






D65-D66之间CH71转CH27 CH11叫成功101确认引水上传时间。




D65-D64 CH27转CH71



























[FM]CH01=08200,广州华工调频电台CH02=08670,广州华师大广播台CH03=08740,中央电台音乐之声CH04=08850,中国国际广播电台CH05=08860,传奇886CH06=08930,中央台中国之声CH07=09010,顺德电台CH08=09060,三水电台CH09=09140,广东卫星广播CH10=09240,南海电台CH11=09290,肇庆电台CH12=09360,健康之声CH13=09460,佛山电台真爱频道CH14=09530,从化台CH15=09560,开平电台CH16=09620,广州一台CH17=09740,珠江电台CH18=09850,佛山台千色频道CH19=09930,音乐台CH20=10020,江门电台CH21=10050,花都电台CH22=10080,东莞人民广播电台CH23=10090,广东音乐台CH24=10170,番禺电台CH25=10220,广东卫星广播CH26=10270,广州二台CH27=10360,城市之声CH28=10420,珠江经济CH29=10470,鹤山电台CH30=10520,羊城交通台CH31=10610,广州三台CH32=10660,中央二台经济频道CH33=10690,东莞音乐广播电台CH34=10760,广东电台教育之声CH35=10770,广州电台-驾驶1077序号频率(MHz) 电台名信号强度备注1 87.4 央电台音乐之声 5 46 107.3 惠州博罗电台 22 88 广州电台飞扬88 5 47 107.5 东莞交通音乐电台 43 88.3 佛山电台-高明 2 48 107.7 广州电台-驾驶1077 44 88.5 中国国际广播电台 25 88.8 中山电台-快乐888 26 89.3 央电台经济之声 57 89.8 深圳电台 18 90.1 佛山电台-顺德901 49 90.4 广东电台电台山电台 410 90.6 佛山电台-三水 311 91.4 广东卫星广播 512 92 央电台经济之声 313 92.4 佛山电台-南海 414 92.8 珠海电台-斗门 1 有干扰电台15 93.3 江门电台-旅游音乐 416 93.6 广东电台健康之声 517 93.9 广东电台音乐之声 418 94.2 深圳电台生活频道 319 94.6 佛山电台-真爱频道 520 95.3 广东电台财经新闻频道 421 95.6 江门电台-开平 122 96.2 广州电台风云962 523 96.7 中山电台综合频率 424 97.1 深圳电台 125 97.4 珠江经济电台 526 98.3 江门电台-新会 427 98.5 佛山电台-千色频道 328 99.3 广东电台音乐之声 529 100.2 江门电台 330 100.5 广州花都电台 331 100.8 东莞电台新闻综合频道 432 101.2 央电台音乐之声(深圳) 233 101.7 广州番禺电台 534 102.2 广东卫星广播 235 102.7 广州电台金曲1027 536 103 珠江经济电台 337 103.6 广东电台城市之声 538 104.2 广东电台卫星广播 2 =97.4MHz,有干扰台,镜像?39 104.3 深圳宝安电台 340 104.7 江门电台-鹤山 341 104.9 华夏之声 242 105.2 羊城交通台 543 106.1 广州交通电台 544 106.6 央电台经济之声 445 107.1 中国国际广播电台 4 88.5的镜像?。



