公开课unit9My favorite subject is science sectionA1a-2c 图文
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['mjuːzɪk] 音乐 [mæ θ] 数学
[ιtʃaɪ'ni:z] 语文
1a Match the words with the pictures. P49
1. P.E. _c_ 2. art _f_ 3. science b__ 4. music e__ 5. math _h_ 6. Chinese _d_ 7. geography_a_ 8. history g__
B: My favorite subject is _P_._E_._.
A: Why do you like it?
B: Because it’s _in_t_e_r_e_s__ti.ng
P.E. interesting
Ask and answer in pairs.(同桌操练类似的对话)
A: What’s your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is____. A: Why do you like it? B: Because it’s___.
favorite ['feɪvərɪt] 最喜爱的
subject ['sʌbdʒɪkt] 学科,科目
science ['saɪəns] 科学
geography[dʒɪ'ɒgrəfɪ] 地理
history ['hɪstrɪ] 历史
music ['mjuːzɪk] 音乐
4.We have seven __su_b_j_e_c_ts_(subject) this term.
5.Miss Wang is our _g_e_o_g_ra_p_h_y(地理) teacher.
( A )1. Cindy doesn’t like history. She thinks
2.抄写P49-50的单词; 3.完成练习册P68Байду номын сангаас69练习。
做人,无需去羡慕别人,也无需去花 时间去 羡慕别 人是如 何成功 的,想 的只要 是自己 如何能 战胜自 己,如 何变得 比昨天 的自己 强大就 行。自 己的磨 练和坚 持,加 上自己 的智慧 和勤劳 ,会成 功的。 终将变 成石佛 那样受 到大家 的尊敬 。
--- What’s your favorite subject? --- My favorite subject is music .
--- What’s your favorite subject? --- My favorite subject is math .
--- What’s your favorite subject? --- My favorite subject is Chinese.
W_h_a__t’_s_ _y_o__u_r favorite subject?
5. What's your favorite subject ? (同义句)
What subject do you like__b_e_st ?
1.熟读unit9 section A 1b, 2a,2b听 力材料P74;
Listening P50 2a Listen and put the conversation in
What’s your 1
favorite subject?
My favorite
subject is P.E.
because [bɪ'kɒz]
By Sarah Lee Li Xiaomei
1.favorite adj. 最喜欢的 = like sth. best ---My favorite subject is science.(写出同
义句) ---I like science best.
2.subject n. 科目 → subjects
[mæ θ]
声朗读,不会 的单词向同
Chinese [ιtʃaɪ'ni:z] 语文
看图填空 --- What’s your favorite subject? --- My favorite subject is art .
--- What’s your favorite subject? --- My favorite subject is science .
Listen and circle the subjects you hear in 1a. 听录音,在1a中圈出所听到
1. P.E. __ 2. art __ 3. science __ 4. music __ 5. math __ 6. Chinese __ 7. geography__ 8. history __
A: What’s your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is music. A: Why do you like it? B: Because it’s relaxing.
music relaxing
A: What’s your favorite subject?
favorite ['feɪvərɪt] 最喜爱的
subject ['sʌbdʒɪkt] 学科,科目
science ['saɪəns] 科学
geography [dʒɪ'ɒgrəfɪ] 地理
history ['hɪstrɪ] 历史
music math Chinese
it’s ______.
A. boring B. fun C. interesting D. relaxing
( C )2. I like science
it’s interesting.
A. how B. why C. because D. what
( B )3. —What’s your sister’s favorite ______?
Why do you like P.E.? 3
因为 为什么
Listening Listen and match the
2b subjects you hear with the
descriptions. Description
1. art
2. science
a. fun
3. music
1c Practice in pairs.(两人小组练会这个对话) ---What's your favorite subject? --- My favorite subject is….
music music
Chinese English science
history P.E. art geography math
A. sport B. color C. book D. subject
( A )4. ---
do you like music?
--- Because it’s relaxing.
A. Why B. What C. How D. When
1. 艾丽斯最喜欢的科目是什么? __W__h_a_t__ is Alice’s favorite _s_u_b_j_e_c_t_? 2. 我妹妹喜欢体育,但我认为它很无聊。 My sister likes P.E., but I ___th_i_n_k__ it’s ___b_o_r_in_g_. 3. He likes Chinese because it’s interesting. (对划线 部分提问) Why does he like Chinese? 4.My favorite subject is science. (对划线部 分提问)
Welcome To our class!
Si Hang Middle School, Zhan Jiang
What are these?
a math book
a Chinese book
an English book
a music book
Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. Section A 1a-2c
Boy1:Why do you like P.E.?
Boy2:Because it’s fun. How about you? What’s your favorite subject?
Boy1:Hmm. My favorite subject is music.
Boy2:Really? Why?
Boy1:Because it’s relaxing.
--- What’s your favorite subject? --- My favorite subject is P.E. .
--- What’s your favorite subject? --- My favorite subject is geograph.y
--- What’s your favorite subject? --- My favorite subject is history .
1 像我这样的人……
最近总是单曲循环的播放着这首 《像我 这样的 人》, 听很久 都不会 觉得腻 ,或许 这首歌 最大的 魅力就 是共鸣 。
像我这样的人…… 比如:
人生在世,草木一秋。一闪一灭,转 瞬之间 。你我 都轻如 云烟, 渺如微 当花瓣 离开花 朵,暗 香残留 ,香消 在风起 雨后, 无人来 嗅”忽 然听到 沙宝亮 的这首 《暗香 》,似 乎这香 味把整 间屋子 浸染。 我是如 此迷恋 香味, 吸进的 是花儿 的味道 ,吐出 来的是 无尽的 芬芳。 轻轻一 流转, 无限风 情,飘 散,是 香,是 香,它 永远不 会在我 的时光 中走丢 。
fun music
Chinese P.E. science geography
math history art
1. Words about subjects 2. 谈论 “ 最喜欢的学科及原因 ”
A: What’s your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is ... A: Why do you like it? B: Because it's .…
b. interesting
4. P.E.
c. boring
5. math 6. geography 7. history
d. difficult e. relaxing
2b Listening materials
Boy1: What’s your favorite subject?
Boy2:My favorite subject is P.E..
旧的东西其实极好。学生时代喜 欢写信 ,只是 今天书 信似乎 早已被 人遗忘 ,那些 旧的记 忆,被 尘埃轻 轻覆盖 ,曾经 的笔端 洇湿了 笔锋, 告慰着 那时的 心绪。 现在读 来,仿 佛嗅到 时光深 处的香 气,一 朵墨色 小花晕 染了眼 角,眉 梢,是 飞扬的 青春, 无知年 少的轻 狂,这 份带不 走的青 涩,美 丽而忧 伤。
3.science n. 科学 →scientist 科学家
What subjects do we have?
美术 art
English Chinese
science 科学
math 数学 P.E.
Read aloud by yourselves.(大声自读单词)
Boy2:What subject do you not like?
Boy1:I don’t like history because it’s boring.
Boy2:Really? I don’t like geography because it’s really difficult.
Practice in pairs.(两人小组练习这个对话)
(一)根据句意及提示,填写单词,完成句子。 1.My favorite(最喜欢的) color is white.
2.I like basketball because(因为) it’s fun.
3. Music (音乐) is an interesting subject (学科).