浙江省安吉县上墅私立高级中学2015-2016学年高二上学期第二次月考通用技术试题 Word版无答案
高中高二数学上学期第二次月考试卷 文(含解析)-人教版高二全册数学试题
2014-2015学年某某省某某市安吉县上墅私立高中高二(上)第二次月考数学试卷(文科)一、选择题:(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.)1.在△ABC中,“A=”是“cosA=”的()A.充分而不必要条件 B.必要而不充分条件C.充分必要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件2.已知命题p:∃x∈R,x﹣2>0,命题q:∀x∈R,>x,则下列说法中正确的是() A.命题p∨q是假命题 B.命题p∧q是真命题C.命题p∨(¬q)是假命题 D.命题p∧(¬q)是真命题3.直线x﹣2y+2=0经过椭圆的一个焦点和一个顶点,则该椭圆的离心率为()A. B. C. D.4.若直线(m+2)x+3y+3=0与直线x+(2m﹣1)y+m=0平行,则实数m=() A.﹣或1 B. 1 C. 1或2 D.﹣5.直线2x+3y+1=0与直线4x+my+7=0平行,则它们之间的距离为() A. 4 B. C. D.6.设l,m是不同的直线,α,β,γ是不同的平面()A.若l⊥α,l⊥m,则m∥α B.若l⊂α,m⊂β,α∥β,则l∥mC.若l∥α,m⊥α,则l⊥m D.若α∩β=l,l⊥γ,m⊥β,则m∥γ7.过P(2,0)的直线被圆(x﹣2)2+(y﹣3)2=9截得的线段长为2时,直线l的斜率为()A. B. C.±1 D.8.若双曲线的离心率为,则其渐近线方程为()A. y=±2x B. C. D.9.直线l:x+y﹣4=0与圆C:x2+y2=4的位置关系是()A.相交过圆心 B.相交不过圆心 C.相切 D.相离10.下列结论正确的是()A.命题“若a>b>0,则a2>b2”的逆命题是假命题B.若函数f(x)=sinx,则函数f(x)为周期函数的逆命题是真命题C.向量,的夹角为钝角的充要条件是•<0D.“x2>2”是“x2﹣3x+2≥0”的充分不必要条件二、填空题:(本大题共7小题,每小题3分,共21分.)11.由命题“存在x∈R,使x2+2x+m≤0”是假命题,则实数m的取值X围为.12.已知命题p:m<0,命题q:∀x∈R,x2+mx+1>0成立,若“p∧q”为真命题,则实数m 的取值X围是.13.两直线l1:ax+2y﹣1=0,l2:(a﹣1)x+ay+1=0垂直,则a=.14.两圆x2+y2﹣4x+6y=0和x2+y2﹣6x=0的连心线方程为.15.已知动圆M与圆C1:(x+3)2+y2=9外切且与圆C2:(x﹣3)2+y2=1内切,则动圆圆心M的轨迹方程是.16.一个几何体的三视图如图所示(单位:m),则该几何体的体积为m3.17.下列四个命题:①“∃x∈R,x2﹣x+1≤0”的否定;②“若x2+x﹣6≥0,则x>2”的否命题;③在△ABC中,“A>30°”是“sinA>”的充分不必要条件④“函数f(x)=tan(x+φ)为奇函数”的充要条件是“φ=kπ.(k∈Z)”,其中真命题的序号是.三、解答题:(本大题共5小题,共49分.)18.设p:实数x满足x2+2ax﹣3a2<0(a>0),q:实数x满足x2+2x﹣8<0,且q是p的必要不充分条件,求a的取值X围.19.求满足下列条件的椭圆方程:(1)长轴在x轴上,长轴长等于12,离心率等于;(2)椭圆经过点(﹣6,0)和(0,8);(3)椭圆的一个焦点到长轴两端点的距离分别为10和4.20.如图,正方形ACDE所在的平面与平面ABC垂直,M是CE和AD的交点,AC⊥BC,且AC=BC.(1)求证:AM⊥平面EBC;(2)求直线AB与平面EBC所成角的大小.21.已知在平面直角坐标系中的一个椭圆,它的中心在原点,左焦点为,且过点D(2,0).(1)求该椭圆的标准方程;(2)设点,若P是椭圆上的动点,求线段PA的中点M的轨迹方程.22.已知圆C:x2+y2=4和直线l:3x+4y+12=0,点P是圆C上的一动点,直线与坐标轴的交点分别为点A、B,(1)求与圆C相切且平行直线l的直线方程;(2)求△PAB面积的最大值.2014-2015学年某某省某某市安吉县上墅私立高中高二(上)第二次月考数学试卷(文科)参考答案与试题解析一、选择题:(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.)1.在△ABC中,“A=”是“cosA=”的()A.充分而不必要条件 B.必要而不充分条件C.充分必要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件考点:必要条件、充分条件与充要条件的判断.专题:简易逻辑.分析:根据充分必要条件的定义结合三角形的性质,分别证明充分性和必要性,从而得到答案.解答:解:在△ABC中,若A=,则cosA=,是充分条件,在△ABC中,若cosA=,则A=或A=,不是必要条件,故选:A.点评:本题考查了充分必要条件,考查了三角形中的三角函数值问题,是一道基础题.2.已知命题p:∃x∈R,x﹣2>0,命题q:∀x∈R,>x,则下列说法中正确的是() A.命题p∨q是假命题 B.命题p∧q是真命题C.命题p∨(¬q)是假命题 D.命题p∧(¬q)是真命题考点:复合命题的真假.专题:简易逻辑.分析:容易判断命题p是真命题,q是假命题,所以根据p∨q,p∧q,¬q的真假和p,q的关系即可找出正确选项.解答:解:∃x∈R,x﹣2>0,即不等式x﹣2>0有解,∴命题p是真命题;x<0时,无解,∴命题q是假命题;∴p∨q为真命题,p∧q是假命题,¬q是真命题,p∨(¬q)是真命题,p∧(¬q)是真命题;∴D正确.故选D.点评:考查真命题,假命题的概念,以及p∨q,p∧q,¬q的真假和p,q真假的关系.3.直线x﹣2y+2=0经过椭圆的一个焦点和一个顶点,则该椭圆的离心率为()A. B. C. D.考点:椭圆的简单性质.专题:计算题.分析:直线x﹣2y+2=0与坐标轴的交点为(﹣2,0),(0,1),依题意得.解答:直线x﹣2y+2=0与坐标轴的交点为(﹣2,0),(0,1),直线x﹣2y+2=0经过椭圆的一个焦点和一个顶点;故.故选A.点评:本题考查了椭圆的基本性质,只需根据已知条件求出a,b,c即可,属于基础题型.4.若直线(m+2)x+3y+3=0与直线x+(2m﹣1)y+m=0平行,则实数m=() A.﹣或1 B. 1 C. 1或2 D.﹣考点:直线的一般式方程与直线的平行关系.专题:直线与圆.分析:由直线的平行可得m的方程,解得m代回验证可得.解答:解:∵直线(m+2)x+3y+3=0与直线x+(2m﹣1)y+m=0平行,∴(m+2)(2m﹣1)﹣3×1=0,解得m=﹣或1经验证当m=1时,两直线重合,应舍去,故选:D点评:本题考查直线的一般式方程和平行关系,属基础题.5.直线2x+3y+1=0与直线4x+my+7=0平行,则它们之间的距离为() A. 4 B. C. D.考点:两条平行直线间的距离.专题:直线与圆.分析:通过直线的平行求出m,然后利用平行线之间的距离求解即可.解答:解:直线2x+3y+1=0与直线4x+my+7=0平行,所以m=6,直线4x+my+7=0化为直线4x+6y+7=0即2x+3y+3.5=0,它们之间的距离为:d==.故选:C.点评:本题考查两条平行线之间是距离的求法,基本知识的考查.6.设l,m是不同的直线,α,β,γ是不同的平面()A.若l⊥α,l⊥m,则m∥α B.若l⊂α,m⊂β,α∥β,则l∥mC.若l∥α,m⊥α,则l⊥m D.若α∩β=l,l⊥γ,m⊥β,则m∥γ考点:空间中直线与平面之间的位置关系.专题:空间位置关系与距离.分析:利用空间中线线、线面、面面间的位置关系求解.解答:解:若l⊥α,l⊥m,则m∥α或m⊂α,故A错误;若l⊂α,m⊂β,α∥β,则l与m平行或异面,故B错误;若l∥α,m⊥α,则由直线与平面平行的性质得l⊥m,故C正确;若α∩β=l,l⊥γ,m⊥β,则m∥γ或m⊂γ,故D错误.故选:C.点评:本题考查命题真假的判断,是基础题,解题时要注意空间思维能力的培养.7.过P(2,0)的直线被圆(x﹣2)2+(y﹣3)2=9截得的线段长为2时,直线l的斜率为() A. B. C.±1 D.考点:直线与圆的位置关系.专题:直线与圆.分析:设直线l的方程为:y=kx﹣2k,由已知条件结合圆的性质和点到直线的距离公式推导出=2,由此能求出直线的斜率.解答:解:设直线l的斜率为k,则直线l的方程为:y=kx﹣2k,(x﹣2)2+(y﹣3)2=9的圆心C(2,3),半径r=3,∵过P(2,0)的直线被圆(x﹣2)2+(y﹣3)2=9截得的线段长为2,∴圆心C(2,3)到直线AB的距离d==2,∵点C(2,3)到直线y=kx﹣2k的距离d==2,∴•2=3,解得k=±.故选:A.点评:本题考查直线的斜率的求法,是中档题,解题时要认真审题,注意点到直线的距离公式的合理运用.8.若双曲线的离心率为,则其渐近线方程为()A. y=±2x B. C. D.考点:双曲线的简单性质.专题:圆锥曲线的定义、性质与方程.分析:通过双曲线的离心率,推出a、b关系,然后直接求出双曲线的渐近线方程.解答:解:由双曲线的离心率,可知c=a,又a2+b2=c2,所以b=a,所以双曲线的渐近线方程为:y==±x.故选B.点评:本题考查双曲线的基本性质,渐近线方程的求法,考查计算能力.9.直线l:x+y﹣4=0与圆C:x2+y2=4的位置关系是()A.相交过圆心 B.相交不过圆心 C.相切 D.相离考点:直线与圆的位置关系.专题:直线与圆.分析:求出圆心(0,0)到直线l:x+y﹣4=0的距离d正好等于半径,可得直线和圆相切.解答:解:由于圆心(0,0)到直线l:x+y﹣4=0的距离为d==2=r(半径),故直线和圆相切,故选:C.点评:本题主要考查直线和圆的位置关系,点到直线的距离公式的应用,属于基础题.10.下列结论正确的是()A.命题“若a>b>0,则a2>b2”的逆命题是假命题B.若函数f(x)=sinx,则函数f(x)为周期函数的逆命题是真命题C.向量,的夹角为钝角的充要条件是•<0D.“x2>2”是“x2﹣3x+2≥0”的充分不必要条件考点:命题的真假判断与应用.专题:简易逻辑.分析: A.“若a>b>0,则a2>b2”的逆命题为“若a2>b2,则a>b>0”是假命题;B.函数f(x)=sinx,则函数f(x)为周期函数的逆命题为“函数f(x)为周期函数,则f (x)=sinx”,显然不正确;C.向量,的夹角为钝角⇒•<0,反之不成立,由于非零向量反向共线时,满足<0;D.“x2>2”⇒或x,而x2﹣3x+2=﹣≥﹣,反之也不成立.解答:解:A.“若a>b>0,则a2>b2”的逆命题为“若a2>b2,则a>b>0”是假命题,正确;B.函数f(x)=sinx,则函数f(x)为周期函数的逆命题为“函数f(x)为周期函数,则f (x)=sinx”是假命题,不正确;C.向量,的夹角为钝角⇒•<0,反之不成立,由于向量反向共线时,其<0,因此不正确;D.“x2>2”⇒或x,此时x2﹣3x+2=﹣≥﹣,反之也不成立,因此“x2>2”是“x2﹣3x+2≥0”的既不充分也不必要条件,不正确.综上可得:只有A.故选:A.点评:本题考查了函数的性质、简易逻辑的判定、向量的数量积及其夹角公式,考查了推理能力,属于基础题.二、填空题:(本大题共7小题,每小题3分,共21分.)11.由命题“存在x∈R,使x2+2x+m≤0”是假命题,则实数m的取值X围为(1,+∞).考点:特称命题.专题:计算题.分析:原命题为假命题,则其否命题为真命题,得出∀x∈R,都有x2+2x+m>0,再由△<0,求得m.解答:解:∵“存在x∈R,使x2+2x+m≤0”,∴其否命题为真命题,即是说“∀x∈R,都有x2+2x+m>0”,∴△=4﹣4m<0,解得m>1.∴m的取值X围为(1,+∞).故答案为:(1,+∞)点评:本题考查了存在命题的否定,不等式恒成立问题.考查转化、计算能力.12.已知命题p:m<0,命题q:∀x∈R,x2+mx+1>0成立,若“p∧q”为真命题,则实数m 的取值X围是﹣2<m<0 .考点:复合命题的真假.专题:简易逻辑.分析:根据复合命题的真假性判断出命题p、q都是真命题,再逐一求出m的X围,最后求它们的交集.解答:解:因为“p∧q”为真命题,所以命题p、q都是真命题,若命题q是真命题,则∀x∈R,x2+mx+1>0横成立,所以△=m2﹣4<0,解得﹣2<m<2,又命题p:m<0,也是真命题,所以实数m的取值X围是:﹣2<m<0,故答案为:﹣2<m<0.点评:本题考查了复合命题的真假性,以及二次函数的性质,属于基础题.13.两直线l1:ax+2y﹣1=0,l2:(a﹣1)x+ay+1=0垂直,则a= 0或﹣1 .考点:直线的一般式方程与直线的垂直关系.专题:直线与圆.分析:由已知得a(a﹣1)+2a=0,由此能求出a.解答:解:∵两直线l1:ax+2y﹣1=0,l2:(a﹣1)x+ay+1=0垂直,∴a(a﹣1)+2a=0,解得a=0或a=﹣1.故答案为:0或﹣1.点评:本题考查实数值的求法,是基础题,解题时要认真审题,注意直线与直线垂直的性质的合理运用.14.两圆x2+y2﹣4x+6y=0和x2+y2﹣6x=0的连心线方程为3x﹣y﹣9=0 .考点:圆与圆的位置关系及其判定.专题:计算题;直线与圆.分析:求出圆心坐标,利用点斜式,可得方程.解答:解:两圆x2+y2﹣4x+6y=0和x2+y2﹣6x=0的圆心坐标分别为(2,﹣3),(3,0),∴连心线方程为y﹣0=(x﹣3),即3x﹣y﹣9=0.故答案为:3x﹣y﹣9=0.点评:本题考查圆与圆的位置关系及其判定,考查直线方程,比较基础.15.已知动圆M与圆C1:(x+3)2+y2=9外切且与圆C2:(x﹣3)2+y2=1内切,则动圆圆心M的轨迹方程是﹣=1(x≥2).考点:直线与圆的位置关系.专题:直线与圆.分析:找出两圆圆心坐标与半径,设设动圆圆心M(x,y),半径为r,根据动圆M与圆C1外切且与圆C2内切,即可确定出M轨迹方程.解答:解:由圆C1:(x+3)2+y2=9,圆心C1(﹣3,0),半径r1=3,圆C2:(x﹣3)2+y2=1,圆心C2(3,0),r2=1,设动圆圆心M(x,y),半径为r,根据题意得:,整理得:|MC1|﹣|MC2|=4,则动点M轨迹为双曲线,a=2,b=,c=3,其方程为﹣=1(x≥2).故答案为:﹣=1(x≥2)点评:此题考查了直线与圆的位置关系,以及动点轨迹方程,熟练掌握双曲线定义是解本题的关键.16.一个几何体的三视图如图所示(单位:m),则该几何体的体积为m3.考点:由三视图求面积、体积.专题:立体几何.分析:几何体是圆锥与圆柱的组合体,判断圆柱与圆锥的高及底面半径,代入圆锥与圆柱的体积公式计算.解答:解:由三视图知:几何体是圆锥与圆柱的组合体,其中圆柱的高为4,底面直径为2,圆锥的高为2,底面直径为4,∴几何体的体积V=π×12×4+×π×22×2=4π+π=π.故答案为:.点评:本题考查了由三视图求几何体的体积,根据三视图判断几何体的形状及数据所对应的几何量是解题的关键.17.下列四个命题:①“∃x∈R,x2﹣x+1≤0”的否定;②“若x2+x﹣6≥0,则x>2”的否命题;③在△ABC中,“A>30°”是“sinA>”的充分不必要条件④“函数f(x)=tan(x+φ)为奇函数”的充要条件是“φ=kπ.(k∈Z)”,其中真命题的序号是①②.考点:命题的真假判断与应用.专题:简易逻辑.分析:①按照特称命题的否定要求改写,然后判断真假;②先写出原命题,然后再按照否条件、否结论进行改写;③双向推理,然后进行判断,此例可以举反例;④结合奇函数的性质进行推导,从左推右,然后反推化简.解答:解:①原命题的否定是:∀x∈R,x2﹣x+1>0;因为,故①为真命题;②原命题的否命题是:若x2+x﹣6<0,则x≤2.由x2+x﹣6<0,得(x+3)(x﹣2)<0,所以﹣3<x<2,故②为真命题;③当A=150°时,.所以故在△ABC中,“A>30°”是“sinA>”的不充分条件.