
治疗前列腺疾病1 5α还原酶的双重抑制剂――度他雄胺睾酮在5α还原酶的作用下转变成的双氢睾酮(DHT)作用于前列腺组织,可导致前列腺组织增生。
2 度他雄胺治疗前列腺增生症Roehrborn等进行了一个为期2年的关于度他雄胺的临床试验。
排除的标准是:剩余尿>250mL、有前列腺癌病史、既往有前列腺手术史、近3个月有急性尿潴留病史、近4周用过α受体阻滞剂或应用过任何一种5α还原酶抑制剂、PSA≤1.5ng/mL 或≥10ng/mL。

研发历程 (1985)
Merck & Co.Inc.. Enzyme inhibitor[P]. US 4760071 ,1985.11.21。公开日:1988.07.26
R is H, Me or Et R` is H or Me R`` is H or β-Me R``` is H , αor β-Me R2 is straight or branched chain alkyl of from 1-12 carbons or monocyclic aryl optionally containing one or more lower alkyl substituents of from 1-2 carbon atoms and /or more halogen (Cl, F or Br) substituents.
研发历程 (1985)
Merck & Co. Inc.. 17 beta-substituted-4-aza-5-alpha-androstenones and their use as 5-alphareductase inhibitors [P]. EP 0155096 B, 1985.02.20。公开日1989.10.04 CA1314541C DE3573429
R1 represents a H, alkyl
which is unsubstituted or substituted by at least one substituent selected from the group consisting of aryl groups, aromatic heterocyclic groups, carboxy group and hydroxy groups;

度他雄胺的功能主治1. 背景介绍度他雄胺(Dutasteride)是一种5α-还原酶抑制剂,主要用于治疗前列腺肥大。
2. 前列腺肥大的症状前列腺肥大是一种常见的男性疾病,通常在30岁以上的男性中出现。
3. 度他雄胺的功能度他雄胺具有以下主要功能: - 抑制5α-还原酶:度他雄胺通过抑制5α-还原酶的活性,降低了睾酮转化为二氢睾酮的速度,从而减少了前列腺的增大。
- 改善尿路症状:度他雄胺可以减少尿频、尿急等尿路症状,提高尿流量和尿流速度。
- 缩小前列腺体积:由于度他雄胺的作用机制,它可以显著减小前列腺的体积。
- 降低激素水平:度他雄胺可以降低男性激素水平,改善前列腺肥大的症状。
4. 度他雄胺的主治度他雄胺主要用于治疗前列腺肥大,以下是其主要的主治: - 缓解尿路症状:度他雄胺可以显著减少尿频、尿急等尿路症状,改善患者的生活质量。
- 改善前列腺功能:度他雄胺可以减小前列腺的体积,减少对尿道的压迫,从而改善尿流情况。
- 预防尿潴留:度他雄胺可以降低尿潴留的风险,减少尿潴留带来的并发症。
- 减少手术的需要:度他雄胺可以有效缩小前列腺的体积,从而减少手术的需要。
5. 注意事项•度他雄胺通常需要长期使用,患者应按照医生的指导进行用药。
6. 结论度他雄胺是一种用于治疗前列腺肥大的药物,具有抑制5α-还原酶和减小前列腺体积的功能。

药品通用药方妊娠期阿德福口服 C阿卡波口服 B阿米卡肠道外 D阿米替口服 C阿莫西口服 B阿那曲口服 C阿普唑口服 D阿奇霉口服、 B阿司匹林口服C;D(如在妊娠晚期大量使用)阿糖胞肠道外 D阿替洛口服 D阿托伐口服X阿托品任何途 C阿昔洛任何途 B药品通用药方妊娠期艾司唑口服X氨苄西口服 B氨茶碱任何途 C氨基己口服、 C氨甲环口服、 B氨力农肠道外 C氨磷汀肠道外 C氨氯地口服 C氨曲南肠道外 B胺碘酮口服、 D奥利司口服 B奥美拉口服、 C奥曲肽肠道外 B奥沙利肠道外 D白蛋白肠道外 C药品通用药方妊娠期贝那普利口服C;D(如在妊娠中、晚期用药)倍氯米口鼻吸 C倍他米松任何途径C;D(如在妊娠早期用药)苯巴比肠道外 D 苯丙醇口服 C 苯海拉口服、 B 苯丁酸口服 D 苯海索口服 C 苯妥英口服、 D比索洛尔口服C;D(如在妊娠中、晚期用药)吡格列口服 C 表柔比肠道外 D 丙泊酚肠道外 B丙磺舒口服 C丙硫氧口服 D丙戊酸口服、 D博莱霉肠道外 D布比卡肠道外 C布地奈德吸入 B口服、 C布洛芬口服B;D(如妊娠晚期或临分娩时用药)布美他口服、 C长春瑞肠道外 D长春新肠道外 D雌二醇任何途X达卡巴肠道外 C达那唑口服X单硝酸异山梨酯口服 C药品通用药方妊娠期胆骨化醇任何途径C;D(如剂量超过每日推荐剂量)地尔硫口服、 C 地芬诺任何途 C 地高辛 口服C 地塞米松 眼部C口服、肠道外 C ;D (如在妊娠早期用药)地西泮 口服、 D 碘 任何途 D 丁丙诺肠道外 C 丁卡因 任何途 C 东莨菪任何途 C 对乙酰氨基酚口服 B多巴胺 肠道外 C 多巴酚肠道外 B 多奈哌口服 C 多柔比肠道外 D 多塞平 任何途 C 多沙唑口服 C 多西他肠道外 D 多黏菌任何途 B 鹅脱氧口服 X 恩氟烷 吸入 B 二甲双口服 B 二羟丙任何途 C 法莫替口服 B 泛昔洛口服 B 放线菌肠道外 C 非洛地口服 C 非那雄口服 X芬太尼 肠道外、经皮C ;D (如临近分娩时长期大量使用) 酚苄明 口服 C药品通用药方妊娠期酚酞 任何途 C 酚妥拉任何途 C 呋喃妥口服 B呋塞米口服、肠道外 C ;D (如用于妊娠高血压患者)氟伐他口服 X 氟康唑 口服、 C 氟尿嘧啶 肠道外 X局部/X氟哌啶口服、 C 氟哌利肠道外 C 氟轻松 局部/ C 氟他胺 口服 D 氟替卡松 吸入 C局部/ C福莫特吸入 C福辛普利 口服C ;D (如在妊娠中、晚期用药)复方磺胺甲基异恶唑 口服、肠道外 C ;D (如在分娩前用药) 钆喷酸任何途 C钙 任何途 B甘精胰肠道外 C甘露醇 肠道外 C肝素 肠道外 C干扰素 肠道外 C 睾酮 任何途X 格拉司口服、 B格列苯口服 C格列吡口服 C格列美口服 C 莨菪碱 任何途 C 更昔洛韦 口服、 C 眼球内 C 胍乙啶 口服 C 药品通用药方妊娠期骨化三醇 任何途径C ;D (如剂量超过每日推荐剂量) 核黄素任何途径A ,C (如剂量超过每日推荐剂量)红霉素 任何途 B 红细胞生成素肠道外 C华法林 口服 X环孢素 肠道外 C 环丙沙任何途 C 环磷酰口服、 D 黄体酮 任何途 D 磺胺嘧啶 口服C ;D (如在临分娩时用药) 吉西他肠道外 D 己烯雌任何途X 加兰他口服 B加替沙星 眼部 C 口服、 C甲氨蝶口服、X 甲睾酮 任何途X 甲泼尼口服、 C甲羟孕肠道外 X 甲巯咪口服 D甲硝唑 任何途 B甲状腺任何途 A间羟胺 任何途 C降钙素 鼻腔、 C可的松口服、肠道外C;D(如在妊娠早期用药)克拉霉口服、 C 克拉维任何途 B 克林霉任何途 B拉贝洛尔口服C;D(如在妊娠中、晚期用药)药品通用药方妊娠期拉米夫口服 C来氟米口服X来曲唑口服 D兰索拉口服 B雷米普利口服C;D(如在妊娠中、晚期用药)雷尼替口服、 B 利巴韦任何途X 利多卡因肠道外B(作局麻药和抗心律失常药使用)利多卡局部/ B利福平口服、 C利血平口服、 C链霉素肠道外 D两性霉素B肠道外 B局部/ B林可霉口服、 B磷酸氟达拉滨肠道外 D硫普罗口服 C硫酸镁任何途 B硫酸鱼肠道外 C柳氮磺胺吡啶口服、直肠B;D(如在临分娩时用药)氯胺酮肠道外 B氯苯那口服 B氯吡格口服 B氯丙嗪口服、 C氯化琥肠道外 C氯化钾任何途 A氯雷他口服 B氯马斯口服 B氯霉素任何途 C氯米芬口服X氯唑沙口服 C药品通用药方妊娠期氯沙坦 口服C ;D (如在妊娠中、晚期用药)罗格列口服 C 螺内酯 口服C ;D (如用于妊娠高血压患者) 洛美沙星 眼部 C口服 C (禁用洛哌丁口服 B 麻黄碱 任何途 C吗啡 口服、肠道外C ;D (如临分娩时长期、大量使用) 麦角胺 任何途X毛花苷任何途 C美罗培肠道外 B美洛西肠道外 B美司钠 肠道外 B美托洛尔口服、肠道外 C ;D (如在妊娠中、晚期用药)美西律 口服 C 门冬酰肠道外 C门冬胰肠道外 C咪达唑口服、 D咪康唑 局部/ C 阴道 C 米非司口服 X米力农 肠道外 C米索前口服 X米托恩肠道外 D 免疫球肠道外 C纳络酮 肠道外 B 萘丁美酮口服 C ;D (如妊娠晚期或临分娩时用药) 尼莫地口服、 C尿促性肠道外 X 药品通用药方妊娠期尿激酶 肠道外 B 尿素 任何途 C诺氟沙星眼部、口服C (妊娠妇女慎用,尤其是早期)帕米膦肠道外 D 哌拉西肠道外 B哌替啶 口服B ;D (如临分娩时长期、大量使用)哌唑嗪 口服 C 泮托拉口服、 B泼尼松 口服C ;D (如在妊娠早期用药)泼尼松龙 眼部C口服、肠道外 C ;D (如在妊娠早期用药)葡萄糖肠道外 C 普罗帕口服 C普萘洛尔口服、肠道外 C ;D (如在妊娠中、晚期用药) 羟氯喹 口服 C 青霉胺 口服 D氢化可的松任何途径C ;D (如在妊娠早期用药) 氢氯噻嗪任何途径B ;D (如用于妊娠高血压患者)庆大霉任何途 C 曲马多 口服、 C 去氨加任何途 B 去甲肾任何途 C 去乙酰任何途 C 去氧孕任何途X 炔诺酮 任何途X 人免疫球蛋白肠道外 C绒促性肠道外 X 柔红霉肠道外 D药品通用药方妊娠期乳果糖 口服 B 瑞格列口服 C塞来昔布口服C ;D (如妊娠晚期或临分娩时用药)噻氯匹口服B 噻吗洛尔 眼部C口服 C ;D (如用于妊娠中、晚期用药) 赛庚啶 口服 B硝酸甘经舌、 C 色甘酸 任何途 B三唑仑 口服 X沙丁胺醇吸入、口服、肠道外C 沙利度口服 X 沙美特吸入 C 肾上腺鼻、眼、C 生长抑肠道外 B 双氯芬酸 眼、口服、肠道外 B ;D (如妊娠晚期或临分娩时用药)局部/ B 双嘧达口服 B 水合氯口服、 C 顺铂 肠道外 D 司坦唑口服 X四环素眼部、 D 局部/ B缩宫素 肠道外 X索他洛尔 口服、肠道外 B ;D (如在妊娠中、晚期用药) 他莫昔口服 D 他克莫司 口服、 C 局部/ C坦索罗口服 B碳酸钙 任何途 C 药品通用药方妊娠期碳酸镁 任何途 B碳酸氢任何途 C特布他林吸入、口服、肠道外B替米沙坦口服C ;D (如在妊娠中、晚期用药)替莫唑口服 D 替尼泊肠道外 D 铁 任何途 C酮康唑 口服、局部/皮肤C酮洛芬 口服B ;D (如妊娠晚期或临分娩时用药)酮替芬 眼部 C 头孢氨口服 B 头孢羟口服 B 头孢唑肠道外 B 头孢呋口服、 B 头孢孟肠道外 B 头孢克口服 B 头孢他肠道外 B 头孢哌肠道外 B 头孢噻肠道外 B 头孢曲肠道外 B 头孢克口服 B 头孢唑肠道外 B 头孢吡肠道外 B土霉素 任何途 D 托吡卡眼部 C 托拉塞口服、 B 托瑞米口服 D 万古霉素 口服 B肠道外 C药品通用药方妊娠期维甲酸 口服 D局部/ C维库溴肠道外 C 维拉帕口服、 C维生素D任何途径A ,D (如剂量超过每日推荐剂量) 维生素E任何途径A ,D (如剂量超过每日推荐剂量)伪麻黄任何途 C 西地那口服 B 西米替口服、 B 西沙比口服 C 西司他肠道外 C 西替利口服 B 氯己定 口腔咽 B硝苯地口服 C 硝普钠 肠道外 C 硝酸异山梨酯 口服、 C口含、 C缬沙坦 口服C ;D (如在妊娠中、晚期用药)辛伐他口服 X 新斯的口服、 C 胸腺肽 肠道外 C 溴丙胺口服 C 溴隐亭 口服 B 亚胺培肠道外 C 亚叶酸口服、 C 盐酸甲氧氯普胺口服、 B 盐酸罂任何途 C 伊立替肠道外 D 伊曲康口服、 C依那普利口服C ;D (如在妊娠中、晚期用药)药品通用药方妊娠期依诺沙任何途 C 依托泊肠道外 D 胰岛素 肠道外 B 乙胺丁口服 B 乙酰唑口服、 C 异丙嗪 口服、 C 异丙肾肠道外 C异丙托吸入、 B 异环磷肠道外 D 异烟肼 口服、 C 抑肽酶 肠道外 B益康唑局部/皮肤C ;不宜使用,尤其是妊娠早期。

