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【摘要】[目的]探索稻田粉垄一次后的多年后效作用.[方法]稻田粉垄23 cm,对照(传统耕作)16 cm,持续7年对其土壤理化性状和水稻产量品质调查与测定.[结果]稻田粉垄当年早稻每公顷比对照增1972.5 kg、增幅23.87%,稻米品质整精米率和蛋白质分别比对照提高15.95%、14.61%,土壤每公顷有机质、有效氮、有效磷、有效钾含量增幅分别为74.58%、67.01%、104.41%、129.62%;粉垄后第7年早稻每公顷比对照增234 kg、增幅3.21%,稻米品质糙米率和精米率分别比对照提高0.5%、0.14%,土壤每公顷有机质、有效磷、有效钾含量增幅分别为45.8%、62.63%、73.37%,土壤每公顷全氮、全磷、全钾含量增幅分别为46.03%、50.58%、36.65%;粉垄耕作7年间产量增幅为3.21%~23.87%,其平均每季净效益增收1843.61元/hm2、增益18.03%.[结论]稻田粉垄第7年耕层仍保留22 cm,比传统增厚46.67%,且水稻当年至第7年增产提质,表明粉垄耕作稻田可行性高.%[Objective] The objective of this study was to explore the long-term effect of Fenlong cultivation for one time. [Method] The physical and chemical properties of soil and rice yield and quality were investigated and determined by measuring the soil at the depth of 23 cm in the paddy field with Fenlong cultivation and 16 cm of control (conventional farming) for 7 years. [Result] Compared with the control,the average yield of early rice of the Fenlong cultivation increased by 1972.5 kg/hm2 of the first year, an increase of 23.87%, and milled rice and protein increased by 15.95% and 14.61%, while the increase rates of organic matter, available
nitrogen,available phosphorus and available potassium per hectare were
74.58%, 67.01%,104.41% and 129.62%, respectively. In the 7th year after Fenlong cultivation, the yield increased by 234 kg/hm2 from the control, an increase of 3.21%, and milled rice and protein increased by 0.5% and 0.14%, while the increase rates of organic matter, available phosphorus and available potassium per hectare were 745.8% ,62.635 and 73.37% , respectively, and the increase rates of total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium were 46.03% , 50.58% and 36.65%, respectively.During the 7 years after Fenlong cultivation, the yield increased by 3.21-23.87%,and its average net income per season increased by 1843.61 Yuan/hm2 with a gain of 18.03%. [Conclusion] At the 7th year after Fenlong cultivation, the paddy field still had the furrow remain at a depth of 22 cm, which was 46.67% thicker than the traditional one. The yield and quality of paddy rice increased for 7 consecutive years showed that Fenlong cultivation was highly feasible for paddy field.
【作者单位】广西壮族自治区农业科学院经济作物研究所,广西南宁 530007;广西壮族自治区农业科学院经济作物研究所,广西南宁 530007;广西壮族自治区农业科学院经济作物研究所,广西南宁 530007;广西壮族自治区农业科学院经济作物研究
所,广西南宁 530007;广西壮族自治区农业科学院经济作物研究所,广西南宁530007;广西壮族自治区农业科学院经济作物研究所,广西南宁 530007;广西壮族自治区农业科学院经济作物研究所,广西南宁 530007;广西壮族自治区农业科学院经济作物研究所,广西南宁 530007;广西壮族自治区农业科学院经济作物研究所,广西南宁 530007
For a long time,rotary tillage or zero tillage has been used in the paddy field for continuous years in China,and with excessive application of chemical fertilizers,the plow layer becomes shallow,the plow pan becomes thick,the soil becomes hard,the permeability of the soil become worse,and the productivity of land and the sustainable productivity
decline[1].Fenlong cultivation of rice is a newly invented rice planning mode by the authors,in which rotary driller is used to cultivate the dry farmland.In Fenlong cultivation,the rice seedlings are transplanted after water returning soft soil or directly planted through seedling slinging in the dry soil during the rice planting seasons,in which the soil,fertilizers and water within the paddy retain as much as possible,creating a brand new soil ecological environment conductive for rice growth and development with loosen soil and abundant oxygen.It can not only increase the yield and improve the quality of the rice of the season,but also has significant after-effects.Therefore,it is of great significance to study the follow-up productivity of paddy field after Fenlong cultivation,so as to save the cost.
