Traffic Simulation 1




智能交通系统智能驾驶术语智能交通系统(Intelligent Transportation System,ITS)是一种通过应用现代信息技术和通信技术,提高交通运输系统安全、效率和便捷性的技术手段。





1. 自动驾驶(Autonomous Driving):指车辆在无人操控的情况下,通过感知周围环境、做出决策和执行动作,实现自主行驶的能力。


2. 感知系统(Perception System):是智能驾驶系统中的一个重要组成部分,通过使用各种传感器(如摄像头、激光雷达、毫米波雷达等)来感知车辆周围的环境信息,包括道路、车辆、行人等。

3. 决策与规划(Decision and Planning):是智能驾驶系统中的核心模块,根据感知系统提供的环境信息,通过算法和模型来做出决策和规划行驶路径。


4. 高精地图(High-Definition Map):是一种精确细致的地图,包含道路的几何形状、交通标志、交通信号灯等信息。


5. 车联网(Vehicular Networking):是指车辆之间以及车辆与基础设施之间通过无线通信技术进行连接和信息交换的网络。


6. 交通仿真(Traffic Simulation):是通过计算机模拟和模型仿真来模拟交通系统中的车辆和行人行为,评估智能驾驶系统的性能和效果。






本文以西宁至互助一级公路初步设计为依托工程,基于道路运行速度的安全性评价标准,提出了应用V I S S I M交通仿真软件的拟建道路线性设计。



关键词拟建道路道路安全交通仿真评价Researchon Safety Evaluation of Highway Basedon VISSI]? SimulationBing Wan(Qinghai Local Railway Construction Investement C o. $Ltd.,Xining810008$ China) Abstract Witli the rapid development of highway,the vehicle number was increasing year by year.Corre­spondingly,the t r a f f i c accidents happened occasionaiy,and not only lead to economic Therefore,i t i s i ncreasingly important to evaluate the t r a f f i c safety.The traditional evaluation methiods are a l l com­plex or based on the existed roads,and lack practical operability.Through a case of the preliminary design of theXining〜Huzhu highway,a safety evaluation method for the proposed highway was put forwa t r a f f i c simulation software a nd safety evaluation criteria of vehicle running speed.By the proposed methiod,the ad­verse linear conditions can berebuilt and redesigned in advancc,to avoid t r a f f i c accid type.This paper can provide effective method guidance a nd theoretical basis for the future Key words Propoedhighway;Highwaysafety;Traffic s imulation;Evaluation引言据调查统计,2009 -2015交通事故所造成的生命及财产损失等基本情况如1 -4图所示[1]。




关键词:交通仿真;道路安全评价;等效最小安全距离;速度标准差变化系数The Method of Road Safety Evaluation Based on Traffic SimulationTANG Jian-feng1,CHEN Hong-xing2(1. JianDe Municipal Bureau of Transportation, Hangzhou 311600,China; 2. Shanghai PuHui Trans-consultant Institute, Shanghai 200092,China)Abstract: Traffic simulation technology has penetrated into every aspect of the field of traffic engineering, in view of this, according to domestic and international road safety research, choosing the minimum safety distance equation and the speed of the equivalent standard deviation coefficient of variation as an evaluation index, this paper proposed a road safety evaluation method which is based on the traffic Simulation.Key words: Traffic simulation; Road safety evaluation; MSDE; VC随着我国运输经济的飞速发展,道路交通的安全问题已经成为一个不得不面对的严重问题。

应用交通仿真软件PARAMICS 验证交通分配模型

应用交通仿真软件PARAMICS 验证交通分配模型


应用交通仿真软件PARAMICS 验证交通分配模型胡明伟,史其信(清华大学交通研究所,北京 100084)[摘 要]为了考察交通分配模型能够在多大程度上反映现实的交通状况,需要对交通分配模型进行验证,本文阐述了利用微观交通仿软件PARAMICS 对交通分配模型进行验证的研究思路。

