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@echo off
title Win7旗舰版激活工具│ Win7 Ultimate Activator
if not exist %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs goto nowin7
if not %username% == Administrator echo 您没有使用Administrator用户,但在您激活之前请务必用右键管理员身份运行,否则可能无法导入证书!如果使用右键还是无法成功,请进入菜单E 开启Administrator用户进行激活。
echo 使用本工具之前请确定卸载替换法,否则可能无法激活。
Echo 欢迎使用Win7旗舰版激活工具│ Welcome to Win7 (U) Activator
Echo -------------------------- │ ----------------------------- Echo 版本号V 5.0 │ Version 5.0
Echo 版权中国智造:600000000 │ Created in China By 600000000
Echo -------------------------- │ ----------------------------- Echo A: 智能一键激活Win7 │ A: Active your Win7 Now!
Echo B: 自定义品牌和证书激活│ B: Custom your Activity
Echo C: 硬刷BIOS激活│ C: Active Updated BIOS
Echo D: 旧版本升级序列号│ D: Update Key
Echo E: PE下恢复系统引导│ E: Recover your leader in PE
Echo F: 下载新版本│ F: Download the Laster Ver.
Echo G: 卸载本激活│ G: Uninstall Activator
Echo H: 如何进入管理员帐号│ H: How to login Administrator Echo I: 退出│ I: Exit
Echo -------------------------- │ ----------------------------- Echo 本激活工具可以智能识别隐藏│ It can be smart to identify Echo 分区!激活码非联想KEY,保证│ the hidden partition.
Echo 不会被封,如果激活不成功,请│ If activation is unsuccessful
Echo 进入E 菜单查看如何进入管理│ Please enter MENU "E"to login
Echo 员帐号进行激活。
│ Administrator to Active Win7.
Echo -------------------------- │ -----------------------------
set s== ""
set /p s= 请输入您的选择并回车: │ Please choose , press Enter: IF not "%s%"== "" SET s=%s:~0,1%
if /I "%s%"=="a" goto setup
if /I "%s%"=="b" goto custom
if /I "%s%"=="c" goto bios
if /I "%s%"=="d" goto update
if /I "%s%"=="e" goto recover
if /I "%s%"=="f" goto check
if /I "%s%"=="g" goto unins
if /I "%s%"=="h" goto commandprompt
if /I "%s%"=="i" exit
goto menu
Echo -------------------------- │ ----------------------------- Echo 请选择你想要激活的OEM │ Please choose OEM
Echo │
Echo 注意:OEM并不需要一一对应,│ Notice: If you can't active,
Echo 如果你用了其中一种不成功,│ you'd better try other OEM.
Echo 请尝试使用其它OEM激活,基│
Echo 本没有影响,Dell的机型需要│
Echo 多试几个Dell的OEM。
Echo -------------------------- │ ----------------------------- Echo A: 戴尔-B10K B: 戴尔-FX09 │ A: Dell-B10K B: Dell-FX09 Echo C: 戴尔-M09 D: 戴尔-QA09 │ C: Dell-M09 D: Dell-QA09 Echo E: 戴尔-WN09 F: 富士通│ E: Dell-WN09 F: Fujistu
Echo G: 惠普 H: 惠普-MPC │ G: HP H: HP-MPC
Echo I:
联想 J: 微星│ I: Lenovo J: MSI
Echo K: 东芝 L: 方正│ K: Toshiba L: Founder
Echo M: 返回主菜单│ M: Back to menu
Echo -------------------------- │ -----------------------------
set s==""
set /p s= 请输入您的选择并回车: │ Please choose , press Enter: IF not "%s%"== "" SET s=%s:~0,1%
if /I "%s%"=="a" (
set oe="Dell-B10K"
goto setupnow
if /I "%s%"=="b" (
set oe="DELL-FX09"
goto setupnow
if /I "%s%"=="c" ( set oe="DELL-M09" goto setupnow
if /I "%s%"=="d" ( set oe="DELL-QA09" goto setupnow
if /I "%s%"=="e" ( set oe="DELL-WN09" goto setupnow
if /I "%s%"=="f" ( set oe="Fujistu" goto setupnow
if /I "%s%"=="g" ( set oe="HP"
goto setupnow
if /I "%s%"=="h" ( set oe="HP-MPC" goto setupnow
if /I "%s%"=="i" ( set oe="Lenovo" goto setupnow
if /I "%s%"=="j" ( set oe="MSI"
goto setupnow
if /I "%s%"=="k" (
set oe="T oshiba"
goto setupnow
if /I "%s%"=="l" (
set oe="Founder"
goto setupnow
if /I "%s%"=="m" goto menu
goto setup
for %%A in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do (
if exist %%A\WINDOWS (
if not exist %%A\bootmgr (
echo 发现隐藏分区,正在写入... │ Find the hidden partition...
