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一. 选择题
1. The continental U.S.A. consists of 50 states.
2. The National Day of the U.S.A. is the day when the Declaration of Independence was signed.
3. William Faulkner is the American writer who won the Nobel Prize of Literature.
4. The American Congress consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
5. Harvard University is located in Boston .
6. The State of Washington is located in the northwest of the continental U.S.A.
7. The American Civil War broke out in 1861 .
8. The Great Gatsby was written by Francis Fitzgerald .
9. “I Have a Dream” was delivered by Martin Luther King in 1963.
10. “Lost Generation ” refers to the youth, especially writers and artists, in the years following World War I.
11. Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the U.S.A.
12. California is a sunny state in the U.S.A.
13. The Norman Conquest took place in 1066.
14. Ireland does not belong to the U.K.
15. The oldest university in the U.K. is Oxford
16. The largest English dictionary is Oxford English Dictionary
17. The Canterbury Tales was written by Geoffery Chaucer
18. The Parliament of the U.K. comprises the House of Lords and the House of Commons
19. In 1620, Mayflower, the ship in which the Pilgrim Fathers
sailed, voyaged to Plymouth in America.
20. Vanity Fair was written by William Thackery
1.每单元前的warm-up case 注意题目的分析comment 大部分考选择题
2.For example, how does an Australian man know that when another man approaches him in a
pub, pats him on the back an says “How ya goin’you ol ’bastard ”, he is expressing friendship and intimacy.(P6)
3.In other words, culture can be seen as shared knowledge, what people need to know in order
to act appropriately in a given culture. (P6)
4.However, it is also important to remember that culture is not a static entity. (P6)
5.The way of regarding culture as an observable pattern of behavior is a useful one but one that
has its limitations.(P5)
6.(变化快慢的领域)Changes in certain aspects of culture, especially in the area of behavior
and customs, can occur rapidly. Changes in the underlying values, e.g. in ways of looking at the world, tend to be much slower. (P6)
7.P7 的冰山图
8.There are three basic aspects to communication: our individual personality, the culture we
operate in, and the physical environment that surrounds us.(P7)
9.Intercultural communication as a field of study first emerged in the U.S. in the 1950s as a
result of the four trends that lead to the development of the global village :(1) Convenient transportation systems (2)
Innovative communication systems (3) Economic globalization (4)Widespread migrations (P8-9)
10.Edward Hall is considered the father of intercultural communication with his publication of
The Silent Language in 1959 and his many other works. The 1960s was the period of conceptualization of the field by communication scholars. The 1970s showed a rapid development, reflected in the publication of numerous studies. During the 1980s the field moved toward integration and a clearer identity. The 1990s stressed diversification of methods, displayed increased concern with domestic co-cultures, and also witnessed efforts to redress historical and colonial imbalances. By the end of the 20th century, there was as many as nineteen specific intercultural communication theories put forward. (考点:时间,事件) (P9) 11.The more similarities two cultures share, the less influence culture will have on
communication. Therefore, the less messages will be changed during communication; the less the cultures are alike, the greater the influence of culture on communication will be, and the more likely the messages will be changed.(P11)
12.At the innermost depth of our heart, are we flexible and broadminded enough to accommodate
multiculturalism instead of ethnocentrism? The 21st century calls for people with intercultural personalities.(P11)
13.The case above shows that social interactions may vary greatly owing to different cultural
backgrounds. In this case, people’s different reac tions toward a fly in a beer reveal not only their individual personality but also the orientation of their nation’s mainstream culture, e.g.
the English’s seriousness, the French’s arrogance, the
spanish’s generosity, the Japanese’s critical approach, the Arab’s sarcasm and the American’s humor.(P21)
14.P24的表Table 2.1
15.occupations or titles which can be followed by family name: Doctor, Judge, Governor, Mayor,
Professor, Nurse and ranks in the armed forces like Captain.(P24-25)
16.first name 名forename 名family name 姓given name 名last name 名surname 姓
17.中西方打招呼方式:Greetings are common in both English and Chinese. When people meet
they usually greet each other. The purpose of the greeting is to establish or maintain social contact, not to transfer information, so formulaic expressions are often used. In English , the following greetings are common.(例子见书P25)
18.Gift sending -------当面拆,为了表达感谢
19.西方人做客怎么预约:①I haven’t seen you for a long time.
