Aluminium content in foods with aluminium-containing food additives
Aluminium magnesium ←aluminium→silicon B ↑Al ↓Ga Appearance General properties Name,symbol,number aluminium, Al, 13Element category other metal Group,period,block 13,3,p Standard atomic weight 26.9815386(13) g·mol −1Electron configuration [Ne] 3s 2 3p 1Electrons per shell 2, 8, 3 (Image)Physical properties Phase solid Density (near r.t.) 2.70g·cm −3Liquid density at m.p. 2.375 g·cm −3Melting point 933.47K, 660.32 °C, 1220.58 °F From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia(Redirected from Aluminum)Aluminium (UK:/ˌælj ʊˈm ɪniəm/(listen)a-lew-MIN -ee-əm [4]) or aluminum (US:/əˈlu ːm ɪnəm/(listen); seespelling below) is a silvery white and ductile member of theboron group of chemical elements. It has the symbol Al andits atomic number is 13. It is not soluble in water undernormal circumstances. Aluminium is the most abundant metalin the Earth's crust, and the third most abundant elementtherein, after oxygen and silicon. It makes up about 8% byweight of the Earth's solid surface. Aluminium is too reactivechemically to occur in nature as a free metal. Instead, it isfound combined in over 270 different minerals.[5] The chiefsource of aluminium is bauxite ore.Aluminium is remarkable for the metal's low density and forits ability to resist corrosion due to the phenomenon ofpassivation. Structural components made from aluminium andits alloys are vital to the aerospace industry and are veryimportant in other areas of transportation and building. Itsreactive nature makes it useful as a catalyst or additive inchemical mixtures, including ammonium nitrate explosives, toenhance blast power.Contents1Characteristics2Isotopes3Natural occurrence4Production and refinement5Recycling6Chemistry6.1Oxidation state +16.2Oxidation state +26.3Oxidation state +36.4Analysis7Applications7.1General use7.2Aluminium compounds7.3Aluminium alloys in structural applicationsPeriodic table 13Al 4/7/2010Aluminium - Wikipedia, the free ency…Boiling point2792K, 2519 °C, 4566 °FHeat of fusion10.71kJ·mol−1Heat of vaporization294.0kJ·mol−1Specific heat capacity(25 °C) 24.200 J·mol−1·K−1Vapor pressureP/Pa110100 1 k10 k100 kat T/K148216321817205423642790Atomic propertiesOxidation states3, 2[1], 1[2](amphoteric oxide)Electronegativity 1.61 (Pauling scale)Ionization energies(more)1st: 577.5kJ·mol−12nd: 1816.7 kJ·mol−13rd: 2744.8 kJ·mol−1Atomic radius143pmCovalent radius121±4 pmVan der Waalsradius184 pmMiscellaneaCrystal structure face-centered cubicMagnetic ordering paramagnetic[3]Electrical resistivity(20 °C) 28.2 nΩ·mThermal conductivity(300 K) 237 W·m−1·K−1Thermal expansion(25 °C) 23.1 µm·m−1·K−1Speed of sound (thinrod)(r.t.) (rolled) 5,000m·s−1Young's modulus70 GPaShear modulus26 GPaBulk modulus76 GPaPoisson ratio0.35Mohs hardness 2.75Vickers hardness167 MPaBrinell hardness245 MPaCAS registrynumber7429-90-5Most stable isotopesMain article:Isotopes of aluminiumiso NA half-life DM DE(MeV)DP265+26 Etched surface from a high purity(99.9998%) aluminium bar, size55×37 mm7.4Household wiring8History9Etymology9.1Nomenclature history9.2Present-day spelling10Health concerns11Effect on plants12See also13References14External linksCharacteristicsAluminium is a soft,durable,lightweight,malleable metalwith appearanceranging from silveryto dull grey,depending on thesurface roughness.Aluminium isnonmagnetic andnonsparking. It isalso insoluble inalcohol, though it can be soluble in water in certain forms. Theyield strength of pure aluminium is 7–11MPa, whilealuminium alloys have yield strengths ranging from 200 MPato 600 MPa.[6] Aluminium has about one-third the densityand stiffness of steel. It is ductile, and easily machined,cast,drawn and extruded.Corrosion resistance can be excellent due to a thin surfacelayer of aluminium oxide that forms when the metal is exposedto air, effectively preventing further oxidation. The strongestaluminium alloys are less corrosion resistant due to galvanicreactions with alloyed copper.[6] This corrosion resistance isalso often greatly reduced when many aqueous salts arepresent, particularly in the presence of dissimilar metals.Aluminium atoms are arranged in a face-centred cubic (fcc)structure. Aluminium has a stacking-fault energy ofapproximately 200 mJ/m2.[7]4/7/2010Aluminium - Wikipedia, the free ency…26Al trace 7.17×105y β+1.1726Mg ε-26Mg γ 1.8086-27Al 100%27Al is stable with 14neutronsAluminium is one of the few metals that retain full silvery reflectance in finely powdered form, making it an important component of silver paints. Aluminium mirror finish has thehighest reflectance of any metal in the 200–400 nm (UV) andthe 3,000–10,000 nm (far IR) regions; in the 400–700 nmvisible range it is slightly outperformed by tin and silver and inthe 700–3000 (near IR) by silver,gold, and copper.[8]Aluminium is a good thermal and electrical conductor, having 62% the conductivity of copper. Aluminium is capable of being a superconductor, with a superconducting critical temperature of 1.2kelvins and a critical magnetic field of about 100gauss (10milliteslas).[9]IsotopesMain article:isotopes of aluminiumAluminium has nine isotopes, whose mass numbers range from 23 to 30. Only 27Al (stable isotope) and 26Al (radioactive isotope,t 1/2 = 7.2×105y) occur naturally; however,27Al has a natural abundance above 99.9%.26Al is produced from argon in the atmosphere by spallation caused by cosmic-ray protons. Aluminium isotopes have found practical application in dating marine sediments, manganese nodules, glacial ice,quartz in rock exposures,and meteorites. The ratio of 26Al to 10Be has been used to study the role of transport, deposition,sediment storage,burial times, and erosion on 105 to 106 year time scales.[10]Cosmogenic 26Al was first applied in studies of the Moon and meteorites. Meteoroid fragments, after departure from their parent bodies, are exposed to intense cosmic-ray bombardment during their travel through space, causing substantial 26Al production. After falling to Earth, atmospheric shielding protects the meteorite fragments from further 26Al production, and its decay can then be used to determine the meteorite's terrestrial age. Meteorite research has also shown that 26Al was relativelyabundant at the time of formation of our planetary system. Most meteorite scientists believe that the energy released by the decay of 26Al was responsible for the melting and differentiation of some asteroids after their formation 4.55billion years ago.[11]Natural occurrenceSee also:Aluminium in AfricaIn the Earth's crust, aluminium is the most abundant (8.3% by weight) metallic element and the third most abundant of all elements (after oxygen and silicon).[12] Because of its strong affinity to oxygen, however, it is almost never found in the elemental state; instead it is found in oxides or silicates.Feldspars, the most common group of minerals in the Earth's crust, are aluminosilicates. Native aluminium metal can be found as a minor phase in low oxygen fugacity environments, such as the interiors of certain volcanoes.[13] It also occurs in the minerals beryl,cryolite,garnet,spinel and turquoise.[12] Impurities in Al 2O 3, such as chromium or cobalt yield the gemstones ruby and sapphire, respectively. Pure Al 2O 3, known as corundum, is one of the hardest materials known.[12]Although aluminium is an extremely common and widespread element, the common aluminium minerals are not economic sources of the metal. Almost all metallic aluminium is produced from the ore bauxite (AlO x (OH)3-2x ).Bauxite occurs as a weathering product of low iron and silica bedrock in tropical climatic conditions.[14] Large deposits of bauxite occur in Australia,Brazil,Guinea and Jamaica but the primary mining areas for the ore are in4/7/2010Aluminium - Wikipedia, the free ency…Bauxitedeposits of bauxite occur in Australia,Brazil,Guinea and Jamaica but the primary mining areas for the ore are in Ghana,Indonesia, Jamaica, Russia and Surinam.[15]Smelting of the ore mainly occurs in Australia, Brazil, Canada,Norway, Russia and the United States. Because smelting is an energy-intensive process, regions with excess natural gas supplies (such as the United Arab Emirates) are becoming aluminium refiners.Production and refinementAlthough aluminium is the most abundant metallic element in the Earth's crust, it is never found in free, metallic form,and it was once considered a precious metal more valuable than gold.Napoleon III, Emperor of France, is reputed to have given a banquet where the most honoured guests were given aluminium utensils, while the others had to make do with gold.[16][17] The Washington Monument was completed, with the 100 ounce (2.8 kg) aluminium capstone being put in place on December 6, 1884, in an elaborate dedication ceremony. It was the largest single piece of aluminium cast at the time, when aluminium was as expensive as silver.[18] Aluminium has been produced in commercial quantities for just over 100 years.Aluminium is a strongly reactive metal that forms a high-energy chemicalbond with oxygen. Compared to most other metals, it is difficult to extractfrom ore, such as bauxite, due to the energy required to reduce aluminiumoxide (Al 2O 3). For example, direct reduction with carbon, as is used toproduce iron, is not chemically possible, since aluminium is a strongerreducing agent than carbon. However there is an indirect carbothermicreduction possible by using carbon and Al 2O 3 which forms anintermediate Al 4C 3 and this can further yield aluminium metal at atemperature of 1900–2000°C. This process is still under development.This process costs less energy and yields less CO 2 than the Hall-Héroult process.[19] Aluminium oxide has a melting point of about 2,000 °C(3,600 °F). Therefore, it must be extracted by electrolysis. In this process, the aluminium oxide is dissolved inmolten cryolite and then reduced to the pure metal. The operational temperature of the reduction cells is around 950to 980 °C (1,740 to 1,800 °F). Cryolite is found as a mineral in Greenland, but in industrial use it has been replaced by a synthetic substance. Cryolite is a chemical compound of aluminium,sodium, and calcium fluorides: (Na 3AlF 6).The aluminium oxide (a white powder) is obtained by refining bauxite in the Bayer process of Karl Bayer.(Previously, the Deville process was the predominant refining technology.)The electrolytic process replaced the Wöhler process, which involved the reduction of anhydrous aluminium chloride with potassium. Both of the electrodes used in the electrolysis of aluminium oxide are carbon. Once the refined alumina is dissolved in the electrolyte, its ions are free to move around. The reaction at the cathode is:Al 3+ + 3 e − → AlHere the aluminium ion is being reduced. The aluminium metal then sinks to the bottom and is tapped off, usually cast into large blocks called aluminium billets for further processing.At the anode, oxygen is formed:2 O 2− → O 2 + 4 e −This carbon anode is then oxidized by the oxygen, releasing carbon dioxide:4/7/2010Aluminium - Wikipedia, the free ency…World production trend of aluminiumAluminium output in 2005O 2 + C → CO 2The anodes in a reduction cell must therefore be replaced regularly, since they are consumed in the process.Unlike the anodes, the cathodes are not oxidized because there is no oxygen present, as the carbon cathodes are protected by the liquid aluminium inside the cells. Nevertheless, cathodes do erode, mainly due to electrochemical processes and metal movement. After five to ten years, depending on the current used in the electrolysis, a cell has to be rebuilt because of cathode wear.Aluminium electrolysis with the Hall-Héroult process consumes a lot ofenergy, but alternative processes were always found to be less viableeconomically and/or ecologically. The worldwide average specific energyconsumption is approximately 15±0.5kilowatt-hours per kilogram ofaluminium produced (52 to 56MJ/kg). The most modern smeltersachieve approximately 12.8 kW·h/kg (46.1 MJ/kg). (Compare this to theheat of reaction, 31 MJ/kg, and the Gibbs free energy of reaction, 29MJ/kg.) Reduction line currents for older technologies are typically 100to 200kiloamperes; state-of-the-art smelters [20] operate at about 350kA. Trials have been reported with 500 kA cells.Electric power represents about 20% to 40% of the cost of producing aluminium, depending on the location of the smelter. Smelters tend to be situated where electric power is both plentiful and inexpensive, such as South Africa,Ghana, the South Island of New Zealand, Australia, the People's Republic of China, the Middle East,Russia,Quebec and British Columbia in Canada, and Iceland.[21]In 2005, the People's Republic of China was the top producer ofaluminium with almost a one-fifth world share, followed by Russia,Canada, and the USA, reports the British Geological Survey.Over the last 50 years, Australia has become a major producer of bauxiteore and a major producer and exporter of alumina.[22] Australiaproduced 62 million tonnes of bauxite in 2005. The Australian depositshave some refining problems, some being high in silica but have theadvantage of being shallow and relatively easy to mine.[23]See also:Category:Aluminium minerals RecyclingMain article:Aluminium recyclingAluminium is 100% recyclable without any loss of its natural qualities. Recovery ofthe metal via recycling has become an important facet of the aluminium industry.Recycling involves melting the scrap, a process that requires only five percent of theenergy used to produce aluminium from ore. However, a significant part (up to 15%of the input material) is lost as dross (ash-like oxide).[24] The dross can undergo afurther process to extract aluminium.4/7/2010Aluminium - Wikipedia, the free ency…Aluminium recycling codefurther process to extract aluminium.Recycling was a low-profile activity until the late 1960s, when the growing use ofaluminium beverage cans brought it to the public awareness.In Europe aluminium experiences high rates of recycling, ranging from 42% of beverage cans, 85% of construction materials and 95% of transport vehicles.[25]Recycled aluminium is known as secondary aluminium, but maintains the same physical properties as primary aluminium. Secondary aluminium is produced in a wide range of formats and is employed in 80% of the alloy injections. Another important use is for extrusion.White dross from primary aluminium production and from secondary recycling operations still contains usefulquantities of aluminium which can be extracted industrially.[26] The process produces aluminium billets, together with a highly complex waste material. This waste is difficult to manage. It reacts with water, releasing a mixture of gases (including, among others,hydrogen,acetylene, and ammonia) which spontaneously ignites on contact with air;[27]contact with damp air results in the release of copious quantities of ammonia gas. Despite these difficulties,however, the waste has found use as a filler in asphalt and concrete.[28]ChemistryOxidation state +1AlH is produced when aluminium is heated in an atmosphere of hydrogen. Al 2O is made by heating the normal oxide, Al 2O 3, with silicon at 1,800 °C (3,272 °F) in a vacuum.[29]Al 2S can be made by heating Al 2S 3 with aluminium shavings at 1,300 °C (2,372 °F) in a vacuum.[29] It quickly disproportionates to the starting materials. The selenide is made in a parallel manner.AlF, AlCl and AlBr exist in the gaseous phase when the tri-halide is heated with aluminium. Aluminium halides usually exist in the form AlX 3, where X is F, Cl, Br, or I.[29]Oxidation state +2Aluminium monoxide, AlO, has been detected in the gas phase after explosion [30] and in stellar absorptionspectra.