高中英语 Unit 4 Pygmalion Section Ⅰ Warming Up amp;Re

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Unit 4 Pygmalion Section Ⅰ Warming Up &Reading-Pre-reading Pygmalion is a play based on the Greek myth of the same name. It tells the story of Henry Higgins, a professor of phonetics, who makes a bet with his friend, Colonel Pickering, that he can successfully pass off a Cockney flower girl, Eliza Doolittle,as a refined 文雅的society lady by teaching her how to speak with an upper class accent and training her in etiquette 礼节. In the process, Higgins and Doolittle grow close. However, because of the pride of Huggins, Doolittle cannot feel Huggins's care to her. Ultimately 最后, when she declares that she will leave Huggins and marry the other young gentleman; Higgins at last realized how much he needs Doolittle and how important Doolittle is. This play is based on Pygmalion,a sculptor 雕刻家 from Greek Mythology who was a known misogynist 厌恶女人的人—a trait 性格somewhat shared by Prof Higgins in this play. It is a story about how a girl changes from the gutters 贫民区 to a society lady. But what more important is that it is Doolittle's self­respect and hard­working that really win the esteem 尊重;好评 and love from Huggins.
Section_ⅠWarming Up & Reading —Pre­reading
[原文呈现] [读文清障]
Eliza Doolittle(E):a poor flower girl who is ambitious to① improve herself②Professor Higgins③ (H):an expert in phonetics④, convinced⑤that the quality of a person's English decides his/her position in society⑥
Colonel⑦Pickering⑧(CP):an officer in the army and later a friend of Higgins' who sets him a task
①be ambitious to do sth.立志做某事
②who 引导限制性定语从句,修饰 a poor flower girl。

⑤convince vt.说服;使信服
⑥convinced that ...是过去分词短语作后置定语,也可以看作形容词短语作后置定语。

that ...是宾语从句,作convinced的宾语。

Act One FATEFUL⑨ MEETINGS 11:15 pminLondon, Englandin1914 outsideatheatre. Itispouringwithrainandcab whistles⑩areblowinginalldirections⑪. Amanishidingfromtherainlisteningtopeople 'slanguageandwatchingtheirreactions⑫. Whilewatching⑬,hemakesnotes⑭. Nearbyaflowergirlwearingdark garments⑮anda woollen⑯scarfisalsoshelteringfrom⑰therain. Agentleman(G) passesand hesitates ⑱foramoment.
E:Come over'ere, cap'in, and buy me flowers off a poor girl.
G:I'm sorry but I haven't any change ⑲.
E:I can giv'ou change, cap'in.
G:(surprised) For a pound? I'm afraid I've got nothing less.
E:(hopefully) Oah! Oh, do buy⑳ a flower off me, Captain. Take this for three pence. (holdsup○21somedeadflowers)
⑪in all directions (=in every direction)向四面八方;向各方
⑫现在分词短语listening to ... and watching ...作伴随状语。

⑬While watching是时间状语从句的省略,相当于While he is watching。

⑭make notes (=take notes)记笔记
⑯woollen/'wʊlən/adj.毛纺的;纯毛的(〈美〉 woolen)
⑰shelter from ... (find shelter from ...)躲避……
⑲change n. [U]零钱,找头
⑳do (does/did)是助动词,用于加强动词的语气,意为“务必;一定”。

21hold up 举起;阻挡
23, there's a good girl. (looksinhiswallet○24 andsoundsmorefriendly) But, wait, here's some small change. Will that be of any use○25 to you? It's raining heavily now, isn't it? (leaves)
E:(disappointedatthe outcome○26,butthinkingitisbetterthannothing) Thank you, sir. (seesamantakingnotes○27 andfeelsworried) Hey! I ain't done nothing wrong○28 by speaking to that gentleman. I've a right to sell flowers,
I have. I ain't○
29 no thief○30. I'm an honest girl I am! (beginstocry)
H:(kindly) There! There!○31 Who's hurting you, you silly girl? What do you take me for○
32?(giveshera handkerchief○33)
E:I thought○
34 maybe you was a policeman in disguise○35. 舒服地;不自在地