故③是假命题;④若函数f(x)为奇函数,则f(0)=tanφ=0,或y轴为图象的渐近线,所以φ=kπ(k∈Z);或tanφ不存在,则φ=,(k∈Z)所以前者是后者的不充分条件.故④为假命题.故答案为:①,②点评:本题以简易逻辑为载体,考查了命题的否定及否命题的写法以及真假判断,充分必要性的判断方法,属于基础题,难度不大.三、解答题:(本大题共5小题,共49分.)18.设p:实数x满足x2+2ax﹣3a2<0(a>0),q:实数x满足x2+2x﹣8<0,且q是p的必要不充分条件,求a的取值X围.考点:必要条件、充分条件与充要条件的判断.专题:不等式的解法及应用.分析:先分别化简两个不等式,再利用q是p的必要不充分条件,转化为,然后某某数a的取值X围.解答:解:由x2+2ax﹣3a2<0得(x+3a)(x﹣a)<0,又a>0,所以﹣3a<x<a,(2分)x2+2x﹣8<0,∴﹣4<x<2,p为真时,实数x的取值X围是:﹣3a<x<a;q为真时,实数x的取值X围是:﹣4<x<2(6分)因为q是p的必要不充分条件,所以有(10分)所以实数a的取值X围是≤a≤2.(14分)点评:本题考查一元二次不等式的解法,必要条件、充分条件与充要条件的判断,考查计算能力,转化思想,是中档题.19.求满足下列条件的椭圆方程:(1)长轴在x轴上,长轴长等于12,离心率等于;(2)椭圆经过点(﹣6,0)和(0,8);(3)椭圆的一个焦点到长轴两端点的距离分别为10和4.考点:椭圆的简单性质.专题:圆锥曲线的定义、性质与方程.分析:(1)设椭圆方程为+=1(a>b>0),运用离心率公式和a,b,c的关系,解得a,b,即可得到椭圆方程;(2)设椭圆方程为mx2+ny2=1,(m,n>0),由题意代入点(﹣6,0)和(0,8),解方程即可得到椭圆方程;(3)讨论椭圆的焦点的位置,由题意可得a﹣c=4,a+c=10,解方程可得a,c,再由a,b,c 的关系解得b,即可得到椭圆方程.解答:解:(1)设椭圆方程为+=1(a>b>0),由题意可得,2a=12,e=,即有a=6,=,即有c=4,b===2,即有椭圆方程为+=1;(2)设椭圆方程为mx2+ny2=1,(m,n>0),由题意代入点(﹣6,0)和(0,8),可得36m+0=1,且0+64n=1,解得m=,n=,即有椭圆方程为+=1;(3)当焦点在x轴上时,可设椭圆方程为+=1(a>b>0),由题意可得a﹣c=4,a+c=10,解得a=7,c=3,b==2,即有椭圆方程为+=1;同理,当焦点在y轴上时,可得椭圆方程为+=1.即有椭圆方程为+=1或+=1.点评:本题考查椭圆的方程和性质,主要考查椭圆的方程的求法,注意运用椭圆的方程的正确设法,以及椭圆性质的运用,属于基础题.20.如图,正方形ACDE所在的平面与平面ABC垂直,M是CE和AD的交点,AC⊥BC,且AC=BC.(1)求证:AM⊥平面EBC;(2)求直线AB与平面EBC所成角的大小.考点:直线与平面所成的角;平面与平面垂直的判定.专题:空间位置关系与距离;空间角;空间向量及应用.分析:(1)建立空间直角坐标,利用向量法证明线面垂直.(2)利用向量法求线面角的大小.解答:解:∵四边形ACDE是正方形,所以EA⊥AC,AM⊥EC,∵平面ACDE⊥平ABC,∴EA⊥平面ABC,∴可以以点A为原点,以过A点平行于BC的直线为x轴,分别以直线AC和AE为y轴和z轴,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系A﹣xyz.设EA=AC=BC=2,则A(0,0,0),B(2,2,0),C(0,2,0),E(0,0,2),∵M是正方形ACDE的对角线的交点,∴M(0,1,1) (3)=(0,1,1),=(0,2,0)﹣(0,0,2)=(0,2,﹣2),=(2,2,0)﹣(0,2,0)=(2,0,0),∴,,∴AM⊥EC,AM⊥CB,∴AM⊥平面EBC.…(5分)(2)∵AM⊥平面EBC,∴为平面EBC的一个法向量,∵=(0,1,1),=(2,2,0),∴cos.∴=60°.∴直线AB与平面EBC所成的角为30°.…(12分)点评:本题主要考查向量法证明线面垂直以及利用向量法求线面角的大小,运算量较大.21.已知在平面直角坐标系中的一个椭圆,它的中心在原点,左焦点为,且过点D(2,0).(1)求该椭圆的标准方程;(2)设点,若P是椭圆上的动点,求线段PA的中点M的轨迹方程.考点:轨迹方程;椭圆的标准方程.专题:计算题;圆锥曲线的定义、性质与方程.分析:(1)设椭圆方程为,根据题意可得a=2且c=,从而b==1,得到椭圆的标准方程;(2)设点P(x0,y0),线段PA的中点为M(x,y),根据中点坐标公式将x0、y0表示成关于x、y的式子,将P(x0,y0)关于x、y的坐标形式代入已知椭圆的方程,化简整理即可得到线段PA的中点M的轨迹方程.解答:解:(1)由题意知椭圆的焦点在x轴上,设椭圆的标准方程是∵椭圆经过点D(2,0),左焦点为,∴a=2,,可得b==1因此,椭圆的标准方程为.(2)设点P的坐标是(x0,y0),线段PA的中点为M(x,y),由根据中点坐标公式,可得,整理得,∵点P(x0,y0)在椭圆上,∴可得,化简整理得,由此可得线段PA中点M的轨迹方程是.点评:本题给出椭圆满足的条件,求椭圆方程并求与之有关的一个轨迹方程,着重考查了椭圆的标准方程、简单几何性质和轨迹方程的求法等知识点,属于中档题.22.已知圆C:x2+y2=4和直线l:3x+4y+12=0,点P是圆C上的一动点,直线与坐标轴的交点分别为点A、B,(1)求与圆C相切且平行直线l的直线方程;(2)求△PAB面积的最大值.考点:直线和圆的方程的应用.专题:直线与圆.分析:(1)根据题意设所求方程为3x+4y+a=0,根据直线与圆相切时,圆心到直线的距离d=r求出a的值,即可确定出所求直线方程;(2)当直线与AB平行,且与圆相切时,△PAB面积的最大值,如图所示,求出|AB|与|MN|的长,即可确定出△PAB面积的最大值.解答:解:(1)设所求直线方程为3x+4y+a=0,由题意得:圆心(0,0)到直线的距离d=r,即=2,解得:a=±10,则所求直线方程为3x+4y±10=0;(2)当直线与AB平行,且与圆相切时,△PAB面积的最大值,此时直线方程为3x+4y﹣10=0,∵点C到直线AB的距离||=,CM=2,∴|MN|=+2=,∵A(﹣4,0),B(0,3),即OA=4,OB=3,∴|AB|=5,则△PAB面积最大值为×5×=11.点评:此题考查了直线与圆的方程的应用,涉及的知识有:点到直线的距离公式,两直线平行时斜率的关系,以及直线与圆相切的性质,熟练掌握公式及性质是解本题的关键.。
2015学年第二学期期中考试高二数学试卷本试题卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分150分,考试时间为120分钟.第 Ⅰ 卷 (选择题 共40分)注意事项:用钢笔或圆珠笔将题目做在答题卷上,做在试题卷上无效.一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 集合{3,2}A =,{1,}B b =,若{2}A B =,则A B =A .{1,2,3}B .{0,1,3}C .{0,1,2,3}D .{1,2,3,4}2.某几何体的三视图如右图所示,其中正视图是腰长为2的等腰 三角形,俯视图是半径为1的半圆,则其侧视图...的面积是 A. 12 B.32C .1 D.33. 将函数()y f x =的图像向右平移2π单位得到函数cos 2y x =的图像,则()f x =A .sin 2x -B .cos2xC .sin 2xD .cos2x -4. 设α是空间中的一个平面,l ,m ,n 是三条不同的直线,则下列命题中正确的是 A .若m ⊂α,n ⊂α,l ⊥m ,l ⊥n ,则l ⊥α B .若m ⊂α,n ⊥α,l ⊥n ,则l ∥m C .若l ∥m ,m ⊥α,n ⊥α,则l ∥n D .若l ⊥m ,l ⊥n ,则n ∥m5. 已知x ,y 满足条件5003x y x y x -+≥⎧⎪+≥⎨⎪≤⎩,则13y z x -=+的最大值A .23-B .13C .2D .36.“4a ≥”是“[1,2]x ∃∈-,使得2240x x a -+-≤”的A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件7.已知双曲线22221(00)x y a b a b-=>>,的中心为O ,左焦点为F ,P 是双曲线上的一点0OP PF ⋅=且243OP OF OF ⋅=,则该双曲线的离心率是第2题图A .3113+ B .337+ C .37+ D .2210+8. 存在函数f (x )满足:对于任意的x R ∈都有2(2)f x x x a +=+, 则a = A.-1 B.1 C.2 D. 4第 Ⅱ 卷 (非选择题 共110分)注意事项:将卷Ⅱ的题目做在答题卷上,做在试题卷上无效.二、填空题:本大题共7小题,多空题每题6分,单空题每题4分, 共36分. 9. 已知函数()2sin(2)6f x x π=-+,则(0)f = ▲ ,最小正周期是 ▲ , f (x )的最大值为 ▲ .10.已知等差数列{}n a 的公差为,d 前n 项的和为S n ,若4284,10,a a a =+= 则d = ▲ ,n a = ▲ ,S n = ▲ .11. 已知f (3x )=x 2log (x >0),则f (8) = ▲ ,f (x ) = ▲ .12. 已知抛物线C :x y 82=的焦点为F ,准线为l ,P 是l 上一点,Q 是直线PF 与C的一个交点,若QF PF 3=,则QF Q 的坐标为 ▲ .13.点P 在正方形ABCD 所在平面外,PA ⊥平面ABCD ,AB PA =,则PB 与AC 所成角的大小是 ▲ .14. 偶函数f (x )满足f (1-x )=f (1+x ),且在x ∈时,f (x )=2x -x 2,若直线kx -y +k =0(k >0)与函数f (x )的图象有且仅有三个交点,则k 的取值范围是 ▲ .15.在空间中,12AB AB ⊥,122OB OB ==,12AP AB AB =+,若1OP <则OA 的取值范围是▲ .三、解答题:本大题共5小题.共74分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.16.(本题满分15分)在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知cos C +(cos A -3sin A )cos B =0. (Ⅰ)求角B 的大小;(Ⅱ)若2a =,b =求△ABC 的面积.17.(本题满分15分)如图,在四棱锥P ABCD -中,PA ⊥面ABCD ,//,AD BC AD CD ⊥,且2AD CD BC PA ====,点M 在PD 上.(Ⅰ)求证:AB PC ⊥;(Ⅱ)若二面角M AC D --的大小为45,求PM PD的值.18.(本题满分15分)已知函数22()2f x x x ax =---,a 为实数. (Ⅰ)当1a =时,求函数()f x 在[0,3]上的最小值和最大值;(Ⅱ)若函数()f x 在(,1)-∞-和(2,)+∞上单调递增,求实数a 的取值范围.19.(本题满分15分)已知椭圆C :)0(12222>>=+b a by a x 短轴的两个顶点与右焦点的连线构成等边三角形,椭圆C 上任意一点到椭圆左右两个焦点的距离之和为4. (Ⅰ)求椭圆C 的方程;(Ⅱ)椭圆C 与x 轴负半轴交于点A ,直线过定点()0,1-交椭圆于M ,N 两点,求AMN ∆面积的最大值.20.(本题满分14分)各项为正数的数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且满足:().4121412*∈++=N n a a S n n n (Ⅰ)求n a ; (Ⅱ)设数列{21n a }的前n 项和为T n ,证明:对一切正整数n ,都有45<n T .ABCDMP第17题图2015学年第二学期高二数学期中考试参考答案一、ABDC DAAB二、9. -1,π,2; 10. 1,n ,2)1(+n n ; 11. 1, )0(log 312>x x ; 12. )334,32(,38±; 13.60;14.)33,1515(; 15.)22,7( 三、16.(本题满分15分)在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知cos C +(cos A-3sin A )cos B =0,(Ⅰ)求角B 的大小;(Ⅱ)若2a =,b 求△ABC 的面积.解:(Ⅰ)由已知得-cos(A +B)+cosAcosB -3sinAcosB =0,…………………………………………2分即有sinAsinB-3sinAcosB=0, ………………………………………………………………4分因为sinA ≠0,所以sinB -3cosB =0,又cosB ≠0,所以tanB =3,又0<B <π,……6分所以B=3π. ………………………………………………………………………………………7分 (Ⅱ)21cos ,23sin ==B B ……………………………………………………………………………8分 3212237sin sin ===Bb A a,……………………………………………………………………10分又2a =sin7A ∴==,b a <cos 7A ∴=…………………………………11分sin sin()sin cos cos sin C A B A B A B ∴=+=+=14……………………………………13分1sin 22S ab C ∴== …………………………………………………………………………15分17.(本题满分15分)如图,在四棱锥P ABCD -中,PA ⊥面ABCD ,//,AD BC AD CD ⊥,且2AD CD BC PA ====,点M 在PD 上.(Ⅰ)求证:AB PC ⊥;(Ⅱ)若二面角M AC D --的大小为45,求PMPD的值.. 解:(Ⅰ)如图,设E 为BC 的中点,连结AE ,则,//AD EC AD EC =,所以四边形AECD 为平行四边形, 故AE BC ⊥,又AE BE EC ===所以45ABC ACB ∠=∠=,故AB AC ⊥, ………………………………………………………3分又因为PA ⊥平面ABCD ,所以AB PA ⊥, ………………………………………………………5分且PA AC A =,所以AB ⊥平面PAC ,故有AB PC ⊥ …………………………………………7分(Ⅱ)如图,以A 为原点,分别以射线,,AE AD AP 为,,x y z 轴的正半轴,建立空间直角坐标系A xyz -.则(0,0,0),(0,(0,0,2)A E B C D P -, …………9分设,2)(01)PM PD λλλ==-≤≤,易得,22)M λ-, ………………………10分设平面AMC 的一个法向量为1(,,)x y z =n ,则1122022(22)0ACAM y z λ⎧⋅=+=⎪⎨⋅=+-=⎪⎩n n ,…………11分令y =得21x z λλ==-,即12(2,)1n λλ=--. ………………………12分 又平面ACD 的一个法向量为2(0,0,1)n =, ……………………………………………13分由题知1212122|||||cos ,|4n n n n n n λ⋅<>==⨯+2cos 452==,解得12λ=, ………15分 18.(本题满分15分)已知函数22()2f x x x ax =---,a 为实数. (Ⅰ)当1a =时,求函数()f x 在[0,3]上的最小值和最大值;(Ⅱ)若函数()f x 在(,1)-∞-和(2,)+∞上单调递增,求实数a 的取值范围. 