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2019 年 6 月 第 5 卷 第 6 期
超声内镜结合内镜黏膜下剥离术治疗直肠类癌 应用价值
广西钦州市妇幼保健院消化内科袁广西钦州 535099
目的 探讨超声内镜结合内镜黏膜下剥离术治疗直肠类癌应用价值遥 方法 选择 2016 年 5 月要2018 年 11 月 20 例直肠类 癌患者袁随机分组遥 传统开放性手术治疗对照组给予传统的开放性手术袁观察组给予超声内镜结合内镜黏膜下剥离术遥 分析两 组的诊断准确率曰手术操作用时等指标曰治疗前后患者机体生理应激指标尧心理应激指标尧生命质量评分曰并发症发生率遥 结 果 观察组诊断准确率 10 例渊100.00%冤高于对照组 7 例渊70.00%冤渊字2=6.734袁P=0.016 约0.05冤遥 治疗后观察组机体生理应激指标尧 心理应激指标尧生命质量评分尧手术操作指标优于对照组渊P约0.05冤遥 观察组并发症发生率 1 例渊10.00%冤低于传统开放性手术治 疗对照组 4 例渊40.00%冤渊字2=6.246袁P=0.021 约0.05冤遥 结论 直肠类癌患者实施超声内镜结合内镜黏膜下剥离术可获得较好效果袁 可有效减轻患者机体的创伤和应激袁减少并发症的发生袁改善患者的生命质量遥
Endoscopic ultrasonography; Endoscopic submucosal dissection; Rectal carcinoid; Psychological stress; Quality of life; Physiological stress
收稿日期院2Leabharlann 19-05-04曰 修回日期院2019-05-27 作者简介院罗雅丽渊1983-冤袁女袁瑶族袁广西平南人袁本科袁主治医师袁研究方向院胃食管反流病尧消化性溃疡尧消化道癌症尧消化道出血尧急 慢性胆囊炎尧各种肝炎尧肝硬化尧肝癌尧炎症性肠病等消化疾病的诊治袁成人尧小儿电子胃肠镜检查术袁超声内镜检查术袁各种内镜微创 治疗遥
超声内镜曰内镜黏膜下剥离术曰直肠类癌曰心理应激曰生命质量曰生理应激 doi10.11966/j.issn.2095-994X. 2019.05.06.46
LUO Ya-li, LAO You-yi, NING Hua-min Department of Gastroenterology, Qinzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Qinzhou, Guangxi, 535099 China
Objective To evaluate the value of endoscopic ultrasonography combined with endoscopic submucosal dissection in the treat鄄 ment of rectal carcinoid. Methods 20 patients with rectal carcinoid tumors from May 2016 to November 2018 were randomly assigned. The traditional open surgery treatment group received traditional open surgery, and the observation group was given endoscopic ultra鄄 sonography combined with endoscopic submucosal dissection. The diagnostic accuracy of the two groups was analyzed; the time of op鄄 eration and other indicators; the physiological stress index, psychological stress index, and quality of life score of the patient before and after treatment; the incidence of complications. Results The diagnostic accuracy of the observation group was 10 cases (100.00%) higher than that of the control group 7 cases (70.00%)渊字2=6.734, P=0.016, P约0.05冤. After treatment, the body's physiological stress index, psychological stress index, quality of life score, and surgical operation index were better than the control group 渊P约0.05冤. The incidence of complications in the observation group was 1 cases(10.00%) lower than that in the traditional open surgery control group 4 cases (40.00%)渊字2=6.246, P=0.021 约0.05冤. Conclusion Ultrasound endoscopy combined with endoscopic submucosal dissection can achieve better results in patients with rectal carcinoid, which can effectively reduce the trauma and stress of the patient's body, reduce the occurrence of complications and improve the quality of life of patients.
2019 年 6 月 第 5 卷 第 6 期
超声内镜结合内镜黏膜下剥离术治疗直肠类癌 应用价值
广西钦州市妇幼保健院消化内科袁广西钦州 535099
目的 探讨超声内镜结合内镜黏膜下剥离术治疗直肠类癌应用价值遥 方法 选择 2016 年 5 月要2018 年 11 月 20 例直肠类 癌患者袁随机分组遥 传统开放性手术治疗对照组给予传统的开放性手术袁观察组给予超声内镜结合内镜黏膜下剥离术遥 分析两 组的诊断准确率曰手术操作用时等指标曰治疗前后患者机体生理应激指标尧心理应激指标尧生命质量评分曰并发症发生率遥 结 果 观察组诊断准确率 10 例渊100.00%冤高于对照组 7 例渊70.00%冤渊字2=6.734袁P=0.016 约0.05冤遥 治疗后观察组机体生理应激指标尧 心理应激指标尧生命质量评分尧手术操作指标优于对照组渊P约0.05冤遥 观察组并发症发生率 1 例渊10.00%冤低于传统开放性手术治 疗对照组 4 例渊40.00%冤渊字2=6.246袁P=0.021 约0.05冤遥 结论 直肠类癌患者实施超声内镜结合内镜黏膜下剥离术可获得较好效果袁 可有效减轻患者机体的创伤和应激袁减少并发症的发生袁改善患者的生命质量遥
Endoscopic ultrasonography; Endoscopic submucosal dissection; Rectal carcinoid; Psychological stress; Quality of life; Physiological stress
收稿日期院2Leabharlann 19-05-04曰 修回日期院2019-05-27 作者简介院罗雅丽渊1983-冤袁女袁瑶族袁广西平南人袁本科袁主治医师袁研究方向院胃食管反流病尧消化性溃疡尧消化道癌症尧消化道出血尧急 慢性胆囊炎尧各种肝炎尧肝硬化尧肝癌尧炎症性肠病等消化疾病的诊治袁成人尧小儿电子胃肠镜检查术袁超声内镜检查术袁各种内镜微创 治疗遥
超声内镜曰内镜黏膜下剥离术曰直肠类癌曰心理应激曰生命质量曰生理应激 doi10.11966/j.issn.2095-994X. 2019.05.06.46
LUO Ya-li, LAO You-yi, NING Hua-min Department of Gastroenterology, Qinzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Qinzhou, Guangxi, 535099 China
Objective To evaluate the value of endoscopic ultrasonography combined with endoscopic submucosal dissection in the treat鄄 ment of rectal carcinoid. Methods 20 patients with rectal carcinoid tumors from May 2016 to November 2018 were randomly assigned. The traditional open surgery treatment group received traditional open surgery, and the observation group was given endoscopic ultra鄄 sonography combined with endoscopic submucosal dissection. The diagnostic accuracy of the two groups was analyzed; the time of op鄄 eration and other indicators; the physiological stress index, psychological stress index, and quality of life score of the patient before and after treatment; the incidence of complications. Results The diagnostic accuracy of the observation group was 10 cases (100.00%) higher than that of the control group 7 cases (70.00%)渊字2=6.734, P=0.016, P约0.05冤. After treatment, the body's physiological stress index, psychological stress index, quality of life score, and surgical operation index were better than the control group 渊P约0.05冤. The incidence of complications in the observation group was 1 cases(10.00%) lower than that in the traditional open surgery control group 4 cases (40.00%)渊字2=6.246, P=0.021 约0.05冤. Conclusion Ultrasound endoscopy combined with endoscopic submucosal dissection can achieve better results in patients with rectal carcinoid, which can effectively reduce the trauma and stress of the patient's body, reduce the occurrence of complications and improve the quality of life of patients.