I was wondering whether I
could come round to visit you sometime. ②I’d l ike to come and see you sometime. Would you be free one afternoon next week? ③I would like to come and visit you. Would it be convenient for me to come Wednesday evening?(P29-30)
20.中西方Dinner Preparation的差别:If guests are invited for
a meal, Chinese prepare a very
large number of dishes, usually far more than can be eaten at the time. Conversely, Westerners tend to relate the meal size more accurately to the people’s appetites, both the quantity and variety of the meal are far less than in China.(P30)
21.中西方离开方式的差别:In Western culture, it is common for the guest to indulge in a
couple of minutes’ small talk while preparing for leaving, e.g. “Well, it’s been lovely to see you , but I must be going soon.
I hope we’ll be able to get together again before long…” o r “Thank you for a lovely evening . I must not hold you any longer.” The host will see the guest to the door and say something like “Thank you for coming.”In contrast to this, Chinese visitors often stand up suddenly and say, “I’m leaving now”, which seems quite abrupt to the Westerners. Unless the host strongly insists he or she stay longer, the guest will move to the door and say “请留步”,“不要送了”,“回去吧”,“再见”. For an important guest, the Chinese host will see him or her to the building gate, or even to the bus stop and say something like “请慢走”,“请走好”,“不远送了”,“有空再来”. Sometimes the will not go back until the guest is out of sight.(P31-32)
22.如何给建议又不冒犯别人:①privately ②in advance 见书P44 comment
23.哪些中国人对外国人称赞的应答会引起误会:①“Oh, it’s just an ordinary dress I bought
in China.”②“Should I blush, or should I tell him you don’t really mean it.”③“Growing flowers is my hobby, but I’m not much good at it.”④“T really know little about the subject.”(P48-49)
24.According to Manes and Wolfson (1981), the overwhelming majority of English compliments
contain one of a highly restricted set of adjectives and verbs.(P52)
25.In Chinese, however, positive words expressing compliments are mainly adjectives, adverbs
and verbs.(P53)
26.Another linguistic feature of Chinese compliments is that many of them begin with the
pronouns “you” or “your”, while in English compliments the pronoun “I” (as in “I love it ”
and “I like it”) is more frequently used.(P53)
27.中英文中称赞别人比例最高的例句: (P53-54)
①NP is/looks really (intensifier) ADJ
e.g. Your blouse looks beautiful. You are so efficient.
②You V ADV
e.g. 你干的不错。

You did the job well.
28. Common Response Formulas of English and Chinese Compliments : (P55)
①American English:
A: This is really a nice sweater.
B: I’m glad you like it.
A: You did a good job.
B: Thank you/Thanks.
A: 你的毛衣不错(Your sweater is very good.)

(I bought it only for ten yuan)
A:你干的不错. (You did the job very well )

/ 还差的远哩(That’s the result of joint efforts./ There’s still much room for improvement. )
29. These two groups of most commonly used responses show that native English speakers tend to accept the compliments, at least in form, whereas the Chinese tend to efface themselves in words, although they do feel comfortable about the compliments. (P55)
30. “You look good ”的不同Cultural Assumption (P56)
There is nothing more embarrassing than one’s
compliments hurting others due to the different cultural values. For example, the adjective “good”is frequently used in compliments in both Chinese and English cultures. Sometimes the syntactic structure of the sentences containing “good” are also similar, e.g. “You look good ” is an American compliment as well as a Chinese one. While “good” is a general term that can refer to one’s health, appearance and manner in both cultures, the Chinese rarely think losing weight is good, a common assumption Americans will have. Many American are conscious of weight, whereas many Chinese consider rosy cheeks a sign
of good health. In Chinese, losing weight may mean that someone has become sick w ithout noticing. Instead, “You’ve put on weight” can be a compliment in Chinese. This is why a Chinese learner might commit the mistake of saying to an American, “You have gained weight” offending the American without knowing it, and an American may attempt a compliment by saying “you’ve lost weight,” which will only make his Chinese friend worry about his health.