人教版一年级(上下学期)生字表人教版小学一年级语文(上册、下册)生字表上册生字表一 400字 要求会认读爸b à 妈mā 我wǒ 大d à 米mǐ 土tǔ 地d ì 马mǎ 花huā 哥gē 弟d ì 个g è 画huà 下xià 洗xǐ 衣yī 服f ú 鸡jī 做zuò 过guò 了l e 不b ù 乐l è 出chū 读d ú 书shū 骑q í 车chē 的d e 话huà 你nǐ 他tā 水shuǐ 白bái 皮p í 子zǐ 在zài 小xiǎo 爱ài 吃chī 鱼y ú 和h é 牛niú 草cǎo 好hǎo 家jie 飞fēi 机jī 有yǒu 儿ér 河h é 入r ù 校xiào 山shān 田tián 左zuǒ 右yòu 片piàn 半bàn 云yún 她tā 老lǎo 师shī 文wén 朵duǒ 鹅é 条tiáo 雨yǔ 天tiān 桥qiáo 一yī 去q ù 二èr 三sān 里l i 四s ì 五wǔ 六liù 七qī 八bā 九jiǔ 十shí 口kǒu 耳ěr 目m ù 羊yáng 鸟niǎo 兔t ù 日r ì 月yuè 火huǒ 木m ù 禾h é 竹zhú 沙shā 发fā 报bào 纸zhǐ 台tái 灯dēng 电diàn 视shì 晚wǎn 上shàng 送sòng 果guǒ 笑xiào 也yě 打dǎ 球qiú 拔b á 拍pāi 跳tiào 高gāo 跑pǎo 步b ù 足z ú 响xiǎng 课k è 真zhēn 身shēn 体tǐ 远yuǎn 色s è 近jìn 听tīng 无w ú 声shēng 春chūn 还hái 人rén 来lái 惊jīng 对duì 说shuō 是shì 叶y è 圆yuán 夏xià 秋qiū 雪xuě 肚d ù 就jiù 冬dōng 排pái 中zhōng 游you 流liú 唱chàng 两liǎng 岸àn 树shù 苗miáo 绿lǜ 江jiāng 南nán 哪nǎ 座zuò 房fáng 漂piāo 亮liàng 青qīng 门mén 窗chuāng 香xiāng 屋wū 要yào 们men 爷y é 棵kē 到dào 给gěi 穿chuān 暖nuǎn 冷lěng 开kāi 伞sǎn 热r è 静jìng 夜y è 床chuáng 光guāng 举jǔ 头tóu 望wàng 低dī 故g ù 乡xiāng 船chuán 弯wān 坐zuò 只zhī 看kàn 见jiàn 闪shǎn 星xīng 蓝lán 阳yáng 像xiàng 金jīn 野yě 更gèng 面miàn 长cháng 早zǎo 晨chén 拉lā 进jìn 谁shuí 影yǐng 前qián 后hòu 常cháng 看kàn 跟gēn 着zháo 黑hēi 狗gǒu 它tā 朋péng 友yǒu 比bǐ 尾wěi 巴bā 短duǎn 把bǎ 猴hóu 松sōng 鼠shǔ 扁biǎn 最zuì 公gōng 鸭yā 黄huáng 猫māo 杏xìng 桃táo人教版一年级(上下学期)生字表 苹píng 红hóng 边biān 多duō 少shǎo 群qún 颗kē 堆duī 商shāng 场chǎng包bāo 奶nǎi 牙y á 毛máo 巾jīn 笔bǐ 尺chǐ 作zuò 业y è 本běn 东dōng 西xī 菜cài 园yuán 豆dòu 角jiǎo 萝luó 卜bǔ 心xīn 又yòu 捉zhuō迷m í藏cáng 嘴zuǐ 越yuè 风fēng 明míng 鲜xiǎn 尘chén 尖jiān 灭miè 力l ì 男nán 休xiū 手shǒu 林lín 森sēn 从cóng 众zhòng 想xiǎng 告gào 诉s ù 路l ù 能néng 走zǒu 北běi 京jīng 城chéng 安ān 广guǎng 升shēng 旗q í 点diǎn 数shù 清qīng 彩cǎi 飘piāo 落luò 空kōng 问wèn 回huí 答d á 方fāng平píng 搭dā 间jiān 这zhè 些xiē 都dōu 住zhù 呢n e 啊ā 没méi 很hěn 自z ì 己jǐ 吧b a 您nín 带dài 吗m a深shēn 学xué 会huì 那n à 景jǐng 美měi 次c ì 瓜guā 燕yàn 什shén 么yāo 样yàng 得d é 再zài 可kě 仔zǎi细x ì 兴xìng 现xiàn 找zhǎo 生shēng 旁páng 种zhòng 许xǔ 格g é 外wài 艳yàn 呀y a 每měi 言yán 语yǔ 啦lā梅méi 用yòng 几jī 成chéng 蛙wā 为wéi 参cān 加jiā 洞dòng 睡shuì 放fàng 布b ù 熊xióng 快kuài 怎zěn饭fàn 班bān 拿n á 正zhèng 礼lǐ 物w ù 今jīn 孩hái 让ràng 起qǐ 玩wán 往wǎng 觉jiào 烧shāo 知zhī 道dào化huà 砍kǎn 造zào 满mǎn 舍shè 结jié 年nián 直zh í 动dòng 束shù 丽l ì生字表二 100个字要求会写人教版一年级(上下学期)生字表 一yī 二èr 三sān十shí 木m ù 禾h é 上shàng 下xià 土tǔ 个g è 八bā 入r ù 大d à天tiān 人rén 火huǒ 文wén 六liù 七qī 儿ér 九jiǔ 无w ú 口kǒu日中rìzhōng 了l e 子zǐ 门mén月yuè 不b ù 开kāi 四s ì 五wǔ 目m ù 耳ěr 头tóu 米mǐ 见jiàn 白bái 田tián 电diàn 也yě 长cháng山shān 出chū 飞fēi 马mǎ鸟niǎo 云yún 公gōng 车chē 牛niú 羊yáng 小xiǎo少shǎo 巾jīn 牙y á 尺chǐ 毛máo 手shǒu 卜bǔ 又yòu 心xīn 风fēng 力l ì 手shǒu 水shuǐ广guǎng 升shēng 足z ú走zǒu方fāng 半bàn 巴bā 业y è 本běn 平píng 书shū 自z ì 己jǐ 东dōng 西xī 回huí 片piàn 皮p í 生shēng 里l i 果guǒ 几jī 用yòng 鱼y ú 今jīn 正zhèng 雨yǔ 两liǎng瓜guā 衣yī来lái 年nián 左zuǒ 右yòu一年级下册人教版一年级(上下学期)生字表生字表 (一)识字1 万wàn 丁dīng 冬dōng 百bǎi 齐qí1 说shuō 话huà 朋péng 友yǒu 春chūn 高gāo2 你nǐ 们men 红hóng 绿lǜ 花huā 草cǎo3 爷yé 节jié 岁suì 亲qīn 的de 行háng4 古gǔ 声shēng 多duō 处chù 知zhī 忙máng识字2 洗xǐ 认rèn 扫sǎo 真zhēn 父f ù 母mǔ5 爸b à 全quán 关guān 写xiě 完wán 家jie6 看kàn 着zháo 画huà 笑xiào 兴xìng 会huì7 妈mā 奶nǎi 午wǔ 合h é 放fàng 收shōu8 女nǚ 太tài 气q ì 早zǎo 去q ù 亮liàng识shí字z ì3 和h é 语yǔ 千qiān 李lǐ 秀xiù 香xiāng9 听tīng 唱chàng 连lián 远yuǎn 定dìng 向xiàng10 以yǐ 后hòu 更gèng 主zhǔ 意y ì 总zǒng11 先xiān 干gàn 赶gǎn 起qǐ 明míng 净jìng12 同tong 工gōng 专zhuān 才cái 级j í 队duì识字4 蚂mǎ 蚁yǐ 前qián 空kōng 房fáng 网wǎng人教版一年级(上下学期)生字表 13 诗shī 林lín 童tóng 黄huáng 闭b ì 立l ì14 是shì 朵duǒ 美měi 我wǒ 叶y è 机jī15 她tā 他tā 送sòng 过guò 时shí 让ràng 16 吗m a 吧b a 虫chóng 往wǎng 得d é 很hěn17 河h é 姐jiě 借jiè 呢n e 呀y a 哪nǎ识字5 谁shuí 怕p à 跟gēn 凉liáng 量liàng 最zuì18 园yuán 因yīn 为wéi 脸liǎn 阳yáng 光guāng19 可kě 石shí 办bàn 法fǎ 找zhǎo 许xǔ20 别bié 到dào 那n à 都dōu 吓xià 叫jiào21 再zài 象xiàng 像xiàng 做zuò 点diǎn 照zhào识shí字z ì6 沙shā 海hǎi 桥qiáo 竹zhú 军jūn 苗miáo22 井jǐng 乡xiāng 面miàn 忘wàng 想xiǎng 念niàn23 王wáng 从cóng 边biān 这zhè 道dào24 贝bèi 原yuán 男nán 爱ài 虾xiā 跑pǎo25 吹chuī 地d ì 快kuài 乐l è 老lǎo 师shī识shí字z ì7 短duǎn 对duì 冷lěng 淡dàn 热r è 情qíng26 拉lā 把bǎ 给gěi 活huó 种zhòng 吃chī人教版一年级(上下学期)生字表 27 练liàn 习x í 苦kǔ 学xué 非fēi 常cháng28 问wèn 间jiān 伙huǒ 伴bàn 共gòng 汽q ì29 分fēn 要yào 没méi 位wèi 孩hái 选xuǎn识字shízì8 北běi 南nán 江jiāng 湖h ú 秋qiū30 只zhī 星xīng 雪xuě 帮bāng 请qǐng 就jiù31 球qiú 玩wán 跳tiào 桃táo 树shù 刚gāng32 兰lán 各g è 坐zuò 座zuò 带dài 急j í33 名míng 发fā 成chéng 晚wǎn 动dòng 新xīn34 有yǒu 在zài 什shén 么yāo 变biàn 条tiáo(共250个字)要求:会认、会读、会写生字表(二)识字1 万wàn 复fù 苏sū 柳liǔ 歌gē 舞wǔ 冰bīng 泉quán 百bǎi 齐qí 争zhēng 鸣míng1 醒xǐng 雷léi 澡zǎo 枝zhī 软ruǎn 梳shū 梢shāo 耍shuǎ2 线xiàn 论lùn 趣qù 题tí 底dǐ 颜yán 淋lín 洒sǎ 滴dī 油yóu 欢huān3 邓dèng 植zhí 节jié 岁suì 龄líng 息xī 站zhàn 行háng 扶f ú 栽zāi 亲qīn人教版一年级(上下学期)生字表 4 诗shī 首shǒu 眠mián 处chù 闻wén 村cūn 居jū 醉zuì 烟yān 童tóng 散sàn 忙máng 语文园地一 评píng 访fǎng 挤j ǐ 邮yóu 局j ú 轿jiào 钱qián识字2 懂dǒng 貌mào 教jiào 认rèn 错cuò 事shì 改gǎi 愿yuàn 碗wǎn 筷kuài 扫sǎo 夸kuā 5 全quán 奇q í 妙miào 却què 精jīng 赛sài 掉diào 完wán 换huàn 员yuán 音yīn 蹈dǎo 6 胖pàng 喜xǐ 张zhāng 刚gāng 贴tiē 墙qiáng 替t ì 拖tuō 鞋xié 帮bāng 变biàn 情qíng 7 棉mián 照zhào 晒shài 被bèi 盖gài 收shōu 脱tuō 躺tǎng 合h é 摆bǎi8 帘lián 背bèi 装zhuāng 另lìng 顾g ù 病bìng 太tài 累lèi 医yī 悄qiāo 离l í 户h ù 语文园地二 票piào 元yuán 旦dàn 值zhí 篇piān 遍biàn识字3 雾w ù 霜shuāng 朝cháo 霞xiá 夕xī 蝶dié 蜂fēn g 碧b ì 紫zǐ 李lǐ 杨yáng 秀xiù 9 蛋dàn 取qǔ 凉liáng 定dìng 捧pěng 连lián 轻qīng 仿fǎng 佛f ó 投tóu 向xiàng 10 聪cōng 活huó 泼pō 忽hū 然rán 眨zhǎ 如r ú 总zǒng 以yǐ 主zhǔ 意y ì11 先xiān 鹿l ù 慢màn 积jī 鼻b í 脑nǎo 袋dài 怪guài 推tuī 辆liàng 赶gǎn 净jìng12 失shī 级j í 观guān 围wéi 专zhuān 准zhǔn 备bèi 队duì 请qǐng 双shuāng 各g è语文园地三 字z ì 代dài 舌shé 页y è 弓gōng 秒miǎo 炒chǎo识字4 蜻qīng 蜓tíng 展zhǎn 蝴h ú 蚯qiū 蚓yǐn 运yùn 蝌kē 蚪dǒu 蜘zhī 蛛zhū 网wǎng 13 所suǒ 牧m ù 捕bǔ 蝉chán 闭b ì 池chí 惜xī 阴yīn 柔róu 露l ù14 荷h é 珠zhū 摇yáo 篮lán 停tíng 坪píng 透tòu 翅chì 膀páng 蹲dūn 嘻xī人教版一年级(上下学期)生字表 15 莲lián 哭kū 睁zhēng 趴pā 根gēn 腰yāo 感gǎn 激jī 谢xiè 急j í 时shí16 坡pō 割gē 闷mèn 伸shēn 喊hǎn 潮cháo 湿shī 消xiao 搬bān 阵zhèn 哗huá17 壁b ì 虎hǔ 借jiè 蚊wén 蛇shé 逃táo 难nán 姐jiě 新xīn语文园地四 擦cā 抄chāo 拾shí 摔shuāi 拨bō 拦lán 摸mō识字5 团tuán 量liàng 相xi āng 遇y ù 及j í 怕p à 攻gōng 互h ù 尊zūn 重zhòng 令lìng 纯chún 18 挂guà 街jiē 熟shú 尝cháng 甜tián 温wēn 冻dòng 脸liǎn 该gāi 因yīn 季j ì19 乌wū 鸦yā 喝hē 渴kě 瓶píng 石shí 办bàn 法fǎ 渐jiàn20 司sī 假jiǎ 缸gāng 别bié 慌huāng 吓xi à 块kuài 使shǐ 劲jìn 砸z á 破p ò 救jiù21 称chēng 官guān 腿tuǐ 柱zhù 议y ì 杆gǎn 秤chèng 倒dǎo 艘sōu 沉chén 止zhǐ 微wēi 语文园地五 矮ǎi 瘦shòu 暗àn 丑chǒu 闲xián 旧jiù识字6 鸥ōu 滩tān 军jūn 舰jiàn 帆fān 秧yāng 稻dào 溪xī 竿gān 铜tóng 号hào 领lǐng 22 忘wàng 挖wā 席x í 导dǎo 革g é 命mìng 战zhàn 士shì 解jiě 刻k è 念niàn23 助zhù 哨shào 敌d í 荡dàng 顺shùn 突tū 枪qiāng 杀shā 害hài 英yīng 雄xióng 冲chōng 部b ù 24 宽kuān 虾xiā 脚jiǎo 捡jiǎn 贝bèi 壳k é 奔bēn 密m ì 匹pǐ 市shì 楼lóu25 吹chuī 祝zhù 贺h è 希xī 祖zǔ 国guó 羽yǔ 丰fēng 勇yǒng 敢gǎn 理lǐ 敬jìng 度d ù 语文园地六 厂chǎng 甲jiǎ 申shēn 句j ù 兄xiōng识字7 虚xū 骄jiāo 傲ào 诚cheng 实shí 赢yíng 赞zàn 招zhe 嫌xián人教版一年级(上下学期)生字表 26 翻fān 浇jiāo 施shī 肥féi 饿è 候hòu 挑tiāo 担dān27 狮shī 整zhěng 练liàn 滚gǔn 扑pū 咬yǎo 苦kǔ 懒lǎn 洋yáng 吞tūn 将jiāng 靠kào 28 餐cān 丢diū 矿kuàng 糟z āo 糕gāo 粗cū 概gài 共gòng 汽q ì 记j ì 保bǎo 管guǎn 夹jiá 29 盆pén 位wèi 选xuǎn 并bìng 宣xuān 分fēn 芽y á 规guī 盛shèng 丝sī 表biǎo 煮zhǔ语文园地七 饼bing 饮yǐn 饺jiǎo 猪zhū 狼lán g识字8 初chū 眉méi 辨biàn 斗dòu 湖h ú 即j í 雁yàn 归guī 转zhuǎn 寒hán30 姑gū 娘niáng 蚜y á 盼pàn 治zhì 啄zhuó 斑bān31 俩liǎng 摘zhāi 伯b ó 而ér 且qiě 踢tī 引yǐn32 梁liáng 程chéng 波bō 架jià 特t è 砖zhuān 驶shǐ 划huá 采cǎi 薄báo 巧qiǎo 稳wěn33 郊jiāo 列liè 弄nòng 查chá 速s ù 断duàn 提t í 修xiū 建jiàn 世shì 界jiè 创chuàng 梦mèng 名míng 34 灰huī 迎yíng 阿ā 姨y í 追zhuī 顶dǐng 披pī 鼓gǔ语文园地八 甘gān 埋mái 闯chuǎng 掰bāi 跌diē(共550个字)要求:会认、会读。