25be of use (=be useful)有用的


27take notes记笔记

28ain't done nothing wrong是十分不规范的语言。


29ain't是不规范的语言,在此相当于am not,也可以表示have not, is not, are not, has not。



H :Do I look like a policeman? E :(stillworried ) Then why did 'ou take down ○36 my words for? How do I know whether 'ou took me down right? 'ou just show me what'ou've wrote about me!
H :Here you are. (handsover ○
37thepapercoveredinwriting ○38) E :What's that? That ain't proper writing. I can't read that. (pushesitbackathim )
H :I can. (readsimitatingEliza ) “Come over' ere, cap'in, and buy me flowers off a poor girl.” (inhisownvoice ) There you are ○39 and you
were born in Lisson Grove if I'm not mistaken ○40. 瞧!”。

32take ... for 以为;把……看作;误以为 ○33handkerchief /'hæŋk ət ʃIf/n .手帕;手
○34I thought (=I had thought)我原以为……(但事实并非如此)。

35disguise/dIs'ɡaIz/vt .伪装;假扮;遮掩 n .伪装

36take down 写下;记下;取下 ○37hand over 递过去;移交 ○
38过去分词短语covered in writing (=which is covered in writing)作后置定语,修饰paper 。

○39There you are 表示说话者的猜测或判断是对的,常含有得意的意味。

40mistaken /mIs'teIk ən/adj .(见解或判断上)错误的;不正确的
E :() What if I was ○? What's it to you?
CP :
(hasbeenwatchingthegirlandnowspeakstoHiggins )
That's quite brilliant ○42! How did you do that,
may I ask?
H :Simply phonetics studied and classified ○43
from people's own speech. That's my profession
and also my hobby. You can place ○44 a man by just
a few remarks ○45. I can place any spoken
conversation within six miles, and even within
two streets in London sometimes.
CP :Let me congratulate you! But is there an
income to be made in that?
H :Yes, indeed. Quite a good one. This is the
age of the newly rich. People begin their working
life in a poor neighbourhood ○46 of London with 80
pounds a year and end in a rich one with 100
thousand. But they betray ○47 themselves every
time they open their mouths ○48. Now once taught
by me ○49, she'd become an upper ○50 class lady ...
CP :Is that so? Extraordinary ○51!
H :(rudely ) Look at this girl with her
terrible English: the English that will
condemn ○52 her to the gutter ○53 to the end of her
days ○54. But, sir, (proudly ) once educated to
speak properly ○55, that girl could pass herself
off in three months as ○56 a duchess ○57 at an ○
What if ...?要是……会怎样?倘若……又如何?What 和if 之后分别省略了成分,可根据上下文补充并翻译出来。

○42brilliant /'brIlI ənt/adj .光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的 ○43classify /'klæsIfaI/vt .把……分类;把……归类 classification n .归类;分类 ○44place 在该句中的意思是“凭记忆或经验辨认”。

○45remark /rI'm ɑːk/n .谈论;言论;评述 vt .&vi .谈论;评论;说起 ○46in a poor neighbourhood 在穷人区 ○47betray /bI'treI/vt .显露出(本来面目);背叛 betray oneself 无意中露出本性 ○48every time 引导时间状语从句,意为“每当……的时候”。

each time, any time, the first time, the last time 等名词词组可用作连词,引导时间状语从句。

○49once taught by me 是once she is taught by me 的省略,含有条件意味。

○50upper /'ʌp ə/adj .(位置或地位)较高的;级别较高的 ○51extraordinary /Ik'str ɔːdnrI/adj .不同寻常的;非凡的 ○52condemn /k ən'dem/vt .谴责;使……处于不幸(不愉快)的状态
58 garden party. Perhaps I could even find her a place as a lady's maid or a shop assistant, which requires○59 better English○60.
E:What's that you say? A shop assistant? Now that's sommat○61 I want, that is!
H:(ignores○62her) Can you believe that?
CP:Of course! I study many Indian dialects myself and ...
H:Do you indeed? Do you know Colonel Pickering?
CP:Indeed I do, for○
63 that is me. Who are you?
H:I'm Henry Higgins and I was doing to India to meet you.
CP:And I came to England to make your acquaintance○
E:What about me? How'll you help me?
H:Oh, take that. (carelesslythrowsa handful○65 ofmoneyintoherbasket) We must have a celebration○
66, my dear man. (leavetogether) E:(lookingatthecollectedmoneyinamazement○67) Well, I never. A whole pound! A fortune○
68!That'll help me, indeed it will. Tomorrow I'll find you, Henry Higgins. Just you wait and see! All that talk of (imitateshim) “authentic○69 English” ...(inherownvoice) I'll see whether you can get that for me ... (goesout)


