International Business Law 3




•Informal: No special form is required.
(3)valid,void, ) voidable contracts
有效合同、 有效合同、无效 合同、 合同、可撤销合同
•Valid: with legal effect •Void: without legal effect
Legal Sources
• United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods/1988,1,1 , , 【CISG】 】
联合国国际货物 销售(买卖 买卖)合同公约 销售 买卖 合同公约
• Principles of International Commercial Contracts 1994/2004 【PICC】 】
Section 2 Offer
a. relevant concepts
(1) offer )
a definite proposal by one party to enter into a contract with other party.
•Offeror 要约方/要约人 要约方 要约人 •Offeree 受要约方/受要约人 受要约方 受要约人
国际商事合同通则 (2004/1994) )
• The objective of the UNIDROIT Principles is to establish a balanced set of rules designed for use throughout the world irrespective of the legal traditions and the economic and political conditions of the countries in which they are to be applied.



Homework Assignment 3International Business LawEnglish Classes 121-1010, Innovation ClassDue Date: November 30, 2015Name: _______________ Cl ass: _____________ Grade: _____________ NB:1.Upload your answer to moodleclass when you finish it and submit a printout ofyour homework by Monday, November 30, 2015.e the form for filename as indicated below:IBL_3_YourName_English121Task:Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions and explain your choice briefly.Review Questions for Chapters 1 - 41. Which of the following is NOT one of the main sources of international business law?A. National business lawsB. Continental Law and English LawC. International business custom and usageD. International business treaties2. Under what circumstances is a certain specific international agreement (e.g. CISG) binding the parties concerned?A. when both parties are from the signatory nations.B. when both parties agree to opt in.C. when the court makes a judgment on its effectiveness.D. when both parties willingly choose it. Otherwise, it will depend on the court’sjudgment.3. The common law system is based on , while Continental law system is based on .A. Cases; Roman CodeB. Judge’s decision; written codeC. Precedents; StatutesD. Statutes; Precedents4. Definiteness of an offer means that it should be clear, definite and certain on .A. ObjectB. QuantityC. PriceD. All of the above5. Which of the following is NOT true?A. An invitation to offer is not an offer, which indicates an intention to negotiate acontract, not to create a contract.B. An offer will be valid when accepted, while an invitation to treat needs to beconfirmed by the offeror of the invitation.C. A quotation, catalogue, or price list is merely an enquiry, not an offer.D. Auction sales, tender, and all kinds of advertisements are invitation to treat, notoffer.6. Which of the following is true?A. CISG and Chinese Contract Law state that an offer is revocable before itsacceptance.B. UCC provisions: “the offer is irrevocable for a reasonable time not exceeding90 days.”C. Under German law, before or at the time an offer is accepted, revocation of anoffer is effective.D. Under English law, an offer can hardly be revok ed before receiving offeree’sreply.7. Which of the following have contract capacity?A. MinorsB. Mentally Impaired or Incompetent PersonsC. Drunk PersonsD. Indicted persons8. Which of the following is true?A. According to China’s law, one party’s mistake on vital matters can cause acontract void.B. Under French law, one party’s mistake on the very substance of the object cancause a contract to be void.C. The German Civil Code states that a mistake about content can cause a contractto be void, but a mistake of expression doesn’t make a contract to be void.D. Generally speaking, a unilateral mistake cannot make a contract void. Only amutual mistake can make a contract void.9. China is a signatory of CISG, and yet China’s Contract Law Section 2 Article 11 holds that the form of contract shall be .A. WrittenB. OralC. by conductD. All of the above10. Which of the following can not take rescission as a remedy to the breach of the contract?A. Breach conditions in UKB. Material breach in USC. Breach Warranty in UKD. Fundamental breach in CISG11. When compensation is paid as remedy for breach, it should include .A. Specific damagesB. Consequential damagesC. Nominal damagesD. Generally, at least specific damages and consequential damages12. Which one of the following is true?A. Under Common Law, “there should be no liability without fault”.B. Under Civil Law, “there should be no liability without fault”.C. Under CISG, “there should be no liability without fault”.D. Under China’s C ontract Law, “there should be no liability without fault”.。



