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Dear leaders and classmates
hello everyone! Today, I am speaking on the topic of a student who is willing to help people.
There is a girl in our class, named yanglijuan, who is my good friend. She is 11 years old, and she loves to learn the bleating of lamb when she is OK. It is lovely! She is also very helpful. If you don't believe it, listen to the following two stories. Once, yanglijuan walked on the way to school and saw an old grandfather in his 60s pushing a car full of bricks for a young man in his twenties. The young man kept beating his hand on the back of his grandfather and said, "old man, push it quickly. Otherwise, I won't give you two yuan of work!" Yanglijuan saw someone fighting such an old man, really can not bear, so she rushed to Grandpa, asked her to come to the cart for Grandpa. Grandpa said, "it's OK. I'm going to push hard. Besides, you are a kid who is going to school. If you push the car, I'm afraid you will be late!" After listening to Grandpa, Yang Lijuan said: "nothing will happen, Grandpa, I will go along!" And then the cart began. She carried the side post of the carriage forward with her shoulder, and began to cart with the strength of her predecessor. She pushed it seriously, only saw her hand and shoulder and use it, her body leaning forward, and the two pedals, and stopped until the end. Grandpa was moved and happy. He didn't know what to say for a while to express his thanks.
On another Chongyang Festival, yanglijuan took the initiative to help her to clean the window at an old grandma's house. She took a rag first, and then put it in the water and rubbed it, and began to wipe it up until the glass of the old lady's window was clean and bright. After finishing the window, Yang Lijuan also performed singing, dancing and jokes for her. She was very happy and boasted that Yang was a good child. This day, grandma happily spent an unforgettable Festival. When they were separated, the old lady always sent Yang Lijuan out of the gate. Yang Lijuan said to her, "go back, I will come back to you sometime!"
Students, after listening to this introduction, do you think that Yang Lijuan is a helpful student? Let us all give a little love, and the world will be better! I'm finished with my speech. Thank you all!
Good evening, leaders and teachers!
Being a ladder - with our tenacity / students stepping on our shoulders to a new journey / turning silkworms - extending with our talents / letting the silk of knowledge extend from us / as candles - bring light to the world with our loyalty / burning. This is the motto of countless people's teachers, and the true portrayal of the hero I am going to introduce today. She is a national model teacher, a teacher of Shanghai golden love, an excellent educator in Shanghai, and a teacher named * * * who is the red flag bearer of Shanghai.
In the eyes of the students, she is a strict teacher, with no details, and takes the lead in doing it. In the quiet night, alone lamp accompanied her to read her homework, but she felt that there were dozens of naive eyes shining in front of her eyes. She once happily recalled her "positive and luxuriant" Fenghua; She had also deep worries, thinking about the sea in the dozens of white sails how not lost. As a national model teacher, Zhou's professional level is undoubtedly commendable. In eight years, the students in her class have been ranked first. Take the 1997 middle school examination as an example, and the English test paper with a full score of 120 points has reached 118 on average. 65 points, won the first achievement in the whole district. Therefore, murming came to ask her to be a tutor, but she declined it. But on weekends and after school, she took the initiative to make up for the athletes and make up for the students who had difficulties in learning. Many parents thought it was the arrangement of the school. Her colleagues were upset for her. "You didn't even hear a thank you." but Mr. Zhou said, "this is my own student. I have the duty to teach them. Besides, the Communist Party members should speak a little spirit. As long as the students' English ability is improved, it is the best return to me."
Yes, she is a strict teacher and an excellent Communist Party member, but the students who get along with each other more regard her as a loving mother. For this love for students, Zhou even gave up the right to be a mother. She said: "I have no children of my own, but I have many children who are more like flesh and bone. When I see them become talented, I feel that I have no regrets for all the efforts." Little Chen students will not forget that when her mother is in danger of cancer, the first thought is Miss Zhou. After receiving the call, Mr. Zhou immediately dragged her husband to Xiao Chen's home, and asked him to send the patient to the hospital, and left him to accompany her. When Xiao Chen's mother died, Zhou asked her classmates to encourage her as peers, and compensate her lost mother love with collective warmth, so that she could get out of the shadow of her mother as soon as possible. "Because of family, you have more love for me. In the pain of bitterness, you extend your hand of assistance to me. When I have difficulties in learning, you have put your eyes on love and
encouragement. In life, you care about me without exception, and I am surrounded by another kind of unspeakable love. I love you, teacher Zhou, I love you, mom! ".
