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Now , oursideofthecarconstantmoreup , theenvironmentalsoincreasinglyworse!Thattheairaroun dustherearemanyharmfulsubstances 。

Therefore , wewanttoSuearoundthingsstarttodo。

Forexa mple, weca n gotoscho ol bybikeo rwa lk, itc anex ercis e。

Ify ouha vetime can useless el evator, m a nyclimbst airs0 we can noton lyphy sicalexer c ise, buta Is otoprot ect ourenv iron ment o





Th erearesti 1 lmanypro bl emsofen vir onment alpr
otect ionin rece ntyear s o o neofthe mo stseriou s problemsi stheseriou spollution ofair, wat e randsoil。

t hepollu ted airdoe sgre athar mtope ople,sheal th。

Thepoll ut edwaterc a usesdisea sesanddeat h。

whatismo re, vegeta, t ionhadbe en greatly red ucedwi thth erapi dgrow thof modern cit ies。

T o protectth eenvironme nt, governm entsofman y countrie sh avedone alo to Legi slat ivest epsha vebe enintr odu cedtoco nt rolairpo 1 lution, to protectthe forestands earesourc e sandtost op anyenvi ron mental poll ution。

Ther efor e, gove rnm entsare pl ayingthe m osti mpor t antrolei nt heenvironm ent alprot e ctio ntod ay o
Inm yopi nion, topro tect enviro nme nt, theg ov ernmentm u sttakeeve nmoreconcr etemeasure s o First, i t shouldle tp eoplefu lly realiz ethe impor tance ofen vironm ent alprote ct ionthrou g heducatio n。

Second, m uchmoreeff ortsshoul d bemadeto pu tthepop ula tionpl anni ngpol icyin topr actice , be causemo re peopleme a nsmorepeo plemeansmo repollutio n。

Finally , thosewho de stroyth een vironm enti ntent ional lysh ouldbe sev erelypu ni shedo wes h ouldletth emknowthat destroying environme n tmeansde st royingm ank indthe msel ves。











第二,应更加努力把计划生育政策付诸实施, 因为人口多就意味着污染严重。



To pic:
E n vironment alproblems areasbigas notforind i vidualco un tryorin div idualp eopl etoad dress 。

Ino therwo rd, wehaver ea chedthes t agethaten vironmenta lproblemsb esolvedfo r internet io nalview o To whatex tent doyou agree ordi sagree ?
Inrecen t years, man ynationsha vebeemorea wareofthe e nvironme nt alissue sea chnati onfa ces, s uchas aira ndwa te rpo llution。

T heques ti o nis, are th eenvironme ntalissues anational p roblemor an in ter na tio nalpro blem ?Itis mybel ieft hatthe env ironmen ta lissuesh a vegrownto thepointof beinganint ernationa 1 problemn ee dingint ern ationa lcoo perat ionto reso lve。

Be causeoft h edifferen cesinenvir onmentalpo licies, re s ourcesan dt ech nolo gy, in tern atio nalco opera tion
couldp rov idequic ke rresuIts a ndhaveagr eaterimpac tonbringin gresoluti o ntoenvir on mentalp rob lemsfo rnat ionso fdiff erin genvir onm entalpo li ciesando f lesserres ourcesandt echnology。

Bypooling i nternati on alresou rce sandte chno logyt oaddr esst heenvi ron merit alp ro blems, th e disadva nt agedna tion sareprovid edtheassi s tancenee de do other wis etheir envi ronme nt ale ondi tionsd ete riorate ul ti mately a ffectingt heresource sandenviro nmentofth e worldasa wh ole。

oneo fthed iffic ulit iestoa nin ternati on alresolu t iontoenvi ronmentali ssuesisthe differenc e inindivi du alnatio nsv iewand poli ciest oward envi ronmen tai protect io n。

Inorde r forintern ationalcoo perationto occurands u cceed, th en ationso fth eworld must submi tthem selv edtoin ter nations Is tandards a ndsupervi sionbyanin ternationa lmissione 1 ectedbyt he par tici pat ingna t ions of the world。

All member smu stagree to abidebyt h estandard sestablish ed。

Thee n vironmen ta lissues fac ingeac hcou ntrya renot unre latedt oth ewe 11 be in gofthere s tofthewor ld o Theimpa ctislongte rmandinte r national in scope。

w ith outint erna tiona lcoop erat ionand agr eementt oa ddresssu c henvironm
entalissue sasglacial meltingat t heSouthP ol e, deple tio nofthe ozon elaye r, wat erpo llutio n, a irpolut io n, etc。

,t h eenvironm entalcondi tionsofthe worldwill d eteriora te tothede tri mentof ever ynati on, no tjus tthose tha tignore or lackther e sourcesan dtechnolog ytoresolve theirindi v idualenv ir onmenta lpr oblems。

A spar tofthe sam eplanet , i tisthere s ponsibili tyofeachin dividualan dnationto p rotectth eg lobalen vir onment。

onl yinte rnati onal cooper ati onwillp ro videthet i melysolut ionsandthe effectiven essneeded t ostopthe de teriora tin ggloba lenv ironm ent。

withth eimproveme ntofourliv ingstanda r d, morean dm orepeop lec anaffo rdac ar o As aresu It, o urroad sar emoreof te nthannot c rammedwit hears o Howe ver, withmo reandmore w astegasb ei ngdisch arg edbyth ecar s,
thepro ble mofairp ol lutionbe e sevenmore seriouso So nowadayswe advocatet o leadalow -c arbonli fe。

mys ugges tion iswesh oul dridebi ke smoreoft e ninsteado fdrivingca rs。

Byridin gabike , we c annotonl ye xercise our bodybu tals oprot ectou renv ironme nto whynoth av eatry, my d earfriend s?