大陆法各国的法院组织虽然各有特点,但都 有一些共同之处.主要表现在: 法院的层次基本相同;各国除普通法院以外, 都有一些专门法院与普通法院同时并存. 各国法院基本上都分为三级,即第一审法院、 上诉法院和最高法院.
在美国,反共产党、反共产主义和社会主 义,是不需要任何理由的,反本身就是理 由。马克思主义归根到底就是一句话:反 对资本奴役劳动,最终要消灭资本,解放 劳动,未来要让劳动者自由联合,自己为 自己劳动。所以,共产党传承马克思,美 国则是最崇拜资本、最强大的资本主义国 家,谁有资本、谁的资本大,谁就有权利, 谁可以说了算,没有资本就没有发言权。
1)上议院的判决是具有约束力的先例,对全国各级审判机关 都有约束力, 一切审判机关都必须遵循,但上议院可不受其先例的约束. (2)上诉法院的判决可构成对下级法院有约束力的先例,而 且对上诉法院本
身也有约束力. (3)高级法院的每一个庭的判决对一切低级法院有约束力, 对高等法院的其
条约又分双边条约和多边条பைடு நூலகம்(又称公约)
国际惯例,是指国际经济法主体重复类似的行为而上升为 对其具有拘束力的规范. 法律上的惯例与习惯是有本质的不同的,前者一旦被当事 人加以采用,便对该当事人具有法律拘束力,后者只是一种 习惯的行为.从这个意义上说,虽然国际惯例没有普遍的约 束力,无法与国际公约的效力相比,但在某些具体的当事人 之间却有像国际公约一样的强制力.有些国际惯例已经被 某些国家纳入其国内的成文法,从而具有了法律的普遍约 束力.还有些国家的国内法规定,国际惯例的适用无须当事 人明示表示同意.由此可见,目前国际惯例与国际公约在强 制力上的这种区别已经被渐渐淡化了,采用国际惯例已经 成为国际上的一种趋势.我国对国际商事活动中的国际惯 例,历来给予高度的重视,并严格予以遵守.



