电场线是由金属板指向负电荷,设将该试探电荷从M 点移到N 点,可知电场力做正功,电势能减小,即p p M N E E >故选A 。

(2021·甲卷·T19)2.某电场的等势面如图所示,图中a 、b 、c 、d 、e 为电场中的5个点,则( )A .一正电荷从b 点运动到e 点,电场力做正功B .一电子从a 点运动到d 点,电场力做功为4eVC .b 点电场强度垂直于该点所在等势面,方向向右D .a 、b 、c 、d 四个点中,b 点的电场强度大小最大 【答案】BD 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 A .由图象可知φb = φe则正电荷从b 点运动到e 点,电场力不做功,A 错误; B .由图象可知φa = 3V ,φd = 7V根据电场力做功与电势能的变化关系有Wad = E p a - E p d = (φa - φd )⋅( - e ) = 4eVB 正确;C .沿电场线方向电势逐渐降低,则b 点处的场强方向向左,C 错误;D .由于电场线与等势面处处垂直,则可画出电场线分布如下图所示由上图可看出,b 点电场线最密集,则b 点处的场强最大,D 正确。



2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(课标全国卷Ⅱ)文数本卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟.第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分)一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的1.设集合A={1,2,3},B={2,3,4},则A∪B=()A.{1,2,3,4}B.{1,2,3}C.{2,3,4}D.{1,3,4}2.(1+i)(2+i)=( )A.1-iB.1+3iC.3+iD.3+3i3.函数f(x)=sin(2x+π3)的最小正周期为( )A.4πB.2πC.πD.π24.设非零向量a,b满足|a+b|=|a-b|,则( )A.a⊥bB.|a|=|b|C.a∥bD.|a|>|b|5.若a>1,则双曲线x 2a2-y2=1的离心率的取值范围是( )A.(√2,+∞)B.(√2,2)C.(1,√2)D.(1,2)6.如图,网格纸上小正方形的边长为1,粗实线画出的是某几何体的三视图,该几何体由一平面将一圆柱截去一部分后所得,则该几何体的体积为( )A.90πB.63πC.42πD.36π7.设x,y满足约束条件{2x+3y-3≤0,2x-3y+3≥0,y+3≥0,则z=2x+y的最小值是( )A.-15B.-9C.1D.98.函数f(x)=ln(x2-2x-8)的单调递增区间是( )A.(-∞,-2)B.(-∞,1)C.(1,+∞)D.(4,+∞)9.甲、乙、丙、丁四位同学一起去向老师询问成语竞赛的成绩.老师说:你们四人中有2位优秀,2位良好,我现在给甲看乙、丙的成绩,给乙看丙的成绩,给丁看甲的成绩.看后甲对大家说:我还是不知道我的成绩.根据以上信息,则( )A.乙可以知道四人的成绩B.丁可以知道四人的成绩C.乙、丁可以知道对方的成绩D.乙、丁可以知道自己的成绩10.执行下面的程序框图,如果输入的a=-1,则输出的S=( )A.2B.3C.4D.511.从分别写有1,2,3,4,5的5张卡片中随机抽取1张,放回后再随机抽取1张,则抽得的第一张卡片上的数大于第二张卡片上的数的概率为( )A.110B.15C.310D.2512.过抛物线C:y2=4x的焦点F,且斜率为√3的直线交C于点M(M在x轴的上方),l为C的准线,点N在l上且MN⊥l,则M到直线NF的距离为( )A.√5B.2√2C.2√3D.3√3第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共90分)二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分13.函数f(x)=2cos x+sin x的最大值为.14.已知函数f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,当x∈(-∞,0)时, f(x)=2x3+x2,则f(2)= .15.长方体的长,宽,高分别为3,2,1,其顶点都在球O的球面上,则球O的表面积为.16.△ABC的内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,若2bcos B=acos C+ccos A,则B= .三、解答题:共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.第17~21题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答.第22、23题为选考题,考生根据要求作答.(一)必考题:共60分.17.(12分)已知等差数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,等比数列{b n}的前n项和为T n,a1=-1,b1=1,a2+b2=2.(1)若a3+b3=5,求{b n}的通项公式;(2)若T3=21,求S3.18.(12分)如图,四棱锥P-ABCD中,侧面PAD为等边三角形且垂直于底面ABCD,AB=BC=1AD,2∠BAD=∠ABC=90°.(1)证明:直线BC∥平面PAD;(2)若△PCD的面积为2√7,求四棱锥P-ABCD的体积.19.(12分)海水养殖场进行某水产品的新、旧网箱养殖方法的产量对比,收获时各随机抽取了100个网箱,测量各箱水产品的产量(单位:kg),其频率分布直方图如下:(1)记A表示事件“旧养殖法的箱产量低于50 kg”,估计A的概率;(2)填写下面列联表,并根据列联表判断是否有99%的把握认为箱产量与养殖方法有关;箱产量<50 kg 箱产量≥50 kg旧养殖法新养殖法(3)根据箱产量的频率分布直方图,对这两种养殖方法的优劣进行比较. 附:P(K 2≥k)0.050 0.010 0.001 k3.8416.63510.828,K 2=n (ad -bc )2(a+b )(c+d )(a+c )(b+d ).20.(12分)设O 为坐标原点,动点M 在椭圆C:x 22+y 2=1上,过M 作x 轴的垂线,垂足为N,点P 满足NP ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =√2NM ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ . (1)求点P 的轨迹方程;(2)设点Q 在直线x=-3上,且OP ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ·PQ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =1.