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1. 食物及生活用品
炒饭-fried rice
鸡蛋炒饭-Chicken fried rice 鸡蛋炒饭-Egg fried rice
炒面-Fried noodles
鸡肉炒面-Chicken fried noodles
鸡蛋炒面Egg fried noodles
饮料-drinks (水-water, 橙汁-Orange juice, 苹果汁-Apple juice, 可乐-cola, 啤酒-beer, 白酒-wine,红酒-red wine)
肉-meat (鸡肉-chicken, 鸡蛋-Egg, 煎蛋-fried egg, 水煮蛋-boiled egg, 牛肉-beef, 羊肉-mutton,猪肉-pork)
水果-fruit (苹果-apple, 雪梨-pear, 香蕉-banana, 西瓜-watermelon, 芒果-Mango, 橙子-Orange)
辣椒-Chili 椒盐-Salt&Pepper
香烟-Cigarette 打火机-Lighter
刀叉(餐具)-Knife&Fork 调羹-Spoon 盘子-Plate
毛巾-Towel 香皂-Fancy Soap 纸巾-Tissue 卷纸-Paper roll
蚊香-mosquito incense 水果刀-Fruit knife
印度薄饼- Chapati 印度煎饼-Roti
酒店-Hotel 公寓-Apartment
水龙头- water faucet/tap 热水器-water heater
热水(洗澡)-hot water(for bathing)
热水(饮用)-hot water(for drinking)
机场-airport 飞机-plane 火车-train 小车-car 工厂-factory 办公室-office 2. 时间
例如:8:00am 8:30am…….
例如13:00pm 13:30pm
3. 工具
工人-worker 电工-electrician 活动扳手:adjustable wrench 六角扳手:allen key 开口扳手:spanner open/fork
梅花扳手:spanner 铁锤:hammer 钻头:driller bit
丝攻:threading bit 钻枪:driller 铁钳:cutting plier
螺丝刀:screw driver(plus/minus) 螺丝:screw 螺母:nut
电线:cable/wire 电笔:tester 大头笔:marker
双面胶:double tape 卷尺:measurement tape 印刷板:printing statue 工具箱:tools box 锉手:file(flat/cabinet/round)
裁纸刀:screw knife 撬棍:chisel 粉笔:chalk 变频器:converter 接触器:contactor 继电器:relay 开关:switch 行程开关:limit switch 电焊机:welding machine 电源:power 氧割:gas cutter
搅磨机:hand granding machine 铁板:plate ——250*100*5MM
手电筒:torch 胶水glue 铰剪:scissors 千斤顶hydraulic jack
工具:tools 薄刀片Slitting blade 砂轮grinding wheels
4. 机器名称:
纸架:Mill roll stand 瓦楞机:Single facer 热缸:Preheater
电机:motor 变频器:inverter 胶水机:glue machine 刀片:knife 粘合机:double facer 薄刀机slitter scorer 横切机N.C. Cutter
印刷机:printing machine 送纸部:feeding unit 开槽部:slotting unit
印刷部:printing unit 砂轮:granding wheel 模切部:die-cutting unit
5. 日常用语
明天几点来接你?When will you start from hotel?
8:30 or 9:00……….
明天几点来接我?When will you come to pick up me?
厕所在哪里?Where is the toilet(W.C)?
请送我到机场Can you pls send me to the airport?
机器有什么问题?What’s the pro blem in the machine?
请你帮我安排几个工人帮忙Can you pls arrange some workers to support? 请你找电工帮我接电pls send the electrician to connect the power.
请找电工帮我检测电路Pls send the electrician to test the circuit.
请帮我拿工具箱来pls give me the tools box.
我要用六角匙I need allen key.
请运行机器来检查pls run the machine for testing.
请送我回旅馆pls send me back to hotel.
我自己做饭:I’ll cook by myself
请带我去采购食品:pls take me to buy food and vegetables。