通过建模工具M odeller 提供的图形界面,研究者不但能够非常直观地观察交通分配模型的效果,而且可以利用其分析工具Analyser 对结果全面分析。

因此PARAMICS 是一个验证交通分配模型性能优良的平台。

[关键词]交通分配;微观交通仿真;验证[中图分类号]U495 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-1205(2003)02-0001-03V alidation of T raffic Assignment Models U sing T raffic Simulation Softw are PARAMICSHU Ming 2w ei ,SHI Q i 2xin(Institute of Transportation Engineering ,Tsinghua University ,Beijing ,10084,P.R.China ) [Abstract ]Validation of traffic assignment m odels is required to examine whether these m odels con form to real traffic.Microscopic traffic simulation s oftware ,PARAMICS ,was used as a tool to validate traffic as 2signment m odels in this study.It was found that not only the effects of the m odels can be visualized through the G UI of M odeller ,but als o their results can be analyzed through the Analyser com prehensively.Thus ,PA 2RAMICS can serve as an excellent platform for validating traffic assignment m odels.[K ey w ord ]traffic assignment ;microscopic traffic simulation ;validation 交通分配是将OD 交通量按照一定的规则符合实际地分配到道路网中的各条道路上,并求出各条道路的交通流量。



交通建模与仿真基本流程Traffic modeling and simulation is a critical tool in urban planning and transportation system design. 交通建模与仿真是城市规划和交通系统设计中至关重要的工具。

With the increasing complexity of transportation systems and the need for efficient and sustainable solutions, the demand for accurate and reliable traffic modeling and simulation continues to grow. 交通系统的复杂性不断增加,对于高效和可持续解决方案的需求也在增加,因此对准确可靠的交通建模与仿真的需求也在不断增加。

A basic flow process for traffic modeling and simulation involves several key steps, including data collection, model development, validation, and simulation. 交通建模与仿真的基本流程包括数据收集、模型开发、验证和仿真等几个关键步骤。

Each step is essential to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the simulation results. 每一步都对确保仿真结果的准确性和可靠性至关重要。

Data collection is the first and crucial step in the traffic modeling and simulation process. 数据收集是交通建模与仿真过程中的第一步,也是至关重要的一步。



Vbl.18 No.lMar. 2021第18卷第1期2021年03月河北交通教育Hebei Traffic Education文章编号:JiLl 100161( 2021 )01-0033-05交通仿真的发展进程与研究现状潘福元(新疆农业大学乌鲁木齐830002)摘 要 对研究交通仿真的价值和目的进行了阐释,通过对各交通仿真的总结对其进行 了分类,介绍了仿真技术在交通运输工程中的运用,阐述了国内外交通仿真发展的重要 节点与现阶段的研究成果,对其中的一些典型软件和模型作了介绍,并指出了交通仿真 未来的发展趋势。

关键词交通仿真仿真系统研究现状中图分类号U495文献标识码 ADevelopment and Current Research Status of Traffic SimulationPan Fuyuan(Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830002)Abstract: This paper explains the value and purpose of t raffic simulation, classifies traffic sim ­ulations by summarizing, and introduces the application of simulation technology in traffic eng ­ineering. It also expounds important nodes of traffic simulation development at home and abroad and research results at present stage. Meanwhile, some typical software and models are introduced,and the future trend of traffic simulation development is presented as well.Key words: traffic simulation; simulation system; current research status1交通仿真的研究意义在经济社会发展的同时,对交通系统造成影响的相关因素也越来越多,而我们一宜致力于寻找 最优解,以此解决各种交通问题。


