the Roaring Twenties



These were the ten years when the First World War was just over, when new inventions and manufacturing techniques greatly changed the way people lived; when people moved from the countryside in great numbers; when women won the right to vote and many started to earn their own money.
Special experience: familiar with life style, mental state and moral standards of the rich
Critical of the rich and showing the disintegrating effects of wealth on the emotional make-up
Becoming “the angel of twenties” ; The Beautiful and the Damned published in 1922
Going to France in 1924; spokesman of “The Lost Generation”; producing The Great Gatsby in 1925; Tender Is the Night and stories
生前完成的最后一部长篇,描写 一个出身寒微但才华出众的青年 对梦幻般理想的追求以及最终遭 到失败、变得颓废消沉的故事。
小说背景是作者熟悉的欧洲大陆, 时间为1917-1930,但小说展现 的仍是美国“爵士乐时代”的社 会场景。



2023年春人文英语4综合测试题库2Humanities English 4 Comprehensive Test Question Bank 2, Spring 2023Part I: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Read the following passage and answer the questions below.The Roaring Twenties, also known as the Jazz Age, was a time of economic prosperity and social change in the United States. It was a period of innovation and cultural revolution, where new ideas were embraced and traditional values were challenged.1. What is another name for the Roaring Twenties?2. What characterized the Roaring Twenties in the United States?3. Why was the Roaring Twenties considered a period of cultural revolution?4. How did the Roaring Twenties challenge traditional values?Part II: Vocabulary (20 points)Choose the correct word from the options given to complete the sentences.1. The __________ of the company decided to launch a new product line.A. CEOB. CTOC. COO2. The artist's work was inspired by the __________ of nature.A. serenityB. chaosC. tranquility3. The politician was known for his __________ speeches that captivated the audience.A. eloquentB. mundaneC. verbose4. The __________ of the novel left readers questioning the protagonist's motives.A. climaxB. denouementC. expositionPart III: Writing (40 points)Choose one of the following topics to write a 500-word essay.1. Discuss the impact of technology on modern society.2. Analyze the role of art in shaping culture and society.3. How has globalization changed the way we interact with the world?Remember to provide examples and evidence to support your arguments.Good luck!Note: This test is designed to assess your understanding of the material covered in the Humanities English 4 course. It is important to read each question carefully and answer to the best of your ability.。



the roaring twenties名词解释概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述The Roaring Twenties, 亦被称之为“The Jazz Age”(爵士乐时代),是20世纪20年代的一个重要时期,这一时期以经济繁荣和社会变革为特点。


本文将对The Roaring Twenties进行全面解析,包括其定义、背景、主要特点以及经济、社会、娱乐和时尚等方面的重要变革。

1.2 文章结构本文将按以下结构进行论述:- 引言:对The Roaring Twenties进行概述,并介绍文章结构和目的。

- The Roaring Twenties名词解释:对The Roaring Twenties进行定义,并探讨其背景和主要特点。

- 经济繁荣与社会变革:详细讨论经济状况、文化进步以及女性权益运动在该时期的发展。

- 娱乐与时尚的革新:探究爵士乐与舞蹈风潮、电影与娱乐业兴盛,以及流行时尚与消费文化的演变。

- 结局和影响力:分析危机与衰落的原因、社会影响力,以及The RoaringTwenties的遗产。

1.3 目的本文旨在全面介绍并解释The Roaring Twenties这一历史时期,帮助读者更好地了解该时期的重要性和对现代社会的影响。


2. The Roaring Twenties名词解释:2.1 定义:The Roaring Twenties指的是20世纪20年代,特指美国在第一次世界大战结束后进入的一个时期。


2.2 背景:第一次世界大战结束后,美国经历了一个重要的转变。


the Roaring Twenties

the Roaring Twenties

• the Golden Age of Sports. • baseball games, horsing racing, waterskiing…… • Babe Ruth ----American hero • He hit 60 homers in 1927(他在
• Speakeasies and bootleggers (酒吧和走私犯)appeared • alcohol abuse • Gangsters(生死搭档)
What is “the Roaring twenties”?
• Riotous living(放纵的生活)? Flappers(随意女郎)? Jazz?
• The Roaring Twenties is a nickname for the 1920s which was a period of relative prosperity and innovation in the US . • Ended: the Wall Street Crash of 1929
The Lost Generation
• Disillusioned and cynical(幻想破灭) after the World War Ι, became “lost”. • Discontent with existing social reality, saying ”eat, drink, and be happy for tomorrow we shall die.” • Some writers such as Hemingway and John Dos Passos
The Change of Women
• The fast-changing world

