高中英语 译林新教材必修二第三单元词汇(下)
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1.earn挣得,赚得~ sth earn a living谋生
earn a fortune赚一大笔钱
赢得,博得~ sth earn a reputation/ sb’s respect
N.earning 收入
2.mirror镜子,in the mirror 写照the ~ of poor life
3.hunt 打猎,猎杀hunt the whales
搜寻,搜索hunt for sth=search hunt for a job
追踪,追捕hunt an escaped criminal
N.搜寻,搜索hunter 猎人
4.chain链子,链条;一系列a chain of events mountain chains山脉
Food chain食物链
连锁店a chain of supermarkets
V.chain sb/sth to sb/sth ~ the bike to the tree 用链条拴住
5.pass down使...世代相传,流传=hand down
pass away 去世,逝世
pass on 告知,传递(信息),将...传给,将...交给,去世pass sth on to sb pass by 从...旁边走过,经过
pass through 穿过,经历,遭受
pass off 进行到最后,完成,应付过去
pass out昏迷,失去知觉
pass over 跳过某人,避免提及
名:passage, past
6.income manage on one income靠一份收入生活
b through 仔细搜索
8.package包,盒,袋;包裹;一揽子a ~ of measures一揽子措施
V.~ sth up将...包装好packaged food包装食品
9.promote 促进,推动=encourage ~ economic growth
促销,推销~ sth
提升,晋升~ sb from sth to sth
get promoted =get promotion获得提升
10.fall on适逢,正当=fall upon;向...进攻,扑向,抓住
fall 落下,下落;跌倒;下降;被打败,沦陷;进入(状态)fall asleep 突然出现;属于(某类,群体,范围)
短语总结fall apart破碎,破裂;崩溃(marriage,deal,negotiation)~back 后退,撤退
~ back on sb/sth 求助于,借助于
~ behind 落后,fall behind the leaders
~ for sb 爱上;信以为真(+sth)
~ into sth可以分为
~ out 脱落+with 与某人吵翻
~ over sb/sth被...绊倒=trip over
~through 落空,成为泡影
11.o bserve看到,注意到~ the changes, ~ sb do/doing 看到某人做/正在做
Sb be observed to do sth
遵守traffic rules
庆祝~ Christmas
12.h onor n.尊敬,尊重the guest of honour 贵宾
荣幸,光荣It is an honour to do.
名誉,荣誉family honour 家族名声
do sb an ~给...增光
have the honour of doing sth有幸做...
in honour of sb/sth向...表示敬意a ceremony in ~of those killed in the explosion为纪念爆炸中的死难者所举行的仪式
V.尊敬,尊重~ sb with sth our honored guests(贵宾)
be/feel honored to do 做某事感到荣幸
honourable可敬的,值得钦佩的;an ~ career
品格高尚的an ~ man高尚的人
13.s ource information source信息源resource资源
14.i dentity特性;group ~群体认同感
身份an identity crisis身份认同危机
identify 确认,鉴定~ sb/sth (as ...)
identify with sb与某人产生共鸣=sympathize with sb
identical完全同样的,相同的be ~to/with ...
15.p revious be ~ to sth 先于... previous experience先前的经验
previous to sth(做状语)先于...
16.d uty 责任,义务It is one’s duty to do. have a duty to do
上班,值班night duty 值晚班=night shift
关税~ on sth
on/off duty值班/不值班
17.s ort N.种类,类别=kind
sort of有几分,有那么几分(adv.)
V.sort sth into sth把...分类
*妥善处理get the problem sorted
sort out理顺,整理;把...安排好;区分出来;
18.s elect ~ A as/for B把...挑选为... selection;
19.s ettle 结束,解决settle a dispute
决定,确定It is all settled.一切都定下来了。
定居settle in sp
把...放好,安放* settle the blanket around her knees
短语:settle down 舒适的坐下或者躺下
settle down to sth开始认真对待...
20.c onvenient实用的,方便的,省事的It is ~ for sb to do sth.
名convenience for the ~ of sb为方便某人
It is a great ~ to do sth.做某事是极大的方便。
at sb’s ~ 在某人方便的时候
21.r epresent 代表+sb/sth(多被动)
维护...利益represent the interests of women
成为典型=be typical of
代表,象征=symbolize=stand for
Red in China represents good luck.
22.s et用法
放置,摆放+sth+(adv./prep.) set the table
使...处于某种状态set everyone at ease, set the prisoner free, set me thinking 以...为背景be set in
安排,确定set a date for their wedding
树立,创立set a fashion, set an example
布置,分配set sth for sb ,set sb to do
set about开始做,着手做
~ aside搁置(争议,分歧),省出,留出(一笔钱)
~ down 写下,记下
~off 出发,动身;使爆炸;拉响(警钟);引起,激起(罢工,游行等)
~ out 出发,动身;安排,摆放;陈述,阐明(细节)
~up 资助,经济上扶植;建立,设立;开办(工厂)
23.f ortune机会,运气try one’s fortune碰运气
大笔的钱,巨款make a fortune发大财
命运,前途tell the fortune算命
24.t ear眼泪,泪珠burst into tears be reduced to tears 被弄哭了
tear sth into pieces把...撕的粉碎
tear ...apart彻底毁灭,彻底打败;使某人不快;撕毁;使...四分五裂be torn between between A and B左右为难
tear yourself away使...依依不舍的离开
tear down拆毁,拆除
tear up撕毁。