54that will condemn her to the gutter ...是that引导的定语从句,修饰English。

56pass ... off as ...把(某人)改变或冒充成……


59require vt.需要;要求;命令


61sommat (=something that)是不规范语言。

62ignore vt.不顾;忽视;不理

63for 为并列连词,表示原因。



66celebration n.[U]庆祝;[C]庆祝活动○






















Please match the words with their proper meanings.
1.classify A.in a way that is correct and/or appropriate
2.amazement B.to arrange in classes or groups
3.properly C.express strong disapproval of
4.remark D.a feeling of great surprise
5.condemn E.a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief
6.fortune F.a person that you know who is not a close friend
7.betray G.to ignore one's principles or beliefs in order to gain sth.
8.acquaintance H.a large amount of money
9.hesitate I.causing trouble or anxiety
10.troublesome J.to be slow to act, speak or decide
答案:1~5 BDAEC 6~10 HGFJI
Look at the following pictures and fill in the blanks.
1.Pygmalion, a gifted artist,_makes a stone statue of a beautiful woman, who is brought to life by the Greek_Goddess. So his wish is granted.
2.The play of Pygmalion is an adaptation of a Greek story, whose writer is George_Bernard_Shaw,_who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925.
3.My_Fair_Lady is a film based on the play of Pygmalion.
(Ⅰ)The main idea of the text is about the first experience of Eliza_Doolittle_meeting_with_Professor_Higgins_and_Colonel_Pickering.
(Ⅱ)Find out the information as quickly as possib le.
when 11:15_pm,_in_1914
where London,_England
who Eliza Doolittle, Colonel Pickering, professor Higgins
what fateful_meetings
Eliza_wanted_to_sell_flowers_to_Pickering,_Higgins_noticed_her_pro how
(Ⅰ)Read the text careful ly and answer the following questions.
1.What does Henry Higgins do?
2.Why does Henry Higgins want to teach the flower girl language?
(Ⅱ)Choose the best answers according to the text.
1.Eliza greeted the gentleman in order to ________.
A.ask him to buy some flowers from her
B.talk with him
C.ask him to teach her
D.beg some money from him
2.Why did Eliza begin to cry? Because ________.
A.she thought Professor Higgins would arrest her
B.the gentleman didn't give her some money
C.Pickering beat and scolded her
D.there was no reason
3.Professor Higgins believed that he could judge a person by ________.
A.his/her appearance B.his/her action
C.his/her conversation D.his/her manners
4.From the text, we can infer that Professor Higgins is a man described below EXCEPT ________.
A.her doesn't care about money
B.he is an expert in phonetics
C.he is proud
D.he is greedy
答案:1~4 AACD
Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text.
1.Nearby a flower girl wearing dark garments and a woolen scarf is also sheltering from the rain.
[尝试翻译] 附近一个穿着黑色衣裙围着羊毛围巾的卖花姑娘也在躲雨。

2.But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.
[句式分析] every time“每次”,形式上是一个名词短语,但实际上具有连词的功能,引导一个时间状语从句。

[尝试翻译] 但是他们一张嘴就会露出马脚(暴露自己的身份)。

3.But, sir, (proudly) once educated to speak properly, that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party.
[尝试翻译] 不过,先生,(高傲地)要是一旦有人教她把英语说好了,这个女孩就可以在三个月以内冒充公爵夫人出席大使主办的花园晚会了。

4.Generally speaking, people are more polite to those who they think are of a higher social class (H) and less polite to those they consider are members of a lower class (L).
[尝试翻译] 一般来说,人们对自己认为社会阶层较高的人们(H)比对他们认为社会阶层较低的人们(L)更有礼貌。

In George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, the storyline centers around three main characters: Eliza Doolittle, Professor Henry Higgins, and Colonel Pickering. Eliza Doolittle is a flower girl who is under the instruction of Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering to learn proper grammar and phonetics. Eliza can be characterized as a very sensitive (敏感的) and emotional person. She seeks to be treated like a duchess by men. Her personality clashes (冲突) with the personality of Professor Higgins in an extreme way. Professor Higgins is an arrogant (傲慢的), work­obsessed expert in phonetics who views Eliza simply as an experiment. He is a bachelor who has never found a place for women in his life due to his obsession (痴迷) with language. Colonel Pickering is a gentleman from India who is also an expert in language. He is gentler than Higgins and treats Eliza with respect while maintaining a professional interest in her. These three characters make up the main action of the play as Eliza learns speech of the upper class from them. She manages to pass herself off as a Hungarian princess at a formal party. This achievement makes Eliza
give_credence_to_the efforts of Higgins and Pickering. After experiencing life in the upper class, Eliza settles for a lower­class life with a ma n who loves her for who she is and wants to marry her. After some small and unimportant disputes. Eliza and Higgins remain friends later. Other memorable characters include Mrs. Higgins who maintains an authoritative (权威的) figure over her grown son and Mr. Doolittle who rises from a dustman to a respected speaker in the community.
I think that this is a good book because it shows that happiness can be achieved without wealth and fame. I highly recommend it due to its emphasis on grammatical and phonetic correctness.
A.she wants to do an experiment
B.she wants to marry a gentleman
C.she has to play a princess at a party
D.she wants to be treated respectfully
解析:选D 细节理解题。

