网络和通讯_GD06 Graph-Drawing Contest(GD06-图的绘画比赛)


网络和通讯_GD2000 Graph-Drawing Contest(GD2000-图的绘画比赛)

网络和通讯_GD2000 Graph-Drawing Contest(GD2000-图的绘画比赛)

GD2000 Graph-Drawing Contest(GD2000-图的绘画比赛)数据摘要:The graph drawing competition and the nomination of the winners has been among the highlights of the past graph drawing symposia. It's both fun and a challenge and has inspired new research in graph drawing. The seventh annual graph-drawing contest will be held in conjunction with Graph Drawing 2000. This year all contest graphs contain real world data, which is partially anonymized to keep their privacy.中文关键词:GD00,图的绘画比赛,现实世界的数据,英文关键词:GD00,Graph-Drawing Competition,Real world data,数据格式:TEXT数据用途:The data can be used for Networks & Communications.数据详细介绍:GD00 Graph-Drawing Contest∙AbstractThe graph drawing competition and the nomination of the winners has been among the highlights of the past graph drawing symposia. It's both fun and a challenge and has inspired new research in graph drawing.The seventh annual graph-drawing contest will be held in conjunction with Graph Drawing 2000. This year all contest graphs contain real world data, which is partially anonymized to keep their privacy.∙Data DescriptionGraph A shows relations between classes in a real software project.Graph B depicts the structure of two teams, andGraph C is a data model which takes 6 by 10 feet on paper.Graph D Graph-drawing artThe detailed information is in the file “readme.txt”.∙ReferenceGD00 Graph-Drawing Contest数据预览:点此下载完整数据集。



Ad Hoc网络中的区域划分和资源分配问题Ad Hoc网络是当前网络和通信技术研究的热点之一,对于诸如军队和在野外作业的大型公司和集团来说,Ad Hoc网络有着无需基站、无需特Array定交换和路由节点、随机组建、灵活接入、移动方便等特点,因而具有极大的吸引力。

在Ad Hoc网络中,节点之间的通信均通过无线传输来完成,由于发射功率以及信道(即频率)的限制,节点的覆盖范围有限,当它要与其覆盖范围之外的节点进行通信时,可以通过中间节点转发,如右图所示。





现在,需要在一个1000 1000(面积单位)的区域内构建一个Ad Hoc网络,请你完成以下工作:(1)将此正方形区域用若干个半径都是100的圆完全覆盖,要求相邻两个圆的公共面积不小于一个圆面积的5%,最少需要多少个圆(如果一个圆只有部分在正方形区域中,也按一个计算)?若给每个圆分配一个信道,使得有公共部分的圆拥有不同的信道,最少需要几个信道?怎样分配(用示意图标出)?如果将上面的5%改为18%,其它不变,结果又如何?对以上两种划分,若每个公共部分中心和相应圆心各恰有一个节点,讨论网络的抗毁性。





文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注!目录图形算量GCL2008 (3)一、工程设置 (3)二、绘图输入 (3)2.1轴网 (3)2.2结构构件 (3)2.3建筑构件 (4)2.4装修 (5)2.5基础 (5)2.7表格输入 (6)三、报表预览 (6)四、其他操作 (6)钢筋算量GGJ2009 (8)一、工程设置 (8)二、绘图输入 (8)三、报表 (11)四、其他 (11)五、汇总计算报错 (13)钢筋算量GGJ10.0 (14)一、工程设置 (14)二、绘图输入 (14)2.1柱 (14)2.2墙+门窗洞 (15)2.4梁 (17)2.5板 (18)2.6基础 (19)三、报表预览 (19)四、其他操作 (20)计价软件GBQ4.0(清单模式) (22)一、分部分项 (22)二、措施项目 (23)三、其他项目 (23)四、人材机汇总+主要材料 (23)五、费用汇总 (23)六、报表 (24)七、其他操作 (24)计价软件GBQ4.0(定额模式) (26)一、预算书 (26)二、人材机汇总表 (27)三、费用汇总 (27)四、报表 (29)四、其他操作 (30)文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注!计价软件GBG8.0(定额模式) (32)CAD导图专题 (34)一、CAD导图功能详解 (34)二、CAD导图的技巧和流程应用 (39)安装算量GIQ2009 (44)一、导入CAD图常见问题 (44)二、软件操作中的识别顺序 (45)三、软件操作中的常见问题 (45)广联达软件安装协助指导操作 (46)软件卸载: (47)软件安装: (47)文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注!图形算量GCL2008一、工程设置1、 GCL2008图形软件如何区分定额模式和清单模式?解决方法:① 只选择了定额规则和定额库就是-----定额模式。