Fenlong cultivation had been applied to more than 20 crops such as rice[2-4],corn[5-7],wheat[8],sugar cane[9]and potato[10],and all showed devel-oped rootsystems,robustplant growth,significant yield increase and quality improvement[11-13].The later seasons of crops after Fenlong cultivation also showed good continuous yield increase effects.From 2011 to 2014,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences continued its fixed-point test in Wuqiao County,Cangzhou City,Hebei Province.The cultivation depth of Fenlong went to 30 cm,and the 2nd season of winter wheat had a yield increase of 1 924.8 kg hm2from the control,an increase of 34.22%.The yield of the 3rd season of summer corn increased by 34.22%,and the wheat planted in 2014 still showed an increase of 32.57%[14].In 2012,the 2nd crop of potatoes in Dingxi City,Gansu Province had the yield increased by 15.6%,and the 2ndcrop of late rice in Yuanjiang,Hunan Province had the yield increased by 7 218.0 kg/hm2,an increase of 16.7%[12,15].NIEet
al.[16]conducted the cultivation tests for 2 years in 2 places,finding that Fenlong cultivation could not increase the yield of the crop (wheat)of the season,but also could increase the yield of the next crop (corn).In Fuping County,Shanxi,Fenlong cultivation had the yield of winter wheat increased 29.9%,and the yield increase of summer corn of the next year reached up to 34.89%[12].In Yuanjiang City,Hunan Province,Fenlong cultivation was applied to the direct-seeded rice by the Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center,and the yield of the two seasons of crop increased by 1 957.5
kg/hm2,an increase of 15.88%[13].In this study,a fixed-point test was conducted to investigate and determine the yield and quality of soil and
rice in the 1styear of and the 7thyear after Fenlong cultivation in order to test the feasibility of the application of Fenlong cultivation to paddy field in the current year and the subsequent years.The changes of soil physical and chemical properties and the yield and quality of rice in the currentseason and following season were analyzed to provide the scientific bases for the feasibility of Fenlong cultivation in paddy field.
Materials and Methods
Test time and place
The testwasconductedfrom February 2011 to July 2017 in Xingshang Village,Min’an Town,Beiliu Ci ty,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Test materials
Paddy field for test was the one with paddy soil developed from the parent material of quaternary red clay,which had medium soil fertility and irrigation and drainage conditions.
The tested rice varieties were Y Liangyou 1(1stand
2ndseason),Shenliangyou 5814(6thseason),Y Liangyou 372(13thseason) Test methods
Test design
(1)Randomized block design was adopted to set up two treatments of Fenlong cultivation and conventional cultivation(CK)with three replications.The plot was 5 m long and 4 m wide with an area of 20 m2.For the Fenlong cultivation group,Fenlong mechanic cultivation was applied to the dry paddy field for the 1stseason in February 2011 at the depth of 23 cm.The CK group was cultivated using the 6-8 hp small harrow machine at
the depth of 16 cm.For each treatment,each piece of rice planting field was 400 cm wide,and the pitch was 35 cm wide,14 cm deep.As for the Fenlong treatment,the rice seedlings were transplanted after seedling slinging and water returning soft soil,while for the CK,seedling slinging was done after plowing the land.
(2)Field test demonstration.The area for the continuous Fenlong cultivation was 6.67 hm2,while the area for the CK was 4.67 hm2.The standards for Fenlong cultivation and CK were the same as referred in(1).
Season 1(Early rice in 2011)
Plot test was conducted in the planting specification of 24 cm×16 cm with double seedlings.For the continuous planting,250 000 seedlings were planted or thrown for each hectare.The seedlings were planted(thrown)in shallow water,and the water was kept at the shallow level for 7-10 d in the paddy field.Then,alternation of wetting and drying in the field and pitches was conducted after the tillering of the seedlings until the maturity of rice.The basal fertilizers were as follows:organic manure of 4 500
kg/hm2(nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium≥4,organic matter of 30%),compound
fertilizer(nitrogen∶phosphorus∶potassium=20 ∶9 ∶11)of 375
kg/hm2,15%phosphorus containing calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer of 600 kg/hm2;the fertilizes during the tillering period were urea of 187.5 kg/hm2,potassium chloride of 150 kg/hm2;fertilizers for the panicle primordium differentiation stage were compound
fertilizer(nitrogen∶phosphorous∶potassium=16∶16:16)of 150
kg/hm2,urea of 97.5 kg/hm2,potassium chloride of 150 kg/hm2;fertilizers for potted flowers were urea of 49.5 kg/hm2,potassium chloride of 82.5 kg/hm2.Similar to that of the field production of conventional cultivation,the herbicide Paraquat of 200 g was mixed with water into 60 kg to spray to kill the weed before transplanting the seedlings to control field weeds.Semi-automatic harvester was used for the harvest.
