模块3 BIOS基本设置(AB)一、单项选择题(2*20)1.主板上唯一贴有激光防伪标签的芯片是__________A. 主板BIOS芯片B. MCH芯片C. ICH芯片D. CMOS RAM芯片2.对于使用Award BIOS的电脑,要进入BIOS设置程序,开机时应该按的键是__________A.DEL B.CTRL+ALT+ESC C.ESC或DEL D.F23.在Phoenix-Award BIOS设置界面中,要加载优化默认值,应按的键是__________ A.F10B.F5C.F6D.F74.一台使用Award BIOS的计算机,开机时发出一长九短的响声,故障原因是__________A.常规错误B.内存条未插好或损坏C.主板FLASH RAM或EPROM错误,BIOS损坏D.电源、显示器未和显示卡连接好5.一台使用Award BIOS的计算机,启动时发出一长三短的响声,故障原因是__________A.RAM或主板错误B.显示器显卡错误C.键盘控制器错误D.常规错误6.一台使用AWARD BIOS的计算机,启动时发出不断地长声响,可能的故障部件是__________A.内存条没插好或损坏B.电源有问题C.系统正常启动D.电源、显示器和显卡未连接好7.对于使用Phoenix-Award BIOS的计算机,要减少启动时间,可采取的措施是__________A.将Quick Power ON Self Test 设置为EnabledB.将CPU Internal Cache设置为DisabledC.将第一启动盘设置为光驱D.将Virus Warning 设置为Enabled8.对于使用Phoenix-Award BIOS的电脑,要改变计算机启动设备的启动顺序,应在BIOS主界面选择__________A.PnP/PCI Configurations B.Advanced BIOS FeatruesC.Advanced Chipset Featrues D.Integrated Peripherals9.一台计算机启动时显示“Override enable-Defaults loaded”,故障原因是_______ A.CMOS电池电力不足B.内存测试失败C.内存奇偶校验错误D.BIOS设置不当10.某计算机启动时显示“CMOS battery failed”,可能的故障原因是__________ A.CMOS电池电力不足B.CPU故障C.内存奇偶校验错误D.BIOS设置不当11.BIOS在主板上的位置一般是__________A. 靠近CPU插座B. 内存插槽附近C. 插槽或SATA接口附近D. 集成在南桥芯片中12.电脑启动时,主板的logo盖住了BIOS的自检信息,要关闭logo显示,应按的键是__________A.ESC B.F1 C.TAB D.F6 13.对于使用Award BIOS 的电脑,要使用系统引导过程中侦测到任何错误均不停止引导,应将Halt on项设置为__________A.No Errors B.All ErrorsC.All,But diskette D.All,But disk/key14.一台使用Award BIOS的计算机,开机时发出一长一短的报警声,故障原因是__________A.显示器或显卡错误B.内存条或主板错误C.电源有问题D.键盘控制器错误15.一台使用Award BIOS的计算机,启动时发出一声短响,其含义是__________ A.常规错误B.内存刷新失败C.电源故障D.系统正常启动16.对于使用Phoenix-Award BIOS的电脑,要禁用主板上的集成声卡,应在BIOS 主界面中选择的项目是__________A.Standard CMOS Features B.Advanced BIOS FeaturesC.Advanced Chipset Featrues D.Integrated Peripherals 17.对于使用Phoenix-Award BIOS的电脑,要使开机和进入BIOS设置时均输入密码,应将Security Option项的值设置为__________A.Disabled B.Enabled C.System D.Setup 18.在Phoenix-Award BIOS中,Virus Warning(病毒防护)项主要保护的是________ A.系统引导扇区和分区表B.硬盘的目录区C.文件分配表D.硬盘文件19.某电脑启动时显示“Display switch is set incorrectly”提示信息,可能的故障原因是_______A.内存测试失败B.硬盘安装失败C.内存奇偶校验错误D.显示开关配置错误20.UEFI全称是_____________________,用于操作系统自动从预启动的操作环境加载到一种操作系统上,支持图形界面、鼠标操作,大容量硬盘等,可替代BIOS。
英特尔 DCI 用户指南说明书
Debugging via Intel® DCI User´s GuideRelease 02.2023Debugging via Intel® DCI User´s GuideTRACE32 Online HelpTRACE32 DirectoryTRACE32 IndexTRACE32 Documents ......................................................................................................................Intel® DCI [Direct Connect Interface] ..........................................................................................Debugging via Intel® DCI User´s Guide (1)Introduction (4)4-wire DCI OOB4 DCI OOB Hardware6 DCI DbC7 Target System Requirements8 Related Documents8Start a TRACE32 Session using Intel® DCI (9)Prepare Your Target9 Connecting to an Intel® SoC using DCI OOB9 Connecting to an Intel® Client or Server System using DCI OOB10 Connecting to an Intel® SoC using DCI DbC11 Connecting to an Intel® Client or Server System using DCI DbC12Troubleshooting (13)DCI error: no response to connect pattern13 Could not stop the target13 Target Power Fail13Intel® DCI Specific Commands (14)DCI Commands to configure the Intel® DCI trace handler14 DCI.DESTination Set trace destination14 DCI.ON Enable trace handler14 DCI.OFF Disable trace handler15 SYStem.DCI Intel® DCI specific SYStem commands16 SYStem.DCI.Bridge Select DCI bridge16 SYStem.DCI.BssbClock Configure DCI OOB clock rate16 SYStem.DCI.CKDIrouting Routing of the CK and DI signals17 SYStem.DCI.DisCONnect Force DCI disconnect17 SYStem.DCI.DOrouting Routing of the DO signals18 SYStem.DCI.PortPower Configure VBUS19 SYStem.DCI.TimeOut Configure timeouts of internal operations20Intel® DCI Specific Functions (21)In This Section21 SYStem.DCI.Bridge()Currently selected DCI bridge21 SYStem.DCI.BssbClock()Currently selected DCI OOB clock21 SYStem.DCI.TIMEOUT()Timeouts of internal operations22Debugging via Intel® DCI User´s GuideVersion 10-Feb-2023 IntroductionThe Intel® Direct Connect Interface (DCI) allows debugging of Intel® targets using the USB3 port. The technology supports debugging via the USB Stack (DCI DbC) as well as a dedicated