② 只选择清单规则和清单库就是-----清单(招标)模式。











I.非归零码 II.曼彻斯特编码III.差分曼彻斯特编码A.仅IB.仅IIC.仅II、IID.I、II、III9、若信道在无噪声情况下的极限数据传输速率不小于信噪比为30dB条件下的极限数据传输速率,则信号状态数至少是()。




第18页 页
端口由阻塞状态进入转发状态时,要经过一定 端口由阻塞状态进入转发状态时, 时间的延时, 时间的延时,这个时间起码是配置消息传播到 整个网络所需最大时间的两倍 Forward Delay:配置消息传播到整个网络的 : 最大时延
设计中间状态,处于中间状态的端口只是学习站点的地址信 息,但不转发数据; 端口从阻塞状态经过Forward Delay的延时后进入中间状态; 再经过Forward Delay的延时后才能进入转发状态。
4 4 3
5 2 1
拓扑改变通知消息 拓扑改变应答消息
第23页 页
STP回顾 回顾
STP工作原理 工作原理 配置消息( 配置消息(BPDU)的报文格式 ) 配置消息(BPDU) 配置消息(BPDU)的处理 各种端口状态之间的转换
第24页 页
第6页 页
提 纲
生成树协议综述 STP协议概述 协议概述 RSTP协议概述 协议概述 MSTP协议概述 协议概述
第7页 页
STP概述 概述
STP是怎样的一个协议呢 是怎样的一个协议呢? 是怎样的一个协议呢
通过阻断冗余链路将一个有环路的桥接网络修剪成一个无环 路的树型拓扑结构,这样既解决了环路问题,又能在某条活动 (active)的链路断开时, 通过激活被阻断的冗余链路重新修剪拓 扑结构以恢复网络的连通.
DMA:目的 目的MAC地址 目的 地址
配置消息的目的地址是一个固定的组播地 址(0x0180c2000000)
SMA:源MAC地址 源 地址