解:(Ⅰ)当1a =时22,12,()22,12,x x x f x x x x +<->⎧=⎨---≤≤⎩或 …………………………………………………3分结合图像可知()f x 在1[0,]4上单调递减,在1[,3]4上单调递增, ……………………………5分()f x 在[0,3]上的最小值为117()48f =-, ………………………………………………………6分()f x 在[0,3]上的最大值为(3)5f =. …………………………………………………………7分(Ⅱ)令22x ax --=0,280a ∆=+>, ………………………………………………………………8分必有两根1x =,124a ≥-⎨⎪≤⎪⎩2x = ……………………………………………………9分122122,,()22,,ax x x x x f x x ax x x x +<>⎧⎪∴=⎨--≤≤⎪⎩或………………………………………………………………11分若函数()f x 在(,1)-∞-和(2,)+∞上单调递增,则即可,解得:18a ≤≤…15分19.(本题满分15分)已知椭圆C :)0(12222>>=+b a by a x 短轴的两个顶点与右焦点的连线构成等边三角形,椭圆C 上任意一点到椭圆左右两个焦点的距离之和为4. (Ⅰ)求椭圆C 的方程;(Ⅱ)椭圆C 与x 轴负半轴交于点A ,直线过定点()0,1-交椭圆于M ,N 两点,求AMN ∆面积的最大值.解:(Ⅰ)由题意2,a b = ………………………………………………………………………………………2分又24a =,所以2a =,1b = ……………………………………………………………………4分椭圆方程为2214x y += …………………………………………………………………………5分(Ⅱ)A 点坐标为(-2,0),直线MN 过定点(-1,0),∴令直线MN 的方程为1-=my x ,……………6分联立⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=+-=14122y x my x ,消去x 得032)4(22=--+my y m ,………………………………………8分12224m y y m ∴+=+, 12234y y m -=+,………………………………………………………………9分21221214)(2121y y y y y y AD S AMN -+=-=∆…………………………………………… 11分412)4(4212222+++=m m m 222)4(32++=m m , ………………………………………………… 12分令32+=m t ,3≥t232313122112)1(22=++≤++=+=∴∆t t t tS AMN ,…………14分 当且仅当332=+=m t 即0=m 时,AMN ∆面积的最大值为23. ……………………………15分 20.(本题满分14分)各项为正数的数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且满足:().4121412*∈++=N n a a S n n n (Ⅰ)求n a ;(Ⅱ)设数列{21n a }的前n 项和为T n ,证明:对一切正整数n ,都有45<n T . 解:(Ⅰ)由2111424n n n S a a =++ ① 当n ≥2时,2111111424n n n S a a ---=++②;…………………1分由①-②化简得:11()(2)0n n n n a a a a --+--=,……………………………………………………3分又∵数列{}n a 各项为正数,∴当2n ≥时,12n n a a --=,…………………………………………4分故数列{}n a 成等差数列,公差为2,又21111111424a S a a ==++, ………………………………5分 解得11,21n a a n =∴=-; ……………………………………………………………………………6分(Ⅱ)可知T n=22222123111111n na a a a a -+++++2222211111135(23)(21)n n =+++++--…………7分法一:2221111111()(21)441444(1)41n n n n n n n n n=<==---+--- ………………………10分 2222211111135(23)(21)n T n n =+++++--1111111111111()()()()41242342141n n n n<+-+-++-+----………………………………12分1111111111()41223211n n n n =+-+-++-+----115144n =+-<……………………………14分 法二:211111()(21)(21)(23)22321n n n n n <=------ ……………………………………………10分 2222211111135(23)(21)n T n n =+++++--11111111()()923522321n n <++-++---………12分691554424n =-<- ……………………………………………………………………………………14分。
浙江省名校2023-2024学年高二下学期2月月考英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、听力题1.What will James do tomorrow?A. Watch a TV program.B. Give a talk.C. Write a report. 2.What can we say about the woman?A. She’s generous.B. She’s curious.C. She’s helpful.3.When does the train leave?A. At 6:30.B. At 8:30.C. At 10:30.4.How does the woman go to work?A. By car.B. On foot.C. By bike.5.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Classmates.B. Teacher and student.C. Doctor and patient. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6.What does the woman regret?A. Giving up her research.B. Dropping out of college.C. Changing her major.7.What is the woman interested in studying now?A. Ecology.B. Education.C. Chemistry.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
8.What is the man?A. A hotel manager.B. A tour guide.C. A taxi driver.9.What is the man doing for the woman?A. Looking for some local foods.B. Showing her around the seaside.C. Offering information about a hotel.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
高一日语寒假作业班级________ 姓名________在()里填入合适的词最新试卷十年寒窗苦,踏上高考路,心态放平和,信心要十足,面对考试卷,下笔如有神,短信送祝福,愿你能高中,马到功自成,金榜定题名。
8.去年私たちは雲南に旅行( )行きました。
9.学生たちは教室( )歌を聞きます。
10.池の中に魚( )います。
11.冬休み家族( )いっしょに日本に行きます。
雑誌( )あります。
13.それは田中さん( )自転車です。
14.父は飛行機( )日本に行きました。
15.ゆうべ李さんはミルク( )飲みませんでした。
18.食道( )テーブルがあります。
上墅私立高中2014学年第一学期第一次月考高三年级英语试卷第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)1. —Do you enjoy the seafood here?—________, but I’ve got used to it anyway.A. Can’t like it betterB. Not reallyC. Not bad actuallyD. I’m really sorry2. The Mid-Autumn Festival is special holiday for most Chinese when whole family willget together.A. the; theB.a; theC. a; aD. the; a3. When _________ comes to saving energy, big changes start with small steps , like turning offthe lights.A. thatB. thisC. itD. one4. True happiness does not the possession of money, but the joy of achievement.A. contribute toB. lie inC. result inD. add to5. Having lived in China for 8 years, Helen has a good ______ of both English and Chinese.A. programB. guidanceC. commandD. ability6. It is our daily decisions, rather than our abilities, show what we truly are.A. whichB. whoC. whatD. that7. Sometimes smiles around the world ___ be false, hiding other feelings like anger, fear orworry.A. mustB. canC. shouldD. would8. about their choice of major, most first-year college students feel much stressed.A. Having worriedB. WorriedC. WorryD. To worry9. _______ parents say and do usually has a life-long effect on their children.A. ThatB. WhichC. WhatD. As10. A 7-year-old boy received an operation on Tuesday successfully _______ he hasmany other health problems.A. sinceB. howeverC. thoughD. therefore11.— What did you have for breakfast during your visit to Britain?— ______ but bread and butter. That was the only food they served day in and day out.A. NothingB. EverythingC. AnythingD. Something12. On top of the hill ______, whose style can be traced to the ages of the Roman Empire.A. there standing a churchB. does a church standC. a church standsD. stands a church13. Jessica had intended to go bungee jumping, and on second thoughts, she the plan.A. was cancelingB. cancelsC. canceledD. has canceled14. It was reported that Chinese students feel more stressed from _____ exams and heavy schoolwork than those in the other countries.A. frequentB. normalC. occasionalD. particular15. ______ I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting.A. WhenB. AfterC. AsD. Since16. I haven’t seen Dora since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond _____.A. impressionB. recognitionC. understandingD. judgment17. —Your sister _________ almost all her spare time to studying when she was in high school.—That’s right, or she _________ great success in the College Entrance Examination.A. devoted; wouldn’t have achievedB. spent; wouldn’t have achievedC. d evoted; hadn’t achievedD. hadn’t spent; couldn’t achieve18. He complained that this was the third time he of the changes of the meeting date.A. would be informedB. was informedC. has been informedD. had been informed19. “It’s a secret….” he lowered his voice and whispered no one could overhear it.A. in caseB. even ifC. so thatD. as if20. —I’m driving to Beijing after breakfast.—Take care, with all this fog.A. especiallyB. mainlyC. extremelyD. really第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21—40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。
A.慎独B.谨慎C.自律1/ 14D.勤劳【答案】:A5.商业“童叟无欺”的职业道德,医务行业“救死扶伤”的职业道德,千百年来为从事这些行业的人们所传承和遵守。