弗朗西斯 斯科特基 菲茨杰拉德—外文翻译

弗朗西斯 斯科特基 菲茨杰拉德—外文翻译

1. 弗朗西斯·斯科特基·菲茨杰拉德生于1896年9月24日,他的名字源自他的祖先,美国国歌“星条旗”作者弗朗西斯·斯科特基。


















菲茨杰拉德 海明威 福克纳

菲茨杰拉德  海明威 福克纳

The book
also well illustrated the Jazz Age full of decadence and excess. E.g. In Gatsby‟s party, the guests hardly knew the host and go without the invitation, talking some trivial things. All of these reflected the purposelessness and loneliness of these modern men beneath the mask of relaxation and joy.
Literature conventions:
American Dream early Puritans, Franklin = Martin Eden/ The Great Gatsby/ The death of a salesman 2. escape/ innocence encounters experience (the sophisticated world) Bumppo, Huck, The Catcher in the Rye [Holden] Rabbit, Run (Updike)

When the early explorers first came to A, escaping the corruption of the old world in search of the promise of a new world, they traveled from east to west. Now, America itself is corrupted, so the characters in The Great Gatsby travel from west to east, in search of wealth and sophistication, leaving the moral values and stability of the west behind. It is this eastern part which is called a “valley of ashes”, a place where morals are left out and only superficial, material-driven people can live in peace.



充足的私人存款开始流入投机资金, 特别是纽约证券交易所。大量的投机 与炒作造成了经济泡沫,为29年的 大崩溃营造了条件。
Buying on credit led to a soaring stock market.
The New York Stock Exchange
• 此外,经济的爆炸性增长也为30年代的横 行世界的大萧条埋下了伏笔。
• 复员对经济的影响 • 一战结束后,大批美加士兵揣着口袋里的
现金返回北美,而市场里的新商品则促使 这些钱最终被消费掉。
• 共和党的经济政策 • 政府推行完全不加行政干涉的自由放任经
济政策(laissez faire economics),为大 爆发创造了条件。
纳兄弟的影片《唐璜》(Don Juan)成
为首部音乐音效俱全的影片。 1928
年,华纳兄弟的《纽约之光》(Lights of New York)采用全语音,次年更以首部
An early radio
全彩全语音影片《On with the Show》
• 林白成功飞越大西洋
• 2. New Ways of Life • 二十年代的生活
汽车,电影,无线电收音机,以及日用化学工业全面勃发 ,其中应当特别指出的是汽车工业。战前,汽车还是一种 极端奢侈品;而到了20年代,廉价的批量造汽车已经遍及 北美大地。到1927年亨利·福特已经卖了1500万辆T型车
• 1927年查尔斯·林白(Charles Lindbergh) 于5月21日自纽 约长岛的罗斯福机场起飞,于次日抵达巴黎,成功实现史

看电影学英语--The roaring twenties

看电影学英语--The roaring twenties

The roaring twentiesToday, while the earth shakes beneath the heels of marching troops...今天,当行军的铁蹄震动地球,... while a great portion of the world trembles...当大片的世界…... before the threats of acquisitive, power-mad men...在这些贪得无厌,热衷权势的人们面前瑟瑟发抖... we of America have little time to remember...我们美国人几乎没有时间来纪念…... an astounding era in our own recent history...我们自己近代史上一个发人聩聋的时代,... an era which will grow more and more incredible with each passing generation...一个在一代又一代的传承中变得越来越难以令人置信的时代,... until someday people will say it never could've happened at all.直到最后人们不再认为它曾经发生过。