D O C-0332-010,RE V ECSM12C32 Educational Module for Freescale MC9S12C321CONTENTSCAUTIONARY NOTES (4)FEATURES (5)REFERENCES (6)INTRODUCTION (6)GETTING STARTED (6)OPERATION (7)POWER (7)PWR (7)CONNECTOR J1 (7)PWR_SEL JUMPER (8)RESET SWITCH (8)LOW-VOLTAGE DETECT (8)TIMING (8)COMMUNICATIONS (9)COM CONNECTOR (9)CONNECTOR J1 (9)USER OPTIONS (10)SWITCHES (10)LED’S (10)DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT (11)ASCII MONITOR OPERATION (11)MONITOR COMMANDS (11)MONITOR MEMORY MAP (11)INTERRUPT SUPPORT (12)INTERRUPT VECTOR TABLE (12)SERIAL MONITOR OPERATION (14)SERIAL MONITOR MEMORY MAP (14)BDM_PORT HEADER (14)MECHANICAL DETAILS...............................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. APPENDIX A..................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.BILL OF MATERIALS................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURESFigure 1: PWR_SEL (8)Figure 2: COM Connector (9)Figure 3: MCU_PORT Connector (10)Figure 4: BDM_PORT (15)TABLESTable 1: Serial COM Signals (9)Table 2: User Option Jumper Settings (10)Table 4: Monitor Commands (11)Table 5: Monitor Memory Map (11)Table 6: MON12 Interrupt Vector Table (12)Table 7: Serial Monitor Memory Map (14)REVISIONFebruary 22, 2005B Update initial releaseApril 7, 2005C Updated monitor information. Differentiated betweenserial monitor and debug monitor. Updated docu-ment format. Removed BOM and Schematic.June 8, 2005D Updated installed monitor information. Added BOMto appendixJune 8, 2006E Removed BOM and Mechanical Dwg. Updated boardpart numberCAUTIONARY NOTES1) Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) prevention measures should be used when handling thisproduct. ESD damage is not a warranty repair item.2) Axiom Manufacturing does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use ofany product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under patent rights or the rights of others.3) EMC Information on the CSM12C32 module:a) This product as shipped from the factory with associated power supplies and cables, hasbeen verified to meet with requirements of CE and the FCC as a CLASS B product.b) This product is designed and intended for use as a development platform for hardwareor software in an educational or professional laboratory.c) In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference in which case theuser may be required to take adequate prevention measures.d) Attaching additional wiring to this product or modifying the products operation from thefactory default as shipped may effect its performance and cause interference with nearby electronic equipment. If such interference is detected, suitable mitigating measures should be taken.TERMINOLOGYThis module uses option selection jumpers and cut-traces to setup default configuration. Ter-minology for application of the option jumpers is as follows:Jumper – a plastic shunt that connects 2 terminals electricallyJumper on, in, or installed - jumper is installed such that 2 pins are connected together Jumper off, out, or idle - jumper is installed on 1 pin only. It is recommended that jump-ers be idled by installing on 1 pin so they will not be lost.Cut-Trace – a circuit trace connection between component pads. The circuit trace may be cut using a razor knife to break the default connection. To reconnect the circuit, simply install a suitably sized 0-ohm resistor or attach a wire across the pads.FEATURESThe CSM12C32 is an educational module for the FREESCALE MC9S12C32 microcontroller. The included wall plug, DB9 serial cable, sample software tools, examples, and debug monitor makes application development quick and easy. A background DEBUG port is provided for development tool use and is compatible with HCS12 BDM interface cables and software. A monitor has also been preloaded into MCU Flash to provide the user with a simple develop-ment platform. The monitor is accessible through the COM connector. A 40-pin connector al-lows the CSM12C32 module to be connected to an expanded evaluation environment such as the Axiom Manufacturing, MCU Project Board - 2.Features:♦MC9S12C32 MCU, 48 QFP♦32K Byte Flash EEPROM♦2K Bytes RAM♦31 I/O lines♦ Timer/PWM♦SCI and SPI Communications Ports♦Key Wake-up Port♦BDM DEBUG Port♦CAN 2.0 Module♦ Analog Comparator♦8 MHz Internal Bus Operation Default♦25 MHz Bus Operation using internal PLL♦+3.3VDC to +5VDC operation♦40 pin connector provides access to most MCU I/O signals♦Power Input Selection Jumper♦On-board, regulated +5V power supply♦Optional power input from Connector J1♦Optional power output through Connector J1♦16 MHz Ceramic Resonator♦RS-232 Serial Port w/ DB9 Connector♦8-Ch, 10-bit, Analog Comparator with full rail-to-rail operation andexternal trigger capability♦8-Channel, 16-bit Timer with Input Capture, Output Compare,and PWM capabilities♦User Components Provided♦ 3 Push Button Switches: 2 User, RESET♦ 3 LED Indicators: 2 User, VDD♦ Jumpers♦Disable User Functions♦ Power Select♦ Connectors♦40-pin MCU I/O Connector♦ 2.0mm Barrel Connector Power Input♦DEBUG BDM Connector♦DB9 Communications Connector♦Supplied with DB9 Serial Cable, Documentation (CD), Manual, and Wall plug type power supply. Specifications:Module Size 2.2” x 1.6”Power Input: +9VDC @ 200 mA typical, +6 to +16VDC rangeREFERENCESReference documents are provided on the support CD in Acrobat Reader format. More infor-mation can be found in the Application