31. 中英文对道谢的回应:(P57)
Not at all. / You’re welcome. / Don’t mention it. / It’s my/our pleasure. / That’s all right. / That’s okay.
不客气/ 不用谢/谢什么/没关系/这算不了什么/这是我应该做的
32. 中西方价值观的差距:collectivism(中) individualism (西)
33. 哪些中英文单词是Culturally Loaded Words
P70 culturally loaded words 标题下面开始到P71 的There are also numerous…..这段结束(除了Naturally,….这段不是,其他都是)
34. social science 包含哪些内容(P71-72)
The term “social science”i tself deserves some attention. The Chinese for “social sciences”itself deserves some attention.
The Chinese for “social sciences”is “社会科学”,but are they really the same? Do both terms cover the same fields? If we go by contemporary Chinese usage, “社会科学” cov ers all the fields except the ones in the natural sciences and applied sciences. It would be the same to “the humanities” in English: language, literature, philosophy, etc., i.e. the branches of learning dealing mainly with the cultural aspects of civilization. The English term “social sciences”, however, covers a smaller area of learning. It includes political science, economics, history (which is often classified under the humanities), and sociology --- the branches of learning that study human society. Especially its organization and the relationship of individual members to it.
35. P72 表格table 4.1
36. Not all animal or birds have specific names that denote different sex. Some have specific names well-known to us. With certain less common animals and bird s, “bull” or “cow” and “cock”or “hen”are frequently used to distinguish sex, e.g. bull seal, cow seal; bull elephant, cow elephant; cock pheasant, hen pheasant; cock sparrow, hen sparrow. Also, using the term “male” or “female”, or sometimes “she” with the generic name, is acceptable, as in “male leopard”, “female panda”, “she wolf”, etc. (P72)
37. P73 表格table 4.2
38. 中文独有,难译英文(P75)
①良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行:Frank’s advice is like good herbal medicine: had to take, but ultimately beneficial.
②瓜田不纳履,李下不正冠: Neither adjust your shoe in a melon patch; nor your hat under a plum tree.
③一人得道,鸡犬升天: Even the dog swaggers when its master wins favor.
①Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 越是不见越是想念
②An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我
③Let sleeping dogs lie. 莫惹是非
④You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. 年逾花甲不堪教
⑤You can’t have your cake and eat it too. 鱼与熊掌不可兼得
39. In any culture, some words or expressions are to be avoided because tradition or social custom strongly frowns on their use. These are verbal taboos. Just as violating a cultural taboo can be quite offensive, so can verbal taboo.
①Excreta and acts of human excretion (these are euphemistic terms themselves) are to be avoided in polite conversation.
②Talking about sexual intercourse and certain par ts of the body is taboo in both cultures.
③In many languages, swear words are taboo. (P76-77)
40. (图见P79)
图考点:English----linear an direct Semitic ----- tangential and semi-direct
Oriental----circular Romance-----consistently circuitous
Russian-----direct and circuitous
41. A basis for identifying the problem-solving approach is to study the culture’s paragraph format. Each language and each culture has a paragraph order unique to itself, and the key to a successful learning of a particular language is in mastering its logical system. (P79)
42. 解决问题的方式:For example, American culture is predominantly factual-inductive; Russian culture is predominantly axiomatic-deductive; and Arab cultures are
predominantly intuitive-affective.
T 1.As a phenomenon, intercultural communication has existed for thousands of years. However, as a discipline , its history is only about fifty years.