protocol using a USB3 connector only (DCI OOB).4-wire DCI OOBDCI OOB uses a special protocol on the USB3 pins. This makes the mode independent of the actual USB implementation on the target board. This allows debugging of cold boot scenarios, reset flows, and sleep states.A BThe figure above illustrates a typical setup. A Power Debug Module with a CombiProbe and a Whisker Cable DCI OOB (LA-4515) [A] is connected to the debug host running TRACE32 PowerView. On the target side the Whisker Cable DCI OOB connects to a USB port of the target system using a short USB cable [B].TRACE32 sends DCI commands encoded in the DCI OOB protocol to the target system. In the target system the commands are decoded by the OOB module and forwarded to the DCI module where they are translated to JT AG sequences. These JT AG sequences allow to access the internal T AP of the SoC/PCH as well as externally connected JT AG devices (e.g., the CPU of a client or server system).T race data can be exported through the DCI module and recorded by the CombiProbe.DCI OOB HardwareIn the following the available DCI OOB hardware is shown.Whisker Cable DCI OOB for CombiProbe Version 1Whisker Cable DCI OOB for CombiProbe Version 2A USB cable to target system D USB connector for target system B VBUS jumper E 34-pin expansion connector (proprietary)C Cable to CombiProbeA USB cable to target system D USB connector for target system B VBUS sliderE 34-pin expansion connector (proprietary)C Cable to CombiProbeABCEDABCDEDCI DbCDCI DbC allows debugging using the OS USB stack.The figure above illustrates a typical setup. TRACE32 only runs on the debug host. The target system connects to the debug host using a USB cable.TRACE32 sends DCI commands encoded in the USB protocol to the target system using libusb and the USB Stack of the operating system. In the target system the commands are decoded by the USBimplementation and forwarded to the DCI module where they are translated to JT AG sequences. These JT AG sequences allow to access the internal T AP of the SoC/PCH as well as externally connected JT AG devices (e.g., the CPU of a client or server system).T race data can be directly exported via USB and recorded by TRACE32 on the debug host. DCI DbC also provides a DMA capability for fast download of the system RAM. Support of these capabilities by TRACE32 depends on the used target system.For using DCI DbC, please observe the “System Requirements” (usbdebug_user.pdf).Target System RequirementsFor debugging using Intel® DCI your target system must fulfill the following:•The BIOS must enable DCI debugging or provide a user option to do so. Please contact your BIOS manufacturer to clarify if your BIOS conforms to the Intel® BIOS Writer's Guiderequirements for DCI support.•For using DCI OOB, the USB part of your target system must be electrically designed such that DCI OOB signaling is not blocked. This is of special importance for USB Type-C solutions.Details about these requirements can be found in the appropriate Intel® Platform Design Guide.Related Documents•“Intel® x86/x64 Debugger” (debugger_x86.pdf)•“Debugging via USB User´s Guide” (usbdebug_user.pdf)Start a TRACE32 Session using Intel ® DCIPrepare Your TargetIrrespective of which DCI variant is used, debugging via DCI needs to be activated in the BIOS of the target system first. Please contact your BIOS manufacturer for instructions.Connecting to an Intel ® SoC using DCI OOB1.Connect your TRACE32 hardware and start the TRACE32 software, as described in “Starting a TRACE32 PowerView Instance” (training_debugger_x86.pdf).2.For SoCs configure the CPU, e.g., by executing the following command:3.Establish the debug connection:On a successful connect, the TRACE32state line displays “running” or “cpu power down”:You are now ready to debug the x86 core using DCI OOB. For information on how to continue, please refer to:•“Training Basic SMP Debugging for Intel® x86/x64” (training_debugger_x86.pdf) or •“Intel® x86/x64 Debugger” (debugger_x86.pdf)SYStem.CPU APOLLOLAKESYStem.AttachConnecting to an Intel ® Client