Notes section of the Freescale Web site.CSM12C32_SCH_B.pdf CSM12C32 Module Schematic Rev BCSM12C32_UG_C.pdf CSM12C32 User Guide, Rev C (this document)9S12C32DGV1.pdf MC9S12C32 Device User Zip file containing Device Block User GuidesModule_QuickStart.pdf Educational Module Quick Start GuideAN2548.pdf Serial Monitor Program for HCS12 MCU’s INTRODUCTIONBefore using this module, the user should be familiar with the hardware and software operation of the target MCU. Refer to the MC9S12C32 User Manual and MC9S12C32 Reference Man-ual for details on MCU operation. The module’s purpose is to promote the features of the MC9S12C32 and to assist the user in quickly developing an application in a known working environment. Users should be familiar with memory mapping, memory types, and embedded software design for quick, successful, application development.The CSM12C32 Educational Module is a fully assembled, fully functional module supporting Freescale MC9S12C32 microcontroller. The module comes with a serial cable, power supply, and an embedded monitor for stand-alone operation. Support software for this module is pro-vided for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP operating systems.Application development may be performed by using the embedded monitor, or any compati-ble BDM cable with supporting host software. The embedded monitor provides an effective, low cost, debug method. Note that when a BDM cable is used for debugging, the BDM pod should be powered from an external supply.GETTING STARTEDPlease refer to the Educational Module Quick Start Guide to quickly setup the hardware and install the AxIDE terminal interface.OPERATIONThe CSM12C32 module provides input and output features designed to assist embedded ap-plication development. Access to MCU port signals is available through module the connector J1. This connector may also be used to input power to the module or to output power to at-tached modules. RS-232 communications signals may also be input through connector J1. Care must be exercised when using the J1 to power the module, as only regulated voltage in the range of +3.3V to +5V should be supplied to this connection. The on-board regulator pro-vides a fixed +5V voltage to the module.Five option jumpers and 3 cut-traces control module operation. Enabling a jumper option re-quires installing a shunt across the associated header pins. Removing the shunt disables the associated option. An option enabled by a cut-trace can be disabled by removing the circuit trace between the cut-trace component pads. Use a sharp knife to cut the embedded circuit trace. Be careful not to damage adjacent circuitry. To re-enable the option, simply install a 1206 sized 0-ohm resistor or piece of wire across the cut-trace component pads.PowerPower is supplied to the module through a 2.0mm barrel connector at location PWR for stand-alone operation. The module may also be powered through connector J1 when connected to the MCU Project Board. Power may be sourced off-module through connector J1 to external circuitry. Power routing on the module is determined by the PWR_SEL jumper.PWRThe PWR connector accepts a 2.1mm, center-positive, barrel plug that allows the module to be powered from a wall-plug transformer or from a desktop power supply. Input voltage should be limited to between +7V and +20V. Input voltage of +9VDC is typical. This input supplies the on-board +5V regulator that powers the module.Connector J1Power may be supplied to the module through the pins J1-1 and J1-2. Use of this option re-quires a regulated voltage input limited to the range of +3.3VDC to +5VDC. This input is con-nected directly to the module power and ground planes. Care should be exercised not to over-drive this input. Use of connector J1 to supply +3.3V to the module requires disabling the volt-age supervisor (LV1) by opening cut-trace CT-1. See the Low-Voltage Detect section below. To re-enable the low-voltage supervisor, install a 1206 sized 0-ohm resistor at CT1. Connector J1 may also be used to source +5V power from the on-board regulator to external modules attached to connector J1. The PWR_SEL option header determines how power is routed to the module.PWR_SEL JumperThe PWR_SEL jumper is a 4-position option header that configures power routing on the CSM12C32 module. The module may be powered by an external transformer connected to the PWR connector or through connector J1. The module may also source power to auxiliary modules connected to the connector J1. Damage may occur if the J1 power input pins are over-driven. Refer to the Table 3 below to determine correct PWR_SEL jumper setting. Figure 1: PWR_SEL12Source power input from barrel connector PWR.12Source power input from connector J1.1 2Source power from barrel connector PWR and supply power to external cir-cuitry connected to J1.Reset SwitchThe RESET switch provides an asynchronous reset input to the MCU. Pressing the RESET switch produces a low-voltage level on the RESET input to the MCU. The low-voltage supervi-sor (LV1) holds the RESET line low for approximately 150 ms after the pushbutton is released.Low-Voltage DetectA DS1813 (LV1) provides POR, low-voltage detect, and pushbutton reset services for the module. At power-on, LV1 holds the MCU in reset for 150 ms after V CC reaches approximately 4.35V. During normal operation, LV1 asserts RESET when V CC falls below 4.35V and holds RESET true for 