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一直以为int a[256]={0};是把a的所有元素初始化为0,int a[256]={1};是把a所有的元素初始化为1.
调试的时查看内存发现不是那么一回事,翻了一下《The C++ Programming Language》总算有定论。
5.2.1 数组初始化
int v1[] ={1,2,3,4};
char v2[]={'a','b','c',0};
所以v1和v2分别为 int[4] 和char[4]类型。
char v3[2] ={'a','b',0}; //错误:太多的初始化值了
char v3[3] ={'a','b',0}; //正确
如果初始化时指定的的元素个数比数组大小少,剩下的元素都回被初始化为 0。
int v5[8]={1,2,3,4};
int v5[8]={1,2,3,4,0,0,0,0};
void f()
v4={'c','d',0}; //错误:不是数组赋值
如果你想这样的复制的话,请使用vector(16章第三节) 或者valarray(22章第四节)。
字符数组可以方便地采用字符串直接初始化(参考第五章 2.2小节)
译注:就是这样啦 char alpha []="abcdefghijklmn";
The C++ Programming Language ,Third Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup.
6.6 集合初始化
初始化集合往往既冗长又容易出错,而C++中集合初始化(aggregate initialization)却变得很方便而且很安全。
int a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int b[6] = {0};
数组还有一种叫自动计数(automatic counting)的快速初始化方法,就是让编译器按初始化值的个数去决定数组的大小:int c[ ] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
但怎样确定这个数组的大小呢?用表达式sizeof c / sizeof *c(整个数组的大小除以第一个元素的大小)即可算出,这样,当数组大小改变时它不需要修改。
for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof c /sizeof *c; i++)
struct X {
int i;
float f;
char c;
X x1 = { 1, 2.2, 'c’ };
X x2[3] = { {1, 1.1, 'a’}, {2, 2.2, 'b’}};
struct Y {
float f;
int i;
Y(int a);
Y y1[ ] = { Y(1), Y(2), Y(3) };
//: C06:Multiarg.cpp
// From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition
// Available at
// (c) Bruce Eckel 2000
// Copyright notice in Copyright.txt
// Multiple constructor arguments
// with aggregate initialization
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Z {
int i, j;
Z(int ii, int jj);
void print();
Z::Z(int ii, int jj) {
i = ii;
j = jj;
void Z::print() {
cout < < "i = " < < i < < ", j = " < < j < < endl;
int main() {
Z zz[] = { Z(1,2), Z(3,4), Z(5,6), Z(7,8) };
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof zz / sizeof *zz; i++)
} ///:~
int a=10;
数据类型数组名称〔数组长度〕={初始化值1,初始化值2,…, 初始化值n};
int A[5]={20,21,0,3,4};
struct 结构体标识符
struct结构体标识符变量名={初始化值1,初始化值2,…, 初始化值n };
例如,定义struct Point类型变量,并初始化的语句如下:
struct Point oP1={0.0,0.2,0.3};
struct Point类型变量oP1的三个成员变量的值分别为
由于定义结构体变量有三种方法,因此初始化结构体变量的方法对应有三种,上面已经介绍了其中的一种形式,其他两种形式如下:struct Point
double x;
double y;
double z;
} oP1={0.0,0.2,0.3}; struct
double x;
double y;
double z;
} oP1={0.0,0.2,0.3};
struct Student
long id;
char name[20];
char sex;
}a= {0};
Int 0
Char '\0x0’
float 0.0
double 0.0
char Array[n] ”
int Array[n] {0,0 0
struct Line
int id;
struct Point StartPoint;
struct Point EndPoint;
其中常量0用于初始化oLine1的基本类型成员变量id;常量列表{0,0,0}用于初始化oLine1的struct Point类型成员变量StartPoint;常量列表{100,0,0}用于初始化oLine1的struct Point类型成员变量EndPoint。
当结构体中有字符串Array时原则上用组合{{0}}来初始化,当用这个结构体定义一个array时更需要三个嵌套的{{{0}}} 不奇怪了。
How to initialise structures to all-elements-zero-or-null
I understand that in the United States, the word `initialise' is spelled with a z. So for the benefit of Google users,
How to initialize structures to all-elements-zero-or-null [ Home page | Random stuff ]
(This page is here because this is a question which seems to come up reasonably frequently, and it's useful to have the answer all written down in one place to refer to.)
