An Analysis of the Wine Culture in Chinese and Western Social ActivatesByWang YingA ThesisSubmitted to the College of Foreign LanguagesIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements forThe Degree of Bachelor of ArtsUnder the Supervision of MsYuan BoNingbo Dahongying UniversityOctober 2011AbstractWith the development of society and exchanges between China and the West, people have paid more and more attention to the cultural difference. As a prop both link history and to the future, wine is not only an objective physical, but also a culture. Wine culture exists after the birth of wine. It has been paying an important role in people’s social life, so there are many researches on wine culture in China and Western countries. These researchers can be summed up in two aspects, its material culture and spiritual culture, such as the study of drinking vessels, the types of wine and the drinking customs. The Western countries’ studies also concentrated in these two aspects, like the origin of wine and table manners. In order to reduce the cultural differences between Chinese and Western social activities and promote the development, this paper analyzes wine culture on the basis of the previous researches through Chinese and Western social activities, which is by contrast with the types of wine, the drinking vessels, etiquette of drinking and the purpose of drinking in China and West. Moreover, this paper discusses the functions of wine in social activities and suggests that deeper understanding of wine culture in China and Western countries can promote international communication and the harmonious development of world.Key Words: exchanges between east and west social activities wine culture摘要随着社会的发展,中西方交流也在不断地扩大,中西文化的差异也越来越受到重视。
Analysis of the Differences betweenChinese and Western Wine CultureAbstractWith the development and change of times, wine is not only the representative of drinks, but also carries rich and profound cultural connotation. Eventually, drinking has gradually evolved into a kind of special culture. Based on the various cultural backgrounds, drinking cultures also differ among ethnic groups. China and the west have become the two leaders showing their own uniqueness. In modern time, countries all over the world are increasingly interconnected because of globalization. It is a pity that international correspondent is always accompanied with countless failures and misunderstanding for the different wine culture.This paper will make a comparison of drinking cultures both in material and spiritual levels between Chinese and Western, show the unique charm of their different wine cultures to you and stimulate the cross-cultural communication and exchanges.Keywords: wine, drinking cultures, differences, comparison中西方酒文化的差异分析摘要酒作为饮品界的代表,随着时代的发展,经过历史的长河的冲刷和积淀,不再局限于一种客观物质的存在,而是演变成了一种特殊的文化,承载着丰富而深刻的内涵。
英语毕业论文之中国和西方的酒文化中国和西方的酒文化学生姓名学生学号院系年级专业指导教师The Wine Culture BetweenChina and Western CountriesContentsAbstract IKey Words I摘要Ⅱ关键词ⅡIntroduction1I The Differences and Similaritiesof WineC u l t u r e 3A T h e D i f f e r e n c e s o fW i n eC u l t u r e 31 T heMaterials32 T h e M a j o r H o l i d a y D r i nk i n gC u s t o m s 8B T h e S i m i l a r i t i e s o f W i n eC u l t u r e 91 Having a Beautiful Legend about the Origin of theW i n e 92 The Wine is a Kind of Cultural Symbolism of WineS p i r i t 13 The Development of the Mainstream andB e l i e f s 1 1I I T h e W a y t o P r o mo t eIntercommunication12A Launching International CommunicationC o n f e r e n c e 1 2B S e t t i n g t h e S u i ta b l eR u l e s 1 2CInnovation12Conclusion15Acknowledgements1 6Bibliography17AbstractThe winewhich plays an important role in the dailylife is familiar to human beings Peoples life becomescolorful with it As regards the wine culturethereexists difference between China and the westerncountries The raw material and drinking custom isdifferent in terms of geography There also existsimilarities Both China and western countries havesome beautiful legends about the origin of wine and thesymbol wine of spirit leading to the birth ofromanticism and the development of mainstream beliefThe development of world wine culture depends on theintercommunication of different nations Thuscommunicating with other nations is helpful andindispensable to the development of wine culture Threemethods can be done to promote intercommunicationNowadays as we know globalization is inevitable so isthe intercommunication of wine culture betweencountriesKey WordsWine culture cultural difference habit of drinking摘要我们对于酒是非常熟悉的酒在人们的日常生活中起着不可替代的作用有了它人们的生活变的多姿多彩关于酒文化中国和西方存在着差异酿酒的原料和喝酒的习俗根据地理位置的不同而不同的尽管存在着差异相似处也是有的中国和西方都有一些关于酒的起源的美丽传说世界文化现象有着惊人的相似之处酒已不仅仅是一种客观物质存在而是一种文化象征即酒神精神的象征都导致了浪漫主义的诞生和主流信仰的发展酒文化的发展离不开各国的交流和其它国家的交流对酒文化的发展是有利的也是比不可少的有三种方法可以增加国际间的交流众所周知现在全球化是不可避免的趋势国际间文化交流也会成为全球化关键词酒文化文化差异饮酒习惯IntroductionThe wine as an objective substance in the world is inthe shape of water but it has the character of fire Itwill brighten the bright and fool the fool People suchas the emperors the heroes the liberators theordinary people the beggars and the like all like it sinceit appeared Undoubtedly the wine can be said asariddle People no matter in China or in western countriesall have the habit of drinking wine They regard drinkingwine as an indispensable part of life The formation wayof wine culture is different in different countries InChina the word for alcohol "jiu is used to refer to alltypes of alcoholic beverages Since long time ago Chinahad have the stories about Du Kang who invented themethod of brewing wine A legend in western countriesabout the origin of wine is also spread The wine culturewas gradually formed after the appearing of wine Thephrase "the wine culture" is put forward by therenowned economist professor Li in China In 1994 Xiaojiacheng said that the wine culture referred totheintegration of material technical spiritual custompsychological and behavior phenomenon whichgenerated around the center While we pride ourselveson the long history of wine culture we only to find thatwe depend excessively on the traditional wineculture As a result we can not make any innovationThere is no development and progress withoutinnovation In this case we can learn from the westerncountries There are varied types of wine withdifferent raw materials such as Gin Whisky VodkaRum and Brandy Even the cocktail which appeared lateris confected based on some types of the wine It isgenerally acknowledged that China is far away from thewestern countries As a result the way to drink isdifferent Even in China there is also some differencebetween nationalities on the way to drink There is alsosome similarities of wine culture between China andwestern countries although the difference exists Forexample both China and western countries have abeautiful legend about the origin of wine Thedevelopment of wine spirit accompanied with wineculture While wine culture developed to a certaindegree schools of ideology came into being In order topush the development of wine culture we should do ourutmost to promote the international communication ofthe wine cultureI.The Difference and Similarities of WineCulture in China and in Western CountriesAThe Difference of Wine Culture1 The MaterialsChina is one of the three ancient countries in theworld and has thousands of years of history to brewwine Today China is also famous for its masterlytechnology and distinctive style of wine and is morerenowned for the long history and profound culture Theworld people gradually realized the great value of wineculture of China as the rapid development of Chinesewine since the foundation of China In China the wordfor alcohol "jiu" is used to mean all types of alcoholicbeverages from "pijiu" beer to liquors just called "jiu"to grape wine "putaojiu" The origins of the alcoholicbeverages from fermented grain in China can not betraced definitely The distilled drink was not popularuntil the 19th century Traditionally Chinese distilledliquors are consumed together with food rather thandrunk on their own The wine can be generally classifiedinto two types namely yellow liquors huangjiu or clearwhite liquor baijiu The yellow liquor is fermentedwine that is brewed directly from grains such as rice orwheat Such liquor contains less than 20 alcohol due tothe inhibition of fermentation by ethanol at thisconcentration This wine is traditionally pasteurizedaged and filtered before their final bottling for sale toconsumers Yellow liquor can also be distilled to producewhite liquor or baijiu White liquor baijiu are alsocommonly called shaojiu which means "hot liquor" or"burned liquor" either because of the burning sensationin the mouth during