2024学年第一学期浙江省名校协作体联考参考答案高二年级数学学科首命题:学军中学 次命题兼审校:温岭中学 审核:春晖中学15.(Ⅰ)∵0a <,()()+20a x a x +> 所以()()20x a x ++<,解得2x a −<<− 所以{}2A x x a =−<<−.............5分 (Ⅱ){}12B x x =≤<①当0a <时,B A ⊆因为,所以2a −≥,得2a ≤−;............ 7分 ②当0a =时A =Φ不合;.............9分③当02a <≤时,{}2A x x x a =<−>−或成立,所以B A ⊆成立;.............11分 ④当2a ≥时时,{}2A x x a x =<−>−或成立,所以B A ⊆成立; 20a a ≤−>综合得或 ...............................13分16.解析:(Ⅰ)由已知,志愿者服务时间不低于18小时的概率为1(0.020.06)40.68−+⨯=. ------4分(Ⅱ)由频率分布直方图可看出最高矩形底边上的中点值为20,故众数是20;--------7分 由( ++++⨯=,解得0.07a =, ∵(0.020.06)40.32+⨯=,且(⨯=,平均数为(0.02120.06160.075200.07240.02528)420.32⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯⨯=;--------11分 (Ⅲ)又∵(⨯=,(⨯=, ∴第75%位数位于22~26之间,设第75%位数为y , 则220.750.6226220.90.62y −−=−−,解得132223.867y =+≈.----------------15分17.(Ⅰ)解析:()2sin()6f x x π=+,----------------------------3分32,2622x k k πππ⎡⎤+∈π+π+⎢⎥⎣⎦令得42233k x k ππππ+≤≤+, ()f x 的单调减区间为4[2,2],33k k k Z π+ππ+π∈-----------------6分(Ⅱ)解析:由题意得()2sin(2)6g x x π=−,则6()2sin(2)65g παα=−=−--------8分3sin(2)65πα−=−,又因为5(,)612ππα∈−,则22(,)623πππα−∈−所以4cos(2)65πα−=------------------------------------------------11分cos 2cos(2)663cos(2)cos sin(2)sin 666610ππααππππαα=−++=−−−=----------------------15分18.(Ⅰ)解析:由题意,在三角形PAB 与三角形PAD 中用余弦定理可得:AB AD ==分取BD 中点M ,连,AM PM ,由AB AD =,PB PD =,可得BD AM ⊥,BD PM ⊥,故BD ⊥平面APM ,因为AP APM ⊂平面,所以BD PA ⊥-----------4分(Ⅱ)因为BD ⊥平面APM ,所以平面PAM ⊥平面ABCD ,故点P 在平面ABCD 上的投影在两平面的交线AM 上,所以PAM ∠为所求线面角,-----------5分在Rt PBD ∆中,有BM DM PM ===;在Rt ADM ∆中,可得AM =分故在三角形PAM中:222cos 2PA AM PM PAM PA AM +−∠==⋅sin PAM ∠=,分(Ⅲ)解析:因为平面PAM ⊥平面ABCD ,故点,,,P A M C 四点共面,所以点,,A M C 三点共线,-------------------------------------------------10分所以在PAC ∆中,cos PAC ∠=,所以2222cos 9PC PA AC PA AC PAC =+−⋅⋅∠=,即2369AC AC +=,解得AC =或AC =分若AC =,则四边形ABCD为凹四边形,矛盾. 所以AC =---------------13分 因为,所以12ABCD S AC BD =⋅=四边形分所以1sin 3P ABCD ABCD V S PA PAM −=⋅⋅⋅∠=四棱锥四边形分19.(Ⅰ)解析:是.理由如下:------------------------------------1分281616lnln16ln ln log log ln 2ln 8l 160,0,16()2l ()n n 8x x x x xf f x x x x x ∀>=⋅=⋅=>=⋅-----------------------3分 故()2816log log f x x x=⋅是“反比例对称函数”.--------------- -------4分 (Ⅱ)解析:()()(),(0,)h x f x g x x =−∈+∞设, 由(Ⅰ)知16()()f f x x =,验证知16()()g g x x= 故16()()h x h x=.--------------------------------------------------------6分 由题意函数()f x 与()g x 的图像恰有一个交点,即()h x 恰有一个零点,故由对称性零点只能为4.-----------------------------------------------7分 由(4)0h =,得203m =.----------------------------------------8分 下检验此时()h x 恰有一个零点.由对勾函数性质知,()g x 在(]0,4上单调递减,[)4,+∞上单调递增.()ln (ln16ln )ln 2ln 8x x f x −=,设ln u x =,()(ln16)ln 2ln 8u u f x −=,()f x 关于u 在(]0,ln 4上单调递增,[)ln 4,+∞上单调递减,因此()f x 在(]0,4上单调递增,[)4,+∞上单调递减. 故()h x 在(]0,4上单调递增,[)4,+∞上单调递减.故此时()h x 恰有一个零点4.----------------------------10分注:充分必要性步骤交换亦可。
每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分)1. 新冠疫情期间,门框式红外体温检测仪被广泛应用。
下列说法正确的是()A. 门框式红外体温检测仪能够检测人体体温,体现了技术的目的性B. 门框式红外体温检测仪价格比普通手持式的贵,体现了技术的两面性C. 门框式红外体温检测仪能够在很多公共场合使用,体现了技术的综合性D. 无接触测量体温,有利于保障人的健康,体现了技术具有发展人的作用【答案】A2. 2020年郑州市自动驾驶公交1号线开启试运行。
下列说法正确的是()A. 车厢内设置有母婴椅、爱心座椅,主要考虑到了普通人群的需求B. 上车处设置有易燃液体安全监测仪,实现了人机关系的健康目标C. 报站采用智能显示屏呈现,考虑了信息交互D. 该公交车还能与交通信号灯联动,实现一路畅通,主要考虑到了人的心理需求【答案】C3. 如图所示,这是某款用合金材料制作的坚果钳。
下列说法中不正确的是()A. 该产品强度高,主要是从“物”角度设计分析的B. 该产品是用合金材料做的,主要是从“环境”角度设计分析的C. 该产品破开坚果省时省力,主要是从“人”的角度设计分析的D. 该产品无毒无害,主要是从“人”的角度设计分析的【答案】B4. SolidWorks是一款三维CAD机械设计软件。
浙江省湖州市安吉县上墅私立高级中学2024年高三第三次调查研究考试数学试题 考生请注意:1.答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。
1.函数()5sin 20312f x x x ππ⎛⎫⎛⎫=+≤≤ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭的值域为( ) A .1,12⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦ B .10,2⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦ C .[]0,1 D .1,02⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦2.已知等差数列{a n },则“a 2>a 1”是“数列{a n }为单调递增数列”的( )A .充分而不必要条件B .必要而不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件3.若函数()y f x =的定义域为M ={x|-2≤x≤2},值域为N ={y|0≤y≤2},则函数()y f x =的图像可能是( ) A . B . C .D .4.设f (x )是定义在R 上的偶函数,且在(0,+∞)单调递减,则( )A .0.30.43(log 0.3)(2)(2)f f f -->>B .0.40.33(log 0.3)(2)(2)f f f -->>C .0.30.43(2)(2)(log 0.3)f f f -->>D .0.40.33(2)(2)(log 0.3)f f f -->>5.若向量(1,5),(2,1)a b ==-,则(2)a a b ⋅+=( )A .30B .31C .32D .336.一个算法的程序框图如图所示,若该程序输出的结果是34,则判断框中应填入的条件是( )A .5?i >B .5?i <C .4?i >D .4?i < 7.集合{}2|4,M y y x x ==-∈Z 的真子集的个数为( ) A .7 B .8 C .31 D .32 8.2019年某校迎国庆70周年歌咏比赛中,甲乙两个合唱队每场比赛得分的茎叶图如图所示(以十位数字为茎,个位数字为叶).若甲队得分的中位数是86,乙队得分的平均数是88,则x y +=( )A .170B .10C .172D .129.若复数z 满足(1)12i z i +=+,则||z =( )A .22B .32C .102D .1210.《九章算术》是我国古代内容极为丰富的数学名著,书中有如下问题:“今有刍甍,下广三丈,袤四丈,上袤二丈,无广,高二丈,问:积几何?”其意思为:“今有底面为矩形的屋脊状的楔体,下底面宽3丈,长4丈,上棱长2丈,高2丈,问:它的体积是多少?”已知l 丈为10尺,该楔体的三视图如图所示,其中网格纸上小正方形边长为1,则该楔体的体积为( )A .10000立方尺B .11000立方尺C .12000立方尺D .13000立方尺11.如图,这是某校高三年级甲、乙两班在上学期的5次数学测试的班级平均分的茎叶图,则下列说法不正确的是( )A .甲班的数学成绩平均分的平均水平高于乙班B .甲班的数学成绩的平均分比乙班稳定C .甲班的数学成绩平均分的中位数高于乙班D .甲、乙两班这5次数学测试的总平均分是10312.某学校为了调查学生在课外读物方面的支出情况,抽取了一个容量为n 的样本,其频率分布直方图如图所示,其中支出在[20,40)(单位:元)的同学有34人,则n 的值为( )A .100B .1000C .90D .90二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
浙江省安吉县上墅私立高级中学2015届高三上学期第一次月考化学试题 Word版缺答案
上墅私立高中2014学年第一学期第一次月考高三化学试卷原子量: O:16 N:14 Cu:64 Cl:35.5 S:32 Fe:56 Si:28 C:12 Na:23 Mg:24 Al:27一、选择题(单选,每题3分)1、多功能隐形眼镜护理药水的主要成分是双氧水(H2O2),下列有关双氧水的说法正确的是()A.它是由氢气和氧气组成B.它由两个氢元素和两个氧元素组成C.每个H2O2分子是由氢元素和氧元素组成D.每个H2O2分子是由2个氢原子和2个氧原子构成2、下列关于物质的量的叙述中,正确的是()A.1mol食盐含有6.02×1023个分子B.Mg的摩尔质量为24C.1mol水中含有2mol氢和1mol氧D.1molNe含有6.02×1024个电子3、下列有关气体体积的叙述中,正确的是()A.一定温度和压强下,各种气态物质体积的大小,由构成气体的分子的大小决定B.一定温度和压强下,相同体积的各种气态物质体积的大小,由构成气体的分子数决定C.不同的气体若体积不同,则它们所含的分子数也不同D.气体摩尔体积是指1mol任何气体所占的体积约为22.4L4、下列实验能证明某无色气体为SO2的是()①能使澄清石灰水变浑浊②能使湿润的蓝色石蕊试纸变红③能使品红试液褪色,加热后又显红色④能使溴水褪色,再滴加酸化的BaCl2溶液有白色沉淀产生A.①②③④B.①③④C.③④D.②③④5、能证明硅酸的酸性弱于碳酸酸性的实验事实是()A.CO2溶于水形成碳酸,SiO2难溶于水B.CO2通入可溶性硅酸盐中析出硅酸沉淀C.高温下SiO2与碳酸盐反应生成CO2D.氯化氢通入可溶性硅酸盐溶液中生成沉淀6、下列实验能成功的是()①用水鉴别Na2CO3和NaHCO3固体;②用观察法区别Na2O和Na2O2;③用MgCl2溶液鉴别Na2CO3溶液和NaOH溶液;④用稀盐酸鉴别Na2CO3溶液和NaHCO3溶液。
浙江省湖州中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第二次月考物理试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.下列物理量属于矢量的是( )A.电势B.电势差C.磁通量D.电场强度2.关于电磁波,下列说法正确的是( )A.麦克斯韦首先预言了电磁波的存在,法拉第最先用实验证实了电磁波的存在B.周期性变化的电场和磁场可以相互激发,形成电磁波C.在真空中,频率越高的电磁波传播速度越大D.利用电磁波传递信号可以实现无线通信,但电磁波不能通过电缆、光缆传输3.如图所示,某同学在探究电荷间相互作用力的实验中,用绝缘细绳悬挂质量为m 的带电小球B,若将带电荷量为Q-的带电小球A靠近B,当两个带电小球在同一高度静止时,细绳与竖直方向成α角,已知重力加速度大小为g。
下列说法正确的是( )A.B球带正电B.AB两球之间作用力的大小为tanmgαC.只将B球的带电荷量变为原来的二倍,AB之间的作用力变为原来的一半D.只将AB两球之间的距离变为原来的二倍,AB之间的作用力变为原来的一半4.如图所示为某晶体二极管的伏安特性曲线,下列说法正确的是( )A.加正向电压时,二极管电阻随着电压的增大而减小B.加反向电压时,二极管电阻较小C.二极管是线性元件D.加正向电压时,二极管电阻不变5.以下四幅图中相关叙述错误的是( )A.甲图是法拉第电磁感应实验,奥斯特发现了电流的磁效应,法拉第根据对称性思想,做了如上实验发现了磁生电的现象B.乙图是真空冶炼炉,当炉外线圈通入高频交流电时,线圈产生大量热量,从而冶炼金属C.丙图是金属探测器,探测环中的发射线圈通以正弦式电流,附近的被测金属物体中会产生涡流D.丁图是电吉他中电拾音器的基本结构,金属弦被磁化,弦振动过程中线圈中会产生感应电流,从而使音箱发声。
