ACCA P7必考Group Auditing集团报表审计七步走
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P7必考Group Auditing集团报表审计七步走
译者:集团审计是P7必考的必选题目,而且考的内容都比较重量级,比如:业务风险(BR),重大错报风险(RMM), 对一两个财务事项的审计程序,初次审计考虑事项,职业道德和专业话题等。
本文内容主要属于ISA600范畴,Special Considerations – Audits of Group FSs (Incl. the Work of Component Auditors。
1接单Acceptance of Engagement
考虑5个问题:1)Skill; 2) Restriction; 3)Components; 4) TWO opinions; 5) No reference
1)事务所是否有必需的专业能力Professional skills:Audit partner each year formally assesses whether it is appropriate to act as group auditor. 合伙人每年评估事务所是否有执行该集团审计的专业能力,否则辞职;
2)客户(母公司)管理层是否有意限制提供信息Restriction placed by Parent company mgt on info:Resign or disclaim opinion if resignation is not legally possible. 如果是,就辞职或拒绝发表意见;
3)子公司审计师协调Component auditor: Group auditor must form their own concurring opinion on any judgmental areas; review 3P’s files, understand work done, reason for the work & conclusions from that evidence. 集团审计师必须(和子公司审计师)在需要判断的领域形成一致意见。
注意:ISA600 doesn’t allow group auditor to wholly outsource responsibility for parts of the audit to another auditor.
4)两个审计意见Group audit opinion on FSs of PARENT company & of GROUP. 集团审计师提供两个审计意见:母公司财报和集团合并报表。
5)在集团审计报告中不能提及他人工作No ref to the work of any other experts or auditors which may diminish the credibility of the audit opinion & allow group auditor to ‘pass the buck’ for responsibility for part of the audit. 因为这会削弱审计意见的公信力并有推卸责任之嫌。
Group auditors understand each component of the group & review FSs of each subsidiary. If a component is material, further work will be
1)Discuss w/ component auditor & the mgt of the component, the biz activities that are significant to the group 向子公司审计师以及管理层了解对集团有重大影响的子公司业务活动。
2)Review the more significant parts of the component auditor’s working papers 复核子公司审计师工作底稿的重要部分。
3)Discuss w/ compone nt auditor the susceptibility of company’s FSs to material error or deliberate misstatement 向子公司审计师了解子公司财报出现重大错报的可能性。
4)Review component auditor’s documentation of identified significant risks & conclusions reached 复核子公司审计师关于重大风险认定的文档。
5)Observe final clearance meetings btwn the component auditor & the mgt of the company. 在场观察子公司审计师子和公司管理层的审计总结会议(小心最后关头掉链子---漏掉关键信息)。
3信息收集Information repository
主要是两个方面:1) Related Party Relationship 关联关系;2) Materiality 重要性水平
Group auditor asks each component auditor for known related party relationships & then communicates a collated list of all related party relationships to each component auditor. 集团审计向子公司审计师搜集已知的关联方,然后向所有子公司审计师分发整理过的完整客户集团关联方信息。
Component auditor need to communicate to group auditor a summary of all unadjusted errors in the consolidation package. 子公司审计师要向集团审计师提供一个“未调整账项”的汇总。
To minimise the risk of several accidental or deliberate errors in the FSs together exceeding group materiality, component materiality figures will be significantly lower than group materiality figure. 集团审计师为减低累积错报金额超过集团财报重要性的风险,会把子公司财报重要性设得远远低于集团财报重要性。
Example: FSs materiality 10% of profit or loss for each entity & performance materiality 0.5% of profit.
If subsidiary 1 were audited by another firm using the same materiality calculation method as the parent, an unadjusted error of $60k would correctly result in an unmodified opinion on the FSs of that individual company. However, the effect of losses elsewhere in the group would mean that although this error would not be material at the component level, it would be material at the group level.
(注:最近一道题是1509Q5 子公司报表出现重大错报,出具保留意见;但该错报对集团则不重大,集团财报仍然是无保留意见)。
4审计师之间的沟通Communication btwn Auditors
集团审计师和子公司审计师之间的双向沟通,主要内容包括:重要性水平Materiality, 合并报表格式Format of consolidation package, 期限Deadlines & 联系细节Contact等等。
Group auditor -> Component auditor: 从上而下的沟通
•Related party relationships; 关联方信息
•Identified significant risks, whether due to error or fra ud 已认定的重大风险
•Methodology for impairment testing of G/W. Audit of estimates is subjective & so it’s essential that the group auditor’s preferred method is used throughout the group. 商誉减值测试方法。
Component auditor => Group auditor: 从下而上的沟通
•Known related party relationships & Related Party Transactions 已知的关联方和关联交易信息
•Indications of Mgt bias 管理层偏见的迹象
•Significant risks to the truth & fairness of component FSs, work done on these risks & conclusions reached 子公司财报重大错报风险,已执行程序以及形成的结论
•All intra-group transactions, period end balances & allowances for unrealised profit 所有集团内交易,期末余额和未实现利润。
•Any observed non-trivial (compliance) failure to observe relevant laws & regulations 观察到的违规事项
•All ob served IC weaknesses, flagging significant weaknesses separately 观察到的内控缺陷
•Any known events after the reporting date. 所有已知的期后事项
5合并审计Audit of Consolidation process [1106Q5]
Good marks can be obtained largely by memorising the risks & responses below. Principal risks arising in the consolidation process include errors or omissions arising during(好心作者说)合并就考这些常见问题,请记牢了:
1)上传Transcription of figures from individual FSs to consolidation workings
2)分类Classification of components (e.g. Associate, Subsidiary, JV)
3)抵销Cancellation of intra-group trading, cancellation of intra-group balances & allowance for unrealised profit on intra-group transfers
4)商誉Recognition of impairment of purchased positive G/W
5)公允价值Determination of FVs used on Acquisition
6)计算Arithmetical inaccuracy in the consolidation process
7)关联Identification & disclosure of related party relationships & transactions
8)外汇Forex translation from functional currency of components to reporting currency of the group.
The most reliable evidence on completeness & accuracy of consolidation adjustments in a large group is likely to be determining whether the client’s accounting systems adequately flags transactions w/ fellow group companies. 这是个烧脑的英语表达,前面下划线是主语(用来验证大集团财报合并调整完整性和准确性最可靠的证据),后面下划线部分是宾语(看客户的会计系统是否能充分标识出集团内的交易)。
The process is highly substantive in nature & will probably include these tests of detail: 常用实质性测试(细节)程序(译者注:下列程序中间和末尾的数字分别对应上文的8个主要问题):
1)Line-by-line agreement of all items from audited component FSs (or consolidation packages submitted to head office) to the consolidation schedules(1)依照合并项目清单,逐行核对子公司项目(够拼的)
2)Detailed discussion w/ mgt on the reason for classification of each component(2)向客户管理层详细了解划分子公司的原因;(担心有猫腻)
3)Sample testing of known intra-group transactions to ensure elimination in the client’s consolidation(3)抽检已知的集团内交易,确认已做抵消分录
4)Recalculation (6) of all significant workings, such as G/W (4)(5), NCI & forex translation (8). 重新计算主要事项,比如商誉,NCI,外汇业务。
6最后财报复核Final review of FSs
1)Group audit opinion may be signed on or after the audit opinions on material components are signed. 不要在重要的子公司审计报告签署之前,签署集团审计意见;
2)Auditor of significant components gives an update on events to group engagement partner immediately BEFORE group audit opinion is signed. 在集团审计合伙人签署集团审计意见之前,重要子公司的审计师要及时更新有关期后事项(注:期后事项意味着不同的审计责任,大家应该懂的。
3)It is the responsibility of Group Auditor to ensure that material events are reported. 集团审计师负责所有重大事项的列报。
1)Audit report to shareholders 向股东的审计报告(就凭这个赚审计费的);
2)Report to those charged w/ governance (‘mgt letter’), 给治理层的管理建议书;
3)Report to Mgt on any concerns about possible fraud, any restrictions on info made available by component mgt & quality of work performed by any component auditor. 给集团管理层(小)报告:可能存在的舞弊,子公司管理层施加的信息限制,子公司审计师的工作质量等。
4)Report on a group-wide basis to group mgt & separately to those charged w/ governance at a group level, such as Audit Committee of the board: 分别给集团管理层和集团治理层(比如审计委员会)汇报的事项:
•An overview of the audit approach insofar as it affects component auditors子公司审计师做法;
•Any doubts about the quality of work by Component auditor, giving the group auditor a potentially awkward need to publicly question the skills of a fellow prof. 对子公司审计师工作质量的顾虑,这使得集团审计师纠结于要公开质问同行的工作能力。
•Any limitations on audit scope anywhere w/in the group 审计范围受限的情况;
•Any suspected fraud where mgt is suspected of involvement. 可疑的管理层涉及的舞弊(比如1406Q3一个财务总监低价买了公司的一部车,但迟迟不付款。
1.Acceptance: 1) Skill; 2) Restriction 3) Component; 4) TWO
opinions-Group & Parent; 5) No ref
2.Planning – What if a component company is judged to be material?
rmation: Materiality; Related Party Relationship;
4.Mutual Communications between auditors;
5.Consolidation Process: 8 issues + 4 Procedures
6.Final: Components => Group; Date: On or after components; Sole responsibilities of Group FS opinion
7.Reporting: 1) Audit Report; 2) Mgt letter; 3) Audit Com:审计问题;小报告;大舞弊;