长期治疗副作用率低,最常见不良反应为男子女性型乳腺发育(包括乳房增大、乳房触痛)、阳痿、射精障碍 及性欲降低。心脏疾病患者慎用。本品主要经肝脏代谢,肝功能损害者慎用。
1.本品主要经CYP3A4代谢,CYP3A4抑制剂利托那韦、酮康唑、维拉帕米、地尔硫卓、西咪替丁、环丙沙星可 使本品代谢减慢。2.本品与坦度洛新、特拉唑嗪、华法林、地高辛、考来烯胺合用,药代动力学互不影响。3.本 品不抑制肝细胞色素P450的CYP1A2、CYP2C9、CYP2C19、CYP2D6、CYP3A4 。
1.既往对本品及其他5α-还原酶抑制剂有过敏史患者禁用。2.尚不能确定的BPH患者(有癌变可能)禁用。3. 本品生殖毒性为X,孕妇禁用。
1.停用本品6个月内不得献血。2.本品无特效解毒剂,出现药物过量后应采取支持治疗。3.服用本品的患者 在使用血清前列腺特异抗原(PSA)指标检测前列腺癌时,应提请医生充分考虑患者服用本品而导致血清PSA值下降 的重要因素 。
2.此外,因为人体有不少的第一型5α还原酶的接受器存在脑部里面,Dutasteride服用之后对于第一型5α 还原酶的抑制到底对脑部长期会有什么影响目前也不知道。而Finasteride就比较没有相关,因为它是专门抑制 第二型的5α还原酶。
3.美国食品药物管理局FDA,目前已经允许Dutasteride使用在有摄护腺肥大疾病的老年人,因此如果是年纪 50岁以上,有掉发的问题,Dutasteride(也就是Avodart度他雄胺)的使用是可以考虑的。

度他雄胺调研报告谢祚宜2013.6.24英文名:dutasteride化学名称:17β-N-[2,5-双(三氟甲基)苯基氨基甲酰胺]-4-氮杂-5α-雄甾-1-烯-3-酮分子量:528.53分子式:C27H30F6N2O2CAS number:164656-23-9外观:白色或类白色结晶性粉末结构式:简介度他雄胺(dutasteride)是第2代5α还原酶抑制药,是目前第一种也是唯一一种同时抑制Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型5α还原酶的药物,由葛兰素公司研究开发,2002年10月10日由美国食品与药品管理局(FDA)批准在美国上市,商品名A vodart,在欧洲市场的商品名为A volveTM。
我国进口的制剂,名称为安福达(度他雄胺软胶囊),生产厂家为法国Catalent France Beinheim.S.A,此公司为葛兰素史克在法国的分公司。
行政保护期到2016年04月10 日截止。


一种度他雄胺合成新工艺作者:刘龙成来源:《中国新技术新产品》2011年第23期摘要:度他雄胺(Dutasteride,Avodart, CAS#:164656-23-9),化学名为(5α,17β)-N-[2,5-双(三氟甲基)苯基]-3-酮-4-氮杂-5α-雄甾-1-烯-l7β-羧酰胺,属于5α还原酶抑制剂,是目前第一种也是唯一能够同时抑制I型和Ⅱ型5α还原酶的药物。
关键词:度他雄胺,5α-还原酶抑制剂,合成,新工艺,成盐反应、脱水反应,胺交换反应,绿色化学合成中图分类号:U461.1 文献标识码:A引言度他雄胺(Dutasteride, CAS#:164656-23-9),化学名为(5α,17β)-N-[2,5-双(三氟甲基)苯基]-3-酮-4-氮杂-5α-雄甾-1-烯-l7β-羧酰胺,是葛兰素史克(GSK)公司研制, 2003年6月获FDA 批准在美国上市的一种I型和Ⅱ型两种同工形式甾体类5α-还原酶(一种能够将睾酮转化成5α-二氢睾酮的细胞内酶)的选择性抑制剂[1],是一种新型治疗良性前列腺增生(BPH)的药物,可减少急性尿潴留和减少BPH手术治疗。
3-酮-4-氮杂-5α-雄甾-1-烯-l7β-羧酸 (代号:DT4,CAS#:104239-97-6)是合成度他雄胺的关键中间体,其合成工艺在我国已趋完善,其合成的收率、质量均居世界前列,价廉易得。

度他雄胺及软胶囊调查报告一、基本情况中文通用名:度他雄胺英文通用名:Dutasteride商品名:TRADENAME化学名:(5α, 17β)-N-{2, 5 bis(trifluoromethyl) phenyl}-3-oxo-4- azaandrost-1-ene-17-carboxamideCAS No.:164656-23-9分子式:C27H30F6N2O2分子量:528.5熔点:242-250℃(说明书);245-245.5℃(merck);244-245℃(CCD)性状:白色到淡黄色粉末(说明书);白色结晶固体(merck);结构式:原研商:Glaxo(葛兰素)规格:0.5mg剂型:软胶囊适应症:本品主要用于前列腺增生患者的治疗,能长久改善BPH症状,本品还能降低前列腺癌的发病率。
药理作用:Avodart 是一种新奇的5-alpha 还原酶阻档剂 (5-ARI), 它阻挡了type 1及type 2 两种5-alpha 还原酶的异酵素(isoenzymes,这种酵素是负责将前列腺中的睪丸激素转化成dihydrotest osterone (DHT), DHT 是一种主要的造成前列腺增长及肥大的荷尔蒙原因. Avodart 显示了它在两周内对DHT压制的能力达90%并且最快在1个月就能缩小前列腺,在此研究持续使用两年以上的实验中还一直持续缩小前列腺的肥大情形.欧洲泌尿科协会在马德里的年度会议新发表的资料更加强化了 5-ARIs做为前列腺肥大的一种治疗选择的地位.一个有4,500 病患参与的实验显示有使用 alpha-阻档剂者比起使用5ARI组挡剂者者有约两倍者还是有严重尿路避锁/导尿的经验;从此会议新发表的其它的资料显示用alpha-阻挡剂来治疗前列腺肥大并不能改变前列腺持续肥大化等复杂的相关症状的风险;前列腺肥大是一种男性老年人最常见的建康问题 .它是一种非应癌症性的前列腺体增大它通常会造成尿道缩小的症状. 前列腺肥大是一种累进性的疾病如果长期放任着不去治疗可能会造成更严重的问题如尿道闭锁或必须动手术.二、专利情况1、化合物专利(包括晶型)该药物的化合物专利为US08123280,对应的中国专利为CN94193410.1,申请日期为1994.9.16,优先权日为1993.9.17,授权日为2000.10.15。

来那度胺胶囊Lenalidomide英文名:Lenalidomide Capsules汉语拼音:Lainaduan Jiaonang【成份】本品主要成份为:来那度胺。
【规格】(1)5mg(2)10mg (3)25mg【用法用量】必须在有多发性骨髓瘤治疗经验的医生监督下开始并提供治疗用药。

1.青霉素类(阿莫西林(氨苄西林(巴氨西林(哌拉西林(2.头孢菌素类(头孢氨苄(头孢吡肟(头孢布烯(头孢呋辛(头孢克洛(头孢克肟(头孢拉定(头孢丙烯(头孢哌酮(头孢羟氨苄(头孢曲松(头孢噻肟(头孢他啶(头孢唑啉(3.其他β-内酰胺类克拉维酸(亚胺培南(C)美洛培南(氨曲南(西司他丁(C)4.氨基糖苷类阿米卡星(D)庆大霉素(C)卡那霉素(D)新霉素(C)链霉素(D)妥布霉素(D)5.四环素类四环素(D)地美环素(D) 美他环素(D) 米诺环素(D) 土霉素(D) 金霉素(D) 6.红霉素类竹桃霉素(C) 红霉素(螺旋霉素(C) 阿奇霉素(克拉霉素(C) 7.林可胺类克林霉素(林可霉素( 8.其他抗生素多粘菌素B(万古霉素(C) 杆菌肽(C)氯霉素(C)新生霉素(C) 莫匹罗星( 9.合成抗菌药磺胺类药物(C)(D)临近分娩用甲氧苄啶(C)呋喃唑酮(C)呋喃妥因(孟德立酸(C)乌洛托品(奈啶酸(环丙沙星(C)洛美沙星(C);禁用于妊娠早期氧氟沙星(C);孕妇慎用,尤其妊娠早期左氧氟沙星(C);禁用于妊娠早期10.抗结核病药对氨水杨酸(C)乙胺丁醇(异烟肼(C)利福平(C)吡嗪酰胺(C)利福喷汀(C)11.抗真菌药两性霉素B(克霉唑(灰黄霉素(C) 咪康唑(制霉菌素(C) 酮康唑(C) 氟胞嘧啶(C) 氟康唑(C) 依曲康唑(C) 环吡酮胺( 12.抗病毒药金刚烷胺(C) 碘苷(C)阿糖腺苷(C) 阿昔洛韦(更昔洛韦(C) 利巴韦林(X) 膦甲酸钠(C) 茚地那韦(C) 齐多夫定(C) 去羟肌苷(拉米夫定(C) 泛昔洛韦(司他夫定(C)喷昔洛韦(奈韦拉平(C)依菲韦伦(C)13.抗寄生虫病药卡巴胂(D)双磺喹啉(C)龙胆紫(C)哌嗪(噻嘧啶(C)恩波维铵(C)氯喹(D)伯氨喹(C)乙胺嘧啶(C)奎宁(C)甲硝唑(吡喹酮(甲氟喹(C)甲苯咪唑(C)14.镇痛药及其拮抗药阿法罗定((D)临近分娩或长期大量用可待因((D)临近分娩或长期大量用吗啡((D)临近分娩或长期大量用哌替啶(美沙酮((D)临近分娩或长期大量用喷他佐辛(C)(D)临近分娩或长期大量服用芬太尼(C)(D)临近分娩或长期大量用曲马朵(C)烯丙吗啡(D)纳洛酮(C)15.解热镇痛药及非甾体抗炎药对乙酰氨基酚(非那西丁(阿司匹林(C)(D)妊娠晚期大量用达尔非(C)(D)妊娠晚期或临产前双水杨酸酯(C)(D)妊娠晚期或临产水杨酸钠(C)(D)妊娠晚期大量用非诺洛芬((D)妊娠明期或临产前布洛芬((D)妊娠晚期或临产前吲哚美辛((D)妊娠晚期或临产前甲氯芬那酸((D)妊娠晚期或临产前萘普生((D)妊娠晚期或临产前羟保泰松(D)保泰松(D)舒林酸((D)妊娠晚期或临产前托美丁((D)妊娠晚期或临产前萘丁美酮(C)(D)妊娠晚期或临产前依托度酸(C)(D)妊娠晚期或临产前奥沙普秦(C)(D)妊娠晚期或临产前塞来昔布(C)(D)妊娠晚期或临产前罗非昔布(C)(D)妊娠晚期或临产前美洛昔康(C)(D)妊娠晚期或临产前甲氯芬酸(C)(D)妊娠晚期或临产前巴氯芬(C)氯唑沙宗(C)金诺芬(C)佐米曲普坦(C) 16.中枢兴奋药咖啡因(右苯丙胺(D)哌甲酯(C)17.镇静、催眠药异戊巴比妥(C)戊巴比妥(C)苯巴比妥(司可巴比妥(C) 水合氯醛(C) 乙醇(D/X)地西泮(D)氯氮䓬(D)甲丙氨酯(D) 甲喹酮(D)奥沙西泮(C) 阿普唑仑(D) 艾司唑仑(X) 咪哒唑仑(D) 三唑仑(X)劳拉西泮(D) 喹硫平(C)硝西泮(C)依托咪酯(C) 18.抗精神病药利培酮(C)氯丙嗪类(C) 氟哌利多(C) 锂盐(D)阿米替林(D)多塞平(C)丙米嗪(D)异卡波肼(C)去甲替林(D)苯乙肼(C)反苯环丙胺(C) 氟西汀(C)奥氮平(C)氯普噻吨(C)米氮平(C)三氟噻吨(C)西肽普兰(C)文拉法辛(C) 19.抗癫痫药利鲁唑(C)托吡酯(C)卡马西平(D)拉莫三嗪(C) 20.抗震颤麻痹药卡比多巴(C)培高利特(21.抗心力衰竭与心律失常药乙酰洋地黄毒苷(洋地黄(地高辛(洋地黄毒苷(去乙酰毛花苷(C)毛花丙苷(氨力农(C)溴苄胺(C)丙吡胺(C)奎尼丁(C)维拉帕米(C)卡维地洛(C)(D)妊娠中晚期非洛地平(C)硝苯地平(C)桂利嗪(C)尼卡地平(C)尼莫地平(C)腺苷(C)22.拟胆碱药和抗胆碱酯酶药乙酰胆碱(C)新斯的明(C)吡斯的明(C)依酚氯铵(C)毛果芸香碱(C)毒扁豆碱(C)卡巴胆碱(C)他克林(C)23.抗胆碱药阿托品(C)颠茄(C)苯阿托品(C)后马托品(C)莨菪碱(C)东莨菪碱(C)丙胺太林(C)苯海索(C)托吡卡胺(C)异丙托溴铵(尼古丁外用制剂(D)24.拟肾上腺素药肾上腺素(C)去甲肾上腺素(D)异丙肾上腺素(C)麻黄碱(C)美芬丁胺(C)间羟胺(D)甲氧明(D)去氧肾上腺素(D)特布他林(多巴(C)多巴酚丁胺(伪麻黄碱(C)25.抗肾上腺素药普萘洛尔(C)比索洛尔(C)(D)妊娠中、晚期阿替洛尔(D)艾司洛尔(C)美托洛尔(C)(D)妊娠中晚期26.抗心绞痛和血管扩张药亚硝酸异戊酯(C)硝酸异山梨酯(C) 戊四硝酯(C)硝酸甘油(C)妥拉唑林(C)乙酮可可碱(C) 27.降压药卡托普利(C)可乐定(C)二氮嗪(D)六甲溴铵(C)肼屈嗪(甲基多巴(C)米诺地尔(C)硝普钠(D)帕吉林(C)哌唑嗪(C)利血平(C)樟磺咪芬(C)地舍平(C)西拉普利(D)依那普利(C) (D)妊娠中晚期卡托普利(C)(D)妊娠中晚期赖诺普利(C)(D)妊娠中晚期雷米普利(C)(D)妊娠中晚期及临产前培哚普利(C)(D)妊娠中晚期依贝沙坦(C)(D)妊娠晚期,临产前替米沙坦(C)(D)妊娠中晚期缬沙坦(C)(D)妊娠中晚期,临产前十烃溴铵(C)28.