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开始,然后逐渐下落至 4 个百分点,这就表明了虽然战略 性新兴产业确实是我国经济发展的重要组成部分,但是 近年来已经出现发展动力不足的问题。除了 2014 年第二 季度和 2015 年第二季度融资指数异常大幅上涨外,整体 水平一直呈下降趋势,资金周转也在 2017 年小幅上涨后 也开始一直降低,这显示出我国战略性新兴产业投资活 力不足,确实产生了非效率投资问题。同时我国学者通过 研究发现,我国战略性新兴产业实际上普遍存在非效率 投资行为(罗斌,2018)。而我国上市公司产生非效率投资 行为的根本原因就是信息不对称和委托代理问题。
[关键词] 媒体关注;会计信息质量;非效率投资;战略性新兴产业
[中图分类号] F272.3
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1009-6043(2021)01-0161-07
Abstract: Strategic emerging industries is the Chinese key forces to promote industrial upgrading and economic transformation, innovation and development of strategic emerging industry is another major strategic measures in our country. However, the
第 2021 年第 1 期 (总第 533 期)
No.1,2021 Total No.533
李明娟 ,曲明明
(东北林业大学 经济管理学院, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040)
[摘 要] 战略性新兴产业是中国促进产业优化举措,然而非效率投资问题一直普遍存在并制约着战略性新兴产业的发展,由委托代理理论、信息不对称理论和
议程设置理论可知,媒体关注和会计信息质量确实会对战略性新兴产业非效率投资产生显著影响,所以以 2015-2018 年战
. AilnvlestmReintgehffticsiencRy eqsueestriovn ehads.been widespread and restricts the development of strategic emerging industries. From the
principal -agent theory, asymmetric information theory and the agenda -setting theory, the media attention and the quality of accounting information have a significant impact on the efficiency of investment in strategic emerging industries. The study takes strategic emerging industry from 2015 to 2018 as the empirical research sample, so as to ease the insufficient power of strategic emerging industry development, promote the sustainable development, and explain the specific path and mechanism of media attention and impact on inefficient investment in strategic emerging industries and the intermediary role of accounting information quality. The results show that media attention can significantly inhibit inefficient investment. The specific path is that positive media reports can effectively alleviate the shortage of investment, and negative media coverage has curbed over -investment in strategic emerging industries. And the quality of accounting information plays an intermediary role in the impact of media attention on the inefficient investment in strategic emerging industries. Key words: media attention, quality of accounting information, inefficient investment, strategic emerging industries
战略性新兴产业在国民经济的发展与国家综合实力 的增强方面发挥着关键作用,作为推动科技创新和产业 发展的领头羊,战略性新兴产业已成为各国提高国际竞 争优势的重要战略武器。据此十九大报告明确指出,我国 要创新发展战略性新兴产业,实现我国经济社会全面转 型。据国家信息中心的调查结果显示 (详见图 1-1 和图 1-2),我国战略性新兴产业工业增加值增速一直高于规 模上工业増速,但是近年来两者之间的差距开始逐渐缩 小,这样的缩减变化是从 2017 年三季度的 4.6 个百分点