办公:根据客户要求配置方案分析,中区/高区办公电梯 5 分钟运载能力未能达到国内甲级办公 楼推荐标准。因本大楼楼层较高,停站较多,服务人数较多,建议提高电梯速度,中区增加 1 台 梯。调整后在传统控制条件下中区电梯因服务人数偏多,运载能力仍偏低,高区可达到国内普通办 公楼推荐标准;而使用 PORT 目的楼层控制系统后,整体运载效率明显提升,可满足国内甲级办公 楼推荐标准。
3) 非入住/退房高峰期,酒店乘客因应其他交通需要穿梭在目标楼层、6 层大堂及 1/-1/-2 之间。
综合上述情况,可见酒店客流流动形成了双重交通。我们以高峰客户数据进行分析,传统控制 条件下酒店区域电梯运载效率低下,5 分钟运载能力远未达到国内高级酒店推荐标准。
双重交通导致电梯运力严重不足,建议该区域增加电梯台数,并且分区服务。配置 2 台穿梭梯 到 6 层大堂+3 台客梯从 6 层大楼到酒店房间,该组合可提升酒店区域电梯运力达到国内高级酒店 推荐标准,但同时,从前瞻性考虑该方案也存在一个不可避免的缺点,2 台群控或 3 台群控的组 合,在未来电梯使用过程中当中一台出现故障时,将会严重影响整个酒店区域垂直交通运输效率。
- 平均侯梯时间(WT)
≤ 35 秒
甲级办公楼的交通状况的主要推荐值如下: - 5 分钟运载能力(HC5) ≥ 12% 建议 15% - 到达目的楼层时间(DT) ≤ 120 秒 - 平均侯梯时间(WT) ≤ 30 秒
高档住宅楼的交通状况的推荐值如下: - 5 分钟运输能力(HC5) ≥ 6% - 到达目的楼层时间(DT) ≤ 150 秒 - 平均侯梯时间(WT) ≤ 80 秒
客户配置:低区 3 台,载重 1350kg , 速度 2.5m/s;高区 3 台,载重 1600kg,速度 4m/s; 迅达优化配置:低区 5 台,载重 1350kg,速度 4m/s;高区 5 台,载重 1600kg,速度 6m/s。 5. 按照酒店的日常交通状况,分析采用 50%客流上行高峰,50%客户下行高峰的交通模式。




VISSIM 是一种微观、基于时间间隔和驾驶行为的仿真建模工具,用以建模和分析各种交通条件下(车道设置、交通构成、交通信号、公交站点等),城市交通和公共交通的运行状况,是评价交通工程设计和城市规划方案的有效工具。

VISSIM 由交通仿真器和信号状态产生器两部分组成,它们之间通过接口交换检测器数据和信号状态信息。

VISSIM 既可以在线生成可视化的交通运行状况,也可以离线输出各种统计数据,如:行程时间、排队长度等。

自1992年进入市场以来,VISSIM 已经成为模拟软件的标准,其投入的深入研发力量和世界范围内的大批用户保证了VISSIM 在同类软件中处于领先地位。




截至到2006年3月,中国使用PTV Vision软件系列的用户超过了80个。

辟途威交通科技(上海)有限公司成立于2022年2月,是德国PTV 集团在世界范围内投资的第20家独资子公司。


辟途威交通科技(上海)有限公司在中国的业务范围主要包括:1 PTV 软件开发和销售2 软件培训和技术支持3 交通运输规划咨询 4 交通工程咨询 5 智能交通系统(ITS)咨询篇二:本科毕业论文:基于VISSIM的交叉口交通仿真研究海南大学毕业论文(设计)题目:基于VISSIM的交叉口交通仿真研究学号: 20220504姓名:黄生锐年级:2022级学院:机电工程学院系别:汽车工程系专业:交通运输(汽车运用方向)指导教师:朱春侠完成日期:2022年 5 月 1 日摘要阐述了微观交通仿真软件VISSIM的理论基础,基于其模型对海口市海甸岛甸昆路口进行的交通仿真。



chainage 桩号
Screen line 查核线
Traffic simulation 交通仿真
design flood intensity 设计洪水频率
design flood intensity 设计洪水频率
Trip generation 出行发生
Parking garage 停车场
Design life 设计年限
Abstracting point 吸引点
Intelligent transport systems (ITSD)esign speed
Design speed 设计速度
Generation rate method 发生率法
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) plain terrain
road network
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)路网
2 城市交通
Peak hour volume
planned road network
Traffic engineering
growth assumption
service area 服务区
Accessibility 可达性
Signal timing(or signal setting) defects liability period
defects liability period 缺陷责任期
Desire line 期望线

simulation 形容词

simulation 形容词

simulation 形容词simulation (形容词) - simulated or imitated closely according to models or patterns1. The flight simulator provided a realistic simulation of flying a fighter jet.飞行模拟器提供了逼真的战斗机飞行模拟体验。