consumption and the fact that theyare usually warmed before being consumed or becauseof the heating requirements for distillation liquors ofthis type typically contain more than 30 alcohol involume since they have undergone distillation There area great many varieties of distilled liquors bothunflavored and flavored There are a large number oftypes of famous Chinese liquors and wines familiar to us such as11 Feng Jiu-- this wine was dated back to Northernand Southern Dynasties 5500 AD It is the original Chinese white wine made from sorghum Alcohol contentby volume 63--6512 Zhu Ye Qing Jiu-- this wine is Fen Jiu brewed witha dozen or more of selected Chinese herbal medicineOne of the ingredients is bamboo leaves which give the wine a greenish color and its name Alcohol content by volume 4613 Mao Tai Jiu-- this wine has a production history ofover 200 years It is named after its origin at Mao Taitown in Guizhou province It is made from wheat andsorghum with a unique distilling process that involvesseven iterations of the brewing cycle This wine isfamous to the western world when the Chinesegovernment served this in state banquets entertainingthe US presidents Alcohol content by volume 54--5514 Gao Liang Jiu-- Gao LIang is the Chinese name forsorghum Besides sorghum the brewing process also usebarley wheat etc The wine was originated from Da ZhiGu since the Ming Dynasty Nowadays Taiwan is a largeproducer of sorghum Alcohol content by volume61--63 Mei Gui Lu Jiu rose essence wine --a varietyof sorghum with distilling from a special species of roseand crystal sugar Alcohol content by volume 54--5515 Wu Jia Pi Jiu-- a variety of guo liang jiu with aunique selection of Chinese herbal medicine added tothe brewing Alcohol content by volume 54--5516 Da Gu Jiu-- originated from Sichuan province with300 years of history This wine is made of sorghum andwheat by fermenting in a unique process for alongperiod in the cellar Alcohol content by volume 5217 Yuk Bing Shiu Jiu-- a rice wine with over 100 yearshistory It is made of steamed rice and stored a longperiod after distillation Alcohol content by volume3018 Shuang Jing double distillation and SanJing triple distillation Jiu--two varieties of rice wineby distilling twice and three times respectively Alcoholcontent by volume 32 and 38--39 respectivelySan Hua three flowers Jiu -- a rice wine made inGui Lin with allegedly over a thousand years history Itis famous for the fragrant herbal addition and the useof spring water from Mount Elephant in the region Alcohol content by volume 55--5719 Fujian Glutinous Rice Wine-- made by adding a longlist of expensive Chinese herbal medicine to glutinousrice and a low alcohol rice wine distillation The uniquebrewing technique uses another wine as raw materialThe wine has an orange red color Alcohol content byvolume 18110 Hua Diao Jiu-- a type of yellow wine originatesfrom Shaoxing Zhejiang It is made of glutinous riceand wheat Alcohol content by volume 16This is the raw material of wine in China In westerncountries the types of wine are varied so is the rawmaterialQinjiu Gin the first action of a special purpose forthe spirits Sylvius Docter maker of this wine was aprofessor of medicine well known in the Netherlands toDayton University in the 17th century He knew that theoil of Cadinene strawberry contained an element ofdiuretic which together with pure ethanol distillation toobtain cheaper diuretic drugs and he succeeded finallyNot only medicine but it is a new species of wineQinjiu Types The unique and different formula ofQinjiu used by the distillery Qinijiu can be divided into4 types according to brands types productionNetherlands Qinjiu Holland or Dutch Gin thetaste is sweet accompanied with hot no matter it is pureto drink or to drink plus some ice The two cases areboth very tasty It is basically made from malt Theflavor came from strawberry It adds ice and a piece oflemon which is the best alternative of dry MartiniLondon Qinjiu Tom Gin or London Gin The sweetLondon Qinjiu is made with malt and grain as rawmaterials and primary productsJoseph Bournemouth Qinjiu It is similar to LondonQinjiu although with different flavorBritish Qinijiu This wine is not sweet and has notthe original savor The difference British and theUnited States is an important factor The British Qinjiuhas lower alcohol after distillation but it retains moregrain characteristics of loe alcohol distillation Secondlythe water of course Britain and the United States aredifferent Which mutually affect the characteristics ofthe technique and distilled spiritsWhiskyThe Characteristics of Whiskey Whiskey is madefrom the smashed fermentation and distillation ofgrains and then placed into a barrel Although any cerealcan be used to brew whiskey the most importantmaterials are corn hushed wheat and barleyThe Origin of Whiskey At present four majorproducing areas namely Scotland Ireland Canada andthe United States Most of these areas have producedwhiskey named its origin in addition to Bourbon whiskyand the United States blending whisky Blended Scotchand Light customers Scotch whiskeyThe Types Whiskey Scotch whisky Single maltwhiskey Irish whiskey Tennessee whiskey CanadianwhiskeyBrandyBrandys Character Brandy is a mixture offermentation and distillation of fruit juice and residueDistilled alcohol content is less than 95 in order toretain its flavor and aromatic character"Cognac" Brandy Cognac is a kind of Brandy winedistilled from wine in Cognac French It named by theFrench government lawLyme wine Rum Islands of west Indies is thehome of Rum wine where is abound in sugarcane Rum isthe first three words of Rum bullion which meansexcitement Rum is distilled wine made from sugarcaneas the raw material It is different for the differenceof producing area and the way to make it It can bedivided into three types according to the tint It is oneof the basic wines in confecting cocktailThe Origin of Rum The producing area is mainly inthe place where people speak Spanish and English suchas Puerto Rico Jamaica and Java along the East IndiesPuerto Rico Rum Puerto Rico which is famous for itslight wineDemerara Rum rather than Jamaica sales a largeamount to the United StatesBatavian Run Batavian is spicy Java Lime liquor Itis special because of the special flavor of honey waterand the rice added to it to fermentHawaiian Rum Hawaii is the lightest available winein the market which is made lately It isthe bestbeverages with orange juice With ice and quinine waterRum is the best beverages in the hot daysAt present ordinary Chinese people have alwaysjust used alcohol to help them celebrate the happinessin their lives In China a banquet known as "jiuxi" meansan alcohol banquet and the life of every person frombirth to death should have pauses for drinkingbanquets starting a month or 100 days after a babysbirth when the parents invite people in for a drinkWhen someone builds a new house marries starts abusiness makes a fortune or lives a long life he shouldinvite people in for a drinking session In modern timesit is a pity that the games that go with drink are not theelegant ones of the past that involved poetry or musicToday drinkers just play simple finger guessing gamesalong with a lot of heavy drinking It also seems todaythat friendship depends only on the volume of drinkbeing consumed "If we are good friends then bottomup if not then just take a sip" is a common phrasedexchanged during gatherings As we know China has 56nationalities and a wide range of territory Thereisvaried drinking custom for different nationalitiesKorean "aged wine"The wine is brewing before "Rosh Hashanah" whichis equal to the New Year of Han people Rice is the mainmaterial of aged wine with the mixture of BalladSalamanders and cinnamon and other kinds oftraditional Chinese herbal medicine It is a wine similarto "Su Tu Wine" with different prescription medicinesIt is used to drink during the spring and to treat people Drinking this kind of wine is believed to live longevity2 Major Holiday Drinking CustomsSeveral major Chinese festival of the year have a corresponding drinking activities such as the Dragon Boat Festival drink "calamus wine" Suspended drink "chrysanthemum wine" In some places such as Jiangxipeople gathered to drink after planting the cereal cropor to celebrate the harvest time Chinese New Year alsois known as New Years Eve It is the day for family reunion to have the most sumptuous dinner of the yearDinner and wine are essential to the even poorest familyIn some places people generally do not leave the houseon the first day of the first lunar month From thesecond day people begin to drop around The owner ofthe house takes the dishes which have been