THE MONETARY SYSTEMWHAT’S NEW:The discussion of the reserve ratio has been expanded.LEARNING OBJECTIVES:By the end of this chapter, students should understand:what money is and what functions money has in the economy.what the Federal Reserve System the banking system helps determine the supply of money.what tools the Federal Reserve uses to alter the supply of money.KEY POINTS:1.The term money refers to assets that people regularly use to buy goods and services.2.Money serves three functions. As a medium of exchange, it provides the item used to maketransactions. As a unit of account, it provides the way in which prices and other economic values are recorded. As a store of value, it provides a way of transferring purchasing power from the present to the future.modity money, such as gold, is money that has intrinsic value: It would be valued even ifit were not used as money. Fiat money, such as paper dollars, is money without intrinsic value: It would be worthless if it were not used as money.4.In the U.S. economy, money takes the form of currency and various types of bank deposits,such as checking accounts.5.The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, is responsible for regulating theU.S. monetary system. The Fed chairman is appointed by the President and confirmed by Congress every four years. He is the lead member of the Federal Open Market Committee, which meets about every six weeks to consider changes in monetary policy.6. The Fed controls the money supply primarily through open-market operations. The purchaseof government bonds increases the money supply, and the sale of government bonds decreases the money supply. The Fed can also expand the money supply by loweringreserve requirements or decreasing the discount rate, and it can contract the money supply by raising reserve requirements or increasing the discount rate.7. When banks loan out some of their deposits, they increase the quantity of money in the economy. Because of th is role of banks in determining the money supply, the Fed’s controlof the money supply is imperfect.CHAPTER OUTLINE:I.The Meaning of Money A. Definition of Money: the set of assets in an economy that people regularly use to buy goods and services from other people .B. The Functions of Money1. Money serves three functions in our economy.a. Definition of Medium of Exchange: an item that buyers give to sellers when they want to purchase goods andservices .b. Definition of Unit of Account: the yardstick people use topost prices and record debts .c.Definition of Store of Value: an item that people can use to transfer purchasing power from the present to the future .2. Definition of Liquidity: the ease with which an asset can be con verted into the economy’s medium of exchange . a. Money is the most liquid asset available.b. Other assets (such as stocks, bonds, and real estate) vary intheir liquidity.c. When people decide in what forms to hold their wealth, theyhave to balance the liquidity of each possible asset against theasset’s usefulness as a store of value.C. The Kinds of Money1. Definition of Commodity Money: money that takes the form of acommodity with intrinsic value.2. Definition of Fiat Money: money without intrinsic value that isused as money because of government decree.3. In the News: Money on the Island of Yapa. Limestone is used as money on this small island in Micronesia.b. This is an article from The Wall Street Journal detailing the useof this form of money.D. Money in the U.S. Economy1. The quantity of money circulating in the United States is sometimescalled the money stock.2. Included in the measure of the money stock are currency, demanddeposits and other monetary assets.a. Definition of Currency: the paper bills and coins in thehands of the public.b. Definition of Demand Deposits: balances in bank accountsthat depositors can access on demand by writing a check.3. Table 27-1 shows the monetary assets included in two importantmeasures of the money stock, M1 and M2.4. FYI: Credit Cards, Debit Cards, and MoneyHarcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.a.Credit cards are not a form of money; when a person uses a credit card, he or she is simply deferring payment for the item.b.Because using a debit card is like writing a check, the account balances that lie behind debit cards are included in the measures of money.5. Case Study: Where Is All the Currency? a. If we divide the amount of outstanding currency in the UnitedStates by the adult population, we find that the average adultshould have approximately $2,240 in currency.b. Of course, most adults carry a much smaller amount.c. One explanation is that a great deal of U.S. currency may beheld in other countries.d. Another explanation is that large amounts of currency may be held by criminals because transactions made using currencyleave no paper trail.II.The Federal Reserve SystemA. Definition of Federal Reserve (Fed): the central bank of the United States .B. Definition of Central Bank: An institution designed to oversee the banking system and regulate the quantity of money in the economy .C. The Fed’s Organization1. The Fed was created in 1914 after a series of bank failures.2. The Fed has a Board of Governors with seven members who serve 14-year terms.a.The Board of Governors has a chairman who is appointed for a four-year term. b. The current chairman is Alan Greenspan.Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.3.The Federal Reserve System is made up of 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks located in major cities around the country.4. One job that the Fed does is the regulation of banks to ensure the health of the nation’s banking system.5. The second job of the Fed is to control the quantity of money available in the economy.a. Definition of Money Supply: the quantity of moneyavailable in the economy .b. Definition of Monetary Policy: the setting of the moneysupply by policymakers in the central bank .D. The Federal Open Market Committee 1. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) consists of the 7 membersof the Board of Governors and 5 of the 12 regional Federal Reserve District Banks.2.The FOMC meets about every six weeks in order to discuss the condition of the economy and consider changes in monetary policy. 3.The primary way in which the Fed increases or decreases the supply of money is through open market operations (which involve the purchase or sale of government bonds).a.If the Fed wants to increase the supply of money, it creates dollars and uses them to purchase government bonds from the public. b.If the Fed wants to lower the supply of money, it sellsgovernment bonds from its portfolio to the public. Money isthen taken out of the hands of the public and the supply of money falls.III.Banks and the Money SupplyA. The Simple Case of 100-Percent-Reserve Banking1. Example: Suppose that currency is the only form of money and the total amount of currency is $100.2. A bank is created as a safe place to store currency; all deposits are keptin the vault until the depositor withdraws them.a. Definition of Reserves: deposits that banks have receivedbut have not loaned out .b.Under the example described above, we have 100-percent-reserve banking.4. Note that the money supply in this economy is unchanged.a.Before the bank was created, the money supply consisted of $100 worth of currency. b. Now, with the bank, the money supply consists of $100 worth of deposits.5.This means that, if banks hold all deposits in reserve, banks do not influence the supply of money.B. Money Creation with Fractional-Reserve Banking1. Definition of Fractional-Reserve Banking: a banking system inwhich banks hold only a fraction of deposits as reserves.2. Definition of Reserve Ratio: the fraction of deposits that bankshold as reserves.3. Example: Same as above, but First National decides to set its reserveratio equal to 10% and loan out the remainder of the deposits.4. The bank’s T-account would look like this:5. When the bank makes these loans, the money supply changes.a. Before the bank made any loans, the money supply was equal tothe $100 worth of deposits.b. Now, after the loans, deposits are still equal to $100, butborrowers now also hold $90 worth of currency from the loans.c. Therefore, when banks hold only a fraction of deposits in reserve,banks create money.6. Note that, while new money has been created, so has debt. There is nonew wealth created by this process.C. The Money Multiplier1. The creation of the money does not stop at this point.2. Borrowers usually borrow money to purchase something and then themoney likely becomes redeposited elsewhere.3. Suppose a person borrowed the $90 to purchase something and thefunds then get redeposited in Second National Bank. Here is this bank’sT-account (assuming that it also sets its reserve ratio to 10%):4. If the $81 in loans becomes redeposited in another bank, this processwill go on and on.5. Each time the money is deposited and a bank loan is created, moremoney is created.Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.6.Definition of Money Multiplier: the amount of money the banking system generates with each dollar of reserves .D. The Fed’s Tools of Monetary Control1. Definition of Open Market Operations: the purchase and sale ofU.S. government bonds by the Fed .a. If the Fed wants to increase the supply of money, it createsdollars and uses them to purchase government bonds from the public.b. If the Fed wants to lower the supply of money, it sells government bonds from its portfolio to the public. Money isthen taken out of the hands of the public and the supply of money falls.c. If the sale or purchase of government bonds affects the amountof deposits in the banking system, the effect will be made largerby the money multiplier. d.Open market operations are easy for the Fed to conduct and are therefore the tool that the Fed uses most often.2. Definition of Reserve Requirements: regulations on the minimum amount of reserves that banks must hold against deposits .a.This can affect the size of the money supply through changes in the money multiplier. b. The Fed rarely uses this tool because of the disruptions in the banking industry that would be caused by frequent alterations ofreserve requirements.ALTERNATIVE CLASSROOM EXAMPLE: Reserve ratio = 10% Money multiplier = 1/0.10 = 103. Definition of Discount Rate: the interest rate on the loans that theFed makes to banks.a. When a bank cannot meet its reserve requirements, it mayborrow reserves from the Fed.b. A higher discount rate discourages banks from borrowing at theFed and likely encourages banks to hold onto larger amounts oftheir reserves. This in turn lowers the money supply.c. A lower discount rate encourages banks to lend their reserves(and borrow from the Fed). This will increase the money supply.d. The Fed also uses discount lending to help financial institutionsthat are having difficulties.E. Problems in Controlling the Money Supply1. The Fed does not control the amount of money that consumers chooseto deposit in banks.a. The more money that households deposit, the more reserves thebanks have, and the more money the banking system can create.b. The less money that households deposit, the smaller the amountof reserves banks have, and the less money the banking systemcan create.2. The Fed does not control the amount that bankers choose to lend.a. The amount of money created by the banking system dependson loans being made.b. If banks choose to hold onto a greater level of reserves thanrequired by the Fed (called excess reserves), the money supplywill fall.3. Case Study: Bank Runs and the Money Supplya. Bank runs create a large problem under fractional-reservebanking.b. Since the bank only holds a fraction of its deposits in reserve, itwill not have the funds to satisfy all of the withdrawal requestsfrom its depositors.c. Today, deposits are guaranteed through the Federal DepositoryInsurance Corporation (FDIC).Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.ADJUNCT TEACHING TIPS AND WARM-UP ACTIVITIES:1.Encourage students to bring interesting forms of money they may have at home like silverdollars, two-dollar bills, or the new golden dollar coin.2.Suggest that students research the Fed using the Federal Reserve’s home page. Havestudents research the members of the Board of Governors. They can write group papers on the individuals on the Board including their training, which president appointed them, and the length of time remaining in their term.SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS:Quick Quizzes1. The three functions of money are: (1) medium of exchange; (2) unit of account; and (3)store of value. Money is used as a medium of exchange because money is the itempeople use to purchase goods and services. Money is used as a unit of account because it’s the yardstick people use to post prices and record debts. Money is used as a store of value because it’s an item people use to transfer purchasing power from the present tothe future.2. The primary responsibilities of the Federal Reserve are to regulate banks, ensuring thehealth of the banking system, and to control the quantity of money that is madeavailable in the economy. If the Fed wants to increase the supply of money, it usuallydoes so by creating dollars and using them to purchase government bonds from thepublic in the nation’s bon d markets.3. Banks create money when they make loans and hold a fraction of the amount of theloans in reserves, resulting in an expansion of both money and credit in the economy. If the Fed wanted to use all three of its tools to decrease the money supply, it would: (1)sell government bonds from its portfolio in the open market to reduce the number ofdollars in circulation; (2) increase reserve requirements to reduce the money created by banks; and (3) increase the discount rate to discourage banks from borrowing reservesfrom the Fed.Questions for Review1. Money is different from other assets in the economy because it is the most liquid assetavailable. Other assets vary widely in their liquidity.2. Commodity money is money with intrinsic value, like gold, which can be used forpurposes other than as a medium of exchange. Fiat money is money without intrinsicvalue; it has no value other than its use as a medium of exchange. Our economy today uses fiat money.3. Demand deposits are balances in bank accounts that depositors can access on demandsimply by writing a check. They should be included in the stock of money because theycan be used to buy goods and services.4. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is responsible for setting monetary policy inthe United States. The FOMC consists of the seven members of the Federal ReserveBoard of Governors and five of the 12 presidents of Federal Reserve Banks. Members of the Board of Governors are appointed by the president of the United States andconfirmed by the U.S. Senate. The presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks are chosenby each bank’s board of directors.5. If the Fed wants to increase the supply of money with open-market operations, itpurchases U.S. government bonds on the open market. The purchase increases thenumber of dollars in the hands of the public, thus raising the money supply.6. Banks don’t hold 100 percent reserves because it’s more profitable to use the reserves tomake loans, which earn interest, instead of leaving the money as reserves, which earnno interest. The amount of reserves banks hold is related to the amount of money thebanking system creates through the money multiplier. The smaller the fraction ofreserves banks hold, the larger the money multiplier, since each dollar of reserves isused to create more money.7. The discount rate is the interest rate on loans that the Federal Reserve makes to banks.If the Fed raises the discount rate, fewer banks will borrow from the Fed, so banks'reserves will be lower, and thus the money supply will be lower.8. Reserve requirements are regulations on the minimum amount of reserves that banksmust hold against deposits. An increase in reserve requirements raises the reserve ratio, lowers the money multiplier, and decreases the money supply.9. The Fed can't control the money supply perfectly because: (1) the Fed doesn’t controlthe amount of money that households choose to hold as deposits in banks; and (2) theFed doesn’t control the amount that bankers ch oose to lend. The actions of households and banks affect the money supply in ways the Fed can’t perfectly control or predict.Problems and Applications1. a. A U.S. penny is money in the U.S. economy because it is used as a medium ofexchange to buy goods or services, it serves as a unit of account because pricesin stores are listed in terms of dollars and cents, and it serves as a store of valuefor anyone who holds it over time.b. A Mexican peso is not money in the U.S. economy, because it is not used as amedium of exchange, and prices aren't given in terms of pesos, so it isn't a unitof account. It could serve as a store of value, though.c. A Picasso painting isn't money, because you can't exchange it for goods orservices, and prices aren't given in terms of Picasso paintings. It does, however,serve as a store of value.d. A plastic credit card is similar to money, but represents deferred payment, ratherthat immediate payment. So credit cards don't fully represent the medium ofexchange function of money. Nor are they really stores of value, since theyrepresent short-term loans rather than being an asset like currency.2. a. It would be difficult to run the economy using the "Swopper's Column" instead ofHarcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, because it requires finding a double coincidence of wants. Money worksefficiently because it requires satisfying people's needs on just one side of eachtransaction; you buy something for money and sell something else for money.With money, you don't have to buy something from someone who wants an itemyou're selling.b. The "Swopper's Column" probably exists so that people can avoid paying taxeson things they buy and sell.3. For an asset to be useful as a medium of exchange, it must be widely accepted (so alltransactions can be made in terms of it), recognized easily as money (so people canperform transactions easily and quickly), divisible (so people can provide change), anddifficult to counterfeit (so people won't print their own money). That's why nearly allcountries use paper money with fancy designs for larger denominations and coins forsmaller denominations.For an asset to be useful as a store of value, it must be something that maintains itsvalue over time and something that can be used directly to buy goods and services orsold when money is needed. In addition to currency, financial assets (like stocks andbonds) and physical assets (like real estate and art) make good stores of value.4. a. If there were an easy way to make limestone wheels, the people on Yap wouldmake additional wheels as long as the monetary value of the wheels was greaterthan the cost of producing the wheels. The result would be that people wouldmake their own money, so there would be too much money produced. Mostlikely, people would stop accepting the wheels as money and switch to someother asset as a medium of exchange.b. If someone in the United States discovered an easy way to counterfeit hundred-dollar bills, they could flood the country with counterfeit currency, thus reducingits value. The result might be a switch to a different type of currency.5. When your uncle repays a $100 loan from Tenth National Bank (TNB) by writing a checkfrom his TNB checking account, the result is a change in the assets and liabilities of both your uncle and TNB, as shown in these T-accounts:By paying off the loan, your uncle simply eliminated the outstanding loan using theassets in his checking account. Your uncle's wealth hasn't changed; he simply has fewerassets and fewer liabilities.6. a. Here is BSB's T-account:b. When BSB's largest depositor withdraws $10 million in cash and BSB reduces itsloans outstanding to maintain the same reserve ratio, its T-account is now:c. Since BSB is cutting back on its loans, other banks will find themselves short ofreserves and they may also cut back on their loans as well.d. BSB may find it difficult to cut back on its loans immediately, since it can't forcepeople to pay off loans. Instead, it can stop making new loans. But for a time itmight find itself with more loans than it wants. It could try to attract additionaldeposits to get additional reserves, or borrow from another bank or from the Fed.7. If you take $100 that you held as currency and put it into the banking system, then thetotal amount of deposits in the banking system increases by $1,000, since a reserve ratio of 10 percent means the money multiplier is 1/.10 = 10. Thus the money supplyincreases by $900, since deposits increase by $1,000 but currency declines by $100.8. With a required reserve ratio of 10 percent, the money multiplier could be as high as1/.10 = 10, if banks hold no excess reserves and people don't keep some additionalcurrency. So the maximum increase in the money supply from a $10 million open-market purchase is $100 million. The smallest possible increase is $0, if all the money is held by banks as excess reserves.9. a. If the required reserve ratio is 5 percent, then First National Bank's requiredreserves are $500,000 x .05 = $25,000. Since the bank’s total reserves are$100,000, it has excess reserves of $75,000.b. With a required reserve ratio of 5 percent, the money multiplier is 1/.05 = 20. IfFirst National lends out its excess reserves of $75,000, the money supply willeventually increase by $75,000 x 20 = $1,500,000.10. a. With a required reserve ratio of 10 percent and no excess reserves, the moneymultiplier is 1/.10 = 10. If the Fed sells $1 million of bonds, reserves will declineby $1 million and the money supply will contract by 10 x $1 million = $10 million.b. Banks might wish to hold excess reserves if they need to hold the reserves fortheir day-to-day operations, such as paying other banks for customers'transactions, making change, cashing paychecks, and so on. If banks increaseexcess reserves such that there's no overall change in the total reserve ratio,Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.then the money multiplier doesn't change and there's no effect on the moneystock.11. a. With banks holding only required reserves of 10 percent, the money multiplier is1/.10 = 10. Since reserves are $100 billion, the money stock is 10 x $100 billion= $1,000 billion.b. If the required reserve ratio is raised to 20 percent, the money multiplier declinesto 1/.20 = 5. With reserves of $100 billion, the money stock would decline to$500 billion, a decline of $500 billion. Reserves would be unchanged, since allavailable currency would be held by banks as reserves.12. a. If people hold all money as currency, the quantity of money is $2,000.b. If people hold all money as demand deposits at banks with 100 percent reserves,the quantity of money is $2,000.c. If people have $1,000 in currency and $1,000 in demand deposits, the quantityof money is $2,000.d. If banks have a reserve ratio of 10 percent, the money multiplier is 1/.10 = 10.So if people hold all money as demand deposits, the quantity of money is 10 x$2,000 = $20,000.e. If people hold equal amounts of currency (C) and demand deposits (D) and themoney multiplier for reserves is 10, then two equations must be satisfied:(1) C = D, so that people have equal amounts of currency and demand deposits;and (2) 10 x ($2,000 - C) = D, so that the money multiplier (10) times thenumber of dollar bills that aren't being held by people ($2,000 - C) equals theamount of demand deposits (D). Using the first equation in the second gives 10x ($2,000 - D) = D, or $20,000 - 10 D = D, or $20,000 = 11 D, so D =$1,818.18. Then C = $1,818.18. The quantity of money is C + D = $3,636.36.。


