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In western culture: It is the symbol of evil. People think dragon is the epitome of evil,is aferocious monster, is the incarnation of the devil. 人们却认为dragon 是邪 恶的代表, 是一种狰狞的 怪兽, 是恶魔的化身
In China : The dragon is the symbol of the sacred and the dragon is also the symbol of auspicious, authorit y, dignity and prosperity (吉祥、权威、高贵和 繁荣)
In the western culture: The dog is a symbol of loyalty(忠诚). it is man's most loyal partner.
As the saying goes : Not mislike mother ugly, dogs don't mind home (儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家穷 )
In Chinese: culture, people are afraid to see or hear the cry of the owl it, think it's bad omen.(汉文化中 人们害怕看到猫头鹰 或听到它的叫声,认 为这是倒霉的前兆)
But in western culture:The owl is the symbol of wisdom. (在西方文化中猫头鹰则是智慧的象征)
Different connotative meanings animal’s in Chinese and western culture
Class:the software design class one
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In China:
In Han nationality's traditional psychology , the dog is a humble animal, used to des理中,狗是一 种低贱的动物,常用 来比喻卑鄙丑恶的人)
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