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1. 听力题:
The _____ (star/planet) is bright.
2. 听力题:
Many _______ have medicinal properties.
3. 听力题:
The _______ of an element tells us its position on the periodic table.
4. 听力题:
In a chemical reaction, the substances that are produced are called _____.
5. 填空题:
A _____ is a high area of land that is flat on top.
6. 填空题:
The ______ (水循环) plays a role in plant growth.
7. 听力题:
A __________ is a tool used to measure temperature.
8. 选择题:
What is the primary color that comes from mixing yellow and blue?
A. Green
B. Purple
C. Orange
D. Brown
答案: A
9. 填空题:
My ________ (玩具) is a bridge to friendship.
10. 听力题:
An example of a chemical change is _______ cooking.
11. 听力题:
The smell of vinegar is due to the presence of _______ acid.
12. 填空题:
The _____ (拼图) is challenging but fun.
13. 听力题:
Metals conduct __________ well.
14. 选择题:
What do we call the animal that hops and carries its baby in a pouch?
A. Kangaroo
B. Frog
C. Rabbit
D. Squirrel
15. 听力题:
She is ___ (happy/sad) today.
16. 填空题:
I have a toy ________ that can dance.
17. 听力题:
The book is ________ interesting.
18. 听力题:
__________ are substances that can conduct electricity when dissolved in water.
19. 选择题:
What is the term for an animal that can live both in water and on land?
A. Mammal
B. Reptile
C. Amphibian
D. Fish
答案: C
20. 填空题:
A _____ (猫) loves to chase after string.
21. 选择题:
What do you call the sport of riding on water using a board?
A. Surfing
B. Skating
C. Diving
D. Swimming
22. 选择题:
What do we call the study of animals?
A. Geography
B. Zoology
C. Botany
D. Ecology
23. 听力题:
Chemical bonds can be ionic or ______.
24. 填空题:
I love _______ (和朋友一起)做手工。

25. 填空题:
A _____ (植物历史) can provide context for their importance.
26. 填空题:
The ________ was a major event in European history in the 14th century.
27. 选择题:
Which instrument has keys and is played by pressing down on them?
A. Guitar
B. Drum
C. Piano
D. Violin
答案: C
28. 填空题:
My aunt loves __________ (手工艺品).
29. 听力题:
The cat sleeps on a _____.
30. 填空题:
The __________ is the capital city of Argentina. (布宜诺斯艾利斯)
31. 填空题:
I see many ______ (小动物) in the spring.
32. 填空题:
__________ (化学教育) promotes understanding of scientific principles.
33. 听力题:
She has a ________ (wonderful) idea.
34. 选择题:
What is the color of grass?
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. Brown
35. 选择题:
Which part of a plant absorbs water?
a. Leaf
b. Stem
c. Root
d. Flower
36. 填空题:
_____ (thyme) is used in many dishes.
37. 填空题:
The first woman to fly in space was ______ (瓦尔entina·捷尔金).
38. 听力题:
The baby is ___ (sleeping).
39. 听力题:
The chemical formula for sodium hydroxide is ______.
40. 选择题:
Which of these is a type of transportation?
A. Bicycle
B. Tree
C. House
D. Mountain
41. 听力题:
A ____ can fly high in the sky and has a sharp beak.
42. 选择题:
Which food is made from milk and comes in many flavors?
A. Yogurt
B. Cheese
C. Ice cream
D. Butter
43. 填空题:
I can ______ (利用) online tools effectively.
44. 选择题:
What do you call a young pig?
A. Calf
B. Piglet
C. Lamb
D. Foal
45. 听力题:
My cousin is very ____ (funny) and makes me laugh.
46. 填空题:
In my home, we like to call each other by our ______ names.