[31]Oxidation state +3Fajans' rules show that the simple trivalent cation Al 3+ is not expected to be found in anhydrous salts or binary compounds such as Al 2O 3. The hydroxide is a weak base and aluminium salts of weak acids, such as carbonate,cannot be prepared. The salts of strong acids, such as nitrate, are stable and soluble in water, forming hydrates with at least six molecules of water of crystallization.Aluminium hydride, (AlH 3)n , can be produced from trimethylaluminium and an excess of hydrogen. It burnsexplosively in air. It can also be prepared by the action of aluminium chloride on lithium hydride in ether solution, but cannot be isolated free from the solvent. Alumino-hydrides of the most electropositive elements are known, the4/7/2010Aluminium - Wikipedia, the free ency…most useful being lithium aluminium hydride, Li[AlH4]. It decomposes into lithium hydride, aluminium and hydrogen when heated, and is hydrolysed by water. It has many uses in organic chemistry, particularly as a reducing agent. The aluminohalides have a similar structure.Aluminium hydroxide may be prepared as a gelatinous precipitate by adding ammonia to an aqueous solution of an aluminium salt. It is amphoteric, being both a very weak acid, and forming aluminates with alkalis. It exists in various crystalline forms.Aluminium carbide, Al4C3 is made by heating a mixture of the elements above 1,000 °C (1,832 °F). The pale yellow crystals have a complex lattice structure, and react with water or dilute acids to give methane. The acetylide, Al2(C2)3, is made by passing acetylene over heated aluminium.Aluminium nitride, AlN, can be made from the elements at 800 °C (1,472 °F). It is hydrolysed by water to form ammonia and aluminium hydroxide.Aluminium phosphide, AlP, is made similarly, and hydrolyses to give phosphine.Aluminium oxide, Al2O3, occurs naturally as corundum, and can be made by burning aluminium in oxygen or by heating the hydroxide, nitrate or sulfate. As a gemstone, its hardness is only exceeded by diamond,boron nitride, and carborundum. It is almost insoluble in water.Aluminium sulfide, Al2S3, may be prepared by passing hydrogen sulfide over aluminium powder. It is polymorphic.Aluminium iodide, AlI3, is a dimer with applications in organic synthesis.Aluminium fluoride, AlF3, is made by treating the hydroxide with HF, or can be made from the elements. It consists of a giant molecule which sublimes without melting at 1,291 °C (2,356 °F). It is very inert. The other trihalides are dimeric, having a bridge-like structure.When aluminium and fluoride are together in aqueous solution, they readily form complex ions such as[AlF(H2O)5]2+,AlF3(H2O)3, and[AlF6]3−. Of these,[AlF6]3− is the most stable. This is explained by the fact that aluminium and fluoride, which are both very compact ions, fit together just right to form the octahedral aluminium hexafluoride complex. When aluminium and fluoride are together in water in a 1:6 molar ratio,[AlF6]3− is the most common form, even in rather low concentrations.Organometallic compounds of empirical formula AlR3 exist and, if not also polymers, are at least dimers or trimers. They have some uses in organic synthesis, for instance trimethylaluminium.AnalysisThe presence of aluminium can be detected in qualitative analysis using aluminon.ApplicationsGeneral useAluminium is the most widely used non-ferrous metal.[32] Global production of aluminium in 2005 was 31.9 million tonnes. It exceeded that of any other metal except iron (837.5 million tonnes).[33] Forecast for 2012 is 42–45 million tons, driven by rising Chinese output.[34] Relatively pure aluminium is encountered only when corrosion resistance and/or workability is more important than strength or hardness. A thin layer of aluminium can be deposited onto a flat surface by physical vapour deposition or (very infrequently)chemical vapour deposition orHousehold aluminium foil Aluminium-bodied Austin "A40Sports" (circa 1951)Aluminium slabs being transported from the smelters other chemical means to form optical coatings and mirrors. When so deposited, a fresh, pure aluminium film serves as a good reflector (approximately 92%) of visible light and an excellent reflector (as much as 98%) of medium and far infrared radiation.Pure aluminium has a low tensile strength, but when combined with thermo-mechanical processing, aluminium alloys display a marked improvement in mechanical properties, especially when tempered. Aluminium alloys form vital components of aircraft and rockets as a result of their high strength-to-weight ratio. Aluminium readily forms alloys with many elements such as copper,zinc,magnesium,manganese and silicon (e.g.,duralumin). Today, almost all bulk metal materials that are referred to loosely as "aluminium", are actually alloys. For example, the common aluminium foils are alloys of 92% to 99% aluminium.[35]Some of the many uses for aluminium metal are in:Transportation (automobiles, aircraft,trucks,railway cars, marinevessels,bicycles etc.) as sheet, tube, castings etc.Packaging (cans, foil, etc.)Construction (windows,doors,siding, building wire, etc.)A wide range of household items, from cooking utensils to baseballbats, watches.[36]Street lighting poles, sailing ship masts,walking poles etc.Outer shells of consumer electronics, also cases for equipment e.g.photographic equipment.Electrical transmission lines for power distributionMKM steel and Alnico magnetsSuper purity aluminium (SPA, 99.980% to 99.999% Al), used inelectronics and CDs.Heat sinks for electronic appliances such as transistors and CPUs.Substrate material of metal-core copper clad laminates used in highbrightness LED lighting.Powdered aluminium is used in paint, and in pyrotechnics such assolid rocket fuels and thermite.Aluminium can be reacted with hydrochloric acid to form hydrogengas.Aluminium compoundsAluminium ammonium sulfate ([Al(NH 4)](SO 4)2),ammonium alumis used as a mordant, in water purification and sewage treatment, inpaper production, as a food additive, and in leather tanning.Aluminium acetate is a salt used in solution as an astringent.Aluminium borate (Al 2O 3 B 2O 3) is used in the production of glassand ceramic.Aluminium borohydride (Al(BH 4)3) is used as an additive to jetfuel.Aluminium foamAluminium bronze (CuAl 5)Aluminium chloride (AlCl 3) is used: in paint manufacturing, in antiperspirants, in petroleum refining and in the production of synthetic rubber.Aluminium chlorohydrate is used as an antiperspirant and in the treatment of hyperhidrosis.Aluminium fluorosilicate (Al 2(SiF 6)3) is used in the production of synthetic gemstones, glass and ceramic.Aluminium hydroxide (Al(OH)3) is used: as an antacid, as a mordant, in water purification, in the manufacture of glass and ceramic and in the waterproofing of fabrics.Aluminium oxide (Al 2O 3), alumina, is found naturally as corundum (rubies and sapphires),emery, and is used in glass making. Synthetic ruby and sapphire are used in lasers for the production of coherent light. Used as a refractory, essential for the production of high pressure sodium lamps.Aluminium phosphate (AlPO 4) is used in the manufacture: of glass and ceramic,pulp and paper products,cosmetics, paints and varnishes and in making dental cement.Aluminium sulfate (Al 2(SO 4)3) is used: in the manufacture of paper, as a mordant, in a fire extinguisher, inwater purification and sewage treatment, as a food additive, in fireproofing, and in leather tanning.Aqueous Aluminium ions (such as found in aqueous Aluminium Sulfate) are used to treat against fish parasites such as Gyrodactylus salaris .In many vaccines, certain aluminium salts serve as an immune adjuvant (immune response booster) to allow the protein in the vaccine to achieve sufficient potency as an immune stimulant.Aluminium alloys in structural applicationsMain article:Aluminium alloyAluminium alloys with a wide range of properties are used in engineeringstructures. Alloy systems are classified by a number system (ANSI) or bynames indicating their main alloying constituents (DIN and ISO).The strength and durability of aluminium alloys vary widely, not only as aresult of the components of the specific alloy, but also as a result of heattreatments and manufacturing processes. A lack of knowledge of theseaspects has from time to time led to improperly designed structures andgained aluminium a bad reputation.One important structural limitation of aluminium alloys is their fatiguestrength. Unlike steels, aluminium alloys have no well-defined fatigue limit,meaning that fatigue failure will eventually occur under even very smallcyclic loadings. This implies that engineers must assess these loads anddesign for a fixed life rather than an infinite life.Another important property of aluminium alloys is their sensitivity to heat.Workshop procedures involving heating are complicated by the fact that aluminium, unlike steel, will melt withoutfirst glowing red. Forming operations where a blow torch is used therefore requires some expertise, since no visual signs reveal how close the material is to melting. Aluminium alloys, like all structural alloys, also are subject to internal stresses following heating operations such as welding and casting. The problem with aluminium alloys in this regard is their low melting point, which make them more susceptible to distortions from thermally induced stress relief. Controlled stress relief can be done during manufacturing by heat-treating the parts in an oven, followed by gradual cooling—in effect annealing the stresses.The low melting point of aluminium alloys has not precluded their use in rocketry; even for use in constructing combustion chambers where gases can reach 3500 K. The Agena upper stage engine used a regeneratively cooled aluminium design for some parts of the nozzle, including the thermally critical throat region.Household wiringSee also:Aluminium wireCompared to copper, aluminium has about 65% of the electrical conductivity by volume, although 200% by weight. Traditionally copper is used as household wiring material. In the 1960s aluminium was considerably cheaper than copper, and so was introduced for household electrical wiring in the United States, even though many fixtures had not been designed to accept aluminium wire. In some cases the greater coefficient of thermal expansion of aluminium causes the wire to expand and contract relative to the dissimilar metal screw connection, eventually loosening the connection. Also, pure aluminium has a tendency to creep under steady sustained pressure (to a greater degree as the temperature rises), again loosening the connection. Finally,Galvanic corrosion from the dissimilar metals increased the electrical resistance of the connection.All of this resulted in overheated and loose connections, and this in turn resulted in fires. Builders then became wary of using the wire, and many jurisdictions outlawed its use in very small sizes in new construction. Eventually, newer fixtures were introduced with connections designed to avoid loosening and overheating. The first generation fixtures were marked "Al/Cu" and were ultimately found suitable only for copper-clad aluminium wire, but the second generation fixtures, which bear a "CO/ALR" coding, are rated for unclad aluminium wire. To adapt older assemblies, workers forestall the heating problem using a properly-done crimp of the aluminium wire to a short "pigtail" of copper wire. Today, new alloys, designs, and methods are used for aluminium wiring in combination with aluminium termination.HistoryAncient Greeks and Romans used aluminium salts as dyeing mordantsand as astringents for dressing wounds;alum is still used as a styptic. In1761Guyton de Morveau suggested calling the base alum alumine. In1808,Humphry Davy identified the existence of a metal base of alum,which he at first termed alumium and later aluminum (see Etymologysection, below).The metal was first produced in 1825 (in an impure form) by Danishphysicist and chemist Hans Christian Ørsted. He reacted anhydrousaluminium chloride with potassium amalgam and yielded a lump of metallooking similar to tin.[37]Friedrich Wöhler was aware of theseexperiments and cited them, but after redoing the experiments of Ørstedhe concluded that this metal was pure potassium. He conducted a similar。
Most well known national legislations 最熟悉的国家法规有:
- Germany 德国
- LFGB (Lebensmittel-, Bedarfsgegenstände- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch)
- Example: Abrasion of grinders 例如: 研磨器的磨损测试
- (c) bring about a deterioration in the organoleptic characteristics 导致感官特性的恶化 导致食 物成分不可接受的改变
- Example: Deterioration of taste or smell 例如: 味道和气味 的变化
USA - Regulatory Background 美国 –法规背景 FDA – Food and Drug Administration 食品和药物监督局
- Agency of the United States 美国的机构 - protecting public health through regulation and supervision of 通过立 法和监督保护公众安全
- (a) endanger human health 危害人类健康
- Example: Release of Heavy Metals from metalic articles - 例如:金属物品中释放的重金属
- (b) bring about an unacceptable change in the composition of the food 使食物成分有 不可接受的改变
National Legislations within European Union 欧盟的国家法规
铝在我们日常生活中的使用英语作文English Answer:Aluminum, a lightweight and versatile metal, plays a pivotal role in our everyday lives. Its resilience, durability, and malleability make it an ideal material for a wide range of applications, from aerospace to packaging.In the transportation sector, aluminum alloys are extensively used in the construction of aircraft, automobiles, and trains. Its high strength-to-weight ratio enables efficient fuel consumption, reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability.In the construction industry, aluminum's corrosion resistance, formability, and durability make it anexcellent choice for roofing, siding, and window frames. It provides excellent protection against the elements, while its low maintenance requirements contribute to its cost-effectiveness.Aluminum is also a crucial material in consumer electronics. Its high electrical conductivity and thermal dissipation properties make it suitable for applications such as laptops, smartphones, and home appliances. Its lightweight construction and durability enhance the portability and lifespan of these devices.In packaging, aluminum is widely used for food and beverage containers. Its flexibility allows for a variety of shapes and sizes, ensuring product protection and extending shelf life. Aluminum's non-reactive nature preserves the taste and quality of contents, making it a hygienic and reliable material.In addition to these primary applications, aluminum finds numerous other uses in our daily lives, including:Medical devices: Aluminum alloys are used in surgical instruments, implants, and prosthetics due to their biocompatibility and strength.Sporting goods: Aluminum is utilized in bicycles, tennis rackets, and fishing rods because of its combination of lightness, strength, and corrosion resistance.Home décor: Aluminum furniture, cookware, and appliances bring a modern and stylish touch to our homes, offering durability and low maintenance.Overall, aluminum's unique properties and broad versatility make it an indispensable material that enhances our lives in countless ways. Its lightweight construction, durability, electrical conductivity, and corrosion resistance contribute to its widespread use in transportation, construction, consumer electronics, packaging, and numerous other applications.中文回答:铝在我们的日常生活中的应用。