2. The business simulation game allowed participants to experience running a virtual company.这个商业模拟游戏让参与者能够体验经营一个虚拟公司。

3. The virtual reality headset created a simulation of being underwater.这款虚拟现实头盔创造了一种水下的模拟体验。

4. The flight attendant training included a simulation of emergency situations.乘务员培训包括紧急情况的模拟。

5. The simulation exercise helped doctors practice performing surgeries before operating on real patients.模拟训练有助于医生在进行实际手术之前进行实践。

6. The video game provided a simulation of being a professional athlete on the soccer field.这个电子游戏提供了一个模拟身份成为职业足球运动员的体验。

7. The military used a simulation of a battlefield to train soldiers for combat scenarios.军方使用战场模拟训练士兵应对战斗场景。









【关键词】单片机80C51交通控制LED Proteus仿真ABSTRACTToday, as China's economy continues to improve, the car has become an important tool in people's life and work, the number of cars rising to the existing city traffic is not a small pressure.This paper mainly through the control of 51 single-chip realization of the intersection traffic lights, the use of single-chip timer interrupt timer refresh, digital display countdown, providing reference for drivers and pedestrians, SCM to the next state according to the current state switching system. The main roads and branch roads are two mutually exclusive States, introduced the working principle, working process of the system, the third chapter introduces the hardware design and device selection, the hardware includes the power supply part, MCU control module design, digital display, key parts etc.. The fourth chapter is the design of software is introduced, including the main program flow is introduced, and the interrupt program module, digital tube display module analysis, and finally the diode connected between the diode and the circuit, LED display circuit, the overall traffic light circuit, summarizes the system has expansibility and shortcomings place. The fifth chapter uses the Proteus simulation software allowed 15 seconds for each trunk, branch trunk release each 10 seconds; before each green red, yellow light on for 3 seconds, then the other roads and flashing red light, and the main trunk road, alternately, and the simulation. Practice shows that, the system can effectively control the flow of traffic safety and ease.【Key words】MCU 80C51 Traffic control LED Proteus simulation目录摘要............................................................................................................................................. - 0 - ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... - 1 - 目录............................................................................................................................................. - 2 - 前言.. (1)第一章研究背景和意义 (2)第二章单片机控制的交通灯的设计方案 (4)第一节系统工作原理和方案 (4)第二节本课题主要内容 (6)第三章交通灯的硬件设计 (8)第一节电源模块设计 (8)第二节单片机控制模块设计 (9)一、方案选择 (9)二、复位电路 (10)三、晶振电路 (11)第三节LED显示模块 (12)一、LED数码管介绍 (12)二、LED数码管显示原理 (13)第四节按键设置模块 (13)第四章交通灯的软件设计 (15)第一节主函数流程 (15)第二节中断程序模块 (16)第三节数码管显示模块 (19)第四节交通灯电路 (19)第五节倒计时显示器电路 (20)第六节交通灯设计总电路图 (20)第五章Proteus仿真 (22)第一节Proteus软件介绍 (22)第二节Proteus仿真分析 (22)第六章调试心得 (31)结论 (32)致谢 (33)前言交叉路口的交通控制系统保证了车辆的安全,对于路口交通的控制管理,科学的管理和控制是一个重要而又影响深远的研究课题。