根据第一段“She seeks to be treated like a duchess by men.”可知,伊莱扎·杜利特尔想让人们像对待公爵夫人那样对待她,也就是说她想让别人毕恭毕敬地对待她。

2.The author highly recommends Pygmalion because it can teach people ________.
A.to use and speak English in the right ways
B.the right attitude towards life
C.the ways to deal with different people
D.the determination to succeed
解析:选A 细节理解题。

根据最后一句“I highly recommend it due to its emphasis on grammatical and phonetic correctness.”可知,作者向人们推荐这本书的原因是它强调人们应该正确使用英语。

3.What does the underlined pa rt “give credence to” in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.believe B.change
C.fancy D.obtain
解析:选A 词义猜测题。



4.The passage is probably ________.
A.a research paper B.a teaching plan
C.a book report D.a diary
解析:选C 推理判断题。


“There's really no better playground for kids in America than right here,” says Tom Hart, an artist from Easton, Maryland. He's talking about the Chesapeake Bay, which is indeed a huge playground. Surrounded by Maryland and Virginia, it's the nation's largest estuary (河口湾), with 64,000 square miles of bays and rivers. This vast inland ocean hosts more than 300 species of fish and is best known for its Eastern oyster, blue crab (螃蟹), and abundant bird life.
Easton's Farmers' Market — open from May through October
— has a large number of farmers and craftsmen who produce
astonishingly tasty vegetables, handmade soaps, home­made
lemonade and tomato pie, and Hart's folk art.
From there, head to the Oxford Ferry, where you'll find a
small beach and boat transport for cars, bikes, and walkers to the seaside town of Oxford. Or you can just randomly explore —ask kids to count the cows while driving down roads, perhaps ending up at a wild shoreline where they will come face to face with pure nature.
“To me, a tide pool was always much more interesting than an electronic game,” recalls former chef Barton Seaver, author of ForCodandCountry. “I grew up spending summers on the Patuxent River near Chesapeake Bay. My brother and I would pull large male Jimmy crabs from the tide pool. We'd fish for rockfish from the dock.”
“But the time I became a chef, crabs were impossibly expensive,” he continue s. “There was a ban on bass (鲈鱼). Bluefish had been over­harvested. So I realized the abundance of sea life I had seen as a child had disappeared within 10 or 15 years. It is a real lesson that all kids should understand.”
But the oyster and blue crab popu lations have begun to return. One five­year­old boy now comfortably is walking to the end of a friend's Chesapeake dock and watching wide­eyed as a crab pot is lifted. Always at least three or four blue crabs try to escape as you pull them up. For a child, he can look at an extraordinary wild creature at arm's length. “The Chesapeake Bay offers the joy of discovery,” says Seaver.

5.Tom Hart will probably agree that ________.
A.Easton offers playground equipment
B.children will love the Chesapeake Bay
C.children of the estuary need better playgrounds
D.the Chesapeake Bay has the largest playground
解析:选B 推理判断题。


6.What does Barton Seaver think of his childhood summers on the Patuxent River?
A.Fairly dull. B.A bit regretful.
C.Rather busy. D.Very enjoyable.
解析:选D 推理判断题。

根据第四段中的“To me, a tide pool was always much more interesting than an electronic game”可知,Seaver在帕塔克森特河的童年很有趣。

7.What does Barton Seaver mainly express in Paragraph 5?
A.Fish is good for children's health.
B.Crabs should be sold at a lower price.
C.Overfishing produces a destructive effect.
D.Children should spend more time learning.
解析:选C 细节理解题。


8.What does the five­year­old boy see?
A.How oysters are raised.
B.How crabs are caught.
C.Various wild creatures.
D.The strong arms of crabs.
解析:选B 细节理解题。


