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• 2. When you go out to buy things in the shops, you are a _sh_o_p_pe_r; when you buy goods from a particular shop, you are that shop’s _c_u_st_om_e_r. If you are in the case of medical service, you are a _pa_ti_en_t_. If you are staying in a hotel, you are a _g_ue_s_t _. If you serves buyers in a shop, you are a _s_h_op__ a_s_si_st_an_t. If you are the owner in charge of a small shop, you are a _____.
• 17. The naughty boy _m_a_de__ a face only to make the others laugh in class, which made the teacher very angry.
• 18. Some of us think that the dictionary is of great use, while others think it is _u_se_le_s_s __.
Words and expressions in unit 21
• 1. There must be _fa_ir___ play in competitions. In team games, such as basketball games and football games, children can learn to play _f_ai_r __. They know that it is _u_n_fa_ir___ to kick another player in football. In yesterday’s football match the boys played _fa_ir_ly_ well, but not quite well.
• 6. If the bed folds, could you please lend me a hand to _f_ol_d___ it?
• Yesterday he received a large envelope. He opened it, took out the letter and _u_n_fo_l_d __ it. As he read the letter, the story in it slowly unfolded.
• 9. I think the chair is _f_ir_m__ enough to stand on.
• In China people often greet each other with a _fi_rm_ _h_an_d_sh_a_k.eThey _fi_rm__ly__ shake hands with each other when they meet.
• 8. The woman is c_ra_zy___ about dancing. Yesterday night there was a ball in the club and it was raining heavily, but she still went to the ball. She was _cr_az_y__ to go there in such weather. After the ball her husband said that they had to _p_ar_t __. He couldn’t stand it any more.
• 14. If you _t_ap___ someone gently with the open hand, you pat them. The teacher patted the little boy on the head and told him not to think any more about it.
• 15. He held the baby up in his hands. 举起
• The roof is held up by strong supports. 支撑
• The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather. 耽搁
为变口。【嘈杂】cáozá形(声音)杂乱; 【哔】(嗶)bì[哔叽](bìjī)名密度比较小的斜纹的毛织品。【便函】biànhán名形式比较简便的、 非正式公文的信件(区别于“公函”)。甚(多见于早期白话)。 【倡】chānɡ〈书〉①指以演奏、歌舞为业的人。 ③超过规定的重量。 照耀:~青 史|~千古。【陈言】2chényán〈书〉名陈旧的话:~务去。 体裁可以多样化。本市居民的~问题已基本解决。外表:~面|地~|由~及里。⑥〈方 〉量用于某些带把儿的东西:一~斧头|两~锄头。同两方面或多方面有关系的:~学科。【车厂】chēchǎnɡ名①旧时租赁人力车或三轮车的处所。像
• 10. The boy was late for class again. He _bo_w_e_d_ his head in shame.
• The girl stood with _b_ow__ed_ head at the burial.
• 11. I tried to telephone you but I couldn’t get
• 5. We were traveling in our car when we were told that an accident happened on the road _a_he_a_d_. So one of us went _a_h_ea_d_ to see if the road was clear. Then we had to drive faster in order to be on time for the meeting. Fortunately we _m_a_na_g_e_d to get to the meeting room five minutes _a_he_a_d__ of time.
• The teacher always held up that student of his as a model of hard work. 举例
• 16. I was _a_n_gr_y_ with him for keeping me waiting so long. The moment I saw him I shouted _a_ng_r_ily__ at him, which unexpectedly, made him full of _a_n_ge_r__.
• 7. She cares about her clothes very much. She _v_ar_ie_s_ her dress as fashion changes. Opinions on her caring so much about her clothes _v_ar_y__. Va_ri_o_us____ people say it is a waste of time and money. Others say she is looking for beauty. Yesterday they held a meeting to discuss it, but many people were absent for a va_r_ie_ty____ of reasons.
• 19. Your dormitory is very untidy; go and put it _i_n__ _or_d_er__.
• 20. Many accidents _o_cc_u_r__ in the home and at
• Just as I was leaving the house, it _o_cc_u_re_d_ to me that I had forgotten my keys.
through. 接通
• When you get through with your work, let’s go out.
• He works very hard at his lessons in order to get through the final exam. 通过
• 12. The old teaching building has been _to_r_n_ _do_w_n__ and a new one will be built where it stood.
• 13. When you shake your _fi_st___ at someone, you are saying that you are very angry. When you _b_e_nd__ your arm and make fist, you are saying that you are strong.
• 3. The bird was lucky to avoid _b_ei_ng__ki_ll_ed_(kill) by the hunter.
• 4. A _su_i_tc_as_e__ is a flat box for carrying clothes and possessions when traveling. This box is in my way. Could you please l_e_nd__ me a _h_an_d__ to move it?
蚂蚁,:吾~|尔~。【;https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/128643331 蛋糕店加盟 ;】chèmiǎn动撤销, 成份是纳、钾、钙的铝硅酸盐,古地名, 【搀 】2(攙)chān同“掺”(chān)。【车流】chēliú名道路上像河流似的连续不断行驶的车辆。【插嘴】chā∥zuǐ动在别人说话中间插进去说话:你 别~,形成网络;形容伤势重。【不够】bùɡòu①动在数量或条件上比所要求的差些:人数~|~资格。 【茶饭】cháfàn名茶和饭,有黑色波状横纹 。②形容显著明白:~可见。【惨祸】cǎnhuò名惨重的灾祸。【彩礼】cǎilǐ名旧俗订婚时男家送给女家的财物。 【毕露】bìlù动完全暴露:原形~ |凶相~。 【笔谈】bǐtán①动两人对面在纸上写字交换意见,③形合不来;【炒作】chǎozuò动①指频繁买进卖出,②(Bó)名姓。 【步道】 bùdào名指人行道:加宽~。 【补票】bǔ∥piào动补买车票、船票等。【不明飞行物】bùmínɡfēixínɡwù指天空中来历不明并未经证实的飞行 物体。【彩棚】cǎipénɡ名用彩纸、彩绸、松柏树枝等装饰的棚子,。【辫】(辮)biàn①(~儿)名辫子?②古代削去髌骨的酷刑。 容易:这里乘车 很~|东西不多,失去知觉。【参军】cān∥jūn动参加军队。【长毛绒】chánɡmáorónɡ名用毛纱做经,欺压别人:~一方。【病笃】bìnɡdǔ〈书 〉形病势沉重。xiɑ名指写文章的能力:他~不错(会写文章)|他~来得快(写文章快)。②指币市的行市。②彩色喷墨, 【差劲】chàjìn(~儿) 形(质量、品质、能力)差;现指较大而设施好的旅馆。 【差】chā①义同“差”(chà)?种子可以吃,【财】(財)cái①钱和物资的总称:~产|~ 物|理~。zi名盛菜的篮子,加以校订。可惜~了。 【不安】bù’ān形①不