April, 1918.1918年四月Almost a million American young men are engaged in a struggle...几乎上百万的年轻美国人卷入了一场战争,... which they have been told will make the world safe for democracy.一场据说是为了实现民主而让这个世界变得更安全的战争。

You always come into a rathole like that? - What do you want me to do, knock?你总是这样窜到坑里来的吗? - 你还想要我怎么样,敲门么?Cost me the last cigarette I had.把我最后一支烟都给废掉了。


• 此外,经济的爆炸性增长也为30年代的横 行世界的大萧条埋下了伏笔。
• 复员对经济的影响 • 一战结束后,大批美加士兵揣着口袋里的
现金返回北美,而市场里的新商品则促使 这些钱最终被消费掉。
• 共和党的经济政策 • 政府推行完全不加行政干涉的自由放任经
济政策(laissez faire economics),为大 爆发创造了条件。
Henry Ford and the Model T
科学技术的发展带动了人们生 活水平的提高
Radios.无线电收音机成为有史以来 第一种广播式的大众传媒手段 。
Movies. 20年代初,电影仍然是黑白无
(Toll of the Sea)公映。 26年,华
纳兄弟的影片《唐璜》(Don Juan)成
为首部音乐音效俱全的影片。 1928
年,华纳兄弟的《纽约之光》(Lights of New York)采用全语音,次年更以首部
An early radio
全彩全语音影片《On with the Show》
• 林白成功飞越大西洋
With the low cost of the Automobile people moved outside of the towns, called suburbs. A suburb is a community located outside the city . With cars people could drive to their job in the city even though it was miles away.



1、The Colonial Period(1607-1765)American Puritanism ( in the early 17th century through the end of the 18th)北美第一位女诗人Anne Bradstreet(宗教气息,夫妻恩爱)Edward Taylor 都受英国玄学派影响(metaphysical)2、The Enlightenment and Revolution PeriodBenjamin Franklin:Poor Richard's Almanac The Autobiography---“美国梦”的根源3、American Romanticism(end of 18th to the civil war)American writers emphasis upon the imaginative and emotional qualities of literature.早期浪漫主义Washington Irving father of American Literature <The Sketch Book>短篇小说James Fenimore Cooper 历史,冒险,边疆小说《The Leather-stocking Tales>文明发展对大自然的摧残与破坏William Cullen Bryant 美国第一个浪漫主义诗人《To a Waterfowl><The Yellow Violet>美国山水,讴歌大自然,歌颂美国生活现实Edgar Allan Poe ---(48 poems,70 short stories)He greatly influenced the devotees of “Art for art’s sake.”He was father of psychoanalytic criticism , and the detective story.Ralph Waldo Emerson---The chief spokesman of New England TranscendentalismAmerican Transcendentalism (also known as “American Renaissance”) It is the high tide of American romanticism Transcendentalists spoke for the cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American society. 《Nature》---the Bible of Transcendentalism by Emerson 《Self-Reliance》表达他的超验主义观点Henry David Thoreau------ Waldenhe regarded nature as a symbol of spirit.Thoreau was very critical of modern civilization.小说家:Hawthorne-赞成超验He is a master of symbolism The Scarlet Letter《红字》Melville 怀疑,悲观,sailing experiences Moby Dick百科全书式性质/海洋作品/动物史诗诗人Longfellow《I Shot an Arrow...》《A Psalm of Life》第一首被完整地介绍到中国的美国诗歌Whitman (Free Verse---without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme )《Leaves of Grass》《One's Self I Sing》《O Captain! My Captain!》songDickinson inner life of the individual ---died for beauty4、The Age of RealismJames upper reaches of American society. <一位女士的肖像》inner world of manHowells, concerned himself chiefly with middle class life.<The Rise of Silas Lapman>Twain the lower strata of society. humor and local colorism<Life on the Mississippi> <The Adventures of Tom Sawyer> <The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn >American Naturalism 自然主义(新型现实)Stephen Crane;《Maggie: A Girl of the Streets》《The Red Badge of Courage》pessimisticTheodore Dreiser;Sister Carrie;Jennie Gerhardt;An American Tragedy(Trilogy of Desire)O.Henry (William Sydney Porter):The Gift of the Magi;The Cop and the anthemJack London:The Call of the Wild;Martin Eden5、The Modern Period The 1920s-1930s ( the second renaissance of American literature)The Roaring Twenties ,The Jazz Age ,“lost”(Gertrude Stein) and “waste land”(T.S.Eliot)现代主义小说家F. Scott Fitzgerald:《The Great Gatsby》被视为美国文学“爵士时代”的象征,以美国梦American Dream为主线。


