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人纵有万般能耐 可终也敌不过天命Ⅱ阿!
那霸王风云一世 临到头…
就剩下-匹 马 和一个女人还跟着他 !
霸王让乌骓马逃命,乌 骓马不去 !
让虞姬走人 ,虞 姬不肯
最后一 回为 霸王舞剑
尔后拔剑 自刎,从 一而终啊 !
讲这出戏 是这里边有个 Ⅱ昌戏和做人的道理
人得 自各儿成全 自各儿 “力拔 山兮 … ” “气盖世 ” “时不利兮 … ”
are bringing our count⒒ es closer。 And when direct nights and feJies resume,even more
ofour ci饪 zens will have the chance t0饣 avel and work together and know each o钮 e⒈
up,⒒ will Fnean morc opportun妣 y and resource$£ or ordinary Cubans。 And we’ re starting
to see some progress,
Today,the Ameri(Dan Πag fl忆 s over our embassy h Havana,and our d加 lomats a∞
waiting to b(;)unleashed。
My visit wⅡ l be an opportunity to keep moving forwa1。d。 I△ 1Fneet、 v⒒h President Castro to disouss how we can continue normaⅡ zing relations,including1naking it easier
hteracting mo∞ w油 b1ˉo配ˇ 伍e Cuban peop1e。 Mo犯 Americans are呐 蚰ing Cuba曲 an
at any time血 岷 la虬 50years-Cubanˉ Amoocm falmilies;Amer℃ an students,teaChers, human"arian volunteers,fai伍 colmnu耐 ties一洲 forghg nOw ties,and ⅡiendshV楚汉相争 的故事
楚霸王 ,何 许人也 ?
那是天下无敌 的盖世英雄
横扫千军 的勇将猛帅
在垓下中了汉军的十面埋伏 让刘邦给困死 了
那天晚上 ,刮 着大风
刘邦的兵 唱 了一宵的楚歌
楚国的人马一听 ,以 为刘邦得 了楚地 全都慌了神 了,跑 光了
norェna⒒ zing relations bctw° en our governments and increasing the cOntacts between our
peoples。 I’ ve always said that cha狻 ge wOn’ t cOme to Cuba overnight。 But as Cuba opens
--ˉ I82-¨ -
“骓不逝 ”
2。 l[莎 l恁冫a§ 燧,愈 五犭盈缏 s絷 镢葸e啬 瓤及抄 蛄町冫Ilo鄂
s盈 毽《⒊ 】:货卩o獬】 褶3勖 髟亵痴1rk锶 ’s speeC缸
`ilag pa恩
抵晏sv蕊s晏 啻旁o《J濑 鼬辘獭 奁《冫《)飙 素诹es¢ 。《五x40)
‰efoⅪ F哐 冫
When Miche|lo and1go to Havana ncxt month,⒒ wi11bc the⒒ rst、
'isit of a U,s。
made more than a
year ago to begin a ncw chapterin our relationship with the pcop1o ofcuba,
You see,I be1ievc that the best way色 o adVance American interests and valu° s,and the best way to∵ he1p the(3uban peop1e improv。 仇eir livos,is{hrough engagement-ˉ by
嘟溺俺攥太擎 窆0鹅 缫盆翮碱蛰觯究簇入擎鞲谶 《簸溅)
邋邋翻撮练禽 嘁题
答题说明:答案-律写在答趱纸上9不 需抄题 9标 明题号即可,答在试题上无效。
1。 Ple况se奋 ranslate the№ llowimg§ 睨b您拊蝥es轩o1洫 奄犰e蛾 ln】 F弱 昭 vv纟JJ姒卿 C@招 c匆 沙栩¢ 童nto⒙ ngⅡ§h。 (1x40)
bo曲 our countr忆 s,there’ s overwhelming support for犰 抵new relationshV.And in Cuba today,允 rtⅡ 丘rst饫 mρ h a half cenmry,犰 e∞ 沁hope允 ra汪fferent hture,especialˇ among Cuba’ ‘young people who have such extraordinary talent and potenthl just
to trade and easier】 or Cubans to access the Internet and start their Own businesses。 AsI
AmeⅡ can cOmpani。 s are starting to do business in Cuba,helphg to nu爿 山re private
enterprhe and giving Cuban entrepreneurs new opportunities,Ⅵ 沔th new`V⒈ Fi h。tspots, more Cubans are starting to go online and get infoⅡ nation from曲 e out“ 孔 wodd。 In