此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
① 单条路段车辆输入数据的修改:在车辆输入按钮 处于 激活状态下,双击该路段,出现车辆输入对话框,然后 对数值进行修改。
② 多条路段车辆输入数据的修改:在车辆输入按钮 处于 激活状态下,在路网以外的空白处点击鼠标右键,弹出 多个路段在内的进口车辆输入窗口,点击其中的一行流 量数据(相应路段的起始位置颜色会有变化),选择需要 修改流量的路段进行流量的修改。
第五章-VISSIM交通组成设置及 流量加载1
• 打开车辆构成窗口 • 在菜单栏中依次选择:【交
通】(Traffic)→【车辆构成 】(Vehicle Compositions) ,定义输入车流量的车辆构 成。 • 可对列表进行新建、编辑和 删除。
• 例如:某道路调查得到小 汽车占90%,期望车速 50km/h,货车占10%,期望 车速50km/h,则可以新建 一个车辆构成。具体设置 如下:
✓ 输入流量: • 双击【0-3600】下方第一个单元格,输入流量数值,鼠标
左键单击下方第二个单元格选择车辆构成【实际调查】( 如果此项未编辑则为【默认】(Default)值)点击确定完成 输入操作。 • 提示:流量输入的时间段不一定是整个一小时,实际情况 下,交通流量是随时间不断变化的,因此VISSIM中车流量 可以分时段输入。
• 通过调查得到某双向四车道道路进口流量895pcu/h,其中 小汽车占90%,期望车速50km/h,货车占5%,期望车速 40km/h,客车占5%,期望车速50km/h,试定义一个新的车 辆构成,并完成车辆输入。具体要求:









二、交通流理论的研究内容交通流理论研究内容划分成如下10个部分:(1)交通流特性(Traffic Stream Characteristics)研究表示交通流特性的三个参数:流量、速度、密度的调查方法、分布特性及三者之间关系的模型。

(2)人的因素(Human Factors)研究驾驶员在人、车、路、环境中的反应及其对交通行为的影响。

(3)车辆跟驰模型(Car Following Models)研究车辆的跟驰行为、交通的稳定性和加速度干扰等数学模型。

(4)连续流模型(Continuous Flow Models)利用流体力学理论研究交通流三个参数之间的定量关系,并根据流量守恒原理重点研究交通波理论。

(5)宏观交通流模型(Macroscopic Flow Models)在宏观上(即在网络尺度上)研究流量、速度和密度的关系,重点研究路网不同位置(相对城市中心而言)的交通流特性(书二)。




基于VISSIM (Visualization of Traffic Systems Simulation)仿真软件,可以模拟城市交通流,优化绿波带的配时方案。

1. 建立仿真模型:在VISSIM中建立城市干道的仿真模型,包括道路、交叉口、车辆、信号灯等元素。


2. 仿真运行:将建立的仿真模型导入VISSIM中,设置仿真参数,如仿真时间、初始车辆数等,并进行仿真运行。


3. 收集数据:在仿真运行结束后,收集生成的交通流数据,包括车辆通过时间、行驶速度、停车时间等。


4. 配时优化:根据收集的数据分析结果,对当前的配时方案进行优化,以减少车辆的停车等待时间和排队长度,并提高交通的流畅度。


5. 仿真评估:将优化后的配时方案导入VISSIM中,重新进行仿真运行,评估新的配时方案的效果。


在进行城市干道绿波带配时方法时,还需要考虑以下几个因素:1. 交叉口形状和配置:交叉口的形状和配置对绿波带的配时方案有重要影响。


2. 交通需求:根据道路上的交通需求,确定信号灯的相位和配时。


3. 信号灯的协调性:城市干道上的信号灯需要保持一定的协调性,即车辆在通过一系列交叉口时能够保持一定的运行速度,不断遇到绿灯。










图4.1 VISSIM中交通仿真器和信号状态发生器2.VISSIM仿真系统基本功能VISSIM可以作为许多交通问题分析的有力工具,它能够分析在诸如车道特性、交通组成、交通信号灯等约束条件下交通运行情况,不仅能对交通基础设施实时运行情况进行交通模拟,而且还可以以文件的形式输出各种交通评价参数,如行程时间、排队长度等。