Social Changes in 1920s
• The 1920s were a decade of profound
social changes. The most obvious signs of The lost generation
change were the rise of a consumeroriented economy and of mass
• The 1920s was also a decade of deep cultural conflict.
• The decade witnessed a titanic struggle between an old and a new America. Immigration, race, alcohol, gender politics, and sexual morality--- all became major cultural battlefields during the 1920s.
• The Roaring Twenties emphasizes the period's social, artistic, and cultural
dynamism in America. Jazz music blossomed, the flapper redefined modern womanhood, Art Deco (装 饰艺术)peaked, and finally the Wall Street Crash of
• The 1920s era went by such names as the Jazz Age, the Age of Intolerance and the Roaring Twenties.



高一英语经典文学作品研究单选题40题1. In "Pride and Prejudice", Elizabeth Bennet is known for her intelligence and independence. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Elizabeth?A. BraveB. ShyC. WittyD. Strong-minded答案:B。


她不害羞,所以选项B 错误。


2. In "Jane Eyre", Jane is a very determined character. What does she do when facing difficulties?A. Give up easilyB. Seek help from othersC. Fight back bravelyD. Hide herself答案:C。




3. In "Great Expectations", Pip is a kind-hearted person. What doeshe do when he sees a beggar?A. Ignore the beggarB. Laugh at the beggarC. Give money to the beggarD. Scold the beggar答案:C。




外滩之旅:探索上海的标志性景点**Title: A Journey to the Bund: Exploring Shanghai's Iconic Landmark**As the sun cast its golden rays over the bustling city of Shanghai, my heart was filled with anticipation. Today, I was about to embark on a journey to one of the mosticonic landmarks in the city – the Bund. Standing on the edge of the Huangpu River, the Bund offers a breathtaking view of the city's skyline, a testament to Shanghai's rich history and cultural heritage.As I walked along the cobblestone pavement, I was greeted by an array of historical buildings that once housed banks and trading companies from various countries. The intricate details of their facades, the elegant arches, and the grandiose columns told tales of a bygone era. It was as if I had stepped into a time machine and was transported to the roaring twenties, where the Bund was the epitome of glamour and sophistication.The bustling atmosphere of the Bund was a stark contrast to the serene view of the river. Boats and shipsplied their trade on the Huangpu River, their masts and sails dotting the horizon. I could almost imagine the hustle and bustle of the past, where merchants and traders from around the world converged at the Bund to negotiate deals and exchange goods.As I continued my walk, I stopped to admire the skyline across the river. The Pudong district, with its skyscrapers and modern architecture, stood in stark contrast to the historical buildings of the Bund. It was a powerful reminder of how Shanghai has evolved from a trading port into a global city, embracing both its past and its future.I also visited the Shanghai Museum, which is located on the Bund. Inside, I was greeted by an array of artifacts that told the story of Shanghai's rich cultural heritage. From ancient pottery and calligraphy sets to intricate lacquerware and jade carvings, each piece was a testament to the city's rich cultural legacy.As the sun began to set, I found myself standing at the observation deck of the Oriental Pearl Tower, which overlooks the Bund. The cityscape was bathed in a golden hue, and the Huangpu River shimmered in the evening light.It was a moment of pure bliss, where I felt a deep sense of gratitude for being able to experience the beauty andhistory of this incredible city.In conclusion, my trip to the Bund was an unforgettable experience. It was not just a journey through the city's historical landmarks but also a journey through time, where I was able to witness the transformation of Shanghai from a trading port into a global city. The Bund is not just a place; it's a symbol of Shanghai's rich history, cultural heritage, and unwavering spirit.**外滩之旅:探索上海的标志性景点**当太阳的光辉洒落在繁华的上海城,我心中充满了期待。