or Server System using DCI OOB1.Connect your TRACE32 hardware and start the TRACE32 software, as described in “Starting a TRACE32 PowerView Instance” (training_debugger_x86.pdf).2.For client or server systems configure CPU, PCH, and core number e.g.:The results are displayed in the AREA.view window:3.Establish the debug connection:On a successful connect, the TRACE32state line displays “running” or “cpu power down”:You are now ready to debug the x86 core using DCI OOB. For information on how to continue, please refer to:•“Training Basic SMP Debugging for Intel® x86/x64” (training_debugger_x86.pdf) or •“Intel® x86/x64 Debugger” (debugger_x86.pdf)SYStem.CONFIG PCH SUNRISEPOINT SYStem.DETECT CPU SYStem.DETECT CORESSYStem.AttachConnecting to an Intel ® SoC using DCI DbC1.Install the target USB driver and start a TRACE32 session for USB debugging as described in “Debugging via USB User´s Guide” (usbdebug_user.pdf).2.For SoCs configure the CPU, e.g., by executing the following command:3.Select the IntelUSB0 debug port and configure the USB parameters for the debug connection, e.g., by executing the following commands:In this example, “1.” is the number of the debug enabled interface, “0x8087” is the vendor ID of the target system and “0x0A73” is the product ID of the target system.These parameters can be determined interactively as described in “Select a USB Device via the GUI” (usbdebug_user.pdf). For details, please refer to B .4.For tracing via DbC, add the configuration for the trace interface, e.g.:5.For using DMA via DbC, add the configuration for the DMA interface, e.g.:6.Establish the debug connection:On a successful connect, the TRACE32 state line displays “running” or “cpu power down”:You are now ready to debug the x86 core using DCI DbC. For information on how to continue, please refer to:•“Training Basic SMP Debugging for Intel® x86/x64” (training_debugger_x86.pdf) or •“Intel® x86/x64 Debugger” (debugger_x86.pdf)SYStem.CPU APOLLOLAKESYStem.CONFIG DEBUGPORT IntelUSB0SYStem.CONFIG USB SETDEVice Debug 1. 0x8087 0x0A73SYStem.CONFIG USB SETDEVice Trace 2. 0x08087 0x0A73SYStem.CONFIG USB SETDEVice DMA 3. 0x08087 0x0A73SYStem.AttachConnecting to an Intel ® Client or Server System using DCI DbC1.Install the target USB driver and start a TRACE32 session for USB debugging as described in “Debugging via USB User´s Guide” (usbdebug_user.pdf).2.Configure the PCH your board is using, e.g., by executing the following command:3.Configure the USB parameters for the debug connection, e.g., by executing the following commands:In this example, “1.” is the number of the debug enabled interface, “0x8087” is the vendor ID of the target system and “0x0A73” is the product ID of the target system.These parameters can be determined interactively as described in “Select a USB Device via the GUI” (usbdebug_user.pdf). For details, please refer to B .4.Run the following commands to detect CPU and core number automatically:The results are displayed in the AREA.view window:5.Establish the debug connection:On a successful connect, the TRACE32 state line displays “running” or “cpu power down”:You are now ready to debug the x86 core using DCI DbC. For information on how to continue, please refer to:•“Training Basic SMP Debugging for Intel® x86/x64” (training_debugger_x86.pdf) or •“Intel® x86/x64 Debugger” (debugger_x86.pdf)SYStem.CONFIG PCH SUNRISEPOINTSYStem.CONFIG DEBUGPORT IntelUSB0SYStem.CONFIG USB SETDEVice Debug 1. 0x8087 0x0A6ESYStem.DETECT CPU SYStem.DETECT CORESSYStem.AttachTroubleshootingThe following describes some possible error scenarios, along with suggestions how to resolve them: DCI error: no response to connect patternTRACE32 did not receive any response from the target.•Make sure the USB cable is connected to a DCI enabled USB port.•Make sure DCI is enabled in the BIOS of the target system.•Configure the DO-Routing manually. For details, see SYStem.DCI.DOrouting.•In case you are using a USB Type-C connector, try flipping the plug.•Consider removing common mode chokes in the USB path.Could not stop the targetTRACE32 could not halt the processor, but the DCI connection is working.