For the rice from the 2ndseason to the 13thseason,the paddy field cultivation (tractor rotary tillage or notillage),water management were the same in both the plots of Fenlong cultivation and CK.
Investigation items
After the Fenlong cultivation of paddy field,investigation and monitoring were conducted to topsoil thickness,soil bulk density,soil organic matter content,available N,P and K content,total N,P and K content to the
1st,2nd,6thand 13thseasons of rice in the paddy fields with both Fenlong cultivation and CK.Investigation and analysis were also made to the total spike number,kernels per spike,setting rate as well as the yield and quality of rice,and the yield and economic benefits of the 1st-13thseasons of rice after Fenlong cultivation were analyzed.
After Fenlong cultivation,the soil samples were collected according to reference[17]during the middle stage of rice growth of the
1st,2nd,6th,13thseasons,and the soil bulk density was
determined.Then,Guangxi Soil Testing andTestingCenterwascommissioned to test soil nutrients.When harvesting the 6th season of rice,SL-TSA soil compactness tester was used to determine soil compaction.During the
harvest,each plot was harvested separately,following by weighting,and then the weight of each plot was converted into the yield of rice per hectare.In large field with continuous planting,3 places with consistent growth vigor were randomly taken,each with an area of about 20 m2,and the yield from each place was converted to the rice yield per hectare after harvesting.In the meantime,1 kg of representative sample was taken from each treatment,which was entrusted to the Rice and Products Quality Supervision and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture for testing. Data statistical analysis
Excel statistical analysis software was used to do the basic data collation and analysis;SPSS was used to do the significant difference test.
Results and Analysis
Effect of Fenlong cultivation on the surface soil physical and chemical properties as well as rice yield and quality of early and late rice in the
As shown Table 1,for the 1stseason of rice from Fenlong cultivation,the topsoil thickness was 7 cm thicker than the CK,and soil available
N,available P,available K and organic matter increased by
67.01%,104.41%,129.62%,74.58%,respectively. Intermsofyieldcomponents(Table 2),there were no significant differences in total spike number,kernels per spike and 1 000-grain weight of the Fenlong treatment with the CK,but the setting rate was significantly higher than that of the CK.Finally,the yield of Fenlong cultivation was 1 972.5
kg/hm2 higher than that of the CK,an increase of 23.87%,which reached
the level of significant difference. The performance of late rice was basically the same as that of early rice.The yield components ofFenlong cultivation showed no significant increase compared with the CK,and the setting rate each decreased by 0.17%from the CK,while total spike number,kernels perspike,1 000-grain weightincreased by 3.67%,4.65%and 2.71%,respectively.The yield increased by 780.0 kg/hm2from the CK,an increase of 9.25%,which also reached significant difference level.The average yield of early and late rice showed that the yield of Fenlong cultivation was 2 752.5 kg/hm2higher than that of the traditional cultivation,an increase of 16.48%.
For the 1stseason rice of Fenlong cultivation,the milled rice rate and protein content increased by 15.95%and 14.61%,respectively compared with the CK.According to the judgment criteria,the milled rice rate and protein content from Fenlong cultivation were of the first rate,while both were of the 3rd rate in the CK.
For the 2ndseason rice of Fenlong cultivation,not only the milled rice rate and protein contentincreased by 15.95%and 14.61%,respectively compared with the CK,the chalkiness rate and chalkiness degree even decreased by 17.86%,9.09%,respectively.