150 ms after VCC returns to normal. The push-button operation is described in the paragraph above. Use of connector J1 to supply +3.3V to the module requires disabling LV1.LV1 may be disabled by opening the cut-trace CT1. Simply remove the circuit trace between the cut-trace pads to open the circuit. To restore the circuit functionality, install a 1206 size, 0-ohm, resistor or a short piece of wire across the cut-trace pads.TimingA ceramic resonator (Y1) provides a 16.0 MHz base operating frequency to the MCU. This supports a default 8.0 MHz internal operating frequency. Higher frequencies are possible us-ing the embedded PLL. The resonator output is routed to the MCU only and is not available at the MCU Port connector (J1). The MCU ECLK output is available to the user at connector J1 if enabled.CommunicationsThe CSM12C32 module provides a single RS-232 communications port. An RS-232 trans-ceiver (U2) provides RS-232 signal level to TTL/CMOS logic level translation. RS232 signals TXD and RXD are routed between the transceiver and the MCU. These signals are also routed to connector J1. RS-232 communication signals input on J1 must be TTL/CMOS logic levels; no translation support is provided through this path. The transceiver output may also be driven off-module if the signals are suitably buffered. As added development support, hardware flow control signals RTS and CTS are available on the logic side of U2. These sig-nals are routed to vias located near the transceiver (U2). RTS has been biased properly to support 2-wire RS-232 communications.Use of the J1 connector to input RS-232 signals requires disabling the on-board RS-232 trans-ceiver. Otherwise, signal corruption may occur. Disabling the on-board transceiver is accom-plished by opening cut-traces CT1, and CT2. Simply remove the circuit trace between the cut-trace pads to open the circuit. To restore the circuit functionality, install a 1206 size, 0-ohm, resistor or a short piece of wire across the cut-trace pads.Table 1: Serial COM SignalsCOM Signal MCU Port Connector DisableTXD PS1/TXD J1-5CT5RXD PS0/RXD J1-7CT4COM ConnectorA standard 9-pin Dsub connector provides external connections for the COM port. The COM port is configured as a DCE device. Component U2 provides RS-232 translation services. The figure below shows the DB9 connector.Figure 2: COM Connector16TXD27RTS RXD38CTS49NC GND5Female DB9 connector that interfaces to the DCE serial port via anRS232 transceiver. It provides simple 2-wire asynchronous serial com-munications without flow control. A straight-through serial cable may be connected to a DTE device such a PCPins 1, 4, and 6 are connected together.Connector J1Connector J1 provides access to CSM12C32 I/O port signals.Figure 3: MCU_PORT ConnectorV x12PE1/IRQ*Default Signal AssignmentsGND34RESET*MCU PORT Signal Disable PS1/TXD56MODC/BKGDPS0/RXD78NC PS1/TXD COM1 TXD CT-5PP5/KWP5910NC PS0/RXD COM1 RXD CT-4PE0/XIRQ*1112NC PE1/IRQ*SW1User1 PT0/PW0/IOC01314NC PP5/KWP5SW2User2PT1/PW1/IOC11516NC PA0LED1User3 PM4/MOSI1718PAD00/AN00PB4LED2User4PM2/MISO1920PAD01/AN01PM5/SCK2122PB4PM3/SS*2324PA0PE4/ELCK2526PM1/TXCAN Note: Default signal assignment should be disabled to use the signal at connector J1PE7/XCLKS2728PM0/RXCANPAD02/AN022930PT2/PW2/IOC2PAD03/AN033132PT3/PW3/IOC3PAD04/AN043334PT4/PW04/IOC4PAD05/AN053536PT5/IOC5PAD06/AN063738PT6/IOC6PAD07/AN073940PT7/IOC7User OptionsUser options include 2 LED’s, and 2 pushbutton switches. Each user option may be enabled individually using the USER option header. When the appropriate USER option jumper is in-stalled, the associated user option is enabled. Removing a jumper disables the associated user option.Table 2: User Option Jumper SettingsJumper On Off MCU SignalUser 1Enable SW1Disable SW1PE0/XIRQ*User 2Enable SW2Disable SW2PP5 /KWP5User 3Enable LED1Disable LED1PA0User 4Enable LED2Disable LED2PB4SwitchesTwo push button switches provide momentary, active low, input to the MCU for user applica-tions. Pressing a switch provides a momentary low logic level input tot the MCU. SW1 and SW2 provide input to MCUI/O ports PE0 and PP5 respectively.LED’sTwo LED’s provide active-low, visual output for user applications. A low voltage level driven out on the appropriate MCU port causes the LED to light. MCU ports PA0 and PB4 drive LED1 and LED2 respectively.DEVELOPMENT SUPPORTThe CSM12C32 ships from the factory with a serial monitor installed in FLASH. An ASCII monitor is also installed to provide quick and easy debug access to the user. The text monitor is available out of RESET. The serial monitor is available by pressing and holding SW1 as the module exits RESET. In the discussion below, the terms text and ASCII are used inter-changeably.ASCII Monitor OperationThe debug monitor provides a simple application development platform for developing applica-tion code. The debug monitor allows the user to quickly and easily develop and debug RAM based application code.The debug monitor is accessible through the COM port using an ASCII terminal program such as HyperTerminal or AxIDE. The terminal should be configured for 9600, 8, N, 1 with no flow-control. The monitor relocates the hardware interrupt vector table from 0xFF8A:0xFFFF to 0X0F8A:0x0FFF(see Table 3 below). The vectors remain in the same order as the default hardware table. The Reset vector is reserved; user should use autostart to start applications from reset.ASCII Monitor Memory