•Make sure debugging is enabled in the BIOS of the target system.Target Power FailUsing DCI TRACE32 cannot detect whether the target system is powered. Thus all connection losses are interpreted as power fails. In case you are encountering target power fails, but your target system ispowered:•Try a lower DCI OOB clock. For details, see SYStem.DCI.BssbClock.•Consider removing common mode chokes in the USB path.Intel® DCI Specific CommandsDCI Commands to configure the Intel® DCI trace handlerThe Intel® DCI trace handler is a hardware module of the Intel® DCI implementation on the target system.This module is responsible for forwarding trace data coming from the Intel® T race Hub to a DCI transport.The DCI command group allows expert control of this hardware module. If using the Intel® T race Hub commands this configuration is done automatically (see ITH commands).See also■ DCI.DESTination ■ DCI.OFF ■ DCI.ON ■ SYStem.DCIDCI.DESTination Set trace destination Format:DCI.DESTination [OOB | DBC]Configures to which destination the trace data is routed.OOB (default)Stream the trace data to the Intel® DCI OOB interface.DBC Stream the trace data to the Intel® DCI DbC interface (USB).See also■ DCIDCI.ON Enable trace handler Format:DCI.ONEnables the trace handler.See also■ DCIDCI.OFF Disable trace handler Format:DCI.OFFDisables the trace handler.See also■ DCISYStem.DCI Intel® DCI specific SYStem commandsUsing the SYStem.DCI command group, you can configure target properties as well as the DCI OOB hardware.See also■ SYStem.DCI.Bridge ■ SYStem.DCI.BssbClock ■ SYStem.DCI.CKDIrouting ■ SYStem.DCI.DisCONnect ■ SYStem.DCI.DOrouting ■ SYStem.DCI.PortPower ■ SYStem.DCI.TimeOut ■ SYStem.state■ DCI❏ SYStem.DCI.Bridge() ❏ SYStem.DCI.BssbClock()▲ ’Intel® DCI Specific Functions’ in ’Debugging via Intel® DCI User´s Guide’SYStem.DCI.BridgeSelect DCI bridgeConfigures TRACE32 for the specific DCI bridge implementation used in your system. For known Intel ® SoCs and PCHs this setting is done automatically based on CPU/PCH settings.See also ■ SYStem.DCI❏ SYStem.DCI.Bridge()SYStem.DCI.BssbClockConfigure DCI OOB clock rateConfigures the operating frequency used by the TRACE32 DCI OOB hardware. The maximum frequency is 100 MHz. Format:SYStem.DCI.Bridge <bridge_name>Format:SYStem.DCI.BssbClock <frequency> [<slow_frequency>]<frequency>Frequency during normal operation. Default: 100MHz.<slow_frequency>Frequency used during connect and during low power phases. The default is based on the selected platform.Example: Set frequency to 50 MHz.SYStem.DCI.BssbClock 50.MHzSee also■ SYStem.DCI ❏ SYStem.DCI.BssbClock()SYStem.DCI.CKDIrouting Routing of the CK and DI signals Format:SYStem.DCI.CKDIrouting [STRAIGHTthrough | CROSSover] Configures how the CK and DI signals are mapped to the super speed rx signals on the USB 3 connector of the target. This configuration option is available for 4-wire DCI OOB only. The configuration must be set before trying to connect.STRAIGHTthrough The signals CK and DI are routed in compliance with the Intel DCIspecification. Set if the rx signals are connected one-to-one from the chipto the USB port.CROSSover The signals CK and DI are routed contrary to the Intel DCI specification.Set if the rx signals are connected cross-over from the chip to the USBport.See also■ SYStem.DCISYStem.DCI.DisCONnect Force DCI disconnect Format:SYStem.DCI.DisCONnectT erminates the low-level DCI connection.Normally TRACE32 will manage the connect and disconnect of the DCI connection used for the debug session automatically. However, in some cases explicit termination of the DCI connection is required, e.g., when TRACE32 is used together with the T32 Remote API.NOTE:SYStem.DCI.DisCONnect will not care about the overall state of your debugsession before disconnecting.T o avoid problems, execute SYStem.Down on all TRACE32 instances beforeexecuting this command.See also■ SYStem.DCISYStem.DCI.DOrouting Routing of the DO signals Format:SYStem.DCI.DOrouting [AUTO | STRAIGHTthrough | CROSSover] Configures how the DO signal pair is mapped to the super speed tx signals on the USB 3 connector of the target. This configuration option is available for 4-wire DCI OOB only. The configuration must be set before trying to connect.AUTO (default)TRACE32 tries to detect the routing automatically.STRAIGHTthrough The signals DO+ and DO- are routed in compliance with the Intel DCIspecification. Set if the tx signals are connected one-to-one from the chipto the USB port.CROSSover The signals DO+ and DO- are routed opposed to the Intel DCIspecification. Set if the tx signals are connected cross-over from the chipto the USB port.See also■ SYStem.DCISYStem.DCI.PortPower Configure VBUS Format:SYStem.DCI.PortPower <mode><mode>:OFFDISchargeSDPCDPDCPAUTODCPBC12DCPDIVSome TRACE32 DCI OOB hardware can drive the VBUS pin of the USB port from the debugger and emulate a USB charging port.Preconditions:•Base module is PowerDebug USB3.0 or PowerDebug Pro.•“Whisker Cable DCI OOB for CombiProbe Version 2”, page 6.•The yellow slider on the CombiProbe Whisker must be set to on.The following modes are available:OFF (default)Do not drive VBUS.DIScharge Discharge VBUS.SDP Standard Downstream Port according to the USB2.0 specification.CDP Charging Downstream Port according to the USB 2.0 BC1.2specification.DCPauto Dedicated Charging PortIn this mode the used DCP scheme is automatically detected.DCPBC12Dedicated Charging Port according to USB 2.0 BC1.2 specification.DCPDIV Dedicated Charging Port - Divider ModeD+ and D- of the USB port are driven to 2V and 2.7V, respectively.See also■ SYStem.DCISYStem.DCI.TimeOut Configure timeouts of internal operations Format:SYStem.DCI.TimeOut <operation> <time><operation>:SETtingsJTAGPMChandshakeConfigure the timeout for certain internal operations. Do not change unless instructed to do so by the Lauterbach support.The current value can be obtained using the SYStem.DCI.TimeOut() function.See also■ SYStem.DCI ❏ SYStem.DCI.TIMEOUT()Intel ® DCI Specific Functions In This SectionSee also■ SYStem.DCI ❏ SYStem.DCI.Bridge() ❏ SYStem.DCI.BssbClock() ❏ SYStem.DCI.TIMEOUT() SYStem.DCI.Bridge()Currently selected DCI bridge [build 68208 - DVD 09/2016]Returns the name of the currently selected DCI bridge. The bridge is selected with the SYStem.DCI.Bridge command.Return Value Type : String .Example :SYStem.DCI.BssbClock()Currently selected DCI OOB clock [build 68208 - DVD 09/2016]Returns the value of the current DCI OOB clock rate. The clock rate is configured with the SYStem.DCI.BssbClock command.Parameter Type : String .Return Value Type : Decimal value .Syntax:SYStem.DCI.Bridge() PRINT SYStem.DCI.Bridge()Syntax:SYStem.DCI.BssbClock(<clock_name>) <clock_name>:ACTIVE | DEFault | SLOW ACTIVEThe currently active DCI OOB clock. DEFaultThe value of the DCI OOB clock used during normal operation.SLOW The value of the DCI OOB clock used during connect and low powerphases.Example:PRINT SYStem.DCI.BssbClock(ACTIVE)SYStem.DCI.TIMEOUT()Timeouts of internal operations[build 79617 - DVD 02/2017] Syntax:SYStem.DCI.TIMEOUT(<operation>)<operation>:JTAG | SETtings | PMChandshakeReturns the current timeout of an internal operation. The timeout can be configured using theSYStem.CONFIG DCI.TimeOut command.Parameter Type: String.Return Value Type: Time value.。
win7 系统管理训练作业3
6.遇到弹出窗口时,选择有Internet Explorer决定如何打开弹出窗口(I)。
9.在Windows CardSpace 添加卡并设置为考生姓名。
10.选择Windows 安装更新的重要更新为检查更新,但是让我选择是否下载和安装更新。
11.卸载Adobe Photoshop CS4、搜狗拼音输入法和新思路等考通一级MS。
TKT-Tianjin Module 3-答案&解析
TKT- Tianjin Module 3ANSWERS1-8 C G B H D A E IKey Words:1. Nominating: To choose and name one learner to speak or do a particular task.2. reformulating:重新组建3. drilling=Practice9-15 C F B G H A DKey Words:1. Contextualize: To put new language into a situation that shows what it means.2.auxiliary verb:助动词16-21 C F A G D EKey Words1.linking:连读2. Collocation: Words which are regularly used together. The relation between the words may be grammatical, for example, depend on, good at22-27 B B C A C AKey Words1. recommendation: 建议28-33 E A G C 32B/D 33D/FSome Questions1. 第32题: B 和D 分歧B项:由于涉及到要看以前的试卷所以可能是通过以前错误的回顾,对现在错误进行更正。