INTRODUCTIONBY NATHAN H.GARTNER1CARROLL MESSER2AJAY K.RATHI31Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Massachusetts at Lowell, 1 University Avenue, Lowell, MA 01854.2Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, TTI Civil Engineering Building, Suite 304C, College Station, TX 77843-3135.3Senior R&D Program Manager and Group Leader, ITS Research, Center for Transportation Analysis, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6207.1 - 11.I NTRODUCTIONIt is hardly necessary to emphasize the importance of By 1959 traffic flow theory had developed to the point where it transportation in our lives. In the United States, we spend about appeared desirable to hold an international symposium. The 20 percent of Gross National Product (GNP) on transportation,First International Symposium on The Theory of Traffic Flow of which about 85 percent is spent on highway transportation was held at the General Motors Research Laboratories in (passenger and freight). We own and operate 150 million Warren, Michigan in December 1959 (Herman 1961). This was automobiles and an additional 50 million trucks, bringing car the first of what has become a series of triennial symposia on ownership to 56 per hundred population (highest in the world).The Theory of Traffic flow and Transportation. The most recent These vehicles are driven an average of 10,000 miles per year in this series, the 12th symposium was held in Berkeley,for passenger cars and 50,000 miles per year for trucks on a California in 1993 (Daganzo 1993). A glance through the highway system that comprises more than 4 million miles. The proceedings of these symposia will provide the reader with a indices in other countries may be somewhat different, but the good indication of the tremendous developments in the importance of the transportation system, and especially the understanding and the treatment of traffic flow processes in the highway component of it, is just the same or even greater. While past 40 years. Since that time numerous other symposia and car ownership in some countries may be lower, the available specialty conferences are being held on a regular basis dealing highway network is also smaller leading to similar or more with a variety of traffic related topics. The field of traffic flow severe congestion problems.theory and transportation has become too diffuse to be covered Traffic flow theories seek to describe in a precise mathematical flow theory, while better understood and more easily way the interactions between the vehicles and their operators characterized through advanced computation technology, are just (the mobile components) and the infrastructure (the immobile component). The latter consists of the highway system and all its operational elements: control devices, signage, markings, etc.As such, these theories are an indispensable construct for all models and tools that are being used in the design and operation of streets and highways. The scientific study of traffic flow had its beginnings in the 1930’s with the application of probability theory to the description of road traffic (Adams 1936) and the pioneering studies conducted by Bruce D. Greenshields at the Yale Bureau of Highway Traffic; the study of models relating volume and speed (Greenshields 1935) and the investigation of performance of traffic at intersections (Greenshields 1947).After WWII, with the tremendous increase in use of automobiles and the expansion of the highway system, there was also a surge in the study of traffic characteristics and the development of traffic flow theories. The 1950’s saw theoretical developments based on a variety of approaches, such as car-following, traffic wave theory (hydrodynamic analogy) and queuing theory. Some of the seminal works of that period include the works by Reuschel (1950a; 1950b; 1950c), Wardrop (1952), Pipes (1953), Lighthill and Whitham (1955), Newell (1955), Webster (1957), Edie and Foote (1958), Chandler et al. (1958) and other papers by Herman et al. (see Herman 1992).by any single type of meeting. Yet, the fundamentals of traffic as important today as they were in the early days. They form the foundation for all the theories, techniques and procedures that are being applied in the design, operation, and development of advanced transportation systems.It is the objective of this monograph to provide an updated survey of the most important models and theories that characterize the flow of highway traffic in its many facets. This monograph follows in the tracks of two previous works that were sponsored by the Committee on Theory of Traffic Flow of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and its predecessor the Highway Research Board (HRB). The first monograph, which was published as HRB Special Report 79 in 1964, consisted of selected chapters in the then fledgling Traffic Science each of which was written by a different author (Gerlough and Capelle 1964). The contents included:Chapter 1. Part I: Hydrodynamic Approaches, by L. A. Pipes.Part