食品包装名词中英文对照包装 Package, Packaging包装形象 Package Image包装设计 Package Design包装策略 Package Tactics销售包装 Sales (or Consumer) Package出口包装 Export Package礼品包装 Gift Package泡罩包装 Blister Package包装材料 Packaging Materials包装科学与技术 Packaging Science and Technology包装工程 Packaging Engineering包装测试 Package Testing包半装潢 Package Decorating包装标准与法规 Package Standards and Statntes 包装有效期 Shelf Life of Package, Package life 食品包装 Food Packaging绿色包装 Green Packaging绿色食品 Green Food企业形象战略 CIS Corporate Identity System运输包装 Transport Package内销包装 Domestic Package组合包装 Constitute Package/ Assembly Package 热收缩包装 Shrink Package包装容器 Packaging Containers包装方法 Packaging Method包装质量 Package Quality包装管理 Package Management食品包装与方法食品品质 Food Quality食品氧化 Food Oxidation食品微生物 Food Microorganism食品营养 Food Nutrition高温杀菌 High Temperature Sterilization 蒸煮袋 Retortable Pouch冻结 Freezing化学防腐 Chemical Preservation辐照防腐 Radiation Asepsis食品添加剂 Food Additiue微波灭菌 Micvowave Sterilization食品脱水 Food Dehydration食品腌渍防腐 Food Preservation食品褐变变色 Food Browning非酶褐变 Non-Enzymaticbrowning渗透性 Permeability饱和吸湿量 Saturated Moisture Content 环境因素 Environmental Factor食品冷藏 Refrigerated Storage of Food 水分活度 Water Actiuity冷冻调理食品 Frozen Prepared Food低温贮藏 Low-temperature Storage冷藏 Refrigerated Storage冰温贮藏 Ice-temperature Storage化学防腐剂 Chemical Preservative辐射剂量 Radiatiue Dosage (or Dosage of Radition) 杀菌剂 Fungicide微波辐射 Microwaue Radiation食品浓缩 Food Concentration食品烟熏防腐 Fumigation Asepsis of Food酶促褐变 Enzymatic Browning油脂氧化 Oxidation of Fat and Oils食品吸湿 Moisture absorbability of food临界水分值 Critical Moisture Content食品包装材料纸与纸板 paper and Board牛皮纸 Kraft Paper鸡皮纸 W. G. Wrapping Paper玻璃纸 Glass Paper (Cellophane) 糖果包装纸 Kiss Paper涂布纸 White Board白纸板 White board再生纸板 Reclaimed board牛皮箱纸板 kraft Liner board瓦楞纸板 Corrugated Board瓦楞纸箱 Corrugated Box折叠盒 Folding Cartons衬袋盒(箱) Bag-in -box复合纸罐 Composite Paper-Can纸质托盘 Paper-Tray定量 net weight羊皮纸 Parchment Paper半透明纸 Semitransparent Paper普通食品包装纸 Food Packaging Paper 茶叶袋滤纸 Tea Bag Paper复合纸 Composite Paper黄纸板 Straw Board箱纸板 Case Board瓦楞原纸 Corrugating Base Paper包装纸箱 Packaging Box纸盒 Paper Box固定盒 Set-up Box纸浆模制品 Pulp Mould复合纸杯 Composite Paper -Cup纸袋 Paper Bag塑料包装材料 Plastic Packaging Materials热塑性塑料 Thermo Plastic塑料树脂 Plastic Resin聚乙烯 Polyethylene高密度聚乙烯 High Density Polyethylene聚丙烯 Polypropylene聚氯乙烯 Polyvinyl Chloride聚酯 Polyethylene Terephthlate聚酰胺 Polyamide乙烯-乙烯醇共聚物 Ethylene-Vinyl Alcohol Copoyhner 离子型聚合物 Ionomer聚氨脂 Polyurethane环境可降解塑料 Environmental lysis film塑料薄膜 Plastic Film热收缩薄膜 Shrink Film复合薄膜 Compsite Fism蒸煮袋 Retortable Pouch生物降薄膜 Biolysis Film塑料瓶 Plastic Bottle热固性塑料 Thermoset Plastic低密度聚乙烯 Low Density Polyethylene线型低密度聚乙烯 Linear Low density Polyethylene 聚苯乙烯 Polystyrene聚偏二氯乙烯 Poly vinylidene Chlorie (saran)聚碳酸酯 Polycarbonate聚乙烯醇 Polyvinyl Alcshol乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物 Ethylene Vinylacetate聚四氟乙烯(PTFE) Polyterafluoroethylene定向拉伸薄膜 Stretched Film弹性薄膜 Elastic Film塑料薄膜袋 Plastic film Bag可食薄膜 Edible Film光降解膜 Light ?lysis Film塑料桶 Plastic Drum塑料保温箱 Plastic Foam Box热成型容器 thermo Form Containers助剂(添加剂) Additives增塑剂 Plasticizers稳定剂 Stabilizers填充剂 Fillers着色剂 Colorants金属包装材料和容器 Metal Packaging Material and Containers镀锡薄钢板 Tinplate镀锌薄钢板 Enplate铝合金薄板 Aluminium Alloy Plate 铝箔 Aluminium Foil金属罐 Metal Can两片罐 Two-piece Can圆罐 Round Can方罐 Rectagular Can梯形罐 trapezoidal Can浅冲罐 Drawn Can钙塑瓦楞箱 Calp Box塑料片材 Plastic sheet毒性 Toxicity安全性 Safety透气性 Gas Permeability透湿性 Water Vapor Permeability 渗透性 Permeability镀铬薄钢板 Tin-free ?Steel-or TFS 低碳薄钢板 Low Carbon Steel真空镀铝膜 Al metallizing Fool三片罐 Three ?piece Can组合罐 Composite Can异形罐 Irregular Can椭圆罐 Oval Can缩颈罐 Necked-in Can深冲罐 deep Drawn Can变薄拉伸罐 Crawn and Ironed Can 焊缝罐 Resistance Welding Can易开罐 Easy Open Can铝质罐 aluminum Can涂料罐 Lacquered Tin Plate Can罐盖 End (or Lid or Cover)全开盖 Full Open Can金属软管 Metal Collapsible Tube玻璃容器 Glass Containers瓶罐 Container轻量瓶 Light weight Container软饮料瓶 Sofe drink bottle陶瓷电装容器 Pottery and Porcelain Packaging Containers 包装辅助材料 ancillary Packaging Materials粘合剂 Adhesive聚醋酸乙烯 Poly vinyl Acetate水溶型粘合剂 Water-soluble Adhesive溶剂型粘合剂 Solvent Adhesive压敏型粘合剂 Pressure-sensitive Adhesive 锡焊罐 Soldered Can粘接罐 Cono-weld Can卷开罐 Key Open Can索铁罐 Plain Tinplate Can顶开罐 Open Top Can易开盖 Easy Open End金属大桶 Metal Drum钠钙硅玻璃 Sode-lime-silica Glass小口瓶 Bottle啤酒瓶 Beer Bottle白酒瓶 White Spirit Bottle乳液型粘合剂 Emulsion Adhesive热熔型粘合剂 Hotmelt Adhesive胶乳 Latex淀粉粘合剂 Starch Adhesive阿拉伯树胶 Acacia Gum皮胶 Hide glue涂料 Coating Material酚醛树胶(PF) phenol ?formaldehyde Resin 丙烯酸树脂 Acrylics环氧树脂(EP) Epoxide Resin防雾滴涂料 Antidimming Paint桐油 Tung Oil封缄材料 Closure Material胶带 gummed Tape流体密封胶 Fluid Seal-gum糊精 Dextrin骨胶 bone glue干酪素 Casein天然树脂 Natural Resin氨基树脂 Amino Resin防腐涂料 Anticorrosive Paint防静电涂料 Anti-static Paint石蜡 Paraffin捆扎材料 Strapping Material压敏胶带 Pressure-sensitive Tape食品包装技术和设备食品包装技术 Food Packaging technology 食品包装机械 Food Packaging Machinery 自动包装机 Automatic Packaging Machine专用包装机 Special Purpose Packaging Machine食品充填技术 Food Tilling Technique灌装技术 Canning Technique裹包技术 Wrapping Technique扭结式裹包机 Twist wrapping Machine拉伸裹包机 Stretch (film) Wrapping Machine袋装技术 Fill-bag technique制袋成型-充填-封口包装机 Form/fill/Seal Machine装盒技术 Cartoning Technique热成型充填封合包装机 Thermo form/Fill/Seal热收缩包装技术 Shrinking Packaging Technique收缩套箍 Bands, shrink (moisture)防潮包装技术 Water Vapour Proof Packaging Technique 透湿度 Water Vapour Permeability干燥剂 Desiccating Agent, desiccant通用包装机 Universal Packaging Machine多功能包装机 Multi-function Packaging Machine计量精度 Measuring Precision灌装机 Canning Machine折叠式裹包机 Fold Wrapping Machine缠绕式裹包机 Spiral (or Convdute) Wrapping Machine袋装机械 Fill-bag Machine装盒机 Cartoning Machine, Cartoner热收缩薄膜 Film, Shrink收缩包装机 Shrink Wrapping Machine临界水分 Critical Moisture Content吸潮剂 Demoisturer, Moisture Remouver真空包装(VP) Vacuum Packaging改善或控制气氛包 MAP Modified or Controlled Atmosphore Packaging保鲜包装 Fresh-keeping Packaging真空包装机 Vacuum Packaging Machine 脱氧包装 De-oxygen Packaging脱氧剂 deoxygener无菌包装系统 Aseptic Packaging System 利乐包 Tetra Pak软罐头 Flexible Can蒸煮盒 Retortable Box封口技术 Sealling Technique塞子 Plug螺旋盖 Screw Cap凸耳盖 Twist-off lug Cap撬开盖 Pry-off Cap,Press-on Cap热压封合 Heat Sealing铁落试验 Drop Test商标 Tradematk货签 Shipping Tag压敏标签 Pressure-sensitive Label充气包装 Gas Packaging透气度 Gas permeability充气包装机 gas Flushing Machine无菌包装(AP) Aseptic Pavckaging超高温瞬时灭菌(UHT) Ultra High Temperature Short Time 康美盒无菌包 Combibloe Aseptic Package蒸煮袋 Retortable Pouch杀菌机 sterilization Machine盖 Cap, Lid, Cover防盗盖 Pilfer Proof Cap Tamperproof Cap滚压盖 Roll-on Cap王冠盖 grown, Grown Cap压力试验 Compression Test标签 Label吊牌 Tag胶粘标签 Adhesive Label热敏标签 heat-sensitive Label贴标机 Labelling Machine激光打印 Laser Printing捆扎机 Strapping Machine喷墨打印 spray ink Printing捆扎带 Strapping包装自动线 Automatic Packaging Line有关包装缩略语和简称一览表一. 包装材料和容器制品ABS acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene 丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯ADH adhesive 粘合剂AF aluminuj foil 铝箔AM aluminum metallization 蒸镀铝ANS acrylonitrile-styrene copolymers 丙烯腈-苯乙烯共聚物BBP butyl benzyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯BIB Bag-in ?box 衬袋箱(盒)BK bleached kraft 漂白牛皮纸BMC bulk molding compound 预制整体模塑料BON biaxially oriented nylon film 双向拉伸尼龙薄膜BOPP Biaxially oriented polypropylene film 双向拉伸聚丙烯CELLD cello phane 赛璐玢COFC container on flat car 平板车集装箱CRC child-resistant closure 儿童安全盖DMT dimethyl terephthalate 对苯二甲酸二甲酯DOA dioctyl akipate 己二酸二辛酯DOP dioctyl phthalate 邻苯二酸二辛酯DRD draw redraw (cans) 深冲(罐),冲压-再冲压DWI draw and ironed (cans) 冲拔罐EAA ethylene-acrylic acid 乙烯-丙烯酸共聚物ECCS electrolytic chromium-coated steel 镀络钢EEA ethylene-ethyl acrylate 乙烯-丙烯酸乙酯共聚物EG thylene glycol 乙二醇EMAA ethylene-methacrylic acid 乙烯-甲基丙烯酸共聚物EPC expanded polyethylene copplymer 发泡聚乙烯EPE expanded polyethylenev 发泡聚乙烯ETO ethylene oxide 环氧乙烷ETP electrolytic tinplate 电镀锡钢板EVA ethylene-vinyl acetate 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物EVOH ethylene-vinyl alcohol 乙烯-乙烯醇共聚物FEP fluorinated ethylene-polypropylene 氟化乙烯-丙烯共聚物FRP fiberglass reinforced plastics 玻璃纤维增强塑料GPPS general-purpose polystyrene 通用型聚苯乙烯HDPE high density polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯HM hot melt 热熔胶HPP homopolymer polypropylene 聚丙烯均聚物LDPE low density polyethylene 低密度聚乙烯LLDPE linear low density polyethylene 线性低密度聚乙烯MDPE medium density polyethylene 中密度聚乙烯MGBK machine-glazed bleached kraft 纸机光泽漂白牛皮纸MMA methyl methacrylate 甲基丙烯酸甲酯NC nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素NK natural kraft 本色牛皮纸NODA n-octyl n-decyl adipate 已二酸辛癸酯ON oriented nylon 取向(拉伸)尼龙OPET oriented polyester 取向(拉伸)聚酯OPP oriented polypropylene 拉伸聚丙烯OPS oriented polystyrene 拉伸聚苯乙烯PAN polyacrylonitrile 聚丙烯腈PBT poly butylenes terephthalate 聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯PC poly carbonate 聚碳酸酯PE poly ethylene 聚乙烯PET polyester 聚酯PEB polyisobutylene 聚异丁烯PM packaging materials 包装材料PP poly propylene 聚丙烯PS polystyrene 聚苯乙烯PTFE poly tetra fluoroethy lene 聚四氟乙烯PVAC poly (vinyl acetate) 聚醋酸乙烯PVC poly (vinyl chloride) 聚氯乙烯PVDC poly (vinylidene fluoride) 聚偏二氯乙烯PVF poly (vinyl luoride) 聚氟乙烯PVF2 poly (vinylidene fluoride) 聚偏二氟乙烯PVA poly (vinyl alcohol) 聚乙烯醇RCF regenerated cellulose film 再生纤维素薄膜RCPP random-copolymer poly propylene 无规聚丙烯RSC regular slotted container 规则开槽箱SAN styrene-acylonitrile 苯乙烯-丙烯腈共聚物SB styrene-butadiene 苯乙烯-丁二烯共聚物SBS sdid bleached sulate 同质漂白牛皮纸TUS solid unbleached sulfate 同质未漂白牛皮纸TFS tin-free steel 无锡钢板TPA terephthalic acid 对苯二甲酸VA vinyl alcohol 乙烯醇VC vinyl chloride 氯乙烯VCM vinyl chloride monomer 氯乙烯单体VDC vinylidene chloride 偏二氯乙烯XKL extensible kraft linerboard 可伸性牛皮箱纸板二.包装技术及单位BPM bottles (or bags) per minute 瓶(或袋)/分钟BUR blow-up ratio 吹胀比CA controlled atmosphere 控制气氛CAD computer-aided design 计算机辅助设计CAP controlled atmosphere 控制气氛包装CNC computer numerical control 计算机数字控制CPM cans perminute 罐/分钟FFS form/fill/seal 成型-充填-封合GAL gallon(3.785L in the U.S) 加仑(美加仑等于3.785升) HFFS form/fill /seal, horizontal 卧式成型-充填-封合HRC Rockwell hardness (C Scale) 洛氏硬度(C标度)HRM Rockwell hardness (M scale) 洛氏硬度(M标度)HTST high temperature-short time 高温短时杀菌MA modified atmosphere 改变气氛MD machine direction 机器方向,纵向OD optical density 光密度OTR oxygen transmission rate 氧气透过率PPB part per billion (109) 十亿分之一PPM part per million (107) 百万分之一RH relative humidity 相对湿度RPM rotations per minute 每分钟转数SP special packaging 特殊包装,专用包装TFFS thermoform/fill/seal 热成型-充填-封合TM melting temperature 熔化温度TIS technical information service 技术情报服务UV ultraviolet 紫外线VFFS form/fill/seal, vertical 立式成型-充填-封合WT weight 重量WVTR water vapor transmission rate 水蒸气透过率食品标准英语词汇蜂蜜标准 Standard for Honey可可脂标准 Standard for Cocoa Butters巧克力标准 Standard for Chocolate可可粉和可可糖混合物标准 Standard for Cocoa Powders (Cocoas) and Dry Cocoa-sugar Mixtures天然矿泉水标准 Standard for Natural Mineral Waters加工可可和巧克力制品所使用的碎可可豆, 可可块, 可可油饼和可可细粉标准 Standard for Cocoa (Cacao) Nib, Cocoa (Cacao) Mass, Cocoa Press Cake and Cocoa Dust (Cocoa Fines), for Use in the Manufacture of Cocoa and Chocolate Products夹心巧克力成分标准 Standard for Composite and Filled Chocolate可可脂糖果标准 Standard for Cocoa Butter Confectionery木薯标准 Standard for Gari食醋标准 Standard for Vinegar蛋黄酱标准 Standard for Mayonnaise食用木薯粉标准 Standard for Edible Cassava Flour糖标准 Standard for Sugars鱼和鱼制品标准名称沙文鱼罐头 Canned Salmon速冻除内脏及带内脏鳍鱼 Quick Frozen Finfish, Uneviscerated and Eviscerated小虾或大虾罐头 Canned Shrimps or Prawns金枪鱼和鲣鱼罐头 Canned Tuna and Bonito蟹肉罐头 Canned Crab Meat速冻小虾或大虾 Quick Frozen Shrimps or Prawns沙丁鱼和沙丁类鱼制品罐头 Canned Sardines and Sardine-Type Pro油脂和相关制品标准名称单个标准未涉及的食用油脂通用标准 General Standard for Edible Fats and Oils Not Covered by Individual Standards人造奶油标准 (脂肪含量不低于80%) Standard for Margarine粗制和精炼的橄榄油, 以及精炼橄榄渣油标准 Standard for Olive Oil, Virgin and Refined, and for Refined Olive-Pomace Oil人造奶油标准 (脂肪含量在39%-41%间) Standard for Minarine命名植物油标准 Standard for Named Vegetable Oils命名动物油标准 Standard for Named Animal Fats谷物、豆类及其制品以及植物蛋白标准名称面粉标准 Standard for Wheat Flour玉米标准 Standard for Maize (Corn)整玉米粗粉标准 Standard for Whole Maize (Corn) Meal脱胚玉米粉和玉米渣标准 Standard for Degermed Maize (Corn) Meal and Maize (Corn) Grits小麦面筋标准 Standard for Wheat Gluten脱皮的整珍珠小米标准 Standard for Whole and Decorticated Pearl Millet Grains小米面标准 Standard for Pearl Millet Flour某些豆类标准 Standard for Certain Pulses高粱米标准 Standard for Sorghum Grains高粱面标准 Standard for Sorghum Flour植物蛋白制品标准 General Standard for Vegetable Protein Products (VPP)大豆蛋白制品标准 General Standard for Soy Protein Products (SPP)粗粒硬质小麦和硬质小麦粉标准 Standard for Durum Wheat Semolina and Durum Wheat Flour大米标准 Standard for Rice小麦和硬质小麦标准 Standard for Wheat and Durum Wheat花生标准 Standard for Peanuts燕麦标准 Standard for Oats古斯(蒸熟的硬质小麦餐)标准 Standard for Couscous果汁及相关产品标准名称杏蜜、桃蜜和梨蜜标准(采用物理方法保藏) Standard for Apricot, Peach and Pear Nectars Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means桔子汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Orange Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means葡萄柚汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Grapefruit Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means柠檬汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Lemon Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means苹果汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Apple Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means蕃茄汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Tomato Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means浓缩苹果汁标准(采用物理方法浓缩) Standard for Concentrated Apple Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means浓缩桔子汁标准(采用物理方法浓缩) Standard for Concentrated Orange Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means葡萄汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Grape Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means浓缩葡萄汁标准(采用物理方法浓缩) Standard for Concentrated Grape Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means浓缩拉布鲁斯卡甜葡萄汁标准(采用物理方法浓缩) Standard for Sweetened Concentrated Labrusca Type Grape Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means菠萝汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Pineapple Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means无果肉的黑加仑果蜜标准(采用物理方法保藏) Standard for Non-pulpy Blackcurrant Nectar Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means黑加仑汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Blackcurrant Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means浓缩黑加仑汁标准(采用物理方法浓缩) Standard for Concentrated Blackcurrant Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means含某种小浆果的果肉蜜标准(采用物理方法保藏) Standard for Pulpy Nectars of Certain Small Fruits Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means含桔的果蜜标准(采用物理方法保藏) Standard for Nectars of Certain Citrus Fruits Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means浓缩菠萝汁标准(采用物理方法浓缩) Standard for Concentrated Pineapple Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means采用防腐剂加工的浓缩菠萝汁标准 Standard for Concentrated Pineapple Juice with Preservatives, for Manufacturing番石榴果蜜标准(采用物理方法保藏) Standard for Guava Nectar Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means芒果果肉液标准(采用物理方法保藏) Standard for Liquid Pulpy Mango Products Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means其它未涉及的果蜜通用标准(采用物理方法保藏) General Standard for Fruit Nectars Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means Not Covered by Individual Standards其它未涉及的果汁通用标准(仅用物理方法保藏) General Standard for Fruit Juices Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means Not Covered by Individual Standards蔬菜汁通用标准 General Standard for Vegetable Juices食品分类标准名称预包装食品标签通用标准 General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods辐照食品通用标准 General Standard for Irradiated Foods食品添加剂销售时的标签通用标准 General Standard for the Labelling of Food Additives when Sold as Such食用盐标准 Standard for Food Grade Salt食品添加剂通用法典标准前言 Preamble to the General Standard for Food Additives食品中污染物和毒素通用法典标准前言 Preamble to the General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods再加工用花生中黄曲霉毒素最大限量标准 Standard for Maximum Level for Aflatoxins in Peanuts intended for Further Processing。
关键词:铝;原子吸收法;食品Abstract:Aluminum belongs to common metal element, often used by food foaming agent. The aluminum content of food is harmful to health will exceed the standard, this article mainly studies the content of aluminum in food, through the determination of aluminum content by atomic absorption method, through the analysis method for the determination of aluminum content in food which has high precision and accuracy, and the method is simple operation, high accuracy,suitable for aluminum content of food in the test.Key words:Aluminum; Atomic absorption method; Food中图分类号:R155.5+1铝是一种广泛应用于食品领域的金属,虽然属于低毒元素,但大量实验表明,人体摄入铝后会在体内积累,铝会结合多种酶、蛋白质等对人体造成影响[1],体内铝含量过高会引起大脑损伤、老年性痴呆、帕金森综合症等疾病,还会增加骨质疏松、贫血等疾病的风险[2-4]。