F 2.Intercultural Communication as a discipline first started in Europe.
F 3.Culture is a static entity while communication is a dynamic process.
T 4.Culture can be seen as shared knowledge, what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture.
T 5.Although cultural stereotype has its limitations (over-generalization),it still contributes to a person’s cultural cognition.
T 6.In intercultural communication, we should separate one’s individual character from cultural generalization.
T7.Cultural mistakes are more serious than linguistic mistakes. The linguistic mistake means that someone is not fully expressing his or her idea while cultural mistakes can lead to serious misunderstanding and even ill-feeling between individuals.
F8.All people of the same nationality will have the same culture.
T9.Although two cultures may share the same ideas, their meaning and significance may not be the same.
F10.One’s actions are totally independent of his or her culture.
T 1.All cultures require and value politeness, but the ways in which politeness is achieved may vary significantly.
T 2.Don’t take offence---getting the form of address
“wrong” is rarely intended to be offensive. T 3.Addressing forms like “Miss Mary”, “Brown” by the Chinese may be a form of cultural compromise.
T 4.Ranks in the armed forces like Captain, Colonel can be used as titles.
F 5.Westerners can understand what Uncle policeman or P.L.A Uncle means.
F 6.We can address Jason Douglas, who is a lawyer, as Lawyer Douglas.
F7.Chinese hospitality toward the Westerners is always greatly appreciated.
F8.The Chinese way of showing concern is usually appreciated by the Westerners.
F9. “Thank you for coming!” is a typical expression used by Western hosts when the guests just arrived.
T10. “I’m sorry to have wasted your time” or “I’m sorry to have taken up so much of your time ” are usually appropriate to the business visit.
T 1.Sometimes the Chinese way of showing modesty may be considered as fishing for compliments.
T 2.The social functions of Chinese and English compliments are roughly the same.
T 3.In informal situations, a large number of compliments are used to make people feel comfortable.
F 4.The cultural assumption of compliments is the same between cultures.
T 5.Adjectives and verbs are often used to convey compliment message in English, while adjectives, adverbs and verbs are often used in Chinese.
F 6.English compl iments often begin with the word “you”
while Chinese compliments often start with the word “I”.
F7.Chinese people give more compliments in daily life than Americans.
F8.Americans tend to be self-effacing in their compliments responses.
/doc/9b12931607.html,pliments on other’s belongings are sometimes an indirect way of request in American culture.
T10.If a guest compliments something in another person’s home, the Chinese host or hostess will probably give that thing to the guest.
F 1.Verbal communication is more important than nonverbal communication.
F 2. “Dragon” means the same to the Westerner as “龙” to the Chinese.
F 3.The Chinese phrase “知识分子” has the same meaning as “intellectual”.
T 4. A term in one language may not have a counterpart in another language.
F 5.In referring to animals and birds, the Chinese practice is generally, but not always, to use “公”or “母”to show whether a creature is male or female. This is the same with the English language.
T 6.The following six Engli sh words: “vice”, “associate”, “assistant ”, “deputy”, “lieutenant”, and “under” can all mean “副” in Chinese language.
F7.There are as many similarities as dissimilarities between English proverbs and Chinese proverbs.
T8.Violating a cultural taboo is as serious as violating a verbal taboo.
T9.Patterns of thought vary with culture.
T10.Particular thought patterns predominate in each culture, e.g. American culture is predominantly factual-inductive, Russian culture is predominantly axiomatic-deductive, and Arab cultures are predominantly intuitive-affective.
