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ACHIEVEMENT TEST (Integrated Course)
(For graduate students)
Jan.4, 2010
I. Composition (20%)
Directions:For this part, you're asked to write a composition in about 150 words on the given topic According to you, what is a rich, rewarding life?
II. Reading Comprehension (20%)
Directions: Each of the following passages below is followed by some questions. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions, then mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET II .
Passage One
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:
In 1960 John F. Kennedy became the first Roman Catholic elected to the United States presidency. During the campaign his religion became an issue because some people feared that, once in office, his allegiance (忠贞)to his church might determine his conduct of public policy. Two months before the election, Kennedy discussed this fear in an address in which he said, “I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute -where no Catholic prelate would tell the President, should he be a Catholic, how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishioners for whom to vote.”
Kennedy was confronting an issue that has been the source of conflict, even of violence, for more than
2,000 years. The name given to the issue ―church and state ―is misleading, however: Church implies Christianity in one or more of its many denominations(教派). The issue is really between religion and politics. Which shall be the controlling force in a state? Religions other than Christianity have been in conflict or in cooperation with political authorities in many nations. The power of Islam, for examples, is a major concern in the political affairs of the Middle East. In India Hinduism has long been a potent force affec ting both the government and the economics of the country. (In 1984 India’s premier, Indira Gandhi, was assassinated by members of the Sikh religion who were opposed to her government. )
The relations between religion and government vary in the 20th century. In some cases there is a refusal to admit that government apart from religion is legitimate. This is the case in Iran since the 1979 revolution. There the religious leaders, called mullahs, are in control of the state and claim to rule in the name of Allah, or God, and His word as expressed in their holy book, the Koran.
In the United States the situation is the reverse. The constitution specifies a separation of church and state for the mutual benefit of each.
In some Western European nations, notably England, Scotland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, there are “established,” or state, churches. This means that one denomination, or religious organization, has the support of the state and is to some degree governed by it. Other denominations are tolerated, but they are expected to be self-supporting. (395 words)
1.The italicized phrase once in office in the 2nd line, 1st paragraph means ______
A.once he walked into his office
B.once he made some official announcements
C.once he represented the Catholic church
D.once he became the president of the United States
2.Form Kennedy’s words in the first paragraph, we are told that in the United States ______
A)the state never has any opposition from the church
B)the church and the state support each other
C)the church and the state never try to control each other
D)the church can do whatever it likes
3.Find three other words that belong to the same category as the word Christianity in the passage. These
three words are ________
A)Islam, Allah and Koran
B)religion, church and state
C)Kennedy, Gandhi and Allah
D)Islam, Hinduism and Sikh
4.The writer mentions the situation in Iran and that in the United State because he wants to show ______
A)how interesting the conditions in Iran are to the outsider
B)that one religion is superior to the other
C)how sharply countries may differ in the issue of religion and politics
D)that the government leaders are not doing their work properly in Iran
5.The best title for the passage is ______
A)Kennedy’s Religious Allegiance
B)A Comparison of Different Religions in Various Countries
C)The political System in Different Countries
D)Church and State
Passage Two
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:
A stockbroker, said Woody Allen, is someone who takes your money and invests it until it’s all gone. Sadly, a survey conducte d by the American Stock Exchange, the New York exchange’s smaller rival, suggests that ordinary investors think Mr. Allen is not just funny but right. There is a divergence(歧异,偏离) of interest between investors and the people they employ to execute their investments. If stockbrokers are to survive (and many look doomed on both sides of the Atlantic,) they will have to close this gap.
Wrongly but understandably, the exchange is paying more attention to another finding: that only 28% of American investors have “lost confidence” in the stock markets as a result of the October 1987 crash. This is flatly contradicted by the professionals. When stockbrokers were asked their opinion, 81% said that their customers were still troubled by the harm of October 1987. Institutional investors have taken to the hills. Perhaps private investors are put off, not by the markets, but by the people who sell them those markets. In buying and selling shares, private investors say they are more influenced by what they read in newspapers than by what they hear from brokers. Since journalists usually rank alongside second-hand car salesmen in public respect, this should worry brokers. So should the feeling of ordinary shareholders that they are second-class citizens in the stock markets. Most think that the markets are not level playing fields, that the individual investor has little chance against the large institutions. A particular complaint is that institutions are told things first. Stockbrokers admit it : two-thirds agree that “by the time small investors hear about a good stock it’s usually too late.”
The investors polled by the American Stock Exchange are not helpless Aunt Millies with egg money in penny stocks. The typical investor questioned is 55 years old, has a university degree and heads a home with an annual income of $80,000. He (most are men) knows about options (买卖特权), zero-coupon bonds (债券、息票) and stock-index funds. He is also a conservative sort of chap, much keener on preserving his capital than on trying to be extremely successful. (372 words)
6. What is a stockbroker in the author’s opinion here?
A. A shareholder.
B.An investor.
C. A person employed to carry out investments.
D. A salesman employed by a particular company.
7. The October-1987-collapse of stock exchange ________.
A.made many investors uneasy
B.depressed the stock exchange
C.deserted the stock market
D.beat many rivals
8. That the stockbrokers look doomed is that ________.
A.their customers can’t get over the disaster of Oct.1987
B.the public prefer both journalists and second-hand-car salesmen to them
C.there has been a drop of public trust in them
D.they don’t give timely information to the customer
9. Individual investors are by no means the rivals of institutional investors because _______.
A.institutional investors are more powerful
B.institutional investors are first-hand citizens
C.institutional investors are told things first
D.institutional investors are can afford to fail
10. Most individual investors are _________.
C.short of money
III. Extensive Reading
Section A ( 12 % )
Directions:You are required to choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the sentence from the articles assigned to be read as Extensive Reading materials. Write your answer on your ANSWER SHEET II.
1.The doctor’s prescription “ 1 lb. beefsteak, with 1 pt. bitter beer every 6 hour. 1ten-mile walk every
morning. 1 bed at 11 sharp every night. And don’t stuff up your head with things you don’t understand.” is actually a piece of advice to the man to….
A.live a physically and spiritually healthy life.
B.be brave and face up to all adversity
C.never trust chemists because they are disappointing.
D.take some test before making any decision.
2.It is small wonder that men hold boats in the secret place of their mind almost from the cradle to the
A.It is a little surprising that people want to own and live in boats all through their life.
B.It is common for people from childhood to dream of owning and living in a boat.
C.It is common for people to want to spend their whole life living in boats.
D.It is a little surprising that people dream to own and live in a boat since their childhood.
3.Even as I type those words I realize how much of a dinosaur I am.
A.When I type those words I have realized that I am a little bit old- fashioned.
B.When I type those words I might think I am old-fashioned .
C.When I type those words I felt I was left behind.
D.I have acknowledged the fact that I am really old-fashioned when I type those words.
4.The acquired culture is not transmitted in our genes.
A.We are unable to transmit the culture we acquired into our genes.
B.What we obtain from society does not become part of our hard-wired/ innate character.
C.What we obtain from society does not exist in our genes.
D.What we obtain from society will not be transmitted into our genes.
5.While he eyes technology stocks with a degree of skepticism, Internet stocks, at least as of the early
2000s, were almost completely off the menu for Buffett.
A.While Buffett is rather suspicious of technology stocks, he hasn’t considered Internet stocks since the
early 2000s.
B.Buffett is rather suspicious of technology stocks, so he just eyes the Internet stocks since the early
C.Buffett is rather suspicious of technology stocks, so he is thinking whether he will consider the Internet
stocks since the early 2000s.
D.While Buffett is rather suspicious of technology stocks, so he won’t considered Internet stocks now.
6.Only the mountain has lived long enough to listen objectively to the howl of a wolf.
A.Only the mountain has lived long enough to witness what has happened and will happen and tell
whether it is fortune or disaster in the long run.
B.Only the mountain has lived long enough and would like to tell what has happened and judge whether
it is a good or bad.
C.Only the mountain has lived long enough to be able to listen to the howl of the wolf.
D.Only the mountain has live long enough and could hear the howl of the wolf.
7. The time has come to consider the existence of a large area of human happenings that legitimately
qualify as news.
A. It’s time for us to re cognize the fact that there exists a lot of events that should also be fairly deemed as
B. It’s time for us to recognize the fact that there used to be events that should also be fairly deemed as
C. The existence of a large area of human happenings should be legitimately qualified as news.
D. The time has come to consider a large area of human happenings as good news.
8. From monkey to Morrison is but a small step for neuroscience.
A. The evolution from monkey to the human species is merely a small step for neuroscience.
B. The evolution from monkey to the human species is not only a small step for neuroscience.
C. The evolution from monkey to the human species is rarely a small step for neuroscience.
D. The evolution from monkey to the human species was merely a small step for neuroscience.
Section B (12% )
Directions: You are required to choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer on your ANSWER SHEET II.
1. What question is raised in the article “The Beauty Industry”?
A. Will every woman be beautiful-as beautiful as the natural shape of her features with or without surgical
and chemical aid permits?
B. Will every woman be beautiful-as beautiful as the natural shape of her features with surgical and
chemical aid?
C. Will every woman be beautiful-as beautiful as the natural shape of her features without surgical and
chemical aid?
D. Will every woman look more beautiful with or surgical and chemical aid?
2.What is the purpose of the author to write the article “The poetry of architecture.”
A. To illustrate and discuss the poetry of architecture.
B. To illustrate the importance of the style of architecture.
C. To illustrate the art of building.
D. To give his opinions about the style of the architecture.
3.In the article “Where is the News Leading Us”, what does the author think is the responsibility of news people?
A. The responsibility of news people is to search out and report to the public only important events.
B. The responsibility of news people is to search out and report to the public any important events, whether
disasters or progress.
C. The responsibility of news people is to search out and report to the public some disasters or progress.
D. The responsibility of news people is to search out and report to the public the life of ordinary people.
4.In the article “Without Passion, Soccer is Just Another Game”, the author states that sporting success transcends the sport itself, why ?
A. Because the watching of winners, the creation of winners or sympathy with losers attracts as much attention as the playing of the game.
B. Because the watching of winners, the creation of winners or sympathy with losers attracts less attention as the playing of the game.
C.Because the watching of winners, the creation of winners or sympathy with losers attracts no attention than the playing of the game.
D. Because audience are just interested in watching winners, in the creation of winners or feel sympathy
with losers.
Directions:You are required to select the correct answer from the four choices to each of the questions in the following paragraphs .Write your answer on your ANSWER SHEET II.
John Bodman was a man who was always at one extreme or the other. This probably would have mattered little had he not married a wife whose nature was an exact duplicate of his own.
Doubtless there exists in this world precisely the right woman for any given man to marry and vice versa; but when you consider that one human being has the opportunity of being acquainted with only a few
hundred people, and out of the few hundred that there are but a dozen or less whom one knows intimately, and out of the dozen, one or two close friends at most, it will easily be seen, when we remember the number of millions who inhabit this world, that probably, since the Earth was created , the right man has never yet met the right woman. The mathematical chances are all against such a meeting, and this is the reason that divorce courts exist. Marriage at best is but a compromise, and if two people happen to be united who are of an uncompromising nature there is bound to be trouble.
In the lives of these two young people there was no middle distance. The result was bound to be either love or hate, and in the case Mr. and Mrs. Badman it was hate of the most bitter and egotistical kind.
5. John Bodman’s temperament was of great consequence because________
a)he was dominant in his family
b)he wanted to set a good example for his friend
c)his wife didn’t know how to copy document
d)there was no middle distance between the two young people
6. Which of the following, according to the writer, is true about marriage?
A.Only mathematical chances can determine if the right man will meet and marry the right woman.
B.It’s theoretically true that the right woman for a given man to marry does exist in this world.
C.It is necessary for one to narrow down the search pool of candidates for a would-be spouse.
D.Both the husband and the wife should learn to compromise with their acquaintances and friends.
I remember going to the British Museum one day to read up the treatment for some slight ailment of which I had a tough-hay fever, I fancy it was. I got down the book, and read all I came to read; and then in an unthinking moment, I idly turned the leaves, and began to indolently study diseases, generally. I forget which was the first distemper I plunged into--some fearful, devastating scourge, I know—and, before I had glanced half down the list of “premonitory symptoms”, it was borne in upon me that I had fairly got it.
7. Why did the man go to the British Museum ?
A.To learn about the treatment of a particular disease.
B.To put different types of diseases in alphabetical order.
C.To find out if liver pills are effective.
D.To go and appreciate the collections there.
In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.
8. In whose hands (according to this paragraph) do you think the final success or failure of a nation’s course rests?
A.The leaders of a country and its people.
B.The leaders of a country.
C.Young generation of a nation.
D.The average of people of the nation.
IV. Vocabulary
Section A (10%)
Directions: You are required to select the answer from the four choices that closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase in the sentence. Write your answers on your ANSWER SHEET II.
1. The reform of China's civil service system, which has a reputation for being inefficient and offering little
incentive to improve, has propelled Shanghai to encompass the entire city in an effort to attract talent that might otherwise not want to work in government organizations.
A. require
B. involve
C. attract
D. recruit
2. Double nine "Jiu Jiu" is pronounced just like the Chinese word "forever", thus the ancient Chinese
considered "Jiu Jiu Chong Yang Festival" or the Double Ninth Festival an auspicious day worth celebrating.
A. successful
B. fortunate
C. flourishing
D. happy
3. Since in ancient times the value of an object depended on its intrinsic value, those that were wearable or
portable, such as gold, silks, pearls and gems, were considered the most highly treasured
A. internal
B. inherent
C. invisible
D. fatal
4. Achievement is not the most important thing for winners, but authenticity is. The authentic person
experiences the reality of himself by knowing himself, being himself, and become a credible, responsive person.
A. reliable
B. distinct
C. available
D. desirable 5.According to the survey conductors, some human resource managers complained their companies lacked "blue-collar" software workers, willing to engross themselves in basic writing and operating programmes.
A. engrave
B. input
C. include
D. engage
6. Using sensitive earthquake-detecting instruments (seismographs or seismometers), it is possible to pin
down quite precisely the sites where the shock waves originate in this region.
A. take down
B. record
C. detect
D. specify
7.Many people who feel nervous and fretful at the end of the Lunar New Year or during Spring Festival have been diagnosed with "Spring Festival Syndrome".
A. annoyed
B. lost
C. relentless
D. anxious
8.A decision by SAIC to invest in GM would underscore the US automaker's competitive strength in China, now the world's largest auto market.
A. explore
B. depict
C. emphasize
D. reveal
9.I n its fourth season, the shows’ creators retained cheesiness of the first season and developed many of the peripheral characters to provide a highly amusing, and sometimes touching, pleasant piece of highly-recommended television.
A. preliminary
B. insignificant
C. critical
D. central 10.Teachers’Day was initiated in 1985 as a reminder that teachers should be held in reverence for instilling knowledge and morals in students.
A. respect
B. worship
C. appreciation
D. praise
Section B (10%)
Directions: Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the following list. Change the forms where necessary. Write your answers on your ANSWER SHEET II.
commentate innovate controversy revise curtail
suicidal perceive ingrained quell tranquil
attach restrict
1. Ther efore, she resolves to stay and lead an Eskimo’s simple and __________ life in the calm of nature.
2. According to linguistic relativity, people who speak different languages ____________and think
about the world quite differently.
3. The Lebanese army was working hard to repair the road, but the Israeli defense force reportedly warned them that their heavy machinery could be targeted, forcing the army to ____________ repair efforts.
4. The fear of poverty is so ___________ in society that the first order of family business is financial security.
5. After retiring, he became a radio _______ on cricket and rugby, and also wrote about both sports for
Sunday newspapers.
6. There is medical evidence to show that he is ____________ and clinically depressed.
7. When I was doing an English course in Brighton, I formed a strong ___________ to the other
students in my class.
8. In recent years, many companies from around the world have used lessons from nature to
develop new products, improve current products and find _____________ solutions to engineering
and design challenges.
9. China's latest effort to promote traditional culture among its younger generation has raised a
huge ________________ in the nation.
10. Increasingly, campaigners are demanding that countries impose __________on advertising aimed at
V. Translation
Section A (16 %)
Directions: Put the following sentences into Chinese. Write your answers on your ANSWER SHEET III. 1.I can’t think of anything that excites a greater sense of childlike wonder than to be in a country where
you are ignorant of almost everything.
2.Thanks to the ubiquity of text on the internet, not to mention the popularity of text-messaging on cell
phones, we may well be reading more today than we did in the 1970s or 1980s, when television was our medium of choice.
3.They say that material ambitions suddenly seem silly and the pleasures of friends and family
paramount---and that the crisis allowed them to recognize life in line with their new priorities.
4.Although spectators often have a variety of motives underlying their attachment to sports, their interest
in any sporting event is usually related to a combination of three factors: the uncertainty of an event’s outcome, the risk of financial rewards associated with participating in an event, and the anticipated display of excellence or heroics by the athletes.
Section B (10%)
Directions: Put the following sentences into English. Write your answers on your ANSWER SHEET III.