The EFSA Journal (2008) 754, 1-34© European Food Safety Authority, 2007Safety of aluminium from dietary intake 1Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, ProcessingAids and Food Contact Materials (AFC)(Question Nos EFSA-Q-2006-168 and EFSA-Q-2008-254)Adopted on 22 May 2008P ANEL M EMBERSF. Aguilar, H. Autrup, S. Barlow, L. Castle, R. Crebelli, W. Dekant, K.-H. Engel, N. Gontard,D. Gott, S. Grilli, R. Gürtler, J.-C. Larsen, C. Leclercq, J.-C. Leblanc, F.-X. Malcata, W. Mennes, M.-R. Milana, I. Pratt, I. Rietjens, P. Tobback, F. Toldrá.S UMMARYFollowing a request from the Commission, the Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids and Food Contact Materials (AFC) was asked to provide a scientific opinion on the safety of aluminium from all sources of dietary intake. In the event the estimated exposure for a particular sub-group(s) is found to exceed the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake, a detailed breakdown by exposure source should be provided.Aluminium occurs naturally in the environment and is also released due to anthropogenic activities such as mining and industrial uses, in the production of aluminium metal and other aluminium compounds.A variety of aluminium compounds are produced and used for different purposes, such as in water treatment, papermaking, fire retardant, fillers, food additives, colours and pharmaceuticals. Aluminium metal, mainly in the form of alloys with other metals, has many uses including in consumer appliances, food packaging and cookware.The major route of exposure to aluminium for the general population is through food. Aluminium in drinking water represents another, minor, source of exposure. Additional exposures may arise from the use of aluminium compounds in pharmaceuticals and consumer products.Most unprocessed foods typically contain less than 5 mg aluminium/kg. Higher concentrations (mean levels 5 to 10 mg/kg) were often found in breads, cakes and pastries (with biscuits having the highest levels), some vegetables (with mushrooms, spinach, radish, swiss card, 1 For citation purposes: Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids and Food Contact Materials on a request from European Commission on Safety of aluminium from dietary intake. The EFSA Journal (2008) 754, 1-34lettuce and corn salad having the highest levels), glacé fruits, dairy products, sausages, offals, shellfish, sugar-rich foods baking mixes, and a majority of farinaceous products and flours. Foods with very high mean concentrations included tea leaves, herbs, cocoa and cocoa products, and spices.Under normal and typical conditions the contribution of migration from food contact materials would represent only a small fraction of the total dietary intake. However, the Panel noted that in the presence of acids and salts, the use of aluminium-based pans, bowls, and foils for foods such as apple puree, rhubarb, tomato puree or salted herring could result in increased aluminium concentrations in such foods. Also, the use of aluminium vessels and trays for convenience and fast food in might moderately increase the aluminium concentrations, especially in foods that contain tomato, different types of pickles, and vinegar.Total dietary exposure to aluminium from all sources has been estimated from duplicate diet studies (the Netherlands, Hungary, Germany, Sweden, and Italy), and market basket and total diet studies (UK, Finland, and France). Mean dietary exposure from water and food in non-occupational exposed adults showed large variations between the different countries and, within a country, between different surveys. It ranged from 1.6 to 13 mg aluminium per day, corresponding to 0.2 to 1.5 mg/kg body weight (bw) per week in a 60 kg adult. Children generally have higher food intake than adults when expressed on a body weight basis, and therefore represent the group with the highest potential exposure to aluminium per kg body weight.. Large individual variations in dietary exposure to aluminium can occur. In children and young people the potential estimated exposure at the 97.5th percentile ranged from 0.7 mg/kg bw/week for children aged 3-15 years in France to 2.3 mg/kg bw/week for toddlers (1.5-4.5 years) and 1.7 mg/kg bw/week for those aged 4-18 years in the UK. Cereals and cereal products, vegetables, and beverages appeared to be the main contributors (>10%) to the dietary aluminium exposure in the general population.In infants aged 0-3, 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12 months, potential dietary exposures from infant formulae and other foods manufactured specially for infants were estimated to be respectively 0.10, 0.20, 0.43 and 0.78 mg/kg bw/week.Potential exposure to aluminium in 3-month infants from a variety of infant formulae was estimated by the Panel. At the mean it was up to 0.6 mg/kg bw/week for milk-based formulae and was 0.75 mg /kg bw/week for soya-based formulae; at high percentiles of exposure it was up to 0.9 mg/kg bw/week for milk-based formulae and was 1.1 mg /kg bw/week for soya-based formulae.The Panel noted that in some individual brands of formulae (both milk-based and soya-based) the aluminium concentration was around 4 times higher that the mean concentrations estimated above, leading to a 4 times higher potential exposure in brand-loyal infants.Potential exposure in breast-fed infants was estimated to be less than 0.07 mg/kg bw/week. The oral bioavailability of the aluminium ion in humans and experimental animals from drinking water has been estimated to be in the range of 0.3%, whereas the bioavailability of aluminium from food and beverages generally is considered to be lower, about 0.1%. However, it is likely that the oral absorption of aluminium from food can vary at least 10-fold depending on the chemical forms present. Although the degree of water solubility of an aluminium compound appears to increase the bioavailability of the aluminium ion, the presence or absence in the intestines of dietary ligands may either increase (e.g. citrate, lactate, and other organic carboxylic acid complexing agents, fluoride), or decrease the absorption (e.g. phosphate, silicon, polyphenols).After absorption, aluminium distributes to all tissues in animals and humans and accumulates in some, in particular bone. The main carrier of the aluminium ion in plasma is the iron binding protein, transferrin. Aluminium can enter the brain and reach the placenta and fetus. Aluminium may persist for a very long time in various organs and tissues before it is excreted in the urine. Although retention times for aluminium appear to be longer in humans than in rodents, there is little information allowing extrapolation from rodents to the humans. Although at high levels of exposure, some aluminium compounds may produce DNA damage in vitro and in vivo via indirect mechanisms, the Panel considered this unlikely to be of relevance for humans exposed to aluminium via the diet.The database on carcinogenicity of aluminium compounds is limited. In the most recent study no indication of any carcinogenic potential was obtained in mice given aluminium potassium sulphate at high levels in the diet. Overall the Panel concluded that aluminium is unlikely to be a human carcinogen at dietary relevant doses.Aluminium has shown neurotoxicity in patients undergoing dialysis and thereby chronically exposed parenterally to high concentrations of aluminium. It has been suggested that aluminium is implicated in the aetiology of Alzheimer’s disease and associated with other neurodegenerative diseases in humans. However, these hypotheses remain controversial. Based on the the available scientific data, the Panel does not consider exposure to aluminium via food to constitute a risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease.The Panel noted that several compounds containing aluminium have the potential to produce neurotoxicity (mice, rats) and to affect the male reproductive system (dogs). In addition, after maternal exposure they have shown embryotoxicity (mice) and have affected the developing nervous system in the offspring (mice, rats). The Panel also noted that there are very few specific toxicological data for food additives containing aluminium. Thus the Panel considered it prudent to take these effects into account when setting a tolerable intake for all dietary sources. The available studies have a number of limitations and do not allow any dose-response relationships to be established. The Panel therefore based its evaluation on the combined evidence from several studies in mice, rats and dogs that used dietary administration of aluminium compounds. In these studies the lowest-observed-adverse-effect levels (LOAELs) for effects on neurotoxicity, testes, embryotoxicity, and the developing nervous system were 52, 75, 100, and 50 mg aluminium/kg bw/day, respectively. Similarly, the lowest no-observed-adverse-effect levels (NOAELs) for effects on these endpoints were reported at 30, 27, 100, and for effects on the developing nervous system, between 10 and 42 mg aluminium/kg bw per day, respectively.In view of the cumulative nature of aluminium in the organism after dietary exposure, the Panel considered it more appropriate to establish a tolerable weekly intake (TWI) for aluminium rather than a tolerable daily intake (TDI). Based on the combined evidence from the above-mentioned studies, the Panel established a TWI of 1 mg aluminium/kg bw/week.The estimated daily dietary exposure to aluminium in the general population, assessed in several European countries, varied from 0.2 to 1.5 mg/kg bw/week at the mean and was up to 2.3 mg/kg bw/week in highly exposed consumers.The TWI of 1 mg/kg bw/week is therefore likely to be exceeded in a significant part of the European population. Cereals and cereal products, vegetables, beverages and certain infant formulae appear to be the main contributors to the dietary aluminium exposure.Due to the design of the human dietary studies and the analytical methods used, which only determine the total aluminium content in food, and not the individual aluminium compounds or species present, it is not possible to conclude on the specific sources contributing to thealuminium content of a particular food, such as the amount inherently present, the contributions from use of food additives, and the amounts released to the food during processing and storage from aluminium-containing foils, containers, or utensils. Thus a detailed breakdown by exposure source is not possible.Key words:Aluminium, CAS number 7429-90-5, Aluminium sulphate, Aluminium sodium sulphate, Aluminium potassium sulphate, Aluminium ammonium sulphate, Sodium aluminium phosphate (acidic), Sodium aluminium silicate, Potassium aluminium silicate, Calcium aluminium silicate, Aluminium silicate (Kaolin), Potassium aluminium silicate, Bentonite, Aluminium silicate (Kaolin), Starch aluminium octenyl succinate, aluminium lakes, E 173, E 520, E 521, E 522, E 523, E 541, E 554 E 555, E 556, E 558, E 559, E 1452T ABLE OF C ONTENTSPanel Members (1)Summary (1)Table of Contents (5)Background as provided by the Commission (6)Terms of reference as provided by the Commission (6)Acknowledgements (7)Assessment (8)1.Chemistry (8)1.1.Description (8)1.2.Aluminium chemistry in complex formation (8)2.Sources (9)2.1.Natural sources (9)2.2.Other sources (9)es (12)e of aluminium and aluminium compounds in food contact materials (12)3.1.1.Aluminium and its alloys (12)3.1.2.Aluminium and aluminium compounds as additives in food contact plastic materials (13)3.2.Authorised food additives containing aluminium according to Directive 95/2/EC on foodadditives other than colours and sweeteners (14)3.3.Authorised food colours containing aluminium according to Directive 94/36/EC on coloursfor use in foodstuffs (15)3.4.Specific purity criteria concerning food additives (15)e of Aluminium in water for human consumption (15)3.6. 3.6 Miscellaneous uses (16)4.Dietary Exposure (16)5.Biological and toxicological data (18)5.1.Absorption, distribution and excretion (19)5.2.Acute toxicity (21)5.3.Subchronic toxicity (21)5.4.Genotoxicity (22)5.5.Carcinogenicity (22)5.6.Reproductive and developmental toxicity (22)5.7.Neurotoxicity and developmental neurotoxicity (23)6.Discussion (24)7.Conclusions (28)Documentation provided to EFSA (31)References (31)Glossary / Abbreviations (34)B ACKGROUND AS PROVIDED BY THEC OMMISSIONEuropean Parliament and Council Directive 95/2/EC on food additives other than colours and sweeteners (as amended) allows a number of aluminium-containing additives to be used in some foodstuffs. Notably aluminium sulphates (E 520-523) are permitted to be used in egg white and candied, crystallised glace fruit and vegetables; acidic sodium aluminium phosphate (E 541) is permitted in scones and sponge wares; aluminium silicates (E 553-559) are permitted in a limited range of food categories and starch aluminium octenyl succinate (E 1452) is permitted in food supplements.Moreover, the European Parliament and Council Directive 94/36/EC on colours for use in foodstuffs (as amended) also permits the use of aluminium (E 173) for the external coating of sugar confectionery for decoration of cakes and pastries, in addition to allowing the use of aluminium lakes of the permitted colours.Food additives are reported to be the greatest contributors to intake of aluminium from food, but other sources also contribute to the overall intake, e.g. aluminium naturally present in plant products and migration from food contact materials.Plants can take up aluminium from the soil and from water in which aluminium (the third most abundant element, constituting approximately 8% of the earth’s crust) is present.As regards food contact materials, aluminium may migrate to food from aluminium cookware, kitchen utensils, cans, foils, etc. Aluminium and some aluminium salts are permitted to be used in plastics under Commission Directive (EC) No 2002/72/EC relating to plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs, however, no specific migration limit is set for aluminium. Within Council of Europe Guidelines on Metals and Alloys used as food contact materials (13.02.2002), recommendations to minimise migration of aluminium were included.Previously the Scientific Committee for Food (SCF) evaluated the safety of aluminium-containing food additives in 1990 at which time they endorsed the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI) of 7 mg/kg bw for aluminium for all intake sources, established previously by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA).Recently at its sixty-seventh meeting, JECFA re-evaluated aluminium from all sources, including food additives, and established a PTWI of 1 mg/kg bw which is 7 times lower than the previous PTWI. JECFA also noted that ´the PTWI is likely to be exceeded to a large extent by some population groups, particularly children, who regularly consume foods that included aluminium-containing additives´.In view of the above, EFSA is requested to assess the possible risk for human health from the presence of aluminium in food, considering all sources of dietary intake. Such an assessment should take into account the exposure of the most vulnerable groups of the population.T ERMS OF REFERENCE AS PROVIDED BY THE C OMMISSIONIn accordance with Article 29 (1) (a) of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002, the European Commission asks the European Food Safety Authority to provide a scientific opinion on the safety of aluminium from dietary intake. In the event the estimated exposure for a particular sub-group(s) is found to exceed the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake, a detailed breakdown by exposure source should be provided.A CKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe European Food Safety Authority wishes to thank the members of the ad hoc Working Group on Aluminium for the preparation of this opinion:Diane Benford, Erminio Giavini, Karolina Hulshof, Ole Ladefoged, John Christian Larsen (WG Chair), Catherine Leclercq, Maria-Rosaria Milana, Iona Pratt.The European Food Safety Authority also wishes to thank the following experts who have provided comments on the sections on chemistry and absorption, distribution and excretion of aluminium:Guy Berthon, Staffan Sjöberg.A SSESSMENTThis opinion on the safety of aluminium from dietary exposure covers all sources of aluminium in the diet. These sources include the background levels inherently present in food plants and animals due to the widespread environmental occurrence of aluminium, the contributions from the use of aluminium-containing food additives, and the amounts released to the food during processing and storage from aluminium-containing food contact materials such as foils, containers, or utensils. An additional exposure may arise from aluminium in