证明:过点P 且垂直于OQ 的直线l 过C 的左焦点F.21.(12分)设函数f(x)=(1-x2)e x.(1)讨论f(x)的单调性;(2)当x≥0时, f(x)≤ax+1,求a的取值范围.(二)选考题:共10分.请考生在第22、23题中任选一题作答.如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分.22.[选修4—4:坐标系与参数方程](10分)在直角坐标系xOy中,以坐标原点为极点,x轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,曲线C1的极坐标方程为ρcos θ=4.(1)M为曲线C1上的动点,点P在线段OM上,且满足|OM|·|OP|=16,求点P的轨迹C2的直角坐标方程;),点B在曲线C2上,求△OAB面积的最大值.(2)设点A的极坐标为(2,π323.[选修4—5:不等式选讲](10分)已知a>0,b>0,a3+b3=2.证明:(1)(a+b)(a5+b5)≥4;(2)a+b≤2.2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(课标全国卷Ⅱ)一、选择题1.A 本题考查集合的并集.A ∪B={1,2,3}∪{2,3,4}={1,2,3,4}.故选A. 2.B 本题考查复数的基本运算. (1+i)(2+i)=2+i+2i+i 2=1+3i.故选B. 3.C 本题考查三角函数的性质.由题意得ω=2,所以函数f(x)=sin (2x +π3)的最小正周期T=2πω=π.故选C.4.A 本题考查向量的有关概念.由|a+b|=|a-b|的几何意义知,以向量a 、b 为邻边的平行四边形为矩形,所以a ⊥b.故选A.5.C 本题考查双曲线的方程和性质. 由题意知e=c a =√1+1a 2, 因为a>1,所以e<√2, 又e>1,所以1<e<√2,故选C.6.B 本题考查三视图和空间几何体的体积.由三视图可知两个同样的几何体可以拼成一个底面直径为6,高为14的圆柱,所以该几何体的体积V=12×32×π×14=63π.故选B.7.A 本题考查简单的线性规划问题. 根据线性约束条件画出可行域,如图.作出直线l 0:y=-2x.平移直线l 0,当经过点A 时,目标函数取得最小值. 由{2x -3y +3=0,y +3=0 得点A 的坐标为(-6,-3). ∴z min =2×(-6)+(-3)=-15.故选A.8.D 本题主要考查复合函数的单调性. 由x 2-2x-8>0可得x>4或x<-2,所以x ∈(-∞,-2)∪(4,+∞), 令u=x 2-2x-8,则其在x ∈(-∞,-2)上单调递减, 在x ∈(4,+∞)上单调递增.又因为y=ln u 在u ∈(0,+∞)上单调递增,所以y=ln(x 2-2x-8)在x ∈(4,+∞)上单调递增.故选D.9.D 本题主要考查逻辑推理能力.由题意可知,“甲看乙、丙的成绩,不知道自己的成绩”说明乙、丙两人是一个优秀一个良好,则乙看了丙的成绩,可以知道自己的成绩,丁看了甲的成绩,也可以知道自己的成绩.故选D. 10.B 本题主要考查程序框图. 由程序框图可得S=0,a=-1,K=1≤6; S=0+(-1)×1=-1,a=1,K=2≤6; S=-1+1×2=1,a=-1,K=3≤6; S=1+(-1)×3=-2,a=1,K=4≤6; S=-2+1×4=2,a=-1,K=5≤6; S=2+(-1)×5=-3,a=1,K=6≤6;S=-3+1×6=3,a=-1,K=7>6,退出循环,输出S=3.故选B. 11.D 本题考查古典概型. 画出树状图如图:可知所有的基本事件共有25个,满足题意的基本事件有10个,故所求概率P=1025=25.故选D.12.C 本题考查抛物线的方程和性质.因为直线MF 的斜率为√3,所以直线MF 的倾斜角为60°,则∠FMN=60°.由抛物线的定义得|MF|=|MN|,所以△MNF 为等边三角形.过F 作FH⊥MN,垂足为H.易知F(1,0),l 的方程为x=-1,所以|OF|=1,|NH|=2,所以|MF|=|MF |2+2,即|MF|=4,所以M 到直线NF 的距离d=|FH|=|MF|sin60°=4×√32=2√3.故选C.二、填空题13.答案√5解析本题主要考查三角函数的最值.由题意可知f(x)=2cos x+sin x=√5sin(x+φ)(tan φ=2),∴f(x)的最大值为√5.14.答案12解析本题主要考查运用函数的奇偶性求函数值.由题意可知f(2)=-f(-2),∵x∈(-∞,0)时,f(x)=2x3+x2,∴f(2)=-f(-2)=-[2×(-8)+4]=-(-12)=12.15.答案14π解析本题考查长方体和球的性质,考查了球的表面积公式.由题意知长方体的体对角线为球O的直径,设球O的半径为R,则(2R)2=32+22+12=14,得R2=72,所以球O的表面积为4πR2=14π.16.答案60°解析解法一:由正弦定理得2sin Bcos B=sin Acos C+sin C·cos A,即sin 2B=sin(A+C),即sin 2B=sin(180°-B),可得B=60°.解法二:由余弦定理得2b·a 2+c2-b22ac=a·a2+b2-c22ab+c·b2+c2-a22bc,即b·a2+c2-b2ac=b,所以a2+c2-b2=ac,所以cos B=12,又0°<B<180°,所以B=60°.三、解答题17.解析本题考查了等差、等比数列.设{a n}的公差为d,{b n}的公比为q,则a n=-1+(n-1)d,b n=q n-1. 由a2+b2=2得d+q=3.①(1)由a3+b3=5得2d+q2=6.②联立①和②解得{d =3,q =0(舍去),或{d =1,q =2.因此{b n }的通项公式为b n =2n-1. (2)由b 1=1,T 3=21得q 2+q-20=0. 解得q=-5或q=4.当q=-5时,由①得d=8,则S 3=21. 当q=4时,由①得d=-1,则S 3=-6.18.解析 本题考查线面平行的判定和体积的计算.(1)证明:在平面ABCD 内,因为∠BAD=∠ABC=90°,所以BC∥AD.又BC ⊄平面PAD,AD ⊂平面PAD,故BC∥平面PAD.(2)取AD 的中点M,连接PM,CM.由AB=BC=12AD 及BC∥AD,∠ABC=90°得四边形ABCM 为正方形,则CM⊥AD.因为侧面PAD 为等边三角形且垂直于底面ABCD,平面PAD∩平面ABCD=AD,所以PM⊥AD,PM⊥底面ABCD. 