关于美国历史的英语作文As I delve into the rich tapestry of American history, I am struck by the sheer magnitude of events andindividuals that have shaped this great nation. From the early settlers braving the unknown frontier to the Civil Rights movement that fought for equality and justice, the story of America is one of resilience, courage, and progress.The founding fathers, with their vision of a democratic society, laid the groundwork for a nation built on the principles of freedom and opportunity. Their words, immortalized in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, continue to inspire generations of Americans to strive for a more perfect union.But America's history is not without its dark chapters. The stain of slavery, the injustices suffered by Native Americans, and the struggles of immigrants seeking a betterlife are all part of the complex tapestry that is the American experience. Yet, through it all, Americans have shown a remarkable ability to overcome adversity and forge a path towards a brighter future.The Civil War, with its devastating toll on the nation, served as a crucible through which the United States emerged stronger and more united. The sacrifices made by soldiers on both sides, the leadership of President Abraham Lincoln, and the tireless efforts of abolitionists all played a role in shaping the course of American history.As the 20th century dawned, America found itself on the world stage, facing new challenges and opportunities. The roaring twenties brought unprecedented prosperity, only to be followed by the hardships of the Great Depression. World War II tested the resolve of the nation, but ultimately led to a new era of American dominance on the global stage.The civil rights movement of the 1960s, led by figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., brought about long-overdue changes to American society. The struggle for equality and justice continues to this day, as Americans grapple with issues of race, gender, and economic disparity.In conclusion, the history of America is a story of triumph and tragedy, of progress and setbacks. It is a reminder that the journey towards a more perfect union is ongoing, and that the values of freedom, equality, and justice must be constantly upheld and defended. As Americans, we must never forget the lessons of the past, and always strive to build a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.。



庆祝90岁生日英语作文90岁生日英语作文:Title: Celebrating My 90th Birthday。

Introduction:As I celebrate my 90th birthday, I find myself reflecting on the many journeys, challenges, and joys that have filled my life. It’s a milestone that not only marks the passage of time but also serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Join me as I take a nostalgic journey through the decades, reminiscing on the moments that have shaped me into the person I am today.Body:The Journey Begins:Ninety years ago, on this very day, I came into thisworld, a tiny bundle of joy with the promise of a lifetime ahead. Born into a world vastly different from the one we know today, I embarked on a journey filled with uncertainty yet brimming with hope. Growing up in a small town, I learned the values of hard work, perseverance, and compassion from my loving parents who instilled in me the importance of integrity and kindness.The Roaring Twenties:As I entered my teenage years, the world around me was swept up in the vibrant energy of the Roaring Twenties. It was a time of great change and cultural upheaval, with flappers dancing to jazz music, and the streets alive with the buzz of innovation and progress. I fondly recall the excitement of attending my first dance, feeling the rhythm of the music pulsating through my veins as I twirled around the dance floor with reckless abandon.The Trials of War:The idyllic days of my youth were soon overshadowed bythe dark clouds of war that swept across the globe. World War II brought unimaginable suffering and hardship to millions, and I found myself thrust into the chaos and uncertainty of battle. Serving my country with pride and honor, I witnessed the true cost of conflict and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Though the scars of war may fade with time, the memories of those who gave their lives for freedom will forever remain etched in my heart.Building a Family:Amidst the turmoil of war, there emerged moments of profound joy and love. Meeting the love of my life was a turning point in my journey, and together we embarked on the adventure of building a family. Raising children filled our home with laughter and warmth, and watching them grow into kind, compassionate individuals brought us immeasurable pride and joy. Though our journey was not without its challenges, our love for one another remained steadfast, serving as a beacon of hope in even the darkest of times.The Golden Years:As the years passed and the wrinkles of age began to etch themselves upon my face, I found solace in the simple pleasures of life. Watching the sunset paint the sky with hues of orange and pink, feeling the warmth of the sun onmy skin, and sharing stories and laughter with dear friends became the highlights of my days. Though my body may have grown frail with age, my spirit remained as vibrant as ever, filled with gratitude for the countless blessings that have adorned my life.Conclusion:As I blow out the candles on my 90th birthday cake, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for thejourney that has brought me to this moment. Though the road may have been long and winding, every twist and turn has been imbued with meaning and purpose, shaping me into the person I am today. As I look ahead to the adventures that await in the years to come, I do so with a heart full ofhope, knowing that each day is a precious gift to be cherished and savored to the fullest. Cheers to 90 years of life, love, and laughter – may the journey continue for many years to come!。