什么不试试,我亲爱的朋友?保护环境的英语作文(五):Asweallkn ow, theenvi ronmentaro undusisge t tingwors ea ndworse /mo reandm ores eriou slyto day0 wateri spo lluted, we havenocl e anwaterto drinko many treesarecu ttingdown , someanim al sareget tin glessa ndle sso So mefac tori esarep our ingdirt ya irintoth e sky o Thepo pulationis increasing fasterand f aster, re so urcesar ege ttingl essa ndles s・・・etc。

Not onlydo esi taffect ou rlivesan d health, it alsohasagr eataffecti oninthefu t ure。

Peop le,shealt hha sbeeng reat lyaff ected byai r, nois ean dwaterp ol lution o m a nypeopled iedofdisea ses。

Inorde rtoliveab e tterlife , s omethin gmu stbedo neto stopt hepol luti orio
It' sou rdutyto pr otectour e nvironmen t。

weshould n' tthrowaw ayrubbish e verywher e。

Treesar eve ryhelp fula ndimp ortan tfor us o wes hou ldplant mo reandmor e treesinor dertoliveb etterandmo rehealthy i nthefutu re。

Ife very onema kesco ntri bution top rotecti ng theenvir o nment , the worldwillb eemuchmore beautiful。

Inaword, if every on epa ysmore atte ntion toour envi ronmen t, t
herewil lb elesspol 1 utionando urlifewill bebetter o
“ Thereison 1 yoneeart h” , Ihopee ver yonewi llpr otect ouren viro nmentw ell。

w iththedeve lopmentof o ursociet y, energyi nth eworld bees morea ndmor elim ited, s oit isquite im portantf o rustosave energyandt oprotectou renvironm e nt。

Asas t ud ent, the rea real ot ofme t hods we can doto saveen erg yathome 。

F or exampl e , firs t, we canturnoff thelightas wellasoth e rapplian ce swhenwe are notusi ngth em o Se cond, recy clethe was tewater 、p aperando t herwastes othatwecan reusethem。

whasmor e , itissug ge stedtou sep ublict rans porta, tionm orei nstead ofp rivatec ar s。

Abov eall, every onecanmake agreatcon t ribution to ourenvi ron merit。

I hope Icanl earnm oret odevel opn ewandcl ea renergy, 1 ikeenergy fromthewin dandsolaro 保护环境的英语作文(七):
w hate an I do forou renv ironme nt?
Every o necandoso methingfor ourenviron ment。

Form e , Ishould tr ytosave ele ctrici tyin mydai lylif eo Fo rexamp le, ifIamth el astperso n leavethec lassroomin theevening , Iwillalw a ysrememb er toturno fft heligh ts。

I norde rtopr otec tourfo res ts, Iwil lu sepaperw i sely o Isho uldtrytous ebothsides ofpaperwh e neveriti sp ossible。

Iw illnot uset hings likep aper cupsan ddi sposabl ec hopstick s becauseth eyaremadeo fwoodo Ibel ievethatd o ingal 1th es esma.1 It
hin gswill impr oveou renvi ronm entand hel pmakeou rw orldabet t erplaceto livein。

ouren vir onment isve ryimp ortan tfor ourliv es。

weneedt he freshair , thecleanw aterandsoo n。

Inthepas t, therewe r emanytre es aroundu s, t heairw asfr eshan dther iver wascle an o Butnow, pe oplecutd o wnmanytre es0 Airpoll utionondwo terpollou t ionareve ry serious。

Th eenvir onme ntaro undus bees veryte rri ble o wes ho uldpr ote c to urenvir onment 0 Fir st, weshoul dplantman y treestok ee pwater o Sec ond, we canr ideab ikeor walk tothes cho olandwo rk。

Third, w eshouldn" tthrowthed irtywateri ntotheriv e r。

Fourth 、w eshould n,t usethe plas ticba gs。

Fi nall y,
weca nas kmorepe op letojoin u s o 保护环境的英语作文(九):
G o odenviro nm entcanm ake people feel happy andfi to To improv eth eenviro nm entmeans t oimproveo urlife。

w eshouldpl a ntmoretr ee sandflo wer saroun dus。

wesho uldn' tcut themdo wn o weshoul ds topfacto r iesfrompo uringwaste waterintot heriveran d wastegas
in totheai r o
when everw esee litter ont hegroun d, weshould p ickitupan dthrowitin todusbins o Neverspit i npublico Do n,tdraw onp ublicw alls。

It,s ourdu tyto protec tth eenviro nm ent o 保护环境的英语作文(十):
Inmodern s ociety, w et endtobe emo reandm orea wareo fourl ivin genvir onm entorph ys icalenvi r onment, be causeweare notcleanas before o So m anypeopl en owchoos eth eirhou seas toits envir onme ntbutn oti tslocat io nandexpe n sestoaffo rdit。

Aswea 11know, the environme n tpolluti on ismorea ndm oreser ious dur in gthes eyea rs, wha twe coulddo is to makegr e atefforts inprotecti ngenvironm entgradua 1 ly o Astog ov ernment pol lution , ast omonp eople 。

wea lsotry top rotecti ta ndmakeit r emainclea n o Although wehavemana gedtoprot e cttheenv ir onmentt oac
ertain exte nto It issti llav erylon gwa ytogOo。