2 使用说明
2.1 端子板外观图
TB366-DU 端子板结构外形如下图所示。 端子板尺寸:218mm×75mm。
图 2-1 TTB366-DU 端子板结构外形图
2.2 接插件说明
TB366-DU 端子板接插件说明如下表所示。
标号 DB1 DB2 J1 J2 J3 PGND
表 2-1 接插件说明
说明 第一块卡数据连线插座 第二块卡数据连线插座
通道 30(CH30)
通道 31(CH31)
通道 32(CH32)
1. 一号卡信号端子中的奇数号端子在端子板内部互连为公共端 COM1,COM1 在端子 板内部与 33 号端子相连;二号卡信号端子中的奇数号端子在端子板内部互连为公共端 COM2,COM2 在端子板内部与 35 号端子连接。 2. FW366(B)的 JP102 和 JP103 应跳 2-3 脚。
通道 22(CH22)
通道 23(CH23)

通道 24(CH24)
号 卡
通道 25(CH25)
通道 26(CH26)
通道 27(CH27)
通道 28(CH28)



Patek Phillipe175 (8): In-house manuelt. Variant cal. 177215 (9): In-house manuelt. Variant cal. 215PS, 215/45 (small sec.), 215 PS FUS (2. timezone) 240 (9): In-house automatic. Div. Komplikationsvarianter 240 xxx.315 SC (8): In house automatic. Identisk med 330 SC p?n?r datohjulets diameter.315 xxx (8): In-house automatic. Div. komplikationsvariationer med 315 SC som basisv?rk330 SC (8): In House automatic. Tidligere versioner: 310 SC efterfulgt af 335 SC. Discontinued.330 SC xx (8): In-house automatic. Div. Komplikationsvarianter med 330 SC som basisv?rkR27 PS (9): In-house automatic minute repeater. R27 xxx (9): In-house automatic div. komplikationer med R 27 som basisv?rkRTO 27 PS (10): In-house manuelt tourbillon minute repeater. Findes i andre varianter.109 RTO 27 QR SID LUCL (10): In-house grand complication, Sky moonCH 27-70 (8): Lemania 2310 manuelt kronograf CH 27-70 /150 (8): Lemania CH 27 manuelt split-sekund kronograf m. complete calendarCHR 27-70 Q (9): Lemania 2310 manuelt split-sekund kronograf og perpetual calendar CHR 27-525 PS (9): In-house manuelt split-second kolonnehjulskronograf28-20 (9): In-house manuelt tonneau-formet. Variant 28-20/222 (tourbillon)28-255 (9): JLC 920 automatic. Discontinued.28-520 (8): In-house automatic kolonnehjul chrono og complete calendar16.250 (8): In-house manuelt. Variant 16.250 PS (small sec.), 16.250 PS/LU (moonphase) Vacheron Constantin1003 (7): JLC 8491120 (9): Tidligere JLC 920, nu Audemars P. 2120. Variant VC1121 (dato)1124 (7): JLC 889/2 automatic1125(7): JLC891 automatic calendar baseret p?JLC 889 1127 (7): JLC 928 automatic powerreserve baseret p? JLC 889 1137 (8): FP 1185 automatic kronograf1126 (7): JLC 889/2 automatic date1141 (8): Lemania 2320 manuelt kronograf1190 (7): FP 9.51. Var 11301206 (7): FP 11.50 automatic. Var 12041222 (7): JLC 889 automatic1311(7): Girard Perregaux 3100 automatic.Variant 1312 1400 (8): In-house manuelt1755 (9): in-house manuelt minute repeater1790 (9): In-house manuelt tourbillon2475 (8): in-house automatic. Varianter 24xx2750(10): In-house manuelt. Verdens mest komplicerede armb?ndsur-v?rk.Ulysse NardinUN 01 (8): In-house model FreakUN 10 (8): Lemania 389 manual minute repeaterUN 13 (4-5): ETA 2892UN16 (6): Frederic Piguet automatic complete calendar UN 20 (4-5): ETA 2892UN 22 (4-5): ETA 2892UN 26 (4-5): ETA 2892UN 32 (7): Lemania 8815. Perpetual calendarUN 33 (7): Lemania 8815. Perpetual calendarUN 44 (8): Venus 179 manuelt split-sekund kronograf UN 51 (5): Dubois-Depraz 4900UN 57 (5): ETA/V aljoux 7750 split-sekund kronograf UN 60 (4-5): ETA 2892UN 78 (9): Christoph Clarét minute repeater tourbillon UN 80 (8): ???? automatic pertetual calendarUN 97 (4-5): ETA 2892MU-RW (9): Frederic Piguet jumping hour tourbillon UN-79 (9): In-house ? manuelt tourbillonTag HeuerCal. 5-6 (2): ETA 2824Cal. 7 (3): ETA 2892Cal. 11 (3): ETA 2894 samt DD-chronomodulCal. 16 (3): ETA/Valjoux 7750Cal. 17 (3): ETA 2894 samt DD-chronomodulCal 36 (7): Zenith El Primero cal. 400 automatic chrono. Variant: SLR McLaren (7)Cal.60(3): ETA/V aljoux 7750 eller ETA 2894 samt DD-chronomodulCal. 360 (5): ETA 2824 m. in-house 1/100 sec. chrono. Cal. V4 (7): In-house belt-driveRoger DubuisRD01 (9): In-house dobbelt tourbillon automaticRD02 (9): In-house tourbillon manuelt skeletonRD 03 (9): In-house tourbillonRD 08 (9): In-house tourbillon automaticRD14 (8): In-house automatic time-onlyRD27 (7): Tavannes Watch Co. of La Chaux de Fonds NOS cal. 507RD28(8):In-house manuelt 2-counter kolonnehjulskronografRD54 (8): In-house manuelt time-onlyRD56(8): Lemania 2320 manuelt 2-counter kolonnehjulskronograf. Variant RD 10RD57(8): Lemania8815 automatic.Variant RD39, RD40 RD82 (8): In-house manuelt time-onlyRD98 (8): In-house manuelt time-onlyRD 8230 (9): ??? Manuelt 8-days kronografPiaget600P (9): In-house tourbillon9P (6): In-house manuelt. Discontinued. Forg?nger for 430P12P (6): In-house automatic. Discontinued. Forg?nger for 500P25P (6): Lemania 2010500P –561P (6): In-house automatic. Div. varianter baseret p? cal. 500P400P - 430P (6): In-house manuelt. Div. varianter baseret p? cal. 400P. Efterf?lger at 9P.8532P (5): ETA 2892 automatic complete calendar 9512P (6): Frederic Piguet 9.51automaticLonginesL650 (3): Valjoux 7750L878 (4): Longines 550 manueltL678 (3): ETA 7751L693 (3): ETA A07-161L512 (2): ETA/Unitas 6498-2L600 (3): ETA 2892A2Maurice LacroixML05 (3): ETA 2892-A2 med fly-back chronograf modulML06 (4): AS 5008 automatic alarm, 2. timezoneML07 (2): ETA/Unitas 6498ML15 (3): ETA 2892-A2 med fly-back chronograf modulML16 (4): ETA/Unitas 6498 skeletonML19 (4): Unitas 1380 Regulateur ML20 (4): AS 5008 automatic alarmML22 (4): AS 5008 automatic alarmML27 (4): ETA 2836-2 calendarML28 (4): Peseux 7046 manuel jumping hourML29 (2): ETA 2836-2 automatic 2. timezoneML30 (3): ETA/V aljoux 7750ML35 (5): Fabrique d'Horlogerie Fontainemelon cal.29 tonneau manueltML36 (8): Venus 175 kolonnehjulskronografML37 (2): ETA 2824-2 automatic DD-calendar modul ML45 (4): AS 5008 automatic alarmML46 (3): Valjoux 7736 manuelt koblingskronografML50 (4): Unitas 6376 manuelt power-reserveML51 (3): ETA 2892-2 automatic power-reserveML53 (4): Unitas 6376 manuelt regulateurML54 (2): ETA2824-2 automaticML56 (3): Unitas 6376 manueltML57 (2): ETA 2000ML58 (3): ETA 2892-2 automatic big dateML61 (5): ETA/V aljoux 7750 automatic split-second ML63 (5): AS1931 manueltML66 (3-4): ETA/Valjoux 7751ML67 (3-4): ETA/Valjoux 7750ML70 (8): Valjoux 72c manuelt kolonnehjulskronograf m. kalenderML76 (5): ETA/Unitas 6498 manuelt retrogradeML77 (7): Venus 188 manuelt koblingskronografML83 (8): Valjoux 23 manuelt kolonnehjulskronograf ML88 (3): Valjoux 7750ML91 (3): ETA 2892-2 automatic power-reserveML93 (4): Peseux 7046ML99 (7): Venus 188 manuelt koblingskronografML100(5):ETA/Unitas6497-1manuelt dobbelt retrogradeML101 (4): Peseux 7046ML102 (3): ETA 2892-2ML103 (3): ETA 2892-2 automatic big dateML104 (4): ETA 6498-1 manuelt retrograde moonML105 (5): ETA/Unitas 6498-1 manuelt regulateurML107 (3): ETA 2824-2 automatic calendarML110 (9): In-house manuelt retrograde tourbillon Omega1120 (4): ETA 28921128 (4): ETA 2893 GMT1151 (4): ETA /Valjoux 77511152 (4): ETA/Valjoux 77501164 (4): ETA/Valjoux 77501866 (5): Lemania 18741861 (5): Lemania 18732200 (4): ETA 2892 small second2201 (4): ETA/Unitas 6498-22202 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial small second2401 (4): ETA 28922403 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial2500 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial2600 (8): In-house tourbillon2610 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial big date2627 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial power-reserve2628 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial GMT3220 (3): ETA 2892 m. DD-chronograf modul3301 (6): FP 1185 Chrono3303 (6): FP 1185 Chrono3313 (7): FP 1185 co-axial Chrono3601 (4): ETA 2892 m. countdown modul3602 (4): ETA 2892 m. countdown og kronograf modul 3612 (7): FP 1185 m. splitsekundFleurier Parmigiani (8-9)PF 110 (8): In-house manuelt tonneau 8-daysPF 252 (9): In-house manuelt perpetual kalender, minuterepeaterPF 350 (8): Lemania 389 manuelt minute repeaterPF 331(8): In-house automatic. Variant PF 332 m. perpetual calendarPF 370 (8): In-house 10-days. Bugatti-modellenPF5000(10): In-house manuelt 8-days, 30 sec tourbillon Basica (7): Frederic Piguet cal. ??Kronograf (8): Zenith El Primero 400 automatic chrono Audemars PiguetAP 2003 (8): Jaeger LeCoultre (JLC) 849 manuelt. Variant AP 2003/2805 m. perpetual cal.AP 2120 (9): In-house automatic, dog tidligere JLC 920. Variant AP 2120/2802 m. perpetual cal.AP 2121 (9): In-house automatic date (basis: AP 2120)AP 2125 (7): JLC 889/2 automaticAP 2124 –2129 (7): Alle JLC 889/2 automatic. Varianter AP 21xx/xxxx har komplikationsmodulAP 2140 (7): JLC 960 automaticAP 2224 –2229 (7): Alle JLC 889/2 automatic. Varianter AP 22xx/xxxx har komplikationsmodulAP 2225 (7): JLC 889/2 automaticAP 2385 (8): Frederic Piguet 11.85 automatic kolonnehjulskronografAP2866: (9): In-house manuelt minute rep. Variant AP 2865 m. star wheelAP2868 (9): In-house manuelt. Minute rep.AP2869 (10): In-house manuelt. Perp. cal, tourbillon, minute rep.AP2871 (10): In-house manuelt. Tourbillon tonneauAP2872 (10): In-house manuelt. Tourbillon minute rep. tonneauAP2873 (10): In-house manuelt. Minute rep.AP2875 (10): In-house manuelt. Tourbillon power reserveAP2880 (10): In-house automatic. Minute rep. Perp. cal. Chrono.AP2885 (10): In-house manuelt. Minute rep. Perp. cal. split-sec.AP2887 (10): In-house automatic. Minute rep. Perp. cal. split-sec.AP2890 (10): In-house manuelt. Minute rep. V ariabel AP2891AP2896(10): In-house manuelt tourbillon dynamograph AP28xx (9-10): In-house. Div. varianter udviklet og prod. hos Audemars Piguet (Renaud et Papi)AP3090 (9): In-house manuelt. Variant AP 3091 SQ skelletonAP3120 (9): In-house automatic.AP5026 (9): star wheel manuelt.BlancpainBP Fxxx (8): Frederic Piguet (FP) 11.85 automatic med div. komplikationerBP M185 (8): FP 11.85 automatic single bottom chronographBP 5A50 (7): FP 11.50 GMTBP 5Lxx, 56F9A (7): FP 11.50 automatic m. komplikationsmodulBP 11xx (7): FP 11.50 automatic og 11.00 manuelt, m. div. komplikationerBP 21 (7): FP 21 automaticBP 23 (9): FP manuelt tourbillon 8-days for BP only. Variant BP 25 (automatic)BP 33 (9): FP manuelt minute repeater for BP only. Variant BP 35 (automatic)BP 40F6 (8): FP 11.85 automatic med split-sec chrono og power reserveBP 56F9U (9): FP for BP only tourbillon, perp. calendar, chrono-split. Var: 23F9ABP 67A6 (7): FP 11.50 m. kalender modulBP 71 (7): FP 71P automaticBP118x (8): FP 11.85 (automatic) og 11.80 (manuel) kronograf, FP 11.86 auto split-secondBP1735(10): FP automatic grand complication for BP onlyBP 558x (8): FP 11.80 (manuel) eller FP 11.85 (automatisk) med div. komplikationBP 6763 (7): FP 11.50 m. kalender modul. Var: BP 6850-6950 m. big-date, BP 5653 m. perp. cal.BP 7663 (7): FP 11.50 automatic retrograde sec. Var: BP4053 med powerreserveBreguetCal.502 (8): Frederic Piguet 71 P automatic. Modellen er nu overtaget af LemaniaCal.507 (7): In-house Lemania model ???Cal.51x automatic (8): Frederic Piguet 11.50. Div varianter med FP 1150 som basisv?rkCal.51x manuelt (8): Frederic Piguet 11.00. Div. varianter med FP11.00 som basisv?rkCal.530 (7): Jaeger LeCoultre 818 manueltCal.532 (7): In-house Lemania model ???Cal.533xx(8): In-house Lemania 2320 manuelt kolonnehjulskronograf. Variant cal. 535Cal.533NT(8): In-house Lemania 2393 manuelt split-sec chrono. Variant af cal. 2320Cal.537 (7): In-house Lemania model ??? (simpel automatic)Cal.549 (7): JLC 889/2 automaticCal.550 (7): In-house Lemania 1050Cal.552 (7): Frederic Piguet 95Cal.554 (9): In-house Lemania 2397 manuelt kronograf, tourbillonCal.558T (9): In-house Lemania 387 manuelt tourbillon. Varianter: cal. 577, cal. 587Cal.567 (9): In-house Lemania 389 manuelt minute repeaterCal.576 (8): Frederic Piguet 11.85 automaticCal.579 (7): In-house Lemania 980Cal.582 (6): In-house Lemania 1350 automatic koblingskronograf. Variant cal. 583Cal. 591 (8): In-house Lemania 8810. Variant cal. 563 CartierCal 021 (6): Frederic Piguet 21PCal 048 (4): ETA 2893Cal x49 (3): ETA 2892/A2 Cal 077 (3): ETA 2671Cal 078 (3): ETA 2512Cal 096 (5): Frederic Piguet 99PCal 191 (6): Girard Perregaux 3100Cal 200 & 220 (2): ETA 2000Cal 205 (7): Frederic Piguet 1185Cal 222P (6): Piaget 212Cal 430C (6): Piaget 430CCal 437 MC (6): Piaget 430 manueltCal 480 (6): Girard Perregaux 3100Cal 8000 MC (6): JLC automatic exclusive for Cartier onlyCal 8510 (4): ETA 2894Cal 9421MC (8): Girard Perregaux 3000 DD-perpetual calendar modulCal 9701 (6): Piaget 400P manueltCal VC200043 (6): Piaget 212Cal VC20049 (6): Piaget 9 PZChronoswissC.7xx (5): ETA/Valjoux 7750. Kronograf automatic modeller.C.12x (6): Enicar 165. Automatic Regulateur modeller C.111 (6): Marvin 700. Manuel time-onlyC.361 (8): Progress 6361.101 Manuel tourbillon (discontinued)C.672 (4): Unitas 6497C.9xx (4): ETA 2892C.1722 (6): Minerva 1722 manuelC.361 (8): STT manuelt tourbillon. Afl?ser for Progress 6361C. ??? (6): FEF 130 manuelt digital visning Kronograf manuel: Lemania 1873 (5)Daniel RothDR 052 (9): in-house tourbillonDR101(7):Girard Perregaux 3080 automatic kolonnehjulskronografDR113(7):GP3100automatic jumping hour retrograde DR 114 (7): GP 3100 automatic perpetual calendarDR 130 (8): Zenith El Primero 400 automatic chrono DR 190 (8): Zenith El Primero 400 automatic chrono DR300(8):Lemania8810 automatic perpetual calendar DR 307 (9): Lemania 2187 manuelt tourbillonDR 340 (7): Frederic Piguet 11.50DR 500 (8): Zenith El Primero 400 automatic chrono DR 600 (9): Genta 13000 minute repeaterDR 700 (x): ??DR 720 (9): In-house tourbillon. Variant DR 197.xDR 730 (9): Automatic tourbillonDR ??? (9): Lemania 389 minute repeaterDR 904 (8): Lemania 1908 manuelt power reserve EbelEbel 122 (3): ETA 2892Ebel 124 (3): ETA 2892Ebel 136 (7): Zenith El Primero 410 automaticEbel 137 (5): Lemania 1350 manuelt koblingschrono Ebel 139 (3): ETA 2892 ???Ebel Perpetual calendar (8): Zenith El Primero 400 EternaCal. 608 (3): ETA 2892Cal. 636 (2): ETA2836Cal. 1504 (6): In-house automaticFranck MullerFM 750 (7): FP 11.50 manuelt kronografFM1185 (8): Frederic Piguet 11.85 automatic kronograf FM 1870 (7): Lemania 1872FM 1751 (7):FM 2800 (5): ETA 2892FP 5000 (5): ETA/Valjoux 7750FM 7000 automatic(5): ETA/Valjoux 7750FM 7000 manuelt (8): Venus 179 manuelt split-sekund kronografFM 7500 (x):TFC 01 (8): In-house tourbillonRevo. 1 (9): In-house tourbillonRevo. 3 (10): In-house tourbillon 3-DFM 3210 (8): In-house automatic kolonnehjuls chrono FM???? (8): In-house manuelt kolonnehjulschrono RMF93 (x): ???TRM 95 (9): in-house tourbillonGDT4600 (5): ETA 2892QP4100 (9): In-house manuelt tourbillon perpetual calendarGirard-PerregauxGP 2201 (4): Peseux 7001. Manuel. Discontinued.GP220-2200(4): ETA 2892. Automatic. Discontinued. GP 2291 (5): AS 5008. Automatic. Produceres pt. af Jaquet SA.GP2280(4):ETA2892 med DD-chrono modul. Discontinued.GP 3080 (7): In-house automatic kolonnehjulschrono baseret p? GP 3000. Discontinued.GP 30CO (7): Ny version af GP 3080. GP 3100 (6): In-house Time onlyGP 3x00 (6): In-house. Benyttes ogs? som "motor" p? div. automatic komplikationerGP8381(6): Lemania 1872 manuelt 2-counter chrono GP 9780(8): In-house baseret p? manuelt Venus 179 split-second.GP 9892-070 (9): In-house. Haute Horlogerie manuelt minute repeaterGP 9981 (10): In-house three-bridge tourbillonGP V97 (9): In-house tourbillonIWC30110 (5): ETA 289230710 (5): ETA 2892 GMT33110 (5): ETA 289250900 (9): In-house automatic tourbillon 7-days 51010 (8): In-house automatic 7-days51110 (8): In-house automatic 7-days79091 (8): ETA/Valjoux 7760 Grand Complication 79230 (6): ETA/Valjoux 7750 Split-second79240 (5): ETA/Valjoux 775079261 (6): ETA/Valjoux 7750 perpetual calendar 79320 (5): ETA/Valjoux 775079350 (5): ETA/Valjoux 775079470 (6): ETA/Valjoux 7750 Split minute80110 (6): In-house. Automatic95290 (8): In-house minute repeater manuelt95611(8):In-houseperpetualcalendar 7-days automatic 98290(7):In-house. FA. Jones manuelt baseret p? lommeursv?rket IWC cal. 982887 (7): JLC 889/2. Benyttes ikke l?ngere。