麻醉用药安氟醚(地氟醚(丙泊酚(利多卡因(作为局麻药或抗心律失常用丙美卡因(C)29.肌松药泮库溴铵(C)30.呼吸系统用药氯茶碱(C)茶碱(C)氯化铵(愈创木酚甘油醚(C) 沙丁胺醇(C)沙美特罗(C)乙酰半胱氨酸( 31.消化系统药物地芬诺酯(C)洛哌丁胺(C)复方樟脑酊( (D)长期或大量用二甲硅油(C)西沙必利(C)糖铝(氢氧化铝(C)氢氧化镁(碳酸钙(C)碳酸镁(碳酸氢钠(C)比沙可啶(泮托拉唑(兰索拉唑(奥美拉唑(C) 昂丹司琼(格拉司琼(柳氮磺吡啶( (D)分娩前用美沙拉嗪(熊去氧胆酸(抑肽酶(乳果糖(肉碱(32.降脂药辛伐他汀(X) 西立伐他汀(X) 洛伐他汀(X) 氟伐他汀(X) 奥利司他(吉非罗齐(C) 非诺贝特(C) 33.止血药氨甲环酸(维生素K1(34.抗凝血药达肝素钠(依诺肝素(那屈肝素钙(链激酶(C)氯吡格雷(尿激酶(35.抗血小板凝聚药西洛他唑(C)双嘧达莫(C)36.利尿药及相关药物乙酰唑胺(C)阿米洛利((D)用于妊娠高血压氯噻嗪类((D)用于妊娠高血压依他尼酸(D)呋塞米(C)(D)用于妊娠高血压甘油(D)甘露醇(C)螺内酯(D)氨苯蝶啶(C) (D)用于妊娠高血压尿素(D)布美他尼(C)吲达帕胺((D)用于妊娠高血压甲氯噻嗪((D)用于妊娠高血压别嘌醇9C0氯化钾(A)37.肾上腺皮质激素可的松(D)倍他米松(C)地塞米松(D) (D)妊娠用药泼尼松(泼尼松龙(氯倍他索(C)布地奈德(C)甲泼尼龙(C)氢化可的松(C)(D)妊娠早期用药38.性激素及相关药物己烯雌酚(X)雌二醇(X)黄体酮(D)炔诺孕酮(X)孕二烯酮(X)左炔诺孕酮(X)地索高诺酮(X)达那唑(X)氯烯雌醚(X)非那雄胺(X)戈舍瑞林(X)比卡鲁胺(X)39.抗组胺及其他过敏介质药布克力嗪(C)氯苯那敏(赛庚啶(苯海拉明(茶苯海明(C)美克洛嗪(异丙嗪(C)美吡拉敏(C)阿司咪唑(C)阿伐斯丁(氯雷他定(特非那定(C)色甘酸钠(扎鲁司特(40.前列腺素拉坦前列素(C) 地诺前列酮(C) 米索前列醇(X) 前列腺素E 1 (X) 41.降糖药胰岛素(氯磺丙脲(D)格列吡嗪(C)格列美脲(C)瑞格列奈(C)甲苯磺丁脲(C)阿卡波糖(42.甲状腺激素左甲状腺素钠(A)丙硫氧嘧啶(D)卡比马唑(D)43.维生素及相关药物维生素B 2 (A)(C)剂量超过每日推荐量烟酰胺(C)维生素C(A)(C)剂量超过每日推荐量维生素D(A)(D)剂量超过每日推荐量骨化三醇(C)(D)剂量超过每日推荐量卡泊三醇(C)维生素E(A)(C)剂量超过每日推荐量降钙素(C)叶酸(A)(C)剂量超过0.8mg/d 泛酸(A)(C)剂量超过每日推荐量44.抗肿瘤药氨蝶呤(X)硫唑嘌呤(D)博来霉素(D)白消安(D)苯丁酸氨芥(D)顺铂(D)环磷酰胺(D)阿糖胞苷(D)放线菌素(D)柔红霉素(D)阿霉素(D)氟尿嘧啶(X)氮芥(D)美法仑(D)巯嘌呤(D)甲氨蝶呤(X)光神霉素(D)甲苄肼(D)噻替派(D)长春碱(D)长春新碱(D) 氨鲁米特(D) 六甲密胺(D) 氟尿苷(D)阿那曲唑(C) 放射菌素D(C) 氟达拉滨(D) 紫杉醇(D)多西他赛(D) 异环磷酰胺(D) 他莫昔芬(D) 顺铂(D)卡培他滨(D) 卡铂(D)依托泊苷(D) 达卡巴嗪(C) 替尼泊苷(D) 氟他胺(D)亚叶酸钙(C) 45.元素类药铁(C)右旋糖酐铁(C)碘(D)钙(枸橼酸钙(C)乳酸钙(C)葡糖酸钙(C) 46.细胞因子等干扰素α、γ(C) 利妥昔单抗(C) 依泊丁α(C)非格司亭(C)奥曲肽(胰脂肪酶(C)白蛋白(C)免疫球蛋白(C) 生长抑素(加压素(47.其他他克莫司(C)阿达帕林(C)过氧苯甲酰(C) 氟马西尼(C)钆喷酸葡胺(C)异维A酸(X)阿维A(X)中文(繁体)原文:D级:有对胎儿的危害性的明确证据,尽管有危害性,但孕妇用药后有绝对的好处(例如孕妇受到死亡的威胁或患有严重的疾病,因此需用它,如应用其他药物虽然安全但无效)。


Watson 公司正寻求FDA批准silodosin上市用于与良性前列腺增生相关的体征和症状的治疗。
1.良性前列腺增生治疗新药:赛洛多辛 [J], 张骁;
2.美国FDA已接受Telavancin的新药申请 [J],
3.赛洛多辛和坦索罗辛治疗良性前列腺增生相关下尿路症状的疗效及安全性研究[J], 王刚;纪翔;朱鹤;李宁忱;果宏峰;那彦群
良性前列腺增生症状 [J], 马培奇
5.FDA批准赛洛多辛用于改善良性前列腺增生相关症状 [J],
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HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATIONThese highlights do not include all the information needed to use AVODART safely and effectively. See full prescribing information for AVODART.AVODART (dutasteride) Soft Gelatin CapsulesInitial U.S. Approval: 2001---------------------------RECENT MAJOR CHANGES--------------------Warnings and Precautions, Evaluation for Other Urological 03/2012 Diseases (5.3)----------------------------INDICATIONS AND USAGE---------------------AVODART is a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor indicated for the treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men with an enlarged prostate to: (1.1)x improve symptoms,x reduce the risk of acute urinary retention, andx reduce the risk of the need for BPH-related surgery.AVODART in combination with the alpha adrenergic antagonist, tamsulosin, is indicated for the treatment of symptomatic BPH in men with an enlarged prostate. (1.2)Limitations of Use: AVODART is not approved for the prevention of prostate cancer. (1.3)-----------------------DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION ----------------Monotherapy: 0.5 mg once daily. (2.1)Combination with tamsulosin: 0.5 mg once daily and tamsulosin 0.4 mg once daily. (2.2)Dosing considerations: Swallow whole. May take with or without food. (2)---------------------DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS --------------0.5-mg soft gelatin capsules (3)-------------------------------CONTRAINDICATIONS------------------------x Pregnancy and women of childbearing potential. (4, 5.4, 8.1)x Pediatric patients. (4)FULL PRESCRIBING INFORMATION: CONTENTS*1INDICATIONS AND USAGE1.1Monotherapy1.2Combination With Alpha AdrenergicAntagonist1.3Limitations of Use2DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION2.1Monotherapy2.2Combination With Alpha AdrenergicAntagonist3DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS4 CO NTRAINDICATIO NS5WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS5.1Effects on Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)and the Use of PSA in Prostate CancerDetection5.2Increased Risk of High-Grade Prostate Cancer5.3Evaluation for Other Urological Diseases5.4Exposure of Women—Risk to Male Fetus5.5B lood Donation5.6Effect on Semen Characteristics6ADVERSE REACTIONS6.1Clinical Trials Experience6.2Postmarketing Experience7DRUG INTERACTIONS7.1Cytochrome P450 3A Inhibitors7.2Alpha Adrenergic Antagonists7.3Calcium Channel Antagonists7.4Cholestyramine7.5Digoxin7.6Warfarin x Patients with previously demonstrated, clinically significant hypersensitivity (e.g., serious skin reactions, angioedema) toAVODART or other 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors. (4)-----------------------WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS ----------------x AVODART reduces serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) concentration by approximately 50%. However, any confirmed increase in PSA while on AVODART may signal the presence of prostate cancer and should be evaluated, even if those values are still within the normal range foruntreated men. (5.1)x AVODART may increase the risk of high-grade prostate cancer. (5.2, 6.1) x Prior to initiating treatment with AVODART, consideration should be given to other urological conditions that may cause similar symptoms.