

英国教育British Education

英国教育British Education

Education System
• • • • •
Period: Kindergarten/ nursery school ‘infants’ school ‘junior’ school Secondary School University Age?
General Introduction
• Primary schools
Famous People from Oxford
• People who gain the Nobel Price: 36 King: 5 Prime Minister: 25
Roger Bacon Sir Thomas More Adam Smith Qian Zhongshu Margaret Hilda Thatcher
• Secondary schools
• Other schools
Selective System
• A system for secondary schooling in Britain, under which children take an examination, the “11 plus”, in their last year of primary education. • The results of the examination determine the kind of secondary schooling each child will receive. • Those with the highest marks go to grammar schools; others may go to technical schools, and the rest – by far majority – go to secondary modern schools.

British Education System(英国教育系统)

British Education System(英国教育系统)
British Education System
• 1、The purpose of the British education system • 2、The relationship between education and • social class • 3、History of English Education • 4、The National Curriculum
The purpose of the British education system
• Many people think the purpose of school is to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society. But the purpose • Of the British education system is also to socialize children. Children are taught practical skills, but in school they also learn the rules and values they need to become good citizens, to participant in the community, and to contribute to the economic prosperity of an advanced industrial economy.
• Q1: • Q2:

unit 5 British_education(1) 英美概况

unit 5 British_education(1) 英美概况

Pupils who hope to attend university carry on their academic study in the sixth form for a further two years and then sit A-levels exams (General Certificate of Education-Advanced). Most pupils try to achieve 3 or 4 Alevels in the subjects they are most proficient at. Since admittance to universities depends largely on Alevel results, the two years spent in the Sixth Form are very important and often very stressful for British pupils.
Northern Ireland the grammar school/non-grammar school division is still common, but throughout the rest of Great Britain grammar schools are becoming increasingly rare.
Unit 5 British education
Stages of education:
Comprehensive schools
primary (5——11) secondary (11——19)
Grammar schools



Modern School
Separate Governmen GCSE
or Mixed t
Comprehensiv e Secondary School
Usually Governmen
2)11---14 or Mixed(or t
GCSE (GCE“A” level)
Independent secondary school
• Public schools, unlike prep schools, are not private in the fullest sense. They are generally controlled by governing bodies,who are appointed as trustees to keep alive foundations originally begun by charitable institutions or by rich and philanthropic people; they do not try to make any financial profits, but only to balance their budgets. Their income is partly from profits and endowments,mainly from fees paid by parents.
Company Logo
mixed Central
and local

British Education System(精品文档)

British Education System(精品文档)











五岁时,按照法律是必须上学的年龄,多数五岁的孩子这时候会进入Infant School,而七岁进入Junior School(初级学校).英国的多数公立学校将Infant School与Junior School合并起来,组成Pri mary School(即我们说的小学).英国的小学基础教育与中国大陆,台湾和香港的小学比起来要容易,轻松得多.这也许是西方教育的仁慈之处吧,小孩子就该多玩一玩.因此,许多已在本国念过小学的小孩子,到了英国在班里的成绩总是领先.不知是好事还是坏事。

虽然英国的私立小学(Prep school)大多接受海外学生,但来英国"留小学"的为数实在不多.此外,也有独立由个别人士和志愿机构开办的学前教育班。



在十三岁到十六岁的时候,学生们进入独立学校(即类似于台湾的国中,香港的中学,及中国大陆的初级中学),学生们在独立学校的任务基本上是准备GCSE的考试,GCSE是一个普通中学教育证书,学生们可以选择最多至十个不同的科目.拿到了GCSE的证书,也就标志着中学教育的结束.在完成中学的课程,拿到GCSE后.学生就可以决定是要念高等学校还是为工作做准备.当然这时候,学生是不可以直接去大学的,GCS E的完成是相当于中国大陆和台湾的高中一年级结束.而台湾和中国大陆的高中二年级和三年级(年龄在约16-18岁)就是英国的继续教育(扩充教育)时期.香港引用英国的教育制度,因此这里与英国是一样的.许多留学生是在这时候来英国留学的。

Unit 7 British Education System (英国的教育体制)

Unit 7  British Education System (英国的教育体制)