归纳高中易错读音、字形供你参考:易错字形:1.按(安)装2.甘败(拜)下风3.自抱(暴)自弃4.针贬(砭)5.泊(舶)来品6.脉博(搏)7.松驰(弛)8.一愁(筹)莫展9.穿(川)流不息10.精萃(粹)11.重迭(叠)12.渡(度)假村13.防(妨)14.幅(辐)射15.一幅(副)对联16.天翻地复(覆)17.言简意骇(赅)18.气慨(概)19.一股(鼓)作气20.悬梁刺骨(股)21.粗旷(犷)22.食不裹(果)腹23.震憾(撼)24.凑和(合)25.侯(候)车室 26.迫不急(及)待27.既(即)使28.一如继(既)往29.草管(菅)人命30.娇(矫)揉造作31.挖墙角(脚)32.一诺千斤(金)33.不径(胫)而走34.峻(竣)工35.不落巢(窠)臼36.烩(脍)炙人口37.打腊(蜡)38.死皮癞(赖)脸39.兰(蓝)天白云40.鼎立(力)相助41.再接再励(厉)42.老俩(两)口43.黄梁(粱)美梦44.了(瞭)望45.水笼(龙)头46.杀戳(戮)47.痉孪(挛)48.美仑(轮)美奂49.罗(啰)唆50.蛛丝蚂(马)迹51.萎糜(靡)不振52.沉缅(湎)53.名(明)信片 54.默(墨)守成规55.大姆(拇)指56.沤(呕)心沥血57.凭(平)添58.出奇(其)不意59.修茸(葺)60.亲(青)睐61.磬(罄)竹难书62.入场卷(券)63.声名雀(鹊)起64.发韧(轫)65.搔(瘙)痒病 66.欣尝(赏)67.谈笑风声(生)68.人情事(世)故69.有持(恃)无恐70.额首(手)称庆71.追朔(溯)72.鬼鬼崇崇(祟)73.金榜提(题)名74.走头(投)无路75.趋之若骛(鹜)76.迁徒(徙)77.洁白无暇(瑕)78.九宵(霄)79.渲(宣)泄 80.寒喧(暄)81.弦(旋)律82.膺(赝)品83.不能自己(已)84.尤(犹)如猛虎下山85.竭泽而鱼(渔)86.滥芋(竽)充数87.世外桃园(源)88.脏(赃)款89.醮(蘸)水90.蜇(蛰)伏91.装祯(帧)92.饮鸠(鸩)止渴93.坐阵(镇)94.旁证(征)博引95.灸(炙)手可热96.九洲(州)97.床第(笫)之私98.姿(恣)意妄为99.编篡(纂)100.做(坐)月子易混字音:拟:nǐ起草;例:拟了一个信稿。



常见化学物质俗称大全1.皓矾:ZnSO4·7H2O2.钡餐,重晶石:BaSO43.绿矾,皂矾,青矾:FeSO4·7H2O4.芒硝,朴硝,皮硝:Na2SO4·10H2O5.明矾:KAl(SO4)2·12H2O6.生石膏:CaSO4.2H2O 熟石膏:2CaSO4·H2O7.胆矾、蓝矾:CuSO4·5H2O8.莫尔盐:(NH4)2SO4.FeSO4·6H2O二、矿石类:1.莹石:CaF22.光卤石:KCl·MgCl2·6H2O3.黄铜矿:CuFeS24.矾土:Al2O3·H2O、Al2O3·3H2O和少量Fe2O3 、SiO25.磁铁矿石:Fe3O46.赤铁矿石:Fe2O37.褐铁矿石:2Fe2O3·3H2O8.菱铁矿石:Fe2CO39.镁铁矿石:Mg2SiO410.苏口铁:碳以片状石墨形式存有11. 白口铁:碳以FeC3形式存有12.高岭石:Al2(Si2O5)(OH)4 或(Al2O3·2SiO2·2H2O)13.正长石:KAlSi3O814.石英:SiO215.硼砂:Na2B4O7·10H2O16.脉石:SiO217.刚玉(蓝宝石.红宝石):天然产的无色氧化铝晶体18.黄铁矿(愚人金):FeS219.炉甘石:ZnCO320.智利硝石:NaNO321.滑石:3MgO·4SiO2·H2O22.大理石(方解石、石灰石):CaCO323.孔雀石:CuCO3·Cu(OH)224.白云石:MgCO3·CaCO325.冰晶石:Na3AlF626.高岭土:Al2O3·2SiO2·2H2O27.锡石:SnO228.辉铜矿:Cu2S三、气体类:1.高炉煤气:CO,CO2等混合气体2.水煤气CO,H23.天然气(沼气):CH44.液化石油气:C3H8,C4H10为主5.焦炉气:CH4,CO,H2,C2H4为主6.裂解气:C2H4为主7.爆鸣气:H2和O28.笑气:N2O9.裂化气:C1~C4的烷烃、烯烃10.电石气:C2H2(通常含H2S、PH3等)四、有机类:1.福马林(蚁醛):HCHO2.蚁酸:HCOOH3.尿素:(NH4CNO)或CO(NH2)24.氯仿:CCl45.木精(工业酒精):CH3OH6.甘油:CH2OH-CHOH- CH2OH7.硬脂酸:C17H35COOH8.软脂酸:C15H31COOH9.油酸:C17H33OH10.肥皂:C17H35COONa11.银氨溶液:[Ag(NH3)2]+12.乳酸:CH3-CHOH-COOH13.葡萄糖:C6H12O614.蔗糖:C12H22O1115.核糖:CH2OH-(CHOH)3CHO16.脱氧核糖:CH2OH-(CHOH)2CH2-CH317.淀粉:(C6H10O5)n18.火棉,胶棉:主要成份都是[(C6H7O2)-(ONO2)3]n 只是前者含N量高19.尿素:CO(NH2)2 NH4CNO为氰酸铵.(互为同分异构体)20.氯仿:CHCl321.油酸:C17H33COOH22.银氨溶液:[Ag(NH3)2]OH23.脱氧核糖:CH2OH-(CHOH)2CH2-CHO五、其他类:1.白垩:CaCO32.石灰乳:Ca(OH)23.熟石灰:2CaSO4·H2O4.足球烯:C605.铜绿:Cu2(OH)2CO36.纯碱(碱面):Na2CO37.王水:HCl,HNO3 (3:1)8.水玻璃(泡火碱) :Na2SiO39.小苏打:NaHCO310.苏打:Na2CO311.大苏打(海波):Na2S2O312.盐卤:MgCl2·6H2O13.雌黄:As2S314.雄黄:As4S415.朱砂:HgS16.石棉:CaO·3MgO·4SiO217.砒霜:As2O318.泻盐:MgSO4·7H2O19.波尔多液:CuSO4+Ca(OH)220.钛白粉:TiO2氯化钠;食盐NaCL氯化镁;盐卤MgCL2·6H2O 碳酸钠;苏打.纯碱Na2CO3碳酸氢钠;小苏打NaHCO3氢氧化钠;烧碱.苛性钠NaOH氢氧化钾;苛性钾KOH氢氧化钙;熟石灰Ca(OH)2高锰酸钾;灰锰氧KMnO4氟化钙;萤石.氟石CaF2二硫化亚铁;黄铁矿.硫铁矿FeS2硫酸铜晶体;胆矾.蓝矾CuSO4·5H2O硫酸锌晶体;皓矾ZnSO4·7H2O硫酸亚铁晶体;绿矾FeSO4·7H2O硫酸铝晶体;明矾kAL(SO4)2·12H2O硫酸钙晶体;(生)石膏CaSO4·2H2O硫酸钙晶体;熟石膏.烧石膏(CaSO4)2·H2O硫酸钡晶体;重晶体BaSO4硫酸钠晶体;芒硝NaSO4·10H2O硫酸镁晶体;泻盐MgSO4·7H2O硫代硫酸钠;大苏打.海波Na2S2O3硝酸钾;智利硝石.火硝KNO3硫酸钙和硫酸二氢钙;过磷酸钙(普钙) Ca(H2PO4)2和2CaSO4 磷酸二氢钙;重过磷酸钙.重钙Ca(H2PO4)2一氧化碳和氢气;水煤气CO和H2一氧化碳和二氧化碳;发生炉煤气CO和CO2二氧化碳(固体);干冰CO2碳酸钙;石灰石.方解石.大理石.白垩CaCO3氧化钙;生石灰CaO碳化钙;电石CaC2碳化硅;金刚砂SiC二氧化硅;石英.水晶SiO2硅酸钠溶液;水玻璃.泡花碱Na2SiO3氧化铝;刚玉AL2O3亚铁青化钾;黄血盐K4<Fe(CN)6>铁氢化钾;赤血盐k3<Fe(CN)6>3亚铁氢化钾;普鲁士蓝K4Fe(CN)6碱式碳酸铜;铜绿Cu2(OH)2CO3漂白粉; Ca(CLO)2和CaCL2王水; 浓HNO3和浓HCL(1:3)氧化砷;砒霜As2O3硫化砷:雄黄As2S3氯化汞;升汞HgCL2氯化亚汞;三仙丹HgO硫化汞;辰砂HgS。