(5.3)x Women who are pregnant or could become pregnant should not handle AVODART Capsules due to potential risk to a male fetus. (5.4, 8.1)x Patients should not donate blood until 6 months after their last dose of AVODART. (5.5)------------------------------ADVERSE REACTIONS -----------------------The most common adverse reactions, reported in t1% of subjects treated with AVODART and more commonly than in subjects treated with placebo, are impotence, decreased libido, ejaculation disorders, and breast disorders. (6.1)To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact GlaxoSmithKline at 1-888-825-5249 or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or /medwatch.-------------------------------DRUG INTERACTIONS------------------------Use with caution in patients taking potent, chronic CYP3A4 enzyme inhibitors (e.g., ritonavir). (7)See 17 for PATIENT COUNSELING INFORMATION and FDA-approved patient labeling.Revised: 10/20128USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS8.1Pregnancy8.3Nursing Mothers8.4Pediatric Use8.5Geriatric Use8.6Renal Impairment8.7Hepatic Impairment10OVERDOSAGE11DESCRIPTION12CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY12.1Mechanism of Action12.2Pharmacodynamics12.3Pharmacokinetics13NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY13.1Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment ofFertility13.2Animal Toxicology and/or Pharmacology14CLINICAL STUDIES14.1Monotherapy14.2Combination With Alpha-Blocker Therapy(CombAT)16HOW SUPPLIED/STORAGE AND HANDLING17PATIENT COUNSELING INFORMATION17.1PSA Monitoring17.2Increased Risk of High-Grade Prostate Cancer17.3Exposure of Women—Risk to Male Fetus17.4Blood Donation*Sections or subsections omitted from the full prescribing information are not listed.________________________________________________________________________________ FULL PRESCRIBING INFORMATION1 INDICATIONS AND USAGE1.1MonotherapyAVODART® (dutasteride) Soft Gelatin Capsules are indicated for the treatment ofsymptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men with an enlarged prostate to:x improve symptoms,x reduce the risk of acute urinary retention (AUR), andx reduce the risk of the need for BPH-related surgery.1.2Combination With Alpha Adrenergic AntagonistAVODART in combination with the alpha adrenergic antagonist, tamsulosin, is indicated for the treatment of symptomatic BPH in men with an enlarged prostate.1.3Limitations of UseAVODART is not approved for the prevention of prostate cancer.2 DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATIONThe capsules should be swallowed whole and not chewed or opened, as contact with the capsule contents may result in irritation of the oropharyngeal mucosa. AVODART may beadministered with or without food.2.1MonotherapyThe recommended dose of AVODART is 1 capsule (0.5 mg) taken once daily.2.2Combination With Alpha Adrenergic AntagonistThe recommended dose of AVODART is 1 capsule (0.5 mg) taken once daily and tamsulosin 0.4 mg taken once daily.3 DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS0.5-mg, opaque, dull yellow, gelatin capsules imprinted with “GX CE2” in red ink on oneside.O NTRAINDICATIO NS4 CAVODART is contraindicated for use in:x Pregnancy. In animal reproduction and developmental toxicity studies, dutasteride inhibited development of male fetus external genitalia. Therefore, AVODART may cause fetal harmwhen administered to a pregnant woman. If AVODART is used during pregnancy or if thepatient becomes pregnant while taking AVODART, the patient should be apprised of thepotential hazard to the fetus [see Warnings and Precautions (5.4), Use in Specific Populations(8.1)].x Women of childbearing potential [see Warnings and Precautions (5.4), Use in Specific Populations (8.1)].x Pediatric patients [see Use in Specific Populations (8.4)].x Patients with previously demonstrated clinically significant hypersensitivity (e.g., serious skin reactions, angioedema) to AVODART or other 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors [see AdverseReactions (6.2)].5 WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS5.1Effects on Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) and the Use of PSA in Prostate Cancer DetectionIn clinical trials, AVODART reduced serum PSA concentration by approximately 50% within 3 to 6 months of treatment. This decrease was predictable over the entire range of PSA values in subjects with symptomatic BPH, although it may vary in individuals. AVODART may also cause decreases in serum PSA in the presence of prostate cancer. To interpret serial PSAs in men taking AVODART, a new PSA baseline should be established at least 3 months after starting treatment and PSA monitored periodically thereafter. Any confirmed increase from the lowest PSA value while on AVODART may signal the presence of prostate cancer and should be evaluated, even if PSA levels are