因为CM ⊂底面ABCD, 所以PM⊥CM.设BC=x,则CM=x,CD=√2x,PM=√3x,PC=PD=2x. 取CD 的中点N,连接PN, 则PN⊥CD,所以PN=√142x. 因为△PCD 的面积为2√7, 所以12×√2x×√142x=2√7, 解得x=-2(舍去)或x=2.于是AB=BC=2,AD=4,PM=2√3. 所以四棱锥P-ABCD 的体积V=13×2×(2+4)2×2√3=4√3.19.解析 本题考查了频率分布直方图及独立性检验. (1)旧养殖法的箱产量低于50 kg 的频率为 (0.012+0.014+0.024+0.034+0.040)×5=0.62. 因此,事件A 的概率估计值为0.62.(2)根据箱产量的频率分布直方图得列联表:箱产量<50 kg箱产量≥50 kg旧养殖法 62 38 新养殖法 3466K 2=200×(62×66-34×38)2100×100×96×104≈15.705.由于15.705>6.635,故有99%的把握认为箱产量与养殖方法有关.(3)箱产量的频率分布直方图表明:新养殖法的箱产量平均值(或中位数)在50 kg 到55 kg 之间,旧养殖法的箱产量平均值(或中位数)在45 kg 到50 kg 之间,且新养殖法的箱产量分布集中程度较旧养殖法的箱产量分布集中程度高,因此,可以认为新养殖法的箱产量较高且稳定,从而新养殖法优于旧养殖法.20.解析 本题考查求轨迹方程的基本方法和过定点问题. (1)设P(x,y),M(x 0,y 0),则N(x 0,0),NP ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(x-x 0,y),NM ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(0,y 0). 由NP⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =√2NM ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ 得x 0=x,y 0=√22y. 因为M(x 0,y 0)在C 上,所以x 22+y 22=1.因此点P 的轨迹方程为x 2+y 2=2.(2)由题意知F(-1,0).设Q(-3,t),P(m,n),则OQ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(-3,t),PF ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(-1-m,-n), OQ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ·PF ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =3+3m-tn,OP ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(m,n),PQ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(-3-m,t-n). 由OP⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ·PQ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =1得-3m-m 2+tn-n 2=1,又由(1)知m 2+n 2=2,故3+3m-tn=0. 所以OQ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ·PF ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =0,即OQ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⊥PF ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ . 又过点P 存在唯一直线垂直于OQ,所以过点P 且垂直于OQ 的直线l 过C 的左焦点F.21.解析 本题考查函数的单调性,恒成立问题. (1)f '(x)=(1-2x-x 2)e x.令f '(x)=0,得x=-1-√2或x=-1+√2. 当x∈(-∞,-1-√2)时, f '(x)<0; 当x∈(-1-√2,-1+√2)时, f '(x)>0; 当x∈(-1+√2,+∞)时, f '(x)<0.所以f(x)在(-∞,-1-√2),(-1+√2,+∞)单调递减,在(-1-√2,-1+√2)单调递增.(2)f(x)=(1+x)(1-x)e x.当a≥1时,设函数h(x)=(1-x)e x,h'(x)=-xe x<0(x>0),因此h(x)在[0,+∞)单调递减,而h(0)=1,故h(x)≤1,所以f(x)=(x+1)h(x)≤x+1≤ax+1.当0<a<1时,设函数g(x)=e x-x-1,g'(x)=e x-1>0(x>0),所以g(x)在[0,+∞)单调递增,而g(0)=0,故e x≥x+1.当0<x<1时, f(x)>(1-x)(1+x)2,(1-x)(1+x)2-ax-1=x(1-a-x-x2),取x0=√5-4a-12,则x0∈(0,1),(1-x0)(1+x0)2-ax0-1=0,故f(x0)>ax0+1.当a≤0时,取x0=√5-12,则x0∈(0,1), f(x0)>(1-x0)(1+x0)2=1≥ax0+1.综上,a的取值范围是[1,+∞).22.解析本题考查极坐标方程及其应用.(1)设P的极坐标为(ρ,θ)(ρ>0),M的极坐标为(ρ1,θ)(ρ1>0).由题设知|OP|=ρ,|OM|=ρ1=4cosθ.由|OM|·|OP|=16得C2的极坐标方程为ρ=4cos θ(ρ>0).因此C2的直角坐标方程为(x-2)2+y2=4(x≠0).(2)设点B的极坐标为(ρB,α)(ρB>0).由题设知|OA|=2,ρB=4cos α,于是△OAB的面积S=12|OA|·ρB·sin∠AOB=4cos α·|sin(α-π3)|=2|sin(2α-π3)-√32|≤2+√3.当α=-π12时,S取得最大值2+√3. 所以△OAB面积的最大值为2+√3.23.证明本题考查不等式的证明.(1)(a+b)(a5+b5)=a6+ab5+a5b+b6=(a3+b3)2-2a3b3+ab(a4+b4)=4+ab(a2-b2)2≥4.(2)因为(a+b)3=a3+3a2b+3ab2+b3=2+3ab(a+b)≤2+3(a+b)24·(a+b)=2+3(a+b)34,所以(a+b)3≤8,因此a+b≤2.。