1.International business is the economic system of exchanging goods, services and intellectual property, conducted between individuals and businesses in multiple countries.2. International business law is the body of rules and norms that regulates business activities carried outside the legal boundaries of states. In particular, it regulates the business transactions of private persons internationally, and the relationship of international commercial organizations.3.International treaties and conventions difference:treaties are binding agreements between two or more states,and conventions are legally binding agreements between states sponsored by international organizations.4.Source of international business law: A.Nation law B.International treaties and conventionsC.International model lawD.International trade customs and usages5.The most important international conventions: The United nations Convention on Contract for the International Sales of Goods(CISG,联合国国际货物销售合同公约)Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading (the Hague rules,海牙规则)The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Paris Convention,巴黎公约)Understanding on the Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU,争端解决规则与程序谅解)6.International model law (国际示范法)means rules and norms worked out and passed by some international organizations for the free choice by nations.7.International trade customs and usage(国际商事惯例) mean the general rules and practices in international trade activities that have become generally adopted through unvarying habit and common use.Influence: not law, but plays an important role.anization Affiliated with UN隶属联合国的组织•The United Nations Economic and Social Council 联合国经社理事会•The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) 联合国国际贸易法委员(promote:international trade through harmonization of trade law among nations.)•International Monetary Fund (IMF)国际货币基金组织IMF Objectives: to promote international monetary cooperation, to facilitate the expansion and balanced growth of international trade and to promote stability in foreign exchange.•The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴开发银行(世界银行)•International Development Association 国际发展协会•International Finance Corporation 国际金融公司9.GATT(关贸总协定与世界贸易组织)--General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Purpose:to commit member countries to the principles of nondiscrimination and reciprocity.WTO—World Trade Organization.The Organization for European Economic Cooperation欧洲经济合作组织international Chamber of Commerce 国际商会10.T he Romano-Germanic Civil Law Family罗马日尔曼民法法系: France, Germany, and Switzerland et11.T he Anglo-American Law Family英美法系: England, America, Indiaetc.(Islamic Law Family伊斯兰法系: Islamic countries).12.T he Differences between the two main legal family•1) The basic source of civil law is codes, the basic source of common law is case law.•2) For the status of law, civil law is independent of government, but common law is superior to government.•3) To the base of legal rules, civil law is based on general principles, while common law is based on specific circumstances.•4) Civil law is most influenced by legislators, while common law is most influenced by judges.•5) For the application of law, in civil-law countries deductive means is widely applied, while in common-law countries, inductive means is applied.•6) For the use of case law as precedents, in civil-law countries it’s respected, but in common-law countries it’s required.1.Specialization(专业化)means that each nation should specialize to itsresource endowment by applying the law of comparative advantages.It enables nations to emphasize the activities at which they are most efficient and at the same time gain certain advantages through trade.parative Advantage(相对优势) countries will specialize in producing several products and services in which they have lower opportunity costs than their trading partners .3.Absolute Advantage(绝对优势)countries will specialize in producing several products and services in which they have lower opportunity costs than their trading partners .4.Opportunity Cost(机会成本)means the value of the benefit that is given up to produce one economic good as opposed to another5.Exporting is divided into:direct and indirect.ernment Control Over Trade: a) Tariffs. b) Nontariff Barriers to Trade. c) Export Testrictions.7.tariffs(关税) are taxes imposed on imports or exports when crossing thecustoms either by value or per unit of quantity.a) ad valorem duty 从价税b)specific duty从量税8.Nontariff Barriers to Trade(非关税壁垒) are all barriers to import and exportother thantariffs. significance: to protect national economy, social and politicalinterest.9.I ntellectual property rights(知识产权): are a grant from a government to anindividual or firm of the exclusive legal right to use a copyright, patent ortrademark for a specified time.10.Copyrights(商标) are legal rights to an artistic or written work11.Patents(专利)are governmental grants to inventors assuring them of theexclusive legal right to produce and sell their inventions for a period of years12.International Licensing Agreement s(国际许可协议): are contracts by whichthe holder of intellectual property right will grant certain rights in that propertyto a foreign firm under specified conditions and for a specified time.13.Technology Transfer(技术转让): the exchange of technology andknow-howthrough arrangements such as international licensing contracts.14.International Franchising(国际特许): is form of licensing that is gaining inpopularity worldwide. The most common form of franchising is known as abusiness operations franchise.1.Applicability of the CISG(适用范围):a)for commercial