MapTable 3: Monitor Memory Map$0000 -$03FFRegisters1K bytesReserved$0800 -$0DFFInternal RAM. 1.5K bytes$0E00 -$0F8BMonitor Reserved$0F8A -$0FFF Relocated Interrupt Vector Table512 bytes Reserved$8000 -$BFFFUser Program Memory16K bytes$C000 -$FFFFProtected Monitor Space16K bytesMonitor CommandsTable 4: Monitor CommandsBF <StartAddress> <EndAddress> [<data>]Block Fill memory range with data BR [<Address>]Set/Display user breakpoints CALL [<Address>]Call user subroutine at <Address>GO [<Address>]Begin/continue execution of user codeHELP Display the Mon12 command summaryLOAD [P]Load S-Records into memory, P = Paged S2 MD <StartAddress> [<EndAddress>]Memory Display BytesMM <Address>Modify Memory Bytes (8 bit values)MW <Address>Modify memory Words (16 bit values)MOVE <StartAddress> <EndAddress><DestAddress>Move a block of memoryRD Display all CPU registersOFFSET – [arg]Offset for downloadProceed Continue program executionRM Modify CPU Register ContentsSTOPAT <Address>Trace until addressT [<count>]Trace <count> instructionsNOTE: Items in Italics are not implemented at this time.Interrupt SupportAll interrupt services under are provided through the relocated vector table, see Table 5 below. Each location in the table is initialized to a value of $0000 to cause the trap of an unscheduled interrupt. Any nonzero value will allow the interrupt to proceed to the user's service routine that should be located at the address indicated. The interrupt service delay is +21 cycles over the standard interrupt service.To use vectors specified in the table, the user must insert the address of the interrupt service routine during software initialization into the ram interrupt table. For an example, for the IRQ vector, the following is performed:Example:IRQ Service routine label = IRQ_SRVRam Vector Table address is defined in table below, IRQ vector definition:VIRQ EQU $0FF2; define ram table vector locationPlace IRQ service routine address in the table:MOVW#IRQ_SRV,VIRQThis vector initialization will remain in effect until a RESET is invoked.Interrupt Vector TableTable 5: MON12 Interrupt Vector TableRam Interrupt Vector Address MCU Interrupt VectorAddressTRAP code VectorSource0F8A FF8A02LVI0F8C FF8C04PWME 0F8E FF8E06PTPI 0F90FF9008C4TX0F92FF920A C4RX0F94FF940C C4ERR0F96FF960E C4WU0F98FF9810C3TX0F9A FF9A12C3RX0F9C FF9C14C3ERR0F9E FF9E16C3WU0FA0FFA018C2TX0FA2FFA21A C2RX0FA4FFA41C C2ERR0FA6FFA61E C2WU0FA8FFA820C1TX0FAA FFAA22C1RX0FAC FFAC24C1ERR0FAE FFAE26C1WU0FB0FFB028C0TX0FB2FFB22A C0RX0FB4FFB42C C0ERR0FB6FFB62E C0WU0FB8FFB830FEPRG0FBA FFBA32EEPRG0FBC FFBC34SPI20FBE FFBE36SPI10FC0FFC038I2C0FC2FFC23A BDLC0FC4FFC43C CRGC0FC6FFC63E CRGL0FC8FFC840PACBO0FCA FFCA42MCNT0FCC FFCC44PTHI0FCE FFCE46PTJI0FD0FFD048ADC10FD2FFD24A ADC00FD4FFD44C SCI10FD6FFD64E SCI00FD8FFD850SPI00FDA FFDA52PACAI0FDC FFDC54PACAO0FDE FFDE56TOF0FE0FFE058TC70FE2FFE25A TC60FE4FFE45C TC50FE6FFE65E TC40FE8FFE860TC30FEA FFEA62TC20FEC FFEC64TC10FEE FFEE66TC00FF0FFF068RTI0FF2FFF26A IRQ0FF4FFF46C XIRQ0FF6FFF66E SWI0FF8FFF870TRAP0FFA FFFA72COP0FFC FFFC74CLM0FFE FFFE76RESERVEDSerial Monitor OperationA serial binary monitor is loaded in the MCU internal flash memory. Press and hold SW1 while pressing the RESET button or applying power. This section provides a brief description of this serial monitor operation. Refer to application note AN2548 for complete details on the serial monitor operation. This application note may be found on the Support CD received with the module or from the Freescale web site.Serial Monitor Memory MapTable 6: Serial Monitor Memory Map0x0000 –0x03FFRegisters1K bytesReserved0x3800 –0x3FFF Internal RAM(Relocated)2K bytes Reserved0x8000 –0xBFFF Fixed Flash EEPROM Block 1(visible at RESET)16K bytes0xC000 –0xF77F Fixed Flash EEPROM Block 213.8K bytes0xF780 –0xF7FF User Vectors (Relocated) User Reset Vector F7FE:F7FF0xF800 –0xFFFF Vectors (Protected)2.12K bytesNOTE: Although the monitor does not support external memory, the user can enable externalmemory accesses in the unfilled areas of the memory map.The 2K-byte serial monitor program provides an RS-232 serial interface to a host PC. Serial data rate is 115.2K bps. The monitor is compatible with Metrowerks CodeWarrior Develop-ment Studio and other serial monitor interface IDE’s. The serial monitor is not compatible with ASCII interface programs such as HyperTerm or AxIDE. The monitor supports 23 primitive commands to control the target MCU. To allow a user to specify the address of each interrupt service routine, this monitor redirects interrupt vectors to an unprotected portion of FLASH.To boot to the serial monitor, the user simply pressed and holds SW1 while pressing the RESET switch or applying power. The status of SW1 is read only during the rising edge of RESET. To load user application on start-up, the user is responsible for programming the pseudo-reset vector (0xF7FE:0xF7FF). Pressing SW1 after the MCU exits reset will not ac-cess the serial monitor. After exiting reset, pressing SW1 has effect as defined in the user ap-plication.BDM_PORT HeaderBDM access is gained through the BDM_PORT header. This is a 6-pin header that allows connection of a compatible HCS12 BDM cable. Refer to the documentation for the specificBDM cable used for details on its use. The figure below shows the pin-out for the DEBUG header.Figure 4: BDM_PORTMODC/BKGD12GND34RESET*56VDD See the HC12 Reference Manual for complete DEBUG documentation。