drinking water.In the main opinion only brief summaries of the data are given in the sections on Dietary exposure (section 4) and Biological and toxicological data (section 5). Detailed information on these data and the relevant references are given in the Annex (Annex to the scientific opinion on safety of aluminium from dietary intake).1.Chemistry1.1.DescriptionAluminium is a silvery, white metal. It is ductile and malleable, non-magnetic and non-combustible (IAI, 2007). Its CAS number is 7429-90-5. It is the thirteenth element in the periodic system, with atomic number 13 and a relative atomic mass of 26.98. Its melting point is 660°C and its boiling point is 2467 °C. The density is 2.7 g/cm3. The naturally occurring stable isotope is 27Al. The isotope 26Al has a long half life but a low natural abundance and is used as a tracer in biological studies (Jouhanneau et al., 1994). The small ionic radius (54 pm) and the electric charge gives Al3+ a strong polarizing effect on adjacent atoms; indeed, aluminium is too reactive to be found free in nature, where aluminium exists only in the oxidation state Al3+ (Giordano et al., 1993; Martin, 1991).1.2.Aluminium chemistry in complex formationThe basic electronic configuration of aluminium is 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p. In the oxidation state of Al3+ the aluminium ion has the electronic stable configuration of 1s2, 2s2, 2p6. In solution the ion may easily form complexes due to the hybridisation of the external atomic orbitals 3s, 3p and 3d that are empty and therefore form six hybrid orbitals of d2sp3 type arranged in octahedral geometry (Kirk Othmer, 1963). The coordination number is mainly six and less frequently four (Ohman, et al., 1996). However, Swaddle et al. (Swaddle et al., 2005) found kinetic evidence for five-coordination in the Al(OH)2+ ion.A variety of complexes may be formed with the ligands present in biological systems and/or in foods. The complexes between ligands and aluminium have different physicochemical properties, such as solubility in aqueous medium, stability towards hydrolysis at different pH, electric charge etc. This can greatly influence the toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic profile of aluminium.In aqueous media, water molecules form relatively strong bonds with the Al3+ ion and it has been recognised that in aqueous solution the ligands that form stable complexes with the Al3+ ion are fluoride ion and ligands coordinating by means of oxygen donor atoms. It is well known that the number of water molecules in this first sphere of coordination is six, and that these water molecules are regularly coordinated in a octahedral geometry, forming the species [Al(H2O)6]3+ , usually abbreviated as Al3+. This species has a greater tendency to exchange protons than water molecules. In fact the [Al(H2O)6]3+ ion behaves as a weak acid due to ion-dipole forces between Al3+ and the oxygen atoms of the coordinated water molecules. It should be stressed that whatever ligands may be present in biological systems the equilibrium between aluminium and the hydroxide anion must be always considered (Ohman, et al., 1996).In acidic aqueous solutions with pH <5, the aluminium ion exists mainly as [Al(H2O)6]3+. With increasing pH, in less acidic solutions, a series of successive deprotonations of [Al(H2O)6]3+ occur to yield Al(OH)2+ , Al(OH)2+ and soluble Al(OH)3, with a corresponding decrease in the number of water molecules. Neutral solutions give an Al(OH)3 precipitate which redissolves owing to the formation of the aluminate anion Al(OH)4-; a mixture of these species occurs in the pH range of 5-7, but at pH > 6.2 Al(OH)4- is the predominant soluble aqueous species (Martin, 1991).2.Sources2.1.Natural sourcesAluminium occurs naturally in the environment, and is the most abundant metallic element in the earth's crust where it is frequently found as alumino-silicates, hydroxides, phosphates, sulphates and cryolite (WHO, 1997). Levels in soil vary widely, ranging from about 7 to over 100 g/kg. Natural processes such as soil erosion, weathering of rocks and volcanic activity result in the release and redistribution of aluminium compounds to other environmental compartments including water, air and biota. Release of aluminium from geological sources to the environment has increased due to acid rain, resulting in a lowering of soil pH and increased solubility of the aluminium compounds. Aluminium is also released due to anthropogenic activities such as mining and industrial uses, in the production of aluminium metal and other aluminium compounds.2.2.Other sourcesAluminium metalAluminium metal is produced all over the world. The aluminium metal production process involves two main stages: refining of aluminium oxide from the bauxite or cryolite ores in a caustic soda-high temperature process and then electrolytic smelting process which reduces the aluminium oxide trihydrate (alumina) into metallic aluminium and oxygen. Subsequently other elements are generally added to obtain different alloys (IAI, 2007).Aluminium compoundsAluminium may form inorganic compounds and compounds with organic moieties especially with organic acids (e.g. lactic acid, stearic acid etc), that are produced for different purposes. In aqueous solution, aluminium in the compounds is typically present in its 3+ oxidation state (Silvestroni, 1977).Table 1 reports basic physicochemical properties of some commonly used aluminium compounds.Table 1. Basic physicochemical properties of some commonly used aluminium compoundsName Synonyms Molecularformula Enum.MW solubility inwaterNotes References(fromATSDR†when notspecified)Aluminium ammonium sulphate ammoniumalumAlNH4(SO4)2 E523237.15freely soluble JECFA,1985aAluminium ammonium sulphate dodecahydrate AlNH4(SO4)2 .12H2ONA* 453.32freely soluble JECFA,1985aAluminium chloride AlCl3 NA*133.34Reacts evolvinghydrochloricacid and heatAluminium chlorohydrate (anhydrous) notavailableAl n Cl(n-m)(OH)mNA* notavailable55% w/w colloidalsolutionAluminium fluoride AlF3NA* 83.98 5.59 g/l at 25°C, sparinglysoluble in acidsand alkalialuminium hydroxide Al(OH)3 NA*78.01insoluble,soluble inalkaline andacid solutionsAluminium lactate C9H15 AlO9 NA*294.19freely solubleAluminium nitrate Al(NO3)3 NA*213.0freely solubleAluminium oxide Aluminiumtrioxide,alumina,Al2O3 NA*101.940.98 mg/L incold water,insoluble in hotwater, slightlysoluble in acidand alkaliAluminium phosphate AlPO4 NA*121.95insolubleAluminium potassium sulphate AlK(SO4)2 E 522 258.2 50 g/L in coldwater,1g/1ml inboiling waterAluminium silicate (Kaolin) Al2O3.2SiO2.2H2OE 559 insoluble NNT,2000Aluminium sodium sulphate AlNa(SO4)2 E 521 241.11soluble in coldand hot waterSargent-Welch, 2007Aluminium sulphate Al2(SO4)3 E520342.14soluble in 1 partwater370 g/lLenntech,2007AluminiumcitrateC6 H8 O7.X-AL NA* soluble in water Bentonite (AlMg)8(Si4O10)4(OH)8 .12 H2OE 558 819† Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry* NA: non authorised as a food additiveName Synonyms Molecularformula Enum.MW solubility inwaterNotes References(fromATSDR†when notspecified)Calcium aluminium silicate E556insoluble NNT,2000Potassium aluminium silicate KAl2[AlSi3O10](OH)2E 555 398 insoluble naturalmicaconsistsofmainlypotassiumaluminiumsilicateSodium aluminium phosphate, acidic SALP,SALP, acidicNaAl3H14(PO4)8.4 H20Na3Al2H15(PO4)8E 541949.88897.82insoluble;soluble inhydrochloricacidjecfa:541 iJECFA, 1985bSodium aluminium phosphate, basic KASALSALP, basicapprox.Na8Al2(OH)2(PO4)4 + 30%NaH2PO4NA* soluble inhydrochloricacid; sodiumphosphatemoiety : solublein water;sodiumaluminiumphosphatemoiety:sparingly soluble inwaterjecfa:541 iiJECFA 1985cSodium aluminium silicate sodiumsilicoaluminatea series ofhydrated sodiumaluminiumsilicatesE 554 insoluble;partially solublein strong acidsand alkalihydroxidesJECFA,1973esA variety of aluminium compounds are produced and used for different purposes, such as in water treatment, papermaking, fire retardants, fillers, food additives, colours and pharmaceuticals. Aluminium metal, mainly in the form of alloys with other metals, has many uses including as structural materials in construction, automobiles, aircraft and machinery, in consumer appliances, food packaging and cookware. Aluminium compounds also have a wide variety of uses, including production of glass, ceramics, rubber, waterproofing textiles, wood preservatives, pharmaceuticals and food additives. Natural aluminium minerals such as bentonite and zeolite are used in water purification or in the detergent sector (as builder in phosphate-free detergents), and in the sugar refining, brewing, wine making, and paper industries.e of aluminium and aluminium compounds in food contact materialsThe use of aluminium in food contact materials fall into two main fields: use of aluminium and its alloys as food contact materials and use of aluminium and aluminium organic and inorganic compounds as additives for food contact materials.3.1.1.Aluminium and its alloysAluminium metal and its alloys are used to manufacture articles that are destined to be used for processing, packaging, and storage of foods at the industrial, the retail and the domestic level.A variety of industrial applications of aluminium food containers are now available, in which aluminium is the main component (e.g. cans for beverages, fish or meat, small flexible tubes, caps or tear open closures) or is included in a multilayer structure composed of several materials (e.g. beverages cartons, plastic laminates etc). In these applications aluminium is generally not in direct contact with foods, being coated or coupled with plastic barrier layers. However, uses of aluminium metal exist also in food industry applications in which aluminium is in direct contact with foods, such as industrial pans and utensils to process foods, or foil and trays for long term packaging of chocolate and cakes. Moreover, aluminium is widely used in the food industry as a component of materials and machinery used in food processing (e.g. surfaces, accessories, tanks etc).Typical examples of domestic use are pans, coffee pots, baking trays, kitchen utensils and accessories, containers for dried spices, sugar and coffee, and wrapping foils for cooking and storage of foods.Finally, disposable food trays and foils are extensively used at the retail level for take away food and especially at the catering level, but food trays for frozen or refrigerated oven-ready meals are also widely used at the industrial level.The use of aluminium and alloys as a food contact material is regulated at the EU level by the general provisions under Regulation (EC)1935/2004 (Framework Regulation on materials and articles in contact with foods (EC, 2004)); according to Art.3 materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs under normal or foreseeable conditions of use must not transfer their constituents to food in quantities which could endanger human health, or bring。
Modern Food 现代食品/XIANDAISHIPIN 111工程技术面制食品中铝含量测定方法Method for Determination of Aluminium Content in Flour Food◎赵志虎(新乡市食品药品检验所,河南 新乡 453000)Zhao Zhihu(Xinxiang Testing Institute of Food and Drug Control, Xinxiang 453000, China)摘 要:探讨如何应用当前的检测标准为食品中含铝添加剂的管理提供更好的技术支持。
关键词:面制食品;铝;测定方法Abstract:This paper discuss the current testing standards for Aluminum containing food and how to provide better technical support for the food management. Apply inductively coupled plasma spectral technique and mass spectrometry to detect aluminum content, Meanwhile, Compare effect on the determination of aluminium content in different acid digestion system. The result shows that single nitric acid system can not thorough decomposition of samples, Must adding a certain amount of hydrofluoric acid can to aluminum content of fl our food make an accurate calculation.Key words:Flour food; Aluminum; Determination methods中图分类号:TS213.2铝是地壳中含量极其丰富的元素之一,也是地球上含量最高的金属元素。
化学分析计量CHEMICAL ANALYSIS AND METERAGE第27卷,第6期2018年11月V ol. 27,No. 6Nov. 201895doi :10.3969/j.issn.1008–6145.2018.06.022氢化物发生–原子荧光光谱法测定高盐食品中的微量铅仲婧宇1,王静爽2,孙浩然3,李继民1(1.营口市产品质量监督检验所,辽宁营口 115000; 2. 营口市西市区环境监察局,辽宁营口 115003;3. 营口市站前区市场监督管理局,辽宁营口 115000)摘要 建立氢化物发生–原子荧光光谱法测定高盐食品中微量铅的方法。
试样经硝酸消解,以恒温加热–多重水洗赶酸,直至pH 值不变。
对实验条件进行优化,负高压为300 V ,灯电流为80 mA ,原子化高度为8 mm ,还原剂为20 g /L 硼氰化钾(含7 g /L 氢氧化钠)。
铅的质量浓度在0~25 ng /mL 范围内与荧光强度呈良好的线性关系,线性相关系数r =0.998 5,方法检出限为0.009 mg /kg 。
测定结果的相对标准偏差为0.43%~0.60%(n =11),加标回收率为90.5%~100.6%。
关键词 氢化物发生–原子荧光光谱法;高盐食品;铅;多重水洗赶酸中图分类号:O657.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008–6145(2018)06–0095–04Determination of trace lead in high-salt food by hydride atomic fluorescence spectrometryZHONG Jingyu 1, WANG Jingshuang 2, SUN Haoran 3, LI Jimin 1(1. Yingkou Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute , Yingkou 115000, China;2. Yingkou Xishi District Environmental Supervision Bureau ,Yingkou 115003, China;3. Yingkou Zhanqian District Market Supervision Bureau , Yingkou 115000,China)Abstract The method for determining trace lead in high–salt foods by hydride–atomic fluorescence spectrometry was established. Nitric acid digestion and multiple water–washing method was used to remove the acid under the constant temperature heating, until the pH value unchanged. The experimental conditions were optimized as follows: the negative pressure was 300 V ,lamp current was 80 mA ,atomization height was 8 mm ,reducing agent was 20 g /L potassium borohydride (containing 7 g /L sodium hydroxide). The mass concentration of lead was linear with fluorescence intensity in the range of 0–25 ng /mL , the correlation coef ficient (r ) was 0.998 5. The detection limit was 0.009 mg /kg. The relative standard deviation of the measurement results was 0.43%–0.60%(n =11). The standard recovery rate was 90.5%–100.6%. As the salt content of food was less than 20%,it did not affect the determination of lead. Lead in high–salt food was determined by this method, the results were consistent with those detected by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. This method extends the application range of hydride atomic fluorescence method for the determination of trace lead in high–salt food ,which is suitable for the detection of trace lead in high–salt food for basic inspection institutions.Keywords hydride atomic fluorescence spectrometry; high–salt food; lead; multiple water–washing method to remove the acid铅是一种有害的蓄积性重金属,可以通过食物链在生物组织中富集。
2007/42/EC 再生纤维素
84/500/EEC 陶瓷
93/11/EEC 亚 硝胺
2005/31/EC 1st amendment
塑料材料 (+涂层)
纸和纸板、 木头、玻璃
Plastic Materials (+Coatings)
82/711/EEC Migration Testing
93/8/EEC 1st amendment
85/572/EC List of simulants
84/500/EEC Ceramics
2005/31/EC 1st amendment
2004/19/EC 2nd amendment
81/432/EEC VC in food analysis
塑料-2002/72/EC 全面迁移测试
木材 五氯苯酚 (PCP)
橡胶-93/11/EEC&AP (2004) 5 亚硝胺 & 全面迁移测试
有机涂层-AP(2004)1 全面迁移测试
硅橡胶-AP(2004)5 全面迁移测试
纸张-AP (2002)1 五氯苯酚 (PCP)
防腐效力 重金属释出量 (Pb,Cd,Hg,CrVI)
2009-04-29 德国
官方市场监 仅在通报国有售/
表2 拒绝入境 -1
通报时间 通报国 2009-02-06 意大利
通报产品 钢制刀叉
通报原因 铬和镍迁移超标