diskpart /s %myfiles%\part1.txt
for %%A in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do (
if exist %%A\bootmgr (
if not exist %%A\setup.exe (
echo 正在写入%%A盘引导... │ writing %%A leader...
if exist %%A\menu.lst attrib %%A\menu.lst -h -r -s
if exist %%A\menu.lst ren %%A\menu.lst menu_lst.bak
if exist %%A\grldr attrib %%A\grldr -h -r -s
copy %myfiles%\win7ldr1 /b + %myfiles%\%oe%.bin /b + %myfiles%\win7ldr2 /b %%A\grldr /b
attrib %%A\grldr +h +s +r
%myfiles%\bootinst.exe /nt60 %%A
for %%A in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do (
if exist %%A\bootmgr (
if not exist %%A\WINDOWS (
diskpart /s %myfiles%\part2.txt
echo 正在导入证书文件... │ setup license...
cscript %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs -ilc %myfiles%\%oe%.xrm-ms
del /f /q %myfiles%\boot*.exe
del /f /q %myfiles%\win7ldr*
del /f /q %myfiles%\*.bin
del /f /q %myfiles%\*.xrm-ms
echo 正在导入序列号... │ setup key...
cscript %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs -ipk 87VT2-FY2XW-F7K39-W3T8R-XMFGF
echo Windows7已经激活,系统将在60秒内重新启动│ Success,restart in 60s
shutdown -r
Echo -------------------------- │ ----------------------------- Echo 请将你自定义的证书和bios文│ Put your license , bios bin
Echo 件和本程序置于同一个文件夹│ in the same folder with me!
Echo │
Echo 证书和bios文件一定要匹配!│
Echo 注意:bin和xrm-ms文件每个只│ .bin , .xrm-ms each can only
Echo 允许放一个,否则会导致错误│ be one,or error!
Echo │
Echo Y:
安装自定义证书和bios │ Y: setup your license, bios
Echo M: 返回主菜单│ M: Back to main menu
Echo -------------------------- │ ----------------------------- set s==""
set /p s= 请输入您的选择并回车: │ Please choose , press Enter: IF not "%s%"== "" SET s=%s:~0,1%
if /I "%s%"=="y" goto customsetup
if /I "%s%"=="m" goto menu
goto custom
if not exist *.bin (
echo 没有发现bios文件,请检查│Cannot Find the file
goto custom
if not exist *.xrm-ms (
echo 没有发现自定义的证书文件,请检查│Cannot Find the file pause
goto custom
for %%A in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do (
if exist %%A\WINDOWS (
if not exist %%A\bootmgr (
echo 发现隐藏分区,正在写入... │ Find the hidden partition...
diskpart /s %myfiles%\part1.txt
for %%A in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do (
if exist %%A\bootmgr (
if not exist %%A\setup.exe (
echo 正在写入%%A盘引导... │ writing %%A leader...
if exist %%A\menu.lst attrib %%A\menu.lst -h -r -s
if exist %%A\menu.lst ren %%A\menu.lst menu_lst.bak
if exist %%A\grldr attrib %%A\grldr -h -r -s
copy %myfiles%\win7ldr1 /b + *.bin /b + %myfiles%\win7ldr2 /b %%A\grldr /b
attrib %%A\grldr +h +s +r
%myfiles%\bootinst.exe /nt60 %%A
for %%A in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do (
if exist %%A\bootmgr (
if not exist %%A\WINDOWS (
diskpart /s %myfiles%\part2.txt
echo 正在导入证书文件... │ setup license...
ren *.xrm-ms oem.xrm-ms
cscript %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs -ilc oem.xrm-ms
echo 正在导入序列号... │ setup key...
cscript %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs -ipk 87VT2-FY2XW-F7K39-W3T8R-XMFGF
echo Windows7已经激活,系统将在60秒内重新启动│ Succeed ,restart in 60s
shutdown -r
Echo -------------------------- │ ----------------------------- Echo 请将你自定义的证书和本程序│ Put your license in the same
Echo 置于同一个文件夹│ folder with me!