1. landscape engineer 园林工人
2. tonsorial artist 理发师
3. sanitation engineer 清洁工
4. shoe rebuilder 补鞋匠
1. soft in the head 发疯的
2. reckless disregard for truth 撒谎
3. to take things without permission 偷窃
4. industrial climate 劳资关系紧张
nether garments lunatic
call your carriage for you a man of bad taste
plain a prostitute
patient trousers
a man of doubtful taste ugly
a lady of the town ask you to go away
四. 翻译题
1. A new broom sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火
2.Many hands make light work. 人多好办事
3.Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事,今日毕
4.Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕
5.Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达
6.Where there’s smoke there’s fire. 无风不起浪
7.The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. 这山望着那山高
8.Beauty is only skin deep. 美貌是肤浅的
9.Spare the rod and spoil the child. 玉不琢不成器
10.Give a person a dose of his own medicine. 以其人之道还治其人之身
1.Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏
2.Diamond cut diamond. 棋逢对手
3.golden saying 金玉良言
4.fat office 肥缺
5.You will cross the bridge when you get to it. 船到桥头自然直
6.Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 宁为鸡头,不为牛尾
7.drink like a fish 牛饮
8.tread upon eggs 如履薄冰
五. 简答题
1. 对话时,可以接受的话题和不要涉及的话题
A local or national event
The weather
例如:A question like “How old are you ?” should be avoided
例如:It is better to avoid questions like “How much do you earn?”
例如:Phrases like “Put on more clothes” have protective ,parental overtones, and hence may sound inappropriate to the independent Westerners.
例如:Questions like “Is your husband/wife with you?” or “How many children do you have ?”can cause some embarrassment to unmarried people.
In China, the term “知识分子” generally refers to those people including college teachers, college students , middle school teachers, and such people as medical doctors ,engineers, interpreters who have had a college education. However, in the U.S. and Europe, “intellectual”includes only people of high academic status such as college professors, not ordinary college students. So the term covers a much smaller range of people. There are other differences as well, for example, “intellectual”is not always a complimentary term in the U.S. and it is sometimes used in a derogatory sense.
3. Three main social functions of Compliment
①Greeting people
(A boss meets his young female employee in the morning )
A: Well, you look good today. You have such nice clothes.
B: Thank you. I have had this for a while.
②Expressing thanks
A: Thanks for the Christmas present you sent me. It’s so nice and just what I need.
B: I’m glad you like it.
③Getting over embarrassment
(Two friends decide to make up after a quarrel. One comes to the apartment of the other. )
A: Hi, Mary. How are you?
B: OK, How are you?
A: I’m fine.
B: Oh, this vase is really pretty. When did you get it?
4. semantic differences between English terms and Chinese terms
①A term in one language does not nece ssarily have a counterpart in the other language;
②Words or terms in both languages appear to refer to the same object of concept only on the surface, but actually refer to quite different things;
③Things or concepts are represented by one or perhaps two terms in one language, but by many more terms in the other language, i.e. finer distinctions exist in the other language;
④Terms have more o less the same primary meaning , but have secondary or additional meanings that may differ considerably from each other.
①“It takes two to make a quarrel”is similar to “一个巴掌拍不响” .The Chinese saying has roughly the same connotation as the English---meaning both people may be at fault. However, the Chinese saying also has another meaning that it often takes more than one person to achieve anything significant.
②“A miss is as good as a mile”might be considered equivalent to “差之毫厘谬以千里”, However, the moral often associated with the Chinese expression is : a small fault or deviation, if not corrected, will end up in a major error or
catastrophe. The Chinese saying is a warning , whereas the English one merely states a fact, or a philosophic attitude that to miss one’s mark even very slightly is as bad as missing it by a mile.
③“Gilding the lily” would seem similar to “锦上添花” . However, such is not the case, for the English saying implies spoiling something already fine, good or beautiful by attempting to make it better. It expresses an attitude of disapproval, whereas the Chinese one means adding flowers to the brocade, i.e. adding something to make a good thing even better or turning excellence into perfection.
④“Life begin at forty” can be compared with two Chinese proverbs. The first one, “人到四十五,正如出山虎”,has roughly the same meaning , but the age shows a five-year difference. The second one , “潮怕二十,人怕四十”, mentions the same age, but takes a dim view about reaching that stage of life: tides ebb after the twentieth of each month (in lunar calendar) , people decline after forty.。