计算机图形学习题参考答案第1章绪论1、第一届ACM SIGGRAPH会议是哪一年在哪里召开的?解:1974年,在Colorado大学召开了第一届SIGGRAPH年会。

























双代号网络计划图绘制例题及答案英文回答:Example of a Double-Coded Network Plan (DCNP) Drawing.A Double-Coded Network Plan (DCNP) is a graphical representation of a project schedule that uses two codes to represent the activities and their relationships. The first code is a letter code that identifies the activity, and the second code is a number code that indicates the order in which the activities must be completed.To draw a DCNP, follow these steps:1. Identify the activities in the project.2. Assign a letter code to each activity.3. Determine the order in which the activities must be completed.4. Assign a number code to each activity, starting with the first activity in the sequence.5. Draw the DCNP, using the following symbols:Nodes represent the activities.Arrows represent the relationships between the activities.Labels indicate the activity letter code and number code.Example:Consider the following project schedule:Activity A: Design the product.Activity B: Build the product.Activity C: Test the product.Activity D: Market the product.The DCNP for this project would be drawn as follows: A 1。

创界学校高中信息技术 网络技术应用试题目标 试题

创界学校高中信息技术 网络技术应用试题目标 试题






二、操作题〔3个小题,一共20分〕1.请使用百度〔baidu〕的图片搜索,查找“地球名片〞,并将该图片以“earth.jpg〞为文件名保存至C 盘根目录下。





首页文件名一般默认为为〔〕5.以下哪种效劳是用来对域名进展解析的〔〕A.DNS B.FTP C.DHCP D.Gateway二、操作题〔3个小题,一共20分〕1.微机教室的一台学活力重新做了系统,需要设置一下网络参数,请你根据以下参数进展设置。



建设工程进度控制视频教程来源:监理工程师考试网考试通时间:2019-08-18 08:33建设工程进度控制视频教程本章考试大纲(第一步) 1.了解:网络计划费用优化和资源优化。