Aluminum foil, a staple in many kitchens, is a versatile material that has both its pros and cons. As a high school student who has spent considerable time in the kitchen, I have observed and experienced the impact of aluminum foil on various cooking processes. This essay will delve into the multifaceted influence of aluminum foil on kitchen activities, from its convenience to its environmental implications.First and foremost, aluminum foil is a testament to convenience in the kitchen. It is lightweight, easy to handle, and can be used for a multitude of purposes. Whether its lining baking sheets to prevent food from sticking or covering dishes to keep them warm, aluminum foil simplifies many cooking tasks. I remember one family gathering where my mother used foil to wrap individual portions of fish, allowing each guest to cook their meal to their preferred level of doneness on the grill. This not only saved time but also ensured that everyones dish was perfectly tailored to their liking.Moreover, aluminum foil is an excellent tool for preserving the freshness of food items. I have seen my father use it to tightly wrap leftovers, extending their shelf life in the refrigerator. The airtight seal created by the foil prevents air from reaching the food, thus slowing down the oxidation process that leads to spoilage. This practice has saved our family from wasting food and has taught me the importance of resourcefulness in the kitchen.However, the convenience of aluminum foil comes with a significant environmental cost. The production of aluminum involves a substantialamount of energy, and the nonbiodegradable nature of the material poses a challenge for waste management. As a student concerned about the environment, I have become increasingly aware of the need to reduce singleuse plastics and other disposable items, including aluminum foil. I have started to explore alternatives such as reusable silicone baking mats and beeswax wraps as ecofriendly substitutes.Additionally, the use of aluminum foil in cooking can sometimes affect the taste and quality of food. For instance, when foil is used to wrap acidic foods like tomatoes or citrus fruits, it can cause a chemical reaction that leads to an unpleasant metallic taste. This was a lesson I learned the hard way when I prepared a dish of foilwrapped vegetables that ended up tasting more like foil than the intended ingredients.Another concern with aluminum foil is the potential health risk associated with its use. While the scientific community is divided on the issue, some studies suggest that cooking with aluminum foil may lead to the leaching of aluminum into food, which could have negative health implications. As a healthconscious teenager, this is a factor I cannot ignore, and it has led me to be more cautious about how and when I use aluminum foil in cooking.In conclusion, aluminum foil has a significant impact on the kitchen, offering unparalleled convenience and functionality. However, its environmental and health implications cannot be overlooked. As a high school student, I am learning to balance the benefits of aluminum foil with the need for sustainable and healthy cooking practices. By exploring alternatives and being mindful of how and when to use foil, we canminimize its drawbacks while still enjoying the culinary advantages it provides. The kitchen is a place of innovation, and finding ways to adapt and improve our cooking methods is an ongoing journey that I am excited to be a part of.。
食物配料介绍英文作文高中英文:Food Ingredients Introduction。
When it comes to talking about food ingredients, it's like diving into a world of flavors, textures, and culinary wonders. Each ingredient holds its own story, its own unique taste, and its own special place in the recipe. Let me take you on a journey through the wonderful realm of food ingredients.First and foremost, let's talk about one of my favorite ingredients: garlic. Oh, the aroma of garlic sautéing in butter or olive oil is enough to make my mouth water! Garlic not only adds a distinct flavor to dishes but also has numerous health benefits. It's believed to boost the immune system and reduce the risk of heart disease. In Chinese cuisine, garlic is a staple ingredient in manystir-fries, sauces, and marinades. Just think about thesavory scent of garlic in a bowl of hot and sour soup or in a plate of garlic fried rice. It's simply irresistible!Moving on to another essential ingredient: onions. Whether they're diced, sliced, or caramelized, onions add depth and sweetness to a wide array of dishes. From classic French onion soup to Indian curries, onions are a versatile ingredient that forms the foundation of countless recipes. One of my favorite dishes featuring onions is the classic beef stew. The aroma of onions mingling with tender chunks of beef, carrots, and potatoes simmering in a rich broth is nothing short of comforting.Now, let's not forget about the star of many sweet treats: vanilla. Vanilla is like the little black dress of the baking world – it goes with everything! From cakes and cookies to ice cream and custards, vanilla adds a warm and fragrant note that elevates any dessert. Just imaginebiting into a fluffy vanilla cupcake with swirls of creamy frosting on top. It's a simple pleasure that never fails to delight the taste buds.Of course, we can't talk about food ingredients without mentioning herbs and spices. These little powerhouses packa punch of flavor and can transform a dull dish into something extraordinary. Whether it's the warmth of cinnamon in a cozy apple pie or the kick of chili powder in a spicy chili con carne, herbs and spices are essential for creating complex and delicious flavors.In conclusion, food ingredients are the building blocks of culinary creativity. They not only add flavor and depthto dishes but also tell stories of tradition, culture, and innovation. So the next time you're in the kitchen, take a moment to appreciate the ingredients that make your meals memorable.中文:食材介绍。
关于对铝的担忧的作文英语The Concerns Surrounding Aluminium.Aluminium, a silvery-white metal, has become a ubiquitous presence in our modern lives. From packaging to construction, from aircraft to automobiles, its lightweight yet durable properties have made it an indispensable material in various industries. However, despite its widespread use, aluminium has also raised concerns among environmentalists, health experts, and the general public alike.Environmental Impacts.The mining and processing of aluminium have significant environmental impacts. Bauxite, the primary ore from which aluminium is extracted, is often found in areas with rich biodiversity. The mining process can destroy habitats, disrupt ecosystems, and release harmful chemicals into the soil and waterways. Additionally, the refining of aluminiumrequires immense amounts of energy, often resulting in high carbon emissions.Furthermore, the recycling rate of aluminium isrelatively low compared to other materials. While aluminium is indeed recyclable, its recycling process often requires high temperatures and energy, making it less economically viable in some cases. This has led to a situation where new aluminium is often produced instead of recycling the old, further adding to the environmental burden.Health Concerns.There are also concerns regarding the potential health effects of aluminium. While aluminium is generally considered safe for most people in small quantities, excessive exposure can have adverse effects. Aluminium has been linked to various health issues, including Alzheimer's disease, kidney disease, and bone loss.One of the primary sources of aluminium exposure is through food and beverages packaged in aluminium containers.Studies have shown that aluminium can leak into food and beverages, especially acidic ones like soft drinks and tomato sauce. Prolonged exposure to aluminium through these sources can potentially lead to aluminium accumulation in the body, causing various health problems.Additionally, aluminium-based cooking utensils and baking powder can also contribute to aluminium exposure. While the amounts released from these sources are generally lower, chronic exposure can still pose a risk, especially for those with compromised kidney function or other health conditions.Addressing the Concerns.The concerns surrounding aluminium do not necessarily mean that we should completely avoid it. However, it is important to take steps to reduce our exposure and mitigate its negative impacts.One effective way to reduce aluminium exposure is to choose packaging options that are not made from aluminium.Glass and plastic bottles, for instance, are excellent alternatives that do not pose the same risk of aluminium leakage. When purchasing processed foods, consumers should also look for products packaged in non-aluminium containers.Furthermore, promoting the recycling of aluminium can help reduce its environmental footprint. Increasing the recycling rate not only reduces the need for new aluminium production but also conserves resources and energy. Governments and industries should invest in recycling infrastructure and promote public awareness about the importance of recycling aluminium.Additionally, research and development should continueto focus on finding alternative materials that can replace aluminium in various applications. Materials that are both environmentally friendly and safe for human health are crucial for sustainable development.In conclusion, aluminium undoubtedly plays a vital role in modern society. However, its widespread use has also given rise to concerns regarding environmental degradationand potential health risks. It is, therefore, crucial that we take steps to address these concerns, such as reducing exposure, promoting recycling, and investing in research for alternative materials. By doing so, we can ensure that the benefits of aluminium are balanced with its potential impacts on our planet and its inhabitants.。
关于禁止放螺蛳粉增臭剂的作文英文回答:In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the use of food additives, including flavor enhancers, in processed foods. One particular ingredient that has come under scrutiny is a flavor enhancer known as snail noodle enhancer, which is commonly used in a popular Chinese dish called luosifen (snail noodles). This additive has been linked to a number of health concerns, including weight gain, digestive problems, and even cancer. As a result,there have been calls to ban the use of snail noodle enhancer in food products.There are a number of reasons why snail noodle enhancer should be banned. First, there is evidence to suggest thatit is not safe for consumption. Studies have shown thatsnail noodle enhancer can cause a number of health problems, including weight gain, digestive problems, and even cancer. In one study, rats that were fed a diet containing snailnoodle enhancer gained significantly more weight than rats that were fed a diet without the additive. The rats that were fed the snail noodle enhancer also had higher levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in their blood, which are risk factors for heart disease.Another study found that snail noodle enhancer can cause digestive problems, such as diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain. These symptoms are thought to be caused by the fact that snail noodle enhancer contains a number of high-fat ingredients, which can be difficult to digest. In some cases, snail noodle enhancer can even cause more serious health problems, such as pancreatitis and liver damage.There is also some evidence to suggest that snail noodle enhancer may be linked to cancer. One study found that rats that were fed a diet containing snail noodle enhancer had a higher risk of developing colon cancer than rats that were fed a diet without the additive. The researchers believe that snail noodle enhancer may promote the growth of cancer cells by increasing the production ofcertain hormones.In addition to the health concerns associated withsnail noodle enhancer, there are also a number of ethical concerns. The use of snail noodle enhancer in food products can lead to the deception of consumers. This is because snail noodle enhancer is often used to make food taste more flavorful than it actually is. This can lead consumers to believe that they are eating a healthy meal, when inreality they are consuming a food that is high in unhealthy ingredients.The use of snail noodle enhancer can also contribute to the problem of food waste. This is because snail noodle enhancer is often used to make food more appealing to consumers, which can lead to people buying more food than they actually need. This can result in food waste, which is a major environmental problem.For all of these reasons, I believe that snail noodle enhancer should be banned from use in food products. This additive is not safe for consumption, it can lead to thedeception of consumers, and it can contribute to the problem of food waste.中文回答:禁止使用螺蛳粉增臭剂。
ICP-MS法测油条中铝含量的不确定度评定吕昭玮(广东产品质量监督检验研究院,广东佛山 528300)摘 要:目的:评定电感耦合等离子体质谱(Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry,ICP-MS)法测定油条中铝含量的不确定度。
方法:依照GB 5009.268—2016测定油条中铝含量。
结果:本次ICP-MS 法测定油条中的铝含量为(15.25±0.783 8)mg/kg,k=2。
关键词:电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS);油条;铝;不确定度Uncertainty Evaluation of the Determination of Aluminum Content in Fried Dough Sticks by ICP-MSLV Zhaowei(Guangdong Institute of Product Quality Supervision and Inspection, Foshan 528300, China) Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the uncertainty of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) method for the determination of aluminum content in fried dough sticks. Method: According to GB 5009.268—2016, the aluminum content in fried dough sticks was determined. Calculate the uncertainty introduced by the sample mass, constant volume, standard solution, standard working curve and sample repeated measurement, and calculate the synthetic uncertainty by establishing a mathematical model. Result: The ICP-MS method for the determination of aluminum content in fried dough sticks was (15.25±0.783 8) mg/kg, k=2. Conclusion: The main sources of uncertainty of test results are repeatability experiments, standard solution preparation and working curve fitting.Keywords: Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry(ICP-MS); fritters; aluminum; uncertainty油条作为我国家庭中极常见的食品,其传统制法是在面粉中加入明矾、食碱和盐等调制成面团,饧置后再拉成条油炸而成。
经中国SPS咨询点与欧盟SPS咨询点联系,欧盟答复:In food products, similar to noodles(also on the base of wheat flour, water and salt) the levels of aluminium does not exceed the 10 mg/kg。
2021 年山东省某县部分市售食品中铝残留量的测定
分析检测2021年山东省某县部分市售食品中铝残留量的测定谢协敏1,陈 欢2(1.山东三方联检检测技术有限公司,山东菏泽 274000;2.山东华之源检测有限公司,山东潍坊 261000)摘 要:含铝添加剂摄入过多会在人体内积蓄,对人体健康造成损伤,然而在实际生活中,含铝添加剂在食品中经常被使用。
结果表明,本次抽取的样品铝的残留量均在国家限量(100 mg/kg)内,符合《食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准》(GB 2760—2014)的要求,因此消费者可以放心食用。
关键词:食品;含铝添加剂;铝的残留量Determination of Aluminum Residue in Some Commercial Foods of a County in Shandong Province in 2021 YearsXIE Xiemin1, CHEN Huan2(1.Shandong Sanfang Joint Inspection and Testing Technology Co., Ltd., Heze 274000, China; 2.ShandongHuazhiyuan Testing Co., Ltd., Weifang 261000, China)Abstract: Excessive intake of aluminum containing additives will accumulate in the human body and cause damage to human health. However, in real life, aluminum containing additives are often used in food. In order to understand the use of aluminum containing additives in food in a county in Shandong province, 189 samples were randomly selected from the county’s food market for aluminum residue detection. The results showed that the inspection samples’ residual aluminum content are all within national limitation standard(within 100 mg/kg), which met the requirements of GB 2760—2014. Therefore, consumers can eat them with reassurance.Keywords: food; aluminum additive; aluminum residue食品安全是民生工程、民心工程。
与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第13部分:高温时全部转移的试验方法
Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 13: Test method for overall migration at high temperatures
EN 1086-1995
食品运输袋 袋型选择和涉及包装物内袋的推荐规范
Sacks for the transport of food aid - Recommendations on the selection of type of sack and the liner in relation to the product to be packed
与食品接触的材料和物品 陶瓷物品透明度的试验方法
Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Test methods for translucency of ceramic articles
EN 1186-1-2002
与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第1部分:全部转移的条件和试验方法选择指南
EN 1186-12-2002
与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第12部分:低温时全部转移的试验方法
Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 12: Test methods for overall migration at low temperatures
EN 12014-1-1997
食品 硝酸盐和/或亚硝酸盐含量测定 第1部分:概述