preparedearlier to the table and enjoy the wine with the guests" liquor of daughter in the south"According to the earliest record by the "SouthernGrasses" that the southern people began to make winewhen their daughter was several years old Then theybury the brewed wine when their daughter got marriedThis kind of wine was inherited in Shaoxing anddeveloped to be famous as "Huadiao jiu"Another difference exists in the custom ofdrinking wine As is known to us China is a big countrywith 56 nationalities and vast territory Most of thenations have its own distinctive wine and custom ofdrinking wine However there still exists the commoncharacter encouraging people to drink While inwestern countries no one will encourage you to drink Itis up to you to drink or not No one would associatetoasting people with the face It there exists buyingwine culture that is today I buy the wine for you in abar tomorrow you will buy for meWine culture brings about the difference ofideology of flows Wine culture that caused greateffect ion the east and west civilization is embodied inthe feminism In the west fete is an important meansof worship of wine The housewives and girls gathered inwild mountains to dance and enjoy themselves the wholenight Women could communicate with any peopleAlthough the man was discontented with this he couldnot have any complaints This tradition was handed downAs a result women got almost the same status with theman in the west The worship of wine came along withthe mysterious worship of maternity which rippled inthe civilization of the westIt was not the case in China Although at thebeginning the wine was brewed for the daughter of Yuwomen were deprived of right of drinking wine by manThe girls in The Dream of Red Mansion mostly drankfruit wine The liquor repetitive of wine was the patentof men such as Jia Zheng The status of women wasgradually promoted after the spread of western cultureduring the period of Fourth Five Women have the sameright of drinking wine in modern timesB The Similarities of Wine Culture1 Having a Beautiful Legend about the Origin of theWineAlthough there is much difference of wine culturebetween China and western countries we can notneglect the similarities In the first place both Chinaand western countries have a beautiful legend about theorigin of the wine In China some people think that DuKang invented the method to make wine with a historyof 4000years while other people think that Yi Di wasthe first person to brew wine However there is abasically clear record about the origin of wine In thewest though there is a not clear historicalrecord abeautiful legend about the origin of wine was handeddown It was said that an ancient Persian king sealed theremnant grapes in the barrel and labeled the word"poison" to prevent others from eating them There wasa concubine disfavored by the king and lived painfullyopportunely to see the poison barrel and wanted to dieat that time She opened it and drunk for a few mouthsShe felt not painful but a sense of intoxication whenshe was waiting to die Then she told the king thematter A test is unavoidable This of course is abeautiful legend But the wine indeed enhanced theenjoyment of mankind2 The Wine is a Kind of Cultural Symbolism of WineSpiritIn the second place the world culture has thesurprising similarities In the realm of literature andart the wine spirit is everywhere and affects theliterature craftsmen deeply in that freeness art andbeauty is united Freeness reaches art and art producesbeauty To get the free state of art with intoxication isan important channel to get rid of bind and get theability of creation by the ancient Chinese arts Withouta doubt wine occupies an important place in the cultureand life of the Chinese people Wine was intimatelyconnected with most Chinese men of letters It was alsoan inseparable part of the life of ordinary Chinesepeople The banquets of ancient emperors and kingscould not take place without it Every sort of wine vesselthus became an important kind if sacrificeobjectInscriptions on bones and tortoise shells aswell asbronze inscriptions preserve manyrecords ofShang-era people worshiping their ancestors with wineThere were many famous Chinese poets or artist whocrafted their masterpieces after getting "drunk" Thefamous poet Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty AD618-907 isknown as the "Immortal of Wine" because of his lovefor alcohol Guo Moruo a modern scholar compiledstatistics about Lis poems and found 17 percent ofthem were about drinking Early writers liked drinkingand thought it as an elegant way to pass the time Apartfrom the taste of the drink they also concentrated onthe process of drinking They created many games to gowith drinking sessions involving knowledge of historyliterature music and poetry In ancient times before abattle a general would feast his soldiers with alcoholand meat If they won the battle they would berewarded with good wine If a warrior fell in battle hisfellows would scatter wine on the ground as part of amemorial ceremony Lastly the similarities of ideologyflows leads to the birth of Romanticism and thedevelopment of the mainstream beliefs In the westthe worship of Bacus who is the divinity ofwine isstrengthened in the fight against civilization Theworshiper of Bacus disgusted in the produce ofcivilization They longed for intoxication of thebodyand spirit As a westerner put it the great things ofman in success mostly include the element ofintoxication The conflict between prudence andenthusiasm run through the history of the west so doesthe worship of drinking wine Nicai theorize this kind ofworship The romanticism philosophy of the west cameinto being In the east wine culture brought the effectof romanticism Romanticism stood up to realism all thetime although it had not the theoretic philosophyPoetry is his primogenitor of romanticism in ChinaWhen it came to Liangjin the romantic tinge of wineculture reached its first cli During the TangDynasty it reached its top No matter representativessuch as from Li Bai Li Shangyin or Bai Juyi to Su ShiXin Qiji og song Dynasty to Zheng Banqiao ofQingDynasty added abundant color to the brilliantcivilization of China3 The Development of the Mainstream BeliefsIn the west romanticism brought in mysticism ofChristianity In the ancient Greece a great manyoffaith was associated with Bacus The worship of themuzzy Bacus was the origin of mysticism in the westwhich affected many philosophers and broughtenlightenment and to the shapement of theology ofChristianity In the east the development of Taoismand Zen can not leave wine culture Zhuang Zhouadvocated the unity of heaven and man He sings theabsolutely free song with a cup in one hand and anotherhand writing poems after drinking wine He would preferto be the tortoise rather than the horse which wasastrict by man The essence and soul of the spirit ofwine is in pursuit of absolute freeness and oblivion ofinterest and honor and shameII The Way to Promote the Intercommunicationof Wine CultureA Launching International Communication ConferenceThe development of world wine culture depends on。
On the Difference between Chinese and Western Wine Culture:英语学院英语级:名:号::一、阅读的参考文献[1]Du Li, Comparison between Chinese and Western Wine Culture [J], Yangzhou University Culinary Journal, 2004, V ol.21No.1: 1~4[2]Fang Weiwen. Chinese Wine.[J].CHINA’S GOREIGN TRADE,2000, V [J].CHINA’S GOREIGN TRADE,2000, V ol.21No.1ol.21No.1: 48 : 48 [3] [3] Jiang Jiang Jiang Yanfeng, Yanfeng, Research of Chinese Wine Culture.[M]. [M]. Changsha: Changsha: Changsha: Hunan Hunan Hunan Normal Normal University Press, 2000 [4]Kongco. Wine Songs and Culture ’S TIBET,1996,V .[J].CHINA ’S TIBET,1996,Vol.5No.3:ol.5No.3:ol.5No.3: 36~37 36~37 [5]Liu Changsheng. C hina’China’China’s s Alcohol Culture -An -An Elementary Introduction .[J].PAST AND .[J].PAST AND PRESENT,1996 V ol.13No.1: 34~35 [6]Qu [6]Qu Xiaohui, Xiaohui, Contrast of Chinese and Western Wine Culture. [J]. [J]. 