still within the normal range for men not taking a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor. Noncompliance with AVODART may also affect PSA test results.To interpret an isolated PSA value in a man treated with AVODART for 3 months or more, the PSA value should be doubled for comparison with normal values in untreated men. The free-to-total PSA ratio (percent free PSA) remains constant, even under the influence of AVODART. If clinicians elect to use percent free PSA as an aid in the detection of prostate cancer in men receiving AVODART, no adjustment to its value appears necessary.Coadministration of dutasteride and tamsulosin resulted in similar changes to serum PSA as dutasteride monotherapy.5.2Increased Risk of High-Grade Prostate CancerIn men aged 50 to 75 years with a prior negative biopsy for prostate cancer and a baseline PSA between 2.5 ng/mL and 10.0 ng/mL taking AVODART in the 4-year Reduction by Dutasteride of Prostate Cancer Events (REDUCE) trial, there was an increased incidence of Gleason score 8-10 prostate cancer compared with men taking placebo (AVODART 1.0% versus placebo 0.5%) [see Indications and Usage (1.3), Adverse Reactions (6.1)]. In a 7-yearplacebo-controlled clinical trial with another 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor (finasteride 5 mg, PROSCAR), similar results for Gleason score 8-10 prostate cancer were observed (finasteride 1.8% versus placebo 1.1%).5 alpha-reductase inhibitors may increase the risk of development of high-grade prostate cancer. Whether the effect of 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors to reduce prostate volume or trial-related factors impacted the results of these trials has not been established.5.3Evaluation for Other Urological DiseasesPrior to initiating treatment with AVODART, consideration should be given to other urological conditions that may cause similar symptoms. In addition, BPH and prostate cancer may coexist.5.4Exposure of Women—Risk to Male FetusAVODART Capsules should not be handled by a woman who is pregnant or who could become pregnant. Dutasteride is absorbed through the skin and could result in unintended fetal exposure. If a woman who is pregnant or who could become pregnant comes in contact with leaking dutasteride capsules, the contact area should be washed immediately with soap and water [see Use in Specific Populations (8.1)].5.5Blood DonationMen being treated with AVODART should not donate blood until at least 6 months have passed following their last dose. The purpose of this deferred period is to prevent administration of dutasteride to a pregnant female transfusion recipient.5.6Effect on Semen CharacteristicsThe effects of dutasteride 0.5 mg/day on semen characteristics were evaluated in normal volunteers aged 18 to 52 (n = 27 dutasteride, n = 23 placebo) throughout 52 weeks of treatment and 24 weeks of post-treatment follow-up. At 52 weeks, the mean percent reductions from baseline in total sperm count, semen volume, and sperm motility were 23%, 26%, and 18%, respectively, in the dutasteride group when adjusted for changes from baseline in the placebo group. Sperm concentration and sperm morphology were unaffected. After 24 weeks of follow-up, the mean percent change in total sperm count in the dutasteride group remained 23% lower than baseline. While mean values for all semen parameters at all time-points remained within the normal ranges and did not meet predefined criteria for a clinically significant change (30%), 2 subjects in the dutasteride group had decreases in sperm count of greater than 90% from baseline at 52 weeks, with partial recovery at the 24-week follow-up. The clinical significance of dutasteride’s effect on semen characteristics for an individual patient’s fertility is not known.REACTIO NS6 ADVERSE6.1Clinical Trials ExperienceBecause clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared with rates in the clinical trial of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.From clinical trials with AVODART as monotherapy or in combination with tamsulosin:x The most common adverse reactions reported in subjects receiving AVODART were impotence, decreased libido, breast disorders (including breast enlargement and tenderness), and ejaculation disorders. The most common adverse reactions reported in subjects receiving combination therapy (AVODART plus tamsulosin) were impotence, decreased libido, breast disorders (including breast enlargement and tenderness), ejaculation disorders, and dizziness.Ejaculation disorders occurred significantly more in subjects receiving combination therapy (11%) compared with those receiving AVODART (2%) or tamsulosin (4%) as monotherapy.x Trial withdrawal due to adverse reactions occurred in 4% of subjects receiving AVODART and 3% of subjects receiving placebo in placebo-controlled trials with AVODART. The mostcommon adverse reaction leading to trial withdrawal was impotence (1%).x In the clinical trial evaluating the combination therapy, trial withdrawal due to adverse reactions occurred in 6% of subjects receiving combination therapy (AVODART plus tamsulosin) and 4% of