中考英语二轮专题复习natural protection 自然保护 课件

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Let’s think and fill in the blanks.
Why are they in danger?
Humans are ____c_u_t_t_i_n_g__d__o_wn _t_h_e__f_o_r_e_s__ts_.
make laws
set up nature 建立p自a然rks公园
Let’s listen, think and talk about animals.
学习策略:使用circle map发散思维并归纳总结
How can we talk about animals?
Elephants are a ___s_y_m__b__o_l of good luck in Thailand. An elephant is about ___3_5_0cm tall and weighs __5_,_0_0_0kilos. Elephants eat ____ k1il5o0s of food a day, but they don't eat ______m_. eat Elephants can do a lot of things. They can walk for a long time and never get ______. Tlhoesyt can also __________ prleamceesmwbitehrfood and water.
Let’s think and fill in the blanks about pandas using the words below.
Do you know anything about pandas?
Pandas have become so ____p__o_p_u__latrhat they are now a ___s_y_m__b__o_l of China. They are also China’s national _t_r_e_a__s_u_r_e_. There are now only 1,864 pandas in the ___w__il_d____.
Let's guess what it is.
1. I’m black and white. My baby is about 15cm long and 0.1 to 0.2 kilos at birth.
2. I can live up to 20 to 30 years. 3. I4. I am from China. 5. I think I am kind of cute. 6. My favorite food is bamboo. 7. We often die from illness. 8. The number of us is becoming smaller and smaller.
Let’s think and fill in the blanks. How can we protect pandas?
People should __t_e_l_l_c_h__il_d_r_e__n__a_bout
_t_h_e__i_m__p__o_r_t_a_n_c__e__o_f_s__a_v_i_n_g__p_.andas Organizations should __d_o__r_e_s_e__a_rctoh better understand the habits of pandas. Governments should _____________
t砍chue倒tfdo森orew林snts h幼abv崽aebf较ieews少er

Pandas cannot have a place to
live in or food to eat and they are _h_a_v__in__g__f_e_w__e_r_b__a_b__ie_s___.
Pandas in
A baby panda weighs about __0_._1__t_o__0_._2__ kilos. An adult panda weighs around __1_0_0___ kilos. Pandas eat 10 kilos of __b_a__m__b_o__o_ a day. And most of them live in the __f_o_r_e_s_t___ of Southwest China.
Let’s listen and fill in the blanks.
A baby panda is ___p__in__k___. An adult pandas is black and white.
A baby panda is about __1_5___ cm long. An adult panda is around __1_5__0__ cm long.
Natural Protection
Enjoy a video
protect th保e 护en环vi境ronment thcrloocwslse把erfacaue清dvluns垃lpioli充t污oete失on研保算t砍关uosp圾wadelt在p满染efltl去h究r护o干倒停nuah扔cret野hiws垃塑t空eu家nhh中t动e净树工ot进habntei外w圾料气com园ten心物b海木 厂h海oteiiirlbtf袋emescndea洋hsa洋ehtceeaageatsilornorsrcieeasn
te告ll c知h孩ild子re们n挽ab救out th熊e 猫im的p重or要ta性nce of saving pandas ... 做re研sde究aorch animals 制ml定aaw法kse律
______and ___________ toseptroutpecntaptaunredas.