sales of goods,not forconsumer sales. b)between parties whose places of business are in differentcountries.c)the places of business are located in countries that have ratified theconvention.2.Applicability of the CISG Issues not covered(没有涉及的问题): a)the legalityof the contract. b)the competency of the parties. c)the rights of third parties.3.Sales and issue excluded(排除适用的销售):a)consumer goods sold forpersonal, family or household use; b)goods bought at auction; c)stocks,securities, negotiable instruments, or money; d)ships, vessels, or aircraft;e)electricity; f)assembly contracts; g)contracts that are in preponderant part forthe supply of labor or other services; h)liability of the seller for death orpersonal injury caused by the goods; i)parties agree to exclude the Conventionor they choose other law.4.General Principles of CISG(一般原则): a party has the duty to communicateinformation needed by the other party; parties have the obligation to mitigatedamages resulting from a breach5.R ules of Private International law(国际私法原则)Used only when CISG itselfdoes not directly settle a matter, or when the matter cannot be resolved bytheapplication of a general principle derived from the Convention itself.Purpose:to avoid the possibility that courts will adopt interpretive aids on an ad hocbasis.6.Negotiations(谈判): a) the negotiations leading up to the contract b)the practices which the parties have established between themselves. c) theparties’ conduct after they agree to the contract. Purpose: to do away with thetechnical rules that domestic courts use to interpret contract.7.T he parol evidence rule(口头证据规则)8.Force Majeure(不可抗力)9.Practices and Usages(惯例):•Art.8(3)and 9(1): any practice they haveestablished betweenthemselves. •Art.9(1): any usage which the parties agreedto. •Art.9(2): a usage which the parties knew or ought to have known andwhich is widely known to and regularly observed.10.Principles of International Commercial Contracts(UNIDROIT PICC,国际商事合同通则) is a non-legislative means of unification or harmonization of law inthe area of international commerce. (The most important model laws ofinternational commerce.)11.General principles of the UNIDROIT PICC(一般原则):Freedom of Contract;openness to Usages; Favor Contractus; Observance of Good Faith and FairDealing in International Trade.12.The Purposes of the PICC: A model for national and international legislators;A means of interpreting and supplementing existing international instruments; Aguide for drafting contracts; The PICC as rules governing the contract.13.T he Importance of CISG: The CISG was unanimously adopted in 1980 by adiplomaticconference held in Vienna, it represents a landmark in the process ofinternational unification of law. The importance is further demonstrated by thefact that the number of decisions rendered by both state courts and arbitraltribunals in its applications is rapidly increasing.14.T he Shortcomings of CISG: a) CISG is less comprehensive in contents; b)some provisions in UNIDROIT are more reasonable and suitable; c) thetrade-encouraging principle is better embodied in UNIDROIT.15.Incoterms(国际贸易术语) is a set of trade term definition published by theInternational Chamber of Commerce (ICC), which provides rules to determinethe obligations of both seller and buyer. (First published in 1936,the newestrevision is in 2000.)16.EXW: Ex Works(工厂交货) FCA:free carrier(货交承运人) FAS: free alongsideship(装运港船边交货) FOB: free on board (装运港船上交货) CFR: cost andfreight(成本加运费) CIF: cost, insurance and freight(成本、运费加保险费) CPT:carriage paid to(运费付至) CIP: carriage and insurance paid to(运费、保险费付至) DAF: delivered at frontier(边境交货) DES: delivered ex ship(目的港船上交货) DEQ: delivered ex quay(目的港码头交货) DDU: delivered duty unpaid(未完税交货) DDP: delivered duty paid(完税后交货)1.Contract(合约): A) English Law: A promise or a set of promises, for breach ofwhich the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in some wayrecognizes as a duty.•B) American Law: A promise or a set of promises that the law will enforce or atleast recognize in some way.•C) French Civil Code1101: Contract is a mutual assent withwhich one person ormore is obligated to give a thing, to do or not to do a thing to one person ormore persons.•D) China Contract Law: A contract is an agreement establishing, modifying andterminating the civil rights and obligations between natural persons, legalpersons or other organizations.2.Form of Contract(合同的形式):means whether a contract is made inwriting or orally•A) English Law: early period required that contract be in writing. 1906 revisedSales of Goods Act repealed the writing requirement.•B) American Law: UCC requires that contracts for sale of goods for $500 or thatmore must in writing. However, at present many exceptions to this rule makemost oral sales of contracts enforceable.•C) CISG: contracts of sale need not be concluded in or evidenced by writing andis not subject to any other requirements as to form. It may be proved by anymeans, including witnesses.