阅读理解7选52017年Passage 2017全国卷Ⅰ,10分话题:野营词数:288If anyone had told me three years ago that I would be spending most of my weekends camping, I would have laughed heartily. Campers, in my eyes, were people who enjoyed insect bites,ill-cooked meals, and uncomfortable sleeping bags. They had nothing in common with me. 1 The friends who introduced me to camping thought that it meant to be a pioneer. 2 We slept in a tent, cooked over an open fire, and walked a long distance to take the shower and use the bathroom. This brief visit with Mother Nature cost me two days off from work, recovering from abad case of sunburn and the doctor’s bill for my son’s food poisoning.I was, nevertheless, talked into going on another fun-filled holiday in the wilderness. 3 Instead, we had a pop-up camper with comfortable beds and an air conditioner. My nature-loving friends had remembered to bring all the necessities of life.4 We have done a lot of it since. Recently, we bought a twenty-eight-foot travel trailer complete with a bathroom and a built-in TV set. There is a separate bedroom, a modern kitchen with a refrigerator. The trailer even has matching carpet and curtains.5 It must be true that sooner or later, everyone finds his or her way back to nature. I recommend that you find your way in style.A. This time there was no tent.B. Things are going to be improved.C. The trip they took me on was a rough one.D. I was to learn a lot about camping since then, however.E. I must say that I have certainly come to enjoy camping.F. After the trip, my family became quite interested in camping.G. There was no shade as the trees were no more than 3 feet tall.Passage 2 2017全国卷Ⅱ,10分话题:避免工作被打断的方法词数:261Interruptions are one of the worst things to deal with while you’re trying to get work done.1 , there are several ways to handle things. Let’s take a look at them now.2 . Tell the person you’re sorry and explain that you have a million things to do and then ask if the two of you can talk at a different time.When people try to interrupt you, have set hours planned and let them know to come back duringthat time or that you’ll find them then. 3 . It can help to eliminate(消除)future interruptions.When you need to talk to someone, don’t do it in your own office. 4 , it’s much easierto excuse yourself to get back to your work than if you try to get someone out of your space even after explaining how busy you are.If you have a door to your office, make good use of it. 5 . If someone knocks and it’snot an important matter, excuse yourself and let the person know you’re busy so they can get thehint(暗示)that when the door is closed, you’re not to be disturbed.A. If you’re busy, don’t feel bad about saying noB. When you want to avoid interruptions at workC. Set boundaries for yourself as far as your time goesD. If you’re in the other person’s office or in a public areaE. It’s important that you let them know when you’ll be availableF. It might seem unkind to cut people short when they interrupt youG. Leave it open when you’re available to talk and close it when you’re notPassage 3 2017全国卷Ⅲ,10分话题:早起词数:293Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning, and put the blame on the alarm clock. In fact, the key to easy morning wake-up lies in resetting your body clock. 1 Here’s how to make one.2 In order to make a change, you need to decide why it’s important. Do you want to get up in time to have breakfast with your family, get in some exercise, or just be better prepared for your day? Once you are clear about your reasons, tell your family or roommates about the change you want to make.Rethink mornings. Now that you know why you want to wake up, consider re-arranging your morning activities. If you want time to have breakfast with your family, save some time the night before by setting out clothes, shoes, and bags. 3 That’s a quarter-hour more you could be sleeping if you bought a coffee maker with a timer.Keep your sleep/wake schedule on weekends. If you’re tired out by Friday night, sleeping in on Saturday could sound wonderful. But compensating on the weekends actually feeds into your sleepiness the following week, a recent study found. 4Keep a record and evaluate it weekly. Keep track of your efforts and write down how you feel. After you’ve tried a new method for a week, take a look at your record. 5 If not, take another look at other methods you could try.A. Get a sleep specialist.B. Find the right motivation.C. A better plan for sleep can help.D. And consider setting a second alarm.E. If the steps you take are working, keep it up.F. Stick to your set bedtime and wake-up time, no matter the day.G. Reconsider the 15 minutes you spend in line at the cafe to get coffee.Passage 4 2017北京,10分话题:充足的睡眠帮助记忆词数:307Every animal sleeps, but the reason for this has remained foggy. When lab rats are not allowed to sleep, they die within a month. 1One idea is that sleep helps us strengthen new memories. 2 We know that, while awake, fresh memories are recorded by reinforcing (加强) connections between brain cells, but the memory processes that take place while we sleep have been unclear.Support is growing for a theory that sleep evolved so that connections between neurons(神经元)in the brain can be weakened overnight, making room for fresh memories to form the next day.3Now we have the most direct evidence yet that he is right. 4 The synapses in the mice taken at the end of a period of sleep were 〖ST〗18〖STF5〗per cent smaller than those taken before sleep, showing that the connections between neurons weaken while sleeping.If Tononi’s theory is right, it would explain why, when we miss a night’s sleep, we find it harder the next day to concentrate and learn new information —our brains may have smaller room for new experiences.Their research also suggests how we may build lasting memories over time even though the synapses become thinner. The team discovered that some synapses seem to be protected and stayed the same size. 5 "You keep what matters," Tononi says.A. We should also try to sleep well the night before.B. It’s as if the brain is preserving its most important memories.C. Similarly, when people go for a few days without sleeping, they get sick.D. The processes take place to stop our brains becoming loaded with memories.E. That’s why students do better in tests if they get a chance to sleep after learning.F. "Sleep is the price we pay for learning," says Giulio Tononi, who developed the idea.G. Tononi’s team measured the size of these connections, or synapses, in the brains of 12 mice. Passage 5 2017浙江,10分话题:如何做好街头采访词数:311How to Do Man on the Street InterviewsThe man on the street interview is an interview in which a reporter hits the streets with a cameraman to interview people on the spot. 1 But with these tips, your first man on the street interview experience can be easy.When your boss or professor sends you out to do man on the-street interviews for a story, think about the topic and develop a list of about ten general questions relating to it. For example, if your topic is about environmental problems in America, you might ask, "Why do you think environmental protection is important in America?" 2Hit the streets with confidence. 3 Say, "Excuse me, I work for XYZ News, and I was wondering if you could share your opinion about this topic." This is a quick way to get people to warm up to you.Move on to the next person if someone tells you she is not interested in talking on camera. Don’t get discouraged.4 Each interview that you get on the street shouldn’t be longer than ten minutes. As soon as you get the answer you need, move on to the next person. Make sure that as you go from interview to interview, you are getting a variety of answers. If everyone is giving you the same answer, you won’t be able to use it. A safe number of interviews to conduct is about six to ten. 5If your news station or school requires interviewees to sign release forms to appear on the air, don’t leave work without them.A. Limit your time.B. As you approach people, be polite.C. If you don’t own a camera, you can buy one.D. For new reporters, this can seem like a challenging task.E. To get good and useful results, ask them the same question.F. That number of interviews should give you all the answers you need.G. With a question like this, you will get more than a "Yes" or "No" reply.2012—2016年Passage 1 2016全国卷Ⅰ,10分词数:298Secret codes (密码)keep messages private. Banks, companies, and government agencies use secret codes in doing business, especially when information is sent by computer.People have used secret codes for thousands of years. 1 Code breaking never lags (落后)far behind code making. The science of creating and reading coded messages is calledcryptography.There are three main types of cryptography. 2 For example, the first letters of "My elephant eats too many eels"spell out the hidden message "Meet me."3 You might represent each letter with a number, for example. Let's number the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26. If we substitute a number for each letter, the message "Meet me" would read "13 5 5 20 13 5."A code uses symbols to replace words, phrases, or sentences. To read the message of a real code, you must have a code book. 4 For example, "bridge" might stand for "meet" and "out" might stand for "me." The message "Bridge out" would actually mean "Meet me." 5 However, it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long. So codes must be changed frequently.A. It is very hard to break a code without the code book.B. In any language, some letters are used more than others.C. Only people who know the keyword can read the message.D. As long as there have been codes, people have tried to break them.E. You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.F. With a code book, you might write down words that would stand for other words.G. Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet. Passage 2 2016全国卷Ⅰ,10分词数:320A garden that's just right for youHave you ever visited a garden that seemed just right for you, where the atmosphere of the garden appeared to total more than the sum(总和) of its parts? 1 . But it doesn't happen by accident. It starts with looking inside yourself and understanding who you are with respect to the natural world and how you approach the gardening process.● 2Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants, flowers, patterns and masses of color. Others are concerned about using gardening methods that require less water and fewer fertilizers (肥料). 3 . However, there are a number of other reasons that might explain why you want to garden. One of them comes from our earliest years.●Recall(回忆)your childhood memoriesOur model of what a garden should be often goes back to childhood. Grandma's rose garden and Dad's vegetable garden might be good or bad, but that's not what's important. 4 — how being in those gardens made us feel. If you'd like to build a powerful bond with your garden, start by taking some time to recall the gardens of your youth. 5 . Then go outside and work out a plan to translate your childhood memories into your grown-up garden. Have fun.A. Know why you gardenB. Find a good place for your own gardenC. It's our experience of the garden that mattersD. It's delightful to see so many beautiful flowersE. Still others may simply enjoy being outdoors and close to plantsF. You can produce that kind of magical quality in your own garden, tooG. For each of those gardens, write down the strongest memory you havePassage 3 2016全国卷Ⅰ,10分词数:269Everyone knows that fish is good for health. 1 But it seems that many people don't cook fish at home. Americans eat only about fifteen pounds of fish per person per year, but we eat twiceas much fish in restaurants as at home. Buying, storing, and cooking fish isn't difficult. 2 This text is about how to buy and cook fish in an easy way.3 Fresh fish should smell sweet: you should feel that you're standing at the ocean's edge. Any fishy or strong smell means the fish isn't fresh.4 When you have bought a fish and arrive home, you'd better store the fish in the refrigerator if you don't cook it immediately, but fresh fish should be stored in your fridge for only a day or two. Frozen fish isn't as tasty as the fresh one.There are many common methods used to cook fish. 5 First, clean it and season it with your choice of spices (调料). Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pound. (A larger one will take more time.) Then, it's ready to serve.A. Do not buy it.B. The easiest is to steam it.C. This is how you can do it.D. It just requires a little knowledge.E. The fish will go bad within hours.F. When buying fish, you should first smell it.G. The fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.Passage 4 2016北京,10分词数:360The Science of Risk-SeekingSometimes we decide that a little unnecessary danger is worth it because when we weigh the risk and the reward, the risk seems worth taking. 1 Some of us enjoy activities that would surprise and scare the rest of us. Why? Experts say it may have to do with how our brains work.The reason why any of us take any risks at all might have to do with early humans. Risk-takers were better at hunting, fighting, or exploring. 2 As the quality of risk-taking was passed from one generation to the next, humans ended up with a sense of adventure and a tolerance for risk.So why aren't we all jumping out of airplanes then? Well, even 200,000 years ago, too much risk-taking could get one killed. A few daring survived, though, along with a few stay-in-the-cave types. As a result, humans developed a range of character types that still exists today. So maybe you love car racing, or maybe you hate it. 3No matter where you are on the risk-seeking range, scientists say that your willingness to take risks increases during your teenage years. 4 To help you do that, your brain increases your hunger for new experiences. New experiences often mean taking some risks, so your brain raises your tolerance for risk as well.5 For the risk-seekers, a part of the brain related to pleasure becomes active, while for the rest of us, a part of the brain related to fear becomes active.As experts continue to study the science of risk-seeking, we'll continue to hit the mountains, the waves or the shallow end of the pool.A. It all depends on your character.B. Those are the risks you should jump to take.C. Being better at those things meant a greater chance of survival.D. Thus, these well-equipped people survived because they were the fittest.E. This is when you start to move away from your family and into the bigger world.F. However, we are not all using the same reference standard to weigh risks and rewards.G. New brain research suggests our brains work differently when we face a nervous situation. Passage 5 2016四川,10分词数:278Both men and women are living longer these days in industrialized countries. 1 In general, they can expect to live six or seven years more than men. One reason for this is biological.One important biological factor that helps women live longer is the difference in hormones between men and women. 2 Between the ages of about 12 and 50, women produce hormones that are involved in fertility(生育能力). These hormones also have a positive effect on the heart and the blood flow. In fact,women are less likely to have high blood pressure or to die from heart attacks.3 They help the body defend itself against some kinds of infections. This means that women generally get sick less often and less seriously than men. The common cold is a good example:women, on average, get fewer colds than men.4 Scientists are still not exactly sure how genes influence aging, but they believe that they do. Some think that a woman's body cells have a tendency(倾向)to age more slowly than a man's. Others think that a man's body cells have a tendency to age more quickly. 5A. However, women, on average, live longer.B. The biological factor plays an important part.C. Women are also helped by their female genes.D. The female hormones also protect the body in another way.E. Recent research seems to support both of these possibilities.F. Therefore, women are more healthy than men and can live a better life.G. Hormones are chemicals which are produced by the body to control various body functions.Passage 6 2015新课标全国Ⅰ,10分词数:330Building Trust in a Relationship AgainTrust is a learned behavior that we gain from past experiences. 1 Trust is a risk. But you can't be successful when there's a lack of trust in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake.Unfortunately, we've all been victims of betrayal. Whether we've been stolen from, lied to, misled, or cheated on, there are different levels of losing trust. Sometimes people simply can't trust anymore. 2 It's understandable, but if you're willing to build trust in a relationship again, we have some steps you can take to get you there.● 3 Having confidence in yourself will help you make better choices because you can see what the best outcome would be for your well-being.● 4 If you've been betrayed, you are the victim of your circumstance. But there's a difference between being a victim and living with a "victim mentality". At some point in all of our lives, we'll have our trust tested or violated.●You didn't lose "everything".Once trust is lost, what is left? Instead of looking at the situation from this hopeless angle, look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life. 5 Instead, it's a healthy way to work through the experience to allow room for positive growth and forgiveness.A. Learn to really trust yourself.B. It is putting confidence in someone.C. Stop regarding yourself as the victim.D. Remember that you can expect the best in return.E. They've been too badly hurt and they can't bear to let it happen again.F. This knowledge carries over in their attitude toward their future relationships.G. Seeing the positive side of things doesn't mean you're ignoring what happened.Passage 7 2015新课标全国Ⅰ,10分词数:251Training for a marathon requires careful preparation and steady, gradual increases in the length of the runs. 1 , buy the best-fitting, best-built running shoes you can find. No one can say which brand will work best for you or feel best on your feet, so you have to rely on your experience and on the feel of each pair as you shop. When you have found shoes that seem right, walk in them for a few days to double-check the fit. 2 . As always, you should stretch(伸展) at least ten minutes before each run to prevent injuries.During the first week, do not think about distance, but run five minutes longer each day.3 , it is wise to take a day off to rest. But during the next week, set a goal of at least a mile anda half per run. 4 . After two weeks, start timing yourself. 5 . Depending on the kind of race you plan to enter, you can set up a timetable for the remaining weeks before the race.A. After six daysB. For a good marathon runnerC. Before you begin your trainingD. With each day, increase the distance by a half mileE. If they still feel good, you can begin running in themF. Time spent for preparation raises the quality of trainingG. Now you are ready to figure out a goal of improving distance and timePassage 8 2015北京,10分词数:356This Way to DreamlandDaydreaming means people think about something pleasant, especially when this makes them forget what they should be doing. Daydreamers have a bad reputation for being unaware of what's happening around them. They can seem forgetful and clumsy. 1 They annoy us because they seem to be ignoring us and missing the important things.But daydreamers are also responsible for some of the greatest ideas and achievements in human history. 