浙江省湖州市上墅私立中学2021年高一英语期末试卷含解析一、选择题1. The hotel _____ during our holidays stands by the seaside.A. we stayed atB. where we stayed atC. we stayedD. in that we stayed参考答案:A2. When they knew there was a Panda in the zoo,the children could _____wait to see it.A.almostB.hardlyC.mostlyD.nearly参考答案:B3. When such problems occur, patience is ___________ teenagers need most.A. thatB. whichC. somethingD. something what参考答案:C4. --- Is John coming by train ?--- He should, but he ____ not. He likes driving his car.A. mustB. mayC. canD. need参考答案:B略5. The memorial was built _______those heroes who laid down their lives for the country.A. in memory ofB. in search ofC. in charge ofD. in support of参考答案:A6. We tried to _______ his doubts and let him tell the truth. A. replace B. review C. remove D. rebuild参考答案:C7. Bill ______ a couch potato and now he has a healthy lifestyle.A. isB. used to beC. is used to beingD. is used to be参考答案:B8.--People are in great need of this kind of food.-- Yes. It’s really a problem that how to the needs of them.A give B. gain C. satisfy D. produce参考答案:C9. Here are my neighbors ______ home was destroyed by the earthquake.A. whoB. whichC. whomD. whose参考答案:D10. Don’t try to cheat the taxman (税务人员); you’ll never ________it.A. get out ofB. get intoC. get alongD. get away with参考答案:D11. Years of hard work _______ her success, _____ she had been looking forward to so long.A.led to; whichB.led to; thatC.leads to; whatD.leads to; when参考答案:A12. -----________?-----I think China is a great country with friendly people and a long history.A. How do you like ChinaWhat do you think ChinaHow do you find ofWhat do you like China参考答案:A略13. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ________ his notes. A.bringing up B.referring toC.looking for D.trying on参考答案:B[句意为:总统在商务会议上发言将近一小时,没有参考发言稿。
市鸽悉学校高二英语第一学期第二次月考 (2)
盘船州斜盒市鸽悉学校第一高级中学高二第一学期第二次月考英语试卷※注意事项:考试时间120分钟;总分120分一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分)1. Does this meal cost $50? I __________ something far better than this!A. preferB. expectC. suggestD. suppose2. The manager had fallen asleep where he ______, without undressing.A.was laying B.was lying C.had laid D.had lied3. I got caught in the rain and my suit____.A.has ruined B. had ruined C. has been ruined D. had been ruined4. John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather ___ with them to school.A. tookB. had takenC. were takingD. would take5. No decision about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.A. will be madeB. is madeC. is being madeD. has been made6. The hotel wasn’t particularly good. But I ____ in many worse hotels.A .was staying B, stayed C. would stay D. had stayed7. One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living ________.A. billsB. expensesC. pricesD. charges8. It is difficult for us to learn a lesson in life ________ we’ve actually had that lesson.A. untilB. afterC. sinceD. when9. ----It was really very kind of you to give me a lift home.-----Oh, don’t mention it. I _____past your house anyway.A. was coming B. will come C. had come D. have come10. -When do we need to pay the balance?-__________ September 30.A.In B.By C.During D.Within11. I travel to the Binhai New Area by light railway every day, _____ do many businessmen who live in downtown Tianjin.A. asB. whichC. whenD. though12. We all know that, __________, the situation will get worse.A. not if dealt carefully withB. if not carefully dealt withC. if dealt not carefully withD. not if carefully dealt with13. ______wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.A. AnyoneB. The oneC. WhoeverD. Who14. The crazy fans patiently for two hours, and they would wait till the movie star arrived.A. were waitingB. had been waitingC. had waitedD. would wait15. You can eat food free in my restaurant you likeA. wheneverB. whereverC. whateverD. however二、完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分)When I was about ten years old, I spotted a mouse running across our living room floor. My four younger siblings(兄弟姐妹) heard me screaming 16 and joined me on the couch, 17 my father found us standing, yelling and pointing.Dad grabbed 18 and chased that mouse all over the place. We followed him in hot pursuit, 19 him on,“Get it, Dad. Get it!”Finally, the mouse was 20 , but when Dad pushed the broom into it, the mouse 21 a little squeal (尖叫). All 22 of us jumped our father. We 23 his arms and legs, “Don't hurt him. Let him go!”Dad dropped his head 24 .He pulled the broom away and the mouse scampered off(奔逃). “Run.” we yelled.My father looked at us like we'd turned into numskulls(傻瓜). He bought a trap the next day. Ray, my husband, and I live in the country. Our garage is kept free of field mice by our outdoor cat, Snickers. Her mother was a great mouser and 25 her baby well. I was in the garage one day, 26 a mouse ran across the floor. I 27. Snickers was sleeping, so I 28 her name to get her attention. She had the mouse 29 a nanosecond.Then…I heard 30 . “Let it go,” I yelled. When she refused, I ran into the house to 31 my husband to save it.I watched 32 a crack in the door as my husband donned (戴上) a pair of work gloves, took the mouse out of the cat's mouth, walked it out to the field. When he came back, he bent down to pet the cat and told her she was a good girl for 33 the mouse.Opening the door 34, I thanked him. Both my husband and the cat looked up at me. They had a 35 look on their faces. I'd seen that look before. It was the same one my father had on his face, all those years ago...16. A .at the top of my lung B .at the top of my voicesC. at the top of my lungs D .at the top of the voice17. A . that B. which C. when D. where18. A. a trap B. a broom C. a stick D. a stool19. A. cheering B. urging C. encouraging D. calling20. A. caught B. cornered C. beaten D. killed21. A. left out B. let out C. sent out D. shouted out22. A. five B. four C. three D. six23. A. pulled down B. pulled away C. pulled at D. pulled off24. A. in surprise B. in disappointment C. with pleasure D. in defeat25. A. taught B. fed C. trained D. educated26. A. while B. as C. when D. until27. A screamed B. escaped C. froze D. stood28. A. called B. shouted C. screamed D. whispered29. A. in B. after C. with D. for30. A. the cry B. the shout C. the scream D. the squeal31. A. have B. let C. get D. make32. A. through B. into C. across D. cross33. A. saving B. catching C. helping D. killing34. A. in the way B. on the way C. all the way D. by the way35. A. disappointed B. surprised C. familiar D. puzzled三、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分)AExperts have put forward detailed plans for a tunnel to join Taiwan with the Chinese mainland.The shortest proposed route would be 126 kilometers—more than twice the length of the English Channel Tunnel.And the longest proposed route would be 207 kilometers.A recent conference in xiamen,Fujian Province brought together more than 70 experts.The event was co一sponsored(共同发起)by universities from Taiwan and the Chinese mainland.Fujian is the province where both proposed mutes would begin.There is no direct passenger access(通道)between the mainland and Taiwan by air or sea at the moment.Experts say that it is better to start research sooner rather than later,although there is a lack of government funding(资金).There are no technical problems t0 build a Taiwan tunnel.But it will require an improved political relationship across the Straits.A professor of TsinghHa