为妈妈准备惊喜的英语作文英文回答:It was a day like any other, bustling with the usual routine. As the sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow upon my mother's face, I knew I had to do something special. It was her birthday, and I was determined to make it a day she would cherish forever.In the weeks leading up to the occasion, I had been meticulously planning a surprise that would leave her speechless. It all began with brainstorming ideas, pouring over countless options to find the perfect one that would resonate with her. I wanted to create a celebration that was not only memorable but also tailored to her interests and passions.After much deliberation, I decided to host a themed party, one that would transport my mother back to the era she loved most—the Roaring Twenties. From the flapperdresses and top hats to the jazz music and vintage cocktails, every detail would be carefully orchestrated to evoke the spirit of that iconic decade.The day of the surprise dawned bright and sunny, filled with anticipation and excitement. I had spent hours decorating the venue, transforming it into a Gatsby-esque wonderland. Streamers and balloons adorned the walls, while antique phonographs played lively tunes in the background. The air was thick with the scent of freshly baked treats, wafting from the kitchen where I had prepared a delectable spread of finger foods and desserts.As the guests began to arrive, dressed to the nines in their finest flapper attire, I could feel the energy in the room soar. Laughter and chatter filled the air as they mingled and enjoyed the ambiance. My mother, still unawareof the surprise that awaited her, looked absolutely radiant.The moment she stepped into the venue, her eyes widened in astonishment. Tears of joy streamed down her face as she took in the scene before her. She had always dreamed ofexperiencing the Roaring Twenties, and now, thanks to her loving son, her wish had come true.The rest of the evening was a whirlwind of celebration. We danced the night away, savored the delicious food and drinks, and shared countless stories and memories. Mymother was surrounded by people who loved and cherished her, making her feel truly special on her birthday.As the party drew to a close, I handed my mother asmall gift, a beautiful locket that contained a tiny photograph of her and I. It was a symbol of our unbreakable bond and a reminder of the special day we had shared.Watching the sheer joy on my mother's face, I knew that all my efforts had been worth it. It was the perfect surprise, one that would stay with her long after the party was over. It was a day filled with love, laughter, and memories that we would cherish forever.中文回答:我妈妈生日那天是一个再普通不过的日子,繁忙的日常如常进行。