"Early love" is a sensitive issue. Therefore, when the "love letter" event appeared in the class, teacher Zhou was also secretly annoyed, but she understood that the children in the flower season were full of curiosity about the love they knew and understood, and their emotional world was still in the hazy, so she did not choose simple criticism education. On a weekend, Mr. Zhou invited the schoolgirl to his home, read her album, talk about the idol when he was young and talk about his favorite extracurricular books. The long talk made the student speak out what he wanted without any scrupulous consideration, and finally accepted the suggestion of Mr. Zhou - to maintain a precious friendship. Facing the understanding of teacher Zhou, she said affectionately: "people say that children have too much love now, but I know that although there is love from parents and relatives, we also want to get an understanding of love. Today is the love you gave me to this eager student to understand. Teacher, you are a respectable friend. Thank you for your guidance. Please believe me, I will certainly go from childish to mature.
In XX years, a student in teacher Zhou class will fly to other countries to study. Before leaving, he left his school uniform and a letter. The letter also included 200 yuan. That was his pocket money saved. He said he would use it to help poor students. Who can imagine that before that, because of the superiority of family conditions, the small sun in the heart of this parent is the famous self-centered class. In the letter, he wrote: "in the two years of life, Mr. Zhou, is you who teach me to care about others and help others at all times with your own actions. Thank you teacher, you gave me the most vivid lesson in my life. "
In the mid-term examination of XX years, as an exchange teacher, Mr. Zhou went to Australia to work. The news came that the door of the family was almost crushed. More than 30 students were approved to say goodbye to her home after school. When Zhou came to the airport, more than ten students and parents rushed to the airport to see off, leaving her farewell. During her work in Australia, more than 100 letters and e-mail followed her to other countries with the deep thoughts and love of her students. No matter how well the test is, the students have no reservation. Because they trust Mr. Zhou. When she learned from her student's letter that two students failed to get the ideal results and their parents expected high values, she immediately called home, asked her husband to find out the student's address book, and made two international long-distance calls to the two students' home, and asked them to treat the test scores correctly. At that time, parents were very moved and said that this was a love from afar. After returning home, Mr. Zhou was invited to one of her classmates' school to make a report. She rushed to the school in advance to see what she had been and always the student. Facing his teacher, the student jumped up excitedly. He hugged Mr. Zhou and said "I can't think of it, I can't think it.".
Meanwhile, Mr. Zhou also called the students who failed to return to Yichuan high school one by one. A parent wrote a long letter to her, saying, "Miss Zhou, when you get your call, the child cried, excited, deeply feeling and ashamed. Since you left, she often said you, especially near the end of December, she would say to me almost every day:" today, Will Mr. Zhou come back? " I am very moved to see her showing her true feelings to you. Although the child can not go to high school in Yichuan as she wishes, she will always remember your feelings. "
From summer 1997 to now, her magic effect has been flashing on three classes in a row! Compared with the advanced classes in grade, the three classes with a large gap have become advanced groups. Most incredible is that, in the early
20XX, Mr. Zhou took over Class 3 (1) in the last semester. She tried her best to go into the classroom, often eating Baoxin Pills, and never even had herpes zoster for a day off. Before the middle school entrance examination, Mr. Zhou wrote a letter to the class as usual,
"These days I have been devoting my love to you in my heart and out of peace, for I know the weight of my responsibility. We can't afford to lose, children. Today, when you regain confidence, when you say goodbye to the backward, confident to apply for the key middle school in the city, I am glad. I sincerely wish you success. " This sentence of moving words warm the hearts of students, many students burst into tears, but also deeper understand the pain of teacher Zhou. In just five months, the class style and study style have changed completely. In the words of parents, "you have created a miracle. These children have not solid foundation and a lot of debt. You only have months to arouse their confidence. It is their blessing and the blessing of parents to meet you.". The most backward class in this grade has a successful ending for their junior high school life with the first grade of graduation examination and the second grade of entrance examination.
