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Hawkeye and the Mohicans lead the group to safety in a cave near a waterfall, but Huron allies of Magua attack early the next morning. Hawkeye and the Mohicans escape down the river, Magua and the Hurons capture Heyward, Gamut, and the Munro sisters, and Magua offers to spare the party if Cora becomes his wife, but she refuses. Upon a second refusal, he sentences the prisoners to death. Hawkeye and the Mohicans rescue all four, and lead them to a dilapidated building. They are nearly attacked again, but the Hurons leave the area, rather than disturb the graves of their own fellow-countrymen. The next day, Hawkeye leads the party to Fort Henry, past a siege by the French army.
Hawkeye's Mohican friend The son of Chingachgook, he is the last of the Mohicans.
A deceitful Huron guide who wants Cora as his wife.
Background O Cooper set this novel during the
Magua and his Hurons suffer painful defeat, but a rogue Huron kills Cora. Uncas begins to attack the Huron who killed Cora, but Magua stabs Uncas in the back. Magua tries to leap across a great divide, but he falls short and must cling to a shrub to avoid tumbling off and dying. Hawkeye shoots him, and Magua at last plummets to his death.
Daughters of Lieutenant Colonel Munro A soldier charged with escorting Cora and Alice Munro from Fort Edward to Fort William Henry.
A white trapper raised by the Mohican tribe
1404 四组 PPT
The novel
Background Characters’ relationship Main Plot Theme
Characters’ relationship
Cora Munro Alice Munro Duncan Heyward Hawkeye Chingachgook Uncas Magua
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In 1757, Munro’s daughters Alice and Cora set out from Fort Edward to visit their father, escorted through the dangerous forest by Duncan Heyward and guided by an Indian named Magua. Soon they are joined by David Gamut, a singing master. Traveling cautiously, the group encounters the white scout Natty Bumppo, who goes by the name Hawkeye, and his two Indian companions, Chingachgook and Uncas, the only surviving members of the once great Mohican tribe. Hawkeye says that Magua, a Huron(休伦人), has betrayed the group by leading them in the wrong
Munro sends Hawkeye to Fort Edward for reinforcements; but he is captured by the French, who deliver him to Fort Henry without the letter. Heyward returns to Colonel Munro and announces his love for Alice, and Munro gives his permission for Heyward's courtship.
Seven Years' War, an international conflict between Great Britain and France, which had a front in North America known by the Anglo-American colonists as the French and Indian War. The conflict arrayed British colonial settlers and minimal regular forces against royal French forces, with both sides also relying on Native American allies. The war was fought primarily along the frontiers of the British colonies from Virginia to Nova Scotia.
Heroism is the main theme of this book. In the native, wild, virginal country of America, where life is uncertain at all times, the characters stand for their inherent bravery.
最后一个莫西干人ppt课件 1404四组ppt novelbackground characters' relationship main plot theme characters' relationship coramunro alicemunro duncanheyward maguadaughters lieutenantcolonel munro soldiercharged escortingcora alicemunro from fort edward fortwilliam henry. whitetrapper raised mohicantribe hawkeye?s mohican friend chingachgook,he mohicans.adeceitful huron guide who wants cora hiswife. background coopersetthisnovelduringtheseven years? war, internationalconflict between great britain france,whichhadafrontinnorthamericaknownbytheanglo-american colonists frenchandindianwar. conflictarrayed british colonialsettlersandminimalregular forcesagainstroyalfrenchforces, bothsides also relying nativeamericanallies.thewarwasfoughtprimarilyalongthefrontiers ofthebritishcoloniesfromvirginia tonovascotia. plotplot 1757,munro's daughters alice father,escorted through dangerousforest duncanheyward indiannamed magua. soon theyarejoinedbydavidgamut,asinging master. traveling cautiously, groupencountersthewhitescoutnattybumppo, who
A few days later, the English forces call for a truce. Munro learns that he will receive no reinforcements for the fort and will have to surrender. He reveals to Heyward that Cora’s mother was part “Negro,” which explains her dark complexion and raven hair. Munro accuses Heyward of racism because he prefers to marry blonde Alice over dark Cora, but Heyward denies the charge. During the withdrawal of the English troops from Fort William Henry, the Indian allies of the French indulge their bloodlust and prey upon the vulnerable retreating soldiers. In the chaos of slaughter, Magua manages to recapture Cora, Alice, and Gamut and to escape with them into the forest.