subjects receiving AVODART or tamsulosin as monotherapy. The most commonadverse reaction in all treatment arms leading to trial withdrawal was erectile dysfunction (1% to 1.5%).Monotherapy: Over 4,300 male subjects with BPH were randomly assigned to receive placebo or 0.5-mg daily doses of AVODART in 3 identical 2-year, placebo-controlled,double-blind, Phase 3 treatment trials, each followed by a 2-year open-label extension. During the double-blind treatment period, 2,167 male subjects were exposed to AVODART, including 1,772 exposed for 1 year and 1,510 exposed for 2 years. When including the open-label extensions,1,009 male subjects were exposed to AVODART for 3 years and 812 were exposed for 4 years. The population was aged 47 to 94 years (mean age: 66 years) and greater than 90% were Caucasian. Table 1 summarizes clinical adverse reactions reported in at least 1% of subjects receiving AVODART and at a higher incidence than subjects receiving placebo.Table 1. Adverse Reactions Reported in t1% of Subjects Over a 24-Month Period andMore Frequently in the Group Receiving AVODART Than the Placebo Group (Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trials Pooled) by Time of OnsetAdverse Reaction AVODART (n)Placebo (n)Adverse Reaction Time of OnsetMonths 0-6(n = 2,167)(n = 2,158)Months 7-12(n = 1,901)(n = 1,922)Months 13-18(n = 1,725)(n = 1,714)Months 19-24(n = 1,605)(n = 1,555)Impotence aAVODART Placebo 4.7%1.7%1.4%1.5%1.0%0.5%0.8%0.9%Decreased libido aAVODART Placebo 3.0%1.4%0.7%0.6%0.3%0.2%0.3%0.1%Ejaculation disorders aAVODART Placebo 1.4%0.5%0.5%0.3%0.5%0.1%0.1%0.0%Breast disorders bAVODART Placebo 0.5%0.2%0.8%0.3%1.1%0.3%0.6%0.1%a These sexual adverse reactions are associated with dutasteride treatment (includingmonotherapy and combination with tamsulosin). These adverse reactions may persist after treatment discontinuation. The role of dutasteride in this persistence is unknown.b Includes breast tenderness and breast enlargement.Long-Term Treatment (Up to 4 Years):High-Grade Prostate Cancer: The REDUCE trial was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial that enrolled 8,231 men aged 50 to 75 years with a serum PSA of2.5 ng/mL to 10 ng/mL and a negative prostate biopsy within the previous 6 months. Subjects were randomized to receive placebo (N = 4,126) or 0.5-mg daily doses of AVODART (N = 4,105) for up to 4 years. The mean age was 63 years and 91% were Caucasian. Subjects underwent protocol-mandated scheduled prostate biopsies at 2 and 4 years of treatment or had “for-cause biopsies” at non-scheduled times if clinically indicated. There was a higher incidence of Gleason score 8-10 prostate cancer in men receiving AVODART (1.0%) compared with men on placebo (0.5%) [see Indications and Usage (1.3), Warnings and Precautions (5.2)]. In a 7-year placebo-controlled clinical trial with another 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor (finasteride 5 mg, PROSCAR), similar results for Gleason score 8-10 prostate cancer were observed (finasteride 1.8% versus placebo 1.1%).No clinical benefit has been demonstrated in patients with prostate cancer treated with AVODART.Reproductive and Breast Disorders: In the 3 pivotal placebo-controlled BPH trials with AVODART, each 4 years in duration, there was no evidence of increased sexual adverse reactions (impotence, decreased libido, and ejaculation disorder) or breast disorders with increased duration of treatment. Among these 3 trials, there was 1 case of breast cancer in the dutasteride group and1 case in the placebo group. No cases of breast cancer were reported in any treatment group in the 4-year CombAT trial or the 4-year REDUCE trial.The relationship between long-term use of dutasteride and male breast neoplasia is currently unknown.Combination With Alpha-Blocker Therapy (CombAT): Over 4,800 male subjects with BPH were randomly assigned to receive 0.5-mg AVODART, 0.4-mg tamsulosin, or combination therapy (0.5-mg AVODART plus 0.4-mg tamsulosin) administered once daily in a 4-yeardouble-blind trial. Overall, 1,623 subjects received monotherapy with AVODART; 1,611 subjects received monotherapy with tamsulosin; and 1,610 subjects received combination therapy. The population was aged 49 to 88 years (mean age: 66 years) and 88% were Caucasian. Table 2 summarizes adverse reactions reported in at least 1% of subjects in the combination group and at a higher incidence than subjects receiving monotherapy with AVODART or tamsulosin.Table 2. Adverse Reactions Reported Over a 48-Month Period in t1% of Subjects and More Frequently in the Coadministration Therapy Group Than the Groups Receiving Monotherapy With AVODART or Tamsulosin (CombAT) by Time of OnsetAdverse ReactionAdverse Reaction Time of OnsetYear 1Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Months 0-6 Months 7-12Combination a AVODART Tamsulosin (n = 1,610)(n = 1,623)(n = 1,611)(n = 1,527)(n = 1,548)(n = 1,545)(n = 1,428)(n = 1,464)(n = 1,468)(n = 1,283)(n = 1,325)(n = 1,281)(n = 1,200)(n = 1,200)(n = 1,112)Ejaculationdisorders b,cCombination 7.8% 1.6% 1.0% 0.5% <0.1% AVODART 1.0% 0.5% 0.5% 0.2% 0.3% Tamsulosin 2.2% 0.5% 