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五个因素的内部一致性信度是通过Cronbach’s a检验的。




01),客户支持网上购物(系数0.121,P 〈0.01)网站接口(系数0。

223,P <0.01)的客户满意度上呈现积极的影响。










Determinants of online shoppers’ satisfaction in Korea Summary
The purpose of this article is to identify the factors that might lead to the customer satisfaction in the online shopping malls across Korea. It is hypothesized that customer's positive perception of usefulness of internet shopping, security, technical competence,customer support and the interface of shopping mall positively affects the customer satisfaction。

It is also hypothesized that satisfied customer becomes loyal customer.The survey results confirm that customer satisfaction has a significantly positive impact on the customer loyalty,which reveals that internet shoppers show high loyalty when they are satisfied with the service.We also find that online custom ers’ risk perception about the security of the transactions, customer support to the online shopping and interface of the shopping mall are positively related to the customer satisfaction。

Conceptual Model
Online shoppers can easily sort the merchandise by price or by quality within a shopping mall, and also compare prices of the same goods across the different shopping malls. Shopping online can also save time and reduce the information searching costs.Therefore,customers may have a perception that they can get better deals online with less time and effort.This feature of innovative system has been defined as perceived usefulness. Several empirical studies have found that it is the customers’ perceived usefulness realized after adopting innovation that aff ects the degree of satisfaction.Accordingly, it is hypothesized that perceived usefulness of online shopping is positively related to the satisfaction (H1).Online customers’ primary concern involves theapparent sense of insecurity regarding online credit card usage。

Despite recent advancement of authentication system, customers’concern about transmitting such sensitive information as credit card number online would not be easily alleviated. Protection of privacy in the online environment is another concern. Studies show that online customers are concerned about the identity theft or fraudulent use of their private information by the online businesses. Thus,it is hypothesized that positive perception regarding the security of internet shopping gives a positive
effect on the customer satisfaction (H2).Previous studies show that technical aspects of system such as the network speed, error—recovery ability and system stability are important factors which leads to customer satisfaction. For example, Kim and Lim find that the network speed is related to the online shoppers’ satisfaction. Dellaert and Kahn also report that slow speed during the web surfing has a negative impact on the evaluation of website content when it is not well managed by the web provider. Daniel (1999)and Aladwani document that the swift and accurate recovery ability of system error as well as network speed is important factor for the user satisfaction in the internet banking. Here, it is hypothesized that technical competence of internet shopping mall gives a positive effect on the customer satisfaction (H3)。

Due to the impersonal nature of online transactions prompt responses to customers’ inquiries about the products and other services are important for the customer satisfaction. It is also necessary to provide speedy delivery,quality after—sale service and easy return process. Thus,many internet shopping malls equipped themselves with the interactive answering system for customer inquiries. This interactivity dramatically increases the accuracy and amount of information that can be presented to the customers,and would ultimately increase the customer satisfaction。

Accordingly,it is hypothesized that perceived customer support of internet shopping gives a positive effect on the customer satisfaction (H4)。

It is the design of website that determines the store atmosphere of online stores in terms of image size,layout,sound and graphics,number of links and diversity of provided contents. Therefore,the success of internet shopping mall would depend, to a large extent, on user interface and customer interactions with the web sites。

Recent studies by Rosen and Purinton and Mummalaneni find that the website interface has contributed to the customer revisit and satisfaction, and ultimately to the performance of virtual stores. Thus, it is hypothesized that positive perception of user interface of internet shopping mall gives a positive effect on the customer satisfaction (H5). It is also hypothesized that satisfied customer becomes loyal customer (H6).
Empirical Results
Factor analysis is utilized for the five multi—item measures by utilizing principal component extraction process with Varimax rotation. A suggested measure of factor loading of 0.5 or greater is adopted as a criterion to examine the item reliabilities of all measures. The measurement items
are classified into the five independent variables as in the research model described in the previous section.The internal consistency reliability of the five factors is examined by the Cronbach's alphas。

The alpha values of for all factors vary from 0.65 to 0.86,which are considered acceptable for this type of study. This reveals that the variables load properly on these five factors.The six hypotheses described in the previous section are tested with the covariance construct analysis, and the results are reported in Table 1.Fist, it confirms that customer satisfaction has a significantly positive impact on the customer loyalty(coefficient 0.833, p〈0。

01),which reveals that internet shoppers show high loyalty when they are satisfied with the service。

Among the hypothesized factors that might affect the customer satisfaction,we find that online customers’ risk perception about the security of the transactions (coefficient 0.274,p〈0.01),customer support to the online shopping (coefficient 0.121,p〈0。

01),and interface of web sites (coefficient 0.223,p〈0.01) have rendered positive effects on the customer satisfaction. However,factors such as customers’ perceived usefulness and technical competence turn out to be insignificant to form customer satisfaction。

The results suggest that customer satisfaction has a significantly positive impact on the customer loyalty。

To control consumers’ perceived risk associated with the transactions online firms need to take steps to ensure customer privacy. Many online shopping malls providers may have well-developed security devices,but they have done a poor job of informing consumers about these features。

Thus,it is important to educate consumers about the safety of transactions every time they perform online purchases。

It is also necessary to provide measures to enhance online customer care such as interactive answering system for customer inquires and individualized services。

These services would make online firms speedily and accurately respond to their customer needs,and ultimately increase customer satisfaction. A carefully designed web site in terms of image size,layout, sound and graphics, number of links and easiness of search function would positively contribute to the success of online shopping malls。

Overall,the model presented in this article suggests that to increase consumer loyalty online shopping mall providers should develop marketing strategies to better address the perceived risk, to provide better customer care and to improve the interface of their web sites.。
