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Since I returned to China in 2004, I have witnessed the development of our Construction Business Line (Greater China) from a small specialized unit to a large and effective organization. This development is particularly true of the project management business. A huge market, brought by China's rapid economic development and investment environment improvement, has attracted large amounts of foreign direct investment in various industries, among which a large proportion are used for facilities construction in the fields of production, service and distribution. For most investors, facility construction management is very important, as it impacts their investment return and long-term development in China. Construction management, involving the management of project quality, schedule, cost, construction safety, etc., is full of challenges due to investors’ lack of management experience, complex local laws and regulations, and inconsistent multiple stakeholders in the construction process. The Construction Business Line (Greater China) builds a bridge between foreign investors and domestic project partners by providing consulting services, including technical consultancy, conformity assessment and project management, etc., that benefit from an in-depth understanding of both the client’s demand and domestic market, project practices and local conditions. This correct market orientation has laid the foundation stones for the rapid development of the Construction Business Line (Greater China). 自从我2004年回到中国以来,有幸见证了大中华区建筑工程事业部从小到大,尤其是项目管理业务发展的整个 过程。中国经济的快速发展所产生的巨大市场空间以及投资环境的改善,吸引了各个行业大量外国直接投资, 其中很大一部分投资用于生产、服务和流通领域的设施建设。对于大部分投资者,设施建设期的管理是十分重 要的,关系到投资项目的回报和在中国业务的长期发展。但是设施建设期的管理不是他们的主业,加上国内十 分复杂的法律法规体系,和在设施建设过程中各利益相关方多层次、不统一的管理环境,对设施建设项目的质 量、进度、费用和施工安全等的有效管理提出了挑战。建筑工程事业部基于对客户需求和国内市场的深入了 解,结合国内设施建设项目的组织实践,为外国投资者和国内项目合作方架起了桥梁,提供包括技术和法律法 规咨询、项目管理等方面的服务,这一结合中国国情、适时的正确市场定位为建筑工程事业部的飞跃发展奠定 了基础。
莊賀銘 Hemin ZHUANG
总监 建筑设施工程服务事业部
必维集团 大中华区
Director Facilities Business Line Bureau Veritas Greater China
2012年2月20日于上海 20th, Feb. 2012, Shanghas combined our current project management work processes and experience with compliance of local regulations and modern international project management theories. By defining working procedures in project management, this handbook aims to be a simple and accessible manual enabling our project operations to be more systematic and standardized. 本项目管理手册依据国际现行的项目管理理论,结合本部门项目管理工作的现状和经验以及相关政府部门的法 规、规范及要求,突出了建设项目管理中的相关工作程序,试图成为一本能较快熟悉和掌握的管理通俗手册, 以便相关人员在项目管理工作中有章可依、有据可循,使BV建筑工程部的项目运作更加条例化和规范化。
I trust that you shall find this handbook informative and helpful. The tools it contains will support your day to day project management activities and help you meet your potential in your role. As a Bureau Veritas China Project Manager, you are continuing a proud tradition of professionalism, expertise and Client satisfaction. 我相信这是一本非常有益和实用的手册,其中包含的各种工具便于项目管理团队进行日常项目管理工作,并更 加充分发挥项目管理的职能和作用。BV建筑工程部项目管理团队将继续传承和发扬Bureau Veritas敬业、专业 和客户至上的光荣传统。
© Bureau Veritas 2012 本文件的版权归Bureau Veritas所有
It was really delightful to have this Project Management Handbook presented to me for the first time, although its preparation had been circling in my head for quite a while. As an important milestone in the project management business development of our Construction Business Line (Greater China), this handbook has condensed the collective intelligence, practical experience and tireless efforts of many colleagues accumulated over the past years. I would like to express my sincere congratulations to all who participated in this handbook’s preparation. 必维大中华区建筑工程事业部编辑“项目管理手册”的计划由来已久,但当此“项目管理手册”第一次呈现在 我面前的时候,我还是欣喜不已。凝聚着大中华区建筑工程事业部的集体智慧和几年来积累的实践经验,经过 建筑工程事业部许多同仁的不懈努力,“项目管理手册”终于问世了,这是我们建筑工程事业部项目管理业务 发展中的一个重要的里程碑,我要向参加手册编辑工作的所有同仁表示衷心的祝贺!
As a global company at the forefront of the construction industry, Bureau Veritas provides international standard project management services to local markets, which requires project management guidance documents integrating international and local practices. This Project Management Handbook, drafted in response to this demand, was prepared by the Construction Business Line (Greater China) with support from the management level of Bureau Veritas Industry & Facilities Division. Bureau Veritas作为一家全球化的公司为本土提供国际水准的建设项目管理服务,需要具有国际标准的并结合 中国国情的项目管理指导文件及程序文件。为此,在工业与设施事业部的领导和指引下,由建筑工程部(CTC) 编制了本项目管理手册。
The process of modern construction projects is very complex, involving important issues such as safety, schedule, environment, liabilities, cost & resources, and many others. Construction projects are, by definition, fraught with risk. Without proper management, project owners face serious financial loss and all those involved risk their physical health and safety. 现代化的建筑工程是一个复杂的过程,涉及进度安排、周边环境、法律责任、成本与资源等一系列问题。如果 没有规范化的管理,项目往往会遭受失败的风险,客户也会面临财务损失和可能的债务。
The Construction Business Line (Greater China) shall be responsible for this handbook’s distribution, explanation and revision. During execution, the project management team should accumulate experience from lessons and materials to improve this handbook, and meanwhile enhance our project management capabilities. 本手册由建筑工程部负责管理、解释和更新。为逐步提高项目管理水平,各个项目管理团队在执行项目管理手 册过程中应注意总结经验、积累资料,逐步完善本手册。