0.5% 0.2% 0.3% Impotence c,dCombination 5.4% 1.1% 1.8% 0.9% 0.4%AVODART 4.0% 1.1% 1.6% 0.6% 0.3% Tamsulosin 2.6% 0.8% 1.0% 0.6% 1.1% Decreased libido c,eCombination 4.5% 0.9% 0.8% 0.2% 0.0% AVODART 3.1% 0.7% 1.0% 0.2% 0.0% Tamsulosin 2.0% 0.6% 0.7% 0.2% <0.1% Breast disorders fCombination 1.1% 1.1% 0.8% 0.9% 0.6%AVODART 0.9% 0.9% 1.2% 0.5% 0.7% Tamsulosin 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.2% 0.0% DizzinessCombination 1.1% 0.4% 0.1% <0.1% 0.2%AVODART 0.5% 0.3% 0.1% <0.1%<0.1% Tamsulosin 0.9% 0.5% 0.4% <0.1% 0.0%a Combination = AVODART 0.5 mg once daily plus tamsulosin 0.4 mg once daily.b Includes anorgasmia, retrograde ejaculation, semen volume decreased, orgasmic sensationdecreased, orgasm abnormal, ejaculation delayed, ejaculation disorder, ejaculation failure, andpremature ejaculation.c These sexual adverse reactions are associated with dutasteride treatment (includingmonotherapy and combination with tamsulosin). These adverse reactions may persist aftertreatment discontinuation. The role of dutasteride in this persistence is unknown.d Includes erectile dysfunction and disturbance in sexual arousal.e Includes libido decreased, libido disorder, loss of libido, sexual dysfunction, and male sexualdysfunction.f Includes breast enlargement, gynecomastia, breast swelling, breast pain, breast tenderness,nipple pain, and nipple swelling.Cardiac Failure: In CombAT, after 4 years of treatment, the incidence of the composite term cardiac failure in the combination therapy group (12/1,610; 0.7%) was higher than in either monotherapy group: AVODART, 2/1,623 (0.1%) and tamsulosin, 9/1,611 (0.6%). Composite cardiac failure was also examined in a separate 4-year placebo-controlled trial evaluating AVODART in men at risk for development of prostate cancer. The incidence of cardiac failure in subjects taking AVODART was 0.6% (26/4,105) compared with 0.4% (15/4,126) in subjects on placebo. A majority of subjects with cardiac failure in both trials had comorbidities associated with an increased risk of cardiac failure. Therefore, the clinical significance of the numerical imbalances in cardiac failure is unknown. No causal relationship between AVODART alone or in combination with tamsulosin and cardiac failure has been established. No imbalance was observed in the incidence of overall cardiovascular adverse events in either trial.6.2Postmarketing ExperienceThe following adverse reactions have been identified during post-approval use of AVODART. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure. These reactions have been chosen for inclusion due to a combination of their seriousness, frequency of reporting, or potential causal connection to AVODART.Immune System Disorders: Hypersensitivity reactions, including rash, pruritus, urticaria, localized edema, serious skin reactions, and angioedema.Neoplasms:Male breast cancer.Disorders: Depressed mood.PsychiatricReproductive System and Breast Disorders: Testicular pain and testicular swelling.7 DRUGO NSINTERACTI7.1Cytochrome P450 3A Inhibitorsmetabolized in humans by the CYP3A4 and CYP3A5extensivelyDutasterideisisoenzymes. The effect of potent CYP3A4 inhibitors on dutasteride has not been studied. Because of the potential for drug-drug interactions, use caution when prescribing AVODART to patients taking potent, chronic CYP3A4 enzyme inhibitors (e.g., ritonavir) [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3)].7.2Alpha Adrenergic AntagonistsThe administration of AVODART in combination with tamsulosin or terazosin has no effect on the steady-state pharmacokinetics of either alpha adrenergic antagonist. The effect of administration of tamsulosin or terazosin on dutasteride pharmacokinetic parameters has not beenevaluated.7.3Calcium Channel AntagonistsCoadministration of verapamil or diltiazem decreases dutasteride clearance and leads to increased exposure to dutasteride. The change in dutasteride exposure is not considered to be clinically significant. No dose adjustment is recommended [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3)]. 7.4CholestyramineAdministration of a single 5-mg dose of AVODART followed 1 hour later by 12 g of cholestyramine does not affect the relative bioavailability of dutasteride [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3)].7.5DigoxinAVODART does not alter the steady-state pharmacokinetics of digoxin when administered concomitantly at a dose of 0.5 mg/day for 3 weeks [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3)].7.6WarfarinConcomitant administration of AVODART 0.5 mg/day for 3 weeks with warfarin does not alter the steady-state pharmacokinetics of the S- or R-warfarin isomers or alter the effect of warfarin on prothrombin time [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3)].8 USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS8.1PregnancyPregnancy Category X. AVODART is contraindicated for use in women of childbearing potential and during pregnancy. AVODART is a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor that prevents conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone necessary for normal development of