2 Can you imagine what kind of world we would have without such ideas and inventions? So how can you come up with brilliant daydreams and avoid falling over tree roots or otherwise looking like a fool?First, understand that some opportunities (机会) for daydreaming are better than others. Feeling safe and relaxed will help you to slip into daydreams. 3 And if you want to improve your chances of having a creative idea while you're daydreaming, try to do it while you are involved in another task — preferably something simple, like taking a shower or walking, or even making meaningless drawings.It's also important to know how to avoid daydreams for those times when you really need to concentrate. "Mindfulness", being focused, is a tool that some people use to avoid falling asleep. 4Finally, you never know what wonderful idea might strike while your mind has moved slowly away. 5Always remember that your best ideas might come when your head is actually in the clouds.A. Having interesting things to think about also helps.B. They stare off into space and wander by themselves.C. Without wandering minds, we wouldn't have relativity, Coke or Post-it notes.D. At one time, daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some mental illnesses.E. It involves slow, steady breathing for self-control that helps people stay calm and attentive.F. Daydreams are often very simple and direct, quite unlike sleep dreams, which may be hard to understand.G. Therefore, it's a good idea to keep a notebook or voice recorder nearby when you're in the daydream zone.Passage 9 2014新课标全国Ⅰ,10分词数:297The jobs of the future have not yet been invented. 1 By helping them develop classic skills that will serve them well no matter what the future holds.1.CuriosityYour children need to be deeply curious. 2 Ask kids,"What ingredients(配料) can we add to make these pancakes even better next time?"and then try them out. Did those ingredients make the pancakes better?What could we try next time?2.CreativityTrue creativity is the ability to take something existing and create something new from it.3 There are a dozen different things you can do with them.Experimenting with materials to create something new can go a long way in helping them develop their creativity.3.Interpersonal SkillsUnderstanding how others feel can be a challenge for kids.We know what's going on inside our own head, but what about others?Being able to read people helps kids from misreading a situation and jumping to false conclusions. 4 "Why do you think she's crying?""Can you tell how that man is feeling by looking at his face?""If someone were to do that to you, how would you feel?"4.Self-expression5 There are many ways to express thoughts and ideas — music, acting, drawing, building, photography.You may find that your child is attracted by one more than another.A. Encourage kids to cook with you.B. And we can't forget science education.C. We can give kids chances to think about materials in new ways.D. So how can we help our kids prepare for jobs that don't yet exist?E. Gardening is another great activity for helping kids develop this skill.F. We can do this in real life or ask questions about characters in stories.G. Being able to communicate ideas in a meaningful way is a valuable skill.Passage 10 2014新课标全国Ⅰ,10分词数:320Tips for Cooking on a Tight ScheduleFrom my experience, there are three main reasons why people don't cook more often: ability, money, and time. 1 Money is a topic I'll save for another day. So today I want to give you some wisdom about how to make the most of the time you spend in the kitchen. Here are three tips for great cooking on a tight schedule:1.Think ahead. The moments when I think cooking is a pain are when I'm already hungry andthere's nothing ready to eat. So think ahead of the coming week. When will you have time to cook? Do you have the right materials already? 22.Make your time worth it. When you do find time to cook a meal, make the most of it and save yourself time later on. Are you making one loaf of bread? 3 It takes around the same amount of time to make more of something. So save yourself the effort for a future meal.3. 4 This may surprise you, but one of the best tools for making cooking worth your time is experimentation. It gives you the chance to hit upon new ideas and recipes that can work well with your appetite and schedule. The more you learn and the more you try, the more ability you have to take control of your food and your schedule.Hopefully that gives you a good start. 5 And don't let a busy schedule discourage you from making some great changes in the way you eat and live!A. Try new things.B. Ability is easily improved.C. Make three or four instead.D. Understand your food better.E. Cooking is a burden for many people.F. Let cooking and living simply be a joy rather than a burden.G. A little time planning ahead can save a lot of work later on.Passage 11 2014北京,10分词数:323Evaluating Sources (来源) of Health InformationMaking good choices about your own health requires reasonable evaluation. A key first step in bettering your evaluation ability is to look carefully at your sources of health information. Reasonable evaluation includes knowing where and how to find relevant information, how to separate fact from opinion, how to recognize poor reasoning, and how to analyze information and the reliability of sources. 1Go to the original source. Media reports often simplify the results of medical research. Find out for yourself what a study really reported, and determine whether it was based on good science. Think about the type of study. 2Watch for misleading language. Some studies will find that a behavior "contributes to" or is "associated with" an outcome; this does not mean that a certain course must lead to a certain result.3 Carefully read or listen to information in order to fully understand it.Use your common sense. If a report seems too good to be true, probably it is. Be especially careful of information contained in advertisements. 4 Evaluate "scientific" statements carefully, and be aware of quackery (江湖骗术).5 Friends and family members can be a great source of ideas and inspiration, but each of us needs to find a healthy lifestyle that works for us.Developing the ability to evaluate reasonably and independently about health problems will serve you well throughout your life.A. Make choices that are right for you.B. The goal of an ad is to sell you something.C. Be sure to work through the critical questions.D. And examine the findings of the original research.E. Distinguish between research reports and public health advice.F. Be aware that information may also be incorrectly explained by an author's point of view.G. The following suggestions can help you sort through the health information you receive from common sources.Passage 12 2014辽宁,10分词数:350Eyesight plays a very important role in our daily life. Every waking moment, the eyes are working to see the world around us. Over forty percent of Americans worry about losing eyesight, but it's easy to include steps into our daily life to ensure healthy eyes. Here are five suggestions fora lifetime of healthy eyesight:●Schedule yearly exams. 1 Experts advise parents to bring babies 6 to 12 months of age to the doctor for a careful check. The good news is that millions of children now can have yearly eye exams and following treatment, including eyeglasses.●Protect against UV rays (紫外线). Long-term stay in the sun creates risk to your eyes. No matter what the season is, it's extremely important to wear sunglasses. 2●Give your eyes a break. Two-thirds of Americans spend up to seven hours a day using computers or other digital products. 3 Experts recommend that people practice the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.● 4 As part of a healthy diet, eat more fruits and vegetables each day. Vitamins (维生素) C and E help protect eyesight and promote eye health.●Practice safe wear and care of contact lenses (隐形眼镜). Many Americans use contact lenses to improve their eyesight. While some follow the medical guidance for wearing contact lenses, many are breaking the rules and putting their eyesight at risk. 5 Otherwise, you may have problems such as red eyes, pain in the eyes, or a more serious condition.A. Eat your greens.B. Eye care should begin early in life.C. They can properly protect your eyes.D. Stay in good shape by taking more vitamins.E. Parents usually don't care about their own eyesight.F. Always follow the doctor's advice for appropriate wear.G. This frequent eye activity increases the risk for eye tiredness.Passage 13 2013新课标全国Ⅰ,10分词数:243Business is the organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want. The word business also refers to an organization that provides these goods and services. Most businesses seek to make a profit(利润) — that is, they aim to achieve income that is more than the costs of operating the business. 1 Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers. 2Business management is a term used to describe the techniques of planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business. 3 One is the establishment(制定) of broad basic policies with respect to production; sales; the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies; and accounting. 4 The third relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments. Direction is concerned primarily with supervision(监管) and guidance by the management in authority. 5A. Control includes the use of records and reports to compare actual work with the set standards for work.B. In this connection there is the difference between top management and operative management.C. Examples of nonprofit businesses include such organizations as social service agencies and。