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Beijing :United Press, 2005二、选题理由本课题研究目的、意义和主要内容,字数要求在1000字左右)1.The purpose Culture Culture is is is the the the sum sum sum of of of material material material wealth wealth wealth and and and spiritual spiritual spiritual wealth wealth wealth that that that created created created in in in the the the practice practice process of human social history. The differences on the wine culture between Chinese and Western world including wine brewing process, wine humanistic spirit and drinking culture and so forth. However, these aspects all can boil down to two categories of material and spirit. spirit. The The The reason reason reason of of of such such such differences differences differences is is is various, various, various, for for for instance, instance, instance, the the the different different different factors factors factors of of geographical geographical environment, environment, environment, the the the products products products and and and social social social mores. mores. mores. What What What’’s s more, more, more, the the the different different factors factors of of of production production production methods methods methods and and and cultural cultural cultural traditions traditions traditions are are are also also also the the the reasons. reasons. reasons. While While While all all all of of these reasons are nothing more than an objective and subjective aspects. According to this, it can easily draw the conclusion that as long as people pay close attention to the change of these two aspects, people can understand and master the development pulse of Chinese and western wine culture to a certain extent, and it is good to promote the communication and carry forward of the Chinese and western culture. Wine culture is a projection of human social culture and historical culture, and on one side, it reflects the culture essence of its subordinate group. The differences of wine culture is its own subject cultural differences, different drinking customs and wine-making technology and materials, which help people deepen deepen the the the cognition cognition cognition of of of subject subject subject cultural cultural cultural differences.differences. The The wine wine wine culture culture culture refers refers refers to to to the the integration of material, technology, spirit, custom, psychology and behavior phenomenon, which generated around the center. While we Chinese people always pride ourselves on the long history of wine culture, actually sometimes we only to find that we depend excessively on the traditional wine culture .As a result, we can not make any innovation. In this case, we should know more about the western wine culture and it is necessary for us to do our utmost to promote the international communication of the wine culture. For Chinese and the West, a different understanding of wine drinking culture though, the key is to make the the best best best wine wine wine culture culture culture develop. develop. develop. Comparing Comparing Comparing the the the difference difference difference between between between Chinese Chinese Chinese and and and Western Western wine drinking culture can perform the unique charm of Chinese wine culture, as well make more and more people in the world under stand the Chinese wine culture and enjoy the Chinese wine culture. 2.Significance Wine plays an important role in people ’s daily communication .Since wine is produced, it is is the the the important important important carrier carrier carrier of of of emotion emotion emotion and and and cultural. cultural. cultural. China China China has has has the the the largest largest largest population population population of of drinking on the world, the people who are drinking permeated nearly in every corner of the social social life. life. life. Drinking Drinking Drinking has has has now now now already already already become become become a a a part part part of of of traditional traditional traditional culture, culture, culture, which which which riches riches deeply in the national characters. In short, the significance of wine culture is a part of the nation nation or or or the the the human human human civilization.civilization. In In China, China, China, throughout throughout throughout all all all ages, ages, ages, whatever whatever whatever who who who he he he is, is, whatever whatever he he he is is is a a a king king king or or or hero, hero, hero, literati literati literati or or or knight, knight, knight, scholar scholar scholar or or or beauty, beauty, beauty, or or or maybe maybe maybe he he he is is is a a ordinary ordinary person, person, person, all all all of of of which which which are are are closed closed closed with with with wine. wine. wine. What What What’’s s more, more, more, whatever whatever whatever festival festival festival or or season, wedding or funeral it is, all the time wouldn ’t be without the participation of wine, and and even even even we we we can can can say say say that that that where where where you you you are are are there there there is is is wine. wine. wine. Wine Wine Wine is is is the the the indispensable indispensable indispensable spirit spirit bridge bridge of of of people people people expressing expressing expressing emotions, emotions, emotions, reposing reposing reposing ideal, ideal, ideal, enhancing enhancing enhancing friendship, friendship, friendship, expanding expanding connection, maintaining mental balance and regulating the interpersonal relationships. In the long history of human culture ,wine exists not only as a substance ,but even a symbol of culture .The different cultural backgrounds of China and western countries make their wine culture have different characteristics .Knowing and mastering the differences in wine history ,wine vessels ,wine rituals and wine morality of China and Western countries can help help people people people have have have a a a deeper deeper deeper understanding understanding understanding of of of different different different cultures cultures cultures and and and do do do the the the intercultural intercultural communication communication better better .Wine Wine culture culture culture has has has a a a long long long history, history, history, and and and with with with the the the differences differences differences of of of life life environment, historical background, traditional customs, values, thinking mode and social norms, norms, east east east and and and west west west wine wine wine culture culture culture present present present disparate disparate disparate styles, styles, styles, rich rich rich and and and colorful colorful colorful national national identity. It It is is is quite quite quite significant significant significant for for for people people people to to to compare compare compare and and and research research research the the the wine wine wine culture culture characteristics of east and west countries. 3.Main content China and the West have obviously different wine culture. There are varied types of wine with with different different different raw raw raw materials, materials, materials, such such such as as as Gin, Gin, Gin, Whisky, Whisky, Whisky, V V odka, odka, Rum, Rum, Rum, and and and Brandy. Brandy. Brandy. Even Even Even the the cocktail which appeared later is confected based on some types of the wine. It is generally acknowledged that China is far away from the western countries. As a result, the way to drink is different. Even in China, there is also some difference between nationalities on the way to drink. As far as the used material and category for wine-making are concerned, the most characteristic and notable wine in China is made from corn, while in the West it is the wine made from grape. As to wine-making process, China adopts solid 一state and duplex zymotechnics, paying attention to the unity of material, water and distiller's yeast, yeast, while while the West adopts liquid-state and simplex zymotechnics, taking material as the core of the wine-making process. Looking into the core of wine culture, Chinese people consider wine as a tool and hide their real intention behind wine while the people in the West think of wine as an artwork and they have the direct intention of wine-drinking. Besides, this article analyzes and compares the wine drinking culture between the East and the West, including the relation between drinking culture and literature, art, fashion and wine games, pointing out that the difference of the drinking culture between the East and the West is actually a way of different think thinking. ing. China’s drinking culture mainly shows the humanistic dimension, with the poetry and literature and a long history of wine games, while western drinking culture including drinking with fashion is only to the respect and appreciation of the wine itself. In addition, this paper will also mention mention the other things related to the other things related to wine such such as as as the the the history history history and and and origin origin origin of of of the the the wine, wine, wine, drinking drinking drinking vessels, vessels, vessels, wine wine wine manners manners manners and and and wine wine morals. Wine culture not only presents through the part of object-- wine, the more presents through the character and behavior methods that gained from the progress of transforming the nature environment by human beings and the complex expression of customs, etiquette and and consciousness, consciousness, consciousness, etc. etc. etc. With With the the development development development of of of economy economy economy and and and the the the improvement improvement improvement of of people's living standard, the contents of wine culture are more and more plentiful. 三、开题过程中存在哪些问题及相应的解决办法:存在问题:存在问题:1.1.1.字数达不到要求字数达不到要求字数达不到要求2. 2.将中文翻译成英文时出错将中文翻译成英文时出错将中文翻译成英文时出错3. 3.研究的目的和意义搞混淆研究的目的和意义搞混淆研究的目的和意义搞混淆解决办法:解决办法:1.1.1.在字数达不到报告要求时,我寻找的解决办法就是再多找些资料,把有在字数达不到报告要求时,我寻找的解决办法就是再多找些资料,把有 用的资料再重新整理过后写成文章。