II: On Kinematic Waves; A Theory of Traffic Flow on Long Crowded Roads, by M. J. Lighthill and G. B. Whitham.Chapter 2. Car Following and Acceleration Noise, by E. W.Montroll and R. B. Potts.1 - 4it was decided that the subject cannot be presented adequately in and Iida (1997). This is a lively research area and new a short chapter within this monograph. It would be better served publications a dedicated monograph of its own, or by reference to the extensive literature in this area. Early references include the Research and developments in transportation systems and,seminal works of Wardrop (1952), and Beckmann, McGuire and concomitantly, in the theories that accompany them proceed at Winsten (1956). Later publications include books by Potts and a furious pace. Undoubtedly, by the time this monograph is Oliver (1972), Florian (1976), Newell (1980), and Sheffi printed, distributed, and read, numerous new developments will (1985). Recent publications, which reflect modern approaches have occurred. Nevertheless, the fundamental theories will not to equilibrium assignment and to dynamic traffic assignment,have changed and we trust that this work will provide a useful include books by Patriksson (1994), Ran and Boyce (1994),source of information for both newcomers to the field and Gartner and Improta (1995), Florian and Hearn (1995), and Bellexperienced workers.ReferencesAdams, W. F. (1936). Road Traffic Considered as a RandomGreenshields, B. D. (1935). A Study in Highway Capacity .Series , J. Inst. Civil Engineers, 4, pp. 121-130, U.K.Beckmann, M., C.B. McGuire and C.B. Winsten (1956).Studies in the Economics of Transportation . Yale University Press, New Haven.Bell, M.G.H. and Y. Iida (1997). Transportation NetworkAnalysis . John Wiley & Sons.Chandler, R. E., R. Herman, and E. W. Montroll, (1958).Traffic Dynamics: Studies in Car Following , Opns. Res. 6, pp. 165-183.Daganzo, C. F., Editor (1993). Transportation and TrafficTheory. Proceedings , 12th Intl. Symposium. Elsevier Science Publishers.Edie, L. C. and R. S. Foote, (1958). Traffic Flow in Tunnels ,Proc. Highway Research Board, 37, pp. 334-344.Florian, M.A., Editor (1976). Traffic Equilibrium Methods .Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,Flowing Highway Traffic . Operations Research 3, Springer-Verlag.pp. 176-186.Florian, M. and D. Hearn (1995). Network EquilibriumNewell, G. F. (1980). Traffic Flow on Transportation Models and Algorithms. Chapter 6 in Network Routing Networks . The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.(M.O. Ball et al., Editors), Handbooks in OR & MS, Vol.8, Elsevier Science.Gartner, N.H. and G. Improta, Editors (1995). Urban TrafficNetworks; Dynamic Flow Modeling and Control .Springer-Verlag.Gerlough, D. L. and D. G. Capelle, Editors (1964). AnIntroduction to Traffic Flow Theory . Special Report 79.Highway Research Board, Washington, D.C.Gerlough, D. L. and M. J. Huber, (1975). Traffic Flow Theory- A Monograph . Special Report 165, Transportation Research Board.Highway Research Board, Proceedings, Vol. 14, p. 458.Greenshields, B. D., D. Schapiro, and E. L. Erickson, (1947).Traffic Performance at Urban Intersections . Bureau of Highway Traffic, Technical Report No. 1. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.Herman, R., Editor (1961). Theory of Traffic Flow . ElsevierScience Publishers.Herman, R., (1992). Technology, Human Interaction, and Complexity: Reflections on Vehicular Traffic Science .Operations Research, 40(2), pp. 199-212.Lighthill, M. J. and G. B. Whitham, (1955). On Kinematic Waves: II. A Theory of Traffic Flow on Long Crowded Roads . Proceedings of the Royal Society: A229, pp. 317-347, London.Newell, G. F. (1955). Mathematical Models for Freely Patriksson, M. (1994). The Traffic Assignment Problem;Models and Methods . VSP BV, Utrecht, The Netherlands.Pipes, L. A. (1953). An Operational Analysis of Traffic Dynamics. J. Appl. Phys., 24(3), pp. 274-281.Potts, R.B. and R.M. Oliver (1972). Flows in Transportation Networks . Academic Press.Ran, B. and D. E. Boyce (1994). Dynamic Urban Transportation Network Models; Theory and Implications for Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems . Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Springer-Verlag.1 - 5Reuschel, A. (1950a). Fahrzeugbewegungen in der Kolonne.Wardrop, J. G. (1952). Some Theoretical Aspects of Road Oesterreichisches Ingenieur-Aarchiv 4, No. 3/4, pp. 193-215.Reuschel, A. (1950b and 1950c). Fahrzeugbewegungen in der Kolonne bei gleichformig beschleunigtem oder verzogertem Technical Paper No. 39. Road Research Laboratory,Leitfahrzeug. Zeitschrift des Oesterreichischen Ingenieur-und Architekten- Vereines 95, No. 7/8 59-62, No. 9/10 pp.73-77.Sheffi, Y. (1985). Urban Transportation Networks;Equilibrium Analysis with Mathematical Programming Methods. Prentice-Hall.Traffic Research. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Part II, 1(2), pp. 325-362, U.K.Webster, F. V. (1958). Traffic Signal Settings. Road Research London, U.K.。