2017届高三普通高等学校招生全国统一考试能力测试(五)理综物理试题 含解析

2017届高三普通高等学校招生全国统一考试能力测试(五)理综物理试题 含解析




1. 关于万有引力定律发现过程中的发展史和物理方法,下列表述正确的是()A. 日心说的代表人物是托勒密B. 开普勒提出行星运动规律,并发现了万有引力定律C。

牛顿发现太阳与行星间引力的过程中,得出太阳对行星的引力表达式后推出行星对太阳的引力表达式,这是一个很关键的论证步骤,这一步骤采用的论证方法是类比法D. 牛顿发现了万有引力定律并通过精确的计算得出引力常量【答案】C【解析】日心说的代表人物是哥白尼,选项A错误;开普勒提出行星运动规律,牛顿发现了万有引力定律,选项B错误;牛顿发现太阳与行星间引力的过程中,得出太阳对行星的引力表达式后推出行星对太阳的引力表达式,这是一个很关键的论证步骤,这一步骤采用的论证方法是类比法,选项C正确;牛顿发现了万有引力定律,卡文迪许通过扭秤实验测得了引力常量,选项D错误;故选C.2. 图甲是某质点的位移-时间图象,图乙是另一质点的速度-时间图象,关于这两个图象,下列说法正确的是()甲乙A. 由图甲可知,质点做曲线运动,且速度逐渐增大B. 由图甲可知,质点在前10 s内的平均速度的大小为4 m/sC. 由图乙可知,质点在第4 s内加速度的方向与物体运动的方向相同D. 由图乙可知,质点在运动过程中,加速度的最大值为7.5 m/s2【答案】C【解析】运动图象反映物体的运动规律,不是运动轨迹,无论速度时间图象还是位移时间图象只能表示物体做直线运动,故A错误;由图(甲)可知,质点在前10s内的位移x=20—0=20m,所以平均速度,故B错误;由图(乙)可知,质点在第4s内加速度和速度都为负,方向相同,故C正确;v-t的斜率表示物体运动的加速度,由图(乙)可知,质点在运动过程中,加速度的最大值出现在2-4s 内,最大加速度大小为,故D错误.故选C.点睛:s—t图线与v-t图线只能描述直线运动,s—t的斜率表示物体运动的速度,斜率的正和负分别表示物体沿正方向和负方向运动.v-t 的斜率表示物体运动的加速度,图线与时间轴围成的面积等于物体在该段时间内通过的位移.3。



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2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
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9. 根据题目要求,列出三个关键点,并进行简要解释。

10. 根据题目所给数据,列出计算步骤,并得出最终结果。

11. 利用相关公式进行计算,注意保留必要的计算过程。

12. 针对题目提出的问题,首先明确观点,然后提供论据支持,并给出合理的结论。

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16. 根据题目要求,选择一个角度进行写作,注意文章结构清晰,论点明确,论据充分。

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2012-2021十年全国卷高考真题分类汇编 集合(精解精析)1.(2021年高考全国乙卷理科)已知集合{}21,S s s n n ==+∈Z ,{}41,T t t n n ==+∈Z ,则S T Ç=( )A .∅B .SC .TD .Z【结果】C思路:任取t T ∈,则()41221t n n =+=⋅+,其中n Z ∈,所以,t S ∈,故T S ⊆,因此,S T T = .故选:C .2.(2021年高考全国甲卷理科)设集合{}104,53M x x N xx ⎧⎫=<<=≤≤⎨⎬⎩⎭,则M N = ( )A .103x x ⎧⎫<≤⎨⎬⎩⎭B .143xx ⎧⎫≤<⎨⎬⎩⎭C .{}45x x ≤<D .{}05x x <≤【结果】B思路:因为1{|04},{|5}3M x x N x x =<<=≤≤,所以1|43M N x x ⎧⎫⋂=≤<⎨⎬⎩⎭,故选:B .【点睛】本题考查集合地运算,属基础题,在高考中要求不高,掌握集合地交并补地基本概念即可求解.3.(2020年高考数学课标Ⅰ卷理科)设集合A ={x |x 2–4≤0},B ={x |2x +a ≤0},且A ∩B ={x |–2≤x ≤1},则a =( )A .–4B .–2C .2D .4【结果】B【思路】求解二次不等式240x -≤可得:{}2|2A x x -=≤≤,求解一次不等式20x a +≤可得:|2a B x x ⎧⎫=≤-⎨⎬⎩⎭.由于{}|21A B x x ⋂=-≤≤,故:12a-=,解得:2a =-.故选:B .【点睛】本题主要考查交集地运算,不等式地解法等知识,意在考查学生地转化能力和计算求解能力.4.(2020年高考数学课标Ⅱ卷理科)已知集合U ={−2,−1,0,1,2,3},A ={−1,0,1},B ={1,2},则()U A B ⋃=ð( )A .{−2,3}B .{−2,2,3}C .{−2,−1,0,3}D .{−2,−1,0,2,3}【结果】A思路:由题意可得:{}1,0,1,2A B ⋃=-,则(){}U 2,3A B =- ð.故选:A【点睛】本题主要考查并集,补集地定义与应用,属于基础题.5.(2020年高考数学课标Ⅲ卷理科)已知集合{(,)|,,}A x y x y y x =∈≥*N ,{(,)|8}B x y x y =+=,则A B 中圆素地个数为( )A .2B .3C .4D .6【结果】C思路:由题意,A B 中地圆素满足8y xx y ≥⎧⎨+=⎩,且*,x y N ∈,由82x y x +=≥,得4x ≤,所以满足8x y +=地有(1,7),(2,6),(3,5),(4,4),故A B 中圆素地个数为4.故选:C .【点晴】本题主要考查集合地交集运算,考查学生对交集定义地理解,是一道容易题.6.(2019年高考数学课标Ⅲ卷理科)已知集合{}1,0,1,2A =-,2{|1}B x x =≤,则A B =( )A .{}1,0,1-B .{}0,1C .{}1,1-D .{}0,1,2【结果】A 【思路】因为{}1,0,1,2A =-,{}11B x x =-≤≤,所以{}1,0,1A B =- ,故选A .【点评】本题考查了集合交集地求法,是基础题.7.(2019年高考数学课标全国Ⅱ卷理科)设集合{}2560A x x x =-+>,{}10B x x =-<,则A B =( )A .(),1-∞B .()2,1-C .()3,1--D .()3,+∞【结果】A.【思路】{}{25602A x x x x x =-+>=≤或}3x ≥,{}{}101B x x x x =-<=<,故{}1A B x x =< ,故选A .【点评】本题主要考查一圆二次不等式,一圆二次不等式地解法,集合地运算,属于基础题.本题考点为集合地运算,为基础题目,难度偏易.不能领会交集地含义易致误,区分交集与并集地不同,交集取公共部分,并集包括二者部分.8.(2019年高考数学课标全国Ⅰ卷理科)已知集合{42}M x =-<<,2{|60}N x x x =--<,则M N =( )A .{|43}x x -<<B .{|42}x x -<<-C .{|22}x x -<<D .{|23}x x <<【结果】C 思路:2{|60}{|(2)(3)0}{|23},{|22}N x x x x x x x x M N x x =--<=+-<=-<<∴=-<< .9.(2018年高考数学课标Ⅲ卷(理))已知集合{}|10A x x =-≥,{}0,1,2B =,则A B = ( )A .{}0B .{}1C .{}1,2D .{}0,1,2【结果】C思路:{}{}|10|1A x x x x =-≥=≥,{}0,1,2B =,故{}1,2A B = ,故选C .10.(2018年高考数学课标Ⅱ卷(理))已知集合(){}223A x y xy x y =+∈∈Z Z ,≤,,,则A 中圆素地个数为( )A .9B .8C .5D .4【结果】A 思路:(){}{}223(1,1),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1),(0,0),(0,1),(1,1),(1,0),(1,1)A x y xy x y =+∈∈=-------Z Z ,≤,,,故选A .11.(2018年高考数学课标卷Ⅰ(理))己知集合{}220A x x x =-->,则R A =ð( )A .{}12x x -<<B .{}12x x -≤≤C .{}{}12x x x x <-> D .{}{}12x x x x ≤-≥ 【结果】B思路:集合{}220A x x x =+->,可得{}12A x x x =<->或,则{}-12R A x x =≤≤ð,故选:B .地.【思路】解法一:常规解法∵ ∴ 1是方程地一个根,即,∴ 故 解法二:韦达定理法∵ ∴ 1是方程地一个根,∴ 利用伟大定理可知:,解得:,故 解法三:排除法∵集合中地圆素必是方程方程地根,∴ ,从四个选项A ﹑B ﹑C ﹑D 看只有C 选项满足题意.【知识拓展】集合属于新课标必考点,属于函数范畴,常与解方程﹑求定义域和值域﹑数集意义相结合,集合考点有二:1.集合间地基本关系。