中英酒文化对比英语作文A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and British Drinking Cultures。
Introduction:In a world brimming with diverse customs and traditions, the drinking cultures of China and Britain stand out as notable examples. While both nations enjoy their libations, the manner in which they approach alcohol consumption reflects distinct societal values, historical influences, and cultural norms. This essay endeavors to compare and contrast the drinking cultures of China and Britain, shedding light on their unique characteristics and underlying meanings.Historical Context:To comprehend the contemporary drinking cultures of China and Britain, it is essential to delve into theirhistorical roots. In China, the tradition of alcohol consumption dates back thousands of years, intertwined with ancient rituals, philosophical beliefs, and social customs. From the ceremonial libations of the Zhou dynasty to the refined art of tea-infused liquors during the Tang dynasty, alcohol has played a multifaceted role in Chinese society, symbolizing hospitality, celebration, and communal harmony.In contrast, the drinking culture of Britain has been shaped by a blend of indigenous traditions and external influences. The introduction of beer by the Celts and the subsequent Roman occupation laid the foundation for a rich brewing heritage, which evolved over the centuries to include a diverse array of beverages, from ales and stouts to gins and whiskies. The pub culture, deeply ingrained in British society, serves as a focal point for social interaction, camaraderie, and conviviality.Social Dynamics:The social dynamics surrounding alcohol consumption differ significantly between China and Britain. In China,the act of drinking is often imbued with symbolic significance, reflecting hierarchical relationships, filial piety, and group cohesion. The tradition of toasting, known as "ganbei," underscores the importance of solidarity and mutual respect, as individuals raise their glasses to honor one another and affirm collective bonds.In contrast, the British approach to drinking is characterized by a more informal and egalitarian ethos, epitomized by the convivial atmosphere of pubs and taverns. Here, patrons from all walks of life gather to unwind, engage in lively conversation, and partake in communalrituals such as buying rounds of drinks. The pub serves asa democratic space where social barriers are often blurred, fostering a sense of inclusivity and camaraderie among its patrons.Cultural Significance:Beyond its social dimensions, the drinking culture of each nation carries profound cultural significance,reflecting broader values, norms, and aspirations. In China,alcohol is intricately linked to concepts of harmony, balance, and hospitality, as exemplified by the elaborate banquets of traditional Chinese cuisine, where the servingof fine wines and spirits signifies generosity and goodwill. Moreover, certain alcoholic beverages, such as baijiu, hold special cultural status, symbolizing prosperity, auspiciousness, and ritual purity.Similarly, in Britain, the consumption of alcohol is intertwined with notions of conviviality, sociability, and conviviality. The pub, as a quintessential institution of British life, embodies the ideals of community, fellowship, and collective identity. Moreover, British spirits such as gin and whisky have attained global renown, not only for their distinctive flavors but also for their cultural resonance, evoking images of misty moors, roaring fires,and convivial gatherings.Conclusion:In conclusion, the drinking cultures of China andBritain offer fascinating insights into the complexities ofhuman sociality, cultural expression, and historical continuity. While both nations share a deep appreciation for alcoholic beverages, their respective approaches to drinking reflect unique historical legacies, social dynamics, and cultural values. By examining these differences and similarities, we gain a deeper understanding of the diverse ways in which alcohol shapes and reflects the societies in which we live.。
毕业设计(论文)开题报告Comparison of the Wine Culture between China and the Western World中西方酒文化对比一、题目来源其他,专题研究二、研究目的和意义研究目的:文化是人类在社会历史实践过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,中国和西方的酒文化差异,包括酒的酿造工艺和酒人文精神等的差异,都可以归结为物质和精神两大类。
由于生活环境、历史背景、传统习俗、价值观念、思维模式和社会规范等的不同,东西方(甚至国与国之间) 的酒文化呈现出风格迥异、丰富多彩的民族特性。
三、阅读的主要参考文献及资料名称[1]Fang Weiwen.Chinese Wine.[J].CHINA’S GOREIGN TRADE,2000, Vol.21 No.1:48[2]Kongco.Wine Songs and Culture.[J].CHINA’S TIBET,1996, Vol.5No.3:36~37[3]Liu Changsheng.China’s Alcohol Culture-An Elementary Introduction.[J].P AST AND PRESENT,1996 Vol.13No.1:34~35[4] Lu nd of Wine and Poets.[J].CHINA TODAY,20 04, Vol.12No.5:56~57[5]Nie Yan.Riches and Romance from France’s Wine Harvest. [J].ENGLISH COACHING,1999,Vol.26No.3:26[6] Oliver Dawe, Hector Innes,Book, Wilton 65, January 19 93[7]Shan Yongjun, The Different Nature in the Drinknig Culture between Ch nia and W estern World,Journal ofA nkang Teachers College, Vol118 №.2[8]陈洪绶,任熊(清).酒牌[M].东画报出版社,2005.9[9]陈桥生.诗酒风流[M].北京: 华文出版社 , 1997.1[10]杜莉.中西酒文化比较[J].扬州大学烹饪学报,2004,Vol.21No.1:1~4[11](美)盖尔·梅斯.走进欧美酒天地[M]. 高间.金盾出版社,2005.1[12]林莹,毛永年.爱恋葡萄酒[M].中央编译出版社,2006.11[13]曲松斌等.酒文化丛书[M].黑龙江科学技术出版社,2005.3[14]阮汝玮.酒菜与酒话[M].上海世界图书出版公司,2001.8.[15]单永军.醉:诗意的自远与本能的迷醉—中西酒文化精神之比较[J].安康师专学报,2006,Vol.18No.2:46~48[16]天龙.民间酒俗[M].中国社会出版社,2006.9 [1]徐琰.从酒文化的词语形态异同点看东西方文化特质 [J].杭州师范学院学报(自然科学版),2004,Vo l.3No.3:238~240[17]杨乃济. 中西酒文化比较[J].北京联合大学学报,1994,Vol.8No.18:84~99[18]杨婷.中西诗歌中的酒文化比较略谈[J].重庆教育学院学报,2004,Vol.17 No.4:40~42[19]张吕.酒趣诗情景理—论中国古代诗酒文化的审美意蕴[J] .兵团教育学院学报,1999 , Vol.9No.1:47~51[20]朱江.消闲时节话洋酒[J].中国烹饪研究,1996,Vol.13No.1:15~20四、国内外现状和发展趋势与研究的主攻方向1.国内外现状与发展趋势:葡萄酒是西方国家的主要酒种,西方人经过长期的不断探索,逐渐形成了一套享受葡萄酒的餐桌礼仪。
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1.The purpose
Culture is thesum ofmaterial wealthandspiritual wealththat created in thepractice process of human social history.The differences on the wine culture between Chinese and Western worldincluding wine brewing process,wine humanistic spiritand drinking culture and so forth.However, these aspectsallcanboildown to two categories of material and spirit.The reason of such differences is various,for instance, the different factors ofgeographical environment,the productsandsocial mores.What’s more,the different factorsofproductionmethodsand cultural traditionsare also the reasons.Whileall of these reasons arenothing more than an objective and subjective aspects.According to this, it can easily draw the conclusion that as long aspeoplepay close attention tothe change ofthese two aspects,peoplecan understand and masterthe development pulse ofChinese and western wine cultureto a certain extent, andit is good topromote thecommunicationand carry forwardofthe Chinese and western culture.Wine culture is aprojectionof humansocial culture andhistorical culture,and on one side, it reflects the culture essence of its subordinate group.The differences of wine culture is itsown subjectcultural differences,different drinkingcustoms and wine-making technology and materials,whichhelppeopledeepen the cognition of subject cultural differences.Thewine culture refersto the integration ofmaterial,technology, spirit,custom, psychologyand behavior phenomenon,which generated around the center. Whilewe Chinese people alwaysprideourselves on the long history ofwine culture, actually sometimes weonly to find thatwedepend excessively on the traditional wine culture .As a result,we can not make any innovation.In this case,we shouldknow more about the western wine culture and it is necessary for us todo our utmost to promote the international communication of the wine culture.For Chinese and theWest, a different understandingof wine drinking culture though, the key is to make the best wine culture paring the differencebetween Chinese and Western wine drinking culture can perform the unique charm of Chinese wineculture, as well makemore and more people in the world under stand the Chinese wine culture and enjoythe Chinese wine culture.