A French Canadian design group has greatly improved the classic swing set. Created by Montreal­bas ed group Daily Tous Les Jours, The Swings is a large set of multicolored seats that emulate (仿真) a range of musical instruments as people swing. However, there is one rule required to reach the activation of The Swings —people must cooperate. When users work together to swing in unison (一致地), they are rewarded with a perfectly pleasant tune.
“The Swings is a game where, from the start, you need to adjust to the actions of others,” Mouna Andraos, Daily Tous Les Jours founder, said.
The Swings made its first American appearance at the Green Box Arts Festival, in Green Mountain, Colorado, last summer. After being awarded a grant (经费) from the Knight Foundation, The Swings will have month­long stays in Charlotte, North Carolina; Macon, Georgia; Philadelphia; and San Jose, California, over the course of the next year. Currently, The Swings is in storage until the first city of the tour has been designated (指定).
The project began in 2011, when the Montreal entertainment district was looking for a way to attract visitors. Daily Tous Les Jours worked alongside a musical composer and a biology professor to create “the magic of collective music making”,and the end result was swinging musical chairs. The Swings generated attention from other cities, which led Daily Tous Les Jours to apply for a grant to take the swing set on the road.
Daily Tous Les Jours hopes that, in addition to bringing joy to these four cities, The Swings will promote community interaction and cooperation. This could also eventually lead to positiv e socio­economic changes within each city.
“We want to observe how the positive interactions made by The Swings can help communities, neighborhoods and local businesses,” Andraos said. “Cooperation is at the heart of this operation.”


9.What is most special about The Swings?
A.It is colorful. B.It is very large.
C.It is a swing set. D.It is able to play music.
解析:选D 细节理解题。

由第一段中的“emulate a range of musical instruments as people swing”及“they are rewarded with a perfectly pleasant tune”可知,该秋千最特别之处在于它可以播放音乐。

10.The Swings mainly encourages people to ________.
A.keep active B.enjoy music
C.work together D.have some fun
解析:选C 细节理解题。

由第一段中的“there is one rule required to reach the activation of The Swings —people m ust cooperate”及第二段中的“you need to adjust to the actions of others”可知,该秋千主要是鼓励人们合作。

11.The Swings was originally designed to ________.
A.change society B.promote tourism
C.help people in need D.make people creative
解析:选 B 推理判断题。

由第四段开头的“The project began i n 2011, when the Montreal entertainment district was looking for a way to attract visitors.”可推断,最初设计该秋千的目的是吸引游客,推动旅游业的发展。

How to Stay Positive No Matter What Happens
No matter what happens, you can stay positive by following a few simple steps.
__1__ If you have something to look forward to that motivates you and makes you feel needed, your self­esteem will skyrocket. Pick one or two activities, such as doing volunteer work or teaching your favorite lessons to others, and promise to do it on a regular basis.
Pick a goal that is important to you and reach for it. Create a structured schedule that leads you to a goal that is important to you. Make it something you are passionate about and enjoy talking about. __2__
Keep away from negative people. If certain people always make you down, minimize your time around them. __3__ If you don't have a strong social structure, then start taking part in some activities you enjoy so that you can meet people with similar
Build close connections with family and friends. Reach out and keep in touch with people you are close to. __4__ Go for walks. Call old friends. Fill your life with the small important things that keep your spirits up.
__5__ A lot of us spend time struggling to achieve our goals that don't suit us and aren't meaningful to us. If you get stuck in a job or relationship that doesn't work for you, do something about it. Don't stay in the situations that add to your stress and anxiety levels.
A.Do what works for you.
B.Deal with negative situations positively.
C.You can stay positive by living a regular life.
D.Stay positive by filling your life with meaningful activities.
E.Working towards something every day will add positivity to your life.
F.Go out of your way to spend time on fun activities that you can do together.
G.Surround yourself with people who lift you up and give you encouragement.

1.选 D 根据本段后两句中的说明和举例可以概括出本段的主旨,即要让生活充满有意义的活动以保持积极乐观的心态,故选D。

2.选E 选项中的“Working towards something”与上一句中的it都指的是奋斗目标,与本段的首句相对应,故选E。

3.选G 本选项中的“lift you up”与上一句中的“make you down”相对应,两句构成相对应的关系,说明要远离让你情绪低落的人,多和鼓励你的人在一起,故选G。

4.选 F 本选项承接上一句来说明如何和周围的人建立联系,选项与后两句之间构成平行并列关系,故选F。

5.选 A 本段主要讲不要做那些对你毫无意义的事,即要做那些你能做好并对你有益的事,故选A。