University said,“A special feature of huge projects is that the period of preparation is longer than the period of construction.”For example,he said,the English channel Tunnel took 14 years of planning and had been discussed for two centuries.And preparations for the huge Three Corges(三峡)dam on the Yangze River began in the 1950s.The xiamen conference focused on the longest southern route,which would use the Taiwan-controlled islands of Jinmen and Penghu as steppingstones.The first stage of the new project could be a bridge to cross the five kilometers between Xiamen and Jinmen.This would mean that traveling from Xiamen to Jinmen by car would only take five minutes.The longest tunnel now being planned anywhere in the world is the 54-kilometer land tunnel to link Lyon in France with Turin in Italy.The tunnel will not be completed until 2015-2020.36.Which is the longest tunnel in the world at present?A.The English Channel Tunnel.B.The tunnel between Lyon and Turin.C.The Taiwan straits tunnel_D.The passage doesn’t mention it.37.The example of English Channel Tunnel shows——.A.it’s important to complete a huge projectB.there are many problems to be solved before doing somethingC.discussions among countries usually take a lot of timeD.the preparation takes 1onger time than the construction38.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Universities both at home and abroad have sponsored(赞助)the plan.B. If the project is completed,the world's longest tunnel will appear..C.You can't reach Taiwan from the mainland directly at present.D.The starting point of the proposed tunnel is in Fujian.39.What is the possible difficulty in carrying out the plan?A.The 1ack of money for the project from the government.B.Improving the relationship between Taiwan and the mainland.C.The detailed plans for the tunnel.D.The technical problems with the tunnel.B. “Soon, you’re going to have to move out!” cried my neighbor upon seeing the largest tomatoplant known to mankind, or at least known in my neighborhood.One tiny 9-inch plant, bought for $1.25 in the spring, has already taken over much of my rose bed, covering much of other plants, and is well on its way to the front door.Roses require a good deal of care, and if it weren’t for the pleasure they give, it wouldn’t be worth the work. As it is, I have a garden full of sweet-smelling roses for most of the year. bushes must be pruned(剪枝) in early spring, leaving ugly woody branches until the new growth appears a few weeks later. It was the space available(可用的) in the garden that led me into planting just one little tomato plant. A big mistake.Soil conditions made just perfect for roses turn out to be even more perfect for tomatoes. The daily watering coupled with full sun and regular fertilizing(施肥) have turned the little plant into a tall bush. The cage I placed around it as the plant grew has long since disappeared under the thick leaves.Now the task I face in harvesting the fruit is twofold; First, I have to find the red ones among the leaves, which means I almost have to stand on my head, and once found I have to reach down and under, pick the tomatoes and withdraw(缩回) my full fist without dropping the prize so dearly won. I found two full-blown white roses completely hidden as I picked tomatoes in June, but they were weak and the leaves already yellow for lack of light.Here I am faced with a painful small decision: To tear up a wonderful and productive tomato plant that offers up between ten and twenty ripe sweet tomatoes each day or say goodbye to several expensive and treasured roses. Like Scarlett in Gone With the Wind, I’ll think about that tomorrow.40.What ate the requirements for the healthy growth of roses ?A.A lot of care and the right soil.B.Frequent pruning and fertilizing.C.Tomato plants grown alongside.D.Cages placed around the roots.41.The writer planted the tomato because _________.A.it cost only $1.25B.the soil was just right for itC.there was room for it in the gardenD.the ro ses’ branches needed to be covered42.This year the writer’s roses were __________.A.removed from the rose bedB.picked along with the tomatoesC.mostly damaged by too much sunlightD.largely hidden under the tomato plant43.By saying “the prize so dearly won” in paragraph 5, the writer wants to ________.A.show the difficulty in picking the tomatoesB.show the hardship of growing the rosesC.express her liking for the rosesD.express her care for the tomatoes44.In the situation described in the text, one good thing is that ________.A.the roses cost the writer little moneyB.the writer has a daily harvest of tomatoesC.someone will help the writer make the decisionD.the writer can now enjoy both the roses and tomatoesCThe “Bystander Apathy Effect” was first studied by researchers in New York after neighbours ignored—and in some cases turned up the volume on their TVs—the cries of a woman as she was murdered(over a half-hour period). With regard to helping those in difficulty generally, they found that:(1) women are helped more than men;(2) men help more than women;(3) attractive women are helped more than unattractive women.Other factors relate to the number of people in the area, whether the person is thought to be in trouble through their own fault, and whether a person sees himself as being able to help. According to Adrian Furnham, Professor 0f University College, London, there are three reasons why we tend to stand by doing nothing:(1) “Shifting of responsibility”一the more people there are, the less likely help is to be given. Each person excuses himself by thinking someone else will help, so that the more “other people’ there are, the greater the total shifting of responsibility.(2) “'Fear of making a mistake'’一situations are often not clear. People think that those involved in an accident may know each other or it may be a joke, so a fear of embarrassment makes them keep themselves to themselves.(3) “Fear of the consequences if attention is turned on you, and the person is violent.”Laurie Taylor, Professor of Sociology at London University, says: “In the exper iments I’veseen on intervention(介入), much depends on the neighborhood or setting. There is a silence on public transport which is hard to break. We are embarrassed to draw attention to something that is happening, while in a football match, people get involved, and a fight would easily follo w. ” Psychotherapist Alan Dupuy identifies the importance of the individual: “The British as a whole have some difficulty intervening, but there are exceptional individuals in every group who are prepared to intervene, regardless of their own safety: These would be people with a strong moral code or religious ideals.”45. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. Pretty women are more likely to be helped.B. People on a bus are more likely to stop a crime.C. Religious people are more likely to look on.D. Criminals are more likely to harml women.46. Which phenomenon call be described as the “Bystander Apathy Effect”?A. When one is in trouble, people think it’s his own fault.B. In a football match, people get involved in a fight.C. Seeing a murder, people feel sorry that it should have happened.D. On hearing a cry for help, people keep themselves to themselves.47. The author wrote this article ______.A. to explain why bystanders behave as they doB. to urge people to stand out when in needC. to criticize the selfishness of bystandersD. to analyze the weakness of human natureDAbout 90 percent of Chinese believe the polarization(分化) between the rich and poor is “serious”in China, according to a survey conducted by China Youth Daily. And more than 80 percent of the respondents(对象) surveyed said something must be done to narrow the expanding gap between the rich and poor, while 14.1 percent said it was necessary.The polarization has aroused wide concern among the public in recent years. The State Development and Reform Commission(国家) said the Gini Coefficient had reached 0.47 for China, up from o.29 two decades ago. Usually, a country with a number above 0.4 is warned to pay attention to the income inequality problem.To find out the people’s view, the survey covered 10,250 respondents, between the ages of 20 and 30 with a college education and a monthly salary between 1,000 and 3,000 yuan. Surprisingly, most disagreed with the view of experts who claim the urban-rural difference is causing the widening gap. More than 70 percent of the respondents believed that “ the group of special interests”is the prime reason for the polarization, followed by “people in power”68 percent, and “bosses” 50 percent.Another unexpected finding is that almost all agreed that a good educational background and knowledge were not the decisive factors in gaining wealth. About 95 percent said rich people are not necessarily those who are able to speak English or have a college education.Today in China, rich people , accounting for 10 percent of the population, control 45 percent of the total social fortune, and poor people, also 10 percent of the population, only control 1.5 percent, according to an investigation published by the National Bureau of Statistics last June.48. It can be inferred that the Gini Coefficient ( in paragraph 2) would probably be ________.A. the unit used in advanced mathematicsB. the degree of a country’s developmentC. the level of the citizen’s living standardD. a measure of income inequality49. Experts hold the view that the main reason for the polarization is ________.A. the urban-rural differenceB. the group of special interestsC. the people in powerD. the bosses50. Which of the following can show the correct proportion of the social fortune amongpopulation?51. What’s the best title of the passage?A. Close the Gap between the Rich and PoorB. Surveys conducted by Chins Youth DailyC. Higher education, Higher payD. Rich-Poor Divide Serious, Study FindsEVisitors from space may have landed on our planet dozens, even hundreds of times during the long, empty ages while Man was still a dream of the distant future. Indeed, they could have landed on 90% of the earth as recently as two or three hundred years ago, and we could never have heard of it. If one searches through old newspapers and local records, one can find many reports of strange incidents that could be interpreted(解释) as visits from outer space. A winter, Charles Fort, had made a collection of UFO sightings in his book. One is tempted(引诱) to believe them more than any modern reports, for the simple reason that they happened long before anyone had ever thought of space travel. Yet at the same time, one can’t take them too seriously, for before scientific education was widespread, even sightings of meteors(流星) and comets(慧星) gave rise to the most unbelievable stories, as they still do today.52. According to the passage visitors from space may have landed on the earth _____.A. long before man had dreamed of itB. long before there were human beingsC. in the last few hundred yearsD. after the space age began53. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?A. All observations of UFO’s are believableB. Charles Fort sighted a lot of UFO’s himselfC. Older civilization(文明) may exist on other planetsD. People have seen visitors from other planets everywhere54. If visitors from other planets have actually landed on the earth, one can suppose that theycame to _____.A. make warB. communicateC. settle downD. explore55.he passage implies that the space age has _____.A. made the reported sightings unbelievableB. increased the number of UFO sightingsC. allowed more scientific study of UFO’sD. given clearer pictures of UFO’s四、短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分)五、书面表达(共1题,每小题25分)假如你参加全国中学生英语夏令营。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
例:How much is the shirt A.19.15. B.9.18. C.9.15. 答案是C。
1.Where does the conversation probably take placeA.On a street. B.In a police office. C.In a hospital.2.What does the woman say about the newly opened restaurant A.The service was poor.B.The menu was confusing.C.The dishes were delicious.3.What does the man think of the weather appA.It’s inconvenient. B.It’s undependable. C.It’s accurate. 4.Why didn’t the woman take part in the speech contest yesterday A.She forgot it. B.She was busy. C.She was seriously ill. 5.What did the woman forget to bring with herA.The phone. B.The charger. C.Cleaning items.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
浙江省安吉县上墅私立高级中学2024届招生全国统一考试考试说明跟踪卷英语试题注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置.3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.5.如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.—Will Uncle Peterson come to my birthday party tomorrow?—Pity he ______ to Zimbabwe as a volunteer teacher.A.was sent B.has been sentC.had been sent D.would be sent2.I ______ football since I left university.A.didn’t play B.don’t playC.won’t play D.haven’t played3.Cells are important because they are organized structures that help living thing the activities of life. A.carry on B.expand onC.put on D.hang on4.It was just at the time the bell rang he finished the last word in his composition.A.when; which B.that; when C.when; that D.that; which5.Careers Advice service is only available to people on day-time courses.A.to study B.studyC.studied D.studying6.I’m tired out.I stayed up the whole night, ______ for my midterm math exam.A.studying B.to study C.to be studying D.studied7.The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he had a ________ attitude.A.changeable B.stable C.movable D.flexible8.The teacher told the children ______ quiet in the museum.A.keep B.kept C.keeping D.to keep9.Since you are my daughter's classmate, we'd like to ______ you _______ tonight.A.put ; down B.put ; in C.put ; off