D项:涉及到看以前卷子,所以有可能会想到exam practice2. 第33题:D和F 分歧D项:题目中涉及到too slow for me,所以可能是上课节奏问题F项:题目中涉及到extra classwork,所以可能是家庭作业34-40 E A H F D B CKey Words1. 注意此类改错题目真题出现频率高41-47 B D G C H F EKey Words1. task-based approach 任务型教学法48-54 B D H E G F AKey Words1. Kinesthetic learner: 好动学员55-61 C B D A C D B62-67 B C C A C B68-73 B A A C B CKey Words1. Prompt:To help learners think of ideas or to remember a word or phrase by giving them a part of it or by giving another kind of clue.74-80 F E A B G H D。
89c51 (3)
主要特性•CPU核心:基于MCS-51架构,运行频率可达12MHz•存储器:4KB Flash ROM、128B RAM•IO口:32个单向/双向可编程引脚•定时器/计数器:2个16位定时器/计数器,1个可编程独立定时器/计数器•串行通信口:可支持多种通信协议,如SPI和UART•中断系统:可支持4级中断,包括外部中断和定时器中断•低功耗模式:可进入休眠模式以降低功耗架构和指令集89C51采用Harvard体系结构,包含4个主要部分:CPU 核心、存储器、IO口和定时器/计数器。
存储器包括4KB的Flash ROM用于存储程序代码,以及128B的RAM用于存储临时数据。
其中,常用的开发工具有Keil C51和SDCC。
Keil C51是一款专为89C51系列单片机开发的集成开发环境(IDE),提供了代码编辑、编译、调试等功能。
课外作业一、理论填空题1、台式、笔记本、平板、智能手机2、硬件、软件3、中央处理器、存储、输入、输出4、系统、应用5、Windows、IOS、Linux6、CPU、内存、主板、显卡7、Intel、AMD8、运算器、控制器、大脑9、临时、丢失、存储容量、速度10、机械、固态11、主板、骨骼12、显卡13、网卡14、声卡15、LED、CRT16、打印机17、音箱18、机箱19、电源、心脏20、键盘、鼠标二、实践应用题1、(1)A B JA、内存B、中央处理器J、硬盘(2)DD、音箱(3)E F G KE、打印机F、机箱G、显示器K、键盘(4)C H IC、主板H、声卡I、显卡三、课外拓展题略课外作业一、理论填空题1、LGA1200、LGA2066、TR4、AM42、DDR4、240、DDR3、2403、PCI-E、PCI、AGP4、数据、高速公路5、电源、血管6、SATA、串口、IDE、并口7、主板、硬盘、CPU8、串口、4、并口9、24、410、USB、网卡、音频、PS/2、数字视频11、VGA、DVI12、DP、HDMI二、实践应用题1、(1)C D E I K J NC、SATA(串口)D K、CPUE、PCII、内存J、IDEN、PCI-E(2)F LF、IDE并口数据线L、SATA串口数据线(3)A HA、并口H、串口(4)B G MB、DVIG、VGAM、S端子三、课外拓展题略课外作业一、理论填空题1、品牌、频率、核心数2、主频、外频、倍频3、外频、主板4、倍频、主频、外频、倍频5、前端总线、总线频率、数据位宽6、Intel、AMD7、品牌、类型、引脚数、容量、频率8、金士顿、胜创、威刚9、DDR、DDR2、DDR3、DDR410、184、240、24011、16G、8G、4G12、等效频率、工作频率、MHz13、工作频率、等效频率、814、品牌、类型、容量、接口15、希捷、西部数据、日立16、SATA、IDE17、5400r/min、5900 r/min、7200 r/min、10000 r/min,转每分钟18、64M、32M、16M二、实践应用题1、有一位客户准备自己攒机,初步挑选两款CPU分别是Intel 酷睿i5 4590和AMD FX-8350。
inel 3系列架构及功能简介
ICH9 功能简介
• INTEL系统静音技术 1、4个TACH 信号(风扇速度检测)和3个PWM信 号(风扇速度控制) 2、为提高性能改进算法 • USB2.0接口 1、6个UHCI主控制器,最大支持12个外接端口 2、2个EHCI主主控制器,最大支持12个外接端口 3、两个EHCI控制器6+6和8+4的配置选项 4、包括最多2个USB2.0高速诊断端口 5、支持从休眠状态S1~S5唤醒 6、支持传通的键盘和鼠标软件
Intel® 3 Series Chipset 简介
Report by Sonsy Date :2007/06/20
Intel® 3 Series G33架构 架构
Intel® 3 Series P35架构 架构
Intel® 3 Series 功能和特点
• 英特尔 P35 高速芯片组支持 1333 MHz 系统总线 速度、下一代 45 纳米双核和四核处理器以及 DDR3 内存等最新技术,可提供更高的系统带宽 及性能。具有内在设计提升空间,含英特尔® 快 速内存访问(英特尔® FMA)和英特尔® Turbo Memory 技术的基于英特尔 P35 高速芯片组的平 台能够带来业界一流的性能,并能实现高性能台 式机计算的最佳价值。 将基于英特尔 P35 高速芯片组的台式 PC 平台与 英特尔® 酷睿™2 双核或英特尔® 酷睿™2 四核 处理器相结合,可为发烧友们和数字家庭用户提 供最新的技术和创新功能。
ICH9 功能简介
• SMBus 1、比较快的速度最快100Kb/s 2、灵活的SMBus/SMLink体系架构 3、通过SMLink提供独立的易管理的总线 4、支持SMBus 2.0规格 5、主端口允许处理器通过SMBus通信 6、从端口允许一个内部或外部的微处理器 通过SMBus访问系统资源 7、兼容几呼所有的两线制I2C器件
图形与生 到西 图形在生活中的应用有 活的联 同上 部去 哪些? 系?
1、西部地区是指 我国的哪些地 区? 1、 你了解西部吗?你 2、为什么人们说 能向他人介绍西部吗? 西部是美丽而令 2、如果你是生长在西 如何关爱 人神往的? 模块3 同上 部的孩子,你将如何改 他人? 3、西部地区的孩 变自身的命运? 子是怎样学习 3、我们能为西部的孩 的?你有什么感 子做什么? 受? 4、国家对开发西 部有哪些措施? 模块4 同上 同上 模块5 同上 同上 同上 同上 同上 同上
同上 同上
同上 同上
毛毛眼中的西部 同上
同上 同上 同上 同上 同上
同上 同上 同上 同上 同上
同上 同上 同上 同上 同上
对学习过程的 对我启发 主要修订 最大的活动
今天和昨天大不相同,是 好还是不好呢面几张怎样做呢? 地方,我真 是获益非浅 了。
培 训
姓 名: 培训时间: 主讲教师: 模块 高渊 2012-10-21 吴国焕 单元问题 内容问题 主题 基本问题
圣诞 节礼 模块0 物新 创意
平行四边 垂直与平行的意 形和梯形 生活中哪些地方用到了 义是什么?平行 对我们的 平行四边形和梯形? 四边形、梯形有 影响? 哪些特征?
模块1 同上 同上
做的网页经常找不到,真 是烦人啊! 有些图片好不容易下载下 来,做到网页里,可是再 打开时图片却没有了 筛掉了两张网页,真可惜 。因为老师说这是没有实 际价值的。
模块6 同上 同上 模块7 同上 模块8 同上 模块9 同上 模块10 同上 同上 同上 同上 同上
同上 同上 同上 同上 同上
XB6 系列_ EtherNet IP_插片式 I O 用户手册说明书
命名规则 .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
EtherNet/IP XB6 系列插片式 I/O 用户手册
版权所有 © 南京实点电子科技有限公司 2023。保留一切权利。 非经本公司书面许可,任何单位和个人不得擅自摘抄、复制本文档内容的部分或全部,并不得以任何形式传播。 商标声明
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接口参数 .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
安装拆卸步骤 .............................................................................................................................................. 19
项⽬学习模块三作业⾏动计划英特尔? 未来教育专题课程:基于项⽬的学习⾏动计划说明:按住Ctrl键,点击⽬录中的任何⼀个活动均可直接转到活动内容。
⽬录模块1:项⽬学习概述第1节:项⽬学习简介活动1:基于项⽬学习的基本知识所需时间: 10分钟1. 完成学情调查表的前两列:关于项⽬学习你已经了解了那些?关于项⽬学习你想了解些什么?过⾃主探究与合作实现对这个主题的学习。