Effect on the surface soil physical and chemical properties as well as rice yield and quality in the 6thseason after Fenlong cultivation
As shown in Table 4,for the 6th season rice,the topsoil thickness of Fenlong cultivation still remained at 22 cm,while that of the CK was 16 cm.The former was 6 cm thicker than the later,an increase of 37.5 cm.The soil bulk
density of Fenlong cultivation decreased by 10.56%from the CK,while the soil organic matter,total N,total P,total K content of Fenlong cultivation increased by 59.33%,69.89%,60.16%and 64.63%respectively than those in the CK,and soil available N,available P,available K increased by
94.86%,67.29%,74.32%respectively from the CK.As for the soil compactness in paddy fields,the tillage layer of Fenlong cultivation at the depth 0-15 cm was 0,which decreased by 100%from the CK of 71 kPa;and the soil compactness at 15-20 cm of Fenlong cultivation was 867 kPa,which decreased by 37.98%from the CK of 1 398 kPa.
As shown in Table 5,for the 6th season rice after Fenlong cultivation,the total spike number and grains per spike were higher than those of
CK,while the setting rate and 1 000-grain rate showed some decreases.However,the yield of Fenlong cultivation increased by
22.64%from that in the CK.
Table 1 Soil thickness and nutrients in paddy field for the Fenlong cultivation of the first rice season1.The cultivated layer for Fenlong cultivation was 23 cm,and CK 16 cm;2.Soil bulk density of 1.3 g/cm3was taken as the reference count for calculation;3.Test samples were taken from dry soil,and the soil moisture of paddy field was set at 70%,while the moisture of dry soil was 30%.Treatment Topsoil thickness∥cm Available K mg/kg Fenlong 23 24.69 107.45 69.72 131 CK 16 20.33 92.4 48.96 82 Increase of Fenlong cultivation compared with CK∥kg//hm2 9 465.75 38.7 31.95 66.3 Increase rate of Fenlong cultivation compared with
CK∥kg//hm2 74.58% 67.01% 104.41% 129.62%Organic matter∥g/kg
Available N mg/kg Available P mg/kg
Table 2 Rice yield and yield components of Fenlong cultivation in the
1styearEarly rice(Season 1) Late rice(Season 2)Treatment Yield kg/hm2 Fenlong 321.8 a 162.6 a 83.60 a 25.97 a 10 237.5 a 288.0 a 175.6 a 83.27 a
25.77 a 9 214.5 a CK 297.3 a 157.7 a 77.68 b 25.11 a 8 265.0 b 277.8 a 167.8
a 83.41 a 25.09 a 8 434.5
b Comparison with CK±% 8.24% 3.11% 7.62%
3.42% 23.87% 3.67%
4.65% -0.17% 2.71% 9.25%Total spike number
104/hm2 Kernels per spike Setting rate%1 000-grains weight∥g Yield
kg/hm2 Total spike number 104/hm2 Kernels per spike Setting rate%1 000-grains weight∥g
The quality of paddy rice in the 6th season after Fenlong cultivation was similar to that in the 1stand 2ndseasons,and the milled rice rate of Fenlong cultivation increased by 4.35%.The chalkiness rate decreased by 25%in the Fenlong cultivation group,which raised from 2ndclass to 1st class,and the chalkiness degree dropped 43.75%,while the rice protein increased by 13.58%,raising from 3rdclass to 2ndclass.
Effect on the surface soil physical and chemical properties as well as rice yield and quality in the 13thseason after Fenlong cultivation
For the 13thseason rice after Fenlong cultivation,the topsoil thickness of the paddy field still remained at 22 cm,while that of the CK was 16 cm.The former was 6 cm thicker than the later,an increase of 37.5 cm.The soil organic matter content of Fenlong cultivation increased by 45.8%from the CK,while the total N,total P,total K content of Fenlong cultivation increased by 46.03%,50.58%and 36.65%,respectively,compared with the CK,and soil
available P,available K content increased by 62.63%and 73.37%respectively compared with the CK.