•D) UNIDROID PICC: almost the same with CISG•E) China Foreign Economic Contract Law:a contract will be established whenthe parties reach agreement on the articles in writing and sign their names.3.Validity(有效性):under the common law, a valid contract is anagreement that contains all of the essentials of a contract.4.Contract contains four elements(合同四要素): a) it is an agreementbetween the parties entered into by their mutual assent. b) the contract mustbe supported by legally sufficient consideration. c) the parties must have legalcapacity. d) the contract must not be for illegal purposes or to carry on anactivity that is illegal or contrary to public policy.5.Offer(要约) :An offer is a proposal by one person to another indicating anintention to enter into a contract under specified terms.6.Requirements of offer(要约的要求):a) an offer must be addressed toone or more specific persons.; b) an offer must be sufficiently definite andindicates the intention of the offeror to be bound; c) an offer becomes validwhen it arrives at the offeree.7.An offer(inCISG)can’t be revoked(撤销) (a) if it indicates that it isirrevocable or (b)if it was reasonable for the offeree to rely on the offer as beingirrevocable and the offeree has acted in reliance on the offer.pse of Offer(要约的失效):a) On the death either of the offeror or theofferee before acceptance.; b) By non-acceptance within the time prescribed foracceptance by the offeror; c) when no time for acceptance is prescribed, bynon-acceptance within a reasonable time.9.Revocation of offer(要约的撤销):means that the offeror notifies theofferee before acceptance of the invalidity of the offer so as to be free from it.10.Acceptance(接受):The acceptance is the offeree’s manifestation of theintention to be bound to the terms of the offer.11.Requirements of Acceptance: a) must be made by the offeree; b) mustbe made within the period of validity; c) must match the terms of the offerexactly and unequivocally.12.The mirror image rule(镜像原则):The rule requires that an acceptancebe unconditional and that it not attempt to change any of the terms proposed inthe offer.13.Consideration(对价) is some benefit received by a party who gives apromise or performs an act, or some detriment suffered by a party who receivesa promise. Under common law, it is one of the three elements of contractformation.14.General Rules on Consideration(对价的一般原则): a) is required for allsimple contract( not under seal); b) must have a value recognized by law butneed not be equal to the promise; c) must be present or future and cannot bepast; d) must be possible to perform; e) must be legal; f) must move from thepromisee; h) must not be too vague; I) performance of an existing contractualduty is not valuable consideration.15.Exceptions(例外) to the Consideration Requirement: a) contract underseal (密封的合同); b) promissory estoppel (禁止反言)16.Misrepresentation(错误陈述):the basic idea of misrepresentation is thatone party makes false statement and the other party thus enters into a contractby justifiably relied on it.17.Elements of Misrepresentation(错误陈述的要素): misrepresentation ofa material fact and the harmed party justifiably relied on the statement.18. A material fact is one that would contribute to a reasonable person’sdecision to enter the contract.19.Three types of misrepresentation(三种类型):fraudulentmisrepresentation(欺诈性)--the representor made a falsestatement(Remedies:damages); innocent misrepresentation(无意的)--therepresentor did not know the statement was false and was not recklesslyindifferent about its truthfulness(Remedy:avoidance of the contract); negligentmisrepresentation(过失的)--the representor makes a false statement innocentlybut carelessly(Remedy:damages);20.Mistakes(误解):(under common law) mean a misunderstanding betweenparties about a fact to the contract.(Under common law,there three types ofmistakes:commonmistake;mutualmistake;unilateral mistake.)21.Mistakes: (under Civil Law) :“Error relating to the nature ofcontractedobject amounts to the cause for an invalid contract.”22.Mistakes:(under The UNIDROID PICC)as”an erroneous assumptionrelating to facts or to law existing when the contract was concluded.”23.Mistakes:(under China Contract Law)A party shall have the right torequest the people’s court or an arbitration institution to modify or revoke thefollowing contract:(1)those concluded as a result of seriousmisunderstanding;(2)those that are obviously unfair at the time whenconcluding the contract.24.Serious misunderstanding:(1)misunderstanding to the nature ofcontract;(2)misunderstanding to the other party;(3)misunderstanding to thequality of the contracted object;(4)misunderstanding to the assortment of thecontracted object;(5)misunderstanding to the price and expenses.25.Fraud(欺诈):under Common law,the legal term is scienter.T o prove fraud,one must prove the other party: (1)Knowingly made with a)Know exactly thathis states was false;b)Know that he did not have a basis for thestatement;c)Without being confident that his statement was true. (2)Intent todeceive: can be inferred from the fact that the defendant knowingly made amisstatement of fact to a person who was likely to rely on it. Remedies:rescind the contract or affirming the contract and suing in tort for damagesresulting from the fraud.26.Duress(胁迫):(under common law)is wrongful coercion that induces aperson to enter or modify a contract.27.Elements to be established:(1) the contract was induced by an improperthreat;(2) the victim had no reasonable alternative but to enter the contract.28.Undue Influence(不正当影响):a party uses a position of influence topersuade the other party to enter a contract that provides the stronger partywith a direct or indirect benefit.29.Purpose of Undue Influence: to protect the old, the timid, and thephysically or mentally weak from those who gain their confidence and attemptto take advantage of them.30.Types of Undue Influence:1) the defendant occupied a legally recognizedposition of authority of influence(special relationships: parent and child; trusteeand beneficiary; doctor and patient; solicitor and client; guardian and ward;religious adviser and devotee);2) the defendant did not occupy a legallyrecognized.31.Unconscionable Conduct(不公平行为):A contract may be avoidable onthe grounds of unconscionable conduct.。