模块1:项⽬学习概述第1节:项⽬学习简介活动3:项⽬学习与传统教学的⽐较所需时间: 15分钟确定课程⽬标将会引导我们把所学到的理念和⽅法⽤在⾃⼰的课堂上。
模块3-4 价格策略制定(2学时)(一)
第二节 相关知识
案例一:科尔敦公司 案例一 科尔敦公司在美国伏特加酒的市场中,属于营销出色的企业, 他们生产的阿布诺夫酒在伏特加酒的市场占有率中达23%。此 时,另一家公司推出了一种新型伏特加酒,其质量不比阿布诺 夫酒低,而每瓶酒的价格却比阿布诺夫酒低2美元。 按照惯例,科尔敦公司面前有三条对策可用: 第一,降低2美元,以保住市场占有率。 2 第二,维持原价,通过增加广告费用和推销支出与竞争对手竞 争。 第三,维持原价,听任市场占有率降低。 但是,该公司的市场人员经过深思熟虑后,却采取了令人们大 吃一惊、意想不到的第四种策略。那就是,将阿布诺夫酒的价 格再提高2美元,同时推出一种与竞争对手的新伏特加酒价格 一样的吉特酒和另一种价格更低的波尔酒。
浙江省精品课程《市场营销学》 浙江省精品课程《市场营销学》
模块二 价格策略制定
学习目的: 通过对产品价格制定的程序、价格制 定的主要目标、价格制定的主要方法的 掌握和理解,使学生能出步掌握如何对 某一具体产品定价。
第一节 活动设计
要求:以小组 为单位,通过收集 要求 以小组(3-5人)为单位 通过收集 以小组 人 为单位 资料,任选一种产品 任选一种产品, 资料 任选一种产品,调查该产品的成本 构成及各类价格(不同时期面向分销商、 构成及各类价格(不同时期面向分销商、 消费者的不同价格或价格折扣), ),并分 消费者的不同价格或价格折扣),并分 析其定价方法和策略。 析其定价方法和策略。
英特尔的定价 这个巨人每隔12月就推出一种新的,具 有更高赢利的微处理器,并把旧的产品价格 定在更低的价位上,当他推出新的产品时, 一般定价在1000美圆,随着销售额的下降及 竞争对手推出相似的产品,英特尔就会降低 其产品,最终降到200美圆,使产品成为大 众市场的产品。
思考与练习一、单项选择题1.PLC的中文含义是( B )A.个人计算机B.可编程序控制器C.继电控制器D.单片机2.PLC控制器主要应用于(A )A.工业环境B.农业环境C.计算机行业D.都可以3.以下几个特点中,不属于可编程控制器的特点的是(D )A.可靠性高,抗干扰能力强B.编程方便,易于使用C.控制系统结构简单,通用性强D.能够完全代替控制电器,完成对各种电器的控制4.FX系列PLC的I/O点数为300点,存储容量为6K字的为( B )A.小型PLC B.中型PLC C.大型PLC D.超大型PLC5.PLC的系统程序存储器用来存放( C )A.用户程序B.编程器送入的程序C.系统管理程序D.任何程序6.有关可编程控制器中编程器的作用,下列说法错误的是( B )A.用于编程,即将用户程序送入PLC的存储器中B.用于存放PLC内部系统的管理程序C.利用它进行程序的检查和修改D.利用它对PLC的工作状态进行监控7.编程器不是按结构分类的是( D )A.手持编程器B.图形编程器C.通用计算机编程器D.离线编程器8.PLC循环执行的工作阶段不包括的是(A )A.初始化B.输入处理C.程序执行D.输出处理9.可以用编程器修改和增删的程序是(C )A.系统管理程序B.固化程序C.用户程序D.任何程序10.PLC的输出方式为晶体管型时,它适用于哪种负载( C )A.感性B.交流C.直流D.交直流11.可编程序控制器PLC采用的工作方式( B )A.键盘扫描B.循环扫描C.逐行扫描D.逻辑扫描12.梯形图的逻辑执行顺序是( A )A.自上而下、自左而右B.自下而上、自左而右C.自上而下、自右而左D.随机执行13.一个完整的梯形图至少应有( A )A.一个梯级B.两个梯级C.三个梯级D.四个梯级14.梯形图中的各类继电器是( C )A.物理继电器B.暂存器C.软继电器D.存储单元15.关于指令语句表编程语言,说法不正确的是(C )A.语句是程序最小的独立单元B.每一条语句由操作码、操作数两部分组成C.每一条语句都必须有操作码、操作数D.有些语句没有操作数16.PLC内部继电器的触点在偏程时(A )A.可多次重复使用B.只能使用一次C.最多使用两次D.每种继电器规定次数不同17.某PLC输入继电器的输入地址编号最大为X043,输入点数是(B )A.43点B.36点C.38点D.42点18.状态由外部控制现场的信号驱动的是(A )A.输入继电器B.输出继电器C.辅助继电器D.数据寄存器19.驱动外部负载的继电器是( B )A.输入继电器B.输出继电器C.辅助继电器D.数据寄存器20.FX系列PLC中输入、输出继电器器件编号采用(B )A.十进制B.八进制C.二进制D.十六进制21.初始化脉冲继电器是( A )A.M8002 B.M8012 C.M8033 D.M803422.M8000的继电器名称为(A )A.运行监控继电器B.初始化脉冲继电器C.100ms时钟脉冲发生器D.禁止全部输出继电器23.属于停电保持辅助继电器的是(B )A.M489 B.M500 C.M100 D.M30024.FX2N系列PLC中回零状态继电器是( A )A.S10 B.S20 C.S500 D.S025.在PLC程序控制中,常数计数器十进制常数的表示字母是(C )A.E B.F C.K D.H二、简答题1.可编程序控制器的定义是什么?可编程序控制器是一种数字运算操作的电子系统,专为在工业环境下应用而设计。
英语第三模块的作文The Profound Impact of Technology on Modern Society.In the contemporary era, technological advancements have woven themselves into the fabric of modern society, profoundly transforming our lives and reshaping our interactions with the world. From the digital realm to the physical sphere, technology has become an integral part of our existence, offering numerous benefits while also posing challenges that demand careful consideration.Benefits of Technological Progress.Enhanced Communication and Connectivity:The advent of social media, messaging apps, and video conferencing tools has revolutionized communication. We can now stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues regardless of geographical boundaries, fostering global collaboration and social cohesion.Access to Vast Information:The internet has become a veritable treasure trove of knowledge, accessible at our fingertips. Search engines, online databases, and digital libraries provide us with an unprecedented amount of information, empowering us to quench our thirst for knowledge.Improved Healthcare and Well-being:Technology has made significant contributions to healthcare. Medical imaging, diagnostic tools, and wearable health monitors allow for early detection and personalized treatment plans. Telemedicine services facilitate access to medical care for those in remote areas or with mobility challenges.Increased Productivity and Efficiency:Automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI) have transformed workplaces, boosting productivity andfreeing up human labor for more creative endeavors. Advanced software tools and cloud computing services enable collaboration and streamline operations.Enhanced Accessibility and Inclusivity:Technology has played a vital role