(2 易溶于水的有:低级的 [一般指N(C≤ 4]醇、醛、羧酸及盐、氨基酸及盐、单糖、二糖。



③有的淀粉、蛋白质可溶于水形成胶体 ..。



2.有机物的密度小于水的密度,且与水(溶液分层的有:各类烃、酯(包括油脂 3.有机物的状态 [常温常压(1个大气压、 20℃左右 ] (1气态:①烃类:一般N(C≤ 4的各类烃注意:新戊烷 [C(CH3 4]亦为气态②衍生物类:一氯甲烷(..... CH . . 3. Cl . . ,沸点为 .... -. 24.2. . . . ℃ .. 甲醛(... HCHO . . . . ,沸点为 .... -. 21. . ℃ .. (2液态:一般 N(C在 5~16的烃及绝大多数低级衍生物。

如,己烷 CH 3(CH2 4CH 3甲醇 CH 3OH甲酸 HCOOH乙醛 CH 3CHO ★特殊:不饱和程度高的高级脂肪酸甘油酯,如植物油脂等在常温下也为液态 (3固态:一般 N(C在 17或 17以上的链烃及高级衍生物。

如,石蜡C 12以上的烃饱和程度高的高级脂肪酸甘油酯,如动物油脂在常温下为固态 4.有机物的颜色☆绝大多数有机物为无色气体或无色液体或无色晶体,少数有特殊颜色☆淀粉溶液(胶遇碘(I 2变蓝色溶液;☆含有苯环的蛋白质溶胶遇浓硝酸会有白色沉淀产生,加热或较长时间后,沉淀变黄色。






二、教学目标1. 学生能够正确拼读声母“zh、ch、sh、r”和韵母“an、en、in、un、ün”,并能准确书写。

2. 学生能够理解声调符号的作用,并能正确标注重音。

3. 学生能够流利地朗读课文,提高阅读能力。





五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入:教师通过播放一段含有“zh、ch、sh、r”和“an、en、in、un、ün”音节的音频,引导学生关注这些音节。