中西方酒文化的差异__英语论文2第一篇:中西方酒文化的差异__英语论文 2Similarities and Differences between Chinese and Western XXX中西XXX比较姓名张XX学号083000班级08商务2班院系经管学院The differences between china and the west in wine culture Major: Business EnglishClass: TwoName: LiFeiTutor: Ma TingtingAbstractThis paper gives a whole introduction about the differences between China and the west in wine culture.From the comparison of wine culture in the West, we can find that the difference between the culture of wine is actually a way of thinking in the West differences.Whether China is the booze or the West tasting, wine culture can all hope that the next time a relatively more and better wine, wine culture can be developed and inheritance, so that more people understand the culture of wine, Enjoy the wine culture!I am the principal of Liquor comparison of Chinese and Western culture, and focus on understanding the culture of winein China history of the development.Key words: wine culture;differences;China;the west1.The history of wine cultureIt is well-known to us that China's wine culture has 5000 years of history, has a long history of wine in our wine culture, the development of long-term process, making many as the “Shen Pin” 'Qiongjiang “wine treasures.China is ahead of the world's ancient civilizations, is the home of wine.China five thousand years of history, wine and liquor culture always occupies an important place.Wine is a special kind of food that belong to the material, but also with people's spiritual life.As a special kind of cultural forms , wine culture has a unique position in traditional Chinese cultural.I think in a different cultural background and different walks of life, different people, and even different frame of mind which was to understand the extent of different ways.For Chinese and Western culture, a different understanding of wine, the key is to make the best wine culture development, better for our services, which require the integration of Chinese and Western cultures of wine.Today, the West's wine culture to a large extent, the impact of China's wine culture, particularly in the tasting the mood in the West tend to be more, can hope to make more Westerners to understand China's fine tradition of wine culture.Talking about China's fine tradition of wine culture, wine and poetry had mentioned the close relationship between the poetry of wine is given a new interpretation of the source of origin so that the culture of wine in a long, and is deeply rooted.From ancient times people do not know the number of Jie Jiu literati ink to write a good poem passed down until today, to express his or hi or bad feelings, a lot of people describe the beauty away.Now I would like to saysomething about China-made wine, it is very famous in the world.China-made wine dates back to ancient times, variety, meta, the renowned wines.Rice wine is the world's oldest wine, about three thousand years ago, the era of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the Chinese original, Koji penthouse fermentation began a large number of wine.About a thousand years ago, the Chinese Song dynasty who invented the Distiller, liquor law, became the main Chinese people to drink alcohol.Wine penetration to the entire China five thousand years of civilization, history, literary and artistic creation and cultural entertainment to diet cooking, health care, and other aspects of Chinese life in occupies an important position.As far as my knowledge is concerned, wine is one of the oldest food, it is almost history and the history of human culture began.Since the wine appear, as a matter of culture, wine, its history and economic history of synchronization, but wine is not only a kind of food, it also has a spiritual and cultural value.As a spiritual culture it is reflected in the social and political life, literary arts and even people's attitude towards life, aesthetics, and many other aspects.In this sense, the drink is not just drinking and drinking, it has also been drinking culture.The differences between China and the west in wine culture2.1 The differences in the kinds of wineChina's wine culture springs from a long, though undoubtedly the longest history of wine, but the most representative of the Chinese wine than white wine, and in some ways can be said that China's wine culture, wine is wine culture.Because of the many wine types in China, she has a long history, mature technology, so far remains the world's largest production of distilled liquor.Chinese civilization in the YellowRiver basin, where the fertile soil, mild climate, long a major agricultural country, China as early as ten thousand years ago, with the West Asia, Central America became the world's first three agricultural centers.China's grain output large grains and cereals, varieties, food consumption in the function to meet people, as well as surplus, which laid the foundation for food wine.Known as the cradle of Western civilization has been located in the Balkans, Greece, surrounded by the sea, mountains and islands throughout the territory, the soil is relatively poor, is a typical Mediterranean climate.It is not conducive to the growth of food crops, cereal crops, low yields, only to meet the food, it is difficult to have a surplus wine.The grapes prefer gravel soil, with its drought tolerance and adaptability to the Mediterranean climate and widely cultivated in Greece, wine to meet the needs of Westerners on alcohol.2.2 The differences in wine glasses Ancient Chinese bronze ware drinking vezits beautiful and decorative images.And the most ancient wine is completed, the most typical is Shang bronze.Bronze vessels in heated debates, decanter, drinking, wine storage, ritual.Just like the tea ter, lacquer ware, porcelain, the above pattern is also very attractive.There are some very unusual drinking vessels, such as: ye guangbei, backflow pot, Mandarin Duck fragrant pot, pot, Kowloon fair of blasphemy against the Grand jade sea etc.But now, most households use of wine are Westen wine.In order to observe the grade level of the wine, Western wine are glass, transparent.Western wine lightweight convenience, are to be accepted by most of the Chinese family.Westerners to drink wine application what wine.So they have wine glasses, wine glasses, wine glass for red wine, brandy, etc.In the wine glass in two-party differences larger.While Western wine now represent a clearadvantage.China's traditional drinking vessels in general are now very rare in the family.2.3 The differences between drinking etiquette China's ceremonial drinking of alcohol reflects the respect for human beings.Masters of the guests have a fixed seat, have a fixed order of toast.When a toast from the beginning of the master King, owner of disrespect End, is not eligible for other people's respect, if the order of the chaos to deserve to be punished.And a toast from some of the most distinguished guests began to King, a toast to wine full time, that the toast was also a respect for human beings.The younger generation of elders, the lower a toast to the higher authorities to take the initiative to propose a toast, but also pay attention to the first King to do.The Xing Jiuling, Hua Quan, such as drinking etiquette, but also to allow people to drink more alcohol and enjoy the came into being.It is clear that the Chinese wine culture by young and old hierarchy of traditional Chinese culture, ethics, in the course of drinking alcohol on the respect for human beings on the most important position.The rituals of wine drinking in the West, reflect the respect for alcohol.Kam goods to wine and watch their color, smell their fragrance, flavor of their products, to mobilize all kinds of sensory enjoyment of wine.Goods in order to drink, pay attention to drink white wine after drinking red wine, the first products of light and then liquor products of the rich wine, to drink young wine to drink in the long years of wine, in accordance with the laws of taste changes gradually and in-depth Enjoy the taste of wine.The wine's choice, but also around how to fight the full enjoyment of those who drink wine to the requirements of choice.Aroma Cup together so that the tulip-mouth goblet, so full of wine-Shu start of the wine decanter, as well as to master the temperature of wine and drink productsspecially designed for the thermometer, all in the West reflect on the respect for alcohol, and their Ceremonial drinking, drinking culture is better to appreciate the delicious have been made.2.4 The difference between drinking purposesIn China, wine is often used as a tool, the so-called ulterior motives.Qing meizhuiu as to demonstrate who is a hero;Cup Mo Jiang Jin jiu stop in order to eliminate forever the same and Seoul worry;bamboo Poets of the Seven Sages, in order to Jiejiu asylum.Wine in the eyes of the Chinese people more as a communication tool in China's wine culture of wine for their own lack of scientific and systematic analysis and evaluation, but also about drinking after he brought a wonderful role.In the West, often drinking purpose is very simple, in order to enjoy the wine and alcohol, in order to enjoy the wine and alcohol.Of course, wine in the West also has the function of communication, but it's more pursuing is how much of the flavor of wine to enjoy.3.Some problems that we should pay attention to on the westen drinking 3.1 The way of holding wine glasses Many Westerners agree with such a view that we can determine whether a man knows wine, whether it is a quality person from the way he holding wine glasses.Here the following is a summary of several etiquette when drinking and I think its very important.In the westen restaurant, in order