Traffic Simulation

Traffic Simulation
19 Apr 2005 CS521 - Traffic Simulation
Safety Modeling
Developing safety predictions is
desirable. Ignored by most models at present. Difficult to predict human error. Difficult to add more vulnerable users of the road.
19 Apr 2005Fra bibliotekCS521 - Traffic Simulation
Various Explicit Numerical Methods
Lax-Friedrichs method Upwind method
MacCormack method
Lax-Wendroff method
~ ~ ~ V0 v ~ 2 ~ ( v) v ( fint ) v 2 ( D) t x v
CS521 - Traffic Simulation
Derivation of the Macroscopic Equations 1D continuity ( V ) equation (The 0 number of vehicles t x
Traffic Simulation
Josh Gilkerson Wei Li David Owen
19 Apr 2005 CS521 - Traffic Simulation
Short term forecasting to determine actions
following an incident that changes the roadway. Anticipatory guidance for Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) to help drivers make better decisions. Determination of how to spend money on improving infrastructure. Planning for closures/construction.



交通流理论与仿真分析》交通仿真实验报告2014 年8 月15 日1研究背景城市快速路系统以其快速、畅通、舒适的优点得到了我国大中城市的青睐,越来越多的城市加入快速路系统建设的行列。











快速路瓶颈是整个快速路系统中能力较低的部分,而瓶颈处交通流失(Breakdow n)是导致快速路拥堵的重要原因。







混沌工程相关术语1. 故障注入(Fault Injection)我给你说啊,故障注入就像是给系统故意使绊子。




2. 稳态(Steady State)稳态呢,就是系统正常运行时的那种状态。



3. 实验框架(Experiment Framework)这就好比是做菜的菜谱。



4. 遥测(Telemetry)遥测啊,就像是系统的健康监测仪。




5. 假设(Hypothesis)假设嘛,就是我们对系统的一种猜测。



6. 恢复时间目标(Recovery Time Objective - RTO)这是个很关键的东西。




7. 容灾(Disaster Tolerance)容灾就像给系统准备的备胎。







【关键词】交通仿真数学模型交通评价城市规划Abstract:Based on analyzing the importance of the implementation of traffic evaluation in current urban planning,Author did the research on the significance oftranspod impact system and made a bdef introduction on the concept of simulation technology and development status.Furthermore, this paper analgze the practical application of traffic simulation technology in the traffic impact,and made prediction of the future development of traffic evaluation and traffic simulation.Key words:Traftic Simulation,MathematicaI Model,Traffic Evaluation, Urban Planning1、引言随着我国城市化进程的加快。


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