Unit 7 British Education System (英国的教育体制)一、本单元重点内容1. The purpose of the British education system (英国教育体制的目的)2. The relationship between education and social class (教育与社会等级之间的关系)3. The influence of the church on schooling (教会对于学校教育的影响)4. The 1944 Education Act (1944年的教育法)5. Comprehensive school {<英>(招收学生时不分资质的)综合中学}6. Grammar school (文法学校)7. The National Curriculum (全国教学大纲)8. public school {(英国的) 私立中学}9. GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education (中学毕业证书)10. GCE-A General Certificate of Education ---Advanced (高级水平测试结业证书)11. GNVQs General National Vocational Qualifications (国家专业资格证书)12. Old Universities (古老的大学)13. Open University (开放大学)二、本单元重、难点辅导1. the purpose of the British education system“The three R’s” (“reading, ’riting and ’rithmetic”) — to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society and also to socialise children, teaching them rules and values needed to become good citizens, to participate in the community, an to contribute to the economic prosperity of an advanced industrial economy.教授学生3R课程(即读、写、算),为学生积极参与社会提供所需的基本知识和基本技能,同时使学生社会化,教授他们一些成为好公民所应具备的道理规范和价值观,以便能走上社会,为一个发达的工业化国家的经济繁荣作贡献。

British Education System(英国教育系统)

British Education System(英国教育系统)

English church
The National Curriculum
• While the new government thought that job training was very important, it felt schools were not paying enough attention in teaching pupils the traditional “three Rs. ”Therefore, in 1989 the government introduced a National Curriculum. Now all children throughout the country must study the following subjects: English ,mathematics, science, religious education, history, geography, technology, music ,art ,physical education, and a modern foreign language. They must also pass national tests and schools are ranked according to the success of their pupils in reaching national targets. Now all teachers are told what to teach and their schools are now ranked according to how well they perform this task. Thus the National Curriculum has reintroduced competition between schools. Good schools attract good pupils and therefore attract more funding.More funding means they can hire better teachers, buy more books and equipment and therefore produce even better pupils.



The Comparison in the Education Between UK and China
Eton College
❖Compulsory ——Both the UK and China have compulsory education. Children in the UK are legally obliged to attend school from the ages of 5 to 16. In China, we have the nine-year compulsory education.
My Comment on These
• To develop students’ creativity and imagination
• To have better communication skills to getting along with different people
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching Method
Teaching Philosophy
Concepts of education value ——Teaching
concept is commonly used in Chinese family education and Chinese Education System. Guiding is the main concept of education wildly used in western countries. It emphasizes the rights and respects of children, which is base on a trust motion.

British Education 英国教育

British Education 英国教育

Education policy教育政策
• 2. From then on, in response to changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution and social and political movements, started to for education.
语法学校 , where the most academically capable pupils were sent to prepare for university; 职业学校, where the less successful ones were sent to learn a trade(经商); In the 1960s, 综合学校 were introduced, which provides a general education in both academic subjects like literature and science and more practical ones like cooking and carpentry.
• 英国的大学在法律上是独立的,享受完全的学术 自由。他们任命自己的职员(从老师到职工),自己 决定录取哪些学生,自行授课和授予学位。
Funds 资金来源
• All British universities are partially funded by central government grants, except Buckingham University, which is the only private-financed university in the country. The rest funds come from various other channels, such as tuition fees, donations and corporate contributions. • In addition, students from poor family could receive the (助学金) from the government. In 1998, the Labor government abolished the maintenance grant and implemented for university education, which varies according to the university.

British education system

British education system

BRITISH EDUCATION SYSTEM Introduction1.Britain is a society in which social class is still very important: class inequality can be erased orcontinued according to the educational policy. (是否受到良好教育直接影响到你的社会地位) 2.The enduring feature of British education is the continual debate over how “equal” educationopportunity should be. (英国教育中的一个中长期特点就是在就学机会“平等”的问题上争论不休) The opportunity for working class and middle class people can be very different.3.“the old boys’ network” elite group of men who went to school and university together. (指毕业于私立贵族公学,后又毕业于牛津和剑桥大学的老同学) Not only do they dominant government, but they are very influential in banking, the arts, the media and education. In Britain, where you are educated is still very important to your future.History1.Historically, education was voluntary and many of the schools that existed were set up bychurches. The influence of the Church on schooling is still very strong: until very recently, religious education is the only subject which the state insisted all schools teach their pupils.Daily prayer and singing hymns is still a regular part of school life.2.One of the changes to British society brought by the Industrial Revolution was the government’sdecision to become increasingly involved in taking responsibility for the education of children. 3.By 1880, attendance at school for children between 5 and 10 was compulsory rather thanvoluntary and by the end of the First World War, the school leaving age was raised to 14.4.The 1944 Education Act made entry to secondary schools and universities “meritocratic”. (1944年教育法的颁布是中学和大学都录取才智和能力出众的学生。