D.put ; up10.Having been treated in the hospital for as long as six months, the man injured in the car crash is now eventually back _______ his feet.A.at B.inC.on D.to11.People tend to love agricultural products ________ without the use of fertilizers, pesticides or chemical additives. A.growing B.grownC.being grown D.having been grown12.A new ________ bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago.A.common B.usualC.regular D.ordinary13.A hearty laugh relieves physical tension, _____your muscles relaxed for over half an hour.A.to leave B.left C.leaving D.leave14.It is believed that many more popular terms ________ on the Internet this year.A.will be created B.have createdC.are created D.are creating15.Most graduates in big cities are suffering form connected to soaring house prices and job hunting. A.curiosity B.eagerness C.thirst D.anxiety16.Believe it or not, it is ________________ that causes your illness.A.because of your being overweight B.because you are overweightC.you are so overweight D.your being overweight17.-prlfessor, do you have something at this moment?-No,thanks.I'llcall you if there is any.A.typing B.typed C.to type D.to be typed18.Office furniture like chairs and sofas should be attractive as well as comfortable.A.manually B.visuallyC.physically D.securely19.—When did you get to know your girlfriend?—It was in 2015 ________ she was working as a volunteer in Africa.A.that B.whichC.when D.then20.This car is important to our family. We would repair it at our expense _______ it break down within the first year. A.could B.wouldC.might D.should第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
2020-2021学年浙江省湖州市安吉县中学高二英语期末试卷含解析一、选择题1. He was proud ________ to lead the project.A. to chooseB. to have chosenC. to have been chosenD. to being chosen参考答案:C试题分析:句意:他很自豪能被选择指挥这项工程。
be proud to do sth.“因做某事而自豪”,句中主语He和动词choose是被动关系且方式时间早于was proud,故用完成时的被动,故选C.考点:考查非谓语动词。
2. They sat on the beach side by side silently, their eyes ______ upon the sea.A. fixingB. fixedC. to fixD. having fixed参考答案:B3. If he my advice,he wouldn’t have lost his job.A. followedB. should followC. had followedD. would followed参考答案:C【详解】考查虚拟语气。
带有if条件句的虚拟语气中,表示与过去相反的结果,if从句中用过去完成时,主句中用would/could/might + have done形式,根据句意可知,选项C符合语境。
4. He ______ be sitting at the gate, waiting for his lost son.A. used toB. was used toC. couldD. was accustomed参考答案:A5. Look at your room! It requires ______.A. to cleanB. cleaningC. cleanedD. be cleaned参考答案:B 6. Either you or one of your students ____ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.A. areB. isC. haveD. be参考答案:C7. Thanks to the work of UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会). Otherwise many children the chance of living a good life.A. will not haveB. have not hadC. do not haveD. would not have参考答案:D8. It has been evident that too many children in the city are left ________ when their development requires parents’ close attention.A. aloneB. offC. outD. behind 参考答案:A略9. This is the first time we ________ a film in the cinema together as a family.A. have seenB. seeC. had seenD. saw参考答案:A10. Helen always helps her mother even though going to school ______ most of her day.A. takes upB. makes upC. saves upD. puts up参考答案:A11. Tom is a promising student. I am sure that with his________effort, he will make a very successful scientist.A. usualB. constantC. contentD. normal参考答案:B12. You probably started this new ______ year like most students with a determination to studyharder.A. abnormalB. stableC. uniqueD. academic参考答案:D13. Listen! Do you hear someone for help?A. callingB. callC. to callD. called参考答案:A略14. Kelly loved her husband the fact that he drank too much.A.in spite ofB. althoughC. becauseD. even though参考答案:A15. Was it in 1969 ____ the American astronaut succeeded ____ landing on the moon?A. when; onB. that; onC. that; inD. when; in参考答案:C16. --- Have you got any idea for the summer vacation?---I don’t mind where we go _______ there’s sun, sea and beach.A. as ifB. as long asC. now thatD. in order that参考答案:B17. A good teacher should know how to ________ a noisy class.A. dealB. handleC. solveD. present参考答案:B二、完型填空18. Around twenty years ago I was living in Seattle and going through hard times. I could not find____21____work although I had a lot of experience and a Master’s degree.To my ____22____, I had to drive a school bus to ____23____my family. At the same time, I had some ____24____with different companies but they all____25____to say I did not get the job. I went to the bus barn(车库), feeling____26____.Later that afternoon, ____27____doing my rounds through the town I had an inner wave rise from deep ____28____ me and I thought “Why has my____29____become so hard?”Immediately after this internal(内心的)scream, I ____30____the bus over to drop off a little girl. As she____31____, she handed me an earring saying I should keep it___32___somebody looked for it.The____33____was stamped with words “BE HAPPY”. Then it struck me. I had been putting all ofmy____34____into what was wrong with my life rather than what was____35____!One night there was a phone call for me from the____36____at a large hospital. She asked me whether I____37____do a one-day training for 200 hospital workers. I said ____38____and got the job.My day with the hospital workers____39____very well. I got a great____40____and many more days of work. To this day I know that it was because I changed my attitude to life.21. A. probable B. satisfying C. particular D. considerate22. A. joy B. luck C. shame D. surprise23. A. support B. meet C. supply D. provide24. A. meetings B. conferences C. reports D. interviews25. A. came B. expected C. called D. hoped26. A. excited B. frightened C. worried D. disappointed27. A. though B. while C. unless D. until28. A. inside B. beyond C. upon D. beside29. A. study B. life C. bus D. position30. A. carried B. brought C. pulled D. held31. A. took off B. put off C. got off D. gave off32. A. as long as B. in case C. as soon as D. now that33. A. bag B. watch C. necklace D. earring34. A. energies B. ideas C. strength D. money35. A. real B. sad C. happy D. right36. A. nurse B. manager C. patient D. worker37. A. should B. must C. could D. ought38. A. yes B. hello C. no D. nothing39. A. looked B. went C. fit D. appeared40. A. comfort B. shock C. excuse D. welcome参考答案:21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. C 32. B 33. D 34. A 35.D 36. B 37. C 38. A 39. B 40. D本文是一篇记叙文,作者硕士毕业却没有得到满意的工作,无奈之下只能开校车养家糊口,一位小女孩捡到的耳环上刻有的“BE HAPPY”改变了作者的人生态度。
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A.综合性B.目的性C.两面性 D.创新性
A. 制作台灯的模型
B. 草图呈现
D. 方案筛选
A. 保温试验:将开水倒入保温杯中,测量温度,旋紧杯盖,2小时后再测量水的温度
B. 渗漏试验:往杯中加水后,旋紧杯盖,把保温杯横放在桌面上,观察是否有水渗漏
C. 内胆异味试验:旋紧杯盖一段时间后打开杯盖,用鼻子感受内胆的气味
D. 跌落试验:用铁锤敲击保温杯,观察保温杯是否损坏
B. 技术发明与技术革新都是技术创新的表现形式
C. 技术是人类利用自然、改造自然的方法与手段
D. 技术是人类在长期的生产与生活中积累起来的知
A. 优选试验法
B. 模拟试验法
C. 虚拟试验法
D. 移植试验法
15. 如图所示是一款笔记本支架及使用示意图,小李对该产品进行了评价: