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Tongue twister: Cat, cat, catch that black rat!
口张大,双唇微收,后舌位,舌身压低, 平放并后缩,舌尖不抵下齿。
art, car, card, hard, park, smart, start fast, last, past
The farmer’s sister is a doctor. The monster’s eating a hamburger merrily.
bird, girl, shirt, birthday, purple, hamburger, work
发音时双唇从圆到扁,口形从开到合 。发好这个音的关键是首先要把后元 音[ɔ]发足,然后滑向[i]音。 boy, toy, point, soil, oil, point, noise, toilet
[ɔi] 音的练习
Sentence: The spoiled boy wants more toys. Soybean oil is my choice.
[u] 音的练习
Sentences: Look at the cook-book, it’s really good. He took the butcher as the cook. Tongue twister: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
母语化:读成汉语的‘欧’;go-[够] 原因:舌位及口型错误,没有变化及滑 动(由半开到小,由扁唇到前趋唇)。
Sentence: Go and open the window, Joe, and show me the photo. Song: Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, life is like a dream.
双元音简化:way, play等词后面的[i]音被 省略了。 母语化:读成汉语的‘诶’: make-[妹]k, late-[累t] 原因:口型不正确,没有滑动 (从半开到 合 )。
[ei] 音的练习
Proverb: No pain, no gain. Verse: Rain, rain, go away, little Johnny wants to play. Song Make a cake, make a cake, put it on the plate. Make a cake, make a cake, I can’t wait.
‘I wonder who’s coming for lunch’ said my brother under the bunch. Come to the front on the double. The monkeys are funny.
发音时舌身平放,舌中部略隆起,双唇扁平。 monster, ruler, teacher, under, poster summer, winner, clever, sweater, footballer, hamburger
要领: 发音时舌后部尽量抬起,舌位比[u]高。唇 收圆并前趋。口形比[u]稍小。 too, cool, balloon, school, afternoon, ruler, fruit, juice, soup, two, blue, shoe
[ɜ :]音的发音练习
Thirty German girls were working in that firm for thirty years. The early bird catches the worm (first).
发音要领: 发音时口张大,双唇稍稍收圆。舌身尽量降 低并后缩,舌根下陷,软腭上抬,口腔后部 喉咙大开发声。 dog, o’clock, box, fox, frog, song, sorry, long, shop, doll, module, orange, on, watch, wash, want, cough
要领: 先发 [e] 音,口型略比 [e] 大,然后滑向 [i]音。双唇稍扁,口形从半开到合。 game, name, make, headache,ng, wait, rain, train, play, way, X-ray, say, great, eight
Sentence: It’s far to the farm from the park.
开口度小于[a:],舌尖和舌端两侧轻抵下齿, 舌根靠前部分稍抬起,唇型稍扁,嘴角绷紧。 come, love, monkey, one, colour, lovely, welcome, mother us, up,
Conversation: A: Tea or coffee? B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please. I’m pleased to meet you.
[i] 的发音要领
发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿 两侧,唇、舌、颊放松,口型扁平,音短。较之[i] 音发音时舌位略靠后,是松口元音。发音时唇、 舌略紧,重读。例:chips,English, live等,该 音不容易发准确。发好该音的窍门:模仿时钟的 滴答声和英文名字Dick的发音:Tick, tick, tick, Dick, Dick, Dick。舌尖清点下齿,嘴角绷紧: big, big, big, pig, pig, pig…
Sentence: He gets up at seven everyday. Verse: Good,better,best, Never let it rest; Till good is better, And better best.
[æ ]的发音要领
母语化:读成汉语的‘爱’:time-[太 m] China- [‘拆’ ] 原因:口型不正确,没有滑动。喉腔未 打开,下舌音发成上舌音。
[ai] 音的练习
Proverbs: A stitch in time saves nine. Out of sight, out of mind.
Sentences: Mr. Shorthouse snores worse than a horse.
My daughter-in-law who’s forty-four is a lawyer.
要领: 发音时舌后部抬起,舌身后缩,舌尖离 开下齿。双唇稍收圆,前趋。用舌根小 动作发音。 good, book, look, football, put, woman,
舌尖抵下齿;舌前部稍抬高。舌位比[e]低 ,扁平唇型,上下齿间两个指尖的间距。 音短。 bat, hat, cap, map, bag, can, man, back, thank, stand, hand, panda, apple, animal, happy, Saturday
/ɔi/ /bɔi/
bike boy
/gəu/ /uə/ sure
/au/ trousers / about /trauzəz/ /əbaut/
/iə/ /eə/ ear there /iə/ 8
/ ðeə/ / ʃ uə/
it, is, in, ill, six, sit, big, this, dinner, listen, sing, pink, fix, chips, pill, jigsaw, chopstick, visit, biscuit, picture, instead
舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,舌位比[:] 低 ,舌前部用力。唇型中长,嘴角绷紧。上 下齿间一个食指尖的间距,音短。 bed, red, pet, wet, then, yes,, mess, desk, ten, instead, headache,, sweater, test, pen, seven, spell, telephone
先发[a]音,然后滑向[i]音。舌尖抵住下 齿。发此音的关键是要把[a]音发足,注 意从开到合的滑动。口型由宽变扁。 I, fine, five, bike, mine, nine, knife, white, time, idea, high, life, like try, by,
由中元音 [ə] 滑向后元音 [u] ,舌位由 半低到高,口形由半开到小。由扁唇 到前趋唇。注意将音发足。 yellow, window, row hello, no, go, old, OK, clothes, cold, poster, goal boat
Sentence: Sorry, I forgot to lock the box. Proverb: A little pot is soon hot.
要领: 发音时舌后部抬得比[ɔ]高,双唇收得更 圆更小,略前趋。 fork, shorts, horse, airport, all, small, ball, walk, naughty, autumn, door, floor, warm, blackboard,
IPA International Phonetic Alphabet
国际音标 英语国际音标共(48个) 元音(20个) 辅音(28个)
人们讲话的声音是由肺部发出的气体经过口 腔或鼻腔而产生的。不同的声音是气流在口 腔中由不同的口腔部位造成的改变而形成的。 有些声音则是由嘴唇及舌头的运动导致气流 的改变而形成的。气流是语言发音的三大要 领之一。而口型、舌位及口腔中某些部位的 运动是发音的关键。控制好口型和舌位便能 发出正确的语音。
母语化:读成汉语的‘屋’; too-[吐] 原因:嘴唇未收圆,未前趋,发音时唇 型有滑动。
[u :] 音的练习
Sentences: How do you do? You look really cool. It’s too soon to be true. Do you want a pair of new shoes or boots?
长 元 音
/З :/ /a:/ /ɔ:/
短 元 音
/æ /
双 元 音
/au/ /iə/
[i:] 的发音要领
发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高, 口型扁平,成微笑形。音长。 cheese, we,feed,see, three, weekend, queen, CD eat, dream, seat, read,