Table 3 Rice quality of Fenlong cultivation for the 1stseasonTreatment Brown rice∥%Protein content∥%Early rice(Season 1) Fenlong 81.7 72.6 50.9 24 3.6 10.2 CK 81.0 72.1 43.9 22 3.6 8.9 Comparison with CK±% 0.86% 0.69% 15.95% 9.1% 0 14.61%Late rice(Season 2) Fenlong 83.0 75.5 60.7 23 3.0 11.3 CK 82.5 74.8 56.5 28 3.3 10.7 Comparison with CK±% 0.61% 0.94% 7.43% -17.86% -9.09% 5.61%Milled rice∥%Head rice∥%Chalkiness
rate∥%Chalkiness degree∥%
Table 4 Changes of soil nutrients and organic matter contents of paddy field in the 6thseason after Fenlong cultivation1.The cultivated layer for Fenlong cultivation was 23 cm,and CK 16 cm;2.Soil bulk density of 1.3
g/cm3was taken as the reference count for calculation;3.Test samples were taken from dry soil,and the soil moisture of paddy field was set at
70%,while the moisture of dry soil was 30%.Available K mg/kg Fenlong 22 1.27 44.03 0.22 0.11 1.87 305.24 64.12 69.2 CK 16 1.42 36.25 0.17 0.09 1.49 205.59 50.17 52.08 Increase of Fenlong compared with CK∥kg/hm2 13 749.15 75.9 34.65 615.6 124.65 21.6 24.75 Increase rate of Fenlong compared with CK∥% 59.33%69.89%60.16%64.63%94.86% 67.29%
74.32%Total Total Total Treatment Topsoil thickness cm Soil bulk density//g/cm3 Organic matter g/kg N%P%K%Available N mg/kg Available P mg/kg
Table 5 Effects on rice yield and yield components of paddy field in the
6thseason after Fenlong cultivationTreatment Total spike
number∥104/hm2 Grains per spike Setting rate∥% 1 000-grain weight∥g Yield∥kg/hm2 Fenlong 268.62 a 191.65 a 77.33 a 25.79 a 9 925.2 a CK 260.36 a 172.88 a 80.66 a 25.96 a 8 092.5 b Comparison with CK±% 3.17% 10.86% -4.13% -0.65% 22.64%
Table 6 Rice quality of Fenlong cultivationTreatment Brown rice∥% Milled rice∥% Head rice∥%Chalkiness rate∥%Chalkiness degree∥%Protein content∥%Fenlong 82.3 74.5 67.2 9.0 0.9 9.2 CK 81.3 73.5 64.4 12.0 1.6 8.1 Comparison with CK±% 1.23% 1.36% 4.35% -25.0% -43.75% 13.58%
Table 7 Changes of soil nutrients and organic matter contents of paddy field in the 13thseason after Fenlong cultivation1.The cultivated layer for Fenlong cultivation was 23 cm,and CK 16 cm;2.Soil bulk density of 1.3
g/cm3was taken as the reference count for calculation;3.Test samples were taken from dry soil,and the soil moisture of paddy field was set at
70%,while the moisture of dry soil was 30%.Available K mg/kg Fenlong 22 33.8 2.26 1.16 19.1 19.9 72 CK 16 34 2.27 1.13 20.5 149 126 Increase of Fenlong compared with CK∥kg/hm2 9 114.9 611.55 334.5 4397.4 26.4
54.15 Increase rate of Fenlong compare d with CK∥% 45.80% 46.03% 50.58% 36.65% 62.63% 73.37%Treatment Topsoil thickness cm Organic matter
g/kg Total N g/kg Total P g/kg Total K g/kg Available P mg/kg
As shown in Table 8 and Fig.1,after the rice planting for 7 consecutive years in the Fenlong cultivation area and CK area in the same paddy fields,the yields of paddy fields in the Fenlong cultivation were all higher than those in the CK area,and the increase of the 1stseason of Fenlong cultivation was the largest(a yield increase of 23.87%).Subsequently,the
increase rate showed a decreasing trend year by year.However,it continued to increase production by the 13th season rice with an increase rate of 3.21%.In other words,the increase rate during the 7 years from the
1stseason to the 13thseason of rice was 23.87-3.21%.
Analysis on the yield,benefits of the 13th season of rice after Fenlong cultivation for 7 years
As shown in Table 10,after once Fenlong cultivation,the cultivated rice yield and benefits were all higher than those of the CK.The analysis on the yield showed that the yield for the 1st season rice after Fenlong cultivation increased by 23.87%from the CK,and after once Fenlong cultivation,the yield of Fenlong cultivation group still remained higher than that of CK in the2nd-13thseasons.The total yield of 10 seasons of rice was 95 414.1
kg/hm2(the yields of the 9thand 10thseasons rice were not measured),which was 9 and 10 seasons,respectively),which was 8 084.1
kg/hm2higher than that of the CK of 87 330 kg/hm2,an increase of
9.26%,and the average yield of each season was 1 347.35 kg/hm2 higher than that of the CK.The results showed that Fenlong cultivation could deepen the tillage layer,and could improve the low-yield land into mediumyield land and medium-yield land into high-yield land,thereby increasing the production level of the paddy fields and maintain its production capacity for a certain period of time.
