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Unit 8 Protecting our Environment
Preview text A
Read the new words and phrases before class,then read the text in detail and surf the internet to fulfill the following tasks.
1.Make the title, Saving Earth, but Only for Man, into a complete sentence.
Suggested answer: We must protect the earth’s environment so that it can better save human beings.
2.What is a sensible environmentalism?
Suggested answer: A sensible environmentalism, the only kind of environmentalism that will win universal public support, begins by unashamedly declaring that nature is hero to serve man. A sensible environmentalism is entirely man-centered: it calls for man to preserve nature, but on the grounds of self-preservation. (in Para5)(Detailed explanation can be found in Paras2,6,8,14)
3. As for sensible environmentalism, what’s your comment?
Suggested answer: I think it is really “sensible” since both humans and environment are taken into consideration in the suggested practices of it. But, sometimes it is difficult to achieve a balance between man and nature. For example, in para11, it is recommended that the cost of preserving the spotted owl is not supposed to the loss of livelihood for 30,000 logging families. Sensible environmentalism is still not a perfect solution, since an alternative has to be made.
4. Surf the internet to find out how our environment is polluted.
Suggested answer: air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution
Air pollution is the accumulation in the atmosphere of substances that, in sufficient concentrations, endanger human health or produce other measured effects on living matter and other materials. Among the major sources of pollution are power and heat generation, the burning of solid wastes, industrial processes, and, especially, transportation. The six major types of pollutants are carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, particulates, sulfur dioxide, and photochemical oxidants.
Water pollution is the introduction into fresh or ocean waters of chemical, physical, or biological material that degrades the quality of the water and affects the organisms living in it. This process ranges from simple addition of dissolved or suspended solids to discharge of the most insidious and persistent toxic pollutants (such as pesticides, heavy metals, and nondegradable, bioaccumulative, chemical compounds)
Soil pollution is the degradation of the Earth's land surface through misuse of the soil by poor agricultural practices, mineral exploitation, industrial waste dumping, and indiscriminate disposal of urban wastes. It includes visible waste and litter as well as pollution of the soil itself.
Teaching Objective
Ss should grasp the main idea——we should adopt a sensible environmentalism
Ss should grasp the structure——each part contains a contrast
Period One (90 minutes)
1. Introductory Remarks & Discussion
Nowadays with the rapid development of science and technology, people’s life has been improved a lot. But at the same time it has brought many problems. The issue of environmental protection has been talked about over and over again, and people have gained a deeper understanding of the relationship between environment and development. In our view environment
protection must be carried out in coordination with economic and social development, protection, consumption and environment of mankind cannot sustain if the problems of resources and environment are neglected. Many environmental problems arise causing loss and destruction. That’s why we should give the problem so much concern and come up with so many associations.
Step one: ask students to discuss the environmental situation and in what way to protect it. Step two: suggested answer:
Environmental situation:
1) the ozone reduction
Possible consequences: skin cancer; yet cataracts; destruction of plankton
2) the greenhouse effect: the gradual slight warming of the air surroundings the earth because heat
cannot escape through its upper levels.
Possible consequences: melting icecaps; flooded coastlines; disturbed climate; dried up plains 3) Acid rain
Possible consequences: corrode the constructions; destroy the crops
4) atmosphere/noise/water body/ soil/ biological pollution
5) industrial waste gas, waste water and waste solid matters
6) deforestation
7) soil erosion
8) water shortage
Suggested solutions:
1) heighten people’s awareness of protection environment
2) ensure the rational use of natural resources
3) tap renewable resources and keep ecological balance
4) recycle waste water
5) perfect transportation vehicles to keep them from discharging wastes.
6) develop greenbelt and forestations
7) give economic sanctions in addition to legal penalties to those who pollute environment and
destroy nature.
2. Cultural notes: (see reference book) P84
Environmental protection organization: list some important environment protection organizations in China and UN.
China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) Division of Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA)
World Conservation Monitoring Center
GIWA: Global International Waters Assessment
UNEP Regional Resource Center for Asia and the Pacific (RRCAP)
ENRIN: Environment and National Resource Information Network in Central/ Eastern
3. Concerning the environmental problems arising today, let’s take a look at Text A to find out what
new ideas the author offers to us.
Theme: we should adopt a sensible environmentalism
Style: argumentative writing
Structure: Part I: paras 1-5 (it is important to distinguish between environmental necessities and
environmental luxuries and apply the fundamental principle of sensible
Part II: paras 6-11 (a sensible environmentalism does not sentimentalize the earth)
Part III: paras 12-14 (man is the master of nature)
4. Detailed Analysis of the Text
Part one
Step one: ask Ss to browse the part to find out the major viewpoint and supporting details.
The major viewpoint of the text is that human beings must save nature for themselves.
Supporting details: 1. the ozone layer; skin cancer; plankton
2. the greenhouse effect; melting icecaps; disturbed climate; dried up plains
3. man’s self-preservation
Step two: answer the following questions:
1) What are the two steps one should take to make a choice among the different proposals
concerning environmental protection?
——first distinguish between environmental luxuries and environmental necessities. Then apply a rule.