食品包装名词中英文对照包装 Package, Packaging包装形象 Package Image包装设计 Package Design包装策略 Package Tactics销售包装 Sales (or Consumer) Package出口包装 Export Package礼品包装 Gift Package泡罩包装 Blister Package包装材料 Packaging Materials包装科学与技术 Packaging Science and Technology包装工程 Packaging Engineering包装测试 Package Testing包半装潢 Package Decorating包装标准与法规 Package Standards and Statntes 包装有效期 Shelf Life of Package, Package life 食品包装 Food Packaging绿色包装 Green Packaging绿色食品 Green Food企业形象战略 CIS Corporate Identity System运输包装 Transport Package内销包装 Domestic Package组合包装 Constitute Package/ Assembly Package 热收缩包装 Shrink Package包装容器 Packaging Containers包装方法 Packaging Method包装质量 Package Quality包装管理 Package Management食品包装与方法食品品质 Food Quality食品氧化 Food Oxidation食品微生物 Food Microorganism食品营养 Food Nutrition高温杀菌 High Temperature Sterilization 蒸煮袋 Retortable Pouch冻结 Freezing化学防腐 Chemical Preservation辐照防腐 Radiation Asepsis食品添加剂 Food Additiue微波灭菌 Micvowave Sterilization食品脱水 Food Dehydration食品腌渍防腐 Food Preservation食品褐变变色 Food Browning非酶褐变 Non-Enzymaticbrowning渗透性 Permeability饱和吸湿量 Saturated Moisture Content 环境因素 Environmental Factor食品冷藏 Refrigerated Storage of Food 水分活度 Water Actiuity冷冻调理食品 Frozen Prepared Food低温贮藏 Low-temperature Storage冷藏 Refrigerated Storage冰温贮藏 Ice-temperature Storage化学防腐剂 Chemical Preservative辐射剂量 Radiatiue Dosage (or Dosage of Radition) 杀菌剂 Fungicide微波辐射 Microwaue Radiation食品浓缩 Food Concentration食品烟熏防腐 Fumigation Asepsis of Food酶促褐变 Enzymatic Browning油脂氧化 Oxidation of Fat and Oils食品吸湿 Moisture absorbability of food临界水分值 Critical Moisture Content食品包装材料纸与纸板 paper and Board牛皮纸 Kraft Paper鸡皮纸 W. G. Wrapping Paper玻璃纸 Glass Paper (Cellophane) 糖果包装纸 Kiss Paper涂布纸 White Board白纸板 White board再生纸板 Reclaimed board牛皮箱纸板 kraft Liner board瓦楞纸板 Corrugated Board瓦楞纸箱 Corrugated Box折叠盒 Folding Cartons衬袋盒(箱) Bag-in -box复合纸罐 Composite Paper-Can纸质托盘 Paper-Tray定量 net weight羊皮纸 Parchment Paper半透明纸 Semitransparent Paper普通食品包装纸 Food Packaging Paper 茶叶袋滤纸 Tea Bag Paper复合纸 Composite Paper黄纸板 Straw Board箱纸板 Case Board瓦楞原纸 Corrugating Base Paper包装纸箱 Packaging Box纸盒 Paper Box固定盒 Set-up Box纸浆模制品 Pulp Mould复合纸杯 Composite Paper -Cup纸袋 Paper Bag塑料包装材料 Plastic Packaging Materials热塑性塑料 Thermo Plastic塑料树脂 Plastic Resin聚乙烯 Polyethylene高密度聚乙烯 High Density Polyethylene聚丙烯 Polypropylene聚氯乙烯 Polyvinyl Chloride聚酯 Polyethylene Terephthlate聚酰胺 Polyamide乙烯-乙烯醇共聚物 Ethylene-Vinyl Alcohol Copoyhner 离子型聚合物 Ionomer聚氨脂 Polyurethane环境可降解塑料 Environmental lysis film塑料薄膜 Plastic Film热收缩薄膜 Shrink Film复合薄膜 Compsite Fism蒸煮袋 Retortable Pouch生物降薄膜 Biolysis Film塑料瓶 Plastic Bottle热固性塑料 Thermoset Plastic低密度聚乙烯 Low Density Polyethylene线型低密度聚乙烯 Linear Low density Polyethylene 聚苯乙烯 Polystyrene聚偏二氯乙烯 Poly vinylidene Chlorie (saran)聚碳酸酯 Polycarbonate聚乙烯醇 Polyvinyl Alcshol乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物 Ethylene Vinylacetate聚四氟乙烯(PTFE) Polyterafluoroethylene定向拉伸薄膜 Stretched Film弹性薄膜 Elastic Film塑料薄膜袋 Plastic film Bag可食薄膜 Edible Film光降解膜 Light ?lysis Film塑料桶 Plastic Drum塑料保温箱 Plastic Foam Box热成型容器 thermo Form Containers助剂(添加剂) Additives增塑剂 Plasticizers稳定剂 Stabilizers填充剂 Fillers着色剂 Colorants金属包装材料和容器 Metal Packaging Material and Containers镀锡薄钢板 Tinplate镀锌薄钢板 Enplate铝合金薄板 Aluminium Alloy Plate 铝箔 Aluminium Foil金属罐 Metal Can两片罐 Two-piece Can圆罐 Round Can方罐 Rectagular Can梯形罐 trapezoidal Can浅冲罐 Drawn Can钙塑瓦楞箱 Calp Box塑料片材 Plastic sheet毒性 Toxicity安全性 Safety透气性 Gas Permeability透湿性 Water Vapor Permeability 渗透性 Permeability镀铬薄钢板 Tin-free ?Steel-or TFS 低碳薄钢板 Low Carbon Steel真空镀铝膜 Al metallizing Fool三片罐 Three ?piece Can组合罐 Composite Can异形罐 Irregular Can椭圆罐 Oval Can缩颈罐 Necked-in Can深冲罐 deep Drawn Can变薄拉伸罐 Crawn and Ironed Can 焊缝罐 Resistance Welding Can易开罐 Easy Open Can铝质罐 aluminum Can涂料罐 Lacquered Tin Plate Can罐盖 End (or Lid or Cover)全开盖 Full Open Can金属软管 Metal Collapsible Tube玻璃容器 Glass Containers瓶罐 Container轻量瓶 Light weight Container软饮料瓶 Sofe drink bottle陶瓷电装容器 Pottery and Porcelain Packaging Containers 包装辅助材料 ancillary Packaging Materials粘合剂 Adhesive聚醋酸乙烯 Poly vinyl Acetate水溶型粘合剂 Water-soluble Adhesive溶剂型粘合剂 Solvent Adhesive压敏型粘合剂 Pressure-sensitive Adhesive 锡焊罐 Soldered Can粘接罐 Cono-weld Can卷开罐 Key Open Can索铁罐 Plain Tinplate Can顶开罐 Open Top Can易开盖 Easy Open End金属大桶 Metal Drum钠钙硅玻璃 Sode-lime-silica Glass小口瓶 Bottle啤酒瓶 Beer Bottle白酒瓶 White Spirit Bottle乳液型粘合剂 Emulsion Adhesive热熔型粘合剂 Hotmelt Adhesive胶乳 Latex淀粉粘合剂 Starch Adhesive阿拉伯树胶 Acacia Gum皮胶 Hide glue涂料 Coating Material酚醛树胶(PF) phenol ?formaldehyde Resin 丙烯酸树脂 Acrylics环氧树脂(EP) Epoxide Resin防雾滴涂料 Antidimming Paint桐油 Tung Oil封缄材料 Closure Material胶带 gummed Tape流体密封胶 Fluid Seal-gum糊精 Dextrin骨胶 bone glue干酪素 Casein天然树脂 Natural Resin氨基树脂 Amino Resin防腐涂料 Anticorrosive Paint防静电涂料 Anti-static Paint石蜡 Paraffin捆扎材料 Strapping Material压敏胶带 Pressure-sensitive Tape食品包装技术和设备食品包装技术 Food Packaging technology 食品包装机械 Food Packaging Machinery 自动包装机 Automatic Packaging Machine专用包装机 Special Purpose Packaging Machine食品充填技术 Food Tilling Technique灌装技术 Canning Technique裹包技术 Wrapping Technique扭结式裹包机 Twist wrapping Machine拉伸裹包机 Stretch (film) Wrapping Machine袋装技术 Fill-bag technique制袋成型-充填-封口包装机 Form/fill/Seal Machine装盒技术 Cartoning Technique热成型充填封合包装机 Thermo form/Fill/Seal热收缩包装技术 Shrinking Packaging Technique收缩套箍 Bands, shrink (moisture)防潮包装技术 Water Vapour Proof Packaging Technique 透湿度 Water Vapour Permeability干燥剂 Desiccating Agent, desiccant通用包装机 Universal Packaging Machine多功能包装机 Multi-function Packaging Machine计量精度 Measuring Precision灌装机 Canning Machine折叠式裹包机 Fold Wrapping Machine缠绕式裹包机 Spiral (or Convdute) Wrapping Machine袋装机械 Fill-bag Machine装盒机 Cartoning Machine, Cartoner热收缩薄膜 Film, Shrink收缩包装机 Shrink Wrapping Machine临界水分 Critical Moisture Content吸潮剂 Demoisturer, Moisture Remouver真空包装(VP) Vacuum Packaging改善或控制气氛包 MAP Modified or Controlled Atmosphore Packaging保鲜包装 Fresh-keeping Packaging真空包装机 Vacuum Packaging Machine 脱氧包装 De-oxygen Packaging脱氧剂 deoxygener无菌包装系统 Aseptic Packaging System 利乐包 Tetra Pak软罐头 Flexible Can蒸煮盒 Retortable Box封口技术 Sealling Technique塞子 Plug螺旋盖 Screw Cap凸耳盖 Twist-off lug Cap撬开盖 Pry-off Cap,Press-on Cap热压封合 Heat Sealing铁落试验 Drop Test商标 Tradematk货签 Shipping Tag压敏标签 Pressure-sensitive Label充气包装 Gas Packaging透气度 Gas permeability充气包装机 gas Flushing Machine无菌包装(AP) Aseptic Pavckaging超高温瞬时灭菌(UHT) Ultra High Temperature Short Time 康美盒无菌包 Combibloe Aseptic Package蒸煮袋 Retortable Pouch杀菌机 sterilization Machine盖 Cap, Lid, Cover防盗盖 Pilfer Proof Cap Tamperproof Cap滚压盖 Roll-on Cap王冠盖 grown, Grown Cap压力试验 Compression Test标签 Label吊牌 Tag胶粘标签 Adhesive Label热敏标签 heat-sensitive Label贴标机 Labelling Machine激光打印 Laser Printing捆扎机 Strapping Machine喷墨打印 spray ink Printing捆扎带 Strapping包装自动线 Automatic Packaging Line有关包装缩略语和简称一览表一. 包装材料和容器制品ABS acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene 丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯ADH adhesive 粘合剂AF aluminuj foil 铝箔AM aluminum metallization 蒸镀铝ANS acrylonitrile-styrene copolymers 丙烯腈-苯乙烯共聚物BBP butyl benzyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯BIB Bag-in ?box 衬袋箱(盒)BK bleached kraft 漂白牛皮纸BMC bulk molding compound 预制整体模塑料BON biaxially oriented nylon film 双向拉伸尼龙薄膜BOPP Biaxially oriented polypropylene film 双向拉伸聚丙烯CELLD cello phane 赛璐玢COFC container on flat car 平板车集装箱CRC child-resistant closure 儿童安全盖DMT dimethyl terephthalate 对苯二甲酸二甲酯DOA dioctyl akipate 己二酸二辛酯DOP dioctyl phthalate 邻苯二酸二辛酯DRD draw redraw (cans) 深冲(罐),冲压-再冲压DWI draw and ironed (cans) 冲拔罐EAA ethylene-acrylic acid 乙烯-丙烯酸共聚物ECCS electrolytic chromium-coated steel 镀络钢EEA ethylene-ethyl acrylate 乙烯-丙烯酸乙酯共聚物EG thylene glycol 乙二醇EMAA ethylene-methacrylic acid 乙烯-甲基丙烯酸共聚物EPC expanded polyethylene copplymer 发泡聚乙烯EPE expanded polyethylenev 发泡聚乙烯ETO ethylene oxide 环氧乙烷ETP electrolytic tinplate 电镀锡钢板EVA ethylene-vinyl acetate 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物EVOH ethylene-vinyl alcohol 乙烯-乙烯醇共聚物FEP fluorinated ethylene-polypropylene 氟化乙烯-丙烯共聚物FRP fiberglass reinforced plastics 玻璃纤维增强塑料GPPS general-purpose polystyrene 通用型聚苯乙烯HDPE high density polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯HM hot melt 热熔胶HPP homopolymer polypropylene 聚丙烯均聚物LDPE low density polyethylene 低密度聚乙烯LLDPE linear low density polyethylene 线性低密度聚乙烯MDPE medium density polyethylene 中密度聚乙烯MGBK machine-glazed bleached kraft 纸机光泽漂白牛皮纸MMA methyl methacrylate 甲基丙烯酸甲酯NC nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素NK natural kraft 本色牛皮纸NODA n-octyl n-decyl adipate 已二酸辛癸酯ON oriented nylon 取向(拉伸)尼龙OPET oriented polyester 取向(拉伸)聚酯OPP oriented polypropylene 拉伸聚丙烯OPS oriented polystyrene 拉伸聚苯乙烯PAN polyacrylonitrile 聚丙烯腈PBT poly butylenes terephthalate 聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯PC poly carbonate 聚碳酸酯PE poly ethylene 聚乙烯PET polyester 聚酯PEB polyisobutylene 聚异丁烯PM packaging materials 包装材料PP poly propylene 聚丙烯PS polystyrene 聚苯乙烯PTFE poly tetra fluoroethy lene 聚四氟乙烯PVAC poly (vinyl acetate) 聚醋酸乙烯PVC poly (vinyl chloride) 聚氯乙烯PVDC poly (vinylidene fluoride) 聚偏二氯乙烯PVF poly (vinyl luoride) 聚氟乙烯PVF2 poly (vinylidene fluoride) 聚偏二氟乙烯PVA poly (vinyl alcohol) 聚乙烯醇RCF regenerated cellulose film 再生纤维素薄膜RCPP random-copolymer poly propylene 无规聚丙烯RSC regular slotted container 规则开槽箱SAN styrene-acylonitrile 苯乙烯-丙烯腈共聚物SB styrene-butadiene 苯乙烯-丁二烯共聚物SBS sdid bleached sulate 同质漂白牛皮纸TUS solid unbleached sulfate 同质未漂白牛皮纸TFS tin-free steel 无锡钢板TPA terephthalic acid 对苯二甲酸VA vinyl alcohol 乙烯醇VC vinyl chloride 氯乙烯VCM vinyl chloride monomer 氯乙烯单体VDC vinylidene chloride 偏二氯乙烯XKL extensible kraft linerboard 可伸性牛皮箱纸板二.包装技术及单位BPM bottles (or bags) per minute 瓶(或袋)/分钟BUR blow-up ratio 吹胀比CA controlled atmosphere 控制气氛CAD computer-aided design 计算机辅助设计CAP controlled atmosphere 控制气氛包装CNC computer numerical control 计算机数字控制CPM cans perminute 罐/分钟FFS form/fill/seal 成型-充填-封合GAL gallon(3.785L in the U.S) 加仑(美加仑等于3.785升) HFFS form/fill /seal, horizontal 卧式成型-充填-封合HRC Rockwell hardness (C Scale) 洛氏硬度(C标度)HRM Rockwell hardness (M scale) 洛氏硬度(M标度)HTST high temperature-short time 高温短时杀菌MA modified atmosphere 改变气氛MD machine direction 机器方向,纵向OD optical density 光密度OTR oxygen transmission rate 氧气透过率PPB part per billion (109) 十亿分之一PPM part per million (107) 百万分之一RH relative humidity 相对湿度RPM rotations per minute 每分钟转数SP special packaging 特殊包装,专用包装TFFS thermoform/fill/seal 热成型-充填-封合TM melting temperature 熔化温度TIS technical information service 技术情报服务UV ultraviolet 紫外线VFFS form/fill/seal, vertical 立式成型-充填-封合WT weight 重量WVTR water vapor transmission rate 水蒸气透过率食品标准英语词汇蜂蜜标准 Standard for Honey可可脂标准 Standard for Cocoa Butters巧克力标准 Standard for Chocolate可可粉和可可糖混合物标准 Standard for Cocoa Powders (Cocoas) and Dry Cocoa-sugar Mixtures天然矿泉水标准 Standard for Natural Mineral Waters加工可可和巧克力制品所使用的碎可可豆, 可可块, 可可油饼和可可细粉标准 Standard for Cocoa (Cacao) Nib, Cocoa (Cacao) Mass, Cocoa Press Cake and Cocoa Dust (Cocoa Fines), for Use in the Manufacture of Cocoa and Chocolate Products夹心巧克力成分标准 Standard for Composite and Filled Chocolate可可脂糖果标准 Standard for Cocoa Butter Confectionery木薯标准 Standard for Gari食醋标准 Standard for Vinegar蛋黄酱标准 Standard for Mayonnaise食用木薯粉标准 Standard for Edible Cassava Flour糖标准 Standard for Sugars鱼和鱼制品标准名称沙文鱼罐头 Canned Salmon速冻除内脏及带内脏鳍鱼 Quick Frozen Finfish, Uneviscerated and Eviscerated小虾或大虾罐头 Canned Shrimps or Prawns金枪鱼和鲣鱼罐头 Canned Tuna and Bonito蟹肉罐头 Canned Crab Meat速冻小虾或大虾 Quick Frozen Shrimps or Prawns沙丁鱼和沙丁类鱼制品罐头 Canned Sardines and Sardine-Type Pro油脂和相关制品标准名称单个标准未涉及的食用油脂通用标准 General Standard for Edible Fats and Oils Not Covered by Individual Standards人造奶油标准 (脂肪含量不低于80%) Standard for Margarine粗制和精炼的橄榄油, 以及精炼橄榄渣油标准 Standard for Olive Oil, Virgin and Refined, and for Refined Olive-Pomace Oil人造奶油标准 (脂肪含量在39%-41%间) Standard for Minarine命名植物油标准 Standard for Named Vegetable Oils命名动物油标准 Standard for Named Animal Fats谷物、豆类及其制品以及植物蛋白标准名称面粉标准 Standard for Wheat Flour玉米标准 Standard for Maize (Corn)整玉米粗粉标准 Standard for Whole Maize (Corn) Meal脱胚玉米粉和玉米渣标准 Standard for Degermed Maize (Corn) Meal and Maize (Corn) Grits小麦面筋标准 Standard for Wheat Gluten脱皮的整珍珠小米标准 Standard for Whole and Decorticated Pearl Millet Grains小米面标准 Standard for Pearl Millet Flour某些豆类标准 Standard for Certain Pulses高粱米标准 Standard for Sorghum Grains高粱面标准 Standard for Sorghum Flour植物蛋白制品标准 General Standard for Vegetable Protein Products (VPP)大豆蛋白制品标准 General Standard for Soy Protein Products (SPP)粗粒硬质小麦和硬质小麦粉标准 Standard for Durum Wheat Semolina and Durum Wheat Flour大米标准 Standard for Rice小麦和硬质小麦标准 Standard for Wheat and Durum Wheat花生标准 Standard for Peanuts燕麦标准 Standard for Oats古斯(蒸熟的硬质小麦餐)标准 Standard for Couscous果汁及相关产品标准名称杏蜜、桃蜜和梨蜜标准(采用物理方法保藏) Standard for Apricot, Peach and Pear Nectars Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means桔子汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Orange Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means葡萄柚汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Grapefruit Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means柠檬汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Lemon Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means苹果汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Apple Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means蕃茄汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Tomato Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means浓缩苹果汁标准(采用物理方法浓缩) Standard for Concentrated Apple Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means浓缩桔子汁标准(采用物理方法浓缩) Standard for Concentrated Orange Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means葡萄汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Grape Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means浓缩葡萄汁标准(采用物理方法浓缩) Standard for Concentrated Grape Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means浓缩拉布鲁斯卡甜葡萄汁标准(采用物理方法浓缩) Standard for Sweetened Concentrated Labrusca Type Grape Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means菠萝汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Pineapple Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means无果肉的黑加仑果蜜标准(采用物理方法保藏) Standard for Non-pulpy Blackcurrant Nectar Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means黑加仑汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Standard for Blackcurrant Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means浓缩黑加仑汁标准(采用物理方法浓缩) Standard for Concentrated Blackcurrant Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means含某种小浆果的果肉蜜标准(采用物理方法保藏) Standard for Pulpy Nectars of Certain Small Fruits Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means含桔的果蜜标准(采用物理方法保藏) Standard for Nectars of Certain Citrus Fruits Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means浓缩菠萝汁标准(采用物理方法浓缩) Standard for Concentrated Pineapple Juice Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means采用防腐剂加工的浓缩菠萝汁标准 Standard for Concentrated Pineapple Juice with Preservatives, for Manufacturing番石榴果蜜标准(采用物理方法保藏) Standard for Guava Nectar Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means芒果果肉液标准(采用物理方法保藏) Standard for Liquid Pulpy Mango Products Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means其它未涉及的果蜜通用标准(采用物理方法保藏) General Standard for Fruit Nectars Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means Not Covered by Individual Standards其它未涉及的果汁通用标准(仅用物理方法保藏) General Standard for Fruit Juices Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means Not Covered by Individual Standards蔬菜汁通用标准 General Standard for Vegetable Juices食品分类标准名称预包装食品标签通用标准 General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods辐照食品通用标准 General Standard for Irradiated Foods食品添加剂销售时的标签通用标准 General Standard for the Labelling of Food Additives when Sold as Such食用盐标准 Standard for Food Grade Salt食品添加剂通用法典标准前言 Preamble to the General Standard for Food Additives食品中污染物和毒素通用法典标准前言 Preamble to the General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods再加工用花生中黄曲霉毒素最大限量标准 Standard for Maximum Level for Aflatoxins in Peanuts intended for Further Processing。
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The aluminium (Al) content of 105 samples, including bakery products made with baking powder, agricultural products and seafoods treated with alum, was investigated. The amounts of Al detected were as follows (limit of quantification: 0.01 mg/g): 0.01–0.37 mg/g in 26 of 57 bakery products, 0.22–0.57 mg/g in 3 of 6 powder mixes, 0.01–0.05 mg/g in all three agricultural products examined, 0.03–0.90 mg/g in 4 of 6 seafood samples, 0.01–0.03 mg/g in 3 of 11 samples of instant noodles, 0.04–0.14 mg/g in 3 of 4 samples of vermicelli, 0.01 mg/g in 1 of 16 soybean products, but none in soybeans. Amounts equivalent to the PTWI of a 16 kg infant were detected in two samples of bakery products, two samples of powder mixes and one sample of salted jellyfish, if each sample was taken once a week. These results suggest that certain foods, depending on the product and the intake, might exceed the PTWI of children, especially infants.