Table 8 Agronomic traits of the rice in the 13thseason after Fenlong cultivationTreatment Total spike number∥104/hm2 Grains per spike
Pa nicle length∥cm Setting percentage∥%Yield∥kg/hm2 Fenlong 355.5 a
93.9 a 23.7 a 73.1 a 7 524.0 a CK 348.0 a 92.6 a 23.2 a 71.4 a 7 290.0 a Comparison with CK∥% 2.16 1.35 2.16 1.7 3.21
Fig.1 The growth rate of rice yield after the first Fenlong cultivation continuous cropping for 7 years
Table 9 Rice quality of the 13th season after Fenlong cultivationTreatment Brown rice∥%Milled rice∥%Head rice∥%Chalkiness rate∥%Chalkiness degree∥%Protein content∥%Fenlong 81.0 71.7 62.9 18 1.2 8.2 CK 80.6 71.6 63.3 12 0.8 8.2 Comparison with CK±% 0.5% -0.14% -0.63% 50% 50% 0 Table 10 Comparison on the yields and benefits of 13 consecutive seasons of rice between Fenlong cultivation and conventional cultivation1.Farming inputs:for Fenlong cultivation,the farming input for the 1stseason was 2 250 Yuan/hm2,0 Yuan/hm2for the 2ndseason for it had no tillage,and then the input for each season later was 1 350 Yuan/hm2;for the CK,the input for each season was 1 350 Yuan/hm2;2.Fertilizers and pesticides:for both Fenlong cultivation and CK,the costs were 5 599 Yuan/hm2for the 1st-
3rdseasons,and then the costs were 4 107 Yuan/hm2for each
season;3.Manual input:For Fenlong cultivation,the costs for the 1stseason was 5 325 Yuan/hm2,and 4 575 Yuan/hm2for the later seasons;the costs for each season of the CK were 4 575 Yuan/hm2.Planting season
Yield∥kg/hm2 Production value∥Yuan/hm2 Net benefit∥Yuan/hm2 Fenlong CK Fenlong CK Fenlong CK ±1 10 237.5 8 265 27 216.0 22 234.5 14 041.5 10 710 3 331.5 2 9 214.5 8 434.5 24 879.2 22 773.15 14 704.7 11 248.65 3 456.0 3 7 587.9 6 969 20 487.3 18 816.3 8 962.8 7 291.8 1 671.0 4 8 239.5 7 830 22 246.7 21 141 10 722.2 9 616.5 1 105.7 5 8 677.5 8 242.5
23 429.3 22 254.75 12 396.8 11 222.25 1 174.5 6 9 925.2 8 092.5 25 983.2 21 938.04 14 950.7 10 905.54 4 045.1 7 8 710.5 8 110.5 23 518.4 21 898.35 12 485.9 10 865.85 1 620.0 8 8 760 8 269.5 23 652.0 22 327.65 12 619.5 11 295.15 1 324.4 11 7 866 7 524 21 238.2 20 314.8 10 205.7 9 282.3 923.4 12 8 671.5 8 302.5 23 413.1 22 416.75 12 380.6 11 384.25 996.3 13 7 524 7 290 20 314.8 19 683 9 282.3 8 650.5 631.8 Total 95 414.1 87 330 256 377.96 235 798.29 132 752.5 112 472.79 20 279.67 Average 15 902.35 14 555.00 23 307.09 21 436.21 12 068.41 10 224.80 1 843.61 Comparison with CK∥% 9.26% 8.73% 18.03%
The comparison on the economic benefits of these two different cultivation models showed that the average net benefit per season for the 7 years after Fenlong cultivation was 12 068.41 Yuan/hm2,which was 1 843.61 Yuan/hm2higher than that of the CK.The total production value for the 10 seasons which had the yields measured reached dup to 132 752.5 Yuan/hm2,which was 20 297.67 Yuan/hm2 higher than the CK,an increase of 18.03%.