➢ 英国的法院体系比较复杂,有高级法院和低级法院两类。前者包括上议院(枢密院司
➢ 英国法分为普通法与衡平法,这种二元性结构是英国法的一个主要特点。

商务英语阅读(专业篇) Unit 8

商务英语阅读(专业篇)  Unit 8
National law plays an important role in international business law. For instance, the parties may choose Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China as the applicable law to make a contract…
International Business Law International business law regulates various affairs of international business transaction and international commercial organizations. International business law includes usually: contract law, sales law, company law, negotiable instrument law, marine law, insurance law,etc. Business law is born and develops with the development of commodity economy. Historically, business law came into being during the ancient Roman period(B.C.700) as early as 2600 years ago, but at that time business law was only a part of private law. Modern international law refers chiefly to European business law which originated from “Law merchant” of Middle-Ages.


© 2009 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Prentice Hall
Theoretical Study Introduction to International and Comparative Law 国际法与比较法入门 State Responsibility and Environmental Regulation 国家责任和环境规制 Dispute Settlement 争端解决 Trade in Goods 货物贸易 Services and Labour 服务与劳务 Intellectual Property 知识产权 Sales 销售
Defining International Law Making International Law Sources of International law Scope of International Law in Practice International Persons Individual Rights Under International Law Comparison of Municipal Legal Systems
© 2009 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 1
© 2009 Pearson Education Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall 1-1
5. United States---Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products 美国 —虾及虾产品进口限制案



国际商法(International Business Law):国际商法是调整国际商事关系的法律规范的总称。
















2.2 International Business Law[共7页]

2.2 International Business Law[共7页]

Nations and other international bodies. It is true that international courts and tribunals such as the International Court of Justice or dispute body of the WTO do issue judgments against nations. But it is based on the precondition that nations must agree to be a party to these cases, and enforcement mechanism like in the national law does not really exist. The enforcement mechanisms in international law may include diplomacy, the withholding of foreign aids or assistance, trade sanctions and retaliation, or war. In certain cases, where individuals are convicted of having committed international crimes, prison sentences and the death penalty will be law and private international law.rules affecting the relationships between nations. It might cover the rules for resolving territorial disputes, for conducting diplomacy or war and for how human rights are protected and so on.corporations when they go beyond the border of one country. It might include the rules for enforcing the wills of deceased persons who have owned property in more than one country, for settling the disputes arising from international sales and so on.A. Defining International Business Lawthat regulates the cross-border transactions in goods and services between parties. Here “parties” include natural persons, legal persons, and international organizations. Under a few of circumstances, states may also be a party to international transactions in the capacity of commercial not sovereign entity. Besides, states also play a unique role in regulating and supervising the international business between private parties in its capacity of a sovereign.B. History of International Business Lawthe creation of merchants. In the twelfth century, medieval Europe experienced a renaissance包括国际条约法、国际海洋法、外层空间法、国际人权法、战争法和国际人道主义法、国际争端解决等内容。

chapter 1 国际商法概述解析

chapter 1 国际商法概述解析

调整范围局限于商事关系 营利性是商事行为的主要特征 特别法优先于普通法
四、我国的民商立法概况 P13-14
案例分析 P15-16
一、案情介绍: Gaskin V. Stumm Handel GMBH
二、思考角度: 1、真实意思表示 VS 合同内容约定 2、欺诈 or 误解 or 疏忽 3、合同约定 VS 法律规定
高等教育出版社 2012年版
Chapter One
Introduction to International Business Law
Key Terms
International business law 国际商法
第二节 渊 源(形式渊源)
一、国际商事条约 Conventions 双边条约和多边条约
二、国际商事惯例Customs 一般做法general practice
习惯usage 惯例custom
第三节 中国民商法概述
一、民法 Civil Law 市民法jus civile 万民法jus gentium
1、概念 调整平等主体间的财产关系和人身关系 2、调整对象 财产关系:物质性财产和非物质性财产 人身关系:人格权和身份权 3、基本原则 平等、自愿、公平、诚信、守法和公序良俗




















国际商法International Business Law

国际商法International Business Law

一、国际商法International Business Law二、国际商法的概念(一)定义(What is international business law?)International business law is the body of rules and norms that regulates activities carried out outside the legal boundaries of states. In particular, it regulates the business transactions of private persons internationally,and the intermantional relationships of international commercial organizations.调整国家之间、不同国家和地区的商事组织之间以及它们之间在从事国际商事交易活动中所形成的各种关系的法律规范的总称。