February 2012
ʢฏ 23 6 ݄ 9 डཧʣ
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Aluminium Content in Foods with Aluminium-Containing Food Additives
Mami Ogimoto*ɼKumi Suzuki, Junichiro Kabashima, Mitsuo Nakazato and Yoko Uematsu
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Public Health: 3–24–1 Hyakunin-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169–0073, Japan;
Number of trials
3 3 3 3
Spiked amount (µg/g)
20 20 20 500
Recovery (%)
97.0 ʶ 6.2 85.9 ʶ 3.3 102.6 ʶ 3.7 92.0 ʶ 2.2
࣮ํݧ๏ 1ɹࢼɹɹɹྉ ฏ 21 ʹ౦ژͷεʔύʔϚʔέοτখചళ Ͱߪೖͨ͠ 105 ࢼྉΛ༻ͨ͠ɽࢼྉͷ༁ɼ்ࡎͷ ද͕ࣔ͋Δ՛ࢠɾύϯྨͱͯ͠ɼείʔϯ 1ɺύϯυ έʔΩ 4, έʔΩ 9, υʔφπ 2, ͲΒম͖ 1, ΫοΩʔ 17, ε φοΫ՛ࢠ 15, ৠ͠ύϯ 3, ύϯ 5 ͷ 57 ࢼྉɼখഴคௐ ͱͯ͠ɼείʔϯϛοΫε 1, ϗοτέʔΩϛοΫε 2, ͓Έম͖ค 2, ͨ͜ম͖ค 1 ͷ 6 ࢼྉɼࡊՃ৯ͱ͠ ͯɼϨϯίϯͷਫࣽ 1, φεͷ௮ 2 ͷ 3 ࢼྉɼւ࢈ͱ͠ ͯɼԘ͘Β͛ 1, ΏͰμί 2, ΏͰΠΧ 2, ੜχ 1 ͷ 6 ࢼྉɼ ଈ੮ΊΜͱͯ͠ɼখഴคΊΜ 7, ถคΊΜ 3, όϨΠγϣΊ Μ 1 ͷ 11 ࢼྉɼय़Ӎͱͯ͠ɼαπϚΠϞय़Ӎ 1, όϨΠ γϣय़Ӎ 1, ౾य़Ӎ 2 ͷ 4 ࢼྉɼେ౾ 2 ࢼྉɼେ౾Ճ৯ ͱͯ͠ɼ౾ೕ 6, ͖ͳค 3, ߴ౾ 2, େ౾ϑϨʔΫ 3, େ ౾ϕʔεͷସೕ 1, คϓϩςΠϯҿྉ 1 ͷ 16 ࢼྉͰ͋ Δɽ͜ͷ͏ͪɼΫοΩʔ 1, ੜχ 1, ଈ੮ΊΜ 11, απϚ ΠϞय़Ӎ 1, ౾य़Ӎ 1, ౾ೕ 4, େ౾ϑϨʔΫ 2 ͷ 21 ࢼྉ ༌ೖͰ͋ͬͨɽ 2ɹࢼༀɾࢼӷ ࢎɿ ಛڃʢൺॏ 1.42ʣɼޫ७ༀۀʢגʣɽAl ඪ४ ӷɿ ؔ౦Խֶʢגʣޫٵࢠݪੳ༻ʢ 1,000 mg/Lʣɽඪ४ ༹ӷɿ ඪ४ӷΛࢎ (1ˠ100) Ͱرऍ͠ɼ5 μ g/mL Λؚ༗ ͢Δඪ४༹ӷͱͨ͠ɽਫɿ ७ਫஔʹΑΓਫ਼ͨ͠ ͷɽ 3ɹɹɹɹஔ ICP-AES: Perkin Elmer ࣾ Optima 7300DV ܕɼϚΠ Ϋϩࣜղஔɿ CEM ࣾ MDS-2000 ܕɼ७ਫ ஔɿʢגʣYamato Millipore AutoPure WQ500. 4ɹɹੳɹ๏ ҆Βͷํ๏ 10) ʹ४͡ɼࢼྉ 1 g Λਫ਼ີʹྔΓ࠾Γɼ ࢎ (1ˠ2)10 mL ΛՃ͑ɼϚΠΫϩࣜղஔͰ 30 Ճͯ͠ղͨ͠ޙɼਫΛՃ͑ਖ਼֬ʹ 200 mL ͱͨ͠ɽͦ ͷޙɼ0.45 μ m ͷϑΟϧλʔͰΖաͨ͠ͷΛࢼ༹ݧӷͱ ͠ɼICP ๏ʹΑΓଌఆͨ͠ɽࢎ (1ˠ100) ΛϒϥϯΫͱ ͯ͠ 5 μ g/mL ͷඪ४༹ӷͱͷ 2 ͰྔݕઢΛ࡞͠ɼࢼݧ ༹ӷதͷ Al ͷఆྔΛߦͬͨɽࢼྉ 1 g ͨΓͷ Al ྔʹ ࢉؚͯ͠༗ྔΛٻΊͨɽ 5ɹఴՃճऩࢼݧ Al Λߴؚ༗ྔͰݕग़ͨ͠ύϯυέʔΩɼϗοτέʔ ΩϛοΫεɼय़ӍͱಉछྨͰɼAl Λݕग़͠ͳ͔ͬͨࢼྉ ʹఆྔݶքͷഒྔͰ͋Δ 0.02 mg/g ͷ Al ΛఴՃ͠ɼճऩࢼ
ͦ͜ͰɼࠓճɼAl ؚ༗৯ఴՃΛؚΉՄೳੑͷ͋Δ ৯Λத৺ʹ Al ؚ༗ྔΛௐࠪͨ͠ɽ
*1 1
Table 1 Recovery of Al
Pound cake-4 Hot cake mix-2 Mung bean vermicelli-2 (Harusame) Salted jellyfish
ຊͰɼ1996 ͔Β 1998 ·Ͱͷ 3 ؒʹϚʔέο τόεέοτํࣜʹΑΔ৯தͷ Al ؚ༗ྔௐࠪ 8) ͕ߦΘ Ε͍ͯΔɽ͞Βʹɼ1992ʙ1993 *1ɼ1997 9) ʹௐࠪ ͕ߦΘΕ͍ͯΔ͕ɼAl ؚ༗৯ఴՃΛؚΉ৯ʹؔ͢ ΔσʔλΘ͔ͣͰ͋ΓɼࢠͲͳͲ͕ৗతʹઁऔ͢Δ Al ؚ༗ఴՃΛؚΉ৯ʹಛԽͨ͠ௐࠪใࠂͳ͍ɽ
* ࿈བྷઌɹ ౦҆߁݈ژશڀݚηϯλʔɿ ˟169–0073ɹ౦۠॓৽ژ ඦਓொ 3–24–1
2.31 mg/kg/िͳͲͱɼPTWI Λେ෯ʹա͢ΔՄೳੑ͕ ࢦఠ͞Ε͍ͯΔ 1)ɽ
Al ΛؚΉදతͳ৯ఴՃͰ͋ΔེࢎΞϧϛχϜ ΧϦϜེࢎΞϧϛχϜΞϯϞχϜʢҎԼ߹Θͤͯ ϛϣόϯʣɼࢎੑࡎͱͯ͠ɼΞϧΧϦࡎͷࢎਫૉφ τϦϜͱԠͯ͠ೋࢎԽૉΛൃੜͤ͞ΔతͰɼ் ࡎͷͱͯ͠༻͞ΕΔ 5), 6)ɽ·ͨͦͷ΄͔ɼ௮ࣽ ͷิ৭ࡎɼΏͰμί͘Β͛ͷےͷҾ͖కΊͳͲͷ తͰ༻͞ΕΔ 7)ɽ
ݧΛߦͬͨɽԘ͘Β͛ʹؚ͍ͭͯ༗ྔͷ 1/2 ྔͰ͋Δ 0.5 mg/g ͷ Al ΛఴՃͯ͠ಉ༷ʹࢼݧΛߦͬͨɽ
݁Ռ͓Αͼߟ 1ɹର৯ͷબఆ Al ؚ༗৯ఴՃΛؚΉ͔ɼ·ͨͦͷՄೳੑͷ͋Δ ৯Λબఆͨ͠ɽAl ؚ༗৯ఴՃͷදతͳͷͱ͠ ͯϛϣόϯ͕͋Γɼ߹ுࡎʹ൚༻͞ΕΔɽΘ͕ࠃͷ ৯Ӵੜ๏Ͱ৯ʹ்ࡎΛ༻ͨ͠߹ɼ்ࡎɼ ுࡎɼϕʔΩϯάύμʔ·ͨ;͘Β͠คͷ͍ͣΕ͔Λ ༻͍ͨҰ໊ׅදࣔͷͨΊ 11)ɼද͔ࣔΒϛϣόϯͷؚ༗ ͷ༗ແ͕அͰ͖ͳ͍͕ɼுࡎɼϛϣόϯΛؚ༗͢ ΔՄೳੑͷߴ͍৯ఴՃͰ͋ΔͨΊɼҰ໊ׅදࣔͷ͋Δ ৯Λରͱͨ͠ɽ͞Βʹɼϛϣόϯ 7) ͷදࣔͷ͋Δ ࡊՃ৯͓Αͼւ࢈ɼ·ͨɼϛϣόϯ்ࡎͷද ࣔͷ༗ແʹ͔͔ΘΒͣɼԤถͰ Al ͷݕग़ใࠂ͕͋Δଈ੮ ΊΜྨʢ༌ೖʣɼय़Ӎ 12)ɼେ౾͓Αͼେ౾Ճ৯ 13) ରͱͨ͠ɽ 2ɹఴՃճऩࢼݧ Table 1 ʹࣔ͢Α͏ʹɼճऩ 86ʙ103%ɼඪ४ภࠩ 2.2ʙ6.2% ͱ ͍ ͣ Ε ྑ ͳ ݁ Ռ Λ ಘ ͨɽ ఆ ྔ ݶք 0.01 mg/g Ͱ͋ͬͨɽ 3ɹAl ؚ༗ྔ ֤ࢼྉதͷ Al ؚ༗ྔଌఆ݁ՌΛ Table 2 ʹࣔͨ͠ɽ· ͨɼFig. 1 ʹɼ৯ͷछྨ͝ͱͷݕग़ͱͦΕͧΕͷ Al ؚ༗ྔΛάϥϑʹϓϩοτͯࣔͨ͠͠ɽ (1)ɹ்ࡎΛ༻ͨ͠՛ࢠɾύϯྨ ் ࡎ ද ࣔ ͷ ͋ Δ 57 ࢼ ྉ த 26 ࢼ ྉ ͔ Βɼ0.01ʙ0.37 mg/g ͷ Al ͕ݕग़͞Εͨɽؚ༗ྔͷߴ͍ͷͰɼείʔ ϯ 1 ࢼྉ͔Β 0.37 mg/g, ύϯυέʔΩ 1 ࢼྉ͔Β 0.36 mg/g ͕ݕग़͞Εͨɽ௨ৗɼ400ʙ500 g ͷম͖՛ࢠΛ ͢Δͷʹ 2ʙ5 g ͷϕʔΩϯάύμʔ͕༻͞ΕΔ*2ɽ ҰൠతͳϕʔΩϯάύμʔதʹϛϣόϯ 20ʙ30% ·ؚΕ͓ͯΓɼAl ͱͯ͠ 2.1ʙ3.2% Ͱ͋Δɽ͜ͷͨΊɼ ম͖՛ࢠதͷ Al 0.08ʙ0.40 mg/g ·ؚΕΔ͜ͱ͕༧ଌ͞ ΕΔɽࠓճݕग़͞ΕͨϨϕϧ΄΅͜ͷϨϕϧͰ͋ͬͨɽ ·ͨɼಉछྨͷ৯Ͱݕग़͞ΕΔͷͱ͞Εͳ͍ͷ͕ ͋ Γɼ ݕग़ ͞ Ε ͨ ͷ ʹ ͭ ͍ ͯ ɼ ύ ϯ υ έ ʔ Ω Ͱ