2) What are environmental luxuries and what are environmental necessities? (refer to the text)
3) What examples does the writer give to illustrate environmental necessities?
——preserving the atmosphere, by both protecting the ozone layer and halting the greenhouse effect is an environmental necessity.
Step three: detailed learning of the text
1. Environmental sensitivity is now as required… or aversion to nylon.
——In upper-class society people gradually develop the awareness of environmental protection and such an attitude is born among them in the same way they show strong belief in democracy and strong dislike of nylon.
2. Luxuries are those they… we must have regardless.
——…luxuries refer to those which would be very nice for us to have if they don’t cost much.
Instead, necessities are those we must have at any cost.
Key words and phrases:
1. aversion: strong dislike aversion to
2: proposal: a plan or idea which is suggested for people to think about and decide upon
proposal for; proposal to do sth.
propose: (followed by a that-clause in subjunctive mood)
——We proposed that he take n immediate action.
3. in the name of: for the reason of, using the excuse of
4. fundamental: of the basis or foundation of (followed by to)
5. call for: require; demand
6. on the ground of/ on…grounds: for reason of
5. Homework: preview the rest part of Text A
Try to find out what’s the difference between sensible environmentalism and sentimental environmentalism.
Period Two (90Minutes)
1. Review
1) Translate the following sentences:
a. Environmental sensitivity is now as required an attitude in polite society as is, belief in
democracy or aversion to nylons
b. Luxuries are those things it would be nice to have if costless. Necessities are those things we
must have regardless.
c. Scientists reported that ozone damage is far worse than previously thought.
d. Are we prepared to see Iowa acquire Albuquerque’s climate? And Siberia acquires Iowa’s?
2) Try to find out what’s the difference between sensible environmentalism and sentimental
2. Analysis of Part Two
Step one:
Central argument: a sensible environmentalism does not sentimentalize the earth.
Supporting details: oil war and the reindeer
The spotted owl and logging families
Step two: answer the following questions:
1. What is the Gaia theory? What does the writer think of it?
——it is a scientific theory which claims that earth is a living organism. The author thinks it is nothing more than sentimental.
2. On what grounds do the sentimentalists stand against oil drilling in Alaska? What is their main
——They argue that we should be conserving energy instead of drilling for it.
Step three: language points:
1. “of course, this man centeredness runs against the grain of …to the point of excess”
——of course, man centeredness, which sensible environmentalism advocates is contrary to the desire of a contemporary environmentalism that shows too much concern for the earth.
2. “… as much as the next man”
——as much as the average man
3. but it is no more than that
——but its importance should not be exaggerated.
Key words and phrases
1. resistance: opposition (followed by to)
resist: v.
2. vote: express one’s choice in favor of (a person, political party)
V ote on/ for/ against
3. to the point of: to a degree that can be described as
——to accomplish the task, the employer worked his staff to the point of exhaustion.
(a case in point/ on the point of doing/at the point of)
4. nothing more than: just the same as; only
e.g. you needn’t report to him he is nothing more than a clerk.
5. rage: continue with great force; be intense
Rage: n. fly into a rage
6. work one’s way: manage to reach or go through; make efforts to attain one’s goal.
(make/feel/fight/elbow/shoulder/zigzag one’s way)
7. deny: refuse to grant or allow
Deny sb. sth.
3. Analysis of Part III
Step One:
Central point: man is the master of nature
Supporting details: man’s well-being first
Who should accommodate and how
Humanistic environmentalism
Step two: answer the following questions:
1. According to the author what should be the relationship between man and nature?
——Nature is man’s charge, it is not man’s master. It is to be respected and even cultivated.
But it is man’s world. And when man has to change between his well-being and that of nature will have to accommodate.
2. What will the sentimental environmentalists think of the writer’s way of saving nature? How does the writer respond?
——(refer to the last paragraph)
Step three: language points
1. bind: tie or fasten
2. accommodate: adopt
Accommodate with: supply with sth. that is needed esp. money/
3. concern: n. 1) thing that is interesting or important to sb.
2) worry or anxiety
Concern for/ about/over; concern that…
4. conserve: to keep from being wasted
5. economic: of economics
Designed to give a profit
Economical: careful in the spending of the money time or resources
4. Analysis of Writing Skills in Text A
In text A, the author employs many methods to present the argument (argumentative methods) and make it persuasive.
1. Contrast: environmental luxuries vs. environmental necessities
Sensible environmentalism vs. sentimental environmentalism
man vs. nature
2. Concession: (para 8) “The country does need a substantial energy tax to reduce consumption, but
(para 10) “I like the reindeer as much as the nest man. And I ……But you can’t have everything.”
3. Quotation: para 8 quotes Protagoras’ principle: “Man is the measure of all things”
4. Examples: para 3,8,10,11, 13
5. Definition: The definition of “luxuries”and “necessities”in para 2 and of sensible
environmentalism in para 5.
6. Cause and effect: para 3 Ozone reduction causes skin cancer
7. Data: para 7 “……that killed more 125,000 Bengalis and left 10 million homeless.
5. Homework:
Finish all the exercises of text A
Preview text B
Find out ways to protect our environment.