to let the guests indentify the quality of the wine , the waiter usually pour a little wine to the guests.What you have to do is take a sip and if you think there is no problem you should say good to the waiter and then the waiter will pour wine in order to help you, then you should put the wine glass down on the table instead of get hands on the wine glasses.In the Western liturgy, the correct way is to pour half of filling the cup(champagne can be filled two-thirds ofthe wine glass), please do not fill the wine cup as we Chinese do.When drinking brandy, please use your whole hand to wrap the bottom of the cup in order to keep the temperature of the wine and increase the aroma of wine.When drinking wine you should hold the feet of the wine glass with your fingers because the wine should be drink in a lower temperature.So as to avoid your hand increase the temperature of the wine temperature, your should let your thumb and middle finger and index finger holding the feet of the cup and keep your little finger on the bottom of the cup.When you are drinking a little jiggle have contact with air to add the wine tastes mellow of fierce, but don't shake the cup.in addition, a gulp, and drink the wine glass to see through glass, and took the words and drinking and eating, drinking and the lipstick mark in the cup edge is considered improper behavior.When you are holding the cup please ensure that your elbows keep distance with the table.That is very important.3.2 Some drinking tips The most suitable temperature for drinking wine is 16 ~ 18 ℃, and the best temperature for drinking white wine is 8 ~ 12 ℃.White wine can be drink with ice, do not add anything when drink red wine.But when someone is drinking red wine, they usually like to add other drinks as color and so on, this is a very rude way I think.If your wine is which the kind of kept in a special cellar for many years in the wine sommelier then you should be cautious, or wine may be return to the bottom of the bottle back from Pingzui or blistering, and bottom of the sediment stirred up due to ”backlash“.And the bottle of wine should not be empty, please leave about an inch deep to the wine, because they may have a little reception for cloudy precipitate.In the Western table, you can toast, but do not persuade others to drink more like we Chinese usually do.Andplease ensure that you have an excessive drinking, and if you are a visitor three cups of wine will be suitable.If you do not want to drink because of some physical problems, you can politely say: ”I do not drink, thank you.“ Please pay attention to that your hand should not cover the cup.Finally, let me talk about the problem that whether we should have a cold drink with red wine.Europeans generally believe that only white wine needs cold beverages, when drinking red wine, the room temperature is suitable.A national wine-tasting expert stated that probably because of the different geographical and cultural backgrounds and they lead to people misunderstanding.The average temperature in Europe is about 15 ~ 18 ℃ or so.Moreover, only the possession of alcohol possession of the French underground wine cellar in their own place in the relatively cool, the general temperature is 12 ℃.Although the temperatu re difference between winter and summer, but there is no effect on the wine quality.In China, most of the summer temperature usually reaches 30 ℃.The so-called 15 ~ 18 ℃ temperature is also limited to the best Bordeaux and Burgundy wine flavors in terms of heavy, other than a light red wine in terms of taste, Maybe it tastes better a little cold again.This wine-tasting expert had drunk the wine in the hot sun under the irradiation of the so-called ”room temperature“ wine, he said: ”These 'hot wine' than 'ho t beer', but also very hard to swallow."And thus he has given such an advice: we do not have too rigidly about the wine temperature, if we feel not well with the wine temperature, wine, cool as ice bucket can be placed.In short, just choose what you like.4.ConclusionFrom what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that wine plays an important in our dailylife.People’s life becomes colorful with it.As regards the wine culture, there exists difference between China and the western countries.The raw material and drinking custom is different in terms of geography.There also exist similarities.Both China and western countries have some beautiful legends about the origin of wine and the symbol wine of spirit, leading to the birth of romanticism and the development of mainstream belief.The development of world wine culture depends on the intercommunication of different nations.Thus, communicating with other nations is helpful and indispensable to the development of wine culture.Some methods can be done to promote intercommunication.Nowadays, as we know, globalization is inevitable, so is the intercommunication of wine culture between countries.The wine as an objective substance in the world is in the shape of water but it has the character of fire.It will brighten the bright and fool the fool.People, such as the emperors, the heroes, the liberators, the ordinary people, the beggars and the like, all like it since it appeared.Undoubtedly, the wine can be said as a riddle.People no matter in China or in western countries all have the habit of drinking wine.They regard drinking wine as an indispensable part of life There is no doubt that the wine culture was gradually formed after the appearing of wine.With the rapid development of science and technology ,more and more people believe that wine culture is playing an important role in our life.While we pride ourselves on the long history of wine culture we only to find that we depend excessively on the traditional wine culture.It is generally acknowledged that China is far away from the western countries.As a result, the way to drink is different.Even in China, there is also some difference between nationalities on the way todrink.There is also some similarities of wine culture between China and western countries although the difference exists.For example, both China and western countries have a beautiful legend about the origin of wine.The development of wine spirit accompanied with wine culture.While wine culture developed to a certain degree, schools of ideology came into being.In order to push the development of wine culture we should do our utmost to promote the international communication of the wine culture.References [1]陈少华.独领风骚的中国酒文化[J].科学中国人,1999,(2):45—48.[2]吴粤汕,战吉成.中西方葡萄酒文化的差异与融合[J].中国食品,2006,14:44.[3]秦晖.现代公民如何弘扬“汉语文化”IN].南方周末,2007-01—25 [5]王祥云.中西方传统文化比较[M].郑州:河南人民出版社,2007(9).[6]徐行言.中西文化比较[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2004(9).[7]中西方文化差距比较[13]康明官,2003,《酒文化问答》。
中西方酒文化比较(含五篇)第一篇:中西方酒文化比较xx学院学年论文论文题目:中西方酒文化比较系别:班级:姓名:指导教师:2014年7月 Comparison of the Wine Culture betweenChina and the West中西方酒文化比较摘要酒是人类生活中的主要饮料之一。
关键词:中国西方酒文化比较Comparison of the Wine Culture betweenChina and the WestAbstract ’s daily life, in the long history of human culture, it is not only an objective physical existence but also a cultural symbol.That is the symbol of wine culture.Wine culture is long standing and well established.Wine culture is one of the irreplaceable parts of a country’s historic development andcultural sediment.Chinese and western values are basically different, and so is the wine culture.Though comparing the origin and the material and category of wine-making, drinking customs, the communicative functions and drinking culture between China and the West, this paper studies the differences between Chinese wine culture and the Western wine culture.Thus further to compare the difference between China and the western culture, especially the value.Key words: China the west wine culture comparison目录1引言................................................................1 2中西方酒文化的起源..................................................2 2.1中国酿酒的起源.................................................2 2.2西方国家酿酒的起源.............................................2 3中西方酒文化的差异..................................................3 3.1酿酒原料与酒的种类的差异 (3)3.1.1酿酒原料的差异...........................................3 3.1.2酒的种类的差异...........................................3 3.2酒器的差异............................................................3 3.3饮酒礼俗的差异........................................................4 3.4饮酒目的的差异........................................................4 4.中西方酒文化之间的交流及发展趋势....................................6 4.1中西方酒文化的交流.............................................6 4.2中西方酒文化交流的发展趋势. (6)5结语................................................................8 注释..................................................................9 参考文献. (10)XX 学院学年论文1引言文化是一个国家的灵魂,是一个民族凝聚力形成的关键,是落叶归根的根源。
Differences of Table Manners between China and the West
பைடு நூலகம்姓名
1.Significance and Purpose
In a word, there are so many excellent cultures in China, so we should inherit and carry forward our excellent culture. Of course, we also need to accept and learn foreign excellent culture, namely“get rid of shortcoming, take in advantage.”In China’s rapid economic growth, we should improve our cultural soft power so that enhance our comprehensive national strength.
With the development of China, more and more Western culturesget intooursight. As weface with unfamiliar cultures and countries, some inevitable cultural conflicts might happen in the communication, which will seriously affect the contacts being carried out smoothly.Table manner has a decisive position in the communication between China and Western countries.During communication we will show our best images and avoid cultural conflicts.
