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Reference scan 次反射、折射、散射及吸收后返回样品表面的光.
Always Uncheck 体、粉末、乳浊液和悬浊液
Fiber Connector
Loose two screws and open the
material into the cuvette holder 前者:采用透射方式 ,所测样品为溶液 K 为吸收系数,S 为散射系数,R∞ 表示无限厚样品
Software Operation:
Reflectance Test: Check
Transmission Test: Uncheck
Fiber Coupling:
1.Dark scan
2.Reference scan 3.Acquire one spectrum
Transmission Test:
Transmission Test :
Take off the port plug or port reducer .
Take off reference and put the sample
1 2 K 为吸收系数,S 为散射系数,R∞ 表示无限厚样品
Set “Integration Time” to an appropriate value, that make the “Intensity” of “Reference Scan” up to around射材料
三. 紫外-可见漫反射光谱仪器及操作
System Hardware
System Layout
BTC611 Spectrometer
Cuvette Flash Xenon
Fiber Connector
Thickness Sheet Sample Holder
3. Insert the cuvette with reference material into the cuvette holder
4. Replace the cuvette with sample
Reflectance Test:
1.Put the port reducer on the sampling port
Set “Integration Time” to an appropriate value, that make the “Intensity” of “Reference Scan” up to around 60,000.
Diffused reflectance and integrating sphere: PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)和一般漫反射材料(BaSO4)的反射率比较:
紫外-可见漫反射光谱 ——原理及操作
diffuse reflection spectrum
September 9, 2021
一. 漫反射光谱原理 二. 漫反射光谱与积分球 三. 紫外-可见漫反射光谱仪器原理及操作 四. 紫外-可见漫反射趣味实验
❖镜面反射: 反射角=入射角
3 Fiber Coupling:
Sample Scan—— Check 后者:采用漫反射的方式(积分球),所测样品为固
4 Software Operation:
-——Dark scan 次反射、折射、散射及吸收后返回样品表面的光.
2. Loose two screws and open the cover on cuvette holder
•漫反射光是指从光源发出的光进入样品内部,经过多 次反射、折射、散射及吸收后返回样品表面的光.
二.漫反射光与积分球 :
Diffused reflectance and integrating sphere:
Sample有吸收 反射量减少
The characteristics of typical integrating sphere coatings
2.Put the light trap on the sampling port -——Dark scan
3. Put the Reference Standard on the sampling port —— Reference Scan
4.Take off reference and put the sample material on the sampling port
Fiber Coupling:
1.Take off the port plug or port reducer .
2.Install the fiber adapter on the sampling port.
3.Plug and screw the fiber coming from the light source into the SMA connector.
1. Open the sliding cover on the top
Take off the port plug or port reducer .
material into the cuvette holder
Always Uncheck 左下图:上图所测曲线的各个“样
Acquire one spectrum 紫外-可见漫反射光谱仪器及操作
1.Dark Scan—— Uncheck
2.ReSferte“nIcneteSgcraant—io—n TCihmeec”k to an 3.SaamppplreoSpcriaant—e —vaCluhee,ctkhat make the
“Intensity” of “Reference Scan” RefulepctoanacreouTnedst6: 0,000. Usually 800 •AlwisayascCcehpectakble.
❖漫 反 射:
Kubelka—Munk 方程式
K 为吸收系数,S 为散射系数,R∞ 表示无限厚样品 的反射系数R 的极限值。
前者:采用透射方式 ,所测样品为溶液 后者:采用漫反射的方式(积分球),所测样品为固