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Module 1 Wonders of the world
1. 我不知道该不该同意你的看法。
I’m not sure I agree with you.
2. 它流经几百米It runs for several hundred metres.
3. 大峡谷不仅仅是大,而是巨大The Grand Canyon is not just big. It is huge!
4. 我在峡谷边伫立半小时有余I remained by the canyon for about half an hour.
5. 它为中国数百万的人口供电It produces electricity for millions of people in China. Module 2 Public hoildays
My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as
the holiday begins.
2. 我们会一直呆在那,直到假期结束We’ll stay there until the end of the holiday.
3. 那天会有什么特别的活动吗?Is there anything special on that day?
4. 人们做简单的致辞,为食物而感恩。
People make short speeches and give thanks for their food.
5. 自17世纪首批英格兰拓荒者乘船抵达美洲大陆We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers
from England arrived in America by ship in the seventeenth
6. 当地人,也就是美洲印第安人,教这些拓荒者The local people ,the Native Americans, taught the pioneers
如何种植玉米how to grow corn.
7. 第二年他们一起享用新收获的食物,共庆(丰收)The following year they celebrated together by eating a dinner
of the new food.
8. 感恩节是和家人、朋友们共进特别晚餐的日子。
Thanksgiving is a time for a special dinner among family and
9. 所有这些完毕后,大家都帮忙清洗餐具。
When it is all over, everyone helps wash the dishes.
10. 到达美洲后,他们所度过的第一个冬天比英国After they landed ,their first winter was worse than any
English winter.
Module 3 Heroes
She trained hard ,so she became a great player later.
She’s won many world competitions, including four
gold medals in the Olympics.
3. 他无论做什么,都不放弃。
Whatever she does, she never gives up!
4. 邓亚萍说她并不比任何人聪明,但她拥有非常坚强Deng says that she isn’t cleverer than anyone else, but
She has a very strong will.
5. 我觉得她不仅是一位出色的运动员,而且还是一个I think she’s a good student as well as a good player.
6. 当时医生很少,所以他不得不辛苦地独自工作。
There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his
7. 白求恩医生研究出了照料病人的新方法。
Dr. Bethune developed new ways of taking care of the sick.
8. 1939年的一天,他在手术过程中划伤了手指,One day in 1939, he cut his finger during an operation, but
最后,he continued his work without treating it. In the end, he died 他因伤去世。
of his wound.
Module 4 Home alone
1. 我也是(很遗憾),但是我不能两周不上课。
So am I , but I can’t miss two weeks of school.
2. 你的火车要开了。
Your train is about to leave.
3. 作为男孩,就像其他那所有男孩一样,我想AS a boy, like all other boys, I wanted to be a man.
4. 实际上他们安排了我生活中的每一分钟。
Actually, they managed every minute of my life.
5. 现在,我的机会来了!Now was my chance!
6. 我能照顾好自己,尽管那对我来说不那麽容易。
I can look after myself, although it won’t be easy for me.
7. 我对他们的指令厌烦之至,我多希望他们能I became so bored with their orders that I wished they
would leave me alone.
8. 妈妈做的菜那么好吃Mum cooks such delicious food.
Module 5 Museum
1. 请勿喧哗No shouting, please!
2. 但是科学博物馆不一样……这里很嘈杂。
But the Science Museum is different…It is nosiy.
3. 如果你想将袋子装满沙子,你的操控一种If you want to fill a bag with sand, you have to control a kind of 带轮子的运输车,并把车移动到正确的位置。
truck on wheels and move it into the correct place.
4.如果你比较一下过去的药与现在的药,If you compare the medicine of the past with the medicine of
Today, you will feel very lucky next time you visit a doctor.
5. 如果你去伦敦的话,一定要去参观科学If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the
Science Museum.
Module 6
1.如果我晚饭后开始,在我去睡觉前我会If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed.
2.我想让你养成一从学校回家就做作业的习惯I want you to get into the habit of doing your homework
as soon as you come home from school.
3.如果你老是做这些与学习无关的事,If you do all these other things instead of your homework,
你就没时间学习了you won’t have time to study.
4. 没完成作业之前,什么也不能干。
You can’t do anything before you finish your homework.
5. 你应该权衡那件事情最重要。
You should consider what the most important thing is.
6. 如果你现在开始,晚饭前你就会完成它。
If you start now, you’ll finish it before dinner.
7. 我只能用它来写作业I can only use it for my homework.
8. 原因是如果我在电脑上玩游戏它会坏掉。
The reason is that he thinks it will go wrong if I play games on it.
9. 他到处找也没找到那些文件。
He could no longer find the documents anywhere.
You should also pay the bill o repair the computer.
11. 如果你现在告诉他真相,他会生你的气,If you tell him the truth now, he will be angry with you, but at
least you will show that you are honest.
12. 如果你主动提出放弃你的零花钱,If you offer to give up your pocket money , your father will
realize that you are very sorry.
13. 我很担心,因为我应该在使用电脑前I was worried , because I should ask my dad before I use his
Module 7
1. 成功来自努力,而非好运Success is more hard work than good luck.
2. 但是我更愿意把孔子描述为一位教育家But I think I’d describe Confucius more as a teacher and thinker
兼思想家,而非作家than a writer.
4.莎士比亚的戏剧现在对于我们来说也Shakespeare’s plays also make a lot of sense to us today.
5.它讲述了年轻人如何成长、人们如何It tells how young people grow , how people love each other and
彼此相爱以及坏人如何为他们的行为how bad people pay for their actions.
6.我们都会为自己的错误付出这样或那We all pay for our mistakes in one way or another.
7. 人们认为这本书是美国最好的小说之一。
It is thought to be one of the greatest American stories.