It is because of the seriousness and strict of teacher Zhou that she brings the class to win various honors. Class 4 of the 9th session, which was carefully taught by Zhou teacher, was rated as Shanghai love group, Shanghai young eagle squadron and Shanghai advanced class group for four consecutive years.
It is also because of such a maternal love that students keep close contact with teacher Zhou even after graduation. Every year, on Mother's day, she will receive the blessings of students who will choose her favorite red as letter paper, and write "your child" at the end of the letter. More students show their true f e e l i n g s : " t h e l e t t e r t o m o m h a s b e e n u n a b l e t o w r i t e , b u t t o y o u c a n n o t a c c e p t t h e p e n , l o n g w a n t e d t o t e l l y o u a m o t h e r , b u t a l w a y s f e e l i n f e r i o r t o t h e t e a c h e r t o c o m e t o t h e o b e d i e n c e , b u t t h e h e a r t h a s n o t k n o w n s e v e r a l t i m e s , l e t u s k e e p t h a t u n d e r s t a n d i n g i n o u r h e a r t ! " / p > p b d s f i d = " 7 0 " > 0 0 " A l t h o u g h y o u h a v e b
e e n o u t o
f c l a s s 4 f o r t h r e e y e a r s , y o u w i l l n e v e r f o r
g e t y o u r s i n c e r e a n d u n r e p e n t a n t e f f o r t s . M a y b e y o u a r e n o t t
h e l a s t o n e I h a v e m e t , b u t
i t i s t h e f i r s t t e a c h e r I h a v e e v e r m e t w i t h s u c h a f u l l - h e a r t e d d e v o t i o n a n d n o r e t u r n . Y o u r d e d i c a t i o n t o e d u c a t i o n m a k e s m e d e e p l y a d m i r e a n d r e s p e c t i t , Y o u r e n t h u s i a s m h a s b e e n i n t e g r a t e d i n t o o u r b l o o d , a n d w e k n o w w h a t i s a C o m m u n i s t P a r t y m e m b e r f r o m y o u . " / p > p b d s f i d = " 7 1 " > 0 0 I n t h i s w o r l d , " t h e r e i s o n e k i n d o f e m o t i o n t h a t c a n b e s t e m b o d y t h e m e a n i n g , c a l l e d l o v e . S h e c a n r e m o v e t h e s a d r u b b l e , t h e b r o k e n w a l l o f d e s p a i r , t h e t o r c h o f h o p e , a n d t h e d r u m m e r o f t h e a d v a n c e . " W i t h h e r f u l l l o v e a n d s e l f l e s s d e v o t i o n , M r . Z h o u s h o w e d u s t h e d e m e a n o u r o f a n e x c e l l e n t P a r t y m e m b e r t e a c h e r . A s s h e s a i d h e r s e l f , " c h i l d r e n , i f I t a u g h t y o u a n y t h i n g , p l e a s e a l w a y s t r y t o b e a s e l f l e s s p e r s o n . O u r c o u n t r y n e e d s p e o p l e l i k e t h i s . " / p > p b d s f i d = " 7 2 " > 0 0 T h a n k y o u ! i m g s r c = " h t t p s : / / i m g . w y k w . c o m / u p l o a d f i l e / i m a g e s / t e m p l a t e / 0 4 .
j p g " b d s f i d = " 7 3 " > / p > p s t y l e = " b o r d e r - l e f t : 5 p x s o l i d # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; c o l o r : # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; b a c
k g r o u n d : # f 5 f 7 f 7 ; p a d d i n g -
l e f t : 1 0 p x ; l i n e - h e i g h t : 3 5 p x ;
m a r g i
n - b
o t t o m : 8
p x ; " b d s f i d = " 7 4 " >。
