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I Blank-filling(20%)
Fill in the following blanks with a word whose initial letter has been given. Write the words on the Answer Sheet ' h
1. Language is a system of arbitrary v symbols used for human communication.
2.Modern linguistics is mostly descriptive while traditional grammar is p .
3. According to Saussure, the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community is known as l .
4.Speech sounds may be studied from three distinct but related points of view, giving rise to three branches of phonetic studies, namely, a phonetics, auditory phonetics and acoustic phonetics
5.P is an abstract unit of distinctive value which is represented or realized by a certain phone in a certain phonetic context.
6. M he study of the internal structure of words and the rules that govern the rule of
7.D morphemes may change hot]only the grammatical class of words, but their meanings
as well.
8. Phrases that are formed of more than one word usually contain three elements: head, s
and complement
9. The structure formed by the XP rule in accordance with the head's s properties is known as deep structure.
10.H refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form,
i. e, different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both.
11.P analysis involves the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence which consists of
argument(s) and predicate.
12. In daily communication, people do not always observe the four maxims of the co-operative
principle. Conversational i would arise when the maxims are flouted.
13. The way of word formation by which new words may be formed by combining parts of other
words is known as b .
14 The word holiday, which originally meant holy day, has undergone a process of w of meaning because it signifies any rest day in modern English
15.I is a personal dialect characterized by individual style that combines elements
regarding regional, social, gender, and age variations
16. The type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of s a register.
17. P is a special language variety that mixes or blends languages and it is used by people
who speak different languages for restricted purposes such
as trading.
18. The weak version of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis holds that the language patterns i people's thinking and behavior.
19.Interlanguage refers to learners' i system of the second language, which is of neither the
native language nor the second language, but a continuum or approximation from his native
language to the target language
20. M can be defined as the learner,s attitudes and affective state or learning drive, having a strong impact on his efforts in learning a second language
I. Multiple choice(20 %)
Choose the best answer to the following items.
21. Who among the following linguists looks at language from a psychological point of view and
considers language to be a property of mind of each individual?
A. N. Chomsky
B. F. de Saussure
C. Leonard Bloomfield
D. M. A. K. Halliday
22. Vibration of the vocal cords results in a sound quality called
B. nasalization
C. friction
23. Which of the following words begins with a palatal, voiceless fricative?
B. chop
C. shop
D. thought
24. Which of the following words does (not/contain a central vowel?
A. nurse
B. instead
C. stubborn
D. whisper
25. Which of the following is a minimal pair?
A. peak, pig X
B.kilt, pill
C. style, file
D. meat. seat
26. Which of the following is a closed class word?
A. Borough
B. thorough
D. although
27. Which of the following words has the Fewest morphemes?
A. unhappy
C. forever
D. establishment
28. The underlined morphemes in the following belong to the (derivational morphemes EXCEPT
A. national
B. nationalized
C. national
D. international
29. All transformational rules perform the following operations EXCEPT .
A. moving Infl to C
B. moving a wh-element to the specifier position under CP
C. inserting an auxiliary such as do
D. changing an element in the phrase marker
30.The pair of words "above and below" is called
A.gradable antonyms
B. relational opposites
C. complementary antonyms
D. stylistic antonyms
31. X: They are going to have another baby
Y: They have a child now
The sense relation between the above sentences is
A. X entails Y
B. X presupposes Y
C. X is synonymous with Y
D. x is inconsistent with Y
32. According to Austins new model, a speaker might be performing the following three acts EXCEPT ,when he speaks
A. locutionary act
B. illocutionary act
C.perlocutionary act
D. thoughtless act
33. According to Searl's classification of speech acts, "Never promise anything when you are not sure of it I' is an instance of
A. Commissives
B. directives
C. Expressives
D. representatives
34.Which of the following words is an example of coinage?
A. walkman
B. smog blend
D. memo
35. refers to the process whereby a word is shortened without a change in the meaning and in the part of speech
A. Blending
B. Back-formation
C. Clipping
D. Conversion
36. Which of the following is a(native English word?
A. tea
B. vodka
C. coup d'etat
D. day
37. When a comes to be adopted by a population as its primary language and children
learn it as their first language, it becomes
A. Creole; pidgin
B. pidgin; Creole
C. regional dialect: sociolect
D. sociolect; regional dialect
38. Which of the following theories of language acquisition claims that the modified language
which is suitable for the childs capability is crucial in his language acquisition?
A. The behaviorist view of language acquisition
B. The innatist view of language acquisition
C. The interactionist view of language acquisition
D. The cognitive theory of language acquisition
39. Which of the following is NOT an example of overgeneralization?
A. The girl is dressed in a blue ski jacket. "→The girl is worm in a blue ski jacket.
B. waited, wal ked,…→ drived,r ised,…
C. Jane advised me to give up smoking. →Jane suggested me to give up smoking
D. tables, desks,…→ apples, masks,
40.Strategies involved in analyzing, synthesis and internalizing what has been learned belong to strategies.
A. Cognitive
B. metacognitive
II. True or false judgment(20 %)
Judge whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for a true statement and F for a false one.
41.Broca's area is responsible for the articulation of speech. Thus, damage to parts of the brain in front of the central sulcus will cause non-fluent aphasia.
42. Saussure took a sociological view of language and thought language as a matter of social conventions.
43. According to the Critical Period Hypothesis, LAD, like other biological functions, works successfully only when it is stimulated at the right time.
44. Phonemes are the minimal elements of language systems.
45. English is a typical tone language which has three frequently-used tones.
46 Inflectional affixes mark grammatical relations and cause
a change in grammatical class of
word to which they are attached.
47. Sense deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world
of experience.
48. Different languages offer people different ways of expressing the world around.
49. We know. the verb“give” requires double objects, such information about a word's
complement Is known as its subcategorization.
50.The meaning of a sentence can always be directly worked out by adding up all the meanings of its constituent words.
IV Give a short answer to each of the following terms.(25 %)
51. duality
52.suprasegmental features
53. category
54. sociolect
55. learning strategies
V. Essay question(15%)
56. Analyze the conversational implicature arising in the following conversation in light of
Cooperative Principle by Paul Grice.
Aunt:—How did Jimmy do his history exam?
Mother:—Oh, not at all well. Teachers asked him things that happened long before the
poor boy was born.。