2. 教学卡片展示:教师出示教学卡片,上面分别写着声母“zh、ch、sh、r”和韵母“an、en、in、un、ün”,让学生拼读并模仿书写。

3. 讲解与示范:教师在黑板上书写声母“zh、ch、sh、r”和韵母“an、en、in、un、ün”,并讲解其书写规则和发音方法。

4. 随堂练习:学生根据教师给出的音节,进行拼读和书写练习。


5. 声调符号教学:教师通过示例和讲解,让学生理解声调符号的作用,并引导学生正确标注重音。

6. 朗读课文:学生齐读课文,注意正确的发音和重音。

六、板书设计板书内容:zh ch sh ran en in un ü七、作业设计1. 作业题目:请学生根据所学内容,完成练习册上的相关练习。

答案:略2. 作业题目:请学生用所学拼音写一段话,描述自己喜欢的动物。

公司理财Submission to ch16-17

公司理财Submission to ch16-17

Submission to Ch16-17 Your saved submission...Student: 朱, 喜 (13030433)Score:98 out of 102 (96%)Date: 06/07/2015 20:58Duration:* 2:11:01 *Workstation: (2) 1. A firm has zero debt in its capital structure. Its overall cost of capital is9%. The firm is considering a new capital structure with 40% debt. Theinterest rate on the debt would be 4%. Assuming that the corporate taxrate is 34%, what would the cost of equity capital with the new capitalstructure be?11.2%10.3%None of these.11.0%13.9%Rs = Ro + (B/S)(1 - Tc)( Ro - rB )Rs = .09 + (.4/.6) (1 - .34) (.09 - .04) = .09 + .022 = .112 = 11.2%(2) 2. The optimal capital structure:is unaffected by changes in the financial markets.will remain constant over time unless the firm makes anacquisition.of a firm will vary over time as taxes and market conditionschange.will be the same for all firms in the same industry.places more emphasis on the operations of a firm rather thanthe financing of a firm.(2) 3. The unlevered cost of capital is:the cost of capital for a firm with no equity in its capitalstructure.equal to the profit margin for a firm with some debt in itscapital structure.the cost of capital for a firm with no debt in its capitalstructure.the interest tax shield times pretax net income.the cost of preferred stock for a firm with equal parts debt andcommon stock in its capital structure.(2) 4. The pecking order states how financing should be raised. In order to avoidasymmetric information problems and misinterpretation of whethermanagement is sending a signal on security overvaluation, the firm's firstrule is to:always issue debt then the market won't know whenmanagement thinks the security is overvalued.issue new equity first.None of these.issue debt with internally generated funds.(2) 5. Thompson & Thomson is an all equity firm that has 500,000 shares ofstock outstanding. The company is in the process of borrowing $8 millionat 9% interest to repurchase 200,000 shares of the outstanding stock. Whatis the value of this firm if you ignore taxes?$21.2 million$21.3 million$21.0 million$20.0 million$20.8 millionPrice per share = $8m ÷ 200k = $40; [(500,000 - 200,000) × $40] + $8m =500,000 × $40 = $20m; Value of the firm is $20m(2) 6. MM Proposition II with taxes:supports the argument that business risk is determined by thecapital structure employed by a firm.reaches the final conclusion that the capital structure decisionis irrelevant to the value of a firm.supports the argument that the cost of equity decreases as thedebt-equity ratio increases.has the same general implications as MM Proposition IIwithout taxes.reveals how the interest tax shield relates to the value of afirm.(2) 7. Conflicts of interest between stockholders and bondholders are known as:trustee distress costs.underwriting costs.(2) 8. The capital structure chosen by a firm doesn't really matter because of:homemade leverage.the interest tax shield.taxes.the relationship between dividends and earnings per share.the effects of leverage on the cost of equity.(2) 9. Your firm has a debt-equity ratio of .75. Your pre-tax cost of debt is 8.5%and your required return on assets is 15%. What is your cost of equity ifyou ignore taxes?12.21%19.88%16.67%21.38%11.25%R e = .15 + (.15 - .085) × .75 = .19875 = 19.88%(2) 10. The Modigliani-Miller Proposition I without taxes states:a firm cannot change the total value of its outstandingsecurities by changing its capital structure proportions.None of these.the determination of value must consider the timing and risk ofthe cash flows.managers can make correct corporate decisions that willsatisfy all shareholders if they select projects that maximizevalue.when new projects are added to the firm the firm value is thesum of the old value plus the new.(2) 11. Financial leverage impacts the performance of the firm by:maintaining the same level of volatility of the firm's EBIT.decreasing the volatility of the firm's net income.decreasing the volatility of the firm's EBIT.None of these.increasing the volatility of the firm's net income.(2) 12. If a firm issues debt but writes protective and restrictive covenants into theloan contract, then the firm's debt may be issued at a _____ interest ratecompared with otherwise similar debt.equalsignificantly higherlowerEither significantly higher or slightly higherslightly higher(2) 13. The tax savings of the firm derived from the deductibility of interestexpense is called the:financing umbrella.current carry forward savings.interest tax shield.depreciable basis.(2) 14. The effect of financial leverage depends on the operating earnings of thecompany. Which of the following is not true?Below the indifference or break-even point in EBIT thenon-levered structure is superior.The rate of return on operating assets is unaffected byleverage.Above the indifference or break-even point the increase inEPS for all equity structures is less than debt-equity structures.Above the indifference or break-even point the increase inEPS for all equity structures is greater than debt-equitystructures.Financial leverage increases the slope of the EPS line.(2) 15. Jasmine's Boutique has 2,000 bonds outstanding with a face value of$1,000 each and a coupon rate of 9%. The interest is paid semi-annually.What is the amount of the annual interest tax shield if the tax rate is 34%?$60,100$62,250$60,750$58,500$61,200Annual interest tax shield = 2,000 × $1,000 × .09 × .34 = $61,200(2) 16. The interest tax shield is a key reason why:the cost of debt is equal to the cost of equity for a levered firm.the value of an unlevered firm is equal to the value of a leveredfirm.firms prefer equity financing over debt financing.the required rate of return on assets rises when debt is added tothe capital structure.the net cost of debt to a firm is generally less than the cost ofequity.(2) 17. The explicit costs, such as the legal expenses, associated with corporatedefault are classified as _____ costs.flotationdirect bankruptcyindirect bankruptcyunleveredbeta conversion(2) 18. In an EPS-EBI graphical relationship, the debt ray and equity ray cross. Atthis point the equity and debt are:at breakeven and MM Proposition II states that debt is thebetter breakeven in EPS but above this point debt increases EPSvia leverage and decreases EPS below this breakeven and debt is the better choice below breakevenbecause small payments can be made.equal but away from breakeven equity is better as fewer sharesare outstanding.equivalent with respect to EPS but above and below this pointequity is always superior.(0) 19. Given realistic estimates of the probability and cost of bankruptcy, thefuture costs of a possible bankruptcy are borne by:debtholders only because if default occurs interest andprincipal payments are not made.→shareholders because debtholders will pay less for the debt providing less cash for the because if the firm defaults they will lose their jobs.None of these.all investors in the firm.(2) 20. When comparing levered vs. unlevered capital structures, leverage worksto increase EPS for high levels of EBIT because:interest payments on the debt vary with EBIT levels.interest payments on the debt stay fixed, leaving more incometo be distributed over less shares.interest payments on the debt stay fixed, leaving more incometo be distributed over more shares.interest payments on the debt stay fixed, leaving less incometo be distributed over less shares.interest payments on the debt stay fixed, leaving less incometo be distributed over more shares.(2) 21. MM Proposition I with corporate taxes states that:firm value is maximized at an all debt capital structure.All of raising the debt-to-equity ratio, the firm can lower its taxesand thereby increase its total structure can affect firm value.None of these.(2) 22. The increase in risk to equityholders when financial leverage is introducedis evidenced by:higher EPS as EBIT increases.None of these.a higher variability of EPS with debt than all equity.increased use of homemade leverage.equivalence value between levered and unlevered firms in thepresence of taxes.(2) 23. MM Proposition I with taxes supports the theory that:the value of an unlevered firm is equal to the value of a leveredfirm plus the value of the interest tax shield.a firm's cost of capital is the same regardless of the mix of debtand equity used by the firm.there is a positive linear relationship between the amount ofdebt in a levered firm and its value.a firm's weighted average cost of capital increases as thedebt-equity ratio of the firm rises.the value of a firm is inversely related to the amount ofleverage used by the firm.(2) 24. In an EPS-EBI graphical relationship, the slope of the debt ray is steeperthan the equity ray. The debt ray has a lower intercept because:the higher the interest rate the greater the slope.a fixed interest charge must be paid even at low earnings.more shares are outstanding for the same level of EBI.the break-even point is higher with debt.the amount of interest per share has only a positive effect onthe intercept.(2) 25. Rosita's has a cost of equity of 13.8% and a pre-tax cost of debt of 8.5%.The debt-equity ratio is .60 and the tax rate is .34. What is Rosita'sunlevered cost of capital?14.60%12.30%14.08%8.83%13.97%.138 = R U + (R U - .085) × .60 × (1 - .34); .17166 = 1.396R U; R U = .12297= 12.30%(2) 26. Reena Industries has $10,000 of debt outstanding that is selling at par andhas a coupon rate of 7%. The tax rate is 34%. What is the present value ofthe tax shield?$3,400$3,000$3,800$2,800$7.000Present value of the tax shield = .34 × $10,000 = $3,400(2) 27. When graphing firm value against debt levels, the debt level thatmaximizes the value of the firm is the level where:the increase in the present value of distress costs from anadditional dollar of debt is equal to the increase in the presentvalue of the debt tax shield.distress costs as well as debt tax shields are zero.distress costs as well as debt tax shields are maximized.the increase in the present value of distress costs from anadditional dollar of debt is less than the increase of the presentvalue of the debt tax shield.the increase in the present value of distress costs from anadditional dollar of debt is greater than the increase in thepresent value of the debt tax shield.(2) 28. The optimal capital structure has been achieved when the:debt-equity ratio is equal to 1.weight of equity is equal to the weight of debt.debt-equity ratio is such that the cost of debt exceeds the costof equity.debt-equity ratio selected results in the lowest possibleweighed average cost of capital.cost of equity is maximized given a pre-tax cost of debt.(2) 29. Which of the following statements are correct in relation to MMProposition II with no taxes?I. The required return on assets is equal to the weighted average cost ofcapital.II. Financial risk is determined by the debt-equity ratio.III. Financial risk determines the return on assets.IV. The cost of equity declines when the amount of leverage used by afirm rises.I and II onlyIII and IV onlyII and IV onlyI and IV onlyI and III only(2) 30. A levered firm is a company that has:some debt in the capital structure.None of these.Accounts Payable as the only liability on the balance sheet.All of these.all equity in the capital structure.(2) 31. The use of personal borrowing to change the overall amount of financialleverage to which an individual is exposed is called:homemade leverage.dividend recapture.personal offset.private debt placement.the weighted average cost of capital.(2) 32. MM Proposition I without taxes is used to illustrate:that one capital structure is as good as another.All of structure changes have no effect on stockholders'welfare.the value of an unlevered firm equals that of a levered firm.leverage does not affect the value of the firm.(2) 33. A firm has debt of $5,000, equity of $16,000, a leveraged value of $8,900,a cost of debt of 8%, a cost of equity of 12%, and a tax rate of 34%. Whatis the firm's weighted average cost of capital?11.05%8.87%7.94%7.29%10.40%WACC = [($16k ÷ $21k) × .12] + [($5k ÷ $21k) × .08 × (1 - .34)= .091429 + .012571 = .1040 = 10.40%(2) 34. The Winter Wear Company has expected earnings before interest andtaxes of $2,100, an unlevered cost of capital of 14% and a tax rate of 34%.The company also has $2,800 of debt that carries a 7% coupon. The debtis selling at par value. What is the value of this firm?$10,852$12,054$9,900$11,748$12,700$10,852(2) 35. The costs of avoiding a bankruptcy filing by a financially distressed firmare classified as _____ structureflotationdirect bankruptcyindirect bankruptcyfinancial solvency(2) 36. Gail's Dance Studio is currently an all equity firm that has 80,000 sharesof stock outstanding with a market price of $42 a share. The current costof equity is 12% and the tax rate is 34%. Gail is considering adding $1million of debt with a coupon rate of 8% to her capital structure. The debtwill be sold at par value. What is the levered value of the equity?$3.7 million$2.4 million$3.9 million$2.7 million$3.3 million$3.7m - $1m = $2.7m(2) 37. In a world with taxes and financial distress, when a firm is operating withthe optimal capital structure:I. the debt-equity ratio will also be optimal.II. the weighted average cost of capital will be at its minimal point.III. the required return on assets will be at its maximum point.IV. the increased benefit from additional debt is equal to the increasedbankruptcy costs of that debt.II, III, and IV onlyII and III onlyI and II onlyI, II, and IV onlyI and IV only(2) 38. A firm has a debt-to-equity ratio of 1. Its cost of equity is 16%, and itscost of debt is 8%. If the corporate tax rate is 25%, what would the cost ofequity be if the debt-to-equity ratio were 0?12.57%None of these.13.33%11.11%16.00%Rs = Ro + (B/S)(1 - Tc)( Ro - rB ).16 = Ro + (1) (1 - .25) (Ro - .08) .16 = ro + .75ro - .06 .22 = 1.75Ro Ro =12.57%(2) 39. Which of the following is true?Investors will generally view an increase in debt as a positive sign for the firm's value.Rational firms raise debt levels when profits are expected to decline.Rational investors are likely to infer a higher firm value from a zero debt level.A firm with low anticipated profit will likely take on a high level of debt.A successful firm will probably take on zero debt.(2) 40. Although the use of debt provides tax benefits to the firm, debt also putspressure on the firm to:meet both interest and dividend payments which when metincrease the firm cash flow.None of interest and principal payments which, if not met, can putthe company into financial increased tax payments thereby increasing firm value.make dividend payments which if not met can put thecompany into financial distress.(2) 41. A general rule for managers to follow is to set the firm's capital structuresuch that:the firm's value is minimized.the firm's bondholders are made well off.the firms suppliers of raw materials are satisfied.the firms dividend payout is maximized.the firm's value is maximized.(2) 42. The reason that MM Proposition I does not hold in the presence ofcorporate taxation is because:dividends are no longer relevant with taxes.levered firms pay less taxes compared with identical unleveredfirms.bondholders require higher rates of return compared withstockholders.All of these.earnings per share are no longer relevant with taxes.(2) 43. Bigelow, Inc. has a cost of equity of 13.56% and a pre-tax cost of debt of7%. The required return on the assets is 11%. What is the firm'sdebt-equity ratio based on MM Proposition II with no taxes?. 44. The proposition that the value of the firm is independent of its capitalstructure is called:MM Proposition II.MM Proposition I.the capital asset pricing model.the efficient markets hypothesis.the law of one price.(2) 45. Salmon Inc. has debt with both a face and a market value of $3,000. Thisdebt has a coupon rate of 7% and pays interest annually. The expectedearnings before interest and taxes is $1,200, the tax rate is 34%, and theunlevered cost of capital is 12%. What is the firm's cost of equity?13.25%13.89%13.92%14.14%14.25%V L = V U + (T c × D) = $6,600 + (.34 × $3,000) = $7,620V L - V D = V E = $7,620 - $3,000 = $4,620R E = R U + (R U - R D) × D/E × (1 - T C) = .12 + [(.12 - .07) × ($3,000 ÷$4,620) × (1 - .34)] = .12 + .02143 = .14143 = 14.14%(2) 46. A key assumption of MM's Proposition I without taxes is:All of these.that financial leverage increases risk.that individuals must be able to borrow on their own accountat rates equal to the firm.managers are acting to maximize the value of the firm.that individuals can borrow on their own account at rates lessthan the firm.(2) 47. The proposition that the cost of equity is a positive linear function ofcapital structure is called:MM Proposition II.the efficient markets hypothesis.the capital asset pricing model.MM Proposition I.the law of one price.(2) 48. The interest tax shield has no value for a firm when:I. the tax rate is equal to zero.II. the debt-equity ratio is exactly equal to 1.III. the firm is unlevered.IV. a firm elects 100% equity as its capital structure.II, III, and IV onlyI and III onlyI, III, and IV onlyI, II, and IV onlyII and IV only(2) 49. Joe's Leisure Time Sports is an unlevered firm with an after-tax netincome of $86,000. The unlevered cost of capital is 10% and the tax rateis 34%. What is the value of this firm?$781,818$946,000$567,600$1,152,400$860,000(2) 50. The firm's capital structure refers to:how much cash the firm holds.the mix of debt and equity used to finance the firm's assets.the way a firm invests its assets.the amount of dividends a firm pays.the amount of capital in the firm.(0) 51. Covenants restricting the use of leasing and additional borrowingsprimarily protect:None of these.the debtholders from the transfer of assets.the equityholders from added risk of default.the debtholders from the added risk of dilution of their claims.the management from having to pay agency costs。



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Theory of Information and Coding
Lecturer: Yang Wen
Reference Books-English Reference Books-Chinese Claude Elwood Shannon
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Elements of Information Theory
Thomas Cover is a well-known researcher for both his excellent and sometimes surprising work in information theory, and his reputation as a teacher. The result here is a very well-written and gentle "overview" of information theory that is designed as a comprehensive introduction to the subject. That all said, I highly recommend this book to
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An Introduction to Information Theory
Like most Dover mathematics books, this is a high-quality reprint of an older textbook (1961). I have read the first 100 pages, and am very impressed thus far. The writing is crisp and clear, and moves at a good pace. The book seems to me to be ideal for selfstudy and as a lead-in to more modern (and complex) treatments. In a way, the age of the book stands in its favor, as Information Theory was just being canonized at about the time of publication. Thus, this book attempts to organize and present about 20 years worth of research, rather than the 60 or so years that modern authors may feel compelled to include.
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Information Theory
This is the best book for self-study of information theory which I have found, and I have looked hard because I am using information theory in my PhD thesis! As far as content, Ash covers all the major topics in information theory, from definitions of basic quantities like mutual information to the mathematical representation of continuous communication channels. One of the best aspects of the book is a set of problem sets at the end of each chapter, each with detailed solutions at the end of the book. They serve as very useful checks on one's understanding. As for structure, Ash manages to cover these topics in a way that is concise and illuminating yet without sacrificing mathematical rigour (note that the book assumes you know basic probability theory and calculus). If anyone wants to learn the mathematical theory of communication, I highly recommend using this book as your guide.
Introduction to Coding and Information Theory
Author:Steven Roman Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (November 26, 1996) ISBN: 0387947043 Average Customer Review:
anybody armed with elementary probability who is interested in the general area of communication, signal processing and information theory.
Information Theory
Author:Robert B. Ash Publisher: Dover Publications (November 1, 1990) ISBN: 0486665216 Average Customer Review:
An Introduction to Information Theory
Author: J. R. Pierce Publisher: Dover Publications; 2nd, rev. ed edition (November 1, 1980) ISBN: 0486240614 Average Customer Review:
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An Introduction to Information Theory
Although old this is still the best book to learn the core ideas of this subject, especially what information "entropy" really means. I read Ash's book, and followed the proofs, but I didn't really grasp the ideas until I read this. The book is geared towards nonmathematicians, but it is not just a tour. Pierce tackles the Perfect for: anyone in main ideas just not all the techniques and special cases. science, linguistics, or engineering. Very good
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11Βιβλιοθήκη Mathematical Foundations of Information Theory
Shannon's paper is great. Easy to read (though many people misunderstand many concepts - I may too) but lacks mathematical rigor. This book has redone several points that Shannon made but more accurately. It requires ergodic theory and measure theory to follow every detail, but some parts may be usable even without much background. I don't think the book is perfectly edited, but I know I paid too little for the knowledge I gained from this book.
Mathematical Foundations of Information Theory
Author: A. Ya. Khinchin Publisher: Dover Publications (June 1, 1957) ISBN: 0486604349 Average Customer Review:
for: everyone else.
2006-9-3 武汉大学信号处理实验室 6
An Introduction to Information Theory