四、国际商法的渊源(一)国际商事条约(international treaties and conventions)Legally, treaties are binding agree-ments between two or more states, and conventions are legally binding agree-ments between states sponsored by international organizations, such as the United Nations.The following are the most important international conven-tions: CISG, Hague Rules, WTO’s DSU, etc.1、优点:对缔约国具有确定的法律约束力,通过并入或转化使其成为国内法的一部分。

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1、人格混同。 2、不当控制。 3、财产混同。 4、资产严重不足。
,故法院并不轻易使用“揭开公司面纱原则”,其在实例 中确定了严格的标准。具体案件一般由法官根据不同情况 两合公司
法在中国境内设立的有限责任公司和股份有限公司 。
所组成的,股东以其出资额为限对公司债务承担责 任的公司。是现代公司的一种基本形式。
公司,子公司具有企业法人资格”。所以,子公司 有独立的名称、章程和组织机构,有法定的资本, 可以自己的名义对外交往,并以公司的资产对公司 债务承担有限责任。子公司再设立或控制的更低层 次的公司相对于母公司来说,则为孙公司、曾孙公 司等。所以,更准确地说,母公司和子公司的关系 应为“控制公司”和“附属(或‘从属’)公司”的 关系。母公司或控制公司为于公司或附属公司规定 经营方针,甚至对其具体的经营和交易活动作出指 示,子公司或附属公司鉴于其组织上的隶属关系必 须遵守或服从。
的名义进行活动;第二,分公司没有自己的章程和独立 于总公司的组织机构,它代表或代理总公司在一定的范 围内开展活动;第三,分公司没有独立的财产,其从事 活动的财产是由总公司拨付的,依法列入总公司的资产 负债表;第四,分公司在经营活动中产生的债权债务关 系由总公司承担,并由总公司以其全部财产对该债务负 清偿责任。分公司的这些特点,使之可以依托总公司的 实力和信用进行活动,从而易于获得交易相对人和社会 的信任。银行和保险公司等社会对其信用度要求较高的 企业,通常即采取设立分公司、而非设立于公司的方式 来拓展业务和活动空间。
第四节 公司法
一、公司及公司法概述 二、公司的分类 三、公司的设立 四、公司的资本 五、公司的组织机构 六、 公司的合并、分立、解散和清算
般均以民商法予以规制。但是,在法律上,关于“公司 ”一词的含义,不同国家因所属法系不同而有不同表述 。
发达,生产社会化程度低,公司出现较晚,公司立法 也较为滞后,直到鸦片战争后的洋务运动时期,我国 者出现了公司企业和公司立法。我国历史上的首家公 司,是1861年由美国鸦片商人开办的旗昌洋行会同十 几家其它商行和中国买办,筹资白银100万两,在上 海创立的以长江航运为业的“旗昌轮船公司”;最早 的公司立法是1903年(光绪二十九年)清朝政府颁布 的《公司律》;1914年(民国三年)国民政府颁布《 公司条例》,1930年(民国二十九年)另订《公司法 》,至今仍在台湾沿用。
司法人独立地位和股东有限责任,逃避债务,严重损 害公司债权人利益的,应当对公司债务承担连带责任 。 至此,我国也由公司法确立了揭开公司面纱原则,但 执行仍存在标准不明的困难。
立地对其法律行为和债务承担责任,公司的股东以其 出资额为限对公司承担有限责任。公司与其股东具有 相互独立的人格,当公司资产不足偿付其债务时,法 律不能透过公司这层“面纱”要求股东承担责任。 所谓“刺破公司面纱”,是指在某些情形下,为保护 公司之债权人,法院可揭开公司之面纱,否定股东与 公司分别独立之人格,令股东直接负责清偿公司债务 。