本章知识框架体系(第二步)本章近三年考点盘点(第三步)本章重要知识点解析(第四步)(请学员结合板书、教材做好笔记)本章学习应重点掌握以下四个方面的知识点:知识点一:普通双代号网络计划知识点二:时标网络计划知识点三:有搭接的单代号网络计划知识点四:工期、费用优化本章常见题型主要体现为:1.给出网络图,指出图中错误(改错题)2.给出网络图,找出关键线路或关键工作(计算题)3.关于时间参数的概念、关键线路的判定方法(文字题)4.时标网络图中判定施工机械闲置问题(时间参数应用题)5.工期优化、费用优化的原则(文字题)本章讲解方式:板书、习题及教材知识点三结合一、普通双代号网络计划注:当未规定要求工期时,可令计划工期等于计算工期,即Tp =Tc节点计算法标号法关键线路的判定习题部分1.在工程网络计划中,某项工作的最迟完成时间与最早完成时间的差值为该工作的()。

(2009年真题)A.自由时差B.总时差C.时间间隔D.时距提示:参见教材P46[答疑编号500009030301:针对该题提问]『正确答案』B教你如何用WORD文档(2019-06-27 192246)转载▼标签:杂谈1. 问:WORD 里边怎样设置每页不同的页眉?如何使不同的章节显示的页眉不同?答:分节,每节可以设置不同的页眉。



基于自然连通度的复杂网络节点重要性度量方法沈安慰;郭基联;王卓健【摘要】Node importance ranking of complex networks is a hot topic nowadays.This paper gives the definition of natural connectivity.And then the method of complex networks node importance ranking based on natural connectivity has been proposed.Finally,the applicability of proposed method is analyzed by an example of kite network.The contrast of proposed method and other common method prove that the reasonability of our method.%节点重要性度量是复杂网络研究中的热点问题.从复杂网络的抗毁性指标人手,给出了自然连通度的定义,并且以此为基础设计了基于自然连通度的复杂网络节点重要性度量方法.最后以著名的风筝网络为例,分析了该方法的适用性,并与其他经典的节点重要性度量方法进行对比,证明了该方法的合理性.【期刊名称】《火力与指挥控制》【年(卷),期】2017(042)005【总页数】5页(P52-55,62)【关键词】复杂网络;自然连通度;风筝网络;节点重要性【作者】沈安慰;郭基联;王卓健【作者单位】空军工程大学航空航天工程学院,西安710038;空军工程大学航空航天工程学院,西安710038;空军工程大学航空航天工程学院,西安710038【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP399现实世界中的很多复杂系统都可以用网络来刻画。






I.网桥 II.交换机 III.计算机软件 IV.路由器A. I、II、ⅣB. II、III.、ⅣC. I、Ⅲ、ⅣD. I、Ⅱ、Ⅲ2、TCP/IP模型的网络层提供的是()。




A.物理层B.网络层C.传输层D.会话层5、站点A、B、C通过CDMA共享链路,A、B、C的码片序列(chipping sequence)分别是(1,1,1,1)、(1,-1,1,-1)和(1,1,-1,-1)。



A.单模光纤的带宽B.多模光纤的带宽C.光产生的速率D.光电转换的速率8、某以太网拓扑及交换机当前转发表如图所示,主机00-el-d5-00-23-al向主机00-el-d5-00-23-cl发送1个数据帧,主机00-e1-d5-00-23-cl收到该帧后,向主机00-el-d5-00-23-al发送1个确认帧,交换机对这两个帧的转发端口分别是(),A.{3}和{3}B. {2,3}和{3}C. {2,3}和{3}D. {1,2,3}和{1}9、误码率最低的传输介质是()。

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GD06 Graph-Drawing Contest(GD06-图的绘画比赛)
The free-style category is the most general of the categories. Its purpose is to encourage researchers to send in their most intriguing innovative visualizations. There are no specific requirements for the type of visualizations, and we encourage submissions of all types of drawings. Judging will be based on artistic merit and relevance to the graph drawing community. Consequently, submitting a brief description of the relevance is instrumental in our decision.
Graph-Drawing Competition,GD05,Nodes,visualization,
The data can be used for Networks & Communications.
GD06 Graph-Drawing Contest
The free-style category is the most general of the categories. Its purpose is to encourage researchers to send in their most intriguing innovative visualizations. There are no specific requirements for the type of visualizations, and we encourage submissions of all types of drawings. Judging will be based on artistic merit and relevance to the graph drawing community. Consequently, submitting a brief description of the relevance is instrumental in our decision.
∙Data Description
GD06 Graph-Drawing Contest