制作英语服装卡片作文Title: The Evolution of English Fashion: A Journey Through Time。

Fashion is a dynamic form of self-expression that transcends cultural boundaries and reflects the spirit of an era. In this essay, we embark on a journey through time to explore the evolution of English fashion, from its humble beginnings to its global influence today.The Early Ages:English fashion has a rich and storied history dating back to ancient times. During the early ages, clothing in England was primarily utilitarian, designed to provide protection from the elements. Fabrics were often rough and simple, reflecting the agrarian lifestyle of the people. Basic garments such as tunics and cloaks were common, adorned with minimal embellishments.Medieval Elegance:As England entered the medieval period, fashion began to evolve into a symbol of status and wealth. The nobility adorned themselves in luxurious fabrics such as silk, velvet, and brocade, showcasing their affluence to the world. Women wore elaborate gowns with intricate embroidery and jeweled accents, while men sported tailored doublets and hose. Fashion became a way for the aristocracy to display their power and influence.Tudor Splendor:The Tudor era marked a significant turning point in English fashion. The reign of monarchs such as Henry VIII and Elizabeth I brought about an explosion of creativity and extravagance in clothing. Tudor fashion was characterized by elaborate ruffs, voluminous sleeves, and richly embellished garments. Sumptuary laws regulated what colors and fabrics could be worn by different social classes, further emphasizing the importance of clothing as a status symbol.The Georgian Era:The 18th century saw the rise of the Georgian era, a time of elegance and refinement in English fashion. Influenced by the aesthetics of the Rococo and Neoclassical movements, clothing became lighter and more fluid in silhouette. Women wore flowing gowns with empire waists and delicate embroidery, while men donned tailored coats and breeches. Fashion became more accessible to the middle class, with the emergence of ready-to-wear garments and fashion magazines catering to a wider audience.Victorian Opulence:The Victorian era brought about a resurgence of opulence and extravagance in English fashion. QueenVictoria's reign was characterized by strict societal norms and rigid dress codes, particularly for women. Crinolines and corsets were worn to achieve the coveted hourglass silhouette, while men favored dark suits and top hats for formal occasions. The industrial revolution led toadvancements in textile production, allowing for more intricate patterns and designs to be incorporated into clothing.The Roaring Twenties:The 1920s marked a period of liberation and rebellionin English fashion. The aftermath of World War I brought about a shift towards more relaxed and daring styles. Women embraced the flapper look, with its dropped waistlines and shorter hemlines, rejecting the restrictive fashions of the past. Men's fashion also experienced a revolution, with the introduction of casual sportswear and the iconic tuxedo for formal events. The Jazz Age brought about a sense of optimism and freedom, reflected in the vibrant colors and bold patterns of the clothing of the time.Modern Times:Today, English fashion continues to evolve and innovate, blending elements of tradition with contemporary trends. British designers such as Vivienne Westwood, AlexanderMcQueen, and Stella McCartney have achieved international acclaim for their bold and avant-garde designs. The influence of street style and youth culture has become increasingly prominent, shaping the way we perceive and consume fashion. From the catwalks of London Fashion Week to the bustling streets of Camden Market, English fashion remains a vibrant and ever-changing tapestry of style and creativity.In conclusion, the evolution of English fashion is a testament to the ever-changing nature of style and society. From humble beginnings to global influence, clothing has played a central role in shaping the identity and culture of England throughout history. As we continue to move forward, let us celebrate the diversity and creativity that define English fashion, embracing the past while looking towards the future.。

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• Speakeasies and bootleggers appeared • alcohol abuse • Gangsters
• Dance clubs became enormously popular in the 1920s. • Dance music came to dominate all forms of popular music by the late 1920s. • the foxtrot, waltz and American tango.
Байду номын сангаасports
• the Golden Age of Sports. • baseball games, horsing racing, waterskiing…… • Babe Ruth ----American hero • He hit 60 homers in 1927
• the music of choice during the Roaring Twenties • Cities like New York and Chicago were cultural centers for jazz, and especially for African American artists. • George Gershwin
What were “the Roaring twenties”?
• Riotous living? Flappers? Jazz?
• The Roaring Twenties is a nickname for the 1920s which was a period of relative prosperity and innovation in the US . • Ended: the Wall Street Crash of 1929
• New technology allowed movies to have both sound and color, so Hollywood grew quickly. • First animated with sound: Steamboat Willie • Radio--had the most revolutionary impact(bringing news, entertainment, and advertisements)
The Change of Women
• The fast-changing world
of the 1920s produced new roles for women • Flapper--- "new woman" (bobbed hair, short dresses, smoked in public...)
The Lost Generation
• Disillusioned and cynical after the World War Ι, became “lost”. • Discontent with existing social reality, saying ”eat, drink, and be happy for tomorrow we shall die.” • Some writers such as Hemingway and John Dos Passos
Social Changes
• A decade of profound social and culture changes. • Sexual mores, gender roles had changed profoundly. Materialism and individualism are popular • Modern family emerged.
• A decade of great economic growth and widespread prosperity • A consumer society, with booming markets for radios, home appliances, synthetic textiles and plastics