When you declare a structure in `static storage' (meaning with the keyword static or at file scope), it is initialised with all numeric members zero and all pointers null. How should one achieve the same thing when initialising a structure in automatic or dynamic storage? Let's assume that this structure is defined by somebody else (say, POSIX), and in the normal fashion of such standards, all you know about the structure is that it contains at a minimum a certain set of elements; you do not know its exact
Commmon answers look something like this:
int foo(void) {
struct bar baz;
memset(&baz, 0, sizeof baz);
int quux(void) {
struct bar *fish;
fish = calloc(sizeof *fish, 0);
Unfortunately, neither achieves the intended effect. There is no guarantee that the machine representation of zero is all-bits-zero, nor that the representation of a null pointer is all-bits-zero. (Note that the fact that you can initialise a null pointer by setting it to `0' doesn't signify here: the standard defines a `null pointer constant' as 0 or (void*)0, but makes no statement about its in-memory representation. It is not even guaranteed that different types of pointer have the same representation.)
The correct answer is to say
struct bar baz = {0};
or, for dynamic storage, something like
struct bar *baz, zz = {0};
baz = malloc(sizeof *baz);
*baz = zz;
-- note the ugly declaration of zz. You can do slightly better with a macro such as
/* alloc_struct TAG P
* Enough memory to hold a struct TAG is allocated and assigned to P, and the
* memory is initialised so that all numeric elements of *P are
zero and all
* pointer elements null. */
#define alloc_struct(tag, p) do
{ struct tag aszero ## tag = {0}; p = malloc(sizeof *p); *p = aszero ## tag; }
while (0)
Not very nice. If you're using GCC or another compiler which supports typeof, you can do
#define alloc_struct(p) do
{ typeof(*p) aszero_ ## p = {0}; p = malloc(sizeof *p); *p = aszero_ ## p; }
while (0)
-- but since the whole point of this exercise is to make the
code portable, that's kind of pointless. As an alternative, you
could declare a static `zeroed' instance of struct foo in the same
header as the structure is defined, and then assign that to things
later. None of these has the virtue of being elegant or pretty.
(It's also worth noting that if you use = {0} to initialise a structure which contains other aggregate types, current versions
of GCC will issue a warning such as,
file.c: In function `func':
file.c:42: warning: missing braces around initializer
file.c:42: warning: (near initialization for `s.aggregate')
-- this is irritating, but there's not much that can be done
about it.)
The typical objections to this approach are `You don't know
what's in the structure, so you don't know whether the first element can be initialised to 0'; or, `What happens to the
elements of the structure after the first?' Both are wrong. The basic game here is that:
1.You don't have to initialise every element of a structure, but can initialise only the first one; you don't need nested {} even to initialise aggregate members of a structure.
2.Anything in C can be initialised with = 0; this initialises numeric elements to zero and pointers null.
From the Standard (actually from the final draft, but I don't think these have changed since then),
[] If the aggregate contains
elements or members that are aggregates
or unions, or if the first member of a union
is an aggregate or union, these rules apply
recursively to the subaggregates or
contained unions. If the initializer of a
subaggregate or contained union begins
with a left brace, the initializers enclosed
by that brace and its matching right brace
initialize the elements or members of the
subaggregate or the first member of the
contained union. Otherwise, only enough
initializers from the list are taken to
account for the elements or members of
the subaggregate or the first member of
the contained union; any remaining
initializers are left to initialize the next
element or member of the aggregate of
which the current subaggregate or
contained union is a part.
[] If there are fewer initializers
in a brace-enclosed list than there are
elements or members of an aggregate, or
fewer characters in a string literal used to
initialize an array of known size than there
are elements in the array, the remainder of
the aggregate shall be initialized implicitly
the same as objects that have static
storage duration.
so struct foo bar = {0} always initialises the first element of the first subelement of bar as if it had been initialised with = 0 and initialises the rest `[in] the same [way] as objects that have static storage duration'.
It would be neater to be able to say struct foo bar = {}, and some compilers (e.g. GCC) permit this, but the ANSI grammar requires an initialiser list to be non-empty.
If you don't believe me, see, e.g., this article on ng.c. Who cares?
Arguably, only pedants like me. The portability argument is on the face of it quite a strong one, but actually I think it's a bit of a sham. After all, there's so much bad C code out there which just callsmemset that you'd be mad to build a new processor or MMU which didn't use all-bits-zero as the representation of a zero numeric value or as an invalid pointer which can be used as a null pointer.
Copyright (c) 2002 Chris Lightfoot. All rights reserved.。