• Britain has more than 90 universities and about one-sixth of the students are postgraduates.
Britain university
Six types
Founded time
Old universities
Their curriculum differs considerably from that of the primary school, since its main purpose is the “common entrance” examination at the age of 13, for admission to a “Public school”
in 1969
Independent university
In 1973
Buckingham university
Oxford University
• Oxford University, • founded in the
twelfth century, is situated in a small town known as Oxford. • This university has produced numerous political leaders and cabinet ministers.
Nursery School
State school Independent school Grammar School Secondary Modern School
47% of 3-and 4-year-olds
20% start school before the age of 5 95% 5% 3% 6%



Unit 6Text AThe British Educational System 英国的教育体系All over the world,the mention of English education suggest s a picture of“public schools”,一提起英国教育呈现在人们面前的往往是一幅“公学”的画面,and it suggest s in particular the name s of certain very famous instruction s—Eton,Oxford and Cambridge;特别是一些著名的教育机构——伊顿、牛津、剑桥等;but People do not always realize what place these institution s occupy in the who1e educational system.但是人们往往不了解这些机构在英国整个教育体系中所占的位置。

Oxford and Cambridge are universit ies each haying about 12,000 student s out of a total of over 250,000 student s at all British universit ies.牛津和剑桥两所大学分别拥有大约12 000在校生,而全英在校大学生的总数超过250 000。

Eton is a public school,and the best known of the public school s.伊顿是所公学,也是最著名的公学。

which,in spite of their name,are not really public at all,尽管名字叫公学,其实并不是真正意义上的公立学校,but independent and private secondary school s taking boy s from the age thirteen to eighteen year s.而是所独立的私立中学。

3British Education 英国教育PPT课件

3British Education  英国教育PPT课件

Secondary schools include comprehensive
British Education
*provisions of education *primary education *secondary education *independent schools *higher education
Ⅰ Provisions of
11,12 or 13 years old. The formal state primary education is
usually in two stages, an infant stage from five to seven or eight and a junior stage from seven to eleven.
The ultimate responsibilitlic education in England and Wales lies with the British Parliament.
The British Parliament enacts legislation (制定法律)determining the national policy
2.2 Life in the first year of the infant school is very similar
to that in a nursery school; but the range of material is somewhat more pedagogical, and the children’ s activities tend to be slightly more organized and systematized. 2.3 In junior school children are expected to learn more skills and the teachers try to maintain a just balance between knowledge, skill, activity, and experience in this stage.

6.BritishEducation System

6.BritishEducation System

• 剑桥大学有教师(教授、副教授、讲 师)1,000余名,另外还有1,000余名访问学 者。剑桥大学共有学生16,900名,其中包 括6,935名研究生,72%的研究生来自其它 大学,研究生中42%是国外留学生,女生 占36%
History of Education in Britain
• Class differences in the way people were schooled P104 • Historically, education was voluntary and many schools were set up by churches • religious education is still a regular part of school life • Before 1870, only 40% of children under 10 went to school regularly • In1870, government-founded education
3.Famous public schools — Eton and Winchester 4.Oxbridge 5. “the old boys network”/老男孩关系网
牛津大学 英国最古老的大学,已有800多年的历 史,有着世界范围内最辉煌的学术历史记 录:培育过诺贝尔奖得主40多人、费尔 兹数学奖3人、毕业生中有5位国王和25 位英国首相。名人中有培根、亚当斯密、 甘地、日本皇太子、约旦国王、万维网 发明人、英国皇家学会主席等。
英国的用人单位很理智,不会盲目地引进拿着博 士文凭的应聘者,一方面为了节约开支,一方 面便于管理。(有时,文凭越高的人其自我认 同感可能会越强烈,不愿与其他人合作,不愿 受到约束)在英国拿到硕士学位通常只需一年 左右的时间,在美国是一年半到两年,而在中 国需要两年半到三年的时间。仅从时间来看, 来英国攻读硕士学位是非常合算的,然而,这 一年的时间对于每个外国学生而言是不可能过 得轻松的,特别是无法接触到英语环境的学生, 比如中国的、韩国的或者日本的学生。


– We can know that the method of learning in their countries is more relaxed and interesting .

• Chinese Education System and Western Education System have their own advantages and disadvantages. Chinese emphasizes foundational knowledge whereas Western thinks highly of creativeness. If we could join two systems together, there is going be more Chinese performers on the 21st century stage.
❖ General Education System —— The general education systems in two countries are quite similar. They both have primary schooling, secondary and university education. Pupils in the UK who hope to attend university have to sit A-levels exams called the General Certificate of Education-Advanced. To a great degree, this is almost the same as the College Entrance Examination in china.
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