male genitalia. In animal reproduction and developmental toxicity studies, dutasteride inhibited normal development of external genitalia in male fetuses. Therefore, AVODART may cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. If AVODART is used during pregnancy or if the patient becomes pregnant while taking AVODART, the patient should be apprised of the potential hazard to the fetus.Abnormalities in the genitalia of male fetuses is an expected physiological consequence of inhibition of the conversion of testosterone to DHT by 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors. These results are similar to observations in male infants with genetic 5 alpha-reductase deficiency. Dutasteride is absorbed through the skin. To avoid potential fetal exposure, women who are pregnant or could become pregnant should not handle AVODART Soft Gelatin Capsules. If contact is made with leaking capsules, the contact area should be washed immediately with soap and water [see Warnings and Precautions (5.4)]. Dutasteride is secreted into semen. The highest measured semen concentration of dutasteride in treated men was 14 ng/mL. Assuming exposure of a 50-kg woman to 5 mL of semen and 100% absorption, the woman’s dutasteride concentration would be about 0.0175 ng/mL. This concentration is more than 100 times less than concentrations producing abnormalities of male genitalia in animal studies. Dutasteride is highly protein bound in human semen (greater than 96%), which may reduce the amount of dutasteride available for vaginal absorption.In an embryo-fetal development study in female rats, oral administration of dutasteride at doses 10 times less than the maximum recommended human dose (MRHD) of 0.5 mg daily resulted in abnormalities of male genitalia in the fetus (decreased anogenital distance at0.05 mg/kg/day), nipple development, hypospadias, and distended preputial glands in male offspring (at all doses of 0.05, 2.5, 12.5, and 30 mg/kg/day). An increase in stillborn pups was observed at 111 times the MRHD, and reduced fetal body weight was observed at doses of about 15 times the MRHD (animal dose of 2.5 mg/kg/day). Increased incidences of skeletal variations considered to be delays in ossification associated with reduced body weight were observed at doses about 56 times the MRHD (animal dose of 12.5 mg/kg/day).In a rabbit embryo-fetal study, doses 28- to 93-fold the MRHD (animal doses of 30, 100, and 200 mg/kg/day) were administered orally during the period of major organogenesis (gestation days 7 to 29) to encompass the late period of external genitalia development. Histological evaluation of the genital papilla of fetuses revealed evidence of feminization of the male fetus at all doses. A second embryo-fetal study in rabbits at 0.3- to 53-fold the expected clinical exposure (animal doses of 0.05, 0.4, 3.0, and 30 mg/kg/day) also produced evidence of feminization of the genitalia in male fetuses at all doses.In an oral pre- and post-natal development study in rats, dutasteride doses of 0.05, 2.5, 12.5, or 30 mg/kg/day were administered. Unequivocal evidence of feminization of the genitalia (i.e., decreased anogenital distance, increased incidence of hypospadias, nipple development) of male offspring occurred at 14- to 90-fold the MRHD (animal doses of 2.5 mg/kg/day or greater). At0.05-fold the expected clinical exposure (animal dose of 0.05 mg/kg/day), evidence of feminization was limited to a small, but statistically significant, decrease in anogenital distance. Animal doses of 2.5 to 30 mg/kg/day resulted in prolonged gestation in the parental females and a decrease in time to vaginal patency for female offspring and a decrease in prostate and seminal vesicle weights in male offspring. Effects on newborn startle response were noted at doses greater than or equal to 12.5 mg/kg/day. Increased stillbirths were noted at 30 mg/kg/day.In an embryo-fetal development study, pregnant rhesus monkeys were exposed intravenously to a dutasteride blood level comparable to the dutasteride concentration found in human semen. Dutasteride was administered on gestation days 20 to 100 at doses of 400, 780,1,325, or 2,010 ng/day (12 monkeys/group). The development of male external genitalia of monkey offspring was not adversely affected. Reduction of fetal adrenal weights, reduction in fetal prostate weights, and increases in fetal ovarian and testis weights were observed at the highest dose tested in monkeys. Based on the highest measured semen concentration of dutasteride in treated men(14 ng/mL), these doses represent 0.8 to 16 times the potential maximum exposure of a 50-kg human female to 5 mL semen daily from a dutasteride-treated man, assuming 100% absorption. (These calculations are based on blood levels of parent drug which are achieved at 32 to 186 times the daily doses administered to pregnant monkeys on a ng/kg basis). Dutasteride is highly bound to proteins in human semen (greater than 96%), potentially reducing the amount of dutasteride available for vaginal absorption. It is not known whether rabbits or rhesus monkeys produce any of the major human metabolites.。