关于(中西方文化差异)英语翻译类论文开题报告浏览次数:3227次悬赏分:5|提问时间:2009-1-29 16:39|提问者:匿名推荐答案首先,思维与语言的关系犹如母与子的关系。
Language serves as dress of thought.Thoughts are always expressed by wordsWithout thinking,language would be meaningless?那么,思维又是如何作用在语言形式上的呢?通过研究可知:思维---表现法---语言具体形式。
The T aoist notion Of following nature is closed related,as in other naturalistic movements,to the idea of fate.这种中国文化的最高境界使中国人习惯于崇尚自然、行于自然;不违天命、顺其自然的处世哲学和宿命论,即Let things remain as they are.而在人与天地万物协调共存的世界中,则存在着循环往复、生生不息的发展变化。
美国人说这是moving in endless circles and repeating it over and over again。
酒与酒文化(Alcoholic Drinks and Its Culture)酒,是人类最古老的食物之一,它的历史几乎是与人类发展史一道开始的。
而随着人类社会的发展,酒已不仅仅是一种客观的物质存在(material existence),而是一种精神文化的象征(symbol of spirits and cultures)。
其中,西方的葡萄酒(wine),中国的黄酒(yellow millet wine)、白酒(distilled wine)为世界所熟知。
”在这里,杜康是酒的代名词,但人们都因此把姓杜名康这个人当做了酿酒的祖师(the ancestor of making wine)。
酒文化 比较 英文 论文
A comparative study on wine cultureⅠ. IntroductionWine is an alcoholic beverage. Date back to 6,500 years ago, the earliest in Europe was evidenced in northern Greece. In Egypt wine was recorded in history and playing an important role in ancient ceremonial life. Dating from the second and first millennium BC wine has also been found in China. Company with the production of wine, the culture it combined is variety and instructive. Wine culture or drinking culture refers to the customs and practices associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Although alcoholic beverages and social attitudes toward drinking vary around the world, nearly every civilization has independently discovered the processes of brewing beer, fermenting wine, and distilling spirits.As a special form of culture, wine culture could be found in all kinds of works, all kinds of human life. Based on this point, it has a crucial impact on our society. As we have known that, culture is connection with economics and politics of the states. In terms of those, it is important to do the comparative study on wine culture.Ⅱ. The different wine culture between China and western countries There are four major difference differences among the Chinese wine culture and the western one.The first thing I would like to mention is that the kind of the wine is quite different. Barley wine and rice wine, which is made from starch-based materials and resemble beer and spirit more than wine, is the most common wine in China, while the western wine is made of fermented fruit juice; usually from grapes. Different varieties of grapes and strains of yeasts produce different types of wine. Wines are also made from other fruits, such as apples and berries, and generically called fruit wine or country wine. Chinese grape wine was first produced in the Han Dynasty around the 2nd century BC.Secondly, the understanding of the wine is different.In the eyes of western people, wine is a symbol of power. When people mention wine, they causally picture an elegant and delicate image. They believe that wine is an art, a living and charming thing which is worthy of being cherished. For instance, as Maya, the character of the Sideways,puts it: “I like how wine continues to evolve, like if I opened a bottle of wine today, it would taste different than if I opened it on any other day. Because a bottle of wine is actually alive, and it is constantly evolving and gaining complexity. That is until it peaks, like you ’61, and then it begins its steady, inevitable decline…”Facing with the busy and reluctantly life, sighing for the momentary and fleeting, one’s heavy heart could gain temporary peace and relive only when s/he got drunk. This view of life could be found in the western culture. Understanding drinking in young people should be understood through a "developmental" framework.On the other hand, Chinese way of understanding is tend to the moral level, and it bore plenty feeling, such as grace, sorrow, frustration, etc. The Confucian culture isthe core of Chinese wine culture while in western wine is tied in myth to Dionysus/Bacchus. As noted by Shen Kuo (1031–1095) in his Dream Pool Essays, an old phrase in China amongst the gentry class was having the company of "drinking guests" (jiuke), which was a figure of speech for drinking wine, playing the Chinese zither, playing Chinese chess, Zen Buddhist meditation, calligraphy and painting, tea drinking, alchemy, chanting poetry, and conversation.Last but not least, No matter the western liquor, or Chinese rice wine, their drinking habits have very big distinction. When Chinese people go out for a dinner, especially which have something to do with business, men are expected to drink a lot of wine. In that case, you have to drink for the sake that others propose a, while refuse is often regarded as offence.However, the western men feel really uncomfortable, when the other party kept toasting, they take it for discourtesy. It is not appropriate. They feel like being forced to drink. In their opinion everyone has the right to decide what they want to eat or to drink. If you would like to ask them to eat more food, two or three time is suitable. On the contrast, it is a polite manner for Chinese to keep telling someone to eat more or drink. In a word, when Chinese are in the business banquets and try not to drink too much, for that may leaves their western business partners a bad impression.In short, interpretation of Chinese and western culture of wine is a good way to find out the differences between Chinese and western. And as all have disgusted above, it is safe to say that the major reasons for the difference is their different way of thinking. The Chinese is the typical kind of divergent thinking, while the westerners are more tending to the line thought. The understanding of Chinese and western culture of wine, and the study of it are benefit to develop wine culture sufficient and reduce the conflicts in international communication. With the frequently exchanges among Chinese and western culture recently, we can not prevent mutual penetration and fusion of the tide of them. Among the Chinese and western wine culture, some were consistent, some inconsistent and some complementary.Understanding the different kinds of wine culture, both countries would understand each other better, and the development of the world would be more harmonious.。
several famous brands of Chinese wine
Maotai Five-Grain liquor
Luzhou Liquor
Gujing Tribute Wine
Western Wine: The Greek ,cradle of Western civilization, which soil is relatively poor ,and is not suitable for cereals (谷物) to be grown.But the grape can be grown good ,so they use grape to make wine.We can see they use wine to call grape wine .
Besides, there are many different legends about the
origin of the wine in China.
For example ,Du Kang makes wine. Someone think that Du
Kang( 杜 康 ) made great
黄酒 Chinese wine culture has a long history. Undoubtedly the rice wine (黄酒) is the oldest. But the most representative of Chinese wine is the white wine(白酒).Because the white wine is the highest produced distilled wine(蒸馏酒).
contributions to the gaoliang wine brewing methods and he was honored as the wine originator and Jiu Sheng by Chinese.
中西方酒文化的比较研究第一篇:中西方酒文化的比较研究中西方酒文化的比较研究A Comparative Study on Alcohol Culture Between China and Western CountriesAcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, my appreciation goes to my affectionate parents, and the rest of my family.On the process of composing the paper, they have been giving me continuous support, encouragement and understanding.Their love and support encouraged me to pursue progress all the time.And I also would like to extend my sincere thanks to all other teachers who gave me lectures during the past three academic years.I have benefited so much not only from their courses and lectures but also from their constant encouragement.Finally, my deepest gratitude and respect go to my supervisor, Lu Li.It is for her constant encouragement, critical instructions, her great care and precious advice and suggestions that this paper appears in the present form.AbstractAlcohol,which plays an important role in people’s daily life, is familiar to human beings.People’s life becomes colorful with it.As to alcohol culture, differences and similarities co-exist between China and the western countries.A large number of previous researches have been done on specific alcohol culture, whereas few studies focus on the alcohol culture comparison between China and western countries.Systematic and comprehensive researches in this regard are hard to find.Since comparative studies on the similarities and differences of alcohol culture between China and western countries are lacking, thispaper attempt to explore the differences from the raw materials and drinking customs and conclude their similarities to introduce the alcohol culture of China and western countries.Key Words:alcohol;cultural difference;China and western countries 摘要酒是人们非常熟悉的一种饮品,它在人们的日常生活中起着不可替代的作用。
Chapter 3 Differences between Chinese and Western Alcoholic Berevage Culture
• Different Cultural Products in Different Cultural Patterns
• Different Significances Manifested by Alcoholic Beverages
• Different Roles of Alcoholic Beverages in Two Cultures
• Different Focus of Alcoholic Beverage Drinking
Chapter 4 An Analysis of Cultural Factors Contributing to These Differences
Western Alcoholic Berevage Culture Chapter 4 An Analysis of Cultural Factors
Contributing to These Differences Chapter 5 Conclusion
• Alcoholic beverage roots deep in the material and spiritual lives of human beings and becomes a kind of cultural phenomenon manifesting distinctive nationality.
Understanding of Alcoholic Beverage Culture
Understanding of Alcoholic Beverage Culture
In a word, there are so many excellent cultures in China, so we should inherit and carry forward our excellent culture. Of course, we also need to accept and learn foreign excellent culture, namely “get rid of shortcoming, take in advantage.” In China’s rapid economic growth, we should improve our
3.1.1 Noisy and Enthusiastic Atmosphere in Chinese Dinner 3.1.2 Quiet and Enjoyable Atmosphere in Western Dinner 3.2 Table Language 3.2.1 The Principles of Table Language in China 3.2.2 The Principles of Table Language in the West 3.3 The Use of Tableware 3.3.1 The Use of Tableware in China 3.3.2 The Use of Tableware in the West 3.4 Seats Arrangement 3.4.1 Seats Arrangement in China 3.4.2 Seats Arrangement in the West 3.5 The Order of Serving 3.5.1 The Order of Serving in China