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Reductionism works on the scientific assumption of parsimony-that complex phenomena should be explained by the simplest underlying principles possible.
English for Psychology
Chapter seven
The reductionism debate in psychology
The reductionism debate in psychology
生物心理学-旨在从生理学、神经化学或基因水平的角度来解释 所有心理或精神层面的问题。最终,心理学将被生物学和其他位 于还原论之梯底层的其他自然科学所取代。
Hale Waihona Puke 社会学 心理学 生物学 化学 物理学
Humanistic psychology-investigates all aspects of the individual as well as the effect of interactions between people.Gestalt therapy developed by Fritz Perls aims to enable people to accept and cope with all aspects of their life and personality.
这两种研究方法都采用格式塔的研究方法,假设“整体大于各 部分之和”。
Reductionism——Examples in psychology
There have been many reductionist attempts to explain behaviour in psychology, for example: Structuralism-one of the first approaches to psychology pioneered by Wundt and Titchener involved trying to break conscious experience down into its constituent images,sensations,and feelings. Behaviourism-assumed that complex behaviour was the sum of all past stimulus-response learning units. Biopsychology-aims to explain all at the psychological or mental level in terms of that at the physiological, neurochemical or genetic level.Ultimately,psychology would be replaced by biology and the other natural sciences lower down on the reductionist ladder.
characteristic:特征;特性;特色 loaf:游荡;游手好闲
社会心理学-从社会背景中审视个体的行为。群体行为表现出的 特质也许比包含其中的全部个体行为更有说服力(至少说明社 会惰性的情况)。
Holism&Interactionism——Examples in psychology Psychoanalysis-Freud adopted an interactionist approach, in that he considered that behaviour was the result of dynamic interaction between id, ego, and superego. Abnormal psychology-mental disorders are often explained by an interaction of biological,psychological,and environmental factors.Schizophrenia may be due to a genetic predisposition triggered by environmental stress.An eclectic approach to therapy is often taken using drugs and psychotherapy. Perception-illusions show that humans perceive more than the sum of the sensations of the retina.
Other approaches have proposed higher level holistic and/or interactionist explanations of human behaviour, for example:
其他的研究方法提出从更高水平的整体的或相互作用的角度来 解释人们的行为,例如:
A simple reductionist hierarchy of explanation.
Holism&Interactionism——Examples in psychology Other approaches have proposed higher level holistic and/or interactionist explanations of human behaviour,for example: Humanistic psychology-investigates all aspects of the individual as well as the effect of interactions between people.Gestalt therapy developed by Fritz Perls aims to enable people to accept and cope with all aspects of their life and personality. Social psychology-looks at the behaviour of individuals in a social context.Group behaviour may show characteristics that are greater than the sum of the individuals which comprise it(or less in the case of social loafing!).
人本主义心理学-不仅研究个体的方方面面,而且研究人们之间 相互作用所产生影响的所有方面。由弗烈兹·帕尔斯创立的格 式塔疗法旨在使人们能够接受并处理他们生活和人格的各方面 的问题。
Social psychology- looks at the behaviour of individuals in a social context. Group behaviour may show characteristics that are greater than the sum of the individuals which comprise it (or less in the case of social loafing!).
Holism looks at same/higher level explanations. Interactionism shows how many aspects of a phenomenon or levels of explanation can interact together to provide a complete picture.
Reductionism involves explaining a phenomenon by breaking it down into its constituent partsanalysing it.
reductionism:还原论;简化论 constituent:构成的;选举的
还原论是通过先把一个现象分解成它的组成部分,之后再分析其 组成部分的方式来解释某个现象。
整体说与相互作用论 理论假设
Assumptions Examples in psychology For Against
Reductionism involves explaining a phenomenon by breaking it down into its constituent partsanalysing it. Reductionism works on the scientific assumption of parsimony-that complex phenomena should be explained by the simplest underlying principles possible.
parsimony:吝啬;过度节俭;简约性 simplest:最简单的,单纯的 underlying:潜在的;根本的;在下面的;优先的
还原论致力于简约的科学假设,认为复杂的现象应该尽可能被 一些最简单的而且深层的原理来解释。
Holism&Interactionism——Assumptions Holism looks at same/higher level explanations. Interactionism shows how many aspects of a phenomenon or levels of explanation can interact together to provide a complete picture. Both approaches involve taking a gestalt approach, assuming that ’ the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’.
构造主义-由冯特和铁钦钠创始的最早的心理学研究方法之一, 它试图将意识经验分解为表象、感觉和情绪三种基本元素。
Behaviourism-assumed that complex behaviour was the sum of all past stimulus-response learning units.
holism:整体论;整体说 interactionism:相互作用论
整体说注重在同一水平或更高水平上进行解释。相互作用论说 明一种现象是由多少个方面,或一种解释是由多少个层次通过 彼此间相互作用来形成一个完整的画面的。
Both approaches involve taking a gestalt approach, assuming that ’the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’.
There have been many reductionist attempts to explain behaviour in psychology, for example:
Structuralism-one of the first approaches to psychology pioneered by Wundt and Titchener involved trying to break conscious experience down into its constituent images,sensations,and feelings.
Biopsychology-aims to explain all at the psychological or mental level in terms of that at the physiological, neurochemical or genetic level. Ultimately,psychology would be replaced by biology and the other natural sciences lower down on the reductionist ladder.