Conclusion and Discussion
The cultivated layer could maintain good soileco-environmentafter once Fenlong cultivation of paddy field
The topsoil thickness,water storage and fertilizer storage capacities of paddy field play a crucialrole in whether the crop can achieve high
yield[16].The tillage layer in traditional cultivation for years were mostly at the depth of 13-16 cm,and relatively shallow soil layers,poor soil adhesion and poor air permeability under flooding conditions affect rice root growth
and nutrient uptake,resulting in low utilization rate of fertilizers,which is unfavorable to the increase of rice yield.Fenlong cultivation can make reasonable activation and utilization of the soil resources,natural rainfall in the unused tillage layers and the under parts,and can expand the soil pore oxygen(air)capacity,creating a good soil ecological environment for high yield rice.In this study,the tillage depth of Fenlong cultivation
was23cm.After once Fenlong cultivation,the soil in the paddy field remained loosen till the 13thseason of rice,and the topsoil layer remained at 22 cm,which improved the physicaland chemical properties of the soil under Fenlong cultivation,and the soil was difficult to bond togetherand become hard,which improved the ecological environment in the whole tillage layer of paddy field,kept the productive capacity of paddy
fields,thereby there being no rice shortage phenomenon.
The rice yield kept increasing for many years after once Fenlong cultivation of paddy field
The results showed that the yield still showed an increase of 3.21%in the 13thseason of rice after Fenlong cultivation,which was consistent with the results of YANG[14],NIE[18]on corn and wheat.The main reason for the continued increase in rice production in the 13thseason may be that Fenlong cultivation thickened soil tillage layer,making it able to explore and utilize the resources such as soil nutrients,and Fenlong cultivation improved the soil physical and chemical properties from the traditional rice cultivation,which had led to soil compaction,poor oxygen tolerance due to the traditional plowing and the long-term flooding irrigation,thereby
promoting rice root growth,enhancing root absorption of water and nutrient capacity,and promoting the robust growth of rice,all of which could had long-lasting effect.In this study,the fixed-point observation showed that the rice yield could increase for 13thseasons in 7 consecutive years,indicating that after once Fenlong cultivation,the rice yield could remain increase for years.
Rice quality was improved after once Fenlong cultivation of paddy field Rice quality is mainly controlled by the genetic factors of the cultivars,but environmental factors and cultivation techniques also have a great impact on the quality of rice[19-20].The studies of JIN[20],DAI,et al.[21]have shown that increasing the thickness of tillage is conducive to the improvement of rice quality.Fenlong cultivation could improve orincrease crop quality,which has been proved in the sucrose content of sugar
cane[9],starch content of cassava[11],starch content of potato and protein content of soybean[22].In this study,the rice showed similar quality characteristics in the 1st,2nd,6th and 13thseasons of rice after one Fenlong cultivation,and the indexes related with quality such as milled rice
rate,chalkiness rate,chalkiness degree,protein were all superior to those of the traditionalcultivation methods.The improvement was achieved without increasing the amount of fertilizers and othermanagementmeasures.The only difference was that the Fenlong cultivation changed the sol ecological environment of paddy field,such as deepening the thickness of the topsoil,loose soil texture and enlarged soil water-retaining and fertilizer-holding space,which provided enough water and nutrients for crops to
grow robustly.Therefore,the crops could have well-developed and deep-rooted roots,which could effectively absorb and utilize the nutrients in the soil,thereby changing the quality.
Fenlong cultivation of rice could reduce the chemical fertilizer application amounts and improve economic efficiencies
Rice is one of the crops with the largest water consumption,fertilizer consumption and labor consumption in agriculture.At the same
time,fertilizers and pesticides used in production are one of the sources of water pollution in rivers and other water bodies[15].In this study,machinery used in Fenlong cultivation was the first generation product,which had low tillage efficiency.Therefore,although the farming costs for the 1stseason rice of Fenlong cultivation were high,the topsoil layer of the 2ndseason rice could still remain loose,making it available to cultivate rice without tillage,thereby saving the farming costs.Although the costs for fertilizers were the same for each season of cultivated rice,the yield of rice from Fenlong cultivation was higher than that of the CK,indicating that Fenlong cultivation reduced the fertilizer application amount for the products output per unit weight,that is,reducing the production
costs.Therefore,although the farming and manual inputs for the 1stseason rice of Fenlong cultivation were higher than those of the CK,the comprehensive analysis on the soil and yield showed that Fenlong cultivation ultimately enhanced the economic benefits.It is expected to explore a new environmentallyfriendly rice production mode that can save farming,irrigation and fertilizer and water costs by using seasonal。