2012-2017五年高考真题 发展观

2012-2017五年高考真题 发展观

教研活动:唯物辩证法——发展观考纲要求:唯物辩证法的发展观发展的概念发展的前进性与曲折性发展的量变与质变状态全国卷近五年没考过发展观*2 (13年江苏单科)(15年北京文综开放性题目方法论建议)量质变关系原理*1(15年山东卷)唯物辩证法含发展观要点*1 (13年天津卷)2017年高考题1、(2017年全国高考全国2卷22).党的十八届五中全会强调,实现“十三五”时期发展目标,破解发展难题,厚植发展优势,必须牢固树立并切实贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念。

这是因为①发展理念反映了发展实践的曲折性②发展理念正确与否关乎发展实践的成败③发展理念往往是发展实践变革的先导④发展理念变革意味着消除以往发展理念的影响A.①②B.①④ C ②③ D.③④【答案】C2016年高考题1、(2016年全国高考北京卷28)“奔跑,两腿以最简单的方式交替前行,无数次地重复,但每一步都是新的迈进,最后能成就一个看似难以企及的跨越。


”从以上跑步爱好者的感受中,可以领悟到A.人生价值的大小通常来自于个人体验B. 生命的意义在于社会对个体的肯定C. 人可以在量的积累中获得精神提升D.人的意志不断推动社会发展【答案】C【考点定位】量变质变的关系、人生价值的实现2、(2016年全国高考江苏卷33)与普通微信群不一样,“日行一善”微信群有个特别的群规,群友发出的红包不能抢。



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1. [化学—选修5:有机化学基础](15分)氟他胺G是一种可用于治疗肿瘤的药物。









2. [化学—选修5:有机化学基础](15分)化合物G是治疗高血压的药物“比索洛尔”的中间体,一种合成G的路线如下:已知以下信息:①A的核磁共振氢谱为单峰;B的核磁共振氢谱为三组峰,峰面积比为6∶1∶1。

②D的苯环上仅有两种不同化学环境的氢;1 mol D可与1 mol NaOH或2 mol Na反应。






(6)L是D的同分异构体,可与FeCl3溶液发生显色反应,1 mol的L可与2 mol的Na2CO3反应,L共有______种;其中核磁共振氢谱为四组峰,峰面积比为3:2:2:1的结构简式为___________、____________。

3. [化学—选修5:有机化学基础](15分)化合物H是一种有机光电材料中间体。







4. 端炔烃在催化剂存在下可发生偶联反应,成为Glaser反应。

2R—C≡C—H R—C≡C—C≡C—R+H2该反应在研究新型发光材料、超分子化学等方面具有重要价值。

下面是利用Glaser反应制备化合物E的一种合成路线:回答下列问题:(1)B的结构简式为______,D 的化学名称为______,。



用1 mol E合成1,4-二苯基丁烷,理论上需要消耗氢气_______mol。




5. 氰基丙烯酸酯在碱性条件下能快速聚合为从而具有胶黏性,某种氰基丙烯酸酯(G)的合成路线如下:已知:①A的相对分子量为58,氧元素质量分数为0.276,核磁共振氢谱显示为单峰②回答下列问题:(1)A的化学名称为_______。




(5)G中的官能团有___、____ 、_____。


(不含立体异构)6. 秸秆(含多糖类物质)的综合利用具有重要的意义。


(填标号) 糖类都有甜味,具有2C H O n m m 的通式麦芽糖水解生成互为同分异构体的葡萄糖和果糖 用银镜反应不能判断淀粉水解是否完全淀粉和纤维素都属于多糖类天然高分子化合物 B 生成C 的反应类型为__________。

D 中的官能团名称为__________,D 生成E 的反应类型为__________。

F 的化学名称是__________,由F 生成G 的化学方程式为__________。

具有一种官能团的二取代芳香化合物W 是E 的同分异构体,0.5mol W 与足量碳酸氢钠溶液反应生成44g 2CO ,W 共有__________种(不含立体异构),其中核磁共振氢谱为三组峰的结构简式为__________。

参照上述合成路线,以()2-反,反,4-已二烯和24C H 为原料(无机试剂任选),设计制备对苯二甲酸的合成路线__________。

7. 【化学一选修5:有机化学基础】(15分)聚戊二酸丙二醇酯(PPG )是一种可降解的聚酯类高分子材料,在材枓的生物相存性方面有很好的应用前景。

PPG 的一种合成路线如下:已知:①烃A 的相对分子质量为70,核磁共振氢谱显示只有一种化学环境的氢; ②化合物B 为单氯代烃:化合物C 的分子式为C 5H 8;③E 、F 为相对分子质量差14的同系物,F 是福尔马林的溶质;④。





②若PPG平均相对分子质量为10000,则其平均聚合度约为(填标号).a. 48b. 58c. 76d.122(5)D的网分异构体中能同时满足下列条件的共有种(不含立体异构):①能与饱和NaHCO3溶液反应产生气体②既能发生银镜反应,又能发生皂化反应其中核磁共振氢谱显示为3组峰,且峰面积比为6:1:1的是(写姑构简式):D的所有同分异构体在下列—种表征仪器中显示的信号(或数据)完全相同,该仪器是___________(填标号)。

a.质谱仪b.红外光谱仪c.元素分析仪d.核磁共振仪8. [化学——选修5:有机化学基础](15分)A(C2H2)是基本有机化工原料。







9. [化学—选修5:有机化学基础]立方烷()具有高度的对称性、高致密性、高张力能及高稳定性等特点,因此合成立方烷及其衍生物成为化学界关注的热点。







10. [化学——选修5:有机化学基础]席夫碱类化合物G在催化席夫碱类化合物G在催化、药物、新材料等方面有广泛应用。








11. [化学—选修5:有机化学荃础]查尔酮类化合物G是黄酮类药物的主要合成中间体,其中一种合成路线如下:已知以下信息:①芳香烃A的相对分子质量在100-110之间,I mol A充分燃烧可生成72g水。







12. [化学——选修5:有机化学基础]化合物Ⅰ(C11H12O3)是制备液晶材料的中间体之一,其分子中含有醛基和酯基。