47. 选择题:
What do we call a scientist who studies animals?
A. Botanist
B. Zoologist
C. Ecologist
D. Marine biologist
答案: B
48. 填空题:
The sun shines ______ in the summer.
49. 听力题:
A shooting star is actually a ______ entering the Earth's atmosphere.
50. 听力题:
Carbon dioxide is produced during ______ respiration.
51. 填空题:
I love to go ______ (滑雪) during winter vacations.
52. 填空题:
Many plants are used in ______ (食品工业).
Granite is commonly used in construction because it is very ______.
54. 填空题:
During the holidays, I want to travel to _______ (地方). I will take lots of _______ (名词) and enjoy the _______ (活动).
55. 填空题:
The _______ (海豚) is very playful.
56. 选择题:
What do we call a baby elephant?
A. Calf
B. Fawn
C. Cub
D. Joey
答案: A
57. 听力题:
The _____ (绘画) is famous.
58. 听力题:
The Earth's crust is covered with about ______ percent water.
59. 听力题:
A __________ is a place where magma reaches the earth's surface.
60. 选择题:
What is the name of the famous American novel about a girl's coming of age?
A. To Kill a Mockingbird
B. The Great Gatsby
C. Little Women
D. The Catcher in the Rye
61. 填空题:
I can ______ (开发) my talents through practice.
62. 选择题:
What is the capital of Italy?
A. Madrid
B. Paris
C. Rome
D. Berlin
Which animal is known for its long neck?
A. Elephant
B. Giraffe
C. Lion
D. Tiger
64. 填空题:
My favorite activity at school is ______.
65. 填空题:
The __________ is known for its diverse wildlife. (非洲)
66. 选择题:
What is the term for a baby hedgehog?
a. Hoglet
b. Pup
c. Kit
d. Chick
67. 填空题:
I like to go ______ when it's sunny.
68. 填空题:
The __________ (历史的探讨) enriches knowledge.
69. 听力题:
This is my best ___ . (friend, friends, friendly)
70. 填空题:
The ________ was a series of wars fought between England and France.
71. 填空题:
The ________ was a notable figure in the fight against discrimination.
72. 选择题:
What is the name of the animal that is known for its slow movement and shell?
A. Tortoise
B. Snail
C. Sloth
D. Armadillo
73. 填空题:
I love to ______ (与朋友共度时光).
What do we call a large, heavy animal that can swim?
A. Dolphin
B. Whale
C. Hippo
D. All of the above
75. 填空题:
We will _______ (玩) soccer tomorrow.
76. 听力题:
The chemical formula for sodium ascorbate is _______.
77. 选择题:
What is the primary color of grass?
A. Blue
B. Yellow
C. Green
D. Red
答案:C. Green
78. 选择题:
What do you call a person who works in a restaurant?
A. Chef
B. Waiter
C. Cook
D. All of the above
79. 填空题:
The crow is known for being very _______ (聪明).
80. 填空题:
George Washington was the first __________ of the United States. (总统)
81. 选择题:
What is the name of the famous ancient city in Mexico?
A. Chichen Itza
B. Tulum
C. Teotihuacan
D. All of the above
82. 填空题:
She is a _____ (记者) who reports the news.
What is the name of the famous volcano in Italy?
A. Mount Etna
B. Mount Vesuvius
C. Mount Stromboli
D. Mount Olympus
84. 填空题:
The ________ is a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci.
85. 选择题:
What is the capital of the Marshall Islands?
A. Majuro
B. Ebeye
C. Arno
D. Kwajalein
答案: A. Majuro
86. 听力题:
The first manmade object to orbit Earth was _______ .
87. 听力题:
I see a _____ (彩虹) in the sky.
88. 选择题:
What do we celebrate on Halloween?
A. Giving thanks
B. Dressing up and trick-or-treating
C. New Year's Day
D. Independence
89. 选择题:
What is the main source of energy for the Earth?
A. Wind
B. Sun
C. Water
D. Coal
90. 填空题:
The __________ (奴隶制) was abolished in many countries in the 19th century.
91. 听力题:
The ______ is known for his bravery.
What do we call the art of folding paper into shapes?
A. Origami
B. Papercraft
C. Scrapbooking
D. Decoupage
93. 填空题:
Planting native species can support local ______.

94. 填空题:
A ferret loves to dig and ______ (探索).
95. 选择题:
What is the capital city of the UK?
A. London
B. Dublin
C. Edinburgh
D. Cardiff
96. 填空题:
The _________ (玩具) shop is full of _________ (颜色鲜艳的) toys.
97. 填空题:
The _____ (海豹) is often seen on rocky shores.
98. 填空题:
The __________ (历史的复兴) fosters renewal.
99. 听力题:
The _______ is the part of the atom that determines its chemical properties.
100. urban agriculture) utilizes city spaces for farming. 填空题:The ____。
