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Good morning dear oung fellos from suntrans,
Toda is m to months and to das elebration of orking in suntrans. This is m first job, and I am ver glad tohave it, and to stand here sharing m feelings ith all of ou.
Toda m topi is a little bit long, it is,the happ das of m dear little oung fellos and me spent together in our panSuntrans. We had numerous happ das together, and ever da is memorable. Itis so long that if I share ever moment ith ou, this meeting ma last three das or even longer. So in order to give us time to ork, to eat, to go homeand to sleep, I ill onl share three most memorable moments e had together.
The first memorable moment for me as thepan ativit held in Ma b our human resoures Department. We plaed games together and had a great time. That da as m 25th birthda, but that is not the most important reason hI remember it so ell. Firstl, I learned our pan’s histor, and felt thatit is ver diffiult to
start a business, and thought that everone in ourpan is ver hard orking. Seon dl, I joined Maple’s team that da,although e almost lost all of the petitions, everone as so happ andfriendl and m team made me understood the meaning of the phrase–“team spirit”。

I began to understand and like our pan after that da’s ativit.
The nd memorable moment for me as the birthda part held in Ma. I never had suh a birthda part before, hat’s more, m birthda is the same month as our General Manager Lu, and I felt ver honored and grateful. I reeived a lot of arm elebration ords from all of ou and a lovel birthda ard. I as so moved that da and had the feeling that I am a part of this big famil. When I ble off the andles, I made three ishes, firstl, make progress in English, ndl, make progress in Japanese,Thirdl, do m best to bee a good translator in Suntrans. I hope m ishesill e true in the future.
The third memorable moment for me as The Seond Experiene Exhanging Forum of Mining Investment 20**. This is the first time I took part in suh a big onferene, and I as ver
exited and illing to do something for it. We did ork ver hard for this onferene, and even asked the Dragon Boat Festival to ontribute. This onferene gave me a great orkexperiene and taught me man things: for example ho to do advertising and marketing, and a great knoledge in mining industr. The most important is, our oung fellos’team ork is ver brilliant, and I love our pan more thanever after this onferene.
These are the three most memorable moments for me that I spent ith all of ou in Suntrans, I hope that e an reate moreand more in the future.
Thank ou all, best ishes ith love.