in bridging gaps for people with disabilities. Assistive technologies, such as screen readers and speech recognition software, empower individuals with visual or auditory impairments to fully participate in society.Challenges Posed by Technology.Digital Addiction and Screen Time:Excessive screen time and social media addiction have become prevalent concerns. The constant stream of notifications and the allure of endless content can lead to reduced attention spans, sleep disturbances, and mental health issues.Privacy and Data Security:The proliferation of internet-connected devices and the rise of data analytics have raised concerns about privacy and data security. Companies collect vast amounts of personal information, which can be used for targeted advertising or even compromised in cyberattacks.Job Displacement and Automation:While technology has created new industries and job opportunities, automation and AI pose potential threats to certain occupations. Workers may need to adapt to new skills and retrain for emerging roles in order to remain competitive.Echo Chambers and Fake News:Social media algorithms often create "echo chambers" where users are exposed to content that reinforces their existing beliefs. This can lead to polarization and the spread of misinformation, making it difficult to discerntruth from falsehood.Digital Divide and Inequality:Access to technology is not evenly distributed. Socioeconomic disparities can lead to a digital divide, where certain individuals and communities are left behind due to lack of access or digital literacy.Mitigating the Challenges.To harness the benefits of technology while mitigating its potential risks, it is essential to:Promote digital literacy and responsible online behavior.Strengthen data protection regulations and empower individuals with control over their personal information.Invest in education and training programs to prepare individuals for the changing job market.Encourage critical thinking and media literacy to combat misinformation and promote informed decision-making.Bridge the digital divide by providing affordable access to technology and digital literacy programs.Conclusion.Technology has become an indispensable force in modern society, bringing both transformative benefits and challenges. By embracing the opportunities it offers while addressing the risks it poses, we can harness the power of technology to create a more interconnected, prosperous, and equitable world. It is our responsibility to ensure that technology serves as a tool for human progress rather than an impediment to it. By fostering a responsible and ethical approach to technological development, we can shape afuture where technology empowers us rather than diminishes our humanity.。
一、填空简答题(20分,每小题5分)1.Intel 8086/8088 CPU为程序员提供了8个16位的通用寄存器,它们的名称分别是,其中的4个数据寄存器可以把高半部分和低半部分分开来使用,用于存放8位的操作数或进行8位的运算,此时它们的名字为:。
指令 AX的内容① MOV AX,1200H ①② MOV AX,BX ②③ MOV AX,[1200H] ③④ MOV AX,[BX] ④⑤ MOV AX,1100H[BX] ⑤⑥ MOV AX,[BX][SI] ⑥⑦ MOV AX,1100H[BX][SI] ⑦⑧ POP AX ⑧3.下图是开发汇编语言程序的流程图,根据图中其它信息在4个括号中填写合适的内容。
4.对于这样的程序段:CMP AX,BXJAE NEXTXCHG AX,BXNEXT: CMP AX,CXJAE DONEXCHG AX,CXDONE: ┆试回答:①上述程序执行后,原有AX,BX,CX中最大数存放在那个寄存器?②这三个数是带符号数还是无符号数?二、程序填空题(10分)下面程序从键盘输入一个0至65535间的10进制数(以回车作为输入结束),然后以16进制形式将所输入数显示出来。
data segments1 db "输入一个0~65535之间的10进制数,以回车结束$"s2 db 0DH,0AH,"所输入数的16进制形式为:$"data endssta segment stackdw 100h dup(?)top label wordsta endscode segmentorg 100hassume cs:code,ds:data,es:data,ss:sta prog proc farmov ax,stamov ss,axmov sp,offset top()xor ax,axpush axmov ax,datamov ds,axmov es,axmov dx,offset s1mov ah,9int 21hxor bx,bxb1: mov ah,1int 21hcmp (),0dhjz b2cmp al,30hjb b1cmp al,39hja b1and al,0fhcbwxchg ax,bxmov si,10()add bx,axjmp b1b2: mov dx,offset s2mov ah,9int 21hmov cx,4b3: push cxmov (),4rol bx,clmov dl,bland dl,0fhadd dl,30hcmp dl,39hjbe b4()b4: mov ah,2int 21hpop cxloop b3retfprog endpcode endsend prog三、阅读程序(30分)1.仔细阅读下面程序列表清单,标注重要程序块的功能,最后说明该程序的功能。
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(只需要完成选项A或选项B 其中一项)
选项B: 创建一个新量规
项目进行中项目结束后<请在这里输入文本> <请在这里输入文本> <请在这里输入文本>