8. 据说他是世界上最富有的人It is said to be the richest man in the world.
9. 事实上我们仍然受他们思想的影响In fact, we are still influenced by their thought.
Module 8
1.HAS 代表什么?What does HAS stand for?
2. 如果我没记错的话,(比分是)海淀If my memory is correct, HAS 98 points to BIG 52.
全明星98分,北京国际巨人52 分
3. --玲玲你认为他们会赢吗?--绝对不可能-Do you think they’ll win, Lingling? --No way!
4. 起初刘翔被鼓励参加跳高训练。
Liu was encouraged at first to train for the high jump.
5. 2001年,(国家)创立了一个特殊项目,In 2001, a special programme was set up to help young
sportsmen and sportswomen.
7.但是,他(刘翔)仍然是勇气和成功的But he is still a symbol of courage and success, and we continue
to take great pride in him.
8.从2008年开始,他因脚部问题而备受From 2008 on, he suffered a lot from his foot problem, but he
didn’t give up.
Module 9
They’ll be put up on the school website.
Every evening, my mother looks through magazines at home.
3.在那个年代,书是靠手工制作的,一次In those days , books were only produced one at a time by hand.
4. 这样一来,书籍数量不多,价格又贵。
As a result , there were not many books, and they were expensive.
5. 那么传统印刷业未来的方向在哪里呢? So what direction will traditional printing take in the future?
6. 在将来使用电脑会比书更多吗?Will computers be used more than books in the future?
7. 你必须保证会看管好它。
You must promise that you’ll take good care of it.
8. 从某种程度上讲,我们可以把纸张和印刷In a way, we can compare the invention of paper and printing to
the introduction of the Internet in the twentieth century.
Module 10
This is a rock called Ayers Rock , in central Australia.
According to the local people, it’s a special and magical place.
3.这个岛离东海岸有3公里远The island is 3 kilometers off the eastern coast.
These ancient stories describe the spirits that created the world.
The horse that I rode was lazy , so I was left far behind the others
6.这是一个可以花一些时间多呆一会的好地方It is a great place to spend some time staying at more.
We have tried all the time, but it was no good.
The scissors that the sheep farmer is holding are used to cut
wool off the sheep.
Module 11
1. 我肯定你有获胜的机会I’m sure you’re in with a chance.
2. 与往年比,我们收到了更多的(参赛)Compared with other years, we received many more photos
4.尽管所有的照片都很出色,但是我么Even though all of the photos are excellent, we are sorry to say
只能遗憾的告诉大家我们不能给每个人都颁奖that we cannot give prizes to everyone.
Congratulations to our winners and thanks to everyone who
entered the competition.
6. 这次考试整体水平高很多The general standard of the exam is much higher this time.
7. 拍些你和家人度假的照片再加上一些Take some photos of your family having a holiday and add
你们学英语的照片some photos of you learning English.
9.这些困难很好解决,问题是需要一些It’s easy to solve these difficulties , but the thing is , it takes some
10. 这是我最近才拍的照片This is the photo I took recently.
11. 我有一种感觉:我们能解决这些小问题I have a feeling that we can solve these little difficulties.
12她的照片展示了一个人在一个刮风的晚上Her photo shows a person rushing across a street on a windy.
Module 12
1.污染是我们的大敌,我们得与之战斗Pollution is our great enemy, and we have to fight it.
2. 如果河流被污染,农民们就不能用河水If the rivers are polluted, farmers can’t use the water for their
3.在一些地方,来自工厂的污染遍布In some places, pollution from factories spreads over cities and
4. 污染使人生病,甚至可以让人丧命。
Pollution makes people ill, and may even kill them.
5. 污染危机我们的健康Pollution is a danger to our health.
6. 这些车过多地耗油,也造成了污染。
These cars use so much oil and cause pollution as well
7. 谈论我们不能做的事是没有意义的。
It’s no use talking about things we can’t do.
8. 在绿色学校里,每个班都收集可循环At a green school, every class collects waste which can be
recycled or used again.
10.然后学校卖掉它们,筹集到的资金Then the school sells the waste and uses the money to help
students in poor area.
11.绿色学校的学生也学到了在家节约Students at a green school also learn ways to save energy and
这意味着recycle at home. That means less waste.
12.尽管现在污染很严重,我认为还是Though pollution is heavy now, I don’t think it’s hopeless.
13.如果大家都开始做些事,世界将会If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved.
U 2
1. 你买新衣服会不会仅仅因为他们很时尚Do you buy new clothes just because they are modern?
2. 在你离开房间时关灯吗?Do you turn off the lights when you leave the room?
3. 你是怎么处理空瓶子的?What do you do with the bottle when they are empty?
4. 这既省钱又减少污染It saves money and causes less pollution.
5. 在买新东西之前,想一想是否有必要,Before you buy something new, think whether it is really
因为旧的可能还很好用necessary , because maybe the old one is just as good!
6. 尽可能久的使用物品。
Use things for as long as possible.
7. 能修就修Repair them if possible.
8. 最好用瓷杯和布袋,因为可以多次使用。
It is better to use china cups and cloth bags because they can be used
many times
9. 虽然把一种东西变成另一种东西也会消Although it takes energy to change things into something else,
it is better than throwing things away or burning them.
9.每年我们都要扔掉大量的垃圾,现在We throw tons of rubbish away each year, and we have to make
必须作出改变了 a change.
10.我们不能期待立竿见影的变化,但是We cannot hope for rapid change, but let’s make these simle
steps today so that we will save the world for our grandsons and 为我们子孙后代的明天而拯救这个世界。
granddaughters tomorrow.。