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The Author Khaled Hosseini(卡勒德·胡赛尼 )
Was born in Kabul, Afghanistan
(喀布尔,阿富汗)and moved to
the United States in 1980.He lived in northern California now. Named a U.S. goodwill envoy to the United Nations Refugee Agency(联合国难民署亲善大使 ).
He lies to have Hassan accused of theft so he will leave
their home and Amir can try to forget his guilt. Eventually,
Amir and his father flee Afghanistan after the Russians
1.A little selfish
“I want baba all to myself.”
“I wished he would hit me back, I wished he’d give me the punishment I craved, so maybe I’d finally sleep at night, maybe then things could return to how they used to be between us. But Hassan did nothing.”(我希望他 还击。我希望他满足我的愿望,好好 惩罚我,这样我晚上就能睡着了。也 许到时事情就会回到我们以前那个样 子。但哈桑纹丝不动)(0:36:30)
• In 1979 Soviet Russia
marched in and broke the
peace there. one of the
main character—Amir
was Pushtus—moved to
the U.S. The other one—
Hassan—a Hazara—
stayed and died in 2001. .
orphaned son and rescue him. There, he discovers that
Sohrab has become the sexual plaything of Assef, the
bully who had tormented both Amir and Hassan when
about "friendship and betrayal" and the arbitrary "price of loyalty".
"love, honor, guilt, fear and redemption" are all
included in this
"extraordinary novel".
他在儿子大学毕业典礼上认真地穿着西服出 席,带儿子去酒吧,端着酒杯豪迈地对陌生人说, 今天我儿子毕业,干杯!
时光隐忍,他从精干正直的政客变成白发苍 苍的老人,唯一不变的是对生活的热爱,爱他的 儿子,爱他的祖国。(0:48:00)
Rahim Kahn(拉希姆·卡恩)
• 1 caring
“I enjoyed your story very much. God has granted you a special talent, and it is now your duty to hone that talent.”(我非常喜欢你的 故事,真主赋予你独特的天分。如今 你的责任是磨炼这份天分)
他在阿米因为自责要赶走哈桑时,第一次发 怒说,你给我带来了耻辱。
他因为政治原因带着阿米逃离阿富汗时,弯 腰拾了一小撮喀布尔的泥土装在怀表里,小心翼 翼的亲吻。
他在逃离的车上为车上同行的妇女伸张正义, 对着痞气端着枪口想要猥亵妇女的苏联人说,战 争不会否认庄重的。
他在美国过普通人的生活,从受人尊敬的权 贵政客变成加油站收费大叔,轻松地夸赞客人, 你的车真漂亮。
person, a free person. I dream that someday you will return to revisit the land of our childhood. I dream that flowers will bloom in the streets again... and kites will fly in the skies! (1:24:00) • 长大后的哈桑(画外音):我梦到了我的儿子会成长为一个好人,一 个拥有自由意志的人;我梦到了有一天,你会回到我们童年玩耍的这 片土地,故地重游;我梦到了鲜花再次在街道上盛开……天空满是色 彩斑斓的风筝! • Amir: For you, a thousand times over. • 埃米尔:为你,千千万万遍。
Summary of the book
• The novel the kite runner was written by the first person perspective, it tells us a story about a Afghan boy who migrated United States. The whole story is a process of redemption for what he had done wrong when he was a child.
“I’d rather eat dirt”(我宁愿吃泥土 也不会骗你)(0:06:00)
“If you asked, I would.”(如果你要 求的话,我会做的)
2 confident and brave
“You are right, but you didn’t notice that I’m the only one holding the slingshot.”(是,你 们人多,但现在只有我一人手 里有弹弓!)
“I run because I was a coward, I was afraid of Assef and what he would do to me. I was afraid of getting hurt.
1 loyalty
“For you, a thousand times over”(为你,千千万万遍!)
The background Author
Summary of the book
Character analysis Evaluation
. Recommendation 2
• Happened in Kabul, Afghanistan
• It was a peaceful country and everyone lived in harmony although there was a racialism between Hazara and Pushtus (the leaders).
stand up for anything.”
• Bully • Cruel • metamorphic (变态的)
“How can you talk to him, let him touch you. How can you call him ‘your friend’?”(0:14:00) “We are the real Afghans, Hazara(哈扎拉人) polluted our land.”
3 forgiveness
Kindness, brave, Patriotic, ……
他因为阶级偏见不得不隐瞒秘密使自己的儿 子成为主仆,但他尽量宽容地对待这个只能把他 当作主人的儿子哈桑, 宠爱他,原谅他的一切 过错,尽量让他与阿米有同样欢乐的童年,将他 留在自己身边,可毕竟阶级不可改变。
"themes of literature and
"vivid and engaging story
that reminds us how long
Khaled Hosseini's people have been struggling to triumph over the forces of violence".
they were young. Ultimately, Amir must defeat Assef in a
raging physical battle, take the damaged Sohrab out of
Afghanistan and try to help hi.m repair his spirit.
2 cowardice
“I opened my mouth, almost said something. Almost. The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had. But I didn’t. I just watched.”
but ironically is the half-brother of Amir, a Pashtun. Amir is
overwhelmed with guilt when he allows Hassan to be
beaten on the day Amir wins the kite flying tournament.
Some meaningful sentences
• Amir: I'm going to find a boy. His father meant a lot to me. • 埃米尔:我在寻找一个男孩,他的父亲对于我来说意义重大。 • Rahim Kahn: Now there is a way to be good again... • 拉希姆·卡恩:现在,那儿有再次成为好人的路。 • Older Hassan (voice): I dream that my son will grow up to be a good
invade and Amir takes his tragic memories to America to
start a new life. Unfortunately, his debt to Hassan must be
paid and he returns to his country to find Hassan’s
“My door is and always be open to
you, my friend. –To Amir”
• 2 justice
“There is a way to be good again”
“ A boy who won’t stand up for
himself becomes a man who can’t
His another important master work is A Thousand Splendid
• The Kite Runner was his
first work, this book soon became a great success for it’s fascinating plot and subtle reflections of the characters. For a very long time, this book run first at the ranking list, and has been adapted to a movie. Hosseini also won the United Nations humanitarian award owing to this book.
• 小说《追风筝的人》由第一人称视角,讲 述了一个身在美国的阿富汗移民童年的往 事和他成人后对儿时过错的心灵救赎过程。
plot summary
Amir tells us about the unique relationship he has with
Hassan, a Hazara boy who is the victim of discrimination,