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近音双关指的是两个词或短语的发音相似,意思不同, 给听者或读者带来明确的联想,造成一语双关。例如: 例3:During the two previous centuries musical styles went in one era and out of another. 在前两个世纪,音乐风格时髦一阵,又很快销声匿迹。 例4:One man’s Mede is another man’s Persian. 一个人当宝,一个人当草(各有所好)。
在现代英语词汇中,同音异义词数量很大,为双关表达 提供了大量的原始素材。同音异义词发音一样,拼写和词义 不同,因此常被巧妙地运用,形成双关。例如: 例1:Seven days without water makes one weak. 七天无水喝,渴得人虚弱。 例2:0n Sunday they pray for you and on Monday they prey on you. 星期日他们为你祈祷,星期一则对你掠夺。 例1巧妙套用了Seven days make one week这个人 所共知的句子,利用weak和week同音的条件,获得幽默的 效果。例2则利用pray(祈祷)和prey(掠夺)两词同音异义 的条件,把两个意义完全相反的句子排在一起进行对比,印 象鲜明,使人感触至深。
use idioms
-Which runs faster, heat or cold? -Heat runs faster, because you can easily catch cold. -Why is crow the bravest bird inr shows the white feather? (胆怯)
Forms of syllesis 1 a predicate verb governs to two or more object nouns in the same sentence.
- The newly elected president took the oath and his seat. - He lost the game and his temper. - I got up yesterday morning and managed to catch a bus and a cold. - His fearful cries filled the room and the hearts of those who watched.
Features of syllepsis:
---One literal meaning and one figurative meaning; both grammatical - She lost her heart and necklace at a ball. It was my teacher who opened the door and his heart to me.
3 a preposition word governs two objects
- John was both out of pocket and spirits by the business. - The old woman looked at the faded photo with suspicion and a magnifying glass. -People gathered in the hall for friendship and a hot lunch. -The businessman left in high spirits and a Benz.
Definition: pun is a play on the form and meaning of words , which involves an amusing use of expressions with a double meanings or the same sound but different meanings.
-where were you wounded?
From the context -He didn’t speak for a long time. – He only spoke for a short time; He remained silent for a long time. -The man is drawing a cart. – drawing a cart: pulling a cart. - He cooked her goose. –cooked goose:got her into trouble
use homophones 同音词: (words having the same or almost the same sound, but differing in form and meaning.) -What flower does everyone have? -Tulips. (Two lips) 郁金香花 -Why is Sunday the strongest day in a week? -Because the rest are week (weak) days.
例3利用era(时代)和ear(耳朵)发音相似的条件,使人 很容易联想到英语成语“went in one ear and out of another”(左耳进右耳出,听了就忘),使全句具有新意。例4 中Mede(米堤亚)和meat(肉)发音近似,Persian(波斯)和 poison(毒药)发音相似,再由成语的上半句“One man’s meat”诱导想出成语的下半句“another man’s poison”。
外甥打灯笼— 照舅(照旧) 小葱拌豆腐— 一青二白(一清二白) 大脚穿小鞋— 前紧(钱紧) 孔夫子搬家— 尽是书(尽是输) 和尚打伞— 无发无天(无法无天)
use ambiguity(含糊的词)
-They were entertaining women.
-His object is not to eat.
“双关语”指在一定的语言环境中,利用词的多义 和同音的条件,有意使语句具有双重意义,言在此 而意在彼的修辞方式。双关可使语言表达得含蓄、 幽默,而且能加深语意,给人以深刻印象。
-What do lawyers do when they die? -Lie still. ( lie still: a. 静静地躺着; b. 仍然撒谎)
an adjective governs two or more nouns.
- Yesterday he had a blue heart and coat. - When his life contained such things as mothers and roses, and clean thoughts and collars. - 高尚的道德情操、纯洁无暇的思想,像样体面的 物质生活。
二、语义双关 (Homograph)
是利用某个词语的多义性在特定环境下形成的双关。 1、同形异义词 语义双关以同形异义词为最常见,它是通过同形词 来体现语义的双重含义。例如: 例5:An ambassador is an honest man who lies abroad for the good of his country. 大使是一个为了本国利益而在国外说谎(或居住在 国外)的诚实的人。 例6:One shop announced: Darwin Is Right Inside. 例5的语言环境中,lie具有“说谎”和“居住”双层 意义。例6中Darwin既为此店老板的名字,又是科学家达 尔文的名字。right既有“一直、正好”,也有“正确的” 含义,故此句的字面意思是“达尔文成衣店笔直内进”, 但此句也可理解为“达尔文学说是正确的”。
2、同形异义短语 英语中的习语大多不能按其字面组成词的意思来解 释,而是具有作为习语特定的含义,因此许多习语也成为 语义双关的一种来源。例如: 例7:- What weather do mice most dislike?When it’s raining cats and dogs. “to rain cats and dogs”这一习语意思是“下 大雨”,恰到好处地将其安排在句子里,句子字面意思就 成了“猫狗从天而降”,那么老鼠自然是最不喜欢了。 例8:The American Dream does not come to those who fall asleep. “American Dream”(美国梦)已成了一个固定的词 组,专指“在美国人人都能追求富裕、自由、机会等”, 具有特定的社会文化内涵。这句话又将dream与fall asleep对立起来,使这句话不仅具有幽默感,还带有警句 色彩而更耐人寻味。
2 a predicate verb is governed by two or more subjects in the same sentence.
- By the time I reached my home, the sun and my father had risen. - They waited and waited, but time and their aunt moved slowly. - Her patience and her ideas were nearly worn out before the party was over. (耐心殆尽,才思枯竭)
Forms of “Pun” 一、谐音双关(Homophone)
是利用多个词语的相同或相近的发音和不同 的词义在特定环境下形成的双关。 同音异义词:see, sea; here, hear (words
having two or more meanings and their sound and spelling are the same or almost the same.)
Syllepsis 一笔双叙
Definition: A figure of speech by which a word refers to two or more words in the same sentence. -the senator picked up his hat and his courage. - Either they or I am wrong. (am governs two subjects.) - The headmaster instructed us to keep our public image intact and our students in their seats.