Period Three
1. Exercises
1) True or False
a. According to the text, we should abide by all of the proposals, restrictions, projects,
regulations and laws in the name of the environment. (F)
b. It is an environmental necessity to protect the ozone layer and halt the greenhouse effect. (T)
c. Ozone reduction is the only reason that causes skin cancer and eye cataracts. (F)
d. The sensible environmentalism is the only kind of environmentalism in our society. (F)
e. As a sentimental environmentalist, the author thinks that nature is here to serve man. (F)
f. A person who believes in Gaia Theory usually worships the earth to the point of excess. (T)
g. The Protagoras’ principle is a sentimental environmentalism. (F)
h. According to the author, man should never accommodate to nature. (F)
2) Translate the following phrases into Chinese and then fill the gaps with those phrases. come through, in the name of, on the ground of, call for,
go/run against the grain, nothing more than, to the point of, work one’s way
a. We should attend the lecture on time, it is nothing more than a shower.
b. It really goes against the grain to have to go into the office at weekends.
c. The old man was 90 years old and lucky to come through his operation.
d. He attended the party in the name of his father.
e. She has to work her way through law school because of her poverty.
f. The urgent situation calls for immediate action.
g. His manner was abrupt to the point of rudeness. 他举止粗鲁,近乎唐突。

2. Exercises in the book of Text A
Text B
1.Group discussion:
Oil in the oceans is one of the ugliest forms of marine pollution. Just thinking about oil pollution in the oceans conjures up images of massive tanker spills, oiled seabirds and shorelines covered with gooey black oil. However, oil spills are not the major cause of oceanic oil pollution. Instead the majority of marine oil pollution comes from other sources.
Oil spills are actually just a small percent of the total world oil pollution problem. According to Ocean Planet there are 706 million gallons of oil pollution in a given year. That is a massive amount of oil! The following chart will indicate the different methods of oil pollution and their respective percentage of total pollution.
After you have read the above material on the major causes of oceanic oil pollution, in your opinion, what can we do stop them?
2. The General Structure of Text B
Text B may be classified into persuasive essay. And it is written in the following structure who may also be used in other kinds of persuasive essays you are expected to write in the days to come.
1) to write the thesis clearly at the beginning of the essay just as mentioned in the first paragraph. Though the island I lived on is almost isolated, it is also polluted.
2) to give facts to support the thesis. Para2-7 gave the fact that the island suffers from oceanic oil pollution.
3)a conclusion. Para8-9 sum up the details mentioned in the previous paragraphs and remind human beings to be careful of pollution.
2.Homework: Please write a composition on the topic of “Man and Environment”.
Period Four
1. dictation: words and phrases
environment, proposal, jungle, debate, contemporary, sentimentalize, current,
pollutant, fate, bind, owl, frame,




下面为大家提供一个模版供参考e.g. Why do I prefer to spend most of my time reading? Why is English my favorite subject in college studies? Why do I chose teaching as my life-long career?
P I S 1 Topic
S 2 Thesis: My attitude towards
P I1 S 3 Thesis (more specific)
S 4 Reason 1
Supporting detail (S5)
S 6 Reason 2
Supporting detail (S7)
S 8 Reason 3
Supporting detail (S9)
P III S 10 Conclusion
PII S 3 Thesis (more specific)
S 4 Reason l
S 5 supporting detail
S 6 supporting detail
S 7 Reason 2
S 8 Supporting 1
S 9 supporting 2
1.When asked about (it comes to) ...... a vast majority (a considerable; proportion) of ... people ( the public ) answer ( claim; believe) that ..
2.Contrary to the widely-held( popular ) belief ( thought ), I prefer ( think differently).
3. There are several (a number of) reasons for my preference (choice).
4. First (For one thing; To begin with).....
5. A good example of this can be provided (cited; offered) by...
6. Second, (for another; Another reason is).....
7. Personal experience shows (demonstrates) that...
8. Finally (Perhaps the most important reason is)...
9. There are instances (times) when...
10. For all these reasons (Taking all these into account), ...
3. How TextB justifies its thesis
Try to find similar structures in TextB as the above one to see how the text begin, end and justify its thesis etc.问题:(学生在TextB中寻找与上面句子类似的结构,看看TextB是如何开头,结尾以及提供理由论据论证观点的。

Suggested answer:
P I, Beginning: Para1
And yet the beach is polluted.(the last sentence in para1 briefly tells us the theme of the text. The previous sentences serves as the basis to make such a judgment----The beach is polluted.)
PII, main body: Para2-7 ways to justify the theme--- The beach is polluted.
Oil tankers pollute the island.Para2-3
Expected booming number of tourists will do harm to the environment there.Para4-6
Outboard motors of the fishermen harm the sea environment.Para7
PII, coclusion: Para8-9 conclusion, way out
A harsh reminder for human beings is made.
3. Languages points in Text B
1)sensible: wise
a sensible choice
I am sensible of your kindness.注意介词用of
She is far too sensible to believe these ridiculous lies.
2)fundamental; basic
a fundamental change
a fundamental error
fresh air is fundamental to good health.。