Echo │
Echo 注意:证书文件只允许放一个│ .xrm-ms can only be one, Echo 否则会导致错误│ or error!
Echo │
Echo Y: 安装自定义证书│ Y: setup your custom license
Echo M: 返回主菜单│ M: Back to main menu
Echo -------------------------- │ -----------------------------
set s==""
set /p s= 请输入您的选择并回车: │ Please choose , press Enter: IF not "%s%"== "" SET s=%s:~0,1%
if /I "%s%"=="y" goto biossetup
if /I "%s%"=="m" goto menu
goto bios
if not exist *.xrm-ms (
echo 没有发现自定义的证书文件│Cannot Find the file
goto bios
echo 正在导入证书文件... │ setup license...
ren *.xrm-ms oem.xrm-ms
cscript %windir%\system32\sl
mgr.vbs -ilc oem.xrm-ms
echo 正在导入序列号... │ setup key...
cscript %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs -ipk 87VT2-FY2XW-F7K39-W3T8R-XMFGF
echo Windows7已经激活,系统将在60秒内重新启动│ Succeed ,restart in 60s
echo 正在导入序列号... │ setup key...
cscript %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs -ipk 87VT2-FY2XW-F7K39-W3T8R-XMFGF
echo 序列号已经成功替换│ Succeed
Echo -------------------------- │ ----------------------------- Echo 修复激活启动│ recover the le ader
Echo │
Echo Y: 直接卸载│ Y: unistall
Echo Z: 还原启动信息│ Z: recover grub
Echo M: 返回主菜单│ M: Back to main menu
Echo -------------------------- │ -----------------------------
set s==""
set /p s= 请输入您的选择并回车: │ Please choose , press Enter: IF not "%s%"== "" SET s=%s:~0,1%
if /I "%s%"=="y" goto unins
if /I "%s%"=="z" goto rec
if /I "%s%"=="m" goto menu
goto recover
Echo -------------------------- │ ----------------------------- Echo 请选择你想要还原的OEM │ Please choose OEM
Echo 注意:如果下面没有你的OEM,│ Notice: If there isn't your
Echo 请准备自己的bios文件进行还│ bios bin,you should custom
Echo 原--进入菜单N │ yours,enter MENU "N"
Echo -------------------------- │ ----------------------------- Echo A: 戴尔-B10K B: 戴尔-FX09 │ A: Dell-B10K B: Dell-FX09 Echo C: 戴尔-M09 D: 戴尔-QA09 │ C: Dell-M09 D: Dell-QA09 Echo E: 戴尔-WN09 F: 富士通│ E: Dell-WN09 F: Fujistu
Echo G: 惠普 H: 惠普-MPC │ G: HP H: HP-MPC
Echo I: 联想 J: 微星│ I: Lenovo J: MSI
Echo K: 东芝 L: 方正│ K: Toshiba L: Founder
Echo M: 返回主菜单│ M: Back to menu
Echo N: 使用自定义bios文件│ N: Custom y our Bios bin
Echo -------------------------- │ -----------------------------
set s==""
set /p s= 请输入您的选择并回车: │ Please choose , press Enter: IF not "%s%"== "" SET s=%s:~0,1%
if /I "%s%"=="a" (
set oe="Dell-B10K"
goto recnow
if /I "%s%"=="b" (
set oe="DELL-FX09"
goto recnow
if /I "%s%"=="c" (
set oe="DELL-M09"
goto recnow
if /I "%s%"=="d" ( set oe="DELL-QA09" goto recnow
if /I "%s%"=="e" ( set oe="DELL-WN09" goto recnow
if /I "%s%"=="f" ( set oe="Fujistu" goto recnow
if /I "%s%"=="g" ( set oe="HP"
goto recnow
if /I "%s%"=="h" ( set oe="HP-MPC" goto recnow
if /I "%s%"=="i" ( set oe="Lenovo" goto recnow
if /I "%s%"=="j" ( set oe="MSI"
goto recnow
if /I "%s%"=="k" (
set oe="T oshiba"
goto recnow
if /I "%s%"=="l" (
set oe="Founder"
goto recnow
if /I "%s%"=="m" goto menu
if /I "%s%"=="n" goto reccustom
goto rec
for %%A in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do (
if exist %%A\WINDOWS (
if not exist %%A\bootmgr (
echo 发现隐藏
分区,正在写入... │ Find the hidden partition...