》,肯定了公司可以作为私营企业的组织形式的存在 ,但至56年社会主义改造完成后,我国曾一度实行单 一的公有制企业形式,公司制度被废止; 实行改革开放后,基于发展社会生产力对企业组织形 式变革的客观要求,现代公司企业才在我国得以复生 和迅速发展。在此期间,国家颁布实施了若干行法规 与规章(如1985年国务院颁发的《公司登记管理暂行 规定》、1992年国家体改委等6个部委联合发布的《 股份制企业试点办法》、《股份有限公司规范意见》 、《有限责任公司规范意见》等),用以规范改革中 出现的公司的组织和行为;
对内:公司人员之间、公司机构之间 对外:公司与政府间、公司与平等第三人之间
公司法的指引下完成,不得违背公司法确定的基本原 则。
的独立人格作为一般原则,鼓励投资者在确保他们对 公司债务不承担个人风险的前提下大胆地对公司投入 一定的资金,又不能容忍股东利用公司从事不正当活 动,谋取法外利益,将公司人格否认作为公司人格独 立必要而有益的补充,使二者在深沉的张力中,形成 和谐的功能互补。
股票、股份不得随意转让、行政管理机构较为简单 、仍带有人合性,属于人资混合。
公司的范畴,而这种公司、尤其是家族性或规模较 小的有限公司,也兼有人合甚至完全属于人合的性 质。一般而言,有限公司除了股东可以依法承担有 限责任外,其余在公司的经营依赖股东间的相互信 任关系、所有权与经营权一般不分离、公司资本或 出资的流动性较小、小的有限公司在对外交往尤其 在获得银行贷款时要靠股东个人的信用等方面,与 合伙和无限公司很相像。在允许自然人一人设立有 限公司的国家或地区,其人合性质就更为显著。
立的,全部资本被划分为若干均等的股份由股东共 同持有,所有股东均以其所持股份为限对公司债务 承担责任,公司以其全部资产对公司承担责任的企 业形式。
司”等,是指以一个或几个国家为基地或母国,制 订并服从统一的经营方针或战略,在两个或两个以 上的国家设有分支机构、子公司或附属公司的企业 或企业集团。
司或控制公司的概念只说明公司间的组织关系,而 不反映公司的经营性质;控股公司的概念则着重反 映公司的性质和目的是控股、而非从事或主要不是 从事具体的业务活动,有时也在“控股的公司”的 意义上使用这一概念。所以,控股公司应属于母公 司或控制公司的范畴。
跨国公司。 3)按公司之间关系性质的不同,分为母公司和子公 司、总公司和分公司
(3)两合公司 (4)股份有限公司
公司的各个层次的公司与母公司之间及其相互之间 ,或者连锁控制的若干公司之间,都属于关联企业 的范畴。由于母公司、子公司和关联企业都是法人 ,为了防止这些公司利用其法人资格,相互勾结从 事不当交易、不当经营行为或不当输送利益,损害 他人利益及社会经济秩序,法律上须对其相互间的 关系加以控制和调整,即形成有关关联企业暨关联 交易制度。
企业制度的建立,完善公司制度,促进社会主义市场 经济的发展,1993年12月29日,第八届全国人民代表 大会常务委员会第五次会议通过了《中华人民共和国 公司法》,该法共11章230条,于1994年7月1日起施行 ;1999年12月25日,第九届全国人民代表大会常务委 员会第十三次会议通过《关于修改〈中华人民共和国 公司法〉的决定》,对该法的部分条款进行了修改。 随着市场经济的发展,2005年10月27日第十届全国人 大十八次会议再次通过的新《公司法》,并于2006年 1月1日起正式实施,成为公司运行的新准则。
制、依附关系的分类。在不同公司之间的控制与被 控制、依附与被依附的关系中,处于控制和被依附 地位的公司是母公司,处于被控制和依附地位的则 是子公司。母公司或控制公司与子公司或附属公司 之间虽然有控制与被控制的组织关系,但依国际惯 例和我国的《公司法》,它们在参与外部的交易和 管理关系时,都具有法人资格。
行划分,分“公司”其实只是公司的分支机构,并 非真正意义上的公司。《公司法》第14条第1款规 定:“公司可以设立分公司,分公司不具有企业法 人资格,其民事责任由公司承担。”
,有权管辖公司的全部内部组织如各个分部门、分 公司、科室、工厂、门市部等的总机构。分公司也 需依法设立及登记,但其作为公司的一种分支机构 ,不具有法人资格,设立比较方便,程序简单。