diskpart /s %myfiles%\part1.txt
for %%A in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do (
if exist %%A\bootmgr (
if not exist %%A\setup.exe (
echo 正在写入%%A盘引导... │ writing %%A leader...
if exist %%A\menu.lst attrib %%A\menu.lst -h -r -s
if exist %%A\menu.lst ren %%A\menu.lst menu_lst.bak
if exist %%A\grldr attrib %%A\grldr -h -r -s
copy %myfiles%\win7ldr1 /b + %myfiles%\%oe%.bin /b + %myfiles%\win7ldr2 /b %%A\grldr /b
attrib %%A\grldr +h +s +r
%myfiles%\bootinst.exe /nt60 %%A
for %%A in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do (
if exist %%A\bootmgr (
if not exist %%A\WINDOWS (
diskpart /s %myfiles%\part2.txt
echo 启动引导已成功修复│ S uccess
if not exist *.bin (
echo 没有发现bios文件│Cannot Find the file
goto rec
for %%A in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do (
if exist %%A\WINDOWS (
if not exist %%A\bootmgr (
echo 发现隐藏分区,正在写入... │ Find the hidden partition...
diskpart /s %myfiles%\part1.txt
for %%A in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do (
if exist %%A\bootmgr (
if not exist %%A\setup.exe (
echo 正在写入%%A盘引导... │ writing %%A leader...
if exist %%A\menu.lst attrib %%A\menu.lst -h -r -s
if exist %%A\menu.lst ren %%A\menu.lst menu_lst.bak
if exist %%A\grldr attrib %%A\grldr -h -r -s
copy %myfiles%\win7ldr1 /b + *.bin /b + %myfiles%\win7ldr2 /b %%A\grldr /b
attrib %%A\grldr +h +s +r
%myfiles%\bootinst.exe /nt60 %%A
for %%A in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do (
if exist %%A\bootmgr (
if not exist %%A\WINDOWS (
diskpart /s %myfiles%\part2.txt
echo 启动引导已成功修复│ Success
START IEXPLORE /doc/b16960298.html,/jjkcomputer/blog/categ ory/Win7active
goto menu
Echo -------------------------- │ ----------------------------- Echo 是否继续卸载│ Uninstall?
Echo │
Echo Y: 确定│ Y: Yes
Echo M: 返回主菜单│ M: Back to main menu
Echo -------------------------- │ -----------------------------
set s==""
set /p s= 请输入您的选择并回车: │ Please choose , press Enter:
IF not "%s%"== "" SET s=%s:~0,1%
if /I "%s%"=="y" goto uninstall
if /I "%s%"=="m" goto menu
goto unins
for %%A in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do (
if exist %%A\WINDOWS (
if not exist %%A\bootmgr (
diskpart /s %myfiles%\part1.txt
for %%A in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do (
if exist %%A\grldr (
echo 正在卸载... │ Uninstalling from drive %%A
attrib %%A\
grldr -h -s -r
del %%A\grldr
%myfiles%\bootrest /nt60 %%A
for %%A in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do (
if exist %%A\bootmgr (
if not exist %%A\WINDOWS (
diskpart /s %myfiles%\part2.txt
echo 卸载成功,软件将退出... │ Succeed, Exit...
echo 请确定在Win7下运行,软件将退出... │ Under Win7? Exit...
Echo -------------------------- │ ----------------------------- Echo 请用Administrator运行│ Please run as Administrator Echo │
Echo 本工具会自动为你打开管理。
│ Waiting for the ComManager
Echo --打开本地用户和组,用户,│ -Local users and groups, Echo Administrator,右键属性,去│ -users,-Administrator,
Echo 掉账户已禁用然后保存,注销│ RightClick -properties,
Echo 当前用户,并登陆Admin帐户,│ "Account is disabled" set not
Echo 再次运行本软件即可。
│ -Save it,log off,log in Admin
Echo │ Then run me again.
Echo